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Archivistische beschrijving
Post Office: Engineering
GB 0813 POST 76 Series · Reeks · 1882-1984

This record series mainly comprises reports, correspondence, statistics, staff manuals and historical summaries on the organisation, policy, development and operation of The Post Office Engineering Department and its successors.

Zonder titel
GB 0813 POST 82 Series · Reeks · 1837-1939

This series consists of a collection of arbitration cases between the Postmaster General and private telegraph companies; memoranda by heads of Post Office departments and their correspondence, records of the Central Telegraph Office, lighthouses and lightvessels, circuits and codes, mobile facilities for telegraphs at race meetings and special events; Letters Patent taken out by inventors and specifications of inventions.

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Post Office: Accounts
GB 0813 POST 9 Series · Reeks · 1715-1948

This series comprises a wide variety of 18th, 19th and some 20th century account books and schedules relating to Post Office business.

A number of items in this series will be useful to researchers of 19th century family history. POST 9/112-130 contains names of mail conveyance contractors, 1854-1874; POST 9/139 list names of postmasters, 1847- 1848; POST 9/66-76 includes names of postmasters and their date of appointment, 1855-1873; POST 9/146-163 contains names of officers working in the Post Office in London. The volumes do not contain name indexes.

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GB 0813 POST 95 Series · Reeks · 1694-1697

The papers of Thomas Frankland, Postmaster General with Sir Robert Cotton 1691-1708 and with Sir John Evelyn 1708 -1715. Frankland largely increased the revenues of the Post Office and was retained as Postmaster General by Queen Anne after the death of King William. Volume containing various letters and petitions regarding packet services, including foreign packets and freight of goods. The opening of the volume shows the collection to have been sold in 1893, giving a catalogue description from the sale, then another sale and catalogue description from 1895.

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