Signed minutes of the Finsbury School District Board of Management, 1868-1869.
Finsbury School DistrictRecords of Weymouth Terrace British School, Shoreditch, 1863-1891.
Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist ChurchPapers of Rev George Fisher. The earliest items are two books of mathematical theorems, 1811 and 1813. There are volumes of notes and observations for both Fisher's Arctic voyages and for his period in the Mediterranean, accounts of later scientific work and abstracts of observations made by other scientists. This is the material which formed the basis of the scientific papers which he published in the Philosophical Transactions and elsewhere. There are letterbooks for Greenwich Hospital School from 1836 to 1863 (excepting the years 1858, 1859 and 1860) and other reports and papers relating to the School There are a number of items collected by Fisher The most important are Peter Puget's journal for March to May 1793 in the Chatham, storeship for Vancouver's expedition; a meteorological log also giving details of ship arrivals and departures at Madras, 1815 to 1816; Franklin's (q.v.) lunar observations on board the Trent in 1818 and Parry's (1790-1855) meteorological journal on his first two voyages in search of the North-West Passage in 1819 to 1820 and 1821 to 1823.
Fisher , George , 1794-1873 , Headmaster of Greenwich Hospital School and astronomerRecords of the Forest Gate School District, 1854-1898, including minutes of the Board; minutes of the training ship Goliath; annual reports of the managers; Superintendent's reports and journal; copies of out-letters; admission and discharge registers; creed registers; and list of officers.
Forest Gate School DistrictRecords of the Foundling Hospital. The collection consists of over 800 linear feet of shelving, an estimated 8 tons of paper, and over 1000 plans. The completeness of the collection is particularly noteworthy. The officers of the Hospital from the very beginning were extremely meticulous in record keeping and detailed documents survive which record the lives of the children, the way in which the Hospital operated, the methods of nursing, the prescriptions of the apothecary, the reports of the inspectors, the extraordinary accounts of women's lives, and the involvement of leading figures of the day in actively supporting the charity.
A/FH/A/01 Charter, petitions and foundation;
A/FH/A/02 Governors;
A/FH/A/03 Minutes;
A/FH/A/04 Reports;
A/FH/A/05 Agenda books and committee papers;
A/FH/A/06 Secretary: General;
A/FH/A/07 Secretary: Staff;
A/FH/A/08 Secretary: Petitioners;
A/FH/A/09 Secretary: Children, admission and discharge;
A/FH/A/10 Secretary: Children, in the country;
A/FH/A/11 Secretary: Children, being claimed;
A/FH/A/12 Secretary: Children, apprenticeship;
A/FH/A/13 Secretary: Children, other employment;
A/FH/A/14 Secretary: Chapel;
A/FH/A/15 Secretary: Country Hospitals' returns;
A/FH/A/16 Secretary: Estate;
A/FH/A/17 Steward;
A/FH/A/18 Apothecary/Medical department;
A/FH/A/19 Dentist;
A/FH/A/20 Oculist;
A/FH/A/21 Surveyor;
A/FH/A/22 Solicitor;
A/FH/A/23 Schoolmaster;
A/FH/A/24 Porter/Lodge keeper;
A/FH/A/25 Night watchman;
A/FH/A/26 Carpenter;
A/FH/A/27 Engineer;
A/FH/A/28 Tailor;
A/FH/A/29 Matron;
A/FH/A/30 Scullery maids;
A/FH/A/31 Headmistress;
A/FH/A/32 Infants' Headmistress;
A/FH/A/33 Foster parents.
A/FH/B/01 Treasurer;
A/FH/B/02 Treasurer's clerk;
A/FH/B/03 Secretary: General;
A/FH/B/04 Secretary: Governors;
A/FH/B/05 Secretary: Committees;
A/FH/B/06 Secretary: Estate;
A/FH/B/07 Secretary's clerk/assistant;
A/FH/B/08 Steward;
A/FH/B/09 Apothecary;
A/FH/B/10 Surveyor;
A/FH/B/11 Schoolmaster and storekeeper;
A/FH/B/12 Messenger;
A/FH/B/13 Gardener;
A/FH/B/14 Matron;
A/FH/B/15 Domestic Economy School supervisor;
A/FH/B/16 Hostel supervisor.
A/FH/C/01 Benevolent fund;
A/FH/C/02 Whatley fund;
A/FH/C/03 Foundling Hospital Savings Bank;
A/FH/C/04 Superannuation fund.
A/FH/D/01 Ackworth, West Yorkshire;
A/FH/D/02 Shrewsbury, Salop;
A/FH/D/03 Westerham, Kent;
A/FH/D/04 Chester, Cheshire.
A/FH/E/01 Commissioners for paving the estate of the Foundling Hospital;
A/FH/E/02 Brunswick Square Committee;
A/FH/E/03 Caroline and Landsdowne Place Committee;
A/FH/E/04 Mecklerburgh Square Committee;
A/FH/E/05 For paving estates of Thomas Harrison.
A/FH/F/01 Treasurer, Revd. Dr S White;
A/FH/F/02 Treasurer, SC Cox;
A/FH/F/03 Treasurers, GB Gregory and JRB Gregory;
A/FH/F/04 Governor, C Plumley;
A/FH/F/05 Secretary, J Brownlow;
A/FH/F/06 Secretary, WS Wintle;
A/FH/F/07 Preacher, Revd. J Hewlett;
A/FH/F/08 Captain L Grove;
A/FH/F/09 American Loyalist Claims Commission;
A/FH/F/10 CF Eley, musician;
A/FH/F/11 Steward, WC Wills;
A/FH/F/12 H Cooke;
A/FH/F/13 Unidentified;
A/FH/F/14 Secretary, M Lievesley;
A/FH/F/15 Miss Bunbury.
A/FH/G/01 Redevelopment of the Foundling Site;
A/FH/G/02 The Foundling Hospital School, Berkhamsted;
A/FH/G/03 Nurseries and the Child Welfare Centre;
A/FH/G/04 Cross Road Club;
A/FH/G/05 Subject and policy files.
A/FH/H/01 Chancery Case: Attorney General v Foundling Hospital;
A/FH/H/02 Out of custody documents: purchased strays.
A/FH/K/01 General Court fair minutes;
A/FH/K/02 General Committee fair minutes.
A/FH/M/01 Documents and books collected by J Brownlow;
A/FH/M/02 Miscellaneous manuscripts;
A/FH/M/03 Printed material: books, pamphlets and ephemera;
A/FH/M/04 Public events: royal visits, ceremonies, concerts and memorials.
A/FH/Q/01 Records stored at Ackworth.
A/FH/T/01 Thomas Coram Foundation for Children;
A/FH/T/02 Old Coram Association.
A/FH/Y/01 Artefacts.
Foundling Hospital Thomas Coram School x Ashlyn's School Thomas Coram Foundation for Children x Coram FamilyRecord of the Freemasons Charity for Female Children comprising notice of meeting of Quarterly General Court, 1808.
Freemasons Charity for Female Children x Royal Masonic Institution for GirlsRecords of Froebel College, comprising:
College Government records, including minutes of the Committee of Members of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1900-1953; minutes of the Governing Body of the Incorporated Froebel Educational Institute, 1953-1969; minutes of the Council of Management, 1970-[1993]; minutes and papers of the College Governing Body, 1970-1993; minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Association of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1946-[1995]; minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1948-1954, 1978-1983; Annual Reports, 1895-1933; lists of subscribers, [1899]; College regulations, 1953; and papers of the Academic Board, 1973-1984.
Papers relating to relations of the College with outside bodies, comprising general correspondence and material concerning visitations and inspections, including the National Froebel Foundation, 1933-1951; the Board of Education (later the Ministry of Education), 1934-1944; London County Council, 1920-[1953], including papers concerning the LCC Nursery School, Grove House; Hertfordshire County Council, [1949-1950], mainly relating to the plans for College use of Offley; the Institute of Education, 1947-1960, including minutes of the Committee of Principals; the ATCDE, 1942-1946; the Nursery School Association (now BAECE), and other organisations concerned with early education, 1945-1946; and the Training Colleges Clearing House, 1951.
Financial records including annual accounts, 1908, 1910; General Ledgers, 1928-1941; Cash Books, 1921-1954; Petty Cash books, 1935-1949; balance sheets, [1928-1940]; monthly accounts, 1926-1960s; Student Fee Books of Froebel College, 1905-1906, 1910-1911; files relating to College fees, 1950s; accounts for various scholarships and external grants, [1929-1949]; cash book for the Students Aid Fund, 1898-1956; salary books, 1940s-1953; ledger for the Common Room Fund, 1936-1950; and accounts of the Esther Lawrence Association, 1948-1966.
Material relating to buildings, including correspondence and papers concerning building funds and appeals, [1891-1960]; correspondence and financial material with architects including John S Quilter, [1899-1914], and Norman and Dawbarn, 1954; legal papers and correspondence relating to Knebworth House, 1939; ground plans of the College, [1920s-1930s], including the new Science Block and the Lulham Extension; plans by Fernand Billerey plans for alterations and extensions during the 1920s; files relating to maintenance of the College buildings, 1920s-1960s; and Bursar's files, [1930s-1990s].
Publicity material, including prospectuses, [1889]-1958; papers relating to Open Days, 1964-1970; advertisements, 1925-1933; and press cuttings, [1890s-1990s].
Curriculum material, including syllabi and course descriptions, 1942-1975; papers relating to examinations, including correspondence with the National Froebel Foundation, 1940-1949, and the Institute of Education, 1957-1958; examination reports, 1940-1949; Froebel Educational Institute notes on the College curriculum, 1963-1975; and syllabuses, 1946-1963.
Staff and student material, comprising staff registers, 1894-1929, including registers of visiting teachers, 1894-1901; visitors books for students and staff at Knebworth and Grove House, 1943-1962; student registers, 1913-1962; student records, 1940-1990s, relating to the PGCE course, 1975-1991, the Nursery Education Course, 1974-1976, the Diploma in Education, 1964-1984, and the Diploma in Music, 1970-1982.
Material relating to student societies, including papers of the Guild of St Francis, the FEI Natural History Club, including accounts, 1901-1921 and minutes, 1907-1943; illustrated scrapbooks relating to College trips to Keston, [1924-1931].
Papers of the Michaelis Guild, notably minute books, 1896-1992; printed notices, 1905-1981; financial material, 1955-1977; and historical material relating to the Guild.
Papers relating to the Library including working papers and notes of actions for the Library Committee, 1939-1971; account books, 1922-1979; Annual Reports, 1908-1957; accession registers, [1920s-1980s]; various stock books, 1920s-1962; minutes of the Library Committee, 1930-1958; Library reports, 1925-1927; 'Meetings minute books', 1922-1930, 1969-1971; and accounts for Mary Bennett's Prize, 1943-1951.
Materials relating to College events, including visitors books for the Spring Festival, 1925, and various exhibitions, 1948 and 1982; papers relating to vacation courses and conferences, 1925, 1948-1952; and material relating to the 1982 Bicentenary arrangements and 1992 Centenary celebrations, including correspondence, cuttings and brochures.
Miscellaneous material relating to the history of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1892-1978, including reminiscences of students, staff and pupils; papers relating to the foundation of the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1974-1978, including instruments, draft deeds, and College by-laws; and material relating to the history of Grove House, [1920s-1930s], including correspondence and maps.
Materials relating to the Demonstration Schools of the Froebel Institute, including prospectuses, fee books, student registers, annual reports, financial material and funding appeals for Colet Gardens Demonstration School (later Ibstock Place), [1894-1936]; prospectuses, magazines, student/staff registers, fee books for Challoner Street Practising School, [1905-1914]; prospectuses, financial material and staff salary book for Grove House School, [1920s-1940s]; Annual Reports for Redford House, [1989-1992]; prospectuses, Annual Reports and trust deeds for Michaelis Free Kindergarten (later Notting Hill Nursery School and St Anne's Nursery School); and minute books, Annual Reports and prospectuses for Somers Town Nursery, 1910-1946.
Student work, [1894-1970s], including scrapbooks, handwork examples, drawing and lettering copybooks, notebooks covering the range of subjects taught in a Froebel College, including Nature Study and Handwork, and also Teaching Practice notes; there are also various wooden games such as Froebel's Gifts, jigsaw puzzles, ABC games, picture and word matching games and number games.
Photographs, [1890s-1990s], of Froebel College buildings and grounds, notably Grove House, Templeton, Knebworth, Offley, Colet Gardens, and other colleges; students and staff, including student activities, teaching, and College social events; a separate box contains photographs of students at the Froebel Educational Institution Demonstration School in 1928-1929, including Iris Murdoch.
Material relating to specific persons, notably Esther Lawrence (1862-1944), 1898-1931, including printed articles by her, mainly on kindergarten and preparatory school teaching; biographical material compiled by Jane Read; original correspondence including letters to Claude Montefiore and Arthur Symonds; personal notebooks and texts of speeches; and invitations to 'At homes', 1903-1907. Papers of Madame Michaelis (1834-1904), one of the founders of the Froebel Society, including lecture notes, 1884-1895, and a draft 'History of the founding of the new Education, 1831-52'. Research material mainly concerning the life and work of Friedrich Froebel, and consisting of photocopies, copies and transcripts of original archival documents, photographs, and extracts from printed works. Personal papers of Molly Root Brearley, [1940s-1980s], including volumes of notes for use in College assemblies, teaching material such as lecture notes and course papers, extensive printed materials on educational topics, including articles and pamphlets written by Brearley. Original writings of Dr Elsa Walters, including various short stories and an autobiography written in 1979.
Publications: Copies of The Link, the journal of past Froebel College students, 1910-2002; Froebel Society pamphlets, 1878-[1967].
Froebel CollegeThe collection mainly consists of a set of Isabel Fry's personal diaries and notebooks dating from 1878-1958. These are supplemented by letters to her friend Eugénie Dubois, c1930-1958, and a few publications and photographs. The diaries reflect all aspects of her life and career including her teaching activities and educational ideas; her preoccupations with political and social affairs, including political reform and emancipation in the East and in Turkey and Persia; her friendships with liberal intellectuals; and her involvement with anti-militarist movements, slum clearance, socialism and feminism. Also included are details of her relationship with her family, friends and their wider social circle.
Fry , Isabel , 1869-1958 , educationist, social worker and reformerPapers of Miss W H Ganz, consisting of diaries and papers relating to her dancing classes and letters from pupils at the Royal Naval College, 1890 to 1910.
Ganz , W H , 1867-[1946] , teacher of dancingThe collection is made up of papers belonging to the second headmaster of the school W.V. Wallace and his wife who also taught at the school. The papers include correspondence with the parents, a visitors book, exercise books and other material produced by the students, school newsletters and magazine, as well as papers and letters relating to the closure of the school in 1986. There is also a significant amount of photographs from the 1960s onwards showing various school events such as sports days, concerts, plays and other events.
Please contact the Archive for further information.Papers of Stephen Norman Godfrey, 1929-1964, comprising printed material including 'Memoranda on training schools and reports of examiners', (Education Department, Ceylon, 1932-1933); 'Administration report of the Director of Education for 1931: Education, Science and Art' (Ceylon Government Press, Jul 1932); circular on school furniture, 13 May 1929; memorandum on training schools; The Ceylon Civil List, 1932; 'Ceylon Radio Times', May 1931 and examination results for training schools, 1934-1935. Personal letters to Godfrey giving news from Ceylon, 1935-1964; typescript account by Mabel and Neville Wynne Jones of their personal impressions of the visit of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh to Colombo, Ceylon, Apr 1954; typescript handbook 'Notes for student teachers' by Godfrey and photograph of a souvenir map of the parliamentary general election, Ceylon, 1947 with photographs of politicians.
Godfrey , Stephen Norman , b 1889 , Assistant Director of Education, CeylonPhotographs of London scenes relating to the government of London and the provision of education, healthcare and welfare services in the 1930s and 1940s. On the backs of the photographs there are typescript captions.
Scenes include the election of the Lord Mayor in the Guildhall; Corporation of London meetings held at Mansion House after Guildhall was burnt out by incendiary bombs; the Lord Mayor's Show; a policeman standing next to Big Ben; Tower Bridge and Pool of London; River Police boarding a coasting steamer moored in the Thames; Covent Garden Market with sacks and baskets stacked outside; County Hall taken from across the Thames; London County Council in session at County Hall; photograph of a sketch map showing location of London County Council housing estates; flats recently completed by London County Council; mains sewer with repair work in progress; map showing open spaces maintained by London County Council; view from Richmond Hill showing stretch of country beside River Thames maintained as an open space by London, Middlesex and Surrey County Councils; babies being weighed at a Child Welfare Centre; exterior view of Honor Oak girls' secondary school maintained by London County Council; cookery class at Carlyle School, Chelsea, a London County Council Girls' secondary school; lunch time at an elementary school; school medical inspection; evacuation of London mothers with children under five, with boy scout assisting; boys in dormitory of a school camp; balconies at the ends of ward blocks, North Eastern Hospital for infectious diseases, later St Ann's Hospital, Tottenham; ward with female patients suffering from tuberculosis at Pinewood Sanatorium, Surrey; verandah of Claybury Hospital, Essex, a London County Council mental hospital; exterior of New Malden Branch Library, Surrey; interior of children's library, New Malden Branch Library, Surrey; women using an ironing machine in a communal laundry.
Also photographs of wartime services including women entering a memorial hall used as a wartime restaurant by the London County Council Londoners' Meals Service; British Restaurant kitchen; Rest Centre for people suddenly made homeless; Air Raid Heavy Rescue Workers in action; patient on stretcher being lifted into London County Council ambulance; London Fire Brigade Headquarters; Fire Service dealing with a fire in Central London caused by incendiary bombs; Fire Service on River Thames fire float provided by the London County Council for dealing with fires in the docks.
Sheppard , W W , fl 1925-1946 , educationalistRecords of the Greater London Council, 1810-1988. Papers of the Architect's Department including the Building Regulations Division, Street Naming Section, District Surveyors, Education Division, Maintenance Division, Engineering Division, Structural Engineer, Historic Buildings Division, Housing and Town Development Branch, Technical Publications, Photograph Library, Plan Registry, Special Works Branch and Technical Policy Division; and papers of the GLC London Community Builders.
Papers of the Director-General's Department, including papers of the Administration Division, Finance Division, Personnel Division, Registry and Dispatch Division, Record Office and Library, Director-General's Board, Public Health and Safety Programme Board, Ceremonial Office, Entertainments Licensing Group, Ethnic Minorities Unit, Housing and Technical Services Committees, Industry and Employment Branch, Intelligence Unit and Policy Study Groups, Judicial Services Section, Majority Party Secretariat, Member's Support Unit, Minority Party Secretariat, Police Committee Support Unit, Professional and General Services Committee, Programme Office, Policy and Resources Group, Public Relations Branch, Public Services and Fire Brigade Department, Planning Transport and Industry Group, Scrutiny Committee, Secretariat, Scientific Services Branch, Town Development Committee and Women's Committee Support Unit. Also Committee agendas, minutes and papers, periodicals, and publications of the Council.
Papers of the London Fire Brigade administrative branch. Papers of the Public Health Engineering Department, including the Rivers Branch and the Solid Waste Management Branch. Papers of the Housing Department, including the Controller of Housing and Technical Services, the Directors of Housing, the Development Branch, Management Branch, Professional Services Branch, Renewals Branch and Thamesmead Branch. Papers of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department including the Design and Technical Policy Branch and the Maintenance Branch.
Papers of the Medical Adviser's Department including the School Health Division, Health and Housing Division, Inspectorate, Mental Deficiency case files and Slum Clearance case files. Papers of the Recreation and Arts Department including papers of the Director of Development and Controller of Operational Services, papers of the General Landscaping Division, Housing Landscaping Division, Thamesmead Landscaping Division, Planning and Strategy Division, Architectural Design and Construction Division, General Practice Surveying Division, Entertainments and Fairs Division, Information and Publicity Division, Sports Division, Grants Branch, Open Space and Recreation Branch, Horticulture Division, Open Air Entertainments Division and Parks Department.
Papers of the Supply Department. Papers of the Transportation and Development Department, including papers of the Controller of Transportation and Development, papers of the Construction Branch, Statutory Division, Local Plans Division, Land Use Section, Programme Management and Resources Branch, Cycling Project Team, Chief Traffic Engineer, Traffic Control Division, Plan Registry, Traffic Management Section, Transport Planning Branch, Environmental Management Division, and Policy and Projects Division. Also Greater London Development Plan files, photographs, technical publications, and Greater London traffic surveys.
Also papers of individual members of the GLC including Ken Livingstone, GLC Leader 1981-1986; Paul Boateng, Chairman of GLC Police Committee, 1981-1986; Sir Horace Cutler, GLC Leader, 1977-1981; papers of staff clubs and societies and non-GLC publications concerning the Council and its work.
GLC , Greater London Council x Greater London CouncilLicence from Evelyn Estate enabling Grove Street School, Deptford to use adjacent land in Sayes Court for instruction of pupils in the cultivation of flowers.
Grove Street School , DeptfordRecords of The Guildhall School of Music and Drama, 1880-1986, including financial accounts; prospectuses; concert programmes, including concerts given by the Guildhall Orchestral Society; scrapbooks including newspaper cuttings and photographs concerning the school's activities, recitals, prize-givings, new staff, successes of pupils past and present and so on; and publications relating to the history of the school.
Corporation of LondonPapers accumulated by the late George Hammond mostly relating to the parish of Saint Sepulchre Holborn. The papers mainly comprise notices, correspondence, accounts and apprenticeship indentures.
Various.Papers of the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust. This collection consists of wide ranging material which documents the creation of Hampstead Garden Suburb and its growth and development during the twentieth century.
The records refer to the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust's activities; the family papers of Samuel and Henrietta Barnett; the suburb organisations; the suburb recreational socities; the Henrietta Barnett school; the Institute; and the Wellgarth Nursery Training College. There are printed sources and oral history sources which can be referred to.
This collection contains a significant number of plans: plans of the suburb; plans of licence applications for proposed alterations; area plans of the suburb; and RIBA photographs of Lutyens drawings for the church.
There is also a large collection of photographs. These include subjects related to the suburb as well as images of the suburb itself.
Hampstead Garden Suburb Archive TrustPapers relating to charities in Harrow, comprising report on the charities of the parish of Harrow, by the committee appointed at vestry meeting 7 March 1887 and scheme made by Board of Education under Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853-1894, in matter of Harrow Weald Parochial Schools, 1909.
Board of Education Parish of St Mary, Harrow , Church of EnglandPapers of Mimi Hatton relating to her work with the British Families Education Service (BFES) in Germany between 1946 and 1952. The collection includes an account of her service in Germany, written for the BFES Archives in 2001; photographs of the various schools in which she served; and memorabilia, including badges and programmes.
Hatton , Mimi , b 1915 , teacherSchool Report of Rita Hauser of 'Y' camp School, Port St Mary, Isle of Man for the term 27 Oct 1941-19 Dec 1941.
Hauser , Rita , fl 1941-1990Papers of educationalist, writer and humanist (Clifford) James Hemming (1909-2007), including: curriculum vitae and obituary notices, 2007-2008; personal material, including texts of interviews, cartoons and poems/jottings, 1987-2008; miscellaneous articles, papers and published letters, 1951-1999; correspondence, 1962-2000; press cuttings and ephemera, 1945-1960; papers regarding involvement with the World Education Fellowship, 1969-2008; programme for the James Hemming Essay Prize, 2009; copy of Hemming's PhD, Some Problems of Adolescent Girls, 1957; photographs, 1977-2007.
Hemming , James , 1909-2007 , educationist, writer and humanistRecords of the Hendon Poor Law Union, 1717-1949, including minutes of meetings of the Board of Guardians; papers relating to poor relief including dietary sheets for Hendon Union Schools; financial accounts; papers relating to the appointment of assistant overseers; papers relating to property ownership including correspondence, contracts and legal papers; poor rate charges; agreements and tenders for maintenance work and utilities supply; building plans for Hendon Union Workhouse, Hendon Union Schools and Redhill Schools; papers relating to legal cases and rates assessment; registers of persons undertaking the nursing and maintenance of infants; report books of infant protection visitors; registers for Hendon Union Edgware Workhouse and Middlesex County Redhill Institution.
Hendon Poor Law Union x Hendon Board of GuardiansRecords of Highbury Hill High School, Shelburne High School and Highbury Fields School, 1903-1992, including papers relating to the amalgamation of Highbury Hill High School and Shelburne High School to form Highbury Fields School, including the campaign against amalgamation; administrative records including Highbury Hill admission registers, Highbury Fields admission register, and log books for Shelburne School. Also general administrative papers; financial accounts; correspondence; papers relating to the curriculum; papers of Governing Bodies and Committees; publications; papers relating to Shelburne Youth Centre; and staff registers.
Highbury Hill High School , 1836-1981 Shelburne High School , 1825-1981 Highbury Fields School , 1981-Correspondence concerning the Hilfsverein für jüdische Studierende, Berlin (aid organisation for Jewish students), founded in 1841 to help poor Jewish students receive secondary education, mostly relating to bequests, 1880-1910.
Hilfsverein für jüdische StudierendeRecords, 1884-1970, of Holborn College of Law, Languages and Commerce and its predecessors, comprising Bowling Green Lane Night School/Hugh Myddleton Institute log books, 1884-1929, 1938-1961; Hugh Myddleton Institute/Princeton Street School of Modern Languages typescript account, mainly 1930s-1940s; Holborn College programme for opening of new buildings, 1962; annual report, 1969-1970; prospectus for language courses, 1969-1970.
Bowling Green Lane Night School , London Hugh Myddleton Institute , London Princeton Street School of Modern Languages , London Holborn College of Law, Languages and Commerce , LondonRecords of the parish of Holy Cross, Greenford. This collection includes parish registers of baptisms, marriages and burials (1539/40-1989); photographs of church services, buildings, furniture and events (1935-1980); faculties, related correspondence, plans and photographs (1898-1997); various correspondence and other papers relating to rectors and curates of the parish (1822-1963); correspondence and plans relating to the changes in parish boundaries 1948-1967); a terrier (1890); altered tithe apportionments and other items related to the collection of tithes (1821-1935); vestry minute meeting books (1776-1912); Parochial Church Council minutes and sub-committee minutes (1945-1995); parish finances (1958-1995); electoral rolls (1920s-1990); Overseers' of the Poor account books (1771-1835); parish charity finances and correspondence (1799-1994); Betham School mangers' records (1903-1940); other Betham School records (1899-1903); parish magazines (1910-2006) and drawings of the churches (1809-1987).
Of particular note are plans for the decorative interior woodwork of the New Church designed by the architectural practice of Professor Sir A E Richardson (1945).
As marriage ceremonies are performed in both the Old and New Churches there are separate registers for the marriage services in the two buildings.
Parish of Holy Cross, Greenford , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Holy Trinity, Blackheath Hill, including registers of baptisms and marriages; registers of church services and preachers; papers relating to church buildings including plans of the Vestry Hall; orders relating to parish boundaries; financial accounts; Vestry meeting minutes; correspondence and reports; papers relating to the parish school; and parish magazines, posters and histories. Also papers relating to Emmanuel Mission Church.
Parish of Holy Trinity, Blackheath Hill , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Holy Trinity, Brompton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, confirmations and banns; registers of church services; papers relating to parish boundaries including plans; papers relating to the maintenance of the church and churchyard, including faculties; financial records; papers relating to the parish school; printed items including pamphlets, scrapbooks, annual letters, annual reports, and parish magazines; photograph of church interior; Parochial Church Council minute books and other administrative papers.
Parish of Holy Trinity, Brompton , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Holy Trinity, Clapham Common North Side, Clapham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; church services registers; Trustees minutes; Vestry minutes; annual parochial reports; papers relating to the construction of the church; financial and administrative papers; papers relating to tithes; records of the parish schools; parish magazines; curates' licences; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers of the Parochial Church Council.
Papers relating to the workhouse; settlement examinations; poor rate assessments; financial accounts of the Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor and Highways Surveyors; and other papers relating to poor relief.
Parish of Holy Trinity, Clapham , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Holy Trinity, Hampstead, including registers of baptisms, marriages, and banns of marriage; financial records; Parochial Church Council minute books and correspondence; church service registers; curates' licences and related papers; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to glebe lands; records of the Churchwardens; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings including the vicarage and parochial rooms; minutes, legal documents and correspondence relating to Trinity National School; papers of the Overseas Club; parish newsletters and annual reports.
Parish of Holy Trinity, Hampstead , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Holy Trinity, Clarence Way, Haverstock Hill, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; registers of church services; photographs; correspondence and faculties relating to the church fabric; minutes of the Parochial Church Council and other committees; annual reports and accounts; financial records; papers relating to the parish school; and parish magazines.
Parish of Holy Trinity, Haverstock Hill , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Holy Trinity, Hounslow, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, services and confirmation; minutes of the Parochial Church Council; Vestry meeting minutes; and School Committee minute book.
Also The 800 Years Story of The Priory and Church of the Holy Trinity, Hounslow, by G Eglington Bate, Helen Evans and Brian Grumbridge, 2010.
Parish of Holy Trinity, Hounslow , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Holy Trinity, Bletchley Street, Hoxton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, and banns; registers of church services and preachers; notices books; orders of service; financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minutes; parish magazines; news sheets and newsletters; photographs; papers of the parish school and the Sunday School; and papers of other church societies.
Parish of Holy Trinity, Hoxton , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Holy Trinity, Cloudesley Square, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and confirmations; Church services registers; records relating to staff; papers relating to parish boundaries and pastoral reorganisation; papers relating to the benefice; papers regarding the maintenance of the Church fabric and the Parish hall; financial records; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; papers relating to Holy Trinity School; and parish magazines.
Parish of Holy Trinity, Islington , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Holy Trinity, Northwood, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; Finance Committee minutes; financial accounts; papers relating to the construction and maintenance of church buildings and fittings, including plans and faculties; papers relating to church charities, clubs and societies; papers relating to Northwood School and papers relating to parish boundaries.
Parish of the Holy Trinity, Northwood , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Holy Trinity, Bishop's Bridge Road, Paddington, including registers of baptisms and marriages; preacher's books; registers of church services; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial records; parish magazines; press cuttings; papers relating to the parish schools; and faculties for alterations to the church building.
Parish of Holy Trinity, Paddington , Church of EnglandThe collection is comprised largely of material produced by contemporary and former students and staff of Hotham Road School in Putney, as part of various projects undertaken by the Hotham School Social History Group, the school itself and the PTA, to celebrate the history of the school. This includes correspondence, primarily from former pupils, providing their reminiscences of the school, and notes and drafts for publications about the school's history. The collection also includes other material generated by the school and by Hotham Adult Education Centre, such as photographs, examples of students' work, and promotional documents.
Please contact the Archive for further information.Howell ephemera collection, 1835-1945, containing handbills, prospectuses, circulars, advertisements, texts of addresses, annual reports, printed letters, certificates, membership cards, leaflets and other ephemera collected by George Howell for his own research and to document the late Victorian period covering various topics and organisations, including: advertising; America; Associations (including the Decimal Association, Working Men's Club and Institute Union, National Sunday League and the Sunday Society); banks, insurance, housing (including Post Office Savings Banks, Housing Associations, Dwelling Committee, insurance companies, building societies and pensions); bills, acts (including temperance and licensing bills, the Mutiny Act, employer's liability, the Compensation for Injuries Bill, the Criminal Law Amendment Act, the Contagious Diseases Act, the Arbitration Act, 1872, and the Master and Servants Act, 1867); church, religion (including trade unions and the church, and St Mary, Newington); Chartism; community welfare (including children's welfare); education (including the National Industrial Education League, the London School Board Policy Defence Committee and the National Association for the Promotion of Technical Education); demonstrations (including the Great Reform Demonstration, 1884); elections; financial reform (including the Bimetallic League and bimetallism); international affairs (including the International Arbitration and Peace Society, the Eastern Question Association and the National Conference on the Eastern Question); the International Working Men's Association; Ireland; land, property (including the Land Tenure Reform Association); parliamentary reform (including the National Reform Association, the National Reform Union, the National Reform League, the National Democratic League, the Representative Reform Association, the Labour Representation Committee and the Labour Representation League); newspapers, journals; miscellaneous subjects (including the Channel Tunnel and railways); poems, songs; political parties (including Libreral clubs and associations); trade unions (including tailors, miners, agricultural labourers, book binders and vellum binders); trade councils; women (including women's suffrage, the Married Women's Property Act, marriage with a deceased wife's sister, the Marriage Law Amendment Bill and the Marriage Law Defence Union) (1835-1945).
Howell , George , 1833-1910 , politician and writerMinutes of Quarterly Meetings, 1877-1891; minutes of the Chapel Trusts Liquidation Fund Committee, 1876-1877; minutes of the Circuit Committee for the Renovation of the Chapels in the Hoxton Circuit, 1882-1883; minutes of Local Preachers meetings, 1865-1892; Circuit Account Book, 1865-1890 and Circuit Schedule Book, 1874-1885.
Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist ChurchPapers of the Ilford Jewish Primary School, formerly the Stepney Jewish Primary School, including deeds; correspondence; Governors and Management Committee meeting minutes and papers; Buildings Committee minutes; minutes and correspondence relating to the Jewish Youth Club; minutes and correspondence relating to the move from Stepney to Ilford; and records relating to construction including papers of the architect, plans and maps.
Stepney Jewish Primary School x Ilford Jewish Primary SchoolRecords of the parish of Immanuel, Streatham Common, including baptisms (1854-1965); marriages (1855-1966); banns of marriage (1854-1968); confirmations (1899-1900); church service registers (1859-1960); Vestry minutes (1860-1913); Parochial Church Council minutes (1913-1961); accounts (1931-1968); Immanuel Church School manager's minutes (1937-1961); cash books (1919-1943); correspondence, memoranda, plans and photographs.
Parish of Immanuel, Streatham Common , Church of EnglandThe records in this collection relate to the Imperial Yeomanry School from 1904 to 3 March 1931 and to the subsequent Imperial Benevolent Fund for 4 August 1931-12 December 1934. They comprise administrative and financial records, including admission registers and log books. From the names in the admission registers it can be seen that boys had not been admitted by 4 September 1925. The addresses in the register show that although the school was in Middlesex, entrance was not limited to those who lived in Middlesex.
Imperial Yeomanry School, WembleyAdult Education VHS videos: "Teaching English as a second language in the Post School Sector", 1985 and "Teaching adult literacy Unit A: A mixed ability class", 1980s.
ILEA , Inner London Education Authority x Inner London Education AuthorityPapers of Nathan Isaacs, 1913-1966, including lectures, unpublished writings and notes, publications and correspondence concerning his psychological and philosophical work.
Isaacs , Nathan , 1895-1966 , metallurgist and educationistRegister of teaching staff employed at Isleworth Grammar School. Information recorded includes in most cases: name, date of birth, qualifications, date of appointment, subjects, salary, date of leaving or retiring. Note: this volume is an artificial compilation made by the donor based on research notes and transcription from original.
Created by the donor.Prospectus of Mr A Jardine's Academy for Young Gentlemen, Brixton Hill, 1825.
Jardines Academy for Young Gentlemen , Brixton HillRecords of the Jews' Orphan Asylum, consisting of minutes of the Ladies Society and the Education Committee.
PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.
Jews' Orphan AsylumRecords of the John Roan School, Greenwich, and predecessors. This collection contains Roan Estate deeds for property in Greenwich (1473-1955); Governors' minutes, Head Teachers' reports and Clerk and Surveyor correspondence files (1682-1995); Roan Schools administrative records (1866-2002), pupils admissions and discharge registers (1705-1994), various printed material including school magazines (1834-1999), a large collection of photographs depicting pupils and teaching staff (1895-1990), and commemorative trowel, school badges and items of clothing (1876-1979); and school log books (1884-1976) for various schools operating in Charlton.
Records of particular interest are the Roan Estate deeds (LMA/4442/01/01) which are an excellent resource for the research of family and local history of Greenwich from the 15th to the 20th centuries and the admission and discharge registers (LMA/4442/03/02) provide a fairly comprehensive set of details of pupils who attended the Roan Schools. The calendars and prize giving programmes (LMA/4442/03/03) are also useful for researching pupils at the school and the school magazines, prospectuses (LMA/4442/03/03) and head teachers' reports (LMA/4442/02/01) provide detailed information on school activities, events and other developments.
The school represents a good example of the use of increases in charitable gifts and funds in Greenwich from the 17th century and details can be found in the surviving records of the first school, the Grey Coat School, in the Orders of the Feoffees (1682-1716) (LMA/4442/02/01/01/001) and the Register of admissions and discharges (1705-1736) (LMA/4442/03/02/01/001) which includes churchwardens' charity payments to Greenwich poor widows.
The impact of the Second World War on the Roan Schools is documented by a number of records in the collection including the Governors' Clerk and Surveyor's correspondence files which give detailed descriptions of bomb damage in Greenwich.
Information on the school's planning for the evacuation can be found in the Governors' Clerk's files (LMA/4442/02/02) and some lists of pupils evacuated and accounts of the evacuation to Kent and South Wales for four years can be found in reports in the Roan Schools records (LMA/4442/03/01 and LMA/4442/03/03) and Governors' minutes and Head Teachers' reports (LMA/4442/02/01).
John Roan School , Greenwich Roan Schools Foundation Grey Coat School x Roan's Charity School National School of Industry x Roan School for Girls , Greenwich Roan School for Boys , Greenwich Charlton Secondary School for BoysLetter from William Bence Jones of Kilgarriffe, Clonakilty, County Cork to 'Madam' [? Mary Ann Gilbert, wife of Davies Gilbert (then President of the Royal Society) and founder of the Self-Suporting School of Industry, Willington, Sussex]. Acknowledging receipt of 'your pamphlet on self-supporting schools', but doubts whether such an establishment would be successful in Ireland. Enclosing a 'copy of the regulations of some allotments which I am trying to establish here'.
Autograph, with signature. The accompanying pamphlet is inscribed: 'Requested to be returned to Mrs. Gilbert'.
Jones , William Bence , 1812-1882 , agriculturistPapers of Juedische Volksschule, 1938, comprise a copy of a letter from the school inspector, Munich to the government of Bavaria regarding the closure of the Jewish school.
Munich Schools Inspectorate