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GB 0096 MS 723 · 16th century

'Uitlegging van der Verbeelding van Quincampoix of, de Groote Windt en Koolverkoper'.

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Agricultural returns
GB 0096 MS 727 · 1894

Printed 'Abstract of the Agricultural Returns' for 1892 and 1893 'for the information of occupiers of land' sent from the Board of Agriculture in London to Henry C. Butler of Bramshott, Liphook, Hampshire, and postmarked Haslemere (Surrey) and Liphook (Hampshire), 26 Jan 1894.

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Memorial of Arthur Lemuel Shuldham
GB 0096 MS 730 · c1800

Copy of the memorial of Arthur Lemuel Shuldham [of Dunmanway, Co. Cork] to the commissioners of the Excise, asking them to remit the costs of a suit begun by the Commissioners against Shuldham's pleasure yacht, built at Bristol in May 1789 at a cost of £2000. The yacht was condemned by the jury, and orders were given to dispose of it 'and your memorialist thereby lost many things therein not belonging to the said vessel'. The peculiar hardship of the case, and the largeness of Shuldham's family make him hope that the commissioners will remit the costs. The document is neither signed nor dated.

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Grand Junction Canal
GB 0096 MS 734 · 1793

Printed share certificate no. 1399 of the Grand Junction Canal, completed in manuscript, owned by Elizabeth Grant, spinster of Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire. It is dated (in print) 16 Sep 1793, at the second general meeting at Daventry, Northants, signed by two clerks to the company, and sealed with the paper seal of the company.

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Account book, wine
GB 0096 MS 747 · [1781-1812]

Manuscript account book kept by a wine merchant at Saumur (Maine-et-Loire), recording purchases of wine from farmers and proprietors in the Loire Valley, mostly for the period 1781-1793, but continuing up to 1812. The accounts are written in French, by several scribes (one of whom identifies himself as Tessie Boilesve, [1800]). Certain purchases, after 1800, are made 'pour la Flandre', 'pour la mer' and 'pour l'etranger'.

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English public revenue, 1688-1702
GB 0096 MS 75 · 1688-1702

Manuscript volume containing an account of the public revenue of England, Nov 1688-Mar 1702, with an abstract for the whole period.

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Court proceedings
GB 0096 MS 751 · [1590-1600]

Manuscript volume of extracts from the record of the Court of Queen's (and King's) Bench, and also from the Court of Common Pleas, for proceedings from the 15th century to the reign of Elizabeth, probably compiled c1590-1600. The extracts include pleas, posteas and memoranda of the 15th and 16th centuries, with marginal notes describing the subjects of the pleas, and perhaps acted as a lawyer's precedent book. References to the original court rolls are sometimes given.

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Armed forces proposal
GB 0096 MS 753 · [1715- 1733]

Draft proposals for altering the strengths of the regiments at Gibraltar and Minorca, in order to effect a saving of £99, 670, with marginal notes in a different hand (possibly that of Henry Pelham, Secretary at War 1724, and Paymaster of the Forces 1730) forming a draft address on the subject to the king. From internal evidence, the document appears to have been written between 1715 and 1733.

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Rogers, Isaac
GB 0096 MS 755 · 1784-1818

A volume of printed (1788-1818) and manuscript (1784-1814) material relating to the Company of Clockmakers. Including letters, petitions and historical articles. Also including circulars from the Goldsmiths Company regulating standards of gold and silver in watches and material concerning the meetings about the proposed repeal and alteration of the statute 5 Eliz. I c.4 (Artificers and Apprentices).

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English excise duties, 1736
GB 0096 MS 759 · [1736]

Draft, with marginal notes, of A letter from a Member of Parliament...containing his reasons for being against the late Act for preventing the retail of spirituous liquors, published in 1736. The letter concerns the writer's reasons for not supporting this Act (9 Geo.II c.23 - 1736), although he had supported the 'Act for laying a duty upon compound waters' (2 Geo.II c.17-1729, repealed by 6 Geo. II c.17-1733). Many of the arguments in the letter, for and against the Act, are given in similar terminology in Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England, vol IX (1811), columns 1032-44, and more particularly columns 1059-1110.

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Danish royal finance deed
GB 0096 MS 763 · 1822

Deed relating to Danish royal finances, 15 Feb 1822, entitled 'Acte hypothécaire sur plusieurs revenus des finances royales', by which revenues were assigned to secure a loan of 3 million pounds at 5% raised on the London market by C.J. Hambro and Sons of Copenhagen through A.T. Haldimand and Sons on terms settled on 16 Oct 1821 and ratified by Frederick VI on 10 Nov 1821. The loan was to be secured on tolls from the Sound, and on mortgages and revenues from plantations on West Indian islands. Includes the signature of Frederick VI.

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GB 0096 MS 764 · [1686]

Transcript, probably made in the late 17th century, of the allegations made by Thomas Grey, 2nd Earl of Stamford, against his wife for adultery before the Court of Arches, under 35 articles. Thomas Exton is given as the Dean of Arches. One page is blank except for: 'this side was skipt by the transcribers oversight'.

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Operetta by Patrick Robertson, Lord Robertson
GB 0096 MS 767 · [1831-1832?]

Manuscript operetta in several hands, perhaps including that of the author, Patrick Robertson, entitled 'La festa d'overgroghi, operetta seria comica, in due atti...parole inglesi-italiane dal Signor Coccalicchi. Rappresentata nella Casa Skenea, Edinburgo, Marzio 1832', and containing instructions to the printer. The manuscript is bound with a printed copy of Nugae Legales (according to the half-title only), containing the printed operetta and some other items. The printed version is fuller than the manuscript, and the leaves are laid down to the size of the manuscript leaves.

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Beversham, Lady
GB 0096 MS 778 · 1689-1690

Two documents giving the amount of Sir William Beversham's estate, monies received and paid out by Lady Beversham in 1689-1690.

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Tagore, Sir Rabindranath
GB 0096 MS 782 · 1921-1958

Typescript drafts, 1921-1958, with alterations of several poetical works written by Rabindranath Tagore.

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University of Copenhagen documents
GB 0096 MS 783 · 1837

Translations into English of charters, statutes, and resolutions relating to the University of Copenhagen from 1788-1837, entitled 'xxiv documents relating to the University of Copenhagen', and dated 11 Dec 1837. Includes the royal charter of 7 May 1788, and lists of lectures for 1835-1836, as well as material on the syllabus, examinations, the University's Polytechnic School (founded in 1829). The translations are followed by an appendix headed 'Remarks on the xxiv documents...', which serves as an introduction to the documents.
Both items are in the same hand, and their title-pages bear the stamp of the 'Translator To Her Brit. Maj. Mission. Copenhagen.' The title-page to the first item is bound at the end.
Inserted at the front of the volume is a [holograph?] letter dated 19 Apr 1838 from Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, Foreign Secretary, sending the manuscript to William Cavendish, 2nd Earl of Burlington, and later the 7th Duke of Devonshire.

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Customs and excise revenue of the British Empire
GB 0096 MS 784 · 1801

Tables headed 'An Account of the revenues of the British Empire collected in the year 1800, distinguishing the gross and net produce, charges of management etc., and payments into the Exchequer of each respective branch Together with a general view of the revenues from the first stage of collection, with the various deductions therefrom, until the several sums were paid into the Exchequer', organised under the main headings of Customs; Excise; Stamps; Taxes; Post Office; Hackney coaches; 'Hawkers & Pedlers'; and 'General View'.

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Bible (Genesis to Ruth)
GB 0096 MS 785 · Early 13th century

Manuscript Latin Bible dating from the early 13th century, being the first volume of a set, and containing the Books Genesis to Ruth preceded by a commentary. The manuscript is the work of several hands.

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Booth, Charles (1840-1916) and Mary Catherine (1847-1939)
GB 0096 MS 797 · 1799-1967

The correspondence in this collection is largely concerned with domestic and personal details of the lives of the Macaulay and Booth families. There are some letters, particularly between Charles and Alfred Booth that relate to the business of their Company. The covering dates of the papers are 1799 to 1967. Most of the Macaulay papers fall within the years 1800-1850 and most of the Booth papers fall within 1860-1916.

The collection contains items of correspondence from 359 identified people. The letters were sent by and sent to members of the Macaulay (mainly between 1800 and 1850) and Booth (mainly between 1860 and 1916) families and cover a multitude of different subjects.

The miscellaneous papers comprising the second part of the collection includes family deeds, indentures, genealogical information, newspaper cuttings, and fragments and copies of further correspondence. The papers also include: a retrospectively compiled diary of Hester Emily Booth (Charles Booth's sister), dated 1842-1905; notes and drafts of essays by Charles Booth relating to religious questions, political economy, social welfare, Irish land laws and Home Rule, and Life and Labour; obituaries of Charles Booth; drafts of essays and novels by Mary Catherine Booth; papers relating to the Thringstone Trust, founded by Charles Booth in 1911; travel diaries by Charles Booth, 1862; and sketches and drawings made by Charles Booth, 1852-1884. There are also fourteen family photographs and negatives. The collection also contains seven volumes of a family magazine, The Colony, that aimed to represent high-standards of social conscience and discussed issues such as universal suffrage and religion, 1866-1871.

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John Bradley & Co., Ironfounders
GB 0096 MS 798 · 1830

Correspondence to John Bradley & Co., mostly being very detailed orders for iron, except for a few letters addressed to James Foster himself.

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Mylne, Robert
GB 0096 MS 799 · 1791

Papers of Robert Mylne relating to the drainage of the Fens, 1791, comprising;

  1. Report, dated 26 Oct 1791 at New River Head, London, to the 'Committee of Land Owners and Others, interested in the Improvement of the Outfall of the River Ouze [at King's Lynn]', annotated, corrected and signed by Mylne. This report differs slightly from that printed in 1792 (for a copy see Goldsmiths' Library G.L. Cat. 15332); it does not, however, contain the appendix which forms pp.39-52 of the printed report.
  2. 'List of Writers on the Fens', dated Nov 1791, giving 83 entries, some in pencil, from 1100-1791, mentioning books, printed reports and Acts of parliament.
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French taxation papers
GB 0096 MS 80 · 1704, [1785]

Manuscript volume containing the seal tariffs decided by the French Conseil d'Etat, Mar 1703, and entitled 'Tarif des droits du Sceau arresté au Conseil'. Includes lists of offices in provincial administration and tariffs of the provincial chancelleries presidiales. A later hand has added notes of an judgement of 20 Jul 1785 concerning seal tariffs.

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Rye, William Brenchley
GB 0096 MS 802 · 1865-1892

The published work England as seen by foreigners in the days of Elizabeth and James I, 1895 with MS corrections and annotations and a volume comprising of press cuttings, notes and letters.

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Memoir of Louis René de Caradeuc de La Chalotais
GB 0096 MS 805 · 1767

Manuscript volume containing a transcript of the 'Mémoires de Monsieur [Louis René de Caradeuc] De La Chalotais, Procureur Général au Parlement de Bretagne... Ecrit le 21 janvier MDCCLXVII'. The manuscript is perhaps a fair copy from the printed edition of 1766, containing the first and second Mémoires.

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Lewin family papers
GB 0096 MS 811 · 1779-1926

The collection contains diaries, account books, correspondence, watercolours, photographs, genealogical notes, legal papers, printed material and other miscellaneous items of Thomas Herbert Lewin and his immediate family, accumulated between 1788-1926, notably official papers relating to his military and administrative work in India, diaries, scrapbooks and philological and literary manuscripts, correspondence, articles and reviews on his publications, photographs and sketches by him, genealogical papers collected by him, notebooks and journals and miscellaneous other items. There are also papers of other members of the Lewin family.

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Collins, Sir William Job
GB 0096 MS 812 · c1860-1949

The papers listed here relate chiefly to the affairs of the University of London, and to the London County Council. Though many of Collins' correspondents were fellow physicians and scientists, there is little in the correspondence relating to medical or scientific subjects. There is some material relating directly to national politics in Collins' autobiographical papers, and a full account by Collins of the Royal Commission on Vaccination. Given the range of Collins' interests, this is a small collection indeed. It appears however, that Collins himself carefully weeded and arranged his own papers. The list which follows here preserves, as far as possible, the original arrangement. A box of printed material, containing pamphlets, offprints of articles, speeches etc. by Collins, 1882-1925, was deposited with the papers. These relate chiefly to medical and political subjects. They are not listed here in detail. An additional deposit comprising press-cuttings, autobiographical material including sketches of contemporaries, archives relating to Collin's work on University of London bodies, his parliamentary career, and speeches was deposited in 1996. A box list has been compiled for this deposit. There are three other 'stray' letters addressed to Sir William Job Collins in the University of London Library which have been catalogued separately: 1916, 23 Nov. Benchara Branford, London County Council. Inserted in a presentation copy (to Collins) of Branford's 'Janus & Vesta' (London, 1916) 1925, 20 June. Sir Bernard Henry Spilsbury, 1 Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, WC1. (A.L. 229) 1926, 22 June. Sir Philip Magnus, Tangley Hill, Chilworth, Surrey. (A.L. 162) 1. Abbreviations - Sir William Job Collins is referred to by his initials, W.J.C. The abbreviation, TS., means typescript. 2. Correspondents - Peers are referred to by their title in the record but are indexed under their surname. Unless specificed otherwise, all letters are addressed to Sir William Job Collins. 3. Postal Addresses - Where the town is not specified in the entry, the address is in London. Where known, the names of counties are inserted in square brackets where they are missing from the original letter. 4. Volume - Where an item exceeds two leaves, its volume is given in the entry.

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Tower, Sir Reginald Thomas
GB 0096 MS 813 · 1925

Three volumes entitled Notes for H. R. H. the Prince of Wales' Visit 1925. Typescript carbon copy in three files for the Prince of Wales' visit to Argentina. The notes contain a detailed account of Argentine society and British connections with Argentina, illustrated by captioned photographs. Each volume has a table of contents.

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Property deeds relating to England, Wales and Jersey
GB 0096 MS 814 · [1162]-1659

Collection of documents, mainly property deeds, dating from before 1162 to 1659, and relating to land in England, Wales and Jersey.

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Parliamentary tax grants, 1688-1705
GB 0096 MS 82 · 1688-1705

Manuscript volumes containing an account of all taxes granted by Parliament since the Revolution, 1688-1705, containing Acts of Parliament from the first year of the reign of King William III and Queen Mary II up to the fourth year of Queen Anne's reign.

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Bellot, Professor Hugh Hale
GB 0096 MS 823 · c1850-1969

Correspondence and papers of Bellot. The papers represent and illustrate the activities of Bellot's academic life as well as his personal one. There are letters to his family describing his schooldays at Bedales School up to his involvement with University College, Ibadan and his appointment to the Vice Chancellorship of the University of London.

The papers can be divided into three series: papers relating to his involvement in teaching and governance at the University of London, his personal papers that document his relationship with his fellow historians and his family; and papers created in the process of his historical research.

The official papers include case-files relating to: academic policy, University College, Ibadan, Westfield College, Senate committees, Board of Study in History at the University of London, Higher Education in Africa, and Library Policy.

His personal papers include: correspondence (1898-1968) with fellow historians (such as Albert Frederick Pollard, Thomas Frederick Tout, Robert Arthur Humphreys and J.E. Neale), members of his family, and other friends and acquaintances; family photographs; newspaper-cuttings; domestic account-books; diaries, records of his activities at Lincoln College; curriculum vitae; and travel notebooks.

The papers documenting Bellot's academic activities and historical research include: drafts, off-prints and notes for various works, including some unpublished; correspondence with his publisher, The Athlone Press; bibliographical and lecture notes; and the obligatory historical notes on areas of American History, economics and obituaries.

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Humphreys, Professor Robert Arthur
GB 0096 MS 825 · 1933-1984

These papers are largely concerned with Humphreys' involvement in the development and promotion of Latin American Studies in Britain. The collection is roughly divided into three series. The 'correspondence' section includes letters from a variety of people, including British historians such as Hugh Hale Bellot and historians of Latin America and the USA (1934 to 1982). Amongst the papers of committees and conferences promoting Latin American Studies in Great Britain in the second section are: papers of the University College London Advisory Committee and the University Grants Committee on Latin American Studies; correspondence relating to committees; interview papers and reports. The third section contains items created by Professor Humphreys including unpublished papers, and printed newspaper articles.

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Tolansky, Samuel
GB 0096 MS 827 · 1926-1973

Papers of Samuel Tolansky, 1926-1974, comprising biographical and personal materials, 1928-1974, including printed obituaries and memoirs, notes on his educational and research record, photographs of colleagues and collaborators, personal and family correspondence and domestic papers; material relating to Tolansky's work in the Department of Physics, Royal Holloway College, 1946-1970, including general correspondence on equipment and supplies, research grants, and examinations, correspondence with the College regarding the Physics laboratories, and correspondence on visits to and by Tolansky; notebooks and working papers, 1940-1969, including laboratory notebooks, on subjects including nuclear spin, diamonds, lunar dust and interferometry; manuscripts of publications, 1926-1973, including scientific reports and articles, abstracts and book reviews, broadcasts and books, on subjects including interferometry, crystallography, diamond physics and jewish music; material relating to committee and advisory work, 1949-1973, for bodies including the University of London, Birkbeck College, the Kingston College of Art, the National Gallery, the Science Research Council, the Royal Society of Arts and the Institute of Physics; papers relating to external examination, 1947-1973, at the Universities of Bradford, Durham, Leicester, and Nottingham, the Royal University of Malta, the Gemmological Association of Great Britain and the Civil Service Commission; material concerning conferences, demonstrations and exhibitions, 1946-1972; scientific correspondence, 1932-1973, mainly relating to Tolansky's work on diamonds, with correspondents including officials of the Royal Society, the Royal Institution, the NASA Lunar Sample Research Programme, and numerous scientists, such as Charles Joseph Singer, Dame Kathleen Lonsdale, James Frederic Danielli, Sir Gordon Sutherland, Otto Robert Frisch and Patrick Moore; correspondence relating to publications, 1942-1973; correspondence and texts relating to lectures, broadcasts and television appearances, 1947-1973.

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Music fragment
GB 0096 MS 839 · 16th century

Fragment of a folio containing four staves of musical notation; on the recto, part of the music is headed '1. H.S. Jeige or hornpip / the mock to the Comitee. Jo. Houlartson', and on the verso there is an apparently unrelated bass part, possibly in a different hand. The manuscript was written in the 16th century.

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Wells Harbour
GB 0096 MS 844 · 1663-1782

Papers, 1777-1782, relating to proceedings between Sir Martin Folkes, lord of the Manor of Wells, and George Chad and others, in the Court of King's Bench, concerning the harbour at Wells, annotated throughout and with sketches in the hand of Robert Mylne (see English Reports, XCIX, 589-91, 686-8). Includes a Report to the Commissioners for the Preservation of the Harbour of Wells by John Wooler, 7 Jul 1777; estimates for repair works submitted by Stephen West, [1781]; copy of the judgment of Lord Chief Justice Mansfield, [21 Nov 1782]; a memorandum in Mynle's hand headed 'Facts and Observations on Wells Harbour', with details dating from 1663; 5 maps, one by H.A. Biedermann (no.II) and one of the Wash (no. IV). The following printed matter is also included: April 28, 1781. Mr. Mylne's Report on his Survey of the Harbour (1781); The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the State and Condition of Wells Harbour (1782); and The Reports of Mess. Hodskinson, Grundy, Hogard and Nickalls on the State and Causes of the Decay of Wells Harbour (1782).

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Articles on railway excursions
GB 0096 MS 853 · 1842-1843

Transcript of a series of articles that appeared in the Athenaeum, 1842-1843, giving itineraries and descriptions of monuments that could be visited in day excursions by railway from London, the first headed 'The Bye Paths of England' and signed 'M' (Athenaeum, 1842, pp.634-5), the others headed 'Days' Excursions out of London' (Athenaeum, 1843, pp.715-7, 736-7, 754-6, 819-20, 882-4, 904-6).

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Patent assignment
GB 0096 MS 855 · 1878

Draft of an assignment of a patent for an unnamed invention, originally procured by B.E. Clark in 1878 as agent for Almet Reed of New York. Almet Reed assigned the patent to John van Dussen Reed of New York. Signed by B.E. Clark.

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Azoff and Don Gas Company
GB 0096 MS 857 · 1868

Agreement, dated 23 Oct 1868, between Albert Rumball, Thomas Rumball, Joseph Rivolta, John Septimo Rivolta and Vincent Wanostrocth to share the expenses of a journey to be made to St Petersburg by Albert Rumball, and the profits should licences be obtained to form the 'Azoff [Azov] and Don Gas Company'. Signatures of parties and witnesses.

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Long, Sir Robert, 1st Bt
GB 0096 MS 858 · 1662

Letters Patent creating Sir Robert Long, Auditor of the Exchequer, a Baronet on 21 May 1662.

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French foreign policy memoirs
GB 0096 MS 87 · -69182

Manuscript volume, Aug 1710, containing memoirs of the latest peace negotiations held at Gertruidenberg, Brabant, between Mar and Jul that year [to attempt a peaceful settlement to the War Of the Spanish Succession], and notes regarding the means of damaging the commerce and fishing of the Dutch and English. A note in pencil on the title-page attributes this work to 'M de Torcy', though no reasoning is given for this attribution.

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Crawford, John
GB 0096 MS 872 · 1906-1910

Five plans, 1906-1910, of property drawn up in Singapore for John Crawford.

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Letter of Louis Benigne François Bertier de Sauvigny
GB 0096 MS 876 · 1775

Letter, 18 Jan 1775, signed by Louis Benigne François Bertier de Sauvigny, Intendant of Paris, to Guillaume Joseph Dupleix de Bacquencourt, Intendant of Dijon, sending him the declaration [wanting] of a beggar in official custody at Pontoise.

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Lee and Pembertons
GB 0096 MS 881 · 1916-1938

The first bundle, 1916-1926, is concerned with the legal case of Kofi Numah vs. Kojo Pamping, before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, on appeal from the Supreme Court of the Gold Coast Colony (Ghana). The second and third bundles, 1937-1938, relate to the case of Sifton vs. Sifton, on appeal from the court of Appeal for the Province of Ontario.

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Articles on tea and sugar
GB 0096 MS 883 · 18th century

Copies of articles written in the 18th century:

  1. 'The Natural History of Tea', beginning: 'Tea, which throws some people into vapours, affects their complexion...'. The article cites as authorities 'Dr. Waldsmith' [Johannes Waldschmid?], and 'Dr. Hermenane', and refers to directions for making tea 'on pp.123, 124, and 161 on the first volume of this magazine'.
  2. 'Historical and Medical Observations on Sugar', beginning: 'Sugar was originally the product of the East Indies'.
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Lago, Mary
GB 0096 MS 885 · 1962-1972

Letters, 1962-1972, mostly written by Amiya Chakravary, who held various posts in religion at American universities, to Mary Lago, who was studying Rabindranath Tagore and Bengali literature.

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Foskett, Douglas
GB 0096 MS 891 · 1971

Correspondence, 1971, from Roy Broadbent Fuller to Douglas Foskett.

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Magenis, Leslie S.
GB 0096 MS 892 · 1941

Typescript dissertation written by Leslie S. Magenis, entitled 'The public life of Thomas Wakley (1795-1862)'. The work was unpublished, and apparently never submitted for a higher degree.

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Boyd, Walter
GB 0096 MS 898 · 1797

Two letters written by Walter Boyd:

  1. Letter to Henry Dundas, wrriten from New Broad Street on 23 Mar 1797, concerning Walter Boyd's difficulty in raising money as '£70,000 which Mr.McDowall's house had applied for to the Grenada Board' was not available. [Half the money had been promised to him by the Commissioners appointed under the act of 1795 (35 Geo.III c.127) to make loans to such persons in Great Britain who were in difficulties because of the Civil War in Grenada and St Vincent, and who were in a position to provide proper security. See Ragatz, L.J. The Fall of the Planter Class in the British Caribbean (New York, 1963).]
  2. Letter to 'My dear friend', dated 23 Mar [1797] and unsigned, concerning Boyd's financial difficulties. Mentions William Pitt and Henry Dundas.
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Kingsford, Charles Lethbridge
GB 0096 MS 900 · 1889-1901

Contains material, mostly printed, 1889-1901, relating to the compilation of articles for the Dictionary of National Biography.

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Alford, Margaret
GB 0096 MS 908 · 1897-1927

The collection contains Margaret Alford's personal account books that cover the period 1897 to 1927.

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Dingwall, Eric John
GB 0096 MS 912 · c1800-1986

Material comprises a series of scrapbooks and loose papers containing press cuttings, journal articles, advertisements, letters and photographs including those relating to psychical research, investigations into paranormal events and occurrences, mediums and spiritualists and the exposure of fraudulent practitioners, anthropology, medical research, sexuality, erotic literature, crime, religion and religious beliefs and conjuring. (Items in this series can be cross referenced with the index slips/cards in series three of the collection); a series of notebooks with quotes, extracts and comments by various writers and notes and comments by Dingwall on subjects such as ancient medicine, body decoration, chastity, infibulation, witchcraft, magic, telekinesis, mediumship and demonology, and appointment diaries, including some belonging to Dingwall's wife Dr Margaret Davis; index slips/cards with additional material including press cuttings, articles, letters, postcards and advertisements (the index slips/cards can be cross referenced with the scrapbooks and loose papers in series one); correspondence between Dingwall and various individuals and organisations including author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, escapologist and psychical researcher Harry Houdini, Professor Alfred Kinsey, psychical researcher and co-author of "The Haunting of Borley Rectory" Trevor Hall, mediums Willi and Rudi Schneider and Margery Crandon, the Society for Psychical Research (including the American branch), the BBC, the Parapsychology Foundation and the College of Psychic Studies as well as correspondence relating to the disposal of Dingwall's estate after his death (THIS SERIES IS CLOSED UNTIL 2025); photographs, glass plate negatives and lantern slides including the Frederick Barlow collection; printed material including copies of "The Demon Telegraph" and various catalogues for conjuring products, and Dingwall's toolkit for investigating hauntings and poltergeist activity. (A second series of scrapbooks referenced R-Z have been transferred to the Harry Price Collection).

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