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Archival description
ACC/1388-19 · Collection · 1952-1965

Registers of marriage, 1952-1965.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
ACC/3142 · Collection · 1967-1968

Records of the Southall Methodist Mission and associated churches, 1967-1968, including General Committee minutes for the Southall and Uxbridge Mission; Quarterly Meeting minutes and a circuit schedule book for the Southall and Uxbridge Circuit and Quarterly Meeting minutes, circuit schedule book and Local Preachers' Meeting minutes for the Southall Mission.

Records of the King's Hall Methodist Church, Southall, including baptism registers, 1919-1952; Trustees Meeting minutes; Leader's Meeting minutes; membership rolls; collection journals and other financial papers; press cuttings; brochures and booklets; issues of the Church Magazine; photographs; papers relating to the Sunday School; papers relating to the Sisterhood and papers relating to the Women's Work Society.

Records of the Western Road Methodist Church, Southall, including baptism registers, 1937-1967; Trustee's Meeting mintues; financial accounts; membership rolls and photographs.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
ACC/1040 · Collection · 1789-1888

This collection consists of the papers and correspondence of James Hayward of Bridgewater, a wholesale confectioner, and one of the most energetic of Joanna's followers in the West Country, with a wide circle of correspondents throughout the country, 1789-1888. He also collected, during the middle and later nineteenth century, the papers of many other of Joanna's followers, most notably Edmund Baker, who was minister of a chapel held by the sect in Teddington, Middlesex from about 1809 to 1811, and later minister in Dowlish, Somerset. The collection includes a roll of members, and register book for the Teddington chapel and lists of members and signed testimonies from Dowlish and Ilminster. It also includes a large number of printed books by and concerning Joanna, many of them from the libraries of James Hayward and Edmund Baker.

Southcott , Joanna , 1750-1814 , prophet and writer Hayward , James , fl 1860-1890 , follower of Joanna Southcott Baker , Edmund , fl 1809-1845 , minister and follower of Joanna Southcott
ACC/2714 · Collection · 1902-1982

Records of Southfields Methodist Church, Wandsworth, 1902-1982, including register of baptisms; register of marriages; Leaders meetings minutes; Church Council minutes and correspondence; Society meetings minutes; minutes of Finance Committee; collection journals; Sunday School minutes and correspondence; youth work minutes and related papers; Sisterhood Committee minutes; correspondence relating to the building; deeds; plans; programmes; newsletters; pulpit notices; press cuttings and photographs.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
LMA/4092 · Collection · 1890-1979

Records of 'The Bourne', Southgate Methodist Church, 1890-1979, including Trustees meeting minute books and account books; Leader's meeting minutes; Society Steward account books; Missionary Committee meetings; pulpit notices; Sunday School minute book; Quarterly Circuit meeting minutes and other Circuit administrative papers including correspondence; collection journals; Finsbury Park and Southgate Circuit plans and directories and issues of Church newsletter 'Bourne Tidings'.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
Southlands College
GB 99999 Southlands College · 1851-2002

Records of Southlands College, comprising:

Records of government, including Annual Reports, 1919-1969; minutes of the Trustees, 1927-1968; minutes of the College Governing Body, 1911-1920, 1931-1939, 1965-1970, 1973-1975; minutes of the Governing Body of Southlands and Westminster Training Colleges, [1920-1930]; lists of Governors, 1973-1992; minutes and papers of various committees, including the House Committee, 1953-1962, Finance Committee, 1953-1970, Finance and House Committee, 1930-1940, College Advisory Council, 1973-1992, Estates Committee, 1977-1991, Publicity and Recruitment Committee, 1977-1989, Health and Safety Committee, 1979-1989, Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1978-1994; Faith and Providence Committee, 1966-1987; minutes of the Academic Board, 1967-1974, and the Academic Council, 1967-1975; papers relating to the Planning Group for the relocation from Wimbledon, 1970s-1980s; material concerning the formation of the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1975-1977.

Financial material, including cash books, [1917-1982]; ledgers, [1939-1944]; House Committee bill book, 1915-[1932]; Wesleyan Education Committee accounts for Southlands, 1927-1983; housekeeping and bursar's accounts, 1979-1984; student fees, 1926-1939, 1950-1978; salaries, 1914-1946; catering accounts, 1930-1939; accounts and bills, 1930s-1950s; fees for student accommodation, [1990]; various financial material up to 2002, including budgets, invoices, banking schedules, and payroll.

Student records, including student registers (some containing application forms, reports and testimonials), [1905-1910], 1918-1920, 1930-1939 and 1948-1990; student admission forms, 1932-1934; student testimonials, 1938-1946; student teaching reports, 1877-1882, 1891-1895, 1946-1948; entry lists, [1969-1997]; residence lists, 1968-1990; directory of students and teachers, 1923-1939; student log book, [1900-1910]; volume relating to the College giving lists of officers, staff and members of student groups, as well as staff at Southlands Girls School, [1910-1965].

Staff register, 1895-[1939]; staff records for the Southlands Wesleyan Practising School, [1897-1908; minutes of staff meetings, 1940-1965; papers of the Southlands Staff Association, 1979-1983; staff records, 1950s-1990.

Printed library catalogue, 1907; library accessions books, 1957-1988.

Curriculum material, including timetable, 1910; examination papers, [1887-1911] and results, 1882-1927; and pass lists, [1930-2000].

Material relating to inspections and visitations, notably inspection reports on the Southlands Wesleyan Practising School, 1893-1903; various papers relating to inspections and visitation, [1930-1984], including the Teacher Training Enquiry; papers and correspondence with Local Education Authorities, 1990.

Records of student societies, notably papers of the Southlands Student Society, [1908-1969], including membership lists, reunion minutes and lists of branch meetings; and papers relating to the Student Union, including lists of officials, 1966-1991, and handbooks, 1959-1995.

Material relating to College buildings, notably plans and drawings; contracts for building work, 1930s-1970s, at Wimbledon and Roehampton Lane; material relating to college buildings, including architects drawings, 1997 and 2002, including relocation of the college in 1997 and acquisition of Mount Clare Site, Roehampton; architects drawings, [1890-1970s].

Personal ephemera donated by former students, including college badges, examples of sewing and embroidery, exercise books and essays, 1873-1960s; other student artefacts, paintings, prize books, college shields and gifts.

Photographs, c1851-2002, of College buildings at Battersea, Dover, Wimbledon and Roehampton Lane, including interior and exterior details of buildings and grounds; other photographs including photo albums, framed photos and individual phots with run of student year groups, staff groups, drama productions, other student activities, sport, reunions, classrooms, lessons, teaching practice and parties, and related audio-visual material.

Publications: Southlands Debating Society Magazine, 1902, 1908-1910; Southlander, 1923, 1927-1952; Focus, 1973-1989; Grapevine, 1990-1995; Scream, 1996-1999; Southlands Student Society Magazine, 1968-1998; Southlands Student Society newssheet, 1940-1973.

Publicity material, including newspaper cuttings, 1932-present; College prospectuses, [1940s]-2000; RIHE newsletters, 1988-1999, Annual Reports, [1984-1999], and prospectuses and handbooks, 1976-2000; material relating to College events, including Foundation Day, 1978, and the Centenary, 1992.

Material relating to the history of the College, including legal documents and deeds relating to the acquisition of the Belmont Estate and the creation of the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, [1850-1977].

Southlands College
GB 0074 ACC/2201 · Collection · 1895-1985

Records of the Southwark Diocesan Council for Wel-Care and associated organisations, 1895-1985. Records of the Southwark Diocesan Council for Welcare, 1895-1972, including Diocesan Council minutes, Finance Committee minutes, Executive Committee minutes, and minutes of the Rochester Diocesan Association of the Care of Friendless Girls.

Records of the Diocesan Office, 1895-1982, including policy and information files relating to illegitimate children, juvenile offenders, the mentally handicapped, sexual offences, ethnic minorities, mother and baby homes, housing, moral welfare work and the social services; files relating to finance and organisation including cooperation with other voluntary agencies and annual reports of local associations; and files relating to the employment and training of staff.

Ledger of the London and Southwark Diocesan Moral Education Committee, 1957-1958. Committee minutes and admission and discharge register of the Diocesan Medical Home, 1909-1935. Records of the Stretton House Diocesan Maternity Home, 1918-1977, including minutes of annual meetings and Committee meetings, annual reports, registers, day books, financial accounts and job applications.

Records of the South London Association for the Moral Welfare of Children, 1914-1950, including Committee minutes, annual reports and correspondence.

Records of local associations, 1895-1985, including Greenwich Association, Lambeth Association, Lewisham Association, Southwark and Camberwell Association and Wandsworth Association. Records include annual reports, financial accounts, Committee meeting minutes, Annual meeting minutes, case files, registers, adoption files, correspondence and administrative papers.

Also the Southwark Diocesan Council for Welcare reference collection, 1920-1982, comprising books and pamphlets on various subjects, including abortion, contraception, mother and baby homes, adoption, fostering, one parent families, child care, housing, social security, juvenile offenders, ethnic minorities, moral welfare work, social work, psychiatry, and the position of the Church of England on these issues.

Southwark Diocesan Council for Wel-Care x Rochester Diocesan Association for the Care of Friendless Girls x Southwark Diocesan Association for the Care of Friendless Girls x Southwark Diocesan Association for Preventative and Rescue Work x Southwark Diocesan Association for Moral Welfare
N/C/42 · Collection · 1859-1884

Mortgage and lease for land in Old Deptford Road and Rotherhithe New Road, Rotherhithe, 1859-1860; resolution of special meeting of Southwark Park Congregational Church to raise £1000 on mortgage, 1884 and resolution of Trustees of Southwark Park Congregational Church to add Frank Vidler Catt and Edgar James Taylor to their number, 1884.

Congregational Church of England and Wales
GB 0074 CLC/384 · Collection · 1955-1962

Service register for Spiez Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

Spiez Anglican Chaplaincy , Switzerland
N/M/042-11 · Collection · 1784-1890

Register of baptisms, 1838-1890; account books, 1784-1800, 1815-1834 and 1850-1861; Steward's account book, 1818-1839; Poor account book, 1822-1832; Minute book of the meetings of the Chapel Committee of Spitalfields Wesleyan Chapel, 1862-1877; Minute book of the meetings of the trustees of Globe Road Chapel, Spitalfields Circuit, 1822-1869.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
GB 0074 A/SGS · Collection · 1714-1922

Records of the Spitalfields Great Synagogue, 1714-1922. The collection consists of deeds which trace the ownership and tenancies of the former synagogue from 1714 to the early twentieth century.

Spitalfields Great Synagogue
SBHSAU · Fonds · [1495]-1533

Comprises: memorandum relating to churchwardens' account book and parish ordinances, [1495]; memorandum of expenses for an obit mass 'for the good benefactors and all Christian souls', 1507; ratification regarding the observance of the feast day of St Audoen alias St Ewin, 1533.

St Audoen alias St Ewin parish
SBHSBL · Fonds · 1547-2006

Comprises: Bequests, Wills and Probate; Church Fabric; Constable and Scavenger; Certificates; Churchwardens; Finance; Images and Press Cuttings; Militia; Parish Appointments; Parish Boundaries; Poor Law; Printed Material; Plans of the Church; Parish Property; Parish Registers; Parish Maintenance; Loose Rate Assessment Papers; Registers of Services and Preachers; Tithes; Vicar and Hospitaller; Vestry.

St Bartholomew the Less , City of London
St Nicholas Shambles parish
SBHSNC · Fonds · 1253-1526

Records of St Nicholas Shambles parish, 1253-1526, comprising churchwardens' account book, 1452-1526; indulgence from Walter [Cantilupe], Bishop of Worcester, to the parishioners of St Nicholas Shambles, 22 Jan 1253; indulgence from Nicholas, Bishop of Kildare, to all who say the Lord's Prayer and Ave Maria for the soul of Simon de Finchinfield, buried in the church of St Nicholas, 8 Sep 1280.

St Nicholas Shambles , City of London
ACC/2111 · Collection · 1942-1977

Records of the Staines and Feltham Methodist Circuit, and of three constituent churches, Wendover Road Church, Egham; Virginia Water Church, Cabrera Avenue; and Victoria Street Church, Englefield Green, 1942-1977.

Staines and Feltham Methodist Circuit records include meeting minute books, trustees papers, financial accounts and registers of deeds. Wendover Road Church, Egham records include marriage registers, meeting minute book, financial accounts and a collection journal. Virginia Water Church, Cabrera Avenue records include minute books, correspondence, press cuttings, financial accounts, baptism certificate counterfoils and a collection journal. Victoria Street Church, Englefield Green records include minute books, financial accounts and collection journals.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
ACC/2618 · Collection · 1908-1956

Records of Staines Road Methodist Church comprising Treasurer's income and expenditure books and other financial accounts, 1908-1938 and Collection journal and society steward's record, 1937-1941. The income and expenditure books include insertions relating to the Bell Road Methodist Church, Hounslow and the Brentford and Hounslow Methodist Circuit, 1948-1956.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
N/M/010 · Collection · 1816-1923

Registers of baptisms, 1838-1921; register of marriages, 1870-1917; certificate of registration as a place of worship, 1854; certificate for solemization of marriages, 1870; Trustees minute books, 1816-1923; Executive Council minute book, 1917-1920; Leaders' Meeting minute book, 1903-1917 and Sunday School Teachers' Meeting minute book, 1915-1920.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
GB 0074 ACC/2712/SNS · Collection · 1891-1973

Records of Stoke Newington Synagogue, consisting of minutes and registers of kethubot [marriage contracts].

PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

Stoke Newington Synagogue
Strasti Christovy Collection
GB 0369 STR · c 1800

Biblical manuscript relating story of the Passion and also including apocryphal material regarding the fate of people involved, c 1800.

ACC/1850-16 · Collection · 1896

Certificate registering Stratford Conference Hall, West Ham Lane, West Ham for the solemnization of marriages, 1896.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
ACC/2812 · Collection · 1948-1989

Records of Sunbury Methodist Church, 1948-1989, comprising Trustees treasurer's account book; pulpit notices books and architect's plans, elevations and so on of proposed church, church halls and subsequent extensions.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
SUSSER, Bernard (1930-1997)
GB 0074 LMA/4440 · Collection · 1993-1997

Papers of Rabbi Bernard Susser relating to the survey of Alderney Road Cemetery done in 1993-1997, including notes, illustrations and working papers.

Susser , Bernard , 1930-1997 , historian and rabbi
GB 0074 CLC/409 · Collection · 1884-1890

Preacher's book for the Syra Anglican Chaplaincy, Greece.

Syra Anglican Chaplaincy
GB 0074 CLC/410 · Collection · 1925-1970

Records of Tamaris sur Mer Anglican Chaplaincy, comprising register of baptisms, 1928-70 (Ms 23623), and service register, 1925-30 (Ms 23624). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1988.

Tamaris sur Mer Anglican Chaplaincy
ACC/1172 · Collection · 1861-1964

Records of the Teddington Methodist Circuit, 1861-1964, including Circuit Meeting minute books, Local Preacher minute books and circuit schedule books; and records of the Circuit's constituent churches including registers of baptism and marriage; minutes of various committees including Leader's Meeting minutes, Trustees Meeting minutes and Finance Committee minutes; financial accounts; magazines; correspondence regarding the building of a new chapel at Teddington, 1879; correspondence regarding rebuilding Teddington Methodist Church after bomb damage, 1944; correspondence, reports and plans regarding building a youth hall at the Methodist Church, Sunbury, 1954-1958; correspondence and plans relating to the building of a Methodist Church in Hampton, 1961-1964 and papers regarding the building of a Methodist Church in Hanworth, 1951-1962.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
TEMPLE, William (1881-1944)
GB 0370 WT · [1901]-1936

Letters of William Temple, later Archbishop of Canterbury, to John Leofric Stocks, [1901-1906], written whilst studying in Europe and considering his future career, discussing the failings of the contemporary church due to a lack of intellectual leadership, his studies, unsure of taking holy orders, doctrine, including the divinity of Christ and questioning of the virgin birth, opinions of artistic works seen in Europe, preference for Botticelli, discussion about honesty, disappointment at being refused as a candidate for ordination by the Bishop of Oxford, [1905-1906]; letters concerning the progress of publication of his Gefford lectures, 1934; comments on an article by Stocks and his opinion on heresy and orthodoxy, 1935; congratulations on Stocks' appointment as Vice-Chancellor of Liverpool University, 1936.

Temple , William , 1881-1944 , Archbishop of Canterbury
ACC/0987 · Collection · 1802-1955

Records of the Staines Congregational Church, Thames Street, 1802-1955, including release in fee for parcel of land at Staines with newly built meeting house of the protestant dissenters known as Independents, 1802, with further endorsements relating to the appointment of new trustees, 1803-1867; mortgage for the Independent Chapel and yard, 1838; further mortgages and conveyances for the Independent Chapel, 1845-1879; appointment of new trustees, 1902 and 1923 and certificate issued to the Congregational (Independent) Church, Thames Street, Staines certifying it as a place of meeting for religious worship, 1925.

Congregational Church of England and Wales
The Moot
GB 0366 MOO · Collection · 1939-1949

Papers of The Moot, mainly consisting of Sir Fred Clarke's set of the circulated discussion papers, 1939-1942; also an incomplete run of the Christian News-Letter, 1939-1949.

The Moot , private discussion group
LMA/4264 · Collection · 1936-1999

Records of the Needlework Guild, Congregational Church (later United Reformed Church), including minute books, 1936-1999; gift list, 1983-1999; account books, 1957-1999; expenses, 1969-1999; orders of service for annual dedication of gifts ceremonies, 1962-1998; booklet "The Story of the London Women's League of the London Congregational Union, 1909-1959" by Ann Oldfield, 1959 and typescript notes on the history of the Needlework Guild, 1913-1998, by Guild Secretary Phyllis Mitchell, 1998.

Congregational Church of England and Wales United Reformed Church
LMA/4423 · Collection · 1861-1974

Register of baptisms, 1861-1933; specifications and correspondence regarding the re-building of the Church, includes architect's floor plan, 1947-1948; Quarterly meetings minute book of the London Welsh Circuit, 1889-1908; Church committee minute book, 1908-1940; Church committee meeting minutes book, 1923-1955; Church committee meeting minute book regarding post war move of church, 1946-1963; Meeting minutes of the trustees and officers, 1953-1974; Memorandum of the choice and appointment of new trustees, 1950-1950 and Poland Street Trustees Account Book, 1884-1918. Please note that most of the minute books are written in Welsh.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
GB 0096 MS 185 · [1560]

Manuscript volume containing contemporary transcripts of theological works, [1560], namely 'Libellus introductorius in vitam contemplatium cui titulus Directorum paruum contemplari inchoantium', by Petrus Blomevenna, Prior of the Carthusian monastery of Cologne; an incomplete copy of a work on the Holy Eucharist, also by Petrus Blomevenna, entitled 'Enchiridion Sacerdotum'; and a copy of the acts and decrees of the Diocesan Synod convoked by Robert de Croy, Bishop of Cambrai in 1550.

GB 0102 MS 380311 · Created 1866-1906

Papers, 1866-1906, of and about John Boden Thomson and his wife Elizabeth, comprising letters, documents and press cuttings, relating to his education, work in Matabeleland and the Ujiji Mission.

Thomson , John Boden , 1841-1878 , missionary Thomson , Elizabeth , fl 1869-1880 , née Edwards , missionary
GB 0074 A/TT · Collection · 1819-1994

Records of the Time and Talents Association, also known as the Time and Talents Guild. This collection dates mainly from 1903 to the 1950's although it does include annual reports up to 1977. The records relate to the activities of the original London branch of Time and Talents. Reports from other branches can be found in issues of Time and Talents News (A/TT/140-151). The Review and the Time and Talents Newsletter were both suspended during the war and replaced by a printed newsletter from Nov. 1939 (A/TT/203-216).

Records include minutes of the Executive committee, Council, Association committee and Settlement management committee (known as war emergency committee 1939-1943); correspondence and papers relating to the Bermondsey settlement; minutes of the Matfield Court Committee; photographs of the Matfield Court Rest Home (also known as Bermondsey Rest Home); minutes and papers of the Thatched cottage committee; deeds relating to premises in Bermondsey and Dockhead; annual reports and accounts; publications, publicity material, scrapbooks and memorabilia.

Time and Talents Association x Time and Talents Guild Young Women's Christian Association
Tippet, Charlotte
GB 0103 CIM/PP 27 · 1938

Typescript memoir by Charlotte F Tippet, 'Diversities of Operations', 1938, written at Chefoo, including her childhood and religious development and beliefs, nursing career, and missionary work and life in China (1902-1938), including medical, educational and evangelistic work.

Tippet , Charlotte F , fl 1902-1938 , missionary
N/C/17 · Collection · 1863-1919

Records of Tolmer's Square Congregational Chapel, Euston, Camden, comprising register of marriages and baptisms, 1863-1919, register of marriages, 1905-1918, and parish magazines, 1891.

Congregational Church of England and Wales
ACC/1105 · Collection · 1910-1944

Local Preachers' Meeting Minute Book containing minutes of quarterly meetings of local preachers of the Tottenham Circuit, 13 June 1910 - 4 December 1936; the Tottenham and Enfield Circuit, 5 March 1937 - 30 May 1941; and the Enfield Circuit, 5 September 1941 - 2 June 1944.

Please note that by the standard terms of deposit of the Methodist Church documents less than 60 years old (except pulpit notices, handbills, and other items already made public) are not to be produced without permission of the Superintendent Minister of the Circuit.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
N/C/57 · Collection · 1847-1851

Minutes of meetings of Young Men's Association, list of essays read at meetings, attendance register of Association, and minutes of preliminary meeting of Young Men's Prayer Meeting, 1847-1851.

Congregational Church of England and Wales
GB 0074 LMA/4732 · Collection · 1910-2003

Records relating to the Tottenham Hebrew Congregation including finance and Talmud Torah class administration and correspondence. Also includes printed material relating to annual reports and dinner dances, photographs and building plans.

Tottenham Hebrew Congregation Trust , 1904-2003
LMA/4321 · Collection · 1863-1939

Records of Saint John's Presbyterian Church including Court of Session minute books, 1865-1939; Church Manager's minute book, 1867-1875; Deacon's Court minute books, 1876-1939; Communicants' roll book, 1863-1938 and register of baptisms, 1868-1938.

Presbyterian Church of England
ACC/1850-17 · Collection · 1866-1874

Wesleyan School Chapel Tredegar Road Trust Treasurer's account book, 1866-1874.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
ACC/1388-2 · Collection · 1889-1969

Registers of marriage, 1889-1969.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
N/C/38 · Collection · 1864-1918

Volumes containing membership rolls, 1870-1917, minute books of Church Meetings, 1864-1918, registers of marriages, baptisms and burials, 1887-1895 and 1901-1918; minute books of Deacons' meetings, 1878-1918.

Congregational Church of England and Wales