Showing 17489 results

Archival description
Tracts on usury
GB 0096 MS 38 · 1626

Manuscript volume containing a tract relating to usury by a Mr Sanderson, and a reply by Mr [John] Cotton, 1626. Reginald Rye, Goldsmith's Librarian of the University of London, stated that the former may have been written by Sir William Sanderson.

Tracts on coinage
GB 0096 MS 27 · [1613-1633]

Manuscript volume containing tracts on coinage by Leon Lee, [1628-1633], namely proposals on the coinage addressed to Richard Weston, 1st Earl of Portland and Treasurer of England, a paper outlining methods of preventing abuse of the coinage, and an explanation of the exchange. The volume also contains a [presumably unrelated] account of the reception of Princess Elizabeth of England, at Frankenthal, for her marriage to the Elector Palatine Frederick V, later King of Bohemia, Jun 1613.

GB 0096 MS 206 · [1673]

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of two tracts [by Sir Thomas Culpeper], [1673], mainly concerning banking and usury, entitled 'A familiar conference between three friends, Civis, Rusticus and Veridicus, concerning the late practice of the bankers and our present rate of interest for money', and 'The familiar conference continued between three friends concerning the present deadnesse of our markets'. These works were attributed to Culpeper by Halkett and Laing.

GB 0117 MS 47 · sub-fonds · 12th century-13th century

Written in England. Contains the curious characters known as the Boetian contractions, and is a valuable document for the history of arithmetic. The treatise commences on the Roman abacal system, and afterwards proceeds to give an explanation of the Eastern Boetian system with altered characters, and with a complete adoption of the advantages of local position. In Folio 2, recto, line 5, the author says that he will expound 'quaedam de numerorum scientia. regulis uidelicet algorismi' and on Folio 3, verso, he refers to Pithagoras, Nicomachus, Apuleius and Boethius. The text ends on the first line of Folio 34, recto, and is followed by eight lines in a semi-current 13th century hand.

Folio 1, recto ' Prefatio sequentis operis. Vt ait salomon.. punge oculum. et profert lacrimam. punge cor' et profert sensum.....'

Folio 4, verso ' De impari numero..'

Folio 6, verso, line 6, ' Divisio algorismi '. The divisions are given as folows; ' digitus, mediato, multiplicatio, divisio '

Folio 8, recto, title in red in margin, ' Qualiter digitus multiplicat digitum '

Folio 9, recto, line 15 ' Qualiter articulus multiplicatur per articulum '

Folio 9, verso, line 13, heading in red, ' Qualiter digitus multiplicat articulum '

Folio 10, recto, line 10, heading in red, ' Qualiter compositus per compositum multiplicatur '

Folio 10, verso, heading in margin, ' Qualiter compositus multiplicat compositum non eundem habens articulum '

Folio 11, recto, bottom line, heading in red ' Regulo ab uno inequalibus '

Folio 12, recto, line 6, heading in red, ' Regula ab uno in equalibus binario adjecto '

Folio 12, verso, line 8, heading in red ' De duplicatione '

Folio 13, recto, line 5, heading in red, ' De pari adjecto '

Folio 13, verso, line 6, heading in red, ' De impari adjecto '

Folio 14, verso, heading in margin, ' De proposito secundum novenarium dispositum '

Folio 15, recto, line 7-8, heading in red, ' De significationibus et nominibus figarum et locorum '
Transcript extract from line 14 ' Prima itaque omnium est igin. 1. id est unitas. Secunda andras. 2. id est binarius. Tercia ormis. 3. id est ternarius. Quarta arbas. 4. id est quaternarius. Quinta quimas. 5. id est quinarius. Sexta caltis. 6. id est senarius. Septima zemis. 7. id est septenarius. octava celentis. 8. id est octonarius. Nona cemenias. 9. id est novenarius. Singule ataque figure in quocumque loco sint sui ipsius exprimunt significationem. Nunquam enim figura unitatis officium binarii sibi usurpabit, nec binarius ternarii, nec ternarius quaternarii, nec quelibet ceterarum quod alter significare poterit. Ad majorem itaque evidentiam significationes locorum ponamus. primo ita loco posita igin seipsam, id es unitatem, significat. Secundo denarium. Tercio centenarium. Quarto millenarium. Quinto decem milia. Sexto centum milia. Septimo mille milia. Decimo mille mille milia. Undecimo decies milies mille milia. Duodecimo centies milies mille milia. Terciodecimo milies milies mille milia, et sic usque in infinitam singulorum decuplationem locorum extenditur. Similiter autem et andras rimo loco seipsam, id est binarium, significat. Secundo xx. Tercio cc. Quarto duo milia. Quinto xx. Sexto cc. Septima mm. et sic per cetera loca eodem cemate et cetere figure secundum propriam differentiam decuplabutn singulos articulos per loca singula. Est adhucet decima figura cujus nulla significatio est, sed tamen per loca disposita ceterarum significationes auget vel minuit. Dicitur autemzifera, et taliter depingitur 0. Sciendum autem quod omnes figure versus sinistram scribi debent, quia sic vim extendunt. Sed e converso literali ordine legi. '

Folio 17, verso, line 6, heading in red, ' De subtractione'

Folio 18, verso, line 8, heading in red, 'De dupli``catione'.

Tract relating to income tax
GB 0096 MS 233 · 1798

Manuscript volume containing an anonymous tract relating to the income tax proposed by William Pitt the younger, Prime Minister, 13 Dec 1798, entitled 'An humble attempt at removing one serious objection to Mr Pitt's new (intended) tax upon income', with particular reference to Bristol (where the manuscript is dated). The author counters the objection of many business men to disclosing their financial situation to commissioners, by suggesting that it should be optional for any person to elect to disclose his affairs to a Court composed of members not belonging to his district.

GB 0096 MS 45 · 1640-1678

Manuscript volume, 1640-1678, containing a [transcript of a] tract by Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, entitled 'A short view of the state of Ireland from the yeare 1640 to the yeare 1652. A vindication of his late majestie of blessed memory, our Soveraigne Lord the King that now is, and their Majesties supreme minister. Instructed by them for the conducting the affaires of Ireland from the scandalls and imputations cast upon them by many scandalous Pamphletts sett forth in latine by Anonymous writers and particularly against a pamphlet lately published by the direction of a Titular Bishop of Ferns and composed by him'. This was a vindication of James Butler, 1st Duke of Ormonde and the peace he made twice with the Confederate Catholics in Ireland. According to a colophon, the manuscript was finished on 5 Mar 1678. A note in the margin attributes the tract to Hyde. Also contained in the volume are three puritan tracts, namely an unfinished history of ancient civilisations based on the Old Testament, comments on the historical origins of Roman Catholic Bishops and Popes, and a short description of idolatry and superstition.

GB 0096 MS 149 · [1805]

Manuscript volume containing a tract entitled 'A concise account of the present state of the Spanish American colonies', [1805]. The manuscript appears to be a copy of a document written by a Spanish American, and is written with a view to invoking English intervention as a means of escape from the oppressive colonial policy of Spain, which it describes.

GB 0096 MS 542 · Late 18th century

Draft of a short late 18th century tract on the legal implications of the inspection of shipping at sea, with particular reference to an incident between Great Britain and Sweden concerning the ship 'Mary', and beginning 'I come at once to state in as plain & concise terms as I am m[aste]r of & with as much impartiality as possible ye questio]n now in dispute between this country & Sweden relative to ye ship Mary...'.

Tozzi, Luca (1638-1717)
GB 0120 MSS.4829-4830 · c 1685

Notes taken from the lectures of Luca Tozzi on 'Anathomica synthesis, Anthropologia selecta, Synthesis geneanthropologica and Liber practices', c 1685.

Tozzi , Luca , 1638-1717 , Professor of Medicine and Mathematics
Toyne Carter & Co
GB 0064 XX(63027.1) · Collection · [1896-1973]

Records of Toyne Carter and Co comprising register of shareholders and Directors' minute books, 1921 to 1958; balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, 1924 to 1975; cash books, ledgers and journals, 1896 to 1968; wages and salaries books, 1944 to 1971, and a broker's commission book, 1951 to 1972. The bulk of the collection relates to the china clay trade, including a volume listing cargoes to the United States, via Liverpool, 1899 to 1903, and direct from Fowey, 1904 to 1952, together with detailed accounts of the same, 1926 to 1935, and 1966 to 1973; cargo manifests, 1931 to 1961; and Bills of Lading, 1958 to 1967.

There are also accounts of shipments to Holland, 1925 to 1972; to Italy and the Mediterranean, 1924 to 1939 and 1948 to 1959, together with details of cargoes lifted by 'general' ships, 1922 to 1970. There is a small amount of correspondence, numerous loose papers, cables, invoices, vouchers and receipts, chartering circulars, 1926 to 1928; chartering records, 1925 to 1934; Charter Parties, 1929 to 1935 and 1947 to 1972; details of ships cleared through customs, 1939 to 1971; a continuous series of disbursement books of ships whilst loading at Fowey, 1909 to 1970; and a large number of cargo plans demonstrating the care which was needed to stow china clay. In 1947 the company took a controlling interest in the Fowey Tug Company, and the collection contains balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, account books, towage rates and tonnage sheets for this undertaking, 1947 to 1960. At different times, members of the company held appointment as Vice-Consul to several European countries, and surviving records of this office include German Seals of Appointment, 1896 to 1926. Tape recordings of conversations with one of the firm's employees and with D R Carter (1901- ), son of one of the founders, who joined the business in 1919, complete the collection.

Toyne Carter & Co
Toynbee, Arnold (1852-1883)
GB 0096 AL 230 · -7690

Papers of Arnold Toynbee, 1878, comprise a letter to 'My dear Rector' [Mark Pattison, Rector of Lincoln College Oxford mentioning the 1853 edition of William Cobbett's Rural Rides, with notes by James Paul Cobbett. 'It is singular that the son should have caught the father's power of genuine description so perfectly. I should very much like to shew you William Cobbett's book, and, if you will allow me, I will bring it next term for you to see... I ought to say how grateful I am to Montefiore for the introduction he gave me to you...'.

Toynbee , Arnold , 1852-1883 , social philosopher and economist
GB 0074 A/TOY · Collection · 1884-1961

Records of Toynbee Hall university settlement, including Education Committee minutes; Residents Meetings minutes; correspondence; annual reports; financial reports; memorandum and articles of association; educational syllabuses and evening courses; papers of clubs and societies; visitors' books; press cuttings; magazines; pamphlets; plans; photographs and slides.

Toynbee Hall
GB 0074 ACC/2486 · Collection · 1911-1972

Records of Toynbee Hall university settlement, including minutes of the Council; minutes of Committees of the Council; other records of the Council; financial accounts; Warden's files; papers relating to the Barnett Memorial Fellowship Trust, the Toynbee Hall Endowment Fund and the Attlee Memorial Foundation Appeal; papers of the Legal Advice Centre; newspaper cuttings books and plans.

Toynbee Hall
GB 0074 CLC/B/227-186 · Collection · 1873-1890

Financial accounts ledger of Toye and Bromley, yarn, hemp and fibre merchants.

Toye and Bromley , yarn, hemp and fibre merchants
TOWSE, John David (b 1760)
GB 0074 CLC/B/227-184 · Collection · 1831-1842

Account book for the legal business of John David Towse, attorney-at-law.

Towse , John David , b 1760 , attorney
TOWSE, John (1759-1763)
GB 0074 CLC/B/227-185 · Collection · 1759-1763

Business diary of John Towse, attorney. The volume is inscribed, inside the front cover: "This book is kept for the use of William Hippisley Esqr, of Fishmongers' Hall and contains Memorandums of all business in generall, that fell to my Part to transact, during my continuance with him, begun on Wednesday the 3d January 1759. Jno Towse". The diary contains numerous references to legal business transacted on behalf of the Fishmongers' Company.

Towse , John , fl 1759-1763 , attorney
HCA/TOWNSON · [1970-1992]

Papers of Ian Townson, including: Bill Thornycroft: letters, 1976-1990; Brixton Faeries and other theatre groups: including play scripts, song sheets, programmes and flyers; Brixton Housing Co-operative: minutes, newsletters and other papers, 1980-1986; Communist Party Gay Rights Committee: includes statements and letters from Bill Thornycroft, 1976-1979; Gay Activists' Alliance: minutes and campaign papers, 1978-1979; Gay Pride: includes minutes of meetings, flyers and correspondence, 1978-1996; History of the Gay Community in Brixton, 1972-1982: interviews, correspondence and other papers regarding a proposed book, 1970s-1990s; Icebreakers: correspondence, leaflets, press cuttings, notes and other papers, 1970s-1995; International Gay Rights Congress: poster and papers, 1974; Lambeth Council: includes papers of a Working Party on Police and Community Relations in Lambeth and Working Party on services and employment for gays and lesbians, mainly 1984-86; National Council for Civil Liberties: papers on gay issues, 1975-1982; 'Nighthawks': papers regarding the film, 1979; papers regarding squatting and gay squats, 1970s; photographs, including gay activists, Brixton riots, demonstrations, Gay Pride marches, squats, squatters and plays; photographs of friends and colleagues of Ian Townson: including Colm Clifford, Julian Hows, Ken Livingstone (in 1976), Bill Thornycroft and many others; South London Gay Liberation Front: minutes, agendas and other papers, 1980-1986; various papers regarding gay events (including discos, dances, Pride), issues and groups (including Gay Liberation Front and Campaign for Homosexual Equality), especially in Brixton/South London: badges, flyers, leaflets, magazines, newsletters, posters, programmes and stickers; gay publications and press cuttings.

Townson , Ian , fl 1970 , gay activist
GB 0113 MS-GEORG · Fonds · 1788-1886

Letters and papers relating to the 'madness' of King George III, 1788-1886.

Townshend , Thomas , 1733-1800 , first Viscount Sydney , politician
GB 0099 KCLMA Townshend · Created 1899-1937, 1964-1966

Papers, 1899-1937, and 1964-1966, including personal letters to Alice Townshend, Lady Townshend, and to Comtesse Cahen d'Anvers from FM Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Broome, 1906-1911, also single personal letters from Frederick Edward Grey Ponsonby, Assistant Private Secretary to Queen Victoria, 1899, FM Garnet Joseph Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley, 1901, Brig Gen Sir William Riddell Birdwood, Bt, 1906, Christian Rudolf de Wet, Minister of Agriculture, Orange River Colony, South Africa, 1909, FM Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts of Kandahar, Pretoria and Waterford, 1911-1912, Rt Hon George Nathanial Curzon, Lord Privy Seal, 1915, Rt Hon Herbert Henry Asquith, Prime Minister, 1916, Paul Cambon, French Ambassador to Court of St James's, 1916, Lt Gen Sir Philip Walhouse Chetwode, 7th Bt, Military Secretary, War Office, 1919, and others; letter from Alice Townshend, Lady Townshend, dated 1916, to Mrs Morland, mother of Capt Walter Edward Thomson Morland, Aide de Camp to Townshend and captured with him at Kut el Amara, Mesopotamia, with information on the safety of her son, with three photographs of Townshend and the POW accomodation in Constantinople, 1916; scrapbook of newspaper cuttings, 1916, on the Mesopotamian campaign and the defence and siege of Kut el Amara, with signed printed portrait of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 1937; file of research correspondence by Lt Col Arthur James Barker for The neglected war (Faber, London, 1967) and Townshend of Kut (Cassell, London, 1967), 1964-1966, including correspondence with Capt Sir (Thomas) Noël Arkell, FM Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, Maj Gen George Osborne de Renzy Channer, Sir Reader (William) Bullard, Brig Kenneth Bredin Shakespear Crawford, Sir Ernest (William) Goodale, Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, Maj Gen Henry Hampden Rich, Col Clive Woodes Rogers, Col Eric Lechmere Stephenson, Countess Audrey de Borchgrave-Townshend, Brig Louis James Woodhouse.

TOWNSEND, St Clair (b 1853)
GB 106 7SCT · Fonds · [1909]

The archive consists of 4 hardback photographs of family members, a pamphlet copy of a talk given by St. Clair Townsend titled 'The influence of women in politics' and a family tree.

Townsend , St Clair , b 1853 , nee Denham
COL/TCD/TC · Collection · 1284-1982

Papers of individual Town Clerks, including documents regarding an affray between Ralph Crepyn, Town Clerk, and Lawrence Duket, goldsmith, which led to Duket's death, 1284; letters addressed to Miles Man, 1726-1756; letters addressed to James Hodges, 1757-1774; journal recording the business done by the Town Clerk in person, including attendance at Courts, Committees and ceremonials, 1759; transcript of divorce proceedings in the Consistory Court between Town Clerk William Rix and his wife, including information about her activities with her lover in the Town Clerk's house, Guildhall Yard, 1776; letter to Henry Woodthorpe Senior, 1804-1823; papers regarding the debts of Henry Woodthorpe Junior, prisoner in the Fleet, 1826-1842; appreciation and synopsis of career of Alfred Thomas Roach, Town Clerk, 1946 and article John Carpenter - a famous Town Clerk, 1982.

Corporation of London
COL/TCD/RG · Collection · 1934-1982

Records of the Town Clerk's Department relating to the registration of births, marriages and deaths, including papers relating to the administration of London City Registration District No 243, 1932-1984; list of registers formerly in the custody of the Superintendent Registrar for the Registration District of London City at the Register Office, Guildhall, with a list showing amalgamations of sub districts in the City of London; list of registers lost in the Guildhall bombing, 1940 and papers relating to the Corporation of the City of London Registration Scheme 1977 which provided for Lee District Register Office to be located at Finsbury Town Hall and for a sub-district office within the County Corporate of the City of London, 1977.

Corporation of London
COL/TCD/ER · Collection · 1650-1994

Papers of the Town Clerk collected as part of the Town Clerk's duties as Electoral Registration Officer, including papers relating to Parliamentary elections, 1650-1832; notes relating to Parliamentary elections in the City of London, 1760-1810; bill to regulate elections in the City of London, 1704; Acts of Parliament to regulate City of London elections, 1724, 1849 and 1852; broadsides produced for the Parliamentary election for the City of London candidate, 1780; City of London Returning Officer's papers for general and by-elections, 1929-1965; amendments to the City of London Municipal Elections Amendment Act, 1867 during the period of the Second World War, 1941; leaflet explaining the varieties of franchise in the City, 1970 and report of the Hansard Society Commission on Electoral Reform, 1976; electoral registers, 1872-1994.

Also some papers relating to City of London elections, including The method and rule of proceeding upon all elections, polls, and scrutinies at common-halls and wardmotes within the city of London, by Sir William Mildmay, 1743; and registers of persons entitled to vote at Ward elections, 1946-2000.

Corporation of London
COL/TCD/CD · Collection · 1938-1987

Records of the Town Clerk's Department relating to civil defence, including Fire Guard registration files, 1941-1943; correspondence, reports and depositions regarding the administration of the D 20 Fire Guard zone, 1943; Civil Defence Registration, an index of enrolment notices under Civil Defence Duties (Compulsory enrolment) (City of London) order 1941, and Civil Defence Duties (compulsory enrolment) (City of London) (No 2) order, 1942, 1941-1942, with register of Civil Defence Volunteers, 1942-1943; log of messages received at City Control Depot, including air raid warnings and their classification, dispatch of stretcher and rescue parties, and daily reports, 1939-1941; list of aid treatment at first aid posts in the City of London of casualties caused by enemy action, 1939-1945; papers relating to the identification of civilians killed by enemy action, 1941-1946 (please note these records are closed); notes on Invasion Preparations containing material on general policy, evacuation and refugees, restriction of movements and supplies (food, petrol), communications and information, mutual aid between military and civil powers and so on, [1941]; sample building plans of first aid posts, cleansing stations, respirator stores and gas chamber, [1938]; book of permits issued to various individuals to make plans and sketches of air raid damage in the City, 1940-1942; notes, memoranda, correspondence and press cuttings regarding the Invasion Defence Scheme and the formation of the City of London Civic Guard, 1942-1943; Civil Defence Circulars on bombs, gas bombs, the Fire Guard, invasion defence, operations bulletins, organisation and training, air raid precautions and unexploded missiles, 1940s; anti-gas arrangements at the Port of London, 1940s; papers regarding water supply during the war, 1941-1942; examples of the certificates issued to members of the City of London Civil Defence General Services 1939-1945, at the conclusion of hostilities, 9 May 1945 and papers relating to Defence Medal claims, 1945-1979.

Also Civil Defence Corps Divisional Annual Reports for the City of London, 1964-1967; papers relating to Exercise STRIVE and Exercise GRAPPLE, 1967; papers relating to the disbanding of the Civil Defence Department, 1967-1968; correspondence with the Society of Industrial Civil Defence Officers and the Civil Defence Instructors Association, 1950-1960; War Emergency Planning correspondence, 1967-1984; correspondence regarding plans in the event of peace time disasters, 1978-1981; correspondence and other papers regarding plans in the event of a Thames flood, 1974-1981; correspondence, agenda for conferences, reports of Corporation and other committees and of London Fire and Civil Defence Authority and various circulars on emergency procedures in London, 1986-1987; papers, minutes and correspondence of the City of London Emergency Planning Committee, 1969-1978 and papers of the City of London Civil Defence Instructor Association, 1954-1979.

Corporation of London
COL/TCD/AD · Collection · 1676-1998

Administrative records of the Town Clerk's Department including office accounts, 1733-1898; papers relating to the duties of the Town Clerk, 1817-1837; orders and receipts for payment of fees, gratuities, bills, and for disbursements for counsel for William Wagstaffe, 1676-1687 and Randolph Stacey, 1717-1727; bill books for Court of Aldermen, 1734-1956; general warrant books for payments by Courts and Committees, 1805-1918 and 1937; letter books, 1975-1998 (restricted access); Town Clerk's personal letter books, 1905-1947; general letter files, 1987-1994; letter files regarding departmental reorganisation, 1992 and registers of letters received, 1948-1974.

Corporation of London
Tower, Sir Reginald Thomas
GB 0096 MS 813 · 1925

Three volumes entitled Notes for H. R. H. the Prince of Wales' Visit 1925. Typescript carbon copy in three files for the Prince of Wales' visit to Argentina. The notes contain a detailed account of Argentine society and British connections with Argentina, illustrated by captioned photographs. Each volume has a table of contents.

Tower , Sir , Reginald Thomas , 1860-1939 , Knight , diplomat
GB 0074 CLC/227 · Collection · 1846-1882

Papers of the Tower Ward School, comprising girls attendance book and papers relating to the lease of the school house.

Tower Ward School
GB 0074 CLC/215-16 · Collection · 1836-1862

Records of Tower Ward School, comprising trustees' minute books; Ladies' Committee minute books and boys' attendance register.

Tower Ward School
GB 0074 CLC/W/NA · Collection · 1832-1955

Records of Tower Ward, Corporation of London. The records comprise minutes and accounts, rate assessments, wardmote papers and other administrative and legal papers, and papers of the benevolent fund. The records were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff at various dates.

Tower Ward , Corporation of London
Tower of London collection
GB 2919 TOWER · 1506-1987

Collected archive relating to the Tower of London (ToL) comprising: General Documents including Act of Parliament for regulating the nightly watch, 1756; newspaper containing account of fire at the ToL, 1774; newspaper containing account of fire at the ToL, 1788; newspapers containing accounts of the fire in the Grand Storehouse, 1841; report describing the removal of the Regalia from the Jewel House during the fire in the Grand Storehouse, 1841; report that the Public Records had not been affected by the fire in the Grand Storehouse, 1841; regulations for HM Royal Palace and Fortress of the ToL, 1878; regulations for HM Royal Place and Fortress of the ToL, 1882; account of the fire bomb raid on the ToL, 1940; regulations for HM ToL, 1946;

General maps and plans including map of London, 1560 (mid 19th century copy); map of London, 1862 (copy); plan of the ToL, 1597 (reduced 19th century copy); plan of the ToL, 1597 (18th century copy); plan of the ToL, 1660 showing suggested alterations (copy); plan of the ToL, c.1680 (copy); plan of the ToL, 1681-1689; plan of the ToL, c.1682 (copy); plan of the area occupied by the Royal Mint, 1701 (copy); map of the Tower Liberty, 1720; map of the Tower Liberty, 1754; plans of the White Tower, 1754; plan of the ToL and St. Catherines, 1754; plan of the ToL, 1760; plans of the White Tower, early 19th century; plans of the White Tower, 1815; Ordnance Survey plan of the ToL and Tower Hill, c.1900; various plans of works carried out at the ToL, 1960-present; plan showing the re-arrangement of the area to the south of the White Tower, c.1965; plan of the ToL, 1966; elevations of the White Tower, 1966;

General photographs of the ToL, c.1850, c.1890, c.1898; ToL and the Royal Mint, c.1850-60; ToL from the Wharf, c.1870, 1888; c.1890, c.1899, c.1910; the Cradle Tower after the reinstatement of the first floor, c.1878; interior views of the ToL, c.1880; the demolition of the Horse Armoury, 1883; ToL from the river Thames, 1888, late 19th century; the Byward Tower from the west, c.1890; the Byward Tower from the east, late 19th century; ToL from the west, late 19th century; the Grand Storehouse pediment, late 19th century; ToL from the north west, late 19th century; the Beauchamp Tower, late 19th century; photograph of the Byward Tower, late 19th century; the Middle Drawbridge soon after construction, c.1910; the White Tower, 1914; Tower Green, 1922; the entrance to the ToL, mid 20th century; the second floor of the White Tower, c.1939; Aerial photos of the ToL, 1949, c.1960, 1970, 1987;
and stereoscopic photographs of the Bell Tower, and the Byward Tower, mid 19th century; ToL from Tower Hill, c.1870; ToL from the west, late 19th century; and the Waterloo Barracks, late 19th century;

General guidebooks to the Tower including An historical description of the Tower of London and its curiosities, David Henry (published from 1757-1803); A new history and description of the Tower of London, David Henry (published from 1810-1834); The Tower: its histories, armories and antiquities, John Hewitt (published from 1841-1854); A short history of the Tower of London, Joseph Wheeler (published from 1842-52); The Tower of London; its armouries and regalia, H G Clarke (c.1855); A sketch of the Tower of London, A. Harman (published from 1859-1884); 1The people's history of the Tower of London and visitor's guide (c.1875); Authorised guide to the Tower of London, W J Loftie (published from 1886-1897); Authorised guide to the Tower of London, W J Loftie [much abridged version (published from 1885-1920); The Tower of London - a guide for catholics, C L Jones (published from 1913-1931); Authorised guide to the Tower of London (Ministry of Works, published from 1923-46); The Tower of London (Ministry of Works, published from 1953-1967); The Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1974); The pictorial story of the Tower of London [title varies slightly] (Pitkin Pictorials, published from 1950-1969); Her Majesty's Tower of London (Pitkin, published from 1973-1996); Royal fortress : the Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1978); The Tower of London: a young visitors guide, P Hammond (1981); Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1984); Her Majesty's fortress of the Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1987); Inside the Tower: the alternative guide, James Bartholomew (1990); The Tower of London: the official guidebook (Historic Royal Palaces, 1996); as well as a number of foreign language guides;

documents and photographs relating to Officers of the Tower, including Report on the state of the ToL by Sir John Peyton, 1597; expenses of Sir John Peyton, Lt. of the Tower, 1598; Commission signed by Oliver Cromwell appointing John Miller, Captain and Major of the company of foot appointed to garrison the ToL, 1652; letter from Col. John Berkstead, Governor of the ToL to the Commissioners of the Navy, 1653; warrant signed by John, Lord Berkeley to Col. William Legg, Lt. Governor of the Tower, authorizing the issue and replacement of weapons, 1668; Muster roll of the ToL garrison, 1691; journal kept by George, Earl of Northampton, as Constable of the Tower, 1712-15; two letters from Viscount Falmouth to Earl Cornwallis, Constable of the ToL, 1760; warrant appointing Louis Grauze to be yeoman or under porter to the ToL, 1787; letters patent appointing Francis, Earl of Moira, to be Constable of the ToL, 1806; warrant granting William Kinchin the right to collect duty on goods landed at Iron-Gate stairs, 1808; ticket and order of service for the funeral of the Duke of Wellington, 1852; photos of nine yeoman warders with the Resident Governor, (undated); photographs of eight yeomen warders (undated).; photograph of the Officers of the Tower and the Yeomen Warders, about 1890; photogravure of yeomen warders practicing with partisans, late 19th century; photograph of 12 yeomen warders in undress uniform, late 19th century; photograph of the changing of the guard, late 19th century; photograph of the Kings House, 1914; photos of the King's House, c.1920; photograph of the ToL from the west with the signatures of the Officers of the Tower on the mount, 1917; photograph of the Officers of the Tower, 1917; photos of the handing over of the colours of the Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1923; blueprints for the sealed pattern yeomen warder's partisan, 1985;

Documents, and photographs relating to the prison and prisoners, including Warrant signed by Henry VII for the provision of clothing and bedding to Lord Willam of Devon and William de la Pole, 1506; documents relating to the trial and execution of Robert Devereaux, Earl of Essex, 1601; warrant relating to the detention of Robert Johnstone, 1662; regulations relating to the opening, guarding and closing of the gates of the Tower, c.1680; list of inscriptions in the Salt Tower, 1856; Guidebook - A short sketch of the Beauchamp Tower, Tower of London, W.R. Dick (c.1860); Ferdinand Buschmann papers, early 20th century ; Prisoners of the Tower compiled by A.H. Cook, 1959; inscriptions in the ToL; Guidebook - Prisoners in the Tower (Pitkin, 1972-94); guide to the inscriptions in the Beauchamp Tower, c.1985; Condensed summary of prisoners at the Tower originally compiled by A.H. Cook and revised by B.A. Harrison, 1986; the first prisoner of the 20th century [Hans Lody], 1987; stereographic photographs of the block and axe, mid 19th century; stereographic photograph of the block and axe, about 1890; photographs of the interior and exterior of the Bloody Tower, late 19th century; and interiors of the Bell Tower and the Beauchamp Tower, late 19th century;

newspaper articles relating to the prison and prisoners including the execution of James Radcliffe, Earl of Derwentwater, and William Gordon, Viscount Kenmure, 1715; the imprisonment and execution of Charles Radcliffe, 1746; the imprisonment of Lord Lovat, 1747; the release of John Wilkes from the Tower, 1763; the imprisonment and release of Brass Crosby, Lord Mayor, and Alderman Oliver from the Tower, 1771; the Gordon Riots, 1780; the imprisonment of Lord George, 1780; the imprisonment and release of Henry Laurens, 1780-82; the imprisonment and release of state prisoners, 1794; the imprisonment of Francis Burdett, 1810; the escape of Lord Nithsdale, 1816;

material relating to the Crown Jewels including newspaper account of Margaret Moore's attempt to steal the crown, 1815; photographs of the Crown Jewels, late 19th century, and the Crown Jewels on display in the Wakefield Tower, about 1900; stereographic photograph of the new Jewel House, late 19th century; and guidebooks: The Crown Jewels (Ministry of Works, 1949-67); The Crown Jewels at the Tower of London (Ministry of Works, 1968); The Crown Jewels of England (Department of the Environment, 1986);

material relating to the Menagerie, including broadsheets containing verses on the deaths of three lions at the Tower, 1681, and one entitled `the she lyon's speech in the Tower', early 18th century; newspaper account of a fight between a lion and two tigers, 1830; and documents relating to the presentation of animals to the Prince Regent, 1816-20;

material relating to the Tower Record Office including letter and receipted bill from Robert Lemon, Tower Record Office, 1806; and notes of the Keeper of the Record Office, John Bayley, c.1820;

material relating to the Tower and the Church including printed Act of Parliament granting a piece of land with the ToL for use as an additional burial ground, 1811; plan of the Church of St. Peter ad Vincula, 1842; photograph of the interior of St. John's Chapel, late 19th century; and guidebooks titled The chapels royal of St. Peter ad Vincula and St. John the Evangelist, HM Tower of London (Pitkin, 1971); and The chapels of the Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1987); Notices of the Historic Persons buried in the Chapel of St. Pete ad Vincula in the Tower of London D C Bell (London, 1877)

material relating to Tower Bridge including photographs of the official opening of Tower Bridge, 1894; and of Tower Bridge, late 19th century; tickets and programme for the opening of Tower Bridge (1894); Welch's A Short Account of London Bridge Welch, (1894); copy of the Act empowering the corporation of London to build a bridge over the River Thames near the Tower of London (August 1885);

there is also a collection of prints and engravings depicting people, events, external and internal view of the tower and plans;

collection of photocopied material from the National Archives (Public Record Office) relating to the Tower, including copies and transcripts of Exchequer records, 1425-1508; Chancery records, 1455-1655; State Papers, 1569-1585; War Office records, 1681-1752; Office of Works plans; records of the Ancient Monuments Laboratory, 1739-1832; and manuscripts held in the British Library, c.1485-1715.

Museum and Library of the Royal Armouries
GB 0074 LMA/4544 · Collection · 1934-1983

Records of the Tower Hill Improvement Trust, including minutes, accounts, correspondence, plans and photographs. The archive includes records of other organisations (Choral Foundation Appeal, St Katharine's Community Project, Port of London Authority) which may have become part of the Trust's archive because the Secretary or another official of the Trust also had an active role in other organisations.

Tower Hill Improvement Fund x Tower Hill Improvement Trust x Tower Hill Trust
GB 0074 ACC/0295 · Collection · 1853-1854

Lease of premises in Bethnal Green by Henry Merceron for use as an arms and clothing store by the Queen's Own Light Infantry Regiment of Tower Hamlets Militia. Includes schedule of fixtures and fittings and a marginal plan.

Tower Hamlets Militia
GB 0074 ACC/1067 · Collection · 1824

Commission issued to John Hudson, to be Lieutenant of a Company in the Second Royal Regiment, Tower Hamlets Militia.

Tower Hamlets Militia
GB 0074 ACC/1359 · Collection · 1846

Appointment of James Whiskin to be one of the Deputy Lieutenants of the Tower Hamlets and Liberties thereof, by Arthur, Duke of Wellington, Lord Lieutenant of the same and Constable of the Tower.

Wellesley , Arthur , 1769-1852 , 1st Duke of Wellington , Field Marshal and statesman x Wellington , 1st Duke of
RLHTC · Fonds · 1974-1993

Minute books, annual reports, plans and reports (taken from LT Chief Executives files).

Tower Hamlets Community Health Council
THCS · Collection · 1703-1847

Letters patent appointing Commissioners, 1811-1837; writ to swear in Commissioners and orders to summon juries, 1795-1827; solicitor's notes offering advice for legal cases and presentments, 1780-1845; minutes of the Commissioners, 1702-1811; registers of the Commissioners, 1702-1830; minutes of the proceedings of the Committee, 1831-1847; Chairman's business papers, 1821-1838; Committee reference books, 1832-1846; extracts from the Registers, 1702-1821; order of Court for the presentment of landowners and tenants within area of Commission, 1837; order to owners and occupiers to appear in Court regarding non-payment of rates, 1831-1832; presentments of jurors, 1746-1844; reports and petitions, 1703-1749; reports of Committees, 1750-1846; petitions, officer's reports and letters, 1750-1847; petitions to open drains into sewers, 1802-1824; petition books, 1838-1847; financial accounts, 1707-1847, including accounts of works expenditure; rate books, 1703-1846; tenders, specifications, agreements and contracts by and with tradesmen for work on the sewers, 1751-1846; report of the Committee in response to statements made in the Report of the Poor Law Commissioners on the 'sanitary condition of the labouring population of Great Britain', 1843; plans of drains and public sewers, and maps of the jurisdiction of the Commission with levels and sewers marked.

Tower Hamlets Commission of Sewers
GB 0074 PS/TOW · Collection · 1889-1953

Records of Tower Bridge Magistrates Court, 1889-1953, comprising court registers and court minute books. Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

Tower Bridge Magistrates Court
CLA/020 · Collection · 1870-1994

Records of the Bridge House Estates Committee relating to Tower Bridge, City of London, 1870-1994. Records include memoranda, Acts of Parliament, accounts, staff records, contracts, pamphlets, photographs, reports and printed material.

Corporation of London
Tourneur Law Reports
GB 0103 MS ADD 205 · Created c1631

Manuscript law reports in various hands. Inscription on folio 1 reads 'Liber Timothei Tourneur de Grayes Inne Lectoris ibidem in quadragesima Anno Domini 1631 et Anno 7 Regis Caroli'.

Tourneur , Timothy , fl 1631 , lawyer of Gray's Inn
GB 0100 G/PP1/59 · 1822-1883, 1947

Papers of Frederick Toulmin, and J[oseph] Toulmin, including letters relating mostly to particular medical cases from C Aston Key, 1841, 17 Aug 1843, 6 Dec; Bransby B Cooper, 8 Aug 1844, 5 Dec 1846; W Laurence, 13 Nov 1846; J[ames] Pereira, 19 Jan 1847; Samuel Soley, 21 Dec [1860]; William Withey Gull, 6 Jul 1867, ND, 11 Aug 1884, 24 Apr 1865, 11 Apr 1865; K Letheby, 2 May [1882]; S[amuel] Wilks, 10 Oct 1883, concerning Dr Addison's letter; B Travers, Jul [1883]; E Smith and Daniel Arthur, 13 Mar; letter from J Addison, 20 Aug 1853, relating to the death of Bransby B Cooper.
Also includes manuscript copies of an experimental remedy against epilepsy and other diseases by G Bisschop; Post mortem report on Henry Nalder, W T Nicholson and Frederick Toulmin, 31 May 1823; fragment of post mortem report of Mrs Henry Patteson, addressed to Mrs Frederick T[oulmin]; [prescription] signed by F J Toulmin and [William Gull], 28 Dec 1869; document titled 'Dr Brodie's suggestions on lateral curvature', ND, and letters from Sir Benjamin C Brodie, 26 Jan, relating to a testimonial for the applicant for the position of medical advisor to the Fire Insurance Office, and letters of 14 Feb 1843, 31 Aug 1843, 2 Jan 1845, 13 Mar [1857], relating to various medical cases;
Testimonial for Frederick Toulmin, from C Aston Key, 27 Jan 1835; letter attributed to Sir Astley Cooper, 4 Jul 1822. Also letter from Francis J Toulmin, 31 Mar 1947 concerning donation of the material to Guy's.

Toulmin , Joseph , 1772-1847 , surgeon Toulmin , Frederick Justus , 1798-1883 , surgeon Toulmin , Francis , 1803-1884 , surgeon
GB 0060 DF 5009 · 1875-1972

Scientific papers of A K Totton including official Museum files, diaries and correspondence and material produced after his retirement. It relates entirely to his work on coelenterates, and the bulk is concerned with the Siphonophora, the group which includes the Portugese man of war.

Totton , Arthur Knyvett , 1892-1973 , zoologist
GB 0074 LMA/4176 · Collection · [1910]

This glass plate negative shows a street in Totteridge Fields. The street is unidentified and probably dates from around 1910.

LMA/4321 · Collection · 1863-1939

Records of Saint John's Presbyterian Church including Court of Session minute books, 1865-1939; Church Manager's minute book, 1867-1875; Deacon's Court minute books, 1876-1939; Communicants' roll book, 1863-1938 and register of baptisms, 1868-1938.

Presbyterian Church of England
GB 0074 ACC/0660 · Collection · 1829-1881

Accounts book for Tottenham School of Industry.

Tottenham School of Industry
GB 0074 ACC/1068 · Collection · 1340-1653

Title deeds, leases and other property documents relating to the Manors of Mockings, Pembrokes, Bruces and Dawbeneys, Tottenham.

A document of wide interest is the will of Richard Turnaunt of 1486, leaving, amongst other bequests, 80 worth of silver and gilt to his daughter. The silver is described in detail and includes, for example, a silver gilt cup with a cover in the shape of a columbine with pearls on the knop (a term used to describe a knob or boss on silver plate), weighing 43 ounces troy, a little gold salt with a cover decorated with a stag, and a standing cup and cover of silver parcel gilt chased with feathers or plumes. The documents are in good condition. Most have been numbered on the dorse in what appears to be a nineteenth century hand, as for example "Mx No.4"

Many of the title-holders, trustees and witnesses concerned with these deeds were City of London drapers. John Gedeney used an interesting seal (see Nos. 8,9,17,20) showing a device which may also have been a trade mark. Another draper, John Bederenden, used one of a somewhat similar style (see No. 22). there are a number of interesting and well-preserved seals in this collection, although some are forms of initial letters, or obvious devices such as the shell of Michell (No.22). Standard forms of seals were also used, such as the commonly found mother and child.

Manor of Tottenham
LMA/4012 · Collection · 1861-1912

Clerk's Report Book, 1882-1886; notices to provide cisterns to boilers, urinals and water closets, by regulation of the Board under the 1871 Metropolis Water Act, 1873-1873.

Also Tottenham Urban District Council attendance book, 1907-1912 and Tottenham Parish Rifle Grounds (33rd Middlesex Rifle Volunteers): minutes of Lammas Meetings and Marsh Road Committee, 1861-1867.

Tottenham Local Board of Health
GB 0074 LMA/4732 · Collection · 1910-2003

Records relating to the Tottenham Hebrew Congregation including finance and Talmud Torah class administration and correspondence. Also includes printed material relating to annual reports and dinner dances, photographs and building plans.

Tottenham Hebrew Congregation Trust , 1904-2003
N/C/57 · Collection · 1847-1851

Minutes of meetings of Young Men's Association, list of essays read at meetings, attendance register of Association, and minutes of preliminary meeting of Young Men's Prayer Meeting, 1847-1851.

Congregational Church of England and Wales