Diaries of Margaret Evans, detailing a journey taken April-September 1883 with her husband the archaeologist and journalist, Arthur Evans, to Greece, Macedonia and Bulgaria. The first volume is entitled "Journal of Greek and Macedonian Travel" and the second "Journal of old Serbian and Bulgarian Travel".
Sin títuloAlbum of 18 photographs from an exhibition organised by the Journal Fotograficheskaia Novosti, held at St Petersburg, Russia, between 12 April and 4 May 1912 under the patronage of Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
Sin títuloLetters by Hilda Fowlds while travelling in Eastern Europe, 1924-1927, mainly from Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia; papers and photographs relating to her death in the Biastorbagy railway disaster and letters from a visit to Hungary by her elder sister and brother in law Alice and Frank Dixon, in 1932.
Sin títuloTypescripts, proofs and other material relating to the English translation of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev's memoirs. Also includes a photocopy of the original Russian typescript, with annotations made by Gorbachev and some unpublished material. and a short memo on the writing and translation of the memoirs by Dr Martin McCauley who was translator of the English edition, 1996;
Sin títuloPapers of Kenneth Johnston, comprising:
Partial typescript entitled "A History of South-East Europe" comprising a scheme of the work and various chapters covering the period up to 1879; manuscript entitled "Comparative chronology of events in the countries of south-eastern Europe, 5th-20th centuries A.D.".
The collection includes correspondence; notes and draft chapters of Jones' translation of Eötvös' work 'The dominant ideas of the nineteenth century and their impact on the state'; photographs; educational and other certificates. The correspondence chiefly relates to Jones' work, including letters of congratulation.
Sin títuloVideotapes containing mainly excerpts from British news and documentary programmes concerning events in and about the former Yugoslavia. Broadcasts are included from British terrestrial stations such as the BBC as well as satellite and cable broadcasters including CNN, Sky, Replay Productions
Sin título"Byulleten' Vremennago Glavnago Komiteta" [Bulletin of the Temporary Chief Committee], issued by the Vserosiiskii Zemskii Soyuz [All-Russian Land Union] written 1921 at Constantinople.
Sin títuloTypescript by N V Zisserman entitled "Rukovodyashchie nachala koloizatsii Sibiri i Priamurskogo kraia", 1937. [Guiding the beginning of colonisation in Siberia in the Priamurskogo region]
Sin títuloPhotograph probably of a Balkan (Bosnian or Serbian) legal document , [c 1500-1700]
Sin títuloPhotographs from an exhibition The 100th anniversary of the Bulgarian Theater, with list of captions
Sin títuloPhotocopies of papers by David Roden Buxton, comprising:
essay A Russian village before the five-year plan, detailing Buxton's experiences while travelling in Russia engaged in architectural study and including a plan of a peasant home and a reprint of an article by Buxton 'A journey in Soviet Transcaucasia', later published as A journey in Northern Russia (Edinburgh, 1933)
Central/Eastern Europe Liaison Office Report on current educational developments in Central and Eastern Europe with particular reference to opportunities for University of London's External Programme to expand its activities in the area by Pamela Cross, 1993
Sin títuloAlbum of photographs of buildings and activities of Soviet co-operatives, including activities in childrens' homes and photographs of statistical diagrams about the Central Association of Co-operative Associations of the USSR, 1932.
Sin títuloAppeal literature, leaflets and letter, relating to the Committee for the Construction of an Orthodox Russian Church in Brussels, Belgium, as a Memorial to the Martyr Czar Nicholas II, 1930
Sin títuloThe collection consists of 35mm photographic slides taken by Professor Carter showing views of geographical features, cities, towns, villages, landscapes, industrial and agricultural locations in Eastern European countries, as well as slides of graphs, maps, archives and other historical data relating to cities and regions of Eastern Europe. Additionally, the collection includes slides of data on subjects such as agriculture, the environment and foreign direct investment (FDI).
Sin título45 copies of still photographs (some obtained from the National Film Archive) and 6 postcards of Sergei Mikhaylovich Eisenstein and taken from Eisenstein's films. Also 3 publicity pamphlets for Soviet films not directed by Eisenstein.
Sin títuloPicture postcards showing views of Poland or representations of Polish folk art, mostly commercially produced. The majority of the cards were sent to Monica Gardner from Poland and contain a message, other are blank, 1919-1933.
Sin títuloTranslation by Mary Hobson of Gore ot uma [Too clever for comfort or The misfortunes of a thinking man] by Aleksandr Sergeyevich Griboyedov(1795-1829). Mary Hobson's translation won a bi-centenary prize for the best translation of the play awarded by the Griboyedov Prize Trust in 1996.
Sin títuloPapers including school certificates and photographs relating to the lives of Naham and Sifra Haham (later Newman) in Bessarabia and Britain, mainly covering the period 1899 to 1920s.
Sin títuloPhotographs of Russian silver, porcelain, glass, ikons, paintings and other objets d'art; also offprint of Russian silver by R G Hare (in Ramsay, L G G "The Connoisseur Complete Encyclopedia of antiques" (New York, 1962, pp 60-65).
Sin títuloTranslation of "Ribanje I ribarsko prigovaranje" [Fishing and fishermans' conversation] by E D Goy. This work is one of the few surviving pieces by Petar Hektorovic. It is an account of a three day fishing trip taken by Hektorovic around his home island of Hvar, Croatia. It was written in 1556 and first published in 1568. It is written in the form of an epistle addressed to Hektorovic's cousin and director of Hvar's school, Jerome Bartuchevich Hektorovic.
Sin títuloOfficial photographs of Hungary, c 1965, showing the bend of the Danube, cities, Budapest, the bank of the Danube, agriculture and industry.
Sin títuloCorrespondence and bills of Norman Brooke Jopson, from Werner Söderström Oy, Helsinki and Tallinna Eesti Kirjandud-Ühisus, Tallinn, about the purchase of Finnish and Estonian books respectively, 1935.
Sin títuloPapers of Mano Konyi and Count Menyhert Lonyay, 1848-1916, comprising:
Lonyay's political diaries, 1865-1872; Lonyay's official and private correspondence, 1848-1884 mainly copies of letters sent by Lonyay, 1876-68, but including telegrams from Count Julius Andrassy the elder and Ferencz Deak; papers on the 1867 constitutional agreement creating the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary; correspondence between Lonyay from E von Becke, Austrian Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, 1867-1869; letters from M Vengraf, Austrian political journalist to Lonyay, 1867-1869; copy of political diary of Count Julius Andrassy the younger, 1908-1913; article by Konyi on Count Julius Andrassy the elder, 1890; manuscript of play ?by Konyi Doczi Lajos which is presumably re Lajos Doczi (1845-1919), 1889; papers of Konyi on the 1867 settlement, including telegrams from Count Julius Andrassy the elder; letters to Konyi, 1880-1917; printed material (newspapers, periodicals and offprints), mainly relating to the events and politicians of the 1867 settlement
Essay by Dmitrii Pavlovich Karobko entitled "Philosophical economic manuscripts 1966-1994", [1995]
Sin títuloTypescripts by Josef Kosina, entitled "Vzpominky z druhe Svetove Valky [Memoirs of the Second World War] and "Czechoslovakia: her rise and fall"; also index cards, notes and bibliography for the former typescript; anonymous letter addressed to Kosina, 1955; notes and newspapers.
Sin títuloPapers of Jan Garrigue Masaryk, comprising:
scrapbooks of Masaryk memorabilia, 1935-1948 containing press cuttings, photographs and correspondence, including Masaryk's 'Black Book' of cuttings and papers on the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, 1938; appointment diaries, 1940-1945; photographs of Jan and Tomas Masaryk, c 1930-1948; publications by Jan Masaryk and signed copies of works by T G Masaryk and Edvard Benes
Correspondence of Prof William Richard Mead relating to Finland, 1969-1976
Sin títuloBA dissertation submitted by Bruce Mitchell to the University of East Anglia entitled "Fälschung und Wahrheit: die Kartographie des Karpathenbeckens im zwanzigsten Jahrenhundert und ihre Interpretation angesicht der Ungarisch-Rumänischen Gegenüberstellung" [Forgery and Truth: the Cartography of the Karpathian Basin in the Twentieth century and its interpretation in view of the Hungarian-Romanian confrontation], 1991.
Sin títuloNotes containing extracts from ancient Greek philosophers' writings, in Russian [c 1941]
Sin títuloTypescript by K A Papmehl entitled "Selected Works by Matthew Guthrie", 1974.
Sin títuloTypescript of paper by G A Pavlovsky, entitled "The problem of currency reconstruction in Russia. Chapter I-III ... read before the Association on April 21st, 1921"; original draft of Pavlovsky's 1929 SSEES Ph.D thesis entitled "The economics of Russian farming, with particular reference to the period 1900-1916".
Sin títuloThree memoranda by Vl[adimir] Mikh[ailovich] Fel'kner, dated Paris, March and May 1919, relating to Russia and the Polish national debt, railways and taxes and finances, submitted to the Podkomissiia Po Pol'skomu Voprosu [Sub-Committee for the Polish Question]
Sin títuloLetter from Rudolph Pruner to Jan Masaryk dated Prague, 28 December 1935, enclosing a sample stereoscopic photograph and lenses, and requesting assistance in creating an album of stereoscopic photographs of Jan Masaryk's father President Tomas Garrique Masaryk and his family circle.
Portrait photograph of Rudolph Pruner (c1935) presented to SSEES from the Library of Jan Masaryk.
Sin títuloPapers of (Vivian Dering) Vandeleur Robinson, comprising:
Robinson's writings on the Balkans particularly Romania and Bulgaria and also papers on plays written for the League of Nations Union, 1930-1944; Robinson's diaries, 1901-1925 (mostly 1918-1923); papers on Robinson's family, 1752-1979 (mostly 1815-1938)
PhD thesis submitted by Margaret Tatiana Rose to Hull University, 1988, entitled "Philips Price and the Russian Revolution". Morgan Philips Price (1885-?) was correspondent for "The Manchester Guardian" in Russia from 1914 to 1918. He was a founder member of the Union of Democratic Control which opposed Britain's entry into the First World War. His reports from Russia became increasingly radical and supportive of the Bolsheviks and were eventually censored.
Sin títuloIllustrated report on the work of the Russkoe Studencheskoe Khristianskoe Dvizhenie za Rubezhom [Russian Student Christian Movement outside Russia] in the Baltic States 1929-1930, with a memoranda on the work of the Movement in Europe and another on its work in France, October and Novemember 1930. The report comprises 14 pages of photographs of meetings in Latvia and Estonia, with detailed explanations in English. A letter from A Nikitin, from the office of the Movement in Paris, to Major W Tudor Pole, London, dated 7 March 1931, is enclosed with the report and explains that Nikitin was author of the memoranda. He suggested that the report be shown to Sir Bernard Pares and then returned to Paris, the latter request was clearly not compiled with.
Sin títuloRecords of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), 1922-1997, comprising:
photographs of SSEES staff and buildings, 1922-1984; SSEES Library administrative records, 1923-1994; audio tapes of lectures, speeches, discussions and broadcasts by SSEES staff or recorded at SSEES events, 1987-1993; papers on and by SSEES, 1955-1996; SSEES student newsletters, including copies of "Velesh", "Wipiwop" and "The Graduate Post", 1977-1997; correspondence and papers on proposals for SSEES' amalgamation with Queen Mary College, 1973-1974, discussions on SSEES' future with London University, 1974, and amalgamation discussions with King's College, 1975; correspondence and papers on SSEES' proposed amalgamation with the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), 1985; correspondence and papers on SSEES' proposed relocation to the Westfield College site, 1986-1987; SSEES promotional videos
Mnutes and related papers of the SCONUL Slavonic and East European Group (SEEG) and Advisory Committee on Slavonic and East European Materials (ACOSEEM) and also papers relating to specific projects of SEEG and ACOSEEM including surveys of information and library requirements, a working party on transliteration of Cyrillic and work towards a union list of Slavonic and East European serials, 1964-1992.
Sin títuloCorrespondence, manuscripts, photographs, offprints and articles of Dr Milos Sekulich, 1924-1984 (mainly 1941-1984). The material relates mainly to Yugoslavia and Yugoslav, specifically Serbian emigre politics. Some of the major themes of the material are the conflict within the Serbian Orthodox Church in Britain caused by accusations of communist influence, attempts at commemorating and rehabilitating the memory of General Draza Mihailovic, attempts to publicise the Croatian Ustashi atrocities against Serbs and libel cases brought by Sekulich against other members of the Serbian emigre community. There is a small amount of material on his medical interest and research into tuberculosis.
Sin títuloCorrespondence and papers of Robert William Seton-Watson, comprising:
Pre World War One papers, 1905-1914, including articles and correspondence relating to aspects of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, press cuttings and book reviews; correspondence on the formation, publication and content of "The New Europe", with papers and minutes of meetings for "The New Europe Society", 1913-1920; World War One papers, 1914-1918, including correspondence, memoranda, reports and articles, Seton-Watson's reports for the Intelligence Bureau on Austria-Hungary; reports and memos written for the Intelligence Bureau and the Department of Enemy Propaganda; papers on Serbia and the future Yugoslavia, 1912-1919; papers on Bohemia and the other regions that united as Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and the Ukraine; press cuttings re Romania, 1913-1928 (mainly 1914-1918); papers on Seton-Watson's work as Secretary of the Serbian Relief Fund, 1914-1921, including minute books, correspondence, diaries, ledgers, photographs and lantern slides; papers on Yugoslavia, 1919-1941, including correspondence and papers on issues of both Yugoslavia's international relations and internal politics; correspondence and documents on "The Yugoslav Society of Great Britain", press cuttings on Seton-Watson's "Sarajevo" and on Yugoslavia generally and addresses presented to RWSW by Yugloslavian organisations; papers on inter-war Czechoslovakia, 1919-1939; papers on Hungary, Romania, Carpatho-Ruthenes, Ukraine, Poland and Austria in the inter-war years, 1919-1939; papers on World War Two, 1939-1945, including papers and correspondence re RWSW's work for the Foreign and Research Press Service and the Political Intelligence Department, including political intelligence summaries; papers on Seton-Watson's work for the Tribunal for internees opposed to the Nazi system, papers by Seton-Watson and others and others on Balkan and Danubian territories; papers on Czechoslovakia during World War Two, 1939-1945, including papers and intelligence summaries produced by Seton-Watson for Chatham House and the Political Intelligence Department, correspondence and papers on Czechoslovak affairs; papers and correspondence on Hungarian and Romanian affairs in World War Two, 1938-1945; papers and correspondence on Yugoslav affairs in the Second World War, 1939-1947, including both Seton-Watson's Government work and his private involvement with British-Yugoslav organisations; general correspondence files, 1901-1951; correpondence and papers academic matters including the School of Slavonic Studies, Kings College London, and its successor, SSEES, the "Slavonic Review", and the Royal Historical Society, 1911-1949; correspondence with publishers including agreements and statements of royalties and correspondence re publications, letters to newspapers, other correspondence and reviews, 1906-1951; assorted typescripts, articles, lecture notes, notes and newscuttings on a variety of subjects, mainly Austria-Hungary, the "Eastern question" and Yugoslavia, 1905-1951; ephenera; press cuttings, bibliographies and a guide to Seton-Watson's papers held at New College Oxford
Typescripts of lectures given by Archibald Riddell Sinclair on Janos Arany and William Shakespeare, and on Robert Burns and Sandor Petöfi. The latter lecture was given on Burns Night, 1962-1963
Sin títuloBiblical manuscript relating story of the Passion and also including apocryphal material regarding the fate of people involved, c 1800.
Sin títuloAlbum of photographs of Count Leo Tolstoy and his surroundings and 28 photographs of the Tolstoy Museum in Moscow entitled "Tolstovskii muzei, Yanvar, 1912" [Tolstoy museum, January 1912]
Sin títuloMadeleine Tomalin's diaries and press cuttings 1947-1948 and correspondence with her sisters in Hungary, 1959-1987.
Sin títuloTwo photographs taken from the Torun archives in July 1937 "Thorunium Primaria Prussia Regal Urbis" depicting the entry of the King of Sweden, 26 November 1655 and "Turonia in Prussia", a plan of military operations, 30 December 1658. Both photographs have notes written on back.
Sin títuloAlbum of photographs entitled "Vidy Moskvy i Eya okrestnostei" [Views of Moscow and its surroundings], containing photographs of Moscow and its environs from before 1917.
Sin título