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Archival description
GB 0096 AL274 · Fonds · 1876-1879

6 letters from Richard Doddridge Blackmore of Gomer House, Teddington, [Middlesex] to Blackmore's publishers, Messrs Smith, Elder and Co of 15 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, London, 1876-1879. Mainly concerning the publication and sales of Blackmore's novel Erema (1877). All letters are autograph, with signatures (except the last, from which the signature appears to have been cut away).

Blackmore , Richard Doddridge , 1825-1900 , author x Blackmore , R
Blain, Henry: letter
GB 0096 AL445 · Fonds · [1842]

Letter from Henry Blain to Joseph T Pooley of 5 Church Court, [c1842]. Discussing the corn laws (with reference to Blain's pamphlet on the subject) and proposed duties [taxes]. Autograph, with signature ('H.B.'). Dated 'Sunday night'.

Blain , Henry , fl 1841-1842 , pamphleteer
GB 0096 AL9a · Fonds · 1864

Letter from Jean Joseph Louis Blanc of London, 10 Apr 1864. Asking for advice on behalf of a workman named Chatelier, who 'desire proposer dans un meeting d'ouvriers â un plan d'association destine, croit-il, a ameliorer la condition de la classe ouvriere.' Autograph, with signature.

Blanc , Jean Joseph Louis , 1811-1882 , political thinker and exile x Blanc , Louis
GB 0096 AL8 · Fonds · 1850

Letter from Jean Joseph Louis Blanc of London, 15 Dec 1850. Expressing his wish to meet Mr Mayhew, 'un home d'un grande merite et donâit l'esprit palne au dessus des prejuges de son pays.' Complaining that certain people in England are afraid of compromising themselves. 'Il m'etait penible de pesne que, parmi, les promoteurs deu progress en Angleterre, il y a des homes qui manquent du courage de leurs sympathies et de leur estime.' Autograph, with signature.

Blanc , Jean Joseph Louis , 1811-1882 , political thinker and exile x Blanc , Louis
GB 0096 AL7 · Fonds · 1850

Letter from Jean Joseph Louis Blanc of 87 Piccadilly, London, 17 Aug 1850. 'Vous me parlez de la necessite de rattacher le socialisme a  la tradition chretienne. Oui, a condition que le Christianisme ne sera pas compris a  la mania re de ceux qui, au lieu d y voir la proclamation de l'egalite et della fraternite, n y ont cherche que la consecration de la double tyrannie exprimee dan l'histoire par le mot pratre et par le mot roi.' Autograph, with signature.

Blanc , Jean Joseph Louis , 1811-1882 , political thinker and exile x Blanc , Louis
GB 0096 AL9b · Fonds · 1867

Letter from Jean Joseph Louis Blanc of 20 Grand Parade, Brighton, [Sussex] to an unknown recipient, 6 Dec 1867. Sending thanks for a letter; he and his wife 'mille amities'. Autograph, with signature.

Blanc , Jean Joseph Louis , 1811-1882 , political thinker and exile x Blanc , Louis
Blank's Charity dole book
GB 0096 MS 709 · 1818-1846

Dole book for Lutton, Lincolnshire, 1818-1846, giving an account of Thomas Blank's charity. A note on the first folio of the manuscript says that Thomas Blanks [sic] of Gedney 'gave eighteen acres of pasture land in Broadgate St.Edmonds to the use of the impotent poor of Lutton 27th May 1368'. The foeffee, responsible for handing out the charity annually, was John Gibbons.

Bloomfield, Robert: letter
GB 0096 AL299 · Fonds · 1818

Letter from Robert Bloomfield to 'Charles' [? Bloomfield's brother or son], 27 May 1818. 'The coach is just coming, and I have time only to say that I send your flageolet. I have nothing to say if I had time, only that we are well and join in love and good wishes'. Autograph, with signature.

Bloomfield , Robert , 1766-1823 , poet
Bolitho, Henry Hector
GB 0096 SL V 49 · c 1930-1937

A typescript of King George VI and correspondence written by Henry Hector Bolitho.

Bolitho , Henry Hector , 1898-1974 , author
Bond of Sir John Dawnay
GB 0096 MS 562 · 1585

Bond in £40 by Sir John Dawnay, of Sessay in Yorkshire, to Jane Younge, otherwise Kyneston, widow of York, payable by 16 June next. Signed and sealed [seal wanting] 25 March 1585. With a note of payment in the margin.

Book of Hours (incomplete)
GB 0096 MS 597 · 15th century

Two consecutive vellum leaves from a Book of Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of Roman use, containing part of the office of Lauds. Perhaps written in France in the 15th century.

Book of Hours (Paris)
GB 0096 MS 906 · Early 15th century

Book of Hours written in the early 15th century in northern France, possibly Paris, and including a Calendar with additions in a late 15th century hand of Saints Nectan, Urith and a translation of Richard of Chichester, as well as 'dedicacio ecclesie de Towstock' (ff.1-6v); fifteen Hours, beginning abruptly 'memoriam harum ante crucem tuam passionem' (ff.7-9v, 15r-v, 10r-v); Commemoracio Georgi martyris (ff.11-11v); Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Use of Sarum), with the beginning of each Hour lost (ff.12-40v); Penitential psalms, beginning abruptly in Psalm 31, v. 5 'meam a domino et tu remisisti impietatem peccati mei' (ff.41-46v); the fifteen Gradual Psalms (ff.46v-48v); Litany, ending abruptly (f.48v); prayers, beginning abruptly 'pretende super famulos tuos et super cunctas congregaciones' (ff.49-49v); the Office of the Dead, beginning abruptly in Vespers, Psalm 137 v. 2 'misericordia tua et ueritate' (ff.51-69v); commendatio animae, beginning abruptly in Psalm 118, v. 20 ' justificaciones tuas in omni tempore' (ff.70-80v); and psalms of the Passion, beginning abruptly in Psalm 21, v. 17 ' et pedes meos' (ff.81-84v). There are also medical recipes (ff.50, 50v, 84) and prayers (ff.37v, 84v) all in English added by several hands of the late 15th and 16th century.

Book of Hours (Use of Paris)
GB 0096 MS 601 · 15th century

Incomplete Book of Hours, of Paris use, written in [north-east] France in the 15th century. The manuscript has had the full-page miniatures removed, and so, apart from a full calendar, contains only imperfectly the sequentiae of the gospels, the Hours of the Cross, the Hours of the Holy Spirit, the Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the seven penitential psalms, the office of the dead, the fifteen joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the seven requests.
There are notes at the beginning and end of the volume, in French in a seventeenth-century hand, relating to births, marriages and deaths in the family of Champregnault between 1561 and 1689. The hand is all one until 1617, and probably that of Quentin Champregnault, whose death is recorded at 1626.

Book of Hours (Use of Rome)
GB 0096 MS 509 · [1450-1500]

Book of Hours of Roman use, written in north-east France or Flanders, with calendar, hours of the Holy Cross, of the Holy Ghost, mass and hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, seven penitential psalms, litany of the saints and the office of the dead. Though the manuscript is illuminated throughout, there are two full-page miniatures: folio 67v shows the crucified Christ in majesty at the last judgment, and folio 80v the performance of the office of the dead by three priests and five black-robed religious around a catafalque. The manuscript can be dated to the second half of the 15th century.

GB 0096 MS 519 · [1450-1500]

Book of Hours of Roman use, written and illuminated for female use at or near Péronne, France, with calendar, hours of the Cross, of the Holy Ghost, hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, seven penitential psalms, litany of the saints, litany of St.Peter of Luxemburg (d 1387), memorials of saints, office of the dead, and numerous prayers, some written for use by men and some for use by women. The rubrics throughout are in French, as are some prayers. There are additions in late 15th century and 16th century hands. On the last leaf, folio 227v, there are two notes of ownership: (i) 'Ces heures somt et appartiennent a marie Le long, feme a nicolas Le Machon procureur dem[eurant] a Perone' and (ii) 'Ces heures somt et appartiennent a marie matron feme de nicolas cordier merchier demeurant a Peronne... 1538'. As well as illumination throughout the volume, there are four full-page miniatures depicting the Crucifixion, the Descent of the Holy Ghost, the Annunciation and David praying.

Book of psalm and hymn tunes
GB 0096 MS 439 · [1800-1825]

Manuscript book of psalm and hymn tunes, written in the early 19th century, with later, possibly 20th century additions.

GB 0096 MS 797 · 1799-1967

The correspondence in this collection is largely concerned with domestic and personal details of the lives of the Macaulay and Booth families. There are some letters, particularly between Charles and Alfred Booth that relate to the business of their Company. The covering dates of the papers are 1799 to 1967. Most of the Macaulay papers fall within the years 1800-1850 and most of the Booth papers fall within 1860-1916.

The collection contains items of correspondence from 359 identified people. The letters were sent by and sent to members of the Macaulay (mainly between 1800 and 1850) and Booth (mainly between 1860 and 1916) families and cover a multitude of different subjects.

The miscellaneous papers comprising the second part of the collection includes family deeds, indentures, genealogical information, newspaper cuttings, and fragments and copies of further correspondence. The papers also include: a retrospectively compiled diary of Hester Emily Booth (Charles Booth's sister), dated 1842-1905; notes and drafts of essays by Charles Booth relating to religious questions, political economy, social welfare, Irish land laws and Home Rule, and Life and Labour; obituaries of Charles Booth; drafts of essays and novels by Mary Catherine Booth; papers relating to the Thringstone Trust, founded by Charles Booth in 1911; travel diaries by Charles Booth, 1862; and sketches and drawings made by Charles Booth, 1852-1884. There are also fourteen family photographs and negatives. The collection also contains seven volumes of a family magazine, The Colony, that aimed to represent high-standards of social conscience and discussed issues such as universal suffrage and religion, 1866-1871.

Booth , Charles , 1840-1916 , shipowner and sociologistBooth , Mary Catherine , 1847-1939 , nee Macaulay , writer
Borrow, George Henry
GB 0096 SL V 1, SL V 2, SL V 3 · c1840-1870

Holograph manuscripts, c 1840-1870. SL V 1 is Székely or Dósa Gÿorgy. SL V 2 is Introduction to a Scandinavian Ballad. SL V 3 is The Hedebye-Spectre and The Return of the Dead written by George Borrow.

Borrow , George Henry , 1803-1881 , author
GB 0096 AL196 · Fonds · 1939

Letter from Gordon Bottomley of The Sheiling, Silverdale, Carnforth, Lancashire to Mr Allan Bright, 26 Aug 1939. Covering letter accompanying a copy of Bottomley's Lyric Plays.

Autograph, with signature.

Bottomley , Gordon , 1874-1948 , poet and dramatist
Bourne, Thomas
GB 0096 MS 416 · 1846-1850

A manuscript Bible containing both Old and New Testaments copied out in shorthand, 1846-50. Included is a treatise on the system of shorthand used and a watercolour portrait of Thomas Bourne.

Bourne , Thomas , fl 1846-1850 , copyist
Boyd, Walter
GB 0096 MS 898 · 1797

Two letters written by Walter Boyd:

  1. Letter to Henry Dundas, wrriten from New Broad Street on 23 Mar 1797, concerning Walter Boyd's difficulty in raising money as '£70,000 which Mr.McDowall's house had applied for to the Grenada Board' was not available. [Half the money had been promised to him by the Commissioners appointed under the act of 1795 (35 Geo.III c.127) to make loans to such persons in Great Britain who were in difficulties because of the Civil War in Grenada and St Vincent, and who were in a position to provide proper security. See Ragatz, L.J. The Fall of the Planter Class in the British Caribbean (New York, 1963).]
  2. Letter to 'My dear friend', dated 23 Mar [1797] and unsigned, concerning Boyd's financial difficulties. Mentions William Pitt and Henry Dundas.
Boyd , Walter , [1754]-1837 , financier and politician
Bradby, Godfrey Fox
GB 0096 MS 924/57-63 · c1914

The collection, c 1914 contains notes and transcripts of letters made by Godfrey Fox Bradby on the French Revolution.

Bradby , Godfrey Fox , 1863-1947 , historian
Bradley, John William
GB 0096 MS 415 · 1874

Notes from 1874 on the Woodcuts, Initials and other ornaments of early printed books with reference to the Italian and French renaissance.

Bradley , John William , fl 1874 , bibliophile
Brash, Richard: letter, 1826
GB 0096 AL12 · Fonds · 1826

Letter from Richard Brash of 4 Printers Place, Spa Road, Bermondsey, London to Mr Joseph Hume MP of 6 Bryanston Square, Oxford Street, London, 13 Sep 1826. Accompanying 2 copies of Brash's books. 'The first was intended to arouse the minds of the people in favour of the Greeks, and the second to overturn Cobbett's misleading principles.' On the dorse is written: 'his books are mere nonsense', and (in another hand) 'Recd and ansd 13 Sept. 1826. thanks for his pamphlets and that I cannot assist him'.

Autograph, with signature. Bears a seal marked: R B.

Brash , Richard , fl 1826 , writer
GB 0096 AL518 · Fonds · 1921

Letter from Reginald Baliol Brett of Roman Camp, Callander, [Perthshire] to Queen Mary, 21 Nov 1921. Concerning various books, including In Whig Society, 1775-1818 (1921), edited by Mabell [Ogilvy], Countess of Airlie.

Brett , Reginald Baliol , 1885-1930 , 2nd Viscount Esher , politician
Brett family
GB 0096 MS 599 · 1743-1880

Bound volume containing laid down and loose letters, papers and memoranda of the Brett family of Spring Grove, Wye, Ashford, Kent, mostly relating to work on historical, liturgical and biblical subjects in France and England, mainly from a non-jurist viewpoint, [1743-1776], including the following items: a note signed by Nicholas Brett, 13 Jan 1759; a letter written from Spring Grove on 25 Jul 1743, but not in the previous hand, addressed to 'Thomas Williamson, chez...George Waters, l'aisnè, Rue de Savoye, a Paris'; extracts of two letters in another hand to Bishop Robert Gordon, Nov 1757 and Aug 1758; fragment of a letter dated 16 Mar 1758 concerning 'the learned dissertation in your last concerning the antiquity of written liturgies'; autographed letter of 26 May 1773 from William Jones of Nayland [Suffolk] to Nicholas Brett; a list of printed books, on paper watermarked 1800, endorsed 'Books at Crewe not put up, and a list of those sent down'.

Brett , family , non-jurors
GB 0096 MS 815 · 14th century

Premonstratensian Breviary from the abbey of Parc, diocese of Liège (now in the diocese of Malines, Belgium), with a calendar of folios 3-8v.

Breviary (Verona)
GB 0096 MS 904 · 15th century

Breviary, dating from the 15th century and possibly made in Verona. The calendar seems to be Franciscan, and 'Missa pro fratribus et benefactoribus' suggests a men's house.
Gaudentus and Agabius, noted in the litany, were both bishops of Verona; the Saints Bernard, Clare and Francis are also noted.

GB 0096 MS 534 · 1669

Breviate, apparently unpublished, of books I and II of the Institutes of Justinian I, dictated to Bonaventura Mattino by Jerome Fasciono, Venice 1669.

Bridges, George
GB 0096 MS 438 · 1739

A signed holograph proposal, 1739, for preventing the illicit practice of wool, tea and brandy smuggling, submitted to both Houses of Parliament.

Bridges , George , fl 1739 , wool comber
GB 0096 AL141 · Fonds · 1857

(1) Letter from James Bridgnell to H W I Wood, 28 Apr 1857. Relating to the introduction of a gold currency into India. (2) Reply from H W I Wood to James Bridgnell, 4 Jun 1857. Both letters with signatures.

Bridgnell , James , fl 1857-1864 , writer on India and economics
Bright, Benjamin Heywood
GB 0096 MS 994 · 1820-c1840

Letter from Benjamin Heywood Bright to Philip Bliss, [1820-1840?], relating to Shakespeare and Ben Johnson.

Bright , Benjamin Heywood , 1787-1843 , antiquary
Bright, John: letter, 1885
GB 0096 AL13 · Fonds · 1885

Letter from John Bright of One Ash, Rochdale, Lancashire to Professor Blackie of Edinburgh, 13 Apr 1885. 'I found your volume [Scottish Highlanders and the Land Laws (c1885)] when I went to London ... The whole story of the past and present of the Crofter class is not a little one of as melancholy character and their future is not easily perceived.'

Autograph, with signature.

Bright , John , 1811-1889 , politician
GB 0096 AL418 · Fonds · 1865

Letter from Sir Charles Tilston Bright of 1 Victoria Street, Westminster to C H Grant, Esq, 8 Feb 1865. Introducing Mr J B Moseley. Asking Grant to sign the enclosed proposal form [missing] and to obtain Mr E [?Edwin] Clark's signature also. Autograph, with signature.

Bright , Sir , Charles Tilston , 1832-1888 , Knight , telegraph engineer
GB 0096 AL180 · Fonds · 1828

Letter from John Ivatt Briscoe of Twickenham, [Middlesex] to an unknown recipient, 29 Apr 1828. Referring to the bill for better regulation of savings banks: making 3 points concerning security, liability of trustees, and the advantages of exact legal regulation. Autograph, with signature.

Briscoe , John Ivatt , 1791-1870 , politician
Bristol highway surveyors
GB 0096 MS 721 · 1715-1717

Two printed forms, completed in manuscript, dated 12 Jan 1715 and 16 Jan 1717, appointing surveyors of highways for the parish of St Stephen, Bristol. With the signatures and seals of the respective mayors, Henry Whitehead and Nicholas Hickes, and by other Justices of the Peace.

GB 0096 MS 1078 · Collection · 19th century

British Library music manuscripts, 19th century, comprise manuscript transcriptions of music manuscripts held at the British Library, in several unidentified hands. Contains copies of the following: - Harleian 4664: codex containing a wide variety of liturgical music, principally antiphons, of various dates - Harleian 2954: 15th century Sarum hymnary - Unidentified Harleian ms. - Lansdowne 460: 15th century Gregorian antiphonary - Lansdowne 462: late 14th century Sarum antiphonary - Lansdowne 463: late 14th century Sarum antiphomary and Kalendar - Harleian 978: antiphons for Easter and Saint's Days from mainly English sources.

British Linen Company
GB 0096 MS.458 · c.1746

A list of 79 subscribers to the British Linen Company, giving their status or occupation with amounts subscribed.

The British Linen Company was incorporated by royal charter on 5 July, 1746, "to do every thing that may conduce to the promoting and carrying on "the manufacture of linen. (For a manuscript copy of this charter see MS.112.)

British Linen Company
GB 0096 MS 112 · 1746

Manuscript volume containing a contemporary copy of the charter of the British Linen Company, dated 5 Jul 1746.

GB 0096 MS 458 · [1746]

Manuscript list of 79 subscribers to the Company, usually giving their status or occupation, with the amounts subscribed, [1746].

British Linen Company
GB 0096 MS817 · Fonds · 1557-1972

Papers created by Alfred Claude Bromhead during his time in Russia, 1916-1917, and a varied collection of miscellany compiled by him, with items dating from 1510 to the 1930s. These include a contemporary illustration of the funeral procession of Anne of Cleves in 1557 and a collection of engravings of the life of the Virgin by Alberto Durer from 1510. There are also volumes of sketches of London and letters and newspaper cuttings, the subjects of which include the history of London, criminology and The Gentlemen's Magazine.

Bromhead , Alfred Claude , 1876-1963 , Lieutenant Colonel
GB 0096 AL169 · Fonds · [1799]

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham of St Kilda to William Erskine, Esq, at Mr Dundas's, St Andrews Square, Edinburgh, 10 Aug [1799]. 'You owe this letter more to a frolic than anyting else: several of us thought of writing just to try whether by any chance their Epistles would reach, so I address mine to you to let you know that your description of St. Kilda is perfectly poetical but does not contain one word of truth. My sea sickness prevents me writing this myself ...'. Written in another hand and signed by Brougham. Endorsed in Erskine's hand: 'H. Brougham, St. Kilda 10 Aug. 1799, rec'd 6 Novem. 1799'.

Brougham , Henry Peter , 1778-1868 , 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux , statesman x Brougham and Vaux , 1st Baron
GB 0096 AL461 · Fonds · [1857]

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham of [Westmorland] to [Augustus] De Morgan, 11 Sep [1857]. Referring to an article in Notes and Queries [2nd series, Volume 4] and discussing mathematical subjects. Autograph, with signature.

Brougham , Henry Peter , 1778-1868 , 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux , statesman x Brougham and Vaux , 1st Baron
GB 0096 AL154 · Fonds · 1818

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham of Appleby Castle to an unknown recipient, 15 Oct 1818. Offering to pay, jointly with friends, for the education of a gifted boy with poor parents. Autograph, with signature.

Brougham , Henry Peter , 1778-1868 , 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux , statesman x Brougham and Vaux , 1st Baron
GB 0096 AL507 · Fonds · [1846]

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham to [Augustus] De Morgan, [1846]. Asking to be sent 'the best solution you got yesterday of your 8th question, line 1, page 2'.

Brougham , Henry Peter , 1778-1868 , 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux , statesman x Brougham and Vaux , 1st Baron
GB 0096 AL508 · Fonds · [1851]

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham of Château Eleanor Louise, Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, [France] to J M [John Murray] of Albermarle Street, London, 4 Dec [1851]. Concerning the proofs of his book The History of England and France under the House of Lancaster. Comments on the coup d'état [of Napoléon III] in Paris.

Brougham , Henry Peter , 1778-1868 , 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux , statesman x Brougham and Vaux , 1st Baron
GB 0096 AL155 · Fonds · 1830

Letter form Henry Peter Brougham of York to T Hodgkin, Esq, of 5 Brunswick Terrace, Pentonville, [London], 5 Aug 1830. Written on the eve of Brougham's election as one of the four MPs for Yorkshire: 'I have not the least shadow of a claim to sit for this immense county except my principles and my known devotion to them.' Refers to the July Revolution in France: 'Never was such a death blow dealt to tyranny and priestcraft, never such a severe lesson inflicted on our own infatuated rulers ...'. Autograph, with signature.

Brougham , Henry Peter , 1778-1868 , 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux , statesman x Brougham and Vaux , 1st Baron
GB 0096 AL213 · Fonds · 1825, [1857-1904]

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham to Samuel Medley [here spelled Meadley] of the Stock Exchange, 7 Jul 1825. Arranging a meeting between themselves and Mr J Smith [John Gordon Smith, professor of medical jurisprudence] 'at the Crown & Anchor to set matters agoing'. Autograph, with signature. Endorsed in the hand of Sir Henry Thompson [surgeon, grandson of Medley] with a note stating that the meeting mentioned was 'a conference respecting the scheme for founding a Metropolitan University', [1857-1904].

Brougham , Henry Peter , 1778-1868 , 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux , statesman x Brougham and Vaux , 1st Baron
Thompson , Sir , Henry , 1820-1904 , Knight , surgeon
GB 0096 AL173 · Fonds · [1799-1868], 1844

(i) 3 letters from Henry Peter Brougham to unidentified correspondents, [1799-1868]; (ii) Letter from Henry Peter Brougham replying to a request from R Custance, of Woolwich, 1844. Requesting a copy of one of his works.

Brougham , Henry Peter , 1778-1868 , 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux , statesman x Brougham and Vaux , 1st Baron