Correspondence, reports and completed forms concerning agricultural workers, canal workers, clerks, domestic workers, carmen, shop workers, dress makers and upholsteresses including: Report on the hours of work of Canal Workers 26 Sep 1892. Notes on Carmen and Shop workers, undated. Summaries of reports on clerks, canal workers, dress makers and upholstresses, undated.
Fabian Society: Committee on Hours of LabourRecords of the Evening Standard Outside Chapel (1924-2005), including: committee minute books of the Evening Standard Outside Chapel, 1928 - 2005; minute books of half yearly meetings of the Evening Standard Outside Chapel, 1924 - 1972; miscellaneous records of the Evening Standard Outside Chapel, including minute books of the Combined Chapel, records of the Sick Club, attendance records, subscription book and delegate name books, 1959-1974.
Evening Standard Outside ChapelTypescript of unpublished autobiography of Dorothy Elliott, Women in Search of Justice, written c1969; concerning her career in the trade union movement, 1916-1959; including account of munitions work during World War One and her work as organiser for the National Federation of Women Workers at Woolwich Arsenal, 1916-1918; her work for the General and Municipal Workers Union, 1921-1945, particularly as Chief Women's Officer and her work as Chairman of the National Institute of Home Workers, 1946-1959.
Elliott , Dorothy , b 1895 , trade unionistThe archive consists of a typescript of Dorothy Elliot's memoirs (1914-1969) in which she described a lifetime of work in organisations dealing with the problems of women in employment. See her biographical history for details of the organisations she worked for. Mrs Elliott concluded the memoir with a tribute to the power of 'domesticity in its fullest sense'.
Elliott , Dorothy Mary , 1897-1980 , feminist and trade unionistPapers of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital Staff Action Committee, 1969-1988, including Committee minutes; general correspondence; proposals for the future of the Hospital; correspondence with peers and Members of Parliament; papers concerning dealings with health and local authorities; letters of support; papers regarding publicity; pamphlets and publications.
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital Staff Action CommitteePamphlets, reports, manifestos, programmes, seminar papers and conference reports, 1972 onwards issued by Central Ecuatoriana de Organizaciones Clasistas(CEDOC), Confederación Ecuatoriana de Organizaciones Sindicales Libres, Confederation of British Industry, Cotacachi (Ecuador), Frente de Defensa de Comerciantes Minoristas de Guayaquil (FREDECOMI), Fundación Ecuatoriana de Desarrollo Social, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Políticas (Universidad de Guayaquil (ILEP)), Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales (ILDIS), Ministerio de Recursos Naturales y Energéticos (Ecuador), Movimiento Revolucionario de los Trabajadores(MRT), Unión Regional de Organizaciones Campesinas del Litoral (Ecuador), Universidad Central del Ecuador Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas.
Institute for the Study of the AmericasPamphlets, poems, declarations, reports, manifestos and conference proceedings from 1965, issued by the Central General de Trabajadores (Dominican Republic), Centro de Estudios de la Educación (Dominican Republic), Centro de Investigación y Apoyo Cultural (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic), Centro de Planificación y Acción Ecuménica (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic), Grupo de Acción Crítica (Dominican Republic), Instituto de Comunicación y Educación (Dominican Republic), Instituto Dominicano de Investigaciones, International Student Conference, Núcleo Comunista de los Trabajadores (Dominican Republic), Partido Revolucionario Dominicano, Sociedad de Amistad con los Pueblos, and the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo.
Institute for the Study of the AmericasPamphlets issued by the Dominica Amalgamated Workers' Union and the Dominica Civil Service Association, 1976-1985.
Institute of Commonwealth StudiesNotebook of Emilia Frances, Lady Dilke, 1890-1891, containing notes on labour questions affecting women, used by Lady Dilke in speeches for the Women's Trade Union League; subjects include women in unskilled trades; labour in the great towns; notes for speech in Newcastle-unon-Tyne, 1891; shop assistants and notes for speech to Girls' Letter Guild, Birmingham, 1892.
Dilke , Emilia Frances , 1840-1904 , nee Strong, art historian and trade unionistThe bulk of this microfilm collection consists of material emanating from the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF), 1933-1939. Included are documents marked 'secret' which record the prevailing views within the Deutsche Arbeitsfront on the extent of industrial action in the Third Reich and other issues relating to industrial relations. There is also a considerable amount of correspondence from the DAF to the company Wilhem Edel, margarine manufacturers, covering a variety of matters related to worker/employee relations. In addition there are number of publications and periodicals on the subject.
Deutsche ArbeitsfrontThe archive consists of correspondence, background biographical material relating to Margaret Bondfield, press cuttings and working papers of Ross Davies relating to the biography of Margaret Bondfield.
Davies , Ross , fl 1975 , journalistRecords of the Daily Herald Order of Industrial Heroism, 1923-1964, comprising: Scrap book, covering awards 1-181 (1923-1947), giving details of the recipient, and presentation, Daily Herald and other press cuttings, and photographs of recipients where available; box file, covering awards 182-440 (1947-1964), giving details of recipient and presentation, Daily Herald press notice giving details of award, and press cuttings where availanle [no press cutttings present after 1958]' card indexes to awards by name of recipient and by union; series of 16 box files on awards 17-440, including correspondendce, press cuttings and photographs.
Daily Herald , newspaperRecords of Crosse and Blackwell Limited, food manufacturers, 1830-2003. The records include business agreements; correspondence; published histories; financial records; papers relating to shareholders; papers relating to production including agreements, ledgers, notebooks, reports, and labels; price lists; papers relating to staff organisations and staff photographs; property records including inventories, leases and photographs; papers relating to advertising including newscuttings, publications, adverts, correspondence and photographs.
Also papers of subsidiary companies including British Vinegars Ltd, Elizabeth Lazenby Ltd, James Kellier and Sons and Allards Wharf Ltd.
Crosse and Blackwell Ltd , food manufacturersRecords of Courage, Barclay and Simonds Limited, brewers, including papers relating to pension funds; copies of staff circulars and memoranda; papers relating to the British Institute of Management and the Brewer's Society; correspondence; reports; staff publications and journals; papers relating to the introduction and development of computers and electronic data processing; papers relating to office equipment.
Courage, Barclay and Simonds Ltd , brewersStaff records for Courage and Company Limited, brewers, including papers relating to wages and salaries; register of pensioners; papers relating to appointments; papers relating to an insurance policy for war injuries; and bye-laws of The Courage Club, staff association.
Courage and Co Ltd , brewers Courage Ltd , brewersThe archive consists of minutes of the Council of Women Civil Servants (CWCS) Executive Committee (1920-1959), Standing Joint Committee of Women in the Civil service (1920-1924), Committee of Representatives (1932-1952) and Equal Opportunity Sub Committee (1951,1955-6); Annual General Meetings papers (1923-1958); annual reports (1940-54); subject and correspondence files (1925-1957), publications (1935-1958); membership documents; circular letters of the British Federation of Business & Professional Women (1948-1955); Administrative papers including Parliamentary reports, memoranda and Whitley Council papers.
Council of Women Civil ServantsMaterial collected by Arthur Ebenezer Cooke, 1886-1936, mainly concerning trade unions of lithographic artists, designers, engravers and process workers, notably reports and official bulletins of the International Federation of Lithographers, Printers and Similar Trades, and the International Secretariat of Lithographic and Allied Trades, 1906-1927; papers relating to the Joint Industrial Council of the Printing and Allied Trades of Great Britain and Ireland, 1921-1935, including notes by Cooke, constitution and rules, and reports on education and health problems relating to the trade; records of the National Joint Industrial Council for the Process Engraving Industry, 1920-1935, notably minutes of meetings; reports and documents of meetings of the Non-Manual Workers Advisory Council of the Trades Union Congress General Council, 1932-1936; papers of the National Federation of Professional Workers, 1930-1935, notably material relating to social insurance; records of the Printing and Kindred Trades Federation, 1906-1935, including bulletins, annual reports, conference papers, and papers of the Executive Committee; rules of the Amalgamated Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers, Writers, Draughtsmen, and Copperplate and Wood Engravers, 1889-1932; material relating to the Amalgamated Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers, Engravers and Process Workers (later the Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers, Engravers and Process Workers), 1886-1935, including rules, annual reports, the quarterly society newspaper, documents relating to the development of the Society, 1886-1914, minutes of the Executive Council and the Executive Committee meetings, 1919-1935, minutes of Executive Joint Committee meetings, 1926-1936, material relating to the wages of lithographic workers, 1919-1936, papers concerning unemployment and unemployment levies, 1913-1935, and correspondence, 1911-1935, mainly to and from Cooke, on subjects including the organisation of the Society, affiliation with the Labour Party, the Trades Union Congress, and the wage levels and working conditions of its members; papers of the London Branch of the Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers, Engravers and Process Workers, 1912-1934, mainly comprising correspondence, minutes and reports; memoranda of agreements between printing societies, 1916-1936, mainly relating to amalgamations of various societies and national wage levels for the printing profession; copies of The Process Journal, 1930-1935; material collated by Cooke, 1907-1909, relating to the Labour Party, the Independent Labour Party, and trade unionism in Bristol; a typescript copy of Cooke's memoirs covering the years 1862 to 1935.
Cooke , Arthur Ebenezer , fl 1862-1935 , trade unionistThe collection contains material from James Cook's student days at Imperial College, London in the 1920s and 1930s, papers relating to the Ipswich Unemployed Workers' League and other political activities in this period. There are papers relating to Cook's period in the South Place Ethical Society and general correspondence on national and international politics. The collection also contains papers relating to Cook's parliamentary campaigns in Henley-on-Thames in Berkshire and Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey; his time as Senator at the University of London; his membership of the Labour Party and his work in the General Municipal Workers Union. There is also material relating to Cook's personal life.
Cook , James Stewart , fl 1920-1975 , trade unionistPapers of the Commonwealth Trade Union Council (CTUC), 1979-2004, including papers relating to the setting up of the CTUC from the Commonwealth Trade Union Conference Jun 1979 and report of the meeting of the Steering Subcommittee of the conference on Commonwealth trade union co-operation, 19 Nov 1979. Agenda, minutes and associated documents relating to Steering Sub Committee meetings, 1980-1981; minutes, agenda and papers for Special Meetings of the Steering Committee, 1981-1989; Steering Committee minutes, 1982-2004; minutes, correspondence and other papers of the CTUC Charitable Trust Committee, 1981-2004 and CTUC General Session Minutes, 1980-1997; Subject files arranged alphabetically on related organisations and Commonwealth nations, 1980-2004; Project files containing photographs and papers relating to projects undertaken by CTUC including in the Caribbean, Southern Africa, India, Bangladesh, Sierra Leone; East Africa and West Africa, [1981]-2003; papers from project workers meetings reporting the work done by project workers in various Commonwealth countries, 1991-1997 and agendas, debriefings and memoranda from Project Committee meetings, 1986-1990; CTUC annual reports and related documents, 1996-2001; papers relating to the CTUC 20th Birthday Appeal, launched 29 Mar 1999; CTUC circulars and attachments,1982-2004, including announcement of Patrick Quinn as new Director, 1988 and papers relating to CTUC conferences, 1980-1999.
Commonwealth Trade Union CouncilPamphlets, reports, congress reports, documents, press cuttings, communiqués, and profiles, 1970 onwards, issued by Acción Cultural Popular, Acción Sindical del Atlántico, Amnesty International, Anti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights, Asamblea Nacional Popular, Colombia Human Rights Committee, Comité Costarricense de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Colombiano, Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos (Colombia), Comité por la Defensa de los Derechos del Hombre y de los Prisonieros Políticos en Colombia, Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca (CRIC), Corporación Integral para el Desarrollo Cultural y Social (CODECAL), Grupo de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (GIDE), Integración para el Desarrollo y la Acción Social, Movimiento 19 de Abril Conferencia Nacional (7th : 1979 : Colombia), Primer Encuentro Internacional de Comités-Colombia en el Exterior (1979 : Paris), Solidaritätskomitee mit Kolumbien (Austria), United Nations Working Group of Experts on Slavery, Union Revolucionaria Socialista.
Institute for the Study of the AmericasPhotocopy of personal diary of 1972 coal mineworkers strike by Peter Clarney, member of National Union of Miners (NUM) Yorkshire Area.
Clarney , Peter , fl 1972 , coal minerCitrine's diaries and diary notes, and original shorthand diaries; reference notebooks; correspondence and papers; general files and correspondence relating to the Trades Union Congress; papers relating to the National Coal Board and the Industrial Relations Bill, 1970; material relating to Citrine's honours and eminent contemporaries; press cuttings and printed material; and photographs.
Citrine , Walter Mclennan , 1887-1983 , 1st Baron Citrine , trade unionistConstitutions, press release and directory issued by the Union of Christmas Island Workers, 1976-1977.
Institute of Commonwealth StudiesThis collection consists of papers kept by Lord Chorley concerning his work at the Ministry of Labour during World War One, including weekly reports from the ministry and essays by Lord Chorley; minutes of meetings and discussion papers from the New Fabian Research Bureau; official papers which cover Lord Chorley's work as member of government and legal committees; papers relating to his membership of the National Co-operating Body for Education; and papers relating to his work in the Association of University Teachers, including material on the reconstruction of German universities.
Chorley , Robert Samuel Theodore , 1895 - 1978 , 1st Baron Chorley , lawyer and conservationistNotes and transcript of [? Brian Willan's] interview of Ignatius Chigwendere, trade unionist and activist, dealing with Rhodesian trade union movement and nationalist politics (1959-1966); partucularly Chigwendere's work as National Organising Secretary for the Tailors and Garment Workers' Union, 1961 and as Disputes Secretary for the Southern Rhodesia Trades Union Congress, 1961-1963; also his involvement with the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU and the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), 1962-1963, and his arrest and deportation from Rhodesia in 1963-1964.
Chigwendere , Julius , b 1939 , trade unionist and political activistRecords of an investigation into the wages and conditions of work of unskilled labour, especially in London. Interviews with representatives of the London Carmen's Union, the General Labourers' Amalgamated Union and the United Builder's Labourers Union.
Charity Organisation SocietyPaper entitled The Strike in the London Boot Trade, 1885-1886.
Chapman , Sidney , fl 1885-1886 , solicitorPapers of historian Raymond Challinor (1929-2011), including: correspondence, internal memoranda, minutes and papers regarding International Socialists, 1960s - 1970s; press cuttings of reviews, articles and letters to the press by Challinor, 1960-1981; research materials, pamphlets and papers on Tom Mann, early trade unionism, Chartism, labour history in the North East of England, socialism and the Neptune Yard Strike (shipyard lying-on time dispute) on the Tyne, 1806-2000.
Challinor , Raymond , 1929-2011 , historianThis collection is comprised of various administrative records, publications, reports, and papers of study groups of the Centre for Policy studies, and is divided into 15 sections: 1. Centre for Policy Studies Minutes; 2. Administration Papers; 3. Working Papers; 4. Research Papers; 5. Publications; 6. Speeches; 7. The Westwell Report; 8. Defence Study Group Papers; 9. Deregulation Study Group Papers; 10. Employment and Economy Study Group Papers; 11. First Eleven Group Papers; 12. Health Study Group Papers; 13. Nationalised Industry Study Group Papers; 14. Soviet Study Group Papers; 15. Trade Union Reform Study Papers.
Centre for Policy StudiesArchives of the Central Labour College comprising minute book, 1909-1918, and legal papers relating to a dispute between the warden and the Governors, 1918.
Central Labour CollegeTypescript draft letter [author's name removed] to the Editor of the Central African Examiner, on the renaissance of trade unionism in Nyasaland, c 1961.
Central African ExaminerPapers and correspondence concerning the work of the Labour Party, Fabian Society and the role of women in politics, 1965-2004, including papers relating to a study of Deptford Labour Party, 1984-1985; Special Advisers pay and meetings, Royal Institute of Public Administration 1974-1992; leadership and deputy leadership elections, 1983-1988; Broadcasting bill 1989; Labour common market safeguards and Euro safeguards campaign, 1986-1995; John Silkin's reselection and Deptford CLP membership 1983-1986; evidence to Fabian Society 1992; NHS Support Federation 1990-1991; devolution, c 1976; Labour Solidarity Campaign 1982; Defence Spokesmen resignations 1983-2004; defence, 1983; Parliamentarians for World Order, peace initiative 1982-1984. Also unpublished articles, c 2003-c2004; Carlton's correspondence as Labour Party Local Government Officer 1967-1973, and copies of PARTNERSHIP: Newsletters for Labour Councillors, Volumes 1965-1972
Carlton , Ann , fl 1965-2004 , Labour party activistConstitution and conference report issued by the Caribbean Congress of Labour and the Caribbean Union of Teachers.
Institute of Commonwealth StudiesLeaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and pamphlets at federal and state level issued by the Canadian Labour Congress, the Canadian Union of Public Employees, the Confederation of Canadian Unions, and the Fédération des travailleurs du Québec, and the Ontario Federation of Labour.
Institute of Commonwealth StudiesLeaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and pamphlets at federal and state level issued by the British Columbia Federation of Women, the Canada West Foundation, the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, the Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples, the Canadian Association in Support of the Native Peoples, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the Canadian League of Rights, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, the Committee of Anglophones for Sovereignty-Association, the Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform, the Comité pour le réveil indépendantiste, the Conseil du patronat du Québec, the Elector's Action Movement (Vancouver), the Fondation des Québécois pour le Oui, the Groupe socialiste des travailleurs du Québec, Human Action to Limit Taxes, In Struggle!, the Ligue des droits de l'homme, L'organisation des jeunes indépendantistes pour un Québec communautaire, the Mouvement etudiant pour le oui, the Mouvement québécois pour combattre le racisme, the National Council of Women of Canada, the National Women's Liberal Commission, the Progressive Youth Movement, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, the Vancouver Status of Women, the Workers' Defence Alliance.
Institute of Commonwealth StudiesNotes, correspondence, press-cuttings and ephemera found in the Burns library. Correspondents include Charles Booth (1903). Press-cuttings cover subjects such as unemployment, local government, religion, and trades unions. Also includes a scrapbook of William Cobbett letters (1831-1832) and minutes of Liverpool branch of Association of All Classes of All Nations (1837-1839).
Burns , John Elliott , 1858-1943 , trade unionist and politicianTwo items c 1892, by John Burnett of the Board of Trade concerning the reduction of wages and strikes in the mining, shipbuilding, metal and textile trades.
Burnett , John , 1842-1914 , trade union leader and civil servantBryant and May Strike Register, 1888, later used as a letter and cuttings book.
Strike Register giving details of 263 workers on strike, Jul 1888, at the Centre, and Top Centre workshops - showing address, marital status, occupation, rate of pay, and dependents, boy workers are indicated; details of 186 workers at the Victoria factory and 264 workers at the Wax and Box Stores and Patents; Payments register for Victoria, Wax and Box, Centre and Top Centre, showing strike pay allotted and amounts actually paid out to each striker on 14 and 21 Jul 1888.
Cuttings and miscellaneous section: cuttings on the strike, Jul 1888; strike fund balance sheets, 14 and 21 Jul 1888; Labour Gazette cutting on the Factory and Workshops Acts (FWA), 1893; Matchmakers' Trade Union balance sheet, Aug 1888 - July 1889; Matchmakers' Union leaflet, 1893, with hand-written notes on 'phossy-jaw'; correspondence and papers on strike at Bell's Match Factory, Bromley-by-Bow, London, 1893-1894, including correspondence between Herbert Burrows, and the Managing Director, Charles Bell, on pay and conditions, parliamentary question (with reply) by J A Murray McDonald MP for Bow and Bromley, on the use of police at the factory, and Matchmakers Union strike fund appeal; cuttings on 'phossy-jaw', 1898-1899; FWA notices on lucifer match factories, 1895-1896;
The collection comprises two manuscript volumes relating to Henry Broadhurst's life and work. Volume 1 contains minutes of the Advanced Liberal Association of the Borough of Greenwich 30 May 1874; Broadhurst's statement on collectivism; an address to the cooperative society on 'Old age pensions'; a draft letter ' to the editor of the Eastern Daily Press, 1891; a 'Life of Henry Broadhurst' including copies of several letters sent to Broadhurst (last dated 1905). Volume 2 contains minutes of the Gas Men's Defence Committee, 1872-1874, of which Broadhurst was Secretary, with two lists of subscribers, many of them women. There are also a number of loose papers in this volume relating to the Committee including minutes of a sub-committee, 1872-1874; accounts of relief granted; leaflets issued by the Committee; an expense sheet, 1873; subscriptions sheets; and cuttings regarding a gas stokers' case and the Master and Servants Act.
Broadhurst , Henry , 1840-1911 , Trades Unionist and MPPapers of H B Williams, the secretary of the British Socialist Party Birmingham section. Correspondence from British Socialist Party members including Leonard Hall and Ralph Parr, also leaflets bills and press cuttings. There is also an index which gives names of correspondent and the folios on which they appear.
British Socialist PartyRecords of the Bristol Brewery Georges and Company Limited, including Board of directors minute book; Directors' report and statement of accounts; rules and list of fixtures, Bristol Brewery Georges and Co. Ltd. Athletic Club; papers relating to wages and salaries; memorandums; correspondence; loan stock registers and report and valuation of properties, including those of subsidiaries (thus Bristol United Breweries, Charlton, Oakhill, Dunlop Mackie, Crocker, St Vincent's Hotel, Lewins Properties).
Bristol Brewery Georges and Co LtdPamphlets, leaflets, newsletters, reports, conference reports and histories, 1968 onwards issued by 13 de Maio, Articulação Nacional de Movimentos Populares e Sindicais, Associação das Mulheres (São Paulo, Brazil), Associação de Cooperação Comunitária das Áreas Problemas de Salvador, Associação de Cooperação Comunitária das Áreas-Problema da Região Metropolitana de Salvador, Associacão Difusora de Treinamentos e Projetos Pedagógicos, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Campanha da Fraternidade (Brazil), Cáritas Brasileira, Carrefour International, Catholic Church, Central Unica dos Trabalhadores (CUT), Centro de Aperfeiçoamento do Trabalhador-Betim (CAT), Centro de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos de Sao Miguel, Centro de Documentação e Pesquisa Vergueiro, Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea, Centro de Estudos do Trabalho (Brazil), Centro de Estudos, Pesquisa e Planejamento (Rio de Janeiro), Centro de Informação, Documentação e Análise Sindical, Centro de Pastoral da Comunicação (Pacom), Centro de Pastoral Vergueiro, Centro Ecumênico de Documentaçao e Informaçao, Christian Aid, Collectif de Soutien à la lutte Révolutionnaire du Peuple Brésilien, Comissão Arquidiocesana da Pastoral dos Direitos Humanos e dos Marginalizados de São Paulo, Comissão de Bairros de Belém, Comissão de Fábrica dos Trabalhadores da Barbará, Comissão de Pastoral Operária Nacional(CPO Nacional), Comissão Nacional Pró-CUT, Comissão Pastoral da Terra, Comité Belge Europe-Amerique Latine, Comitê de Solidariedade aos Revolucionarios do Brasil, Comité de Solidarité avec le peuple Brésilien, Comité de Solidarité France-Brésil, Committee of Returned Volunteers, Comunidades Eclesiais de Base (Brasil), Confederação Evangélica do Brasil, Confederação Nacional de Trabalhadores na Agricultura (Brazil), Confederaçoa Evangélica do Brasil, Confédération Française démocratique du travail, Conferência Nacional da Classe Trabalhadora, Conferencia Nacional de Obispos de Brasil, Congresso dos Trabalhadores nas Industrias Metalúgicas, Mecánicas e de Material Eléctrico do Brasil, Congresso dos Trabalhadores Rurais, Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviços (Brazil), Corporate Accountability Research Group, Departamento de Criação e Promoções da Editora Abril (Brazil), Departamento de Imprensa Nacional (Brazil), Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Sócio-Econômicos (Brazil), Diocese de Marabá-Pará, Ediciones Tierra Nueva, Encontro das Classes Trabalhadoras, Encontro Nacional de Experiências de Medicina Comunitária, Encontro Nacional do Partido dos Trabalhadores, Equipe Reconstrução, Federação de Orgaos para Assistência Social e Educacional (FASE), Federação e Sindicatos de Comerciários de Santa Catarina, Federation of Agricultural Workers of the State of Pernambuco, Frente Nacional do Trabalho, Fundação Centro de Estudos do Trabalho, Fundação Wilson Pinheiro, Indigena, Inc., Instituto Apoio Jurídico Popular, Instituto Cajamar, Instituto de Ação Cultural (Brazil), Instituto de Estudos Amazônicos, Instituto de Estudos Sócio-Econômicos (Brasília, Brazil), Instituto Metodista de Ensino Superior (São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil), Instituto Sedes Sapientiae (São Paulo, Brazil), Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, International Commission for the Co-ordination of Solidarity Among Sugar Workers, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Young Christian Workers, Liberation (Movement for Colonial Freedom), Metalúrgicos Comunistas de São Paulo, Movimento de Oposição Sindical Metalúrgica de São Paulo, Movimento Democrático Brasileiro, Movimiento Sindical de Trabalhadores Rurais (Brazil), Núcleo de Educação Popular (Brazil), Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Russell Tribunal on Repression in Brazil, Chile, and Latin America, SAPUCAI-Centro de Assessoria-Pouso Alegre-MG, Secretaria do Trabalho e Bem Estar Social (Bahia, Brazil), Secrétariat de la JOC internationale, Serviço de Integração de Migrantes (Brazil), Sindicato da Indústria Petroquímica e de Resinas Sintéticas no Estado da Bahia, Sindicato dos Plásticos de São Paulo, Sindicato dos Metalurgicos de Barra Mansa, Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos de Campinas e Região, Sindicato dos trabalhadores metalúrgicos de São Paulo, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores na Indústria Petroquímica no Estado da Bahia, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Inds, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias Metalúrgicas, Mecânicas e de Material Elétrico de Sao Bernardo do Campo e Diadema, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais, Sociedade Paraense de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos, Unidade Portuária, United Nations, Universidade Federal de Paraíba, World Council of Churches, and the Young Christian Workers International Secretariat.
Institute for the Study of the AmericasManuscripts of major works, essays, notes, correspondence, newspapers articles and printed material belonging to John Francis Bray. Also some photocopies of Bray material deposited in the USA. The collection has been divided into 5 sections and three appendices:
Part 1 Major Works.
Part 2 Essays and Works.
Part 3 Newspaper articles and correspondence (with notes by A Inglis).
Part 4 Family correspondence.
Part 5 Note by A Inglis.
Part 6 Bray additional. Agnes Inglis deposited additional material in 1947. This consists mainly of photocopies of manuscripts in the Labadie Collection of the University of Michigan, and her own notes on Bray.
Appendix 1 "The Bray collection in the British Library of Political and Economic Science" by Croft and Dickenson.
Appendix 2 Biography of J F Bray for the Dictionary of Labour Biography.
Appendix 3 Former and present catalogue references.
In addition a further number of Bray's manuscripts and essays were deposited, 1938-1939. A genealogy of the Bray family by Carolyn Clark was deposited in 1974.
Papers of activist and historian Noreen Branson (1910-2003), including: wartime correspondence between Noreen and husband Clive Branson regarding miscellaneous and personal topics, 1941-1943; photographs of artwork and paintings by Clive Branson, n.d.; miscellaneous papers, press cuttings and correspondence regarding Clive Branson's death in 1944 and papers concerning Branson's art career, 1941-1944; typescript Communist Party of Great Britain papers of various classes and publications, possibly compiled by Noreen Branson, c1945; handwritten notes on books, pamphlets and conferences, possibly by Branson or Emile Burns, c1945 -1950; press cuttings regarding the stock exchange and the economy, 1967.
Branson , Noreen , 1910-2003 , activist and historianPapers and photographs of Fred Bramley, Secretary, Trades Union Congress (TUC), relating to trade unionism in the Soviet Union, 1915, 1924-1925, comprising:
resolution of the National Amalgamated Furnishng Trades' Association, protesting against the alleged brutal treatment of trade unionists by the Russian Government, 1915; papers on visit of TUC delegation to the Soviet Union, Nov-Dec 1924 [Bramley was Secretary], including itinerary; diary notes on visits to Moscow Military Barracks and the principal prison in Moscow, the Leningrad Electricity Scheme, and the Palace of Labour, Lenningrad, note on the English Department of the Marx-Engels Instutute, Moscow; draft of official report; pamphlets, mainly in Russian, 1924-1925; ephemera including menus and railway tickets; papers on Anglo-Russian Trade Union Conference held at the TUC, Apr 1925
Diary of Margaret Bondfield, with papers, cuttings and posters, relating to the joint delegation of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and the Labour Party to the Soviet Union in 1920 and the "Hands Off Russia" movement against Allied military intervention. Also papers relating to the International Trades Union Congress, 22-27 Nov 1920.
Bondfield , Margaret Grace , 1873-1953 , Trade Unionist, Suffragist and Cabinet MinisterBolivian political pamphlets sollection comprising pamphlets, reports, government publications, programs, bulletins, conference proceedings, dossiers, leaflets, communiqués, histories, declarations and manifestos, 1965-[2005], issued by ACLO (Organization), ANPROCA, Anti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights, Asamblea Permanente de Derechos Humanos de Bolivia, Asociación de Educación Radiofónica de Bolivia ERBOL, Association for Education in Journalism, Bolivian Government Ministries, Carrefour International, Catholic Church, Central Obrera Boliviana (COB), Centre d'Information Bolivie, Centro de Información y Documentación de Bolivia, Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado, Centro de Producción Minera (Bolivia), Centro Dermatológico de Monteagudo, Centro Internacional de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Agrícola, Comisión de Estudios y Acción Social de la Conferencia Episcopal Boliviana, Comité de Solidaridad para la Defensa de la Democracia en Bolivia, Confederación Independiente de Campesinos de Bolivia, Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia Tupaj Katari, Congreso de Pueblos y Organizaciones Indias de Sud América (2nd : 1983 : Tiahuanacu, Bolivia), Consejo Indio de Sudamérica, Congreso Nacional Minero (XVI : 1976 : [La Paz]), Corte Nacional Electoral (Bolivia), DIAL, Federación Departamental de Trabajadores Campesinos de Cochabamba, Frente de Unidad Democratica y Popular (Bolivia), Instituto Promotor de Inversiones en Bolivia, MIR (Revolutionary movement : Bolivia), Movimiento Indio Tupaj Katari, Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (Bolivia), Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario Auténtico (Bolivia), Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario de Izquierda (Bolivia), Partido Comunista de Bolivia, Partido Demócrata Cristiano (Bolivia), Partido Socialista-1 (Bolivia), Plenaria Nacional Sindical, Programa Khana Educación - Promoción - Radio, Radio San Gabriel (La Paz, Bolivia), Segundo Encuentro de Pequeños Productores (1979 : La Paz), Sindicato Minero de Siglo XX, Studie-Aksie Groep Oosterveld v.z.w.(SAGO), Unesco, Unión Nacional de Instituciones para el Trabajo de Acción Social, Unión Nacionalista del Pueblo (Bolivia), United Nations, Universidad Boliviana Tomas Frias' de Potosi, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Vanguardia Obrera Comunista, Washington Office on Latin America.
Institute for the Study of the AmericasStaff records of Blue Nile Brewery Limited, including papers relating to appointments, trainees and head brewers; papers relating to salaries; papers relating to trade unions; and records relating to the Institute of Brewing.
Barclay Perkins and Co (Sudan) Ltd , brewers Blue Nile Brewery LtdThree bound volumes relating to problems in the coal industry, containing:
Vol. 1 Printed and stencilled pamphlets and memoranda.
Vol. 2 Miscellaneous letters.
Vol. 3 Press cuttings from The Times 8 Apr 1921-19 May 1921.
Records of Bethnal Green Labour Party consists of:
Minute book 1910-1911, folio 2 to folio 50.
Flyer advertising open-air demonstration at Mansford Street, Bethnal Green, 14 Aug [1910], folio 39.
Flyer advertising a procession from Mile End to Bethnal Green Road, 1910, folio 40.
Second annual report of 1909 dealing with the history and administration of the branch, folio 42 to folio 46.