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Archival description
GB 0096 AL112 · Fonds · 1878

Letter from Herbert Spencer of the Bristol Hotel, Brighton to Mr Williams, 25 Jan 1878. 'I did not ask for the Second Edition of [Henry] Sidgwick's Ethics. I asked for the additions and alterations ... printed separately ... As for the book itself I do not want it. I do not regard it worth the paper it is printed upon.'

Autograph, with signature. Annotated in a different hand [?by an assistant of Williams] on the dorse of the first leaf.

Spencer , Herbert , 1820-1903 , philosopher
Spencer, Herbert
GB 0096 MS 791 · Collection · 1830-1936

Correspondence, papers, drawings and newspaper cuttings relating to Herbert Spencer. Also contains photographs, portraits and drawings of Spencer, his family and other subjects, 1830-1936, as well as minutes of meetings of Herbert Spencer's trustees (1905-1936). Correspondents include Sir Robert Peel, Richard Cobden, John Bright, Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Sir John Herschel, Charles Darwin, George Grote, Edward Henry Stanley, Benjamin Jowett, John Stuart Mill, Charles Kingsley, Edward Stanley [fourteenth earl of Derby], Thomas Henry Huxley, William Gladstone, Leslie Stephen, Beatrice Webb, Sir Hubert Parry, James Anthony Froude, Lord Queensberry

Spencer , Herbert , 1820-1903 , philosopher
Spencer Park School
GB 0347 S5 · Collection · 1857-1985

The collection is contains material relating to Spencer Park school including copies of the school magazine, papers outlining the history of the school and the Royal Victoria Patriotic Asylum site, prospectuses, photographs, newspaper cuttings, programmes and various other items. There are no administrative records for the school in the collection. Additionally there is a series of deeds, leases, and other papers relating to the Royal Victoria Patriotic Asylum site, the building of the school, and the sale of the site in the 1980s for redevelopment.

Please contact the Archive for further information
GB 0074 PS/S · Collection · 1873-1962

Records of Feltham Magistrates Court (part of Spelthorne Petty Sessions Division), 1873-1962. Records include court registers; registers of matrimonial cases; juvenile court registers; adoption files (closed); court notes; Justice's Meeting minute books; licensing registers; Probation Committee minute books and plans.

Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

Matrimonial cases: A married woman under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1895 and subsequent Acts could go to a magistrates' court and apply for orders which in certain circumstances would enable her to separate from her husband, have custody of any children and receive maintenance from him. Under the Poor Law Amendment Act 1844 a mother expecting a bastard child or who had given birth to one could obtain a maintenance order against the putative father.

Spelthorne Petty Sessional Division Feltham Magistrates Court
GB 0402 JHS · 1857-1940

Papers of John Hanning Speke including observation files, 'Explorations in Eastern Africa', 1859; copies of letters from the East African expedition to Philip Lutley Sclater and Sir William Hooker, Sep 1860, and to the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), 1 Oct 1860; observations and computations, Lake region and upper Nile, 1861-1863; 44 letters to the RGS, 1857-1864, from East Africa with some information on his second expedition with Richard Francis Burton, and from Wiltshire concerning his relations with Burton and the preparations for his proposed expedition with James Augustus Grant to the source of the Nile, and from East Africa reporting on the progress of that expedition; letter to Col Rigby from Khoko, 12 Dec 1860; letter to King Rumanika of Karagwé, Mar 1862; two letters from John Petherick, 24 Feb and 15 Apr 1863 concerning the aid he expected to receive from Petherick; coloured plates of birds noted in Africa by Wilhelm Ruppell and others with original watercolour sketches by Speke and Grant on blank verso pages, Speke's signature on the inside front cover is followed by a page of notes on the use of watercolours and a sketch of King M'tesa of Uganda; reprint from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol 24, 'Report on a zoological collection from the Somali country by Edward Blyth, with additions and corrections by the collector' [Speke], edited by P L Sclater, London, 1860; letter, unfinished, to Mr. Tinne, from Neston Park, 1864; sketch maps of Lake Tanganyika and of Speke's route in 1857, (11 sheets, sheet 8 has a letter from Speke to the RGS from Unyanyembe, 20 Nov 1857, written on the back); volume entitled 'Extracts', containing a collection of press cuttings relating to the discovery of the source of the Nile by Speke and Grant and to Speke's death, 1863-1864 and volume entitled 'Record', containing extracts prepared by the Royal College of Arms for the Speke family.

Speke , John Hanning , 1827-1864 , explorer
GB 1556 WL 1526 · 1979

Papers of Albert Speer, 1979, comprise a transcript of an interview conducted over several days in October 1979 by the depositor at the home of Albert Speer in Heidelberg, Germany. It covers Speer's involvement with the Nazi Party; his relationship with Hitler and other senior Nazis; his views on Nazi war crimes including his own involvement; anti-Semitism and prison life at Spandau.

Wilson , Philip J , fl 1979-1980
GB 0074 ACC/2920 · Collection · 1811-1907

Papers collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising account of Fricker and Henderson for 'painting and imitations' done to villa of John Walters, Teddington, 1811 and abstract of title of the North London Land and Building Co. Ltd. to premises in Belsize Avenue, Bowes Park, Edmonton (formerly part of Bowes Farm House/Manor House estate), 1907, with plans.

Speechly Bircham , solicitors
GB 0096 MS300 · Fonds · c1500-1700

Contains the following items: ff 3-8. Certaine replies and obiections Answered by William Lord Burleigh at the Councell Table vizt. whether it may stand with good polecy for her Majestie to ioyne with [ciphers] in their enterprize of [cipher]. ff 9-24. A collection of speeches by Sir Nicholas Bacon while Lord Keeper of the Great Seal (1558-1579) ff 27-31. An extract of House of Commons proceedings for Nov 1601. ff 32. A Speech made by the Lord Chauncellor of Fraunce [King?] at such time as he was by the kinges [Louis XIII] commaund willed to [resign] his office. ff 34-35. Wise and grave precepts. ff 36-47. Another collection of speeches by Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper. ff 48-60. To Mr. Anthonye Bacon. An apologye of the Earle of Essex agaynst those that falslye and Maliciouslye taxe him to be the onlye hinderer of the peace and quiet of his Cuntrye. ff 64-77. Severall speeches made by Sir Francis Bacon Lord Keeper of the greate Seele of England. ff 80-118. A collection of certen letters written by Sir Frauncis Bacon Knight and others. [f 112 is blank].

GB 1556 WL 610 · Collection · 1936-1992

Papers of David Spector, 1936-1992, including leaflets, periodicals and pamphlets of British right wing organisations and anti-Semitic propaganda.
Correspondence on topics including anti-Semitism; right wing organisations; Lord Beaverbrook's alleged association with Hitler; the organisation of 'Moral Re-armament'; expropriated Jewish property; A K Chesterton's involvement in the National Front and Count Nicholas Tolstoy's views on the Cossacks' role during World War Two.

Press cuttings and typescript article on right wing groups in Britain during World War Two including descriptions of the following groups: '18B Detainees'; British Aid Fund; People's Common Law Parliament; Social Credit; British National Party; Peace Pledge Union; Society of Individualists; National League of Freedom and 'Black Hundred' and copies of documents on the activities, interrogation and internment of Oliver Gilbert, prominent British Fascist of the 1930s and 1940s.

Spector , David , fl 1930-1997 , anti-fascist campaigner
GB 0117 MS 68 · sub-fonds · 17th century

A calligraphic sample book, presumably compiled to demonstrate the skills of the unknown artist. Containing samples of writing and drawing styles, including some fine natural history drawings of freshwater animals.

f.1: fanciful decorative border including vignettes of indians with feather headresses, birds, snails, rams' heads, sphinxes, architectural columns, candles and paintings.

f.2: illustrations of four types of freshwater fishes: barbel (top); pike (bottom); bream (left) and gudgeon (right). With outer and inner borders of very small and patterned calligraphy.

f.3: specimen of calligraphy: Proverbs 16: 7-9 commencing "Wenn dem Herrn..." and ending "...aber der Herr allein gibt dass es fortgehe". Highly decorated 'W', using flowers, leaves and fruits.

f.4: seven lines of text with letters staggered at the line centre. Accompanied by a freely drawn bird [a swan on water?] and an illustration of a crayfish or lobster.

f.5r: three columns of written text, various styles and forms of address, commencing "Dantiscanae urbis origo"

f.5v: three coluns of written text, various styles and forms of address, commencing "Qua' tibi depictum..."

The presentation is noted in a meeting of the Royal Society of 26 February 1700/1: "Mr Owen was permitted to be present. He presented a fine piece of writing in a book done on Vellum at Dantzick [Gdansk, Poland]. He was thanked for it". [JBO/10 p.212].

GB 0096 MS166 · Fonds · 1830

Specification for Leeds and Selby Railway, contracts numbered 1 and 2, Sep 1830. This specification was owned by Rastrick but may not have been created by him.

Rastrick , John Urpeth , 1780-1856 , civil engineer
GB 1538 RCOG/B13 · Fonds · c 1970-2008

Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Specialty Education Advisory Committee and its predecessors, c 1970-2008, comprising: Committee agenda, minutes and papers (1972-2008); minute books (1981-1998); accreditation regulations and documentation (1980-2002); accreditation files (1970-1995); Special Skills training modules and documentation (2002-2005); agenda, minutes and papers of the Minimal Access Surgery sub-committee (1995-2003).

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
GB 1538 M · 1942-2000

Records listed include minutes, correspondence, papers and published reports, 1942-1996. Not all working parties and special committees will be found in this series; where special working parties etc were set up under the auspices of particular committees of the College or as joint ventures with other bodies they were as a rule allocated separate series numbers (see below under related material). For details refer to individual series descriptions, which are arranged as follows:
M1: Macafee ad hoc committee on training for the specialty and matters related thereto, 1962-1967.
M2: Working party on intimate examinations, 1996-1997.
M3: 'Early discharge' survey, 1962-1963.
M4: Working party to consider the Platt Report, 'A Reform of Nursing Education', 1965.
M5: Caesarean section survey, 1967-1968.
M6: Working group in reproductive health/community gynaecology, 1991-1993.
M7: Working party on unplanned pregnancy, 1969-1971.
M8: Sub-committee considering the College's future attitude to contraception, 1977-1978.
M9: Working party to consider effective representation within the College, 1995-1996.
M10: Working party on screening for neural tube defects, 1977-1979.
M11: Working party on overseas affairs, 1994-1995.
M12: Working party on further specialisation within obstetrics and gynaecology, 1980-1982.
M13: Working party on termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality, 1995-1996.
M15: Working party on evidence to the Royal Commission on the National Health Service, 1976-1977.
M16: Working party on stillbirth and neonatal death, 1978-1986.
M17: Sub-specialisation advisory group, 1980-1984.
M19: Working party on minimum standards of care in labour, 1993-1994.
M21: Working party on gynaecological laparoscopy and confidential enquiry into laparoscopy, 1977-1982.
M24: Maternity services and obstetric services committee, 1951-1957.
M25: Maternity unit planning committee, 1959-1960. M26: Sub-committee to consider 'A Hospital Plan for England and Wales', 1962.
M27: General practitioner maternity unit committee, 1961-1962.
M28: Maternity hospital planning sub-committee, 1969-1971.
M29: Ad hoc committee on staffing structure of departments of obstetrics and gynaecology, 1971-1973.
M30: Working party on medical gynaecology, 1982-1984.
M31: Working party on manpower redistribution in training grades, 1978-1980.
M32: Manpower advisory sub-committee, 1980-1983.
M33: Working party on antenatal and intrapartum care, 1979-1983.
M34: Working party on the role of women doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology, 1984-1987.
M35: Committee on human fertility and questionnaire sub-committee, 1944-1949.
M36: Sub-committee on the gynaecological aspects of the health of women war workers, 1942.
M37: Nutrition committee 1944-1947.
M38: Response to the report of the Ministry of Health and Scottish Home and Health Department working party on ambulance training and equipment, 1966-1967.
M39: RCOG and Simon Trust report on the sterilisation of women, 1967-1969.
M40: Working party on unplanned pregnancy, 1989-1991.
M41: Hospital visiting working party, 1993.
M42: Working party on continuing medical education (formerly working party on continuing specialist education), 1988-1992.
M43: LOGIC working party (formerly PROLOGIC working party), 1984-1988.
M44: Obstetric flying squads survey, 1980-1987.
M45: Working party on guidelines for private practice in obstetrics and Gynaecology in the UK, 1986-1990.
M46: Response to the House of Commons Health Committee enquiry into maternity services, 1991-1992.
M47: Submission to the London Implementation Group, following the Tomlinson Report, 1992-1993.
M48: Independent committee of inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the publication of two articles in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in August, 1994-1995.
M49: Medical curriculum sub-committee, 1954-1955.
M50: Futures working party, 1898-1992; M51: MRCOG working party, 1991.
M52: Working party on structured training, 1993.
M53: Working party to audit structured training, 1999-2000.
M54: DRCOG working party, 1993.
M55: Working party on ultrasound screening for fetal abnormalities, 1995-2000.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
GB 0074 SC · Collection · 1508-2008

The Special Collections fonds comprises four important collections of graphic material: prints and maps from the Guildhall Library; Ordnance Survey maps; the photograph library and a collection of prints.

The Guildhall Library Prints and Maps collection is a diverse collection of graphic material relating to the City of London and surrounding areas, 1553-2008; including prints, sketches, drawings, engravings, etchings, panoramas, photographs and lantern slides of various subjects including streets and buildings, Second World War bomb damage, churches, people, City of London Corporation personnel and events including the Lord Mayor, statues and memorials, the Thames, and markets. Also maps, plans and surveys of London and surrounding counties, London streets, parish boundaries, railways, tramways, and sewers. With a collection of ephemeral items including posters, bills, cuttings, printed menus, invitations, exhibition ephemera, playing cards, trade cards, booksellers' labels, satires, and theatre playbills and programmes.

Ordnance Survey maps of Kent, 1894-1939; London, 1848-1940; and Middlesex, 1863-1914.

The prints collection is arranged by area of London, including views of streets and buildings in Bermondsey, Bethnal Green, Battersea, Chelsea, Camberwell, City of London, Deptford, Finsbury, Fulham, Greenwich, Holborn, Hackney, Hammersmith, Hampstead, Islington, Kensington, Lambeth, Lewisham, Paddington, Poplar, Shoreditch, Saint Marylebone, Stoke Newington, Saint Pancras, Stepney, Southwark, Wandsworth, Tower of London, Westminster, and Woolwich; 1508-1988.

The photograph library, 1890-1986, includes photographs of streets organised by borough, including Barking and Dagenham, Barnet, Bexley, Brent, Bromley, Camden, Hammersmith and Fulham, City of London, Croydon, Ealing, Enfield, Greenwich, Hackney, Haringey, Harrow, Havering, Hillingdon, Hounslow, Islington, Kensington and Chelsea, Lambeth, Lewisham, Merton, Newham, Redbridge, Richmond, Southwark, Sutton, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Wandsworth and Westminster. Also photographs of subjects including London County Council and Greater London Council personnel, buildings and services; parks; statues; events and visits; important buildings; schools and educational services; rivers; fountains; industrial sites; healthcare services; museums; almshouses; lodging houses; youth clubs; social problems; docks; transport; churches and chapels; emergency services; libraries; restaurants and public houses.

Spech, Johann
GB 0120 MSS.755, 756 · 1595-1596

Commentarius R.P. Joannis Specij Societatis Jesu in octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis. Ejusdem in Aristotelis de Coelo quatuor libros et in duos de Generatione et Corruptione libros. Exceptus a Fratre Jacobo Petro Plonacho Benedictino Ottenpurano. On the verso of fol. 111 of the second volume is a pen-drawn figure of the Aristotelian geocentric Universe. In the second volume, on both title-pages the date is written wrongly 'MDCXVI' for 'MDXCVI'. On the first t.p. of this volume alone is the surname 'Plonach' of the writer given. In Vol. I and elsewhere he appears as 'Frater Jacobus Peter' only. Produced in Dillingen.

Spech , Johann
GB 0099 KCLMA Spears · 1851-[1974]

Papers, mainly on World War One compiled by Sir Edward Louis Spears, 1851-[1974]; notably including official World War One correspondence and telegrams, to GHQ, 1 Army, Gen Douglas Haig, Lt Gen Sir Henry Wilson and other officers, on infantry composition, munitions and artillery, lists of officers, colonial troops, morale, observation and intelligence gathering, the lessons of specific campaigns, the employment of tanks, casualties, prisoners of war (POWs), training, public opinion, operational orders for the French 6 Army by Gen Emile Fayolle, and more generally relations between the French and British armies, meetings, views and opinions by and concerning French C-in-C Henri-Philippe Petain, French Northern Army Commander, Ferdinand Foch, and Robert Nivelle, French C-in-C, 1916-1917, an interview with Georges Clemenceau, French Prime Minister from Nov 1917, US, Japanese, Greek and other correspondence and communications over Siberia, Japan, Finland, Bulgaria, and demands for independence by Eastern European peoples, US participation in the War and opinions on President Woodrow Wilson, Italian military offensives, precis of interviews with corps and army commanders, manuscript diary (1915), on the Russian civil war, post-war commerce, correspondence with Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill on post-war claims, the current political and military situation, especially in Russia, and Versailles peace conference papers, 1914-1920 (Spears Section 1); unpublished material collected by Spears for his publications on the War, including a report of events for 122 Bd, Royal Field Artillery (1916), detailed memoranda and correspondence concerning operations notably comprising copy letters between FM Sir Douglas Haig, Gen Nivelle, and others including to the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, and on reinforcements, the German postions, the Calais Agreement of February 1917, 1 and 3 Army operations, Franch Army mutinies in 1917, extracts from a diary covering the Battle of Arras, Apr 1917, the politics of liaison, interviews with French and British officers, including French C-in-C Henri-Philippe Petain and Lt Gen Sir Launcelot Edward Kiggell reflecting on strategic and other concerns, 1916-1938 (Spears Section 2); printed material by other authors on World War One used by Spears in his published studies, [1917-1964] (Spears Section 3); draft notes and chapters for Spears' published works on World War One, [1919-1974] (Spears Section 4); original source material and notes by Spears on the 1870 Siege of Paris, mainly rough notes and draft chapters on the Siege, original and copy letters from participants describing events and an exercise book containing lecture notes redating the Franco-Prussian War, [1851-1974] (Spears Section 5); newspaper reviews of Spears' books and critics' letters, 1930-1969 (Spears Section 6); material relating to a war memorial at Mons, 1936-1968 (Spears Section 7); personal papers, mainly articles on the life of Spears [1918-1974] (Spears Section 8), maps, principally of Arras, Bullecourt and Mons, during 1917 [1917]-1959 (Spears Section 9); photographic material, post cards and watercolour sketches, including of trenches, damaged buildings, troops and officers, and a visit to the Balkans in 1920, 1914-[1920] (Spears Section 10); photocopies of some items of Second World War material transferred to Churchill College, Cambridge, mainly on the fall of France, General de Gaulle, and French resistance, [1940-1943].

Spears , Sir , Edward Louis , 1886-1974 , knight , Major General
GB 0074 ACC/2820 · Collection · 1827-1959

Personal papers of Sir Alexander Young Spearman of Hanwell, including marriage settlement and related papers; appointment of trust funds; will and related papers; some papers relating to the Bracken family; and documents relating to property in Grosvenor Place, Mayfair and Hanwell.

Spearman , Sir , Alexander Young , 1793-1874 , 1st Baronet Spearman
SPEARING, Nigel (b 1930)
GB 0366 NS · Collection · 1962-2002

Papers of Nigel Spearing relating to education and government, 1962-2002, including files on educational provision for children with special needs, 1960s-1970s; educational reconstruction, 1979-1980; Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) reorganisation (especially relating to the amalgamation of Holland Park, Isaac Newton and Ladbroke schools, 1980-1981); examination reform, 1978 and the Socialist Educational Association (SEA), 1990s.

Annotated published government sources on educational matters, including briefing papers, draft bills, Hansard and related press cuttings on topics including: the comprehensive system, 1965; London education, 1972; the Education (No. 2) Bill, 1980; assisted places, 1980; the abolition of the HMI, 1991; and school governing bodies, 1999.

Spearing , Nigel , b 1930 , politician
GB 0120 PP/FGS · 1908-1980

Papers of Frederick Gordon Spear, 1908-1980. These papers fall naturally into several distinct groups; items pertaining to his radiological research conducted in Cambridge at the Strangeways Laboratory, materials about the Strangeways Laboratory as an institution, presumably accumulated during his many years as deputy director, papers relating to his connections with other bodies associated with radiology, such as the Hospital Physicists Association and the British Institute of Radiology, of which he was president in 1961, publications and unpublished papers by him, and also some publications by others on subjects related to the work he was doing.

A very small amount of material, not classifiable under these headings, has been put together in a 'Personal' section.

While Spear originally studied tropical medicine, and spent some time at the Baptist Mission Hospital at Yakusu in the Belgian Congo in the early 1920s this aspect of his career is not represented in these papers.

Received along with Spear's papers were a number of notebooks formerly belonging to his first wife Ada Louisa Sowerby, which she kept during her nurse and midwifery training in London in the later 1920s.

Spear , Frederick Gordon , 1895-1980 , radiologist
GB 0097 CITIZENSHIP · 1988-1990

Papers collated and created by the Speaker's Commission on Citizenship, 1988-1990, notably minutes of meetings of the main body of the Commission, 1988-1990; material relating to the final report of the Commission, 1989-1990, including drafts of the report, with comments by members and others, and papers of the working party meetings; supporting papers for the report of the Commission, 1989-1990; correspondence about the work of the Commission plus reports submitted to it, 1989-1990; papers relating to education and citizenship, notably the National Curriculum Council's report on Education for Citizenship, and associated papers, 1989, and material of the Consultative Conference on Citizenship in Schools, 1990.

Speaker's Commission on Citizenship
GB 0096 AL325 · Fonds · 1943

Letter from Robert William Speaight of 6 Maze Road, Kew, Richmond, Surrey to Miss [Joan] Gibbs, 20 Dec 1943. Accepting an invitation [to speak at Queen Mary College, University of London].

Autograph, with signature.

Speaight , Robert William , 1904-1976 , actor and author
GB 0074 ACC/1777 · Collection · 1896-1907

Papers collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising conveyance and plan for numbers 16 and 18 Brownlow Road, Willesden, 1896; mortgage for numbers 59 and 61 (formerly 16 and 18) Brownlow Road, Willesden, 1896; assignment for numbers 59 and 61 Brownlow Road, 1903 and assignment for numbers 59 and 61 Brownlow Road, 1907.

Sparling, Banham and Brough , solicitors
GB 0074 CLC/B/205 · Collection · [1830]-1942

Records of Sparks, White and Company Limited, wholesale druggists and distillers' chemists, comprising an index to a bought ledger c 1830; sales ledger 1859-62 and 1874-81; bought journals and sales day books 1834-61; general accounts 1836-7 and 1850-7; fruit department account book 1910-1942; letter books 1847-1855; and a business diary 1838.

Sparks, White and Co Ltd , wholesale druggists and distillers' chemists
GB 1744 RE SPARKS · Subfonds · 1916-1923

Papers of Nathaniel Sparks including letters to Sparks from Alfred Bentley, artist and drypoint engraver, 1916-1917, with 2 photographs; and letters and photographs from Malcolm Osborne, 1916-1925.

Sparks , Nathaniel , 1880-1957 , engraver
Spanish Civil War: a memoir
GB 1556 WL 686 · Collection · 1937

A typescript autobiographical account of an unidentified Austrian Jew's experience of imprisonment during the Spanish Civil War in 1936.

Spanish Civil War
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0091 · Collection · 1936-1939

Collection of periodicals, leaflets, newsletters and other publications relating to the Spanish Civil War, comprising of a large proportion of nationalist and republican propaganda, which itself includes photographs, statistics and official statements.

GB 0074 LMA/4521 · Collection · 1598-1997

Records of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation. The records can only be accessed at LMA with prior written permission from the Congregation. Written consent should therefore be obtained from the Honorary Archivist and Chief Executive of Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, 2 Ashworth Road, London W9 1JY. Permission to copy items from the collection should also be sought from the Honorary Archivist. Please contact staff for more information.

Records relating to the administration of the Congregation including: laws and regulations (Ascamot); orders and resolutions; minutes, agenda, indexes of minutes and attendance lists for meetings of the Mahamad, Elders and Yehidim of the Congregation and other committees; membership lists; various reports, including annual reports of the Mahamad to the Elders; correspondence of the Mahamad, Synagogue and associated organisations; records of the Portuguese Marranos Committee; records of denization relating to members of the Congregation (denization was a legal process allowing foreigners to gain the certain privileges equivalent to British subjects, including the right to hold land, through letters patent); contract books with signed agreements to supply coal, matzot and other commodities; records relating to shehita (ritual slaughter of animals in accordance with Jewish dietary laws); and 'livros dos pleitos', case books which record the Mahamad's arbitration of various disputes amongst the Congregation.

Records relating to the Synagogue's services including: registers of births; register of circumcisions; marriage registers (books of ketubot) and marriage licenses; registers of burials in the Old and New Beth Ahaim, Mile End, and lists of graves, certificates of registry of deaths and coroners orders for burial; seats lists; sermons, dictionaries and prayer books; apprentice books and records of religious classes.

Records relating to property and legal matters including: petitions to the royal family; various legal and probate documents relating to legacies left to the Synagogue and trusts administered by the Synagogue; property deeds for the land of the Synagogue and its institutions; funded property books recording the investment holdings of the Synagogue and its Trusts; rent books; and plans.

Financial records of the Congregation: account books, ledgers, journals and cash books; records of finta and offerings from the members; salary and wage books; balance sheets and annual statements; records of the London Sephardi Trust; account books for Congregational trusts and charities; subscription lists; sedaca account books (charitable funds administered by the Synagogue and money used for the upkeep of the Synagogue); and receipts.

Records of branch synagogues including: offerings books, account books and seating lists for the Lauderdale Road Synagogue (also referred to as New West End Synagogue) and minutes and byelaws and account books for the Mildmay Park Synagogue. Please note that records relating to the Lauderdale Road and Mildmay Park Synagogues may be included in the main series of Congregational records.

Related documentation including: records on the history of the Synagogue and the wider Jewish Community, papers relating to Dr Moses Gaster's history of the Synagogue, indexes and books of poetry.

Records of related organisations including:

  • Barrows' Buildings Almshouses, Bethnal Green, and Cocks Court Almshouses;

  • Beth Holim Hospital, Mile End (later the Home for the Aged);

  • Shahare Tikvah or Shaare Tikva (translates as Gates of Hope) School;

  • Villareal National Jews' School, Thrawl Street, Whitechapel (formerly the Girls' Charity School);

  • Spanish and Portuguese National and Infants' School;

  • Shaare Orah ve-Abi Yetomim (translates as Doors of Light and Father of Orphans) Orphan Society for poor orphaned girls (later Orphan Aid Society, alternatively Shahare Orah vaabi Yetomim);

  • Medrash (Midras/Medras) Heshaim Religious College;

  • Society of Honen Dalim, Menahem Abelim, Hebrat Yetomot and Hebrat Moelim (Moalim) (translates as 'Succouring the needy; comforting the mourners; society for assisting orphan girls; society for circumcisions');

  • Society Mehil Sedaca (translates as cloak of righteousness) for dowering orphans;

  • Mahasim Tobim (translates as good and gracious deeds) Loans Society;

  • Board of Guardians;

  • Hebra Guemiluth Hasadim Society for tending the sick and burying the dead;

  • Spanish and Portuguese Jews Burial Society;

  • Spanish and Portuguese Provident Burial Society;

  • Mikveh Israel (Hope of Israel) Society for lavadores (washers of corpses);

  • City of London Benevolent Society for assisting widows of the Jewish Faith (Hebra Yetom ve Almanah Ye'oded);

  • Spanish and Portuguese Abel Society (until 1903 known as Tsedaka Tatzil Memavet (translates as 'Charity Delivers from Death') and from 1954 as the Provident Abel Society);

  • The Montefiore Endowment, including material relating to Judith Lady Montefiore College, Ramsgate Synagogue and Ramsgate Jewish Burial Ground Society;

  • Sephardi Charities Aid Society;

  • Sephardic Congregational Association;

  • Spanish and Portuguese Lodge no 36, Order Achei Ameth, a Jewish Friendly Society;

  • London Zionist League;

  • Sephardi Literary Society;

  • Loan Society/Ernest Brandon Charitable Endowment;

  • Gift of Moses Lara Trust;

  • Holy Land Relief Fund;

  • Santa Irmandade de Orah Haim;

  • Associated Sephardi Congregations; and

  • Congregation Shearith Israel, New York.

Again, please note that records relating to the Congregation's charities may be included in the main series of Congregational records.

Personal and family records deposited with the Synagogue, including correspondence and diaries, sermons and treaties and essays and poetry of the Meldola and de Sola family.

Records of Sephardic Jewish Congregations in Barbados, Bordeaux, Amsterdam, Venice and Germany, including: minutes, petitions, byelaws, correspondence, accounts and service records for the Barbados Congregation (Nidhe Israel); photocopy of the minute book of the Bordeaux Congregation; and account books and papers relating to a loan for the Venice Congregation.

Records relating to Public Appeals, correspondence with other organisations namely the Board of Deputies of British Jews, and papers relating to associated congregations in Manchester and Ramsgate.

Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation
GB 0074 B/SPL · Collection · 1781-1911

Records of Spalding and Hodge, stationers, 1781-1911; and subsidiary or merged companies including Busbridge and Hodge, papermakers and Suttaby and Company, booksellers. Also records of the Stationers' Book Society. The records include business agreements, legal documents relating to properties, wages books, cash books, stock books, bills, rules and regulations for staff, letters patent, brochures about Spalding and Hodge and their history, inventories, correspondence and price lists. Stationers' Book Society records comprise minutes, accounts, and an address by Thomas Spalding.

Spalding and Hodge , stationers and paper merchants
GB 0120 GC/231 · 1909-1939

Papers on a development by Henri Spahlinger of a controversial vaccine treatment for tuberculosis, 1909-1929, and press-cuttings relating to public reaction to his claims 1932-1939.

Spahlinger , Henri , 1882-1965 , Swiss bacteriologist
GB 0074 ACC/1414 · Collection · 1791-1938

Papers, 1791-1938, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to properties in Saint Marylebone, Ealing, Edmonton and Sydenham comprising leases, abstracts of title and correspondence. Also papers of Harriette Turner of Camberwell, relating to her marriages, properties and financial accounts.

Spackman, Dole and Hood , solicitors
GB 0096 MS295 · Fonds · c1650

Spaccio della Bestia Trionfante. Proposto da Giove, Effetuato dal Consiglio, Revelato da Mercurio, Recitato da Sophia, Udito da Saulino, Registrato dal Nolano, Diviso in tre dialoghi, Subdiviso in tre parti e Consecrato al Molto Illustre ed Eccellente Cavaliero Signore Philippo Sidneo. Stampato in Parigi. MDLXXXIII.

GB 0099 KCLMA Sowrey · 1917-1925, 1940-1985

Papers relating to AM Sir Frederick Beresford Sowrey's life and career, 1940-1985, including manuscript meeting notes taken by Sowrey, on night air attacks, 17 Sep 1940; typescript lectures, notes and correspondence relating to course on Allied Defence at Royal College of Defence Studies, 1950; two volumes of typescript speeches by Chief of the Air Staff, ACM Sir Thomas (Geoffrey) Pike, Mar 1961-Jun 1962; typescript notes from the RAF School of Work Study, relating to management training [1962]; personal correspondence, 1968-1972, relating to Sowrey's service as Director, Defence Policy, Ministry of Defence, 1968-1970, and Senior Air Staff Officer, RAF Training Command, 1970-1972; typescript delegation list for '5 Power meeting on Defence', Canberra, Australia, Jun 1969; timetables and guest lists for Battle of Britain commemorations, Sep 1971-Sep 1972; typescript notes and memoranda relating to the introduction of management by objectives into RAF Training Command, 1972; RAF Finningley graduation ceremony brief and speech notes, Feb 1972; notes and correspondence relating to prospective book on RAF vehicles, 1974; personal correspondence, 1974-1977, mostly relating to Sowrey's service as Director General, RAF Training, 1975-1977; invitations and souvenir booklet relating to the Royal Review, HM Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee, 1977; personal correspondence, 1977-1979, relating to Sowrey's service as UK Representative, Permanent Military Deputies Group CENTO (Central Treaty Organisation); typescript report by Sowrey entitled 'The use of existing national resources in the UK defence effort', Ministry of Defence, 1979; typescript article 'Western military capability in the Middle East', for publication in NATO's 15 Nations, with correspondence, 1980; typescript text of speech by Sowrey on the future of the military (later published in Survival), 1982; conference papers and correspondence relating to colloquium on contingency operations, Centre for Defence Studies, Aberdeen University, 1982-1983; unpublished Royal United Services Institute study entitled 'Defence of the vulnerable society', chaired by Sowrey, 1983-1985. Also, correspondence, dated 1917-1925, relating to a claim by Sowrey's father, Gp Capt Frederick Sowrey, of a £1000 reward for shooting down a German Zeppelin in World War One [1917].

SOWREY , Sir , Frederick Beresford , b. 1922 , Knight , Air Marshal
Sowerby, James (1757-1822)
GB 0117 MS 682 · 1799-1848

Correspondence to and from James Sowerby and other family members from naturalists and collectors in Britain and abroad.

Sowerby , James , 1757-1822 , naturalist
Sowerby , family , naturalists and artists
GB 378 GSL LDGSL/542 · Series · [1854]

Watercolour drawing of a quartz crystal with asbestos inclusions, by Charlotte Caroline Sowerby, [1854].

Caption reads: 'Mineralogical phenomenon

Rock crystal with an hexahedral pyramid in the centre formed of Asbestos. This Crystal is supposed to be unique, Mr Sowerby never having seen a similar one, so extraordinarily curious and beautiful. Charlotte C Sowerby.'

SOWERBY , Charlotte Caroline , 1820-1865 , natural history artist
Sowerby family letters
GB 0117 MS 709 · sub-fonds · 1798-1856

Correspondence of the Sowerby family, chiefly letters to James Sowerby. Correspondents include: George Arnott Walker Arnott; Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward; Etheldred Bennett; William Bingley; James Clealand; Richard Cotton; Francis Crow; James Dalton; George Don; Richard Duppa; William Henry Fitton; Leonard Horne; John Harris; Adrian Hardy Haworth; Henry Heuland; George Hibbert; John Coakley Lettsom; John Lewis; Gideon Mantell; Thomas John Newbold; George Henry Noehden; Charles Panse; Thomas Joseph Pettigrew; Joseph Ellison Portlock; Thomas Purton; Philip Rashleigh; Joseph Sabine; Henry Sheppard; William Travis; Patrick Walker; Henry Warburton; William Wedderburn and Thomas Stamford Raffles.

Sowerby , family , naturalists and artists
SOWARD, Jean Marie (b 1919)
GB 0372 LABOUR HISTORY MANUSCRIPTS/44 · Fonds · 1946-1953

Photographs and correspondence relating to the career and life of journalist Jean Soward, including photographs from her time as fashion journalist with the News Chronicle in Paris, studio portraits, photographs of Vernon Bartlett in Spain during the Civil War and miscelleaneous correpondence, including letters from Vernon Bartlett MP (to whom she was secretary), typescript of short story 'Extravaganza' and typescript poetry (1946-1952).

Soward , Jean Marie , b 1919 , journalist
GB 0369 SOV · 1950-1953

Fifty six photographs of a visit to the Soviet Union in the early 1950s by an unnamed presumably British delegation, showing Leningrad, Pushkin, Moscow, Stalingrad and Tashkent, including factories, pioneer camps and a collective farm; 21 offically published photographs depicting the Skorokhod shoe factory in Leningrad in the early 1950s; 3 postcards of Lenin and Stalin, 1950

GB 0369 SOU · c 1955

Eighty photographs of Soviet origin, c 1955, but without captions, are principally of Moscow, showing the Lenin Library and the Metro. There is some emphasis in the collection on higher education and culture.

GB 0074 CLC/175 · Collection · 1707-1824

Records of the Manor of Southwark, including court leet rolls for the Clink Liberty, memorandum book and ordinances of the Southwark court leet.

Guildable Manor, the Kings Manor and the Great Liberty , Corporation of London x Southwark Manor
CLA/046 · Collection · 1666-1939

Records of the Southwark Quarter Sessions of the Peace, 1666-1939, including sessions books; sessions files containing indictments, recognizances, jury precepts and panels, writs, lists of constables and so on; sessions papers including depositions, informations, calendars of indictments, gaol calendars and so on; declarations of allegiance made by constables; rolls of victuallers' recognizances and orders from Insolvent Court.

Corporation of London
N/C/42 · Collection · 1859-1884

Mortgage and lease for land in Old Deptford Road and Rotherhithe New Road, Rotherhithe, 1859-1860; resolution of special meeting of Southwark Park Congregational Church to raise £1000 on mortgage, 1884 and resolution of Trustees of Southwark Park Congregational Church to add Frank Vidler Catt and Edgar James Taylor to their number, 1884.

Congregational Church of England and Wales
GB 0074 ACC/2201 · Collection · 1895-1985

Records of the Southwark Diocesan Council for Wel-Care and associated organisations, 1895-1985. Records of the Southwark Diocesan Council for Welcare, 1895-1972, including Diocesan Council minutes, Finance Committee minutes, Executive Committee minutes, and minutes of the Rochester Diocesan Association of the Care of Friendless Girls.

Records of the Diocesan Office, 1895-1982, including policy and information files relating to illegitimate children, juvenile offenders, the mentally handicapped, sexual offences, ethnic minorities, mother and baby homes, housing, moral welfare work and the social services; files relating to finance and organisation including cooperation with other voluntary agencies and annual reports of local associations; and files relating to the employment and training of staff.

Ledger of the London and Southwark Diocesan Moral Education Committee, 1957-1958. Committee minutes and admission and discharge register of the Diocesan Medical Home, 1909-1935. Records of the Stretton House Diocesan Maternity Home, 1918-1977, including minutes of annual meetings and Committee meetings, annual reports, registers, day books, financial accounts and job applications.

Records of the South London Association for the Moral Welfare of Children, 1914-1950, including Committee minutes, annual reports and correspondence.

Records of local associations, 1895-1985, including Greenwich Association, Lambeth Association, Lewisham Association, Southwark and Camberwell Association and Wandsworth Association. Records include annual reports, financial accounts, Committee meeting minutes, Annual meeting minutes, case files, registers, adoption files, correspondence and administrative papers.

Also the Southwark Diocesan Council for Welcare reference collection, 1920-1982, comprising books and pamphlets on various subjects, including abortion, contraception, mother and baby homes, adoption, fostering, one parent families, child care, housing, social security, juvenile offenders, ethnic minorities, moral welfare work, social work, psychiatry, and the position of the Church of England on these issues.

Southwark Diocesan Council for Wel-Care x Rochester Diocesan Association for the Care of Friendless Girls x Southwark Diocesan Association for the Care of Friendless Girls x Southwark Diocesan Association for Preventative and Rescue Work x Southwark Diocesan Association for Moral Welfare
GB 0074 ACC/2538 · Collection · 1948-1986

Records of the Southwark Diocesan Council for Wel-Care, 1948-1986, including Diocesan Office files; Saint Mary's House minutes; local association records including Wandsworth Association minutes and reports and Caterham and Godstone Association case records and other papers.

Southwark Diocesan Council for Wel-Care x Rochester Diocesan Association for the Care of Friendless Girls x Southwark Diocesan Association for the Care of Friendless Girls x Southwark Diocesan Association for Preventative and Rescue Work x Southwark Diocesan Association for Moral Welfare
GB 0074 CCT/AK/50 · Collection · 1820-1961

Records of Southwark County Court, 1820-1961, comprising attorneys roll book, 1820-1933 and legal case files for the following cases:

Parfett v C. Coules and son and another, 1900
Edwards v Measures Bros Ltd, 1907
Medcalf v Surrey Commercial Dock Co, 1908
Finnis v Owners of S.S. 'Grive', 1909
Martin v Morris, 1909
Roberts v E Wells and Sons Ltd, 1911
Maisey v London Brighton and South Coast Railway Co, 1912
Fenton v F and H F Higgs, 1912
Sketton v Owners of the ship 'South Point', 1913
Hood v Bellamys Wharf Ltd, 1913
Doolan v Port of London Authority, 1914
Eyles v Lipton Ltd, 1915
Dinnes v Holland Hannen and Cubitts Ltd, 1916
Davis v Samuel Barrow and Brother Ltd, 1916
Baldock v E Lazenby and Son Ltd, 1917
Runnalls v London General Omnibus Co Ltd, 1917
Seabrook v E Lazenby and Son Ltd, 1919
Armstrong v H J Enthoven & Sons Ltd, 1919
Allan v Andrews, 1920
McCoy v Peek Frean and Co Ltd, 1920
Spencer v W T and E Yates, 1923
Finn v Southern Railway Company, 1924
Harrigan v Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, 1926
Friend v Pimm and Burrows Ltd, 1926
Walker v Southern Railway Company, 1927
Knight v Barclay Perkins and Co Ltd, 1927
Colbert v Gatesby Ltd, 1932
Bowie v Wakeley Brothers and Company Ltd, 1932
Vaughan v F W Barnard Ltd, 1933
Callan v J T Healey & Co Ltd, 1933
Rainsbury v G Bernardes and Son, 1933
Dillon v Bermondsey Borough Council, 1934
Jeal v Butler's Wharf Ltd, 1934
Dawes v E Ashby and Co, 1935
Kitsell v Maybury, 1935
Sivyer v W S Shuttleworth and Co Ltd, 1935
Bull v W J Hall Ltd, 1935
Ward v Waldron, 1935
Curtis v Hares, 1936
Marchant v Butler's Wharf Ltd, 1937
Bertie v Grey and Marten, 1937
Saunders v J Bowbrick and Sons, 1937
Rodgers v A Cohen and Company Ltd, 1938
Leahy v Bermondsey Borough Council, 1938
Whiffin v Eldorado Ice Cream Co Ltd, 1938
S eet v Beck and Pollitzer Ltd, 1946
Quigley v Unit Construction Co Ltd, 1947
Henderson v Levy, 1948-1957
Wheatley v T F Maltby Ltd, 1949
Hubble v Lawrence Bros, 1949
Laker v Boots Pure Drug Co Ltd 1950
Felton v T Wallis Ltd, 1951
Murphy v London County Council, 1952
Buckle v London County Council, 1953
Goldsmith v Rosser and Russell Ltd, 1954
Purdy v Port of London Authority, 1961.

Southwark County Court
CLA/042 · Collection · 1837-1932

Records of the Southwark Coroner's Court, 1837-1932, including inquests, inquisitions, depositions and no inquest volumes (if a death was reported to the Coroner upon which he decided no inquest was necessary, then a report with details of the death was bound in the series of volumes of No Inquest Cases).

Corporation of London
CLA/031 · Collection · 1608-1842

Records of Southwark Compter, also known as Borough Compter, 1608-1842, including lists of prisoners, charge books, warrants for arrest, accounts of deliveries of bread and meat and various administrative papers. Also papers relating to the revived magistracy in Southwark, 1814, when it was decided that one of the Aldermen who had passed the chair would sit daily for justiciary business, receiving an annual salary and assisted by a clerk, until c 1840.

Corporation of London
GB0074 LMA/4747 · Collection · 1974-2003

Records of Southwark Community Health Council (CHC) and predecessors (1974-2003). Includes Minutes and Meeting Papers (1974-2003), Publicity Files (1990-1991), Attendance Registers (1974-1992) and Chief Officer's Papers (1979-2003).

Southwark Community Health Council