Showing 529 results

Archival description
Godber, Sir George (b 1908)
GB 0120 GC/201 · 1942-1995

Unpublished lectures, articles and reports from Godber's time as Chief Medical Officer onwards form the bulk of this collection, but his wider career is represented by such papers as a draft of his 1944 'Hospital Survey of Sheffield and East Midlands Area' and published articles spanning over 50 years from 1942 to 1995. Although the collection does not include Godber's official papers from his various appointments or his personal papers, it nevertheless conveys a strong impression of his personality, energy and breadth of interests throughout his career. Godber's papers at the Ministry of Health and the Department of Health and Social Security were left almost entirely for his successors, to be transferred as appropriate to the Public Record Office.

Godber , Sir , George , b 1908 , Knight , Medical Officer of Health
Godfrey, Emily
GB 0102 MS 380758 · 1919-1979

Papers, 1919-1979, of and relating to Emily Godfrey, comprising a record of her missionary work and biographical information, 1921-1978; copy certificate as founder member of the Royal College of Nursing, undated; her testimony when applying to be a missionary, 1919, and typescript copy; letters and papers, 1919-1921, relating to her appointment by the Primitive Methodist Missionary Society (PMMS); PMMS congratulations on receiving the Royal Red Cross medal for war work, undated; printed papers relating to Methodist activities, mainly in England, some relating to addresses by Emily Godfrey, 1921-1937; printed and typescript reports on her work in Nigeria, 1922-[1934]; letters received from various correspondents, 1922-1954, the subjects including her missionary work and retirement (1944); letters, 1942-1946, from German missionaries who were interned in Nigeria and England during World War Two; papers relating to pensions, 1937-1964; leaflet appealing for funds for the Methodist Hospital, Ama Achara, Nigeria, c1976; typescript accounts by Emily Godfrey of her work in Nigeria, one made from a tape recording (since lost), undated; printed and typescript items on her death, including obituaries and a letter of condolence, 1978-1979.

Godfrey , Emily , 1884-1978 , medical missionary
GB 0120 MS.7997-8002 · Mid 17th cent. - mid 18th cent.; 1816

Recipe books of the Godfrey-Faussett family of Heppington, Nackington, Kent. MSS.7997-7999 bearing the book plate of the Revd. Bryan Faussett (1720-1776), the son of Bryan Faussett and his wife Mary Faussett née Godfrey. The volumes contain mainly culinary recipes, with a few medical recipes, and some veterinary recipes in MS.7998. There is great overlap in the contents of MSS.7997-7999, with recipes copied word for word, but it is difficult to ascribe a chronology to the volumes as few dates are given and the hands used date from roughly the same period. Five different hands appear: two unidentified hands in MS.7997; one unidentified hand and Mary Faussett in MS.7998; and Catherine Godfrey and Mary Faussett in MS.7999. Mary Faussett née Godfrey (1695-1761) received MS.7999 from Catherine Godfrey (fl.1699), possibly her mother, and MS.7998 presumably from another relative. Mary later copied identical recipes into the volumes (e.g. recipe for vinegar, MS.7998, p.121 and MS.7999, p.118), perhaps in order to pass the collection on to daughters or other family members.

Faussett family Godfrey family
GB 0120 MSS.5729-5732 · 1874-1924

Lecture notes and other papers of Sir Hermann Gollancz including notes from lectures on the philosophy of mind, given by George Croom Robertson (1842-1892) at University College, London; notes from lectures at University College, London, comprising lectures on applied mathematics by William Kingdom Clifford (1845-1879), and on physics by George Carey Foster. Also included are notes on the history of the Jews in Sicily; notes on aspects of Jewish religion and theology. Signature inside the front cover, 'H Gollancz, Jews' College' and medical prescriptions written for Sir Hermann Gollancz, and miscellaneous medical ephemera.

Gollancz , Sir , Hermann , 1852-1930 , Knight , rabbi and Semitic scholar
Gough, Brian (1909-1999)
GB 0120 GP/62 · 1920s-1990s

Papers of Dr Brian Gough, 1920s-1990s, comprising personal, professional and patient correspondence, including material about local institutions with which he was involved, and on his interests in medical history.

Gough , Wilfred Brian , 1909-1999 , general practitioner and anaesthetist
GB 0074 ACC/0998 · Collection · 1778-1871

Diploma of doctorate of medicine from Aberdeen University for Edward Whitaker Gray, 1778; with two letters from John Ruskin to a "Dr. Gray", 1871 (not thought to be the same individual).

Gray , Edward Whitaker , 1748-1806 , physician and museum curator
GB 0120 MSS.5874-5875 · 1859-1888

Testimonials and notebook of John Temperley Gray, 1859-1888.

Gray , John Temperley , 1835-1892 , ship's surgeon
GREGORY, George (1790-1853)
GB 0113 MS-GREGG · 1813-1833

Medical notebook of George Gregory, 1813-1833, containing cases, observations and notes on medicine and surgery.

Gregory , George , 1790-1853 , physician
GREGORY, James (1753-1821)
GB 0113 MS-GREGJ · 1785

James Gregory's clinical case note book, 1785, containing notes on male patients, followed by notes on female patients.

Gregory , James , 1753-1821 , physician
GB 0120 GP/56 · 1916-1949

Notes, cards, forms and other papers accumulated over the years by Dr David Greig and his predecessors at Somerset General Practice, 1916-1949.

Greig , David , fl 1949 , general practitioner at Somerset General Practice
Group Administration Files
GOS/15 · 1944-2008

Great Ormond Street Hospital Group Administration files comprising: GOS/15/1, Hospital Admission Leaflets (information for parents); examples of and correspondence about revisions, 1962-1975; GOS/15/2-4 Allocation of Accommodation, 1957-1974; GOS/15/5 Medical Staff Conferences, 1970-85; correspondence and agendas; GOS/15/6 Annual Reports, 1959-1967 and correspondence; GOS/15/7-11 Architects' Correspondence and reports, 1961-1983; GOS/15/12-13 Consulting Engineers and Surveyors, correspondence and reports, 1973- 1982; GOS/15/14, Building Consultants, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 1983; Agreements with Budgen and Partners for new ward ceilings.

GOS/15/15-16 Accidents to Staff, 1972 -1974 and 1976*; GOS/15/17 Accidents in the Home; LCC enquiry into and related papers, 1958-1968; GOS/15/18-25 Automation; correspondence and reports on development of computer systems at GOS, 1965-1985; GOS/15/26 Minutes of Computer Working Party, 1964-1973; GOS/15/27 Postgraduate Hospitals Computer Feasibility Study, 1979-1981.

GOS/15/28, Battered Babies, correspondence and reports on procedures for dealing with, 1970-1973; GOS/15/29Allocation of Beds, 1955-1964; GOS/15/30, Blood Transfusion Service, 1939-1974; GOS/15/31,Chairman's File, of miscellaneous Chairman's and House Governor's correspondence; GOS/15/32, Report on Child Health Services (Fit for the Future), 1977 (GOS response to the Court Report).

GOS/15/33 Staff Christmas Festivities and Cards, 1960-1970; GOS/15/34(Hospitals for Sick Children) Group as a Supra-Regional Centre (London Co-ordinating Committee. papers), 1976-1978; GOS/15/35-38 Infection Control procedures; 1962-1977; GOS/15/39-41 Cots-design of and new prototypes; 1957-1981; GO8/15/42 Audiology Working Party papers, 1977-1978; GOS/15/43, Deputation to the Ministry of Health over maintenance of administrative links with the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 1969; GOS/15/44 Hospital Archives and establishment of Museum (the Peter Pan Gallery), 1977-1979.

GOS/15/45-46 Miscellaneous enquiries to the Hospital, 1964-1971, including /45 includes correspondence about the career of Dr Norman Bethune, the Hospital support scheme for Kampala Children's Hospital, Uganda, Lewis Carroll and Great Ormond Street; Muscular Dystrophy treatment at Carshalton; Mrs Gatty and the 'Aunt Judy' Cot and a gift of books by Enid Blyton.

GOS/15/47, Terminal Care Working Party and Parents Interview Room (review of arrangements for dealing with patient deaths), 1981-1983; GOS/15/48, Fire Precautions and Inspector's reports, 1963-1984; GOS/15/49 Gas, Electricity and Fuel Supplies to the Hospital, 1964-1983; GOS/15/50, Patient visiting by Siblings and other Children (policy correspondence), 1970-1981.

GOS/15/51-54 Gifts to the Hospital, 1959-1984; GOS/15/55-61, The Great Ormond Street Gazette; draft articles and editorial correspondence, 1962-1974; GOS/15/62, Use of Hospital Patient Casenotes for Research, and general Casenote confidentiality, 1970-1979; GOS/15/64-65 Hospital History, including early policy statements on Archives policy, including /64, 1895-1965, including reports on 1940 bombing, a short history of the hospital by Sir L Barrington-Ward, miscellaneous draft articles about the Hospital, the 1895 plan of the neighbouring Hospital of St. John and St Elizabeth prior to its purchase by GOS.

GOS/15/66-68 Green Paper on Future of the NHS in London (Todd Report); Hospital response to, and minutes of the London Postgraduate Committee, 1967-1980; GOS/15/69 Infection Precautions, 1961; GOS/15/70 Infection Control Memoranda (mainly Ministry circulars), 1961-1982; GOS/15/71, Assistance to the development of local paediatric services in the Sultanate of Oman by GOS, 1983-1984; GOS/15/72 Royal Commission on the NHS, 1976-1978; GOS/15/73 Hospital Catering and Joint Purchasing schemes, 1954-1965.

GOS/15/74/1-9, Kampala Project (Provision of Staff, Training and Support Service to the Mulago Children's Hospital, Kampala, Uganda, 1959-1972; GOS/15/75 Hoxton Psychology Consultant (QEH), 1968-1970, (proposed joint appointment with Hoxton Child Guidance Clinic); GOS/15/76/1-3 Medical Equipment (purchase of), advertisements, proposals for purchase, and funding of; 1969-1984; GOS/15/77 Welton Foundation (donation for purchase of new computer for Radioisotope work), 1979-1980; GOS/15/78 Development of the Hospital Shop, including plans, 1979-1984; GOS/15/79 Hospital Memorial Services, 1944-1974, including correspondence and Orders of Ceremony, including services for Sir Stanley Cohen, Eric Lloyd, E A Cockayne, Sir R Hutchison, C A Lucas, G McNab, F J Poynton, M Bodian, G Boggon, Sir L Barrington-Ward.

GOS/15/80/1-3 GOS Medical Staff and Statistics; correspondence, staff lists and new appointments;, 1963-1968; GOS/15/81/1-2 Medical Staff Statistics (returns to Ministry and national NHS data,1963-1972; GOS/15/82 Training of Junior Medical Staff, correspondence and minutes of Sub-Committee, 1966-1971; GOS/15/83/1-2 Consultant Staffing, correspondence and reports, 1959-1972.

GOS/15/84 Medical Registrars, 1955-1966; GOS/15/85 Surgical Registrars, correspondence reports and regulations for, 1963-1966; GOS/15/86/1-4, Staff Honorary Contracts (for short-stay overseas staff); 1961-1974;
GOS/15/87 Medical and Surgical Staff Review; reports and supporting documentation of Staff Review Committee, 1964-1965; GOS/15/88 House Officers, correspondence and memoranda, 1960-1972; GOS/15/89 Joint Appointments with the National Hospital, 1963-1972; GOS/15/90 ENT Registrars, 1964-1969; GOS/15/91 LCC Welfare Clinic, Lower Clapton, and the employment of GOS staff at, 1958-1967; GOS/15/92 Physicians to Medical Out-Patients (temporary honorary assistants from other Hospitals), 1951-1967; GOS/15/93/1-6 Medical Staff Locums, 1963-1973.

G0S/15/94 Bone marrow Transplantation; development and funding of treatment, 1982-1985; GOS/15/95/1-5, Nursing Staff, general correspondence, statistical data and Sub- Committee papers; 1964-1971; GOS/15/96 Nursing Salaries and Senior Posts, 1969, including appointment of new Chief Nursing Officer; GOS/15/97/1-3 Nurse Training; 1964- 1970; GOS/15/98 Nurse Training, Lectures and Examinations, 1965-1986; GOS/15/99/1-10, Establishment and construction of the Charles West School of Nursing, 1956-1960.

GOS/15/99/1-10, General Buildings Correspondence, 1956-1960; GOS/15/100 Nursing Staff Training, Reorganisation of Tadworth, 1938; GOS/15/101 Organisation and Management Survey of Nursing Services, 1961; GOS/15/102 NHS Designation of Teaching Hospitals, 1947-1954; GOS/15/103 Nursing Staff Medals and Certificates, 1963-1982; GOS/15/104 Nursing Awards Ceremonies, 1956-1981; GOS/15/105 Midwives(Obstetric Courses for pregnant parents of GOS patients), 1962-1983; GOS/15/106/1-2 Nurses' Uniform, 1960-1986; GOS/15/107/1-2 Nursing Reports by the General Nursing Council, 1959-1982; GOS/15/108/1-6 NHS Consultative Documents, 1970-1974; GOS/15/109/1-5 Oxygen and Medical Gases (purchase, usages and storage of), 1949-1971; GOS/15/110/1-2 Oxygen Apparatus and Incubators, 1963-1978; GOS/15/111 Polio Respirators, 1949-1965; GOS/15/112/1-4 Private Patients, finances and provision, 1964-1982.

GOS/15/113 Patients, general correspondence with other hospitals, General Practitioners, and /1-9 parents,1961-1978; GOS/15/114/1-3 Patient Statistics, 1962-1972; GOS/15/115/1-2 Patient Welfare(official and Hospital reports), 1963-1985; GOS/15/116, Visiting of Patients in Hospital, 1964-1986 (policy correspondence and responses to the Platt Report); GOS/15/117 Legal Reports, 1960-67 , comprising largely responses to requests for GOS staff advice for divorce and other legal cases involving child health.

GOS/15/118/1-2 Operation Consents (policy on and design of consent forms), 1966-1978; GOS/15/119 Overseas Patients (Treatment and funding of), 1958-1961; GOS/15/120 Sponsored Patients, 1957-1967; GOS/15/121 Directives on Overseas Patients, 1954-1966; GOS/15/122/1-2, Patient Age-Limits (Policy on admission of adolescents), 1954-1977; GOS/15/123 Hospital Pharmacopoiea, 1958-1975; GOS/15/124 Patrons and Vice-Patrons, 1948-1965 *; GOS/15/125/1-2, Press enquiries, largely for proposed articles about the Hospital, 1953-1985, including controversy over proposed closure of Banstead Wood country branch and Tadworth Court.

GOS/15/126/1-2 Publications, general ( supply of articles and information for), 1961-1980; GOS/15/128/1-5, Radium and Radioactive materials; 1948-1980; GOS/15/129, Residential Accommodation (ownership, staffing and management of), 1964-1972; GOS/15/130, Royal Garden Parties (invitations to GOS staff), 1935-1980; GOS/15/131, Health and Safety at Work legislation and the Hospital, 1978-1980; GOS/15/132, Hunt Report on Hospital Supplies Organisation, 1966-1967; GOS/15/133, Southwood memorial Statues and Plaques (statues of St Nicholas and Christopher); plans and correspondence with Board members and the sculptor (Gilbert Ledward), 1950-1964.

GOS/15/134/1-2 Medical Staff Establishment (new appointments, financing of new posts, statistical returns to Ministry) 1950-1964; GOS/15/135/1-3 Nursing Staff Establishment (new appointments, financing of new posts, statistical returns to Ministry) 1950-1964; GOS/15/135/1-3, Nursing Staff Establishment; 1963-1972; GOS/15/136, Staff Statistics, general, 1964-1972; GOS/15/137, Staff Sickness (papers on Working Party on in-house staff health-care provision), 1968-1971; GOS/15/138, Staff Conditions of Service, 1964-1972, including GOS responses to the Lycett Committee of Enquiry; GOS/15/139, Industrial Action (Strike Contingency Planning),1953-1979; GOS/15/140/1-3, Trade Unions at GOS; 1948-1985; GOS/15/141, Contingency Plans for Thames Flooding at the Hospital, and transfer arrangements from other units in the event of it, 1972-1979.

GOS/15/142, Hospital Transport. 1954-1963 (to Tadworth Court and general); GOS/15/143 Gifts of Toys to the Hospital, 1957-1968; GOS/15/144 Tuberculosis treatments and precautions, 1949-1965; GOS/15/145/1-2, Transplantation of Organs, 1968-1980; GOS/15/146 Department of Paediatric Surgery; general correspondence, 1976-1986.

GOS/15/147, Hospital Newsletter (Roundabout); incomplete set, 1971-1982, with correspondence; GOS/15/148/1-6, Visits to the Hospital (by Royal Family members, politicians, sportsmen, actors and actresses, colonial health ministers, overseas statesmen's families and so on, 1960-1978.

GOS/15/149-151, Official Visits, 1964-1986, including visits of British and overseas Royalty and Government members, GOS/15/152 NHS 25th Anniversary Lunch (for 1948 Board members), 1973; GOS/15/153-154 Royal Visits, 1959-1984; GOS/15/155 Working Party on Future Development of Medical Work at GOS, 1971-1976; GOS/15/156, Nursing Services and Matron's Office Work Survey, 1961-1967; GOS/15/157 Investigation into over-expenditure on the Barrie Wing, 1963-1964; GOS/15/158 Ahmad Amirahmadi Nursing Scholarship Fund (donation by Iranian former patient), 1970-1976; GOS/15/159, Management Consultants, correspondence with, and reports by, the London Postgraduate Teaching Hospitals Management Services Unit, 1971-1986.

GOS/15/160 ENT Department, general correspondence and reports, 1976-1983; GOS/15/161, Miscellaneous correspondence of Hospital departments, 1976-1983, including Audiology, ENT , Dental, Neurophysiology , Chaplaincy, mainly concerning equipment purchase and staffing disputes *; GOS/15/162/1-2, Pharmacy, 1972 and 1979-1982, mainly concerning equipment purchase, drug trials and costs.

GOS/15/163 Respiratory Unit (establishment of), 1976-1978; GOS/15/164/1-2 Diagnostic Equipment (funding and purchase of), 1965-1969 and 1976-1984; GOS/15/165 Chemical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry departmental correspondence, mainly financial, 1981-1982; GOS/15/166, Voluntary Workers, 1972-1984, including Voluntary Services Annual Reports and Information Leaflets, and correspondence on the use of voluntary workers during strikes.

GOS/15/167/1-3 Hospital Social Services correspondence, including with Wolfson Centre and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 1974-1985; GOS/15/168 Out-Patient Department, 1980-1986, general correspondence, and 1986 Management Services report on its work; GOS/15/169, Department of Physical Medicine, 1971-1981; GOS/15/170/1-2 Medical Records Department; 1976-1984;GOS/15/171, Nephrology department, 1966-1983; development of the Renal Unit, joint work with the Royal Free Hospital, Home Dialysis services; GOS/15/172 Speech Therapy Department correspondence, 1972-1979.

GOS/15/173 Immunology Services, 1972-1979; GOS/15/174 School of Nursing papers, 1972-1979; GOS/15/175 Dietetic Department correspondence, 1972-1984; GOS/15/176 Medical Illustration Department, 1972-1979; correspondence, equipment purchase, policy statements on legal implications of photographing children *; GOS/15/177 Provision of services for mentally-handicapped patients, 1972-1985; GOS/15/178 Haematology Department papers, 1981-1984; GOS/15/179 Hospital Working Parties, miscellaneous (on Central Nervous System, new Ophthalmology Posts, Radioisotopes), 1972-1978.

GOS/15/180 Hospital Crèche, 1979-1980; GOS/15/181, X-Ray Department, 1981-1985; GOS/15/182 Neurophysiology Department papers, 1972-1979; GOS/15/183 Catering Department and Catering Competitive Tendering, 1972-1985; GOS/15/184 Hospital Transport, 1972-1986; GOS/15/185 Private Patient Beds Provision, 1969-1982; GOS/15/186 Department of Psychological Medicine papers, 1976-1981; GOS/15/187 NFER (National Foundation for Educational Research); licensing of 'Symbolic Play Test' video by GOS (royalties from sale in USA); GOS/15/188 Gastroenterology Working Party, minutes and correspondence, 1972-1975; GOS/15/189 Surgical Appointments and Division of Surgery correspondence; also papers of Working Party on the Future of Surgery in the Group, 1972-1976; GOS/15/190-192 Future of the Postgraduate Hospitals and Institutes; 'SCICOM' Review and establishment of Hospitals for Sick Children Special Health Authority,1973-1982; GOS/15/193 London Advisory Group Reports(on future of Hospital provision in London), 1980.

GOS/15/194, Hospital Playground, 1972-1982; GOS/15/195/1-2 Reconstruction of Doctors' Mess, 1976-1980 and 1984; GOS/15/196/1-3 Reports for Legal Purposes (on GOS patients, and advice to national cases) 1973-1975; 1974; 1975-1980; 1980-1983; GOS/15/197 Growth and Development Department and Growth Disorder Clinic, 1972-1980; GOS/15/198 Hospital School, 1972-1979, includes staff applications .

GOS/15/199/1-3 CSSD (Sterile Supplies Department), 1973-1982 and 1982-1987, Management Services reports, 1978-1981; GOS/15/200 Thoracic Unit papers, 1972-1975 *; GOS/15/201 Proposed Out-Patients Department Mural, 1973-1976; GOS/15/202-223 Group Administration 'B' coded filing (Hospital Buildings); GOS/15/202/1-2 Bernard Street Properties, 1960-1969; GOS/15/202/3 Purchase of 12-14 Bernard Street, 1969-1970, including plans; GOS/15/203/1-2, 25-28 Bernard Street, 1972-1975; GOS/15/204 32 Great Ormond Street (Williams Deacons Bank); Lease of former house by the Hospital to the Bank, includes plans, development schemes and general Hospital correspondence with the Bank, 1952-1967; GOS/15/205 40 Great Ormond Street (Premises leased by the Royal Standard Benefit Company, later reclaimed as GOS Supplies Dept, plans and tenancy agreements, 1955-1967; GOS/15/206 28-40 Great Ormond Street, 1956-1966, Houses on the north side of the street, subsequently replaced by new frontage extension. Includes tenancy correspondence with Tom Driberg, Richard Seifert and Lena Jeger, MP.

GOS/15/207/1-2 Dolling's Timber Yard (off Guilford Street), 1954-1960 and 1960-1966 including purchase of by the Hospital from McFarlane Burchell Ltd, draft assignment of Leasehold, and subsequent site development for ICH and Barrie Wing; GOS/15/208 Foundling Estate; papers concerning attempts at joint purchase of residential properties on the Foundling Estate by the National Hospital and GOS, 1965; GOS/15/209 28-38 Great Ormond Street, development of as new frontage building 1967-1971, including surveys of the Hospital's usage requirements and leasing of nos. 28-34 to the Ministry of Health, 1970.

GOS/15/210, 28 Great Ormond Street; leasing and subsequent usage of section of new frontage building by Deacons Bank (later Williams and Glynn's Bank), 1964-1982; GOS/15/211 41 Great Ormond Street, includes Holborn Borough Council plans of properties on the south side of the street, 1959; GOS/15/212 61 Great Ormond Street, 1967-1970; purchase by the Hospital from Camden Council, and conversion for use by Leukaemia Research Fund; GOS/15/213, Guilford Street properties (nos. 37-39, YMCA, and nos. 41-44), 1931. Purchase of new nurses' home development, and buy-out of YMCA, including correspondence of Lord Macmillan and Mr. Chadwyck-Healey (Hospital Chairman and Treasurer).

GOS/15/214 Investigation of potential purchase of nos 55-57 Great Ormond Street by the Hospital, 1970 (for £40,000); GOS/15/215 Kent's Factory, Ormond Mews. Purchase of former sawmill, leasing to Abbott and Gerson Ltd, and proposals for demolition and development of site (future Cardiac Wing site), 1959-1963; GOS/15/216 Redevelopment of Old Building, 1965-1967. Correspondence, reports, occupation and usage data, redevelopment schemes and floorplans; GOS/15/217 Ormond Mews, 1958-1968, principally concerning access and light and air agreements with the National Hospital resulting from construction of the nstitute of Neurology, Queen's Square; GOS/15/218/1-2 72-84 Lamb's Conduit Street (development of Spens House site), 1963-1967; GOS/15/219 83-95 Lamb's Conduit Street, 1970-1984. Plans, leases, tenancy dealings with the Rugby Estate, Mel Calman Limited and others (Botnar Laboratories site); GOS/15/220/1-2 Rosslyn Lodge, Belsize Park (former GOS nurses' home), 1950-1976, includes correspondence, plans, sale particulars, lease from Church Commissioners, and Camden area environmental plans.

GOS/15/221 Surveyor's Report to the National Hospital and GOS on properties owned by the Hospitals and their redevelopment potential, l971; GOS/15/222/1-2 Hospital Properties Schedules, 1960-1968 and 1969-1974; GOS/15/223 Hospital Leases with DHSS, 1976 (Queen Elizabeth Hospital properties; 36 Doughty Street, 28-34 Bernard Street, 24 Great Ormond Street and 'Northdown', Tadworth Court).

GOS/15/224-225, Group Administration 'C' coded filing (Papers of Hospital Committees), including GOS/15/224/1-6 Board of Governors' papers, 1958-1986, and GOS/15/225 Board of Governors, miscellaneous papers, 1972-1981; GOS/15/226 Board's Official Visitors' Reports for GOS, QEH and Tadworth Court, 1959-1985; GOS/15/227 Board of Governors' Open Day, 1970; GOS/15/228/1-3 Papers of Cross-Infection Sub-Committee(later Group Infection (Committee), 1963-1978 ; GOS/15/229 Papers of GOS Drugs Committee, 1955-1968, including Reports, circulars, correspondence, and a list of banned practitioners .

GOS/15/230 Papers of Finance Committee, correspondence and reports, 1961-19; GOS/15/231/1-2 Papers of the Policy and Planning Sub-Committee(Of the Medical Committee, 1963-1969; GOS/15/232 Division of Radiologists, correspondence and reports, 1971-1978; GOS/15/233 Joint Meeting of Pathologists, reports on staff and work-rates, 1963-1970; GOS/15/234 Correspondence with Medical Committee of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, on future co-operation after amalgamation, 1967-1968; GOS/15/235/1-3 Papers of the Medical Committee, 1964-1971; GOS/15/236/1-3 Papers of the Nursing Committee, 1966-1985; GOS/15/237 Papers of the Policy and Development Sub-Committee, 1964-1968; GOS/15/238 Sub-Committee (of the Policy and Development Committee) on the Development of Tadworth Court and Banstead (country branches), 1968-1971.

GOS/15/239/1-3 Papers of the Joint Research Board, 1954-1970; GOS/15/240/1-2 Study Leave Committee, including Clinical Staff Study Leave applications, 1965-1966 and attendance at 1971 International Paediatric Congress, Vienna; GOS/15/241 Papers of Joint Meetings of Surgeons and Physicians, 1959-1971; GOS/15/242 General Sub-Committee papers, 1960-1967; GOS/15/243/1-2 Papers of the Tadworth Committee, including some minutes, 1957-1965 and 1966-1969; GOS/15/244 Papers of Tadworth Medical Committee, 1966-1967.

GOS/15/245 Minutes and correspondence of GOS Medical Records Committee, 1972-1986; GOS/15/246 Reports and correspondence on the 'Cogwheel Committee' structure of clinical committees, 1972-7198, including revised Constitution of the General Medical Staff Committee; GOS/15/247 Papers of the Joint Standing Committee for the Protection of Persons against Atomising Radiation (later Radiological Safety Committee), 1971-1981*.

GOS/15/248-380 Group Administration 'D' coded filing, (Papers of Hospital Departments), including GOS/15/248- 249, Anaesthetic Department, 1956-1974; GOS/15/250, Animal House, 1960-1975; GOS/15/252, Admissions, 1959-1975; GOS/15/254 Almoner's Department (Social Work), Administration and Staffing, 1969-1972; GOS/15/255-257 CSSDU (Central Sterile Supplies Department), 1964-1976; GOS/15/258 Catering Department, 1970-1974, GOS/15/259-260 Chemical Pathology Department, Administration and Staffing, 1967-1976; GOS/15/261 Chapel, Maintenance and Equipment, 1959-1976; GOS/15/262 Dental Department, 1958-1974; GOS/15/264 Dietetic Department, 1965-1975; GOS/15/266 Dispensary (Pharmacy), Administration and Equipment (Sample), 1959-1976; GOS/15/267 Hospital Crèche, 1968-1977.

GOS/15/268 Parent's Unit 1971; GOS/15/269 *ENT Department, 1958-1973;GOS/15/271 Psychiatric Unit (Establishment of Mildred Creak Unit), 1969-1974; GOS/15/272 Psychiatric Unit, Maintenance and Equipment (including plans), 1970-1971; GOS/15/273 Staff Occupational Health Centre (Establishment of and subsequent Maintenance and Equipment, 1972-1977; GOS/15/274, Growth and Disorder Clinic, 1962-1974; GOS/15/275-276 House Governor's Office, 1959-1973; GOS/15/277-278 Haematology Department, Administration and Staffing, 1961-1974; GOS/15/280 Matron's Office, Administration and Staffing, 1943-1972 includes 1948 Rules for the Matron, and 1964 work review of the office.

GOS/15/281-282 Medical Records Department, 1959-1971; GOS/15/283 Hospital Milk Kitchen and Milk Feed System, 1958-1972; GOS/15/284 Medical Artist's Department, Staffing and Equipment, 1955-1974; GOS/15/285 Morbid Anatomy Department, Administration and Staffing, 1970-1976; GOS/15/286 Microbio1ogy 1960-1972; GOS/15/287 Medical Workshop (Biomedical Engineering), including minutes of the Medical Workshops Sub-Committee, 1957-1974 (sample).

GOS/15/288, Administration and Staffing, miscellaneous papers (sample), 1963-1972, including correspondence with or about present and former staff, alleviation of parental visiting restrictions, reminiscences of Norman Bethune by Thomas Twistington-Higgins and of the appointment of Lord Southwood as Chairman in 1939 by William Surrey Dane.

GOS/15/289 Nephrology Department (Renal Unit), 1970-1975; GOS/15/290-296, Neurophysiology Department, 1957-1977; GOS/15/297 Neurology Department, general, 1958-1974; GOS/15/298-301, Neurosurgery Unit, Administration and Staffing, 1950-1974; GOS/15/302 Nursing Mothers' Unit (including short-term parental accommodation) 1959-1977 and also some general correspondence on family visiting policy; GOS/15/303-304 Ophthalmic Department, Administration and Staffing, 1960-1975; GOS/15/305-310 Operating Theatres, 1959-1976*.

GOS/15/311-314 Out-Patients' Department, Administration and Staffing, 1960-1973; GOS/15/315 Orthopaedic Department, 1960-72; GOS/15/317-323, Pathology Department, 1951-1976; GOS/15/324 Miscellaneous, 1949-1964; GOS/15/325-326, Photographic Department, 1957-1976; GOS/15/327-332, Department of Psychological Medicine,1959-1972; GOS/15/332 Plastic Surgery Department, 1962-1972; GOS/15/333-336 Physical Medicine Department, 1958-1977; GOS/15/337-338, Physiology Department, 1960-1972; GOS/15/339 * Play (Therapy) Centre, 1965-1977.

GOS/15/340 Radiotherapy Department, 1958-1972; GOS/15/341 Research, Maintenance and Equipment, 1961-1972; GOS/15/342 Speech Therapy Department, 1960-1973; GOS/15/343-344 Hospital School, 1948-1958, and 1960-1967; GOS/15/345 Surgical and Medical Appliances, 1960-1976; GOS/15/346 Surgery, general, 1966-1972; GOS/15/347, St Nicholas's Nursery (Nursery in Guilford Street funded by the Friends of Great Ormond Street, for resident mothers, and children with feeding difficulties) no dates.

GOS/15/348-351 Thoracic Department, 1948-1971;GOS/15/352 Urology Department, 1962-1972; GOS/15/353-355 Voluntary Workers, correspondence , reports and newsletters; 1964-1974; GOS/15/356 Voluntary Gifts Department (for donated clinical equipment), 1948-1965; GOS/15/357 Hospital Wards (sample), 1961-1973; GOS/15/358-359, Hospital Wards, general (sample), l958-1972;GOS/15/359-364, X-Ray Department, 1963- 1973; GOS/15/365 Automation and Computers, 1972-1973.

GOS/15/366 Bed Allocation by consultants and specialisms, 1964-1973(for GOS, QEH, Tadworth Court and Banstead Wood); GOS/15/367 Patient Complaints, 1972-1973; GOS/15/368 Ethical Committee(Standing Committee on Ethical Practice), correspondence, minutes and proposals to, 1967-1972; GOS/15/369 Gifts to the Hospital, 1974; GOS/15/370-371 Heads of Department Meetings, correspondence and minutes; 1971-1974; GOS/15/372 Staff Incentive Bonus Schemes, 1972; GOS/15/373 Papers of Infection Sub-Committee, 1972-1976; GOS/15/374 Overseas Patient Enquiries, with related memoranda and policy documents, 1972-1973; GOS/15/375 Private Patients, miscellaneous correspondence and reports, including Royal patients; GOS/15/376, Transport of patients by Helicopter (use of Coram Fields as a landing strip for RAF helicopters delivering emergency patients), 1959-1976.

GOS/15/377-378 * Private Consulting Rooms, including minutes of Users Sub-Committee and plans, 1965-1973; GOS/15/379 Residences, correspondence and accommodation statistics, 1972-1973; GOS/15/380 Theatre Working Party, 1973-1974.

GOS/15/381-436 Group Administration 'F' coded Filing (correspondence with External Organisations and Affiliated Institutions, comprising GOS/15/381 Area Nurse Training (North-East Metropolitan Area Nurse Training Committee), 1957-1968; GOS/15/382-383 BBC Broadcasts, 1959-1966 and 1968-1984; GOS/15/384,British Paediatric Association (run from Institute of Child Health); correspondence, reports, agenda papers, newsletters, 1962-1968; GOS/15/385-388 Coram Fields-Harmsworth Memorial Park and Wolfson Centre, 1961-1983; GOS/15/389, Cystic fibrosis Research Foundation (administered by GOS staff), correspondence and newsletters, 1963-1969.

GOS/15/390, * Department of Health and Social Security (sample), 1972-1982, including correspondence with DHSS, 1983 report on Paediatric Cardiac Surgery; Rules for new Hospitals for Sick Children Special Health Authority, 1982, Hospital statistical returns to the Department.

GOS/15/391-398 Friends(of the Children) of Great Ormond Street; correspondents, minutes and leaflets, 1961-1986; GOS/15/399 Variety Club of Great Britain, 1967-1977; GOS/15/400 * Leukaemia Research Fund, 1969-1985;
GOS/15/401-402 London Borough of Camden, 1977-1986, including general plans of the area, and papers concerning the effects on the Hospital and neighbourhood of traffic and development schemes and cable-laying; GOS/15/403, Joint Research Board (with Institute of Child Health), 1970-1975; GOS/15/404-408 Institute of Child Health, general management correspondence with the Hospital, and some minutes of ICH Academic Board, 1961-1985; GOS/15/409 Royal Commission on Medical Education (Todd Report), 1968; GOS/15/410 League of Remembrance, 1959-1984; GOS/15/411-412 Metropolitan Hospitals Sunday Fund, 1959-1984.

GOS/15/413, Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children, Hackney, 1959-1965, including correspondence with QEH prior to period of joint management, including GOS reports giving case for designation of QEH as part of future Hospitals for Sick Children group; GOS/15/414-415 North-East Metropolitan Regional Health Board (later North-East Thames RHB), 1962-1967 and 1971-1985; GOS/15/416, Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital, 1963-1969; GOS/15/417-420 The Teaching Hospitals Association, circulars and correspondence 1960-1968; GOS/15/421-424 The Teaching Hospitals Association, London Postgraduate Committee, 1959-1967; GOS/15/425,Sir Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund, 1968-1982* ; GOS/15/426, UNICEF, 1961-1968.

GOS/15/427, GOS Gastro-Enteritis 'Flying Squad', 1948-1949, including correspondence of Dr J A Black concerning the establishment of the service, its work at other Hospitals, and lists of equipment used by it; GOS/15/428-429 Joint Research Board(with Institute of Child Health), 1972-1985; GOS/15/430, London Planning Consortium (on general Specialist Services in the Capital), 1978-1980; GOS/15/431, Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, 1970-1981; GOS/15/432, City and Hackney and Tower Hamlets Health Authorities, largely concerning development plans for Queen Elizabeth Hospital; 1974-1983; GOS/15/433-44, City and Hackney Health Authority 'Joint Care Group' (with GOS, forQEH and general East London Paediatric services), 1976-1981.

GOS/15/435,North-East Thames Regional Health Authority (NETRHA); correspondence and reports to GOS on general paediatric matters in the Region, 1976-1981; GOS/15/436 Private Children's hospital, 1980-1981*, a proposed scheme for development of a new private paediatric hospital in Great Portland Street initiated by UME(United Medical Enterprises) group, with possible GOS collaboration.

GOS/15/437-450, Group Administration Financial Filing (former "F" coded series), omcprising, GOS/15/437 Budget Maintenance and Review; sample of original multiple files, 1962-1985; GOS/15/438-441 Budget Capital and Review, 1960-1985; GOS/15/442, Annual Capital Programme (sample), 1958-1983, including annual expenditure estimates and related correspondence with the Ministry and Hospital staff; GOS/15/443-444 Board's Endowment Funds, 1957-1984; GOS/15/445, Hospital Costings (sample), 1958-1964; G08/15/446, Fundraising, 1981-1984, including correspondence on fundraising policy and with individual donors, prior to inception of the 'Wishing Well' Appeal; GOS/15/447, Special Trustees, GOS, 1978-1984, including establishment of Special Trustees for the Endowment Funds on the creation of the Hospitals as a Special Health Authority.

GOS/15/448, Special Trustees, general, 1981-1984; minutes and related papers of meetings of the Special Trustees Group (from other London Hospitals); GOS/15/449,Valuation of Investments (of Endowment Funds and Trust Funds); annual statistics and correspondence, 1957-1983; GOS/15/450, Private Patient Charges (largely correspondence with Deptartment of Health on rates of and usage of), 1951-1969.

GOS/15/451-489, Additional 'Properties' Series (former Group Administration 'J' coded filing), comprising GOS/15/451-453 New Operating Theatre (furnishing and equipment for), 1953-1960; GOS/15/454-458, New X-Ray Department (Barrie Wing), planning, financing and equipping of), 1958-1961; GOS/15/459-462 Proposed new Administration Block (Frontage Extension), 1955-1963; GOS/15/463-472, Hospital for Sick Children and National Hospital property relations and Joint Development schemes, 1945-1968; (note that this series continues below as /481-488, former J30 series).

GOS/15/473-480 Redevelopment of 36-40 Great Ormond St (Frontage extension including Williams and Glynn Bank), 1955-1971; GOS/15/481-488 National Hospital Joint Development Schemes, 1966-1974; GOS/15/489 Mothers' Accommodation (Original Parents' Unit), 1965-69, including correspondence, plans, reports and opinions of senior medical staff on its establishment.

GOS/15/490-528 1970-1987 Group Administration 'Subject Filing' which is a heavily-weeded former numerical series, comprising, GOS/15/490 Refused Admissions reports, 1983-1984; GOS/15/491 Papers of GOS Building Committee, 1980-1981; GOS/15/492 Capital Programme, including estimates and related correspondence, 1975-1983; GOS/15/493 Hospital Catering, including sample menus, 1980-1986; GOS/15/494 Hospital Chapel and Chaplaincy correspondence, including with other denominations, 1980-1984; GOS/15/495 Chemical Patho1ogy (C1inical Biochemistry) correspondence, 1980-1984; GOS/15/496 Computers and Automation, 1980-1981; largely proposed joint system for the 'Island Site' Hospitals (GOS, National and Homeopathic); GOS/15/497 ENT Department, correspondence, 1975-1985; GOS/15/498, Children's Entertainment at the Hospital, correspondence, 1981-1984.

GOS/15/499, Friends of Great Ormond Street, correspondence and financial reports, 1983-1984; GOS/15/500, Sick Children's Trust, correspondence, 1983-1984; GOS/15/501 *Histopathology Department correspondence (largely concerning the Hospital Mortuary), 1979; GOS/15/502 Institute of Child Health, correspondence with the Hospital, 1981-1984; GOS/15/503 Joint (Staff) Consultative Committee, minutes, reports and correspondence, 1976-1982; GOS/15/504 Joint Research Board correspondence, 1982-1987; GOS/15/505 Junior Medical Staff (Committee), minutes and related papers, 1980-1984; GOS/15/506 Medical Advisory Committee, correspondence, minutes and summaries of decisions, 1974-1983; GOS/15/507, Medical Records Department correspondence, with examples of standard file formats, 1982.

GOS/15/508 Museum correspondence, 1966-1984, including a 1966 report on ICH 'specimens' museum and correspondence on 125th anniversary historical exhibit, 1977; GOS/15/509 Operating Theatre correspondence, 1979-1985, GOS/15/510 Out-Patients Department, correspondence, 1979-1987; GOS/15/511/1-2, correspondence regarding painting in the hospital, inclding the Edmund Caswell mural, 1979-2000; GOS/15/512 Parents Unit; correspondence concerning administration, 1970; GOS/15/513 File 'Patients, general', 1978-1983; including complaints and compliments by parents, recommendations for treatment, correspondence on treatment of 'over-age' patients; GOS/15/514 Patients, 'Overseas Directives', 1980-1983 (re legal status concerning entitlement to treatment of EU and other overseas patients); GOS/15/515 Private Patients, 1979-1983; correspondence and complaints.

GOS/15/516, Pharmacy correspondence, 1979-1984, including a draft edition of new edition of GOS Pharmacopoeia, 1979; GOS/15/517 Medical Illustration Department, correspondence, 1979-1984; GOS/15/518, Postgraduate Hospitals - reports on the future of, and proposed amalgamation of the 'Island Site' hospitals (GOS, National and Homeopathic), 1976, this includes a memorandum on amalgamation scheme by Doctor David Owen when Health Minister.

GOS/15/519* Papers of Private Patients Staff Sub-Committee, including charging arrangements and medical supervision/management of, 1979-1984; GOS/15/520, Radio GOSH, 1980; includes minutes of Radio Committee, newsletters of radio station sponsors, the Maccabi Association, (these papers were moved to GOS 14/208-10); GOS/15/521, Tadworth Court; minutes of Staff Working Party on the future of Tadworth, October-December 1981 and the 1982 memorandum on transfer of ownership arrangements.

GOS/15/522,* Television and Radio Broadcasts at the Hospital, 1980-1984, including correspondence with the BBC and commercial broadcasters; GOS/15/523 Thoracic Unit, correspondence, 1980-1984; GOS/15/524, Visits to the Hospita1, 1980-1984 (arrangements for politicians, celebrities and general); GOS/15/525, Joint Research Board correspondence, 1970-l (includes some clinical data and research proposals); GOS/15/526, Nursing Staff Administration, 1980-1983, which includes some Minutes of Nurses' Executive Council, and 1982 memorandum, Nursing Establishment to meet Patient Needs; GOS/15/527, Papers concerning re-organisation of the Medical Workshops Sub-Committee, 1973; GOS/15/528Health and Safety; papers of Hospital Sub-Committee, and correspondence on development of policy, 1979-1981.

GOS/15/529, GOS Summary Business Plan, 1999-2000; GOS/15/530 File on the Royal visit; laying of VCB foundation stone 18 March 1991 by HRH Princess of Wales, File; GOS/15/531,Hospital Staff and Management Structure Charts, 1997-2003; GOS/15/532, GOSH NHS Trust's Monthly Newsbrief, 1996-2000 (Internal publication compiled by Corporate Support manager Lois Beckett; GOS/15/533, Miscellaneous Executive Office files, December 2002, including 1993 Space Utilisation Plan for Hospital site; Quality, Experience and Outcome (Information document for Purchasers and Referring Clinicians); 1994 report from the Task Force for implementation of New Deal for junior doctors, programme for visit of the President of Croatia, December 2001.

GOS/15/534, Papers concerning the commissioning of the Variety Club Building, apparently compiled for use of staff showing official visitors round it, also including summary histories and chronologies of the Hospital, 1987-1997; GOS/15/535, miscellaneous Executive Office papers, 1993-2008, including text of draft NHS Trust application, 1993, the Pharmacy Business Plan, 1997-1998 and the Chief Executive's Review of financial difficulties, 2007-2008.

GOS/15/535 miscellaneous Executive Office papers, 1993-2008, includes text of draft NHS Trust application, 1993, Pharmacy Business Plan, 1997-1998, Chief Executive’s Review of financial difficulties, 2007-2008; GOS/15/536 Draft ‘Health and Safety’ Policies for the Hospital for Sick Children and Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children, with related Infection Control policies, 1992; GOS/15/537 Museum and Archives Service and ‘Peter Pan Gallery’, departmental history(correspondence, reports, memoranda),1990-2012.
Additional series; GOS/15/563-797 (33 boxes); Clinical Services Directorate Administrative filing, 1980-2005; GOS/15/809-83(8 boxes),Institute of Child Health Research & Development Office correspondence with the Hospital, 1994-2007.

Great Ormond Street Hospital
GB 0100 TH/PP27 · 1809-1811

Papers of William Gruggen comprising his notes on lectures on surgery, delivered by Sir Astley Cooper, 1809-1811;
also his notes on John Haighton's lectures on physiology 1810-[1811], delivered at Guy's Hospital [1809-1811], and on the gravid uterus, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, 1810.

Gruggen , William , fl 1809-1811 , medical student
Hale, Dr Geoffrey (b 1905)
GB 0120 GP/23 · 1893-1970

Papers of Dr Geoffrey Edward Hale including practice cashbooks 1893-1904, obituary and notes on his practice by his wife; papers of his son, Geoffrey Hale, including practice partnership accounts, 1933-1970, record of daily consultations, 18 Oct 1960, articles, drafts and lecture notes.

Hale , Geoffrey Edward , 1866-1905 , general practitioner , father of Geoffrey Hale Hale , Geoffrey , b1905 , general practitioner , son of Geoffrey Edward Hale
Hall, Charles (d 1805)
GB 0120 MSS.5876-5877 · 1752-1763

Notes by Charles Hall from lectures and other sources on anatomy and the practice of physic, 1752-1763.

Hall , Charles , d 1805 , army surgeon
HALL, Marshall (1790-1857)
GB 0100 TH/PP28 · 1833-1835

Papers relating to Marshall Hall, comprising notes on his lectures on dropsy and neurology, 1835, as well as notes on lectures by Frederick Tyrell and John Morgan, 1833, taken by an unidentified student.

Hall , Marshall , 1790-1857 , physiologist
Hallifax, Robert (1735-1810)
GB 0120 MSS.6015-6016 · 1781-1782

Accounts for medicines supplied by Hallifax as Royal Apothecary to George, Prince of Wales (afterwards King George IV) and to the Prince of Wales' household. Both sets of accounts bear the signatures (on examination and approval) of Sir Richard Jebb, physician to the Prince, and Charles Fitzroy, 1st Baron Southampton, groom of the stole to the Prince. With signatures (on receipt of payment) of Robert Hallifax.

Hallifax , Robert , 1735-1810 , Royal Apothecary
HAMEY, Baldwin (1600-1676)
GB 0113 MS-HAMEB · 1611-c.1660

Hamey's papers, 1611-c.1660, include his copy of Caspar Bartholinus' (1585-1629) Anatomicae Institutiones Corporis Humani (1611), with annotations in Hamey's hand, 1611-c.1640s; Large volume of Hamey's notes on medical subjects made whilst an apprentice, 1624; Manuscript copy of his Goulstonian Lectures, in his hand, 1647/8; Commentaries on the plays of Aristophanes (c.445-c.386 BC), with indexes on Vespas, Aves, Acharnenses, Equites, and Ranas, c.1650, with critical notes and an index on Plutus, 1650, with explanatory notes and an index on Nubes, c.1650; Commentary on the Greek poets, c.1650; Biographic sketches of 85 of his contemporaries, mostly physicians but also laymen, such as Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), c.1660; Medical notes, suggested to be corrections to the Pharmacopoeia, 17th century; and notes on the College, 17th century.

Hamey , Baldwin , 1600-1676 , physician
GB 0120 PP/HAM · 1886-1971

Papers of Lillias Anna Hamilton including correspondence, writings and other papers from career including as personal physician to the Amir of Afghanistan, 1894-1896, Warden of Studley College, Warwickshire (training women for careers in agriculture and horticulture), and doctor in Serbia in 1915 with the Wounded Allies Relief Committee; photographs of Afghanistan. There is little in this collection of specifically medical interest, but it gives some indication of the life, career and varied interests of an early woman doctor.

Hamilton , Lillias Anna , 1858-1925 , physician
GB 0120 GP/12 · 1944-1992

Papers of Richard Henry Hardy, 1952-1992, including records of cases and correspondence, general practice, Exmouth, 1952-1970, and Hereford General Hospital Accident and Emergency Department, 1971-1984, with reprints and unpublished writings, 1948-1992.

Hardy , Richard Henry , 1921-1999 , general practitioner
Harland Family
GB 0120 MSS.7681-7683 · 1818-1821

Correspondence between members of the Harland family.

Harland , William , [1786]-1866 , physician Harland , William Aurelius , 1822-1858 , surgeon and natural historian
Harley Lecture Notes
GB 0103 MS ADD 320 · 1855-1856

Volume of manuscript lecture notes, 1855-1856, made by George Harley from lectures on experimental chemistry at Giessen University (Germany).

Harley , George , 1829-1896 , physiologist
GB 0120 GC/214 · 1935-1977

Harrods Pharmacy Department registers of prescriptions dispensed daily, Jul 1935-Jan 1977. There are gaps in the sequence between July 1936 and September 1938 and between December 1943 and April 1946, where the relevant registers were found to be missing on transfer to the Wellcome Archive.

Harrods Pharmacy Department
HARVEY, William (1578-1657)
GB 0113 MS-HARVW · 1602-1640

Harvey's papers, 1602-40, consist of offical and legal documents, include his diploma of DM from the University of Padua, 1602; Lease to Harvey of lands called Buckholte, in Kent, 1611; Letters patent of Charles I under the Great Seal, granting to Harvey a general pardon, 1625/26, and annuities of £50 per annum, 1631, £300 per annum, 1637, £100 per annum, 1639, and £200 and £100 per annum, 1640.

Harvey , William , 1578-1657 , physician and discoverer of the circulation of the blood
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP12 · 1929

Manuscript volume of Irene Rose Hasler titled `Sister tutor's lectures, 1929, Miss K Armstrong, Anatomy and Physiology' containing notes on lectures, with accompanying sketches, which have been annotated in red ink. Inserted are a number of duplicated notes and diagrams relating to physiology and treatment.

Hasler , Irene Rose , fl 1929-1931 , nurse
HEAD, Sir Henry (1861-1940)
GB 0113 MS-HEADH · 1891-1909

Sir Henry Head's papers, 1891-1909, consist of his casebooks of patients with Herpes Zoster, with sketches and photographs, chiefly from Head's work at the London Hospital, 1891-1909, and his casebooks of patients with various diseases, with sketches and charts, from his work at the City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Lungs, Victoria Park, 1894.

Head , Sir , Henry , 1861-1940 , Knight , neurologist
HEAVISIDE, John (fl 1792)
GB 0114 MS0013 · c1792

Papers of John Heaviside, c1792, comprising transcript of lecture by John Hunter on fractured patella, gunshot wounds, cancer, scrophula, locked jaw, mortification or partial death, undated; notes from poisons by John Hunter, c1790; notes on lecture by John Hunter on venereal disease;

notes on an introductory lecture to a course of 58 lectures on surgery; notes on a lecture on inflammation; notes on opium; accounts of cases and post-mortem examinations, 1792.

Heaviside , John , fl 1792 , surgeon
GB 0074 ACC/1875 · Collection · 1853-1883

Records of the Heelis family, including certificates of attendance of Edward Heelis at medical lectures at Apothecaries Hall, 1853-55; apprenticeship indenture of William Heelis, 1859; and testimonials of Robert Heelis, 1881-83.

Heelis , family , surgeon-apothecaries
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP13 · 1914-1919

Papers of Julia Ashbourne (Daisy) Herbert comprising letter to Herbert from Sidney Brown, TFNS Matron-in-Chief, concerning joining the TFNS unit in Lincoln, Aug 1914; from Matron-in-Chief British Expeditionary Forces, congratulations on award of Military Medal, 20 Oct 1917; certificate recording Herbert's mention in dispatches, 7 Nov 1917; telegram and letter relating to investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace, Jul 1919; membership papers for TFNS [1922];
letters to Herbert's aunt, Miss Lucy Herbert, describing her activities and surroundings, Sep 1919-Jan 1919 (20 letters) including a New Year greeting card from No 1 Casualty Clearing Station, Mons, France, 1918; dance cards for Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Mons, 29 Nov 1918; and Soiree Dansante, Mons, 5 Dec 1918.
black and white photograph portrait of Herbert in nursing uniform;
newspaper cuttings recording wounded nurses, Oct 1917; announcement of award of Military Medal to Herbert and other nurses, including Gloucester nurse's bravery - awarded the Military Medal' Gloucestershire Chronicle, 1 Dec 1917; 'The Nurse who "carried on"', Daily Express, 1917; and the investiture at Buckingham Palace (with illustrations), 1919; printed copy of An historical roll (with portraits) of those women of the British Empire to whom The Military Medal has been awarded during the Great War 1914-1918 forbravery and devotion under fire', compiled by Lt-Col J H Leslie, Sheffield, 1920;
small envelope with medal ribbons; souvenir German wartime string made from paper; also includes correspondence with St Margaret's Convent, East Grinstead, relating to the deposit of Herbert's papers, 1975-1978.

Herbert , Julia Ashbourne (Daisy) , born 1881 , nurse
GB 0120 MSS.5165-5177 · 1876-1932

Scrapbooks of A B Hill, 1876-1932, mainly relating to his career in public health, containing newscuttings, programmes of events (especially dinners and conferences of societies concerned with public health and local affairs in the Birmingham area), and miscellaneous papers.

Hill , Alfred Bostock , 1854-1932 , Professor of Hygiene and Public Health
GB 0100 HGH/FP · 1955-1967

Registers of student nurses at Hither Green Hospital, 1955-1967, including names, personal details, dates of training, ward allocation and examination results.

Hither Green Hospital , Hither Green
HOBBS, Joan (died 2003)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP14 · 1934-1967

Papers of Joan Hobbs comprising:
King's College Hospital certificates of Invalid Cookery, 21 Jul 1934; nursing training 1934-1937; and Maternity Department training, 10 Mar 1939;
Central Midwives Board certificate, 13 Aug 1938; Certificate of Membership of the College of Nursing, 20 Jul 1939; King's College of Household and Social Science certificate of attendance and practice of Elementary Dietetics, 4 Aug 1939; Battersea Polytechnic Certificate Department of Hygiene & Public Health course for Sister Tutors, Jul 1942; University of London Diploma in Nursing, 17 Dec 1943; Home Office Civil Defence Staff College course attendance, 4 Mar 1955.

notice of the General Nursing Council (GNC) for England and Wales relating to registration of nurses, 1950;
Hobbs' GNC certificates of admission to the General Register, 26 Nov 1937; and of registration as a Sister-Tutor, 24 Oct 1947; letter from the GNC relating to Hobbs membership of the Council's panel of Examiners, 29 Nov 1946; printed rules of the GNC, 1931; Receipts for payment of GNC fees, 29 Aug 1947; 21 Aug 1950; GNC receipt for notification of change of address;

Nurses League membership card, 7 Nov 1937; receipts for subscriptions to Nurse's League, 1940, and Battersea Polytechnic PHA, 1945;

Central Midwives Board notification of receipt of letter, May 1967;

three letters to Joan Hobbs from H Willoughby Lyle, King's College Hospital historian, 19 May 1951, 30 May 1951, relating to request for information concerning the foundation of King's College Hospital and the various forms of crest used; and delivery of copies of Lyle's book to the Nursing Department, 15 Oct 1951.

HOBBS , Joan (Sister Jane) , [1912]-2003 , nurse and tutor
GB 1510 HOBDAY · [1914-1937]

Official papers of Sir Frederick Hobday as Principal of the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), [1914-1937], including RVC committee papers including the Finance Committee, 1914-1921; General purposes committee, 1914-1921; and the London University Subcommittee; papers of the RVC General Purposes Committee on reorganising and rebuilding the College 1928-1933; report and memorandum of the advisory committee on the Royal Veterinary College on the siting of a research institute in veterinary pathology; report of development commission advisory committee into research on diseases of animals, 1922; memorandum of report of Ministry on the advisability of removing the Royal Veterinary College to Cambridge; Senate minutes including on a consideration of revision of BSC Veterinary Medicine at Senate, 20 Dec 1933; papers of the Academic Board, 1927-1932; minutes of Governor's meetings, 1914-1932; papers of the annual meeting of the RVC, 1914-1921 and papers relating to the building of the new College buildings at Camden Town, 1934.

Papers relating to events including the RVC 1937 opening ceremony; visit of Mayor of St Pancras to the RVC; Lord Mayor's Procession, 1931; Lord Mayor's Show, 1934; Sir Frederick Hobday Complimentary Dinner, 1933; the great thoroughbred contest, 1934; the Animals' Hospital Ball, 1933 and Flag day, 1933.

Papers relating to fundraising including RVC appeal letters, 1931-1933; Herbert Buckingham fund raising correspondence, 1927-1936; Our Dogs appeal, 1931; Dog World Appeal, 1931; Suffolk women's appeal; donations to rebuilding and endowment fund, General expenses fund (for special purposes and general expenses) and the South Eastern Jersey club appeal.

Papers relating to conferences, 1928-1932, including the National Veterinary Medical Association Congress, Sep 1929; RVC timetables; RVC monthly examination papers, 1927-1934; RCVS Examinations and mark books; papers relating to students including on scholarships and female students; financial papers including private account invoices; clocking on lists; papers relating to canine hysteria, 1934; applications and testimonials for posts in the RVC, 1933-1934; press cuttings including cuttings relating to the RVC; papers relating to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries: Amendments to handbook of diseases of animal acts. Returns of outbreaks of scheduled diseases, 1927-1929; papers relating to anti-vivisection including Anti-vivisection Research Defence Society papers; inventory of books and instruments bequeathed to the College by Hobday; anti-vivisection correspondence and propaganda and anti-vivisection journals, 1932-1935 and issues of journals including the University of London Gazette and the Veterinary Journal, 1933.

Correspondence including a run of general correspondence arranged alphabetically, 1933-1936 and correspondence on topics including lectures, 1932-1934; the humane treatment and killing of animals, 1933; export of horses, 1929-1932; the Mansion House meetings, 1936; notices, 1917-1927; and the Royal visit to open the new buildings at the RVC, 1937. Correspondents include Margaret Rees, 1933; London livery companies; the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; Toye Vise; overseas colleagues; the University of London, 1934-1935; the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries; James Basil Buxton, 1936 and Miss Hodge (Principal's secretary), 1936.

Papers relating to societies and organisations including: the Student Union Society; Students Veterinary Medical Association; Ministry of Agriculture and fisheries; Royal Society of Medicine, 1928-1934; University of London Animal Welfare Society, 1929-1934; Royal Army Veterinary Corps, 1932-1935; Model abattoir society; Silver Fox Breeders and Furriers Association; Society for the Protection of Animals in North Africa; National Greyhound Racing Society, 1933; Council of Justice to Animals, 1933; People's League of Health 1932-1933; Metropolitan Drinking Fountain Association; College of Pestology; Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; agricultural societies and poultry and bird societies.

Hobday , Sir , Frederick Thomas George , 1870-1939 , Knight , veterinary surgeon
Hodgkin, Keith, (1918-1999)
GB 0120 GP/25 · 1939-1994

Papers of Keith Hodgkin, 1939-1994, including index cards of lecture, ward round and case notes made while a student at the Radcliffe Infirmary and the Hammersmith Hospital 1939-1943, and patient records from his practice 1954-1979. There are also reports and surveys illustrating the use of practice records in research. His Family Record contains reminiscences and evaluation of his professional, as well as family life, and material relating to his grandfather's uncle, Thomas Hodgkin (1798-1866).

Hodgkin , Keith , 1918-1999 , general practitioner and lecturer
Hodgkin, Thomas (1798-1866)
GB 0120 MSS.5680-5686 · 1840-1979

The collection chiefly comprises material relating to the latter part of Hodgkin's life, the 1850s and 1860s, following his marriage to Sarah Frances Scaife. Included are items relevant to Hodgkin's marriage and personal life (his marriage certificate, letters to his wife, miscellaneous papers relating to him and his wife, papers related to the subsequent history of the Scaife family and a Hodgkin pedigree book); papers relating to Hodgkin's lobbying and philanthropic activities during the years of his marriage; and a memorandum on the relationship of religion and physiology, drafted during this late period of his life but based upon discussions with Samuel Tuke that took place in 1821, while Hodgkin was still a student.

Hodgkin , Thomas , 1798-1866 , physician, pathologist and philanthropist
GB 1538 S13 · 1927

Memorandum by Eardley Holland, October 1927, on the desirability of a clinical examination in obstetrics and gynaecology as part of the Final Examination of the Conjoint Board of Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Surgeons, to which is attached a report of a meeting of teachers in obstetrics and gynaecology held in June 1927 to discuss the same subject.

Holland , Sir , Eardley Lancelot , 1879-1967 , President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
GB 106 7VJH · Fonds · 1900-c.1962

The archive consists of diaries, correspondence, photographs and memorabilia relating to Holme's activities as a suffragette; her work with the Women's Volunteer Reserve and the Scottish Women's Hospital Unit during the First World War; her visits to and relief work in Serbia / Yugoslavia; and her personal life and friendships. Many items across the collection relate to her girlfriend Evelina Haverfield.

Holme , Vera Louise , 1881-1969 , actress and suffragette
GB 0120 GP/31 · 1904-1955

Papers of Thomas Jeeves Horder, 1904-1955, including Horder's appointment diaries, [one at St Bartholomew's Hospital and one at his private practice], memorabilia, Horder's talks and writings, obituaries and appreciations of his life and work, and a very small accumulation of case notes, apparently from his private practice.

Horder , Thomas Jeeves , 1871-1955 , 1st Baron Horder , physician
Horsley Papers
GB 0103 HORSLEY · 1790-1965 (predominant 1863-1916)

Papers of and relating to the Horsley family, comprising papers of Sir Victor Horsley; papers of Eldred, Lady Horsley; papers of Siward Horsley and of Oswald Horsley; papers of Pamela, Lady Robinson, including items relating to the Babies Club in Chelsea; papers of Stephen Paget, author of Victor Horsley's biography; photographs and postcards. Victor Horsley's papers include large sections on his medical career, his service in the army during the Great War, and his political and social interests, including his involvement in the temperance movement and the Medical Defence Union, support for the suffragettes and for Home Rule for Ireland, and his role in the reform of the bodies representing the medical profession: the General Medical Council, the British Medical Association, and the Royal College of Surgeons. His personal papers reflect his interest in archaeology and genealogy.

Horsley , Sir , Victor Alexander Haden , 1857-1916 , Knight , Professor of Clinical Surgery Horsley , Lady , Eldred , fl 1887-1916 , wife of Sir Victor Horsley Horsley , Siward Myles , 1891-1920 , son of Sir Victor Horsley Horsley , Oswald , 1893-1918 , son of Sir Victor Horsley Robinson , Lady , Pamela Comfrey , b 1895 , née Horsley , daughter of Sir Victor Horsley Paget , Stephen , fl 1911-1920 , biographer of Victor Horsley
GB 0120 MSS.6028-6032 · 1883-1915

Correspondence and papers of Sir Victor Horsley, 1883-1915, including notebook as Secretary to the Local Government Board inquiry into Pasteur's anti-rabies therapy, Apr-May 1886; papers and addresses by Horsley; letters to Horsley and miscellaneous papers, comprising papers relating to evidence given by Horsley to the Royal Commission on Vivisection, 1906-1907; an antivivisectionist postcard opposing Horsley as a parliamentary candidate (showing a banner with the head of a bulldog and the words 'Who said vivisection?'), Dec 1910; papers relating to Horsley's support for Christopher Addison, afterwards 1st Viscount Addison, at the Hoxton parliamentary election, January 1910; and a circular signed by Horsley as President of the National Temperance Federation, opposing the Army rum ration, 27 October 1914.

Horsley , Sir , Victor Alexander Haden , 1857-1916 , Knight , physiologist and surgeon
GB 1538 M41 · 1993

Report of the Hospital Visiting Working Party (May 1993).

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
GB 2134 B/HUN · Fonds · 1932-1988

Professional papers relating to Hunt's involvement in the Royal College of General Practitioners, 1948-79, which he was fundamental in founding, including articles and correspondence published in the lay and medical press, correspondence, committee minutes and notes, covering his role proposing the College in 1951, his work as Honorary Secretary of the Steering Committee in 1952, and of the Foundation Council and then Council of the College, 1953-66, then as President, 1967-70, and during his remaining years, 1971-78, when he continued to be involved with the College's development; papers relating to his life peerage, as a member of the House of Lords, including correspondence, speeches and articles, 1973-83; papers relating to Hunt's other commitments to various institutions and societies, including St Bartholomew's Hospital, the British Medical Association, Royal Society of Medicine, Medical Society of London, the Armed Forces, Department of Health, and the Hunterian Society, as President, member or adviser, mostly articles produced as a result of his involvement with these bodies, 1932-74; and biographic material relating to his personal life, including his curriculum vitae, bibliography, personal notes, and publications resulting from his DM Thesis, undertaken at the Univeristy of Oxford in 1935, 1935-1988.

John Henderson Hunt, Lord Hunt of Fawley (1905-1987)
Hunter-Baillie Collection
GB 0114 MS0014 · 1704-1923

The collection represents the contacts through two centuries of a group of men and women of high distinction ramifying through the medical, legal and literary worlds. It forms a not unimportant fund of minor historical material, comprising more than a thousand letters from nearly five hundred writers.

The autograph letters are mounted in 10 large volumes: -

  1. Letterbook of John Arbuthnot (1667-1735). The most interesting letters are those of Pope and Swift and their circle written in 1714 when the Queen's death involved the destruction of their political hopes. Letterbook of William Hunter (1719-1783). It includes letters from Tobias Smollett the novelist, from Dr. Johnson thanking Hunter for presenting his book to the King, and from Edward Gibbon 'proposing himself the pleasure of attending some of Dr. Hunter's Anatomical lectures.'

  2. Hunter and Baillie family letters and reminiscences, including the letters written by John to William Hunter from active service in 1761-62; poems by Sophia Baillie, Jenner family letters.

    1. Letters to Matthew Baillie from the Royal Princesses. Letters of the Bentham family, including three from Jeremy Bentham. Autograph letter collection includes letters from Thomas Carlyle and Charles Dickens. 1735 - 1845
  3. Denman family collection; autographs collections of Lady Bell and Dr. William Whewell; letters of John Baron, Edward Jenner's biographer; fragment of unpublished music by Mozart; letters from Joanna Baillie's friends including c.1782-1877

  4. Letters to Joanna Baillie includes letters from Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth. Various dates

  5. William Hunter's diplomas, and letters to him, Hunter family documents, and notes on family history compiled by Joanna and Matthew Baillie. Locks of hair and christening caps worn by Hunter family. Various dates

  6. Matthew Baillie's letters to William Hunter includes material relating to treatment of George III and to his wife Sophia (Denman) and his diplomas. C. 1783-1823

  7. Matthew Baillie's professional correspondence including notes on illness of George III and on labour of Princess Charlotte. Letter to Helen Hunter Baillie from George Peachy re Matthew Baillie's notebooks (1923). 1783-1923

  8. Joanna Baillie's letters and papers relating to her plays, sale of her works, mss. of two stories and a comedy, letters from Mrs Sigourney, Henry Siddons, Anne Hunter, Mary Somerville; Agnes Baillie's reminiscences, prescriptions by Matthew Baillie

  9. Princess Mary's letters to Baillie concerning the illness of Princess Amelia, Anne Hunter's autograph poems, libretto of Haydn's Creation; account of death of Princess Charlotte.

    The Hunter Baillie collection comprises also a number of manuscript books, the oldest of which is a commonplace book of the early eighteenth century, giving details of family history of the Hunters. Matthew Baillie's notebooks include: -

Journal of a tour in Europe in 1788 and A short memoir of my life, 1818. 'Some brief observations from my own experience upon a considerable number of diseases', in two volumes. n.d. With these are his casebooks, fee-books and other professional notes, including details of his attendance on King George III. Baillie records that his total annual fees mounted from £121 in 1792 to £9,995 in 1815.

Baillie , Hunter- , family
GB 0114 MS0191 · 1775-1793

Hunterian letters, 1775-1793, comprising a photograph of the donor, Professor George Grey Turner (1877-1951); letter from John Hunter of London to Edward Jenner, 24 May [1775], regarding a scheme to teach Natural History including both Human and Comparative anatomy, and requesting Jenner to assist him by coming to London; letter from John Hunter of Leciester Square to Robert Adam, 31 May 1789, concerning a testimonial for his nephew, Dr Baillie, for the position of Physician at St George's Hospital; letter from John Hunter to an unidentified correspondent, 15 Jan 1793, concerning natural history specimens; letter from William Hunter of Windmill Street to an unidentified correspondent, 6 Nov 1779, concerning some coins, and the dissection of a body where death was caused by sudden contraction of the heart; and a letter from Anne Home Hunter of Lower Grosvenor Street, to an unidentified correspondent, regarding collection of a manuscript.

Hunter , John , 1728-1793 , surgeon and anatomist Hunter , William , 1718-1783 , anatomist and surgeon Hunter , Anne Home , 1742-1821 , poet
Hunterian Society of London
GB 0120 MSS.5520-5624, 7887-7888 & 8421-8423 · 1676-1989

Records and collection of manuscripts of the Hunterian Society, 1676-1989. The manuscript collection includes extensive letters and papers relating to the Hunter and Baillie families.

Hunterian Society of London
Hunter-Jenner Letters
GB 0114 MS0015 · 1773-1793

Volume containing 32 letters from John Hunter to Edward Jenner, 1773-1793. The letters were written whilst Jenner practiced medicine at Berkeley, Gloucestershire, having been a pupil of Hunters in London from 1770 to 1772. The letters record Hunter's encouragement of Jenner in his botanical, ornithological and medical observations and experiments, and include requests for Jenner to send him animal specimens, including fossils.

Hunter , John , 1728-1793 , anatomist and surgeon Jenner , Edward , 1749-1823 , physician and naturalist
GB 0113 MS-HUTCJ · 1889-1906

Papers of Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, 1889-1906, consisting of his author's copy of Archives of Surgery (1889-1900), printed with annotations in his hand and interleaved with letters to him from practitioners whose patients' cases he describes.

Hutchinson , Sir , Jonathan , 1828-1913 , Knight , Physician
Hutchison, David (1920-2001)
GB 0120 GP/4 · 1942-1980

Papers of David Hutchison, 1942-1980, including copies of partnership accounts, 1951; plans and photographs of 1960s alterations to practice premises; audio tapes of reminiscences: description of general practice pre- and post-war, mainly relating to record keeping and surgery, description of alterations to premises (with transcripts), school and student days, service in the RAF medical service in South East Asia during the Second World War and gypsum 'wart stones' .

Hutchison , David , 1920-2001 , general practitioner