Papers of Lady Margaret Church, Chatham Street, Walworth including registers of baptisms, banns and marriages; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial records; church services registers; papers of church clubs and societies; faculties; a history of the church; and parish magazines.
Lady Margaret Church, Walworth , Church of EnglandManuscript volume containing transcripts of legal papers, 1686, mainly relating to the attempts of King James II to increase his powers as the Supreme Head of the Anglican Church, including papers appointing the Lords Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, 17 Jul 1686, and their proceedings against Henry Compton, Bishop of London, 9 Aug-6 Sep 1686; proceedings in the Court of King's Bench against Sir Edward Hales, Baronet, 1686, (where the judges found in favour of the king's power to excuse individuals from the Test Oath); observations on the case of customs cited in the Reports of Sir Edward Coke...of divers resolutions and judgments (W Lee, London, 1658), 1686; and notes on proceedings in the Court of King's Bench against Samuel Johnson, [1686].
UnknownRecords of the Leysin Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland, comprising chaplains' books, 1910-1965 (Ms 16945), and photographs of the interior of the chapel, early 20th century (Ms 16945A). They were catalogued in 1977 and 1985 by members of Guildhall Library staff.
Leysin Anglican Chaplaincy , SwitzerlandRegisters of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials at Libau Anglican Chaplaincy, Latvia.
Libau Anglican Chaplaincy , LatviaRecords of the British Anti-State Church Association, later known as the Society for the Liberation of Religion from State-Patronage and Control or the Liberation Society. Records include minutes of the Executive Committee and the Parliamentary Committee; reports and memoranda; annual reports; lists of members, officers and executive; correspondence relating to legacies; financial records; leases for offices; legal opinions; papers relating to burial grounds; copies of relevant Acts of Parliament; printed material such as publications, magazines, addresses, circulars and pamphlets; photographs; and press cuttings.
British Anti-State Church Association , 1844-1853 Society for the Liberation of Religion from State-Patronage and Control x Liberation SocietyRecords of the parish of Saint Peter and the District Church of Little St Peter, Cricklewood, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, banns of marriage, and church services; financial accounts; and minutes.
Parish of St Peter, Cricklewood , Church of England District Church of Little St Peter, Cricklewood , Church of EnglandRecords of the London Diocesan Council for Welcare, 1889-1968, including Council minutes; Executive Committee minutes; Finance Committee minutes; Ladies' Committee minutes; Men's Committee minutes; annual reports of the Church of England Moral Welfare Council; press cuttings; scrapbook and history "The Wel-care Story: 75 years of Christian Social Service in London".
Records of local branches of the London Diocesan Council for Welcare, including Ruri-decanal associations, Moral Welfare Councils, Associations for Moral Welfare, hostels, refuges and homes, and Preventative and Rescue Associations. Papers include financial accounts, annual reports and committee minutes. Also indoor case histories for Saint Agnes' Home, Hammersmith.
London Diocesan Council for Welcare x London Diocesan Council for Penitentiary, Rescue and Preventative Work x London Diocesan Association for Moral WelfareRecords of the London Diocesan Council for Welcare, 1962-1993, comprising annual reports of the London Diocesan Council for Moral Welfare, annual reports of the London Diocesan Council for Welcare and annual reports of local branch associations in Westminster, Willesden, Brent, Camden, Hampstead and Hounslow.
London Diocesan Council for Welcare x London Diocesan Council for Penitentiary, Rescue and Preventative Work x London Diocesan Association for Moral WelfareRecords of the London Society for Jews and Christians, including minute books; correspondence; financial accounts; reports; bulletins; press cuttings; papers for publication; copies of talks; and programmes and advertisements for meetings and conferences.
London Society for Jews and ChristiansRecords of Malaga Anglican Chaplaincy, Spain, comprising: register of baptisms, 1850-1899, marriage, 1853, and burials, 1850-1855 (Ms 29845); minutes, 1883-1893, 1909-1965 (Ms 29846); letter book, 1842-1867 (Ms 29847); and "donation book", 1850-1931 (Ms 29848). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1995.
Malaga Anglican Chaplaincy , SpainRecords, 1848-1984, of the Melanesian Mission, including minute books; correspondence, journals and diaries of pioneer missionaries including R H Codrington and J C Patteson; correspondence of more recent missionaries; logs relating to the Mission vessels including the first 'Southern Cross' log book, 1855. Material relating to the Church of Melanesia includes the proceedings of the Provincial Synod from its inception in 1975, conference reports, and lists of missionaries from the Mission's beginnings to the 1920s. Printed materials include the Southern Cross Log, 1895-1954, 1963-1973, and Annual Reports, 1864-1939 (1917 and 1923 missing). There are also a large number of photographs and manuscript maps of the Diocese of the Melanesian Mission dating from 1875 onwards.
Melanesian MissionRecords of the Messina Anglican Chaplaincy, Italy, comprising register of baptisms 1902-1908, and private family letters and papers, 1891-1900. They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1988.
Messina Anglican Chaplaincy , ItalyApportionment of rent charge in lieu of tithes in the parish of Hendon, with plan, 1741-1903.
Parish of Hendon , Church of EnglandManuscript volume [17th century] containing Antonio Milledonne's 'Historia de sacri concili divisa in due libri ... ' (history of the holy council [presumably the Council of Trent] in two volumes).
UnknownProgrammes, press cuttings, articles and transcripts relating to the composer Anthony Milner, used by James Siddons in his Anthony Milner: a Bio-Bibliography (Westport, CT, 1989), comprising scrap books of reviews of Milner's music and articles by or on Milner, 1951-1960; press cuttings relating to Milner's liturgical compositions in regard to the introduction of English in the Roman Catholic liturgy, and Milner's views of the translation of the order of mass into English, 1964-1970; music programmes (with some reviews) of concerts featuring Milner's works, 1958-1985; reviews and press cuttings of Milner's work and performances, c1958-1979; brief biographical notes on Milner, and schedules and itineraries of his lecture tours of Canada and USA, 1964-1985; transcript of 'Anthony Milner on his 50th birthday', a talk on 'Music weekly', BBC Radio 3, by Hugh Wood, 11 May 1975; 'Anthony Milner - a comment on his work' typescript article by Stephen Dodgson (MS 5866). Three published articles by Milner, with covering to Sir Keith Falkner, on the problem of the vernacular in the Roman Catholic liturgy, 'Music in a vernacular Catholic liturgy' paper read to the Royal Musical Association, 4 Jan 1965; 'The instruction on sacred music', Worship vol 41 no 6 Jun-Jul 1967; 'Music and liturgy', The Month, 1965-1966 (MS 6995)
Milner , Anthony Francis Dominic , b 1925 , composerRegister of baptisms for Nantes Anglican Chaplaincy, France.
Nantes Anglican Chaplaincy , FranceRecords of the National Education Association, including minutes; papers relating to the formation and endowment of the Association; financial accounts; annual reports; correspondence; case files; NEA publications; other publications; Parliamentary publications; circulars from the Ministry of Education; education pamphlets and reference papers.
National Education Association , 1888-1959Copies of Nazi propaganda leaflets including a leaflet announcing a solidarity meeting to be held in Trier, 1 July 1934; appeal to Roman Catholic boys and girls to join the Hitler Youth, refuting the accusation that the Hitler Youth movement is a heathen organisation that seeks the extirpation of religion.
National Socialist German Workers Party x Nazi PartyRecords of the New England Company, missionary society. The majority of the collection dates from 1649, with deeds from 1543-1979. Some records are held only in the form of microfilms or xerox copies of originals held locally in North America.
The records comprise: Charters 1662-196; Court and committee minutes 1655-1987; copy minutes of Commissioners for Indian Affairs 1699-1818; and court attendance books 1937-63 and 1970-1. Financial records 1649-1979.
Correspondence and papers about Indians and Indian affairs in New England 1657-1764; papers relating to the proceedings of the Company 1649-56; reports on Company affairs and undertakings 1822-6; deeds and papers concerning missions in Canada 1828-1934; papers about support for missionary activity in West Indies and Canada 1961-76; and papers about the sale of the Mohawk Institute 1961-7.
Letter books 1688-1772, 1872-1919; general correspondence 1664-1818; papers relating to supplemental charters 1898 and 1959-60; papers about the history of Company 1700-1913 and tercentenary 1949; lists of governors, treasurers, clerks and members of the company, 1668 and 1741-1859; and miscellaneous administrative and legal papers 1688-1839, 1876-7.
Deeds and papers relating to Company estates, particularly in Essex, 1543-1979; inventories of Company effects in New England 1708, 1714; papers concerning Robert Boyle's annuity 1814-1900; copy will of Rev Daniel Williams 1711-12; and papers relating to William Pennoyer's charity 1670-1902.
New England Company , missionary societyRecords of the North West France Anglican Chaplaincy comprising register of services and register of baptisms and burials.
North West France Anglican ChaplaincyAnnotated copy of Offor's The triumph of Henry VIII over the usurpations of the church and the consequences of the royal supremacy with notes, newspaper cuttings and letters that were found in the volume.
Offor , George , 1787-1864 , writerRecords of the Pembroke College Mission, Barlow Street, Walworth, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; church services registers; and minutes of the Parochial Church Council and other committees.
Pembroke College Mission, Walworth , Church of England Parish of St Christopher, Walworth , Church of EnglandRecords of the Percy Chapel, Charlotte Street, St Pancras, comprising three registers of baptisms.
Percy Chapel, St Pancras , Church of EnglandPapers, 1972-1981 (some undated), on the Philippines, including typescripts, correspondence, maps, legal documents, press cuttings and other published material, some of the material produced by the Catholic Church, dealing with affairs in the Philippines, including the work of the Panamin government agency, the Chico River Basin Project (Northern Luzon) to dam the Chico River and submerge tribal villages, attempts to 'modernise' and convert minority ethnic groups to Christianity, including alleged abuses of human rights, and the political situation, including the policies of Ferdinand Marcos.
UnknownScrapbook compiled by F Poffley containing items relating to St Alban's Church, Streatham Park, including engraving of proposed church, photographs of exterior and interior from 1887, the fire of 1947, and subsequent restoration and rededication, 1954, with notes from parish magazines.
Poffley , F , fl 1947-1965Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials at the Protestant Chapel, Ostend.
Protestant Chapel , Ostend, BelgiumPapers, 1953-1986, dating predominantly from the 1960s and 1970s, on Melanesian culture, government and geography and the work of the church in the New Hebrides, collected by the Rt Rev Derek Rawcliffe.
Rawcliffe , Derek Alec , b 1921 , Bishop of GlasgowPapers, 1935-1995, of Charles Granston Richards, comprising articles, reports, books, pamphlets and correspondence reflecting his work and interests. The papers cover his work with the Church Missionary Society in Kenya, East African Literary Bureau, Oxford University Press, Christian Literature Fund and Agency for Christian Literature Development in addition to his retirement years.
Richards , Charles Granston , b 1908 , missionary and publisherService registers for the Rigi-Kaltbad Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.
Rigi Kaltbad Anglican Chaplaincy , SwitzerlandRegisters of baptisms for the Royal Arsenal and Dockyard Chapel, Woolwich.
Royal Arsenal and Dockyard Chapel, Woolwich , Church of EnglandRecords of the Royal Memorial Church of Saint George, Cannes, France, comprising memorandum and articles of association of the Duke of Albany Memorial Church Society, 1886 (Ms 23615); register of baptisms, 1887-1960 (Ms 23616); service registers, 1887-1964 (Ms 23617); and church inventory, 1907-31 (Ms 23618).
Royal Memorial Church of Saint George , Cannes, FranceService register for the Saas Fee Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.
Saas Fee Anglican Chaplaincy , SwitzerlandSacramental registers including Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Burial and Death registers and Marriage Bans for parishes and churches and priest's registers, including:
Archbishops' Private Chapel: Confirmation registers, 1854-1901.
Bavarian Chapel, Warwick Street: Baptism registers, 1748 -1909 and
Marriage registers, 1747-1840 and 1856-1922.
Westminster Cathedral: Baptism registers, 1809-1906; Confirmation registers, 1856-1909 and Marriage registers, 1856-1914.
Clerkenwell, SS Peter and Paul: Marriage registers, 1979-1985.
Commercial Rd, SS Mary and Michael (including Virginia St Mission): Baptism registers, 1832-1893 and Marriage registers, 1856-1899.
Ealing, Mission of St Joseph and St Peter: Baptism registers, 1772-1855.
Saffron Hill mission (Holy Family): Baptism registers, 1842-1852 and 1855-1876.
Baldwin Gardens mission (St Bridget's): Baptism registers, 1851-1872; Confirmation registers, 1857-1875 and Marriage registers, 1854-1876.
Ely Place mission (St Etheldreda): Baptism registers, 1877-1947; Confirmation registers, 1856-1948; Marriage registers, 1855-1975 and Death registers, 1857-1923.
French Chapel (Little George St, nr Portman Sq): Baptism registers, 1909-1911 and Marriage registers: 1846-1910.
Gower Street, Catholic Chaplaincy: Marriage registers, 1988-1990.
Imperial Chapel: Baptism registers, 1765-1816; Marriage registers, 1766-1805 and Death registers, 1794-1806.
Isleworth, Our Lady of Sorrows and St Bridget of Sweden: Baptism registers, 1746-1809 and Confirmation registers: 1747-1777.
Islington, St John: Index to Baptisms, 1841-1819; Baptism registers, 1840-1844, 1851-1871, 1890-1902; Confirmation registers, 1851-1862 and Marriage registers, 1844-1880.
Kensington, Our Lady of Victories: Baptism registers, 1823-1850, 1852-1922 and Marriage Registers: 1852-1927.
Kentish Town, Our Lady Help of Christians: Baptism registers, 1849-1854.
Lincoln's Inn Fields, SS Anselm and Caecilia (inc. Sardinian Chapel): Baptism registers, 1731-1920; Marriage registers, 1729-1838, 1850-1856 and Death registers: 1858-1861.
Mile End, Guardian Angels: Baptism registers, 1869-1890 and Marriage registers, 1904-1962.
Moorfields, St Mary: Index to Baptisms: 1840, 1845-1854, 1856-1861; Baptism registers, 1763-1907; Marriage registers, 1777-1821; Burial registers, 1819-1853 and Death registers, 1857-1860.
Neapolitan Chapel: Baptism registers, 1772-1855.
Old Hall Green: Baptisms, 1811-1830, 1855-1925; Marriage registers, 1812-1848; Confirmation registers, 1812-1848 and Death registers, 1856-1913.
Palace St, SS Peter and Edward: Index to Baptisms, 1864-1940; Baptism registers, 1857-1963; Confirmation registers, 1863-1886, 1905-1942 and Marriage registers, 1859-1973.
Priests Registers including of: Rev James Barnard, 1764-1788; Rev Joseph Bolton, 1766-1781; Rev George Howe, 1796-1798; Fr Richard Dillon, 1750-1753; Fr James Barnard, 1763-1796; Rev James Barnard, 1791-1800; Rev Elston Lacy, 1715-1743; Rev Thomas Varley, 1767-1786; Bishop Poynter confirmation register, 1826-1843; Bishop Bramston confirmation register, 1826-1843; Bishop Gradwell confirmation register, 1826-1843; Bishop Griffiths confirmation register, 1826-1843; Rev Joseph Hodgson, 1802-1818; Fr John Lindow, 1765-1793; Fr John Lindow, 1793-1798; Fr Peter Brown, 1757-1767; Fr Patrick Moore, 1830-1835; Fr Benedict Short, 1763-1787; Fr Emanuel Dias Santos, 1802-1815; Fr Emanuel Dias Santos, 1815-1828; Fr Joseph Anson, 1803-1812; Fr Thomas Horrabim, 1778-1806 and Fr Thomas Cottrell, 1776-1778.
Romford, St Edward the Confessor: Death register, 1858-1877.
Soho, St Patrick's: Index to Baptisms, 1780-1938; Baptism registers, 1790-1899; Confirmation registers, 1818-1854; Marriage registers, 1838-1856; Marriage Bans, 1858-1886 and Death registers, 1882-1902.
Southwark, St George's Fields: Baptism registers, 1801-1826.
Tottenham, St Francis de Sales: Baptism registers, 1794-1823, 1827-1868, 1890-1929; Confirmation registers, 1856-1905, 1908-1968 and Marriage registers, 1827-1856, 1859-1949 .
Underwood Rd, St Anne (Spitalfields): Index to Baptisms, 1848-1909; Baptism registers, 1848-1920; Confirmation, 1856-1891; Index to Marriages, 1851-1934 and Marriages, 1851-1890.
Venetian Embassy: Baptism registers, 1744-1796 and Marriage registers, 1744-1754, 1772-1788.
Walthamstow, St George: Death registers, 1851-1882.
VariousRegisters of baptisms for the church of Saint Agatha, Shoreditch.
Parish of St Agatha, Shoreditch , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Agnes, Kennington Park, Southwark, including registers of baptisms and marriages; church services registers; financial records; Parochial Church Council minutes; records of the Guild of the Ascension and the Burial Guild; parish magazines.
Parish of St Agnes, Kennington Park , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Alban the Martyr, Golders Green, comprising registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and banns of marriage.
Parish of St Alban the Martyr, Golders Green , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Alban the Martyr, Holborn, including historical account of parish by Reverend Mackonochie; testimonials of support for Reverend Mackonochie; papers relating to the legal case of Martin v. Mackonochie; papers of the Mackonochie Testimonials and Memorial Fund Committee including correspondence with architects regarding construction of memorial chapel; papers of Reverend E F Russell; papers of curate Arthur Henry Stanton; journal of work conducted by Mackonochie at St George's Mission of St Saviour and Cross, Wellclose Square, Stepney.
Minutes of annual vestry meetings; day books; letter books and correspondence; registers of church services; financial accounts; registers of communions made; correspondence, estimates and accounts relating to renovation and restoration of church; volumes containing letters of sympathy on destruction of the church by bombs, 1941; scrapbooks of newspaper cuttings, letters, documents and photographs; legal papers relating to church property; catalogue of the library; papers relating to charities in Holborn; papers relating to Saint Alban's School; papers of church societies and clubs; photographs; orders of service and tickets; inventories; sermons and printed appeals.
No registers held.
Parish of St Alban the Martyr, Holborn , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Alban, Acton Green, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations, and church services; orders of services; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to the benefice; Churchwardens' financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minutes; Finance Committee meetings; and parish magazines.
Parish of St Alban, Acton Green , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Alban, Fulham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and church services; papers relating to parish boundaries; incumbent's correspondence; faculties, inventories and other papers relating to church fixtures and fittings; papers relating to the church hall; Parochial Church Council minutes; papers regarding parish charities; photographs and parish magazines
Parish of St Alban, Fulham , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Alban, North Harrow, comprising registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and confirmations.
Parish of Saint Alban, North Harrow , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Alban, Pretoria Road, Streatham Park, including baptism registers (1888-1963), marriage registers (1888-1975), banns of marriage registers (1977-1992), confirmation registers (1885-1933), service registers, parochial returns, orders of services, photographs and correspondence related to church personnel, deeds, correspondence and plans related to church, vicarage and church halls, Parochial Church Council meeting minutes, Standing Commitee minutes, annual accounts, ledgers, bequests, and parish magazines.
Parish of St Alban, Streatham Park , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Alban, Wood Street, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; register of church services; Vestry minute books; Churchwardens' records; poor rate assessment books; tithe rate assessment books; and account books listing charitable donations.
Parish of St Alban, Wood Street, City of London , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Alfege, Greenwich, including baptism registers (1616-1975), marriage registers (1616-1989), burial registers (1615-1914), banns register (1874-1992), confirmation register (1947-1980), church service registers (1964-1988), volume relating to parochial charities (1816), inventory of workhouse stock, parish magazines (1937, 1939), and histories of the church.
Parish of St Alfege, Greenwich , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Alphage, London Wall. The earliest records are churchwardens' accounts, which date from 1527. There are parish registers (baptisms, marriages, banns and burials) from 1613. Vestry minutes commence in 1569. Other records, including rate assessments and papers relating to tithes, date chiefly from the 18th century.
Parish of St Alphage, London Wall, City of London , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Alphege, Lancaster Street, Southwark; including registers of baptisms and marriages; registers of church services; notices read at services; financial records including Parochial Church Council accounts books.
Parish of St Alphege, Southwark , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Andrew and Saint Michael, Greenwich, including registers of baptisms; registers of marriages; register of confirmations; register of church services; and Church Building Committee minutes.
Parish of St Andrew and St Michael, Greenwich , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Andrew and Saint Philip, Kensal Green, comprising registers of baptisms, registers of marriages and a register of services.
Parish of St Andrew and St Philip, Kensal Green , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Andrew by the Wardrobe, Queen Victoria Street, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; preachers' books and service registers; Vestry minute books and notice books; Churchwardens' accounts and vouchers; papers relating to the maintenance of the church building; Overseers' papers; rate assessment books, including poor rates and tithe rates.
Parish of St Andrew by the Wardrobe, City of London , Church of EnglandThe records of St Andrew Hubbard include parish registers (baptisms, burials, marriages) from 1538, vestry minutes from 1600, poor rate assessments, and churchwardens' accounts from 1454.
Parish of St Andrew Hubbard, City of London , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft, Leadenhall Street, City of London, including parish registers (baptisms, burials, marriages and banns), financial accounts, rate assessments, overseers' papers including papers relating to the workhouse, deeds and rentals, faculties, drawings and plans, parish magazines, records of the Parochial Church Council, and records of charities and estates.
Parish of St Andrew Undershaft, City of London , Church of England