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Archivistische beschrijving
GB 0096 AL185 · Archief · 1920-1924

Letters from George Augustus Moore of Ebury Street, London, 1920-1924. 9 letters to Mr H Spurr; 1 letter to 'Ada' [Mrs Ada Leverson]; and 1 letter to 'Mrs Violet Hueffer' [i.e. Violet Hunt].

Some letters are autograph; all are signed by Moore.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL190 · Archief · 1922-1929

22 letters and 10 cards from Henry Arthur Jones to James Stanley Little, 1922-1929. With a letter from Jones's daughter [Doris A Jones] to Little, written after her father's death.

All letters autograph, with signatures.

Zonder titel
Wordsworth, William: letter
GB 0096 AL195 · Archief · [1838 ]

Letter from William Wordsworth to G B Airy, Astronomer Royal and member of the University of London Senate, [Mar c 1838]. Supporting John Thomas Graves's application for the post of Registrar to the newly-formed university.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL200 · Archief · 1795

Letter from Samuel Heywood of Lancaster to [Dr] Richard Bright, 17 Aug 1795. On family matters: 'My wife has been far from well', etc.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
Caine, Hall: letter (1895)
GB 0096 AL219 · Archief · 1895

Letter from Thomas Henry Hall Caine of Peel, Isle of Man to an unknown lady [Florence Farr], 2 Jan 1895. Apologising for having kept a letter so long. 'I am still more sorry, because upon reading the letter I find myself in such utter disagreement with what I wrote 18 years ago that I feel that there is no course open but to ask you not to print the letter ... I regret v[er]y deeply that this accident will prevent me from availing myself of the great pleasure you offered me of associating my name (however slightly) with that of Prof. Blackie'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL224 · Archief · 1899

Letter from George Robert Gissing of Willersey, Broadway, Worcestershire to the Secretary, Railway Passengers' Assurance Company, 23 Apr 1899. Asking for a detailed prospectus.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL235 · Archief · 1891-1905

19 letters written to Florence Farr/Emery, 1891-1905. Correspondents include: George Alexander [later Sir George Alexander], Lady Betty Balfour [later Countess of Balfour], Mabel Beardsley [Wright], Frank Benson [later Sir Frank Benson], Arthur Bourchier, Beatrice Stella Campbell [Mrs Patrick Campbell], Edward Garnett, Jacob Thomas Grein, Jane Ellen Harrison, Charles Hawtrey [later Sir Charles Hawtrey], John Lane, Cyril Francis Maude, Thomas Sturge Moore, Frederick York Powell, Stepniak [i.e. Sergei Michailovich Kravchinsky], Herbert Beerbohm Tree [later Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree] and Arthur Bingham Walkley.

All letters are autograph, with signatures. Many of the letters relate to plays, theatrical performances and other social engagements.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL248 · Archief · 1904

Letter from George Howell of 35 Findon Raod, Shepherds Bush, London to Professor [Herbert Somerton] Foxwell of 1 Harvey Road, Cambridge, 3 Jun 1904. Covering letter to a copy of a report by R S Kirk on the 2nd Annual Congress of Trade Unions, Birmingham (1869), 'which I know you want ... I have made no final arrangement as to my Library. My books are packed for removal - or most of them ... P.S. My sight is much improved'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL251 · Archief · [1832]

Letter from Wiliam Edward Hickson of 20 West Smithfield, [London] to Francis Place, 5 Jan [1832]. '... I read ... with great surprise that you participate in the opinion of most of the economists that a change in the distribution of property would not improve the condition of the great mass of the community. Allow me to draw your attention in order to show how distribution affects production to an article [on 'The Rights of Industry'] written by me ... [for Carpenters Political Magazine]'.

Autograph, with signature. Dated as 5 Jan 1831 [sic, recte 1832].

An autograph draft of Place's reply is on the dorse of the first leaf: '... The activity of your pen indicates a desire for reading, observing and thinking, and these in time will prevent you from dogmatically condemning what you do not comprehend, and which it is hardly to be expected you should fully understand. Then too you will cease to attribute to others, notions they do not entertain, and to build theories thereon of your own mistakes. Persevere and in ten years time you will be as wise as you are now foolish, and whatever you may think of this note and the writer now, lay it by 'till that time and then I have no doubt your opinion of both will be correct.' Dated 6 Jan 1832.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL254 · Archief · 1855

Letter from William Henry Rowlestone Jessop of Grove House, St David's, Haverfordwest, [Pembrokeshire] to an unidentified correspondent, 17 Oct 1855. Accompanying a copy of his work on the decimal system: '... it is the first book which embraces the whole System of Money and Measures that has yet appeared ... You will perceive that this system is very superior to that in France [i.e. to the metric system]'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL257 · Archief · 1924

Letter from Sir Stanley Spencer of 3 Vale Hotel Studios, Hampstead, London to Thomas Sturge Moore, 26 Apr 1926. 'Here at last is the monograph of my works ... The much wanted or unwanted explanation of my pictures will be found in the book of words, so there will be no more trouble now, all is clear at last ... I am doing a big picture of the resurrection ... (18ft x 9ft) and it is going to take years to paint and I love painting it so I am enjoying myself ...'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL258 · Archief · 1806

2 letters to Owen Williams, 22-30 Nov 1806, relating to copper and timber production. Including 3 sheets of tables and calculations.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL259 · Archief · 1837

Letter from Sir Thomas Phillipps of Oxford to [Edward Duke], 14 Mar 1837. '... my thanks for the kind manner in which you express a wish to see my portion of the Wilts History in print. You will be gratified to hear that I have advanced to page 56 of the 2nd part of Aubreys Wilts [John Aubrey Natural History of Wiltshire] ... & have this last week collected from the stores of Bodley some information which I did not before possess'. Mentioning the expense of publication and the difficulty of selling works of local history. 'I am not so rich as our mutual and valuable friend Sir Richard Hoare to be able to spend & lose 2000 per annum for the mere pleasure of illustrating the History of Wiltshire. At the same time I have no wish to make it a profitable speculation for myself.' Saying that he is happy to purchase a copy of Duke's book [probably Prolusiones historicae (1837)].

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL260 · Archief · 1841

Letter from Charles Jones of 16 Whittall Street, Birmingham to Thomas Attwood, 12 Apr 1841. Covering letter to a copy of Jones's pamphlet Letter to Charles Wood, Esq. M.P. '... lately written on the currency'. He warns Attwood: 'I fear you will not find Birmingham either more happy or more prosperous than when you left it although it continues to increase in the external signs of both'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL272 · Archief · 1876-1884

Correspondence between Henry Hucks Gibbs and Edward Lucas Jenks Ridsdale (Chief Assayer of the Royal Mint), on bimetallism (i.e. the use of a monetary standard based on both silver and gold), 1876-1884. Including a letter from E Koch to Gibbs, thanking him for permission to translate a pamphlet on bimetallism into German.

Zonder titel
Marbeau, J P: letter
GB 0096 AL278 · Archief · 1878

Letter from J P Marbeau of 8 Rue Montolivet, Paris to [Henry Hucks Gibbs], 11 Aug 1878. Covering note sent with two pamphlets [Question monataire: Abaissement du titre de la petite monnaie (1863) and Question monataire: Proposition d'une monnaie internationale (1867)].

Written in another hand and signed by Marbeau.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL283 · Archief · 1836

Letter from William Scott of 14 White Conduit Grove, Islington, [London] to Joseph Hume MP of Bryanstone Square, [London], 28 Dec 1836. Covering letter to a copy of An Address to the People of Scotland ... [a work on the human constitution and scriptural education], written by the phrenologist George Combe, a relative of Scott's. Scott describes the author as a tradesman living in Edinburgh, of 'radical views and reforming temper'. Autograph, with signature. Annotated in Hume's hand: 'Recd & ansd 6 Jnry 1837'.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL285 · Archief · 1843

Letter from John Ashton Yates of Bryanston Square, London to his brother James Yates of Bagdale, Whitby, 19 Aug 1843. Describing his family's journey from Whitby to London and the visits they made en route. 'The second night we slept at Rugby and saw the 500 boys at their desks'.

Autograph, with signature. Date derived from the postmark; the letter itself is dated 'Saturday noon'.

Zonder titel
Bloomfield, Robert: letter
GB 0096 AL299 · Archief · 1818

Letter from Robert Bloomfield to 'Charles' [? Bloomfield's brother or son], 27 May 1818. 'The coach is just coming, and I have time only to say that I send your flageolet. I have nothing to say if I had time, only that we are well and join in love and good wishes'. Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL30 · Archief · 1809

Letter from William Cobbett of Botley, Hampshire to James Swann, Esq, 9 May 1809. Advising him to purchase land. 'The loan of this year will make money depreciate 1/2 per cent at least. Only think of that!'

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL312 · Archief · 1932-1934

Letters, notes and poems from George Rostrevor Hamilton to Thomas Sturge Moore and his wife Marie, 1932-1934. Topics covered include Hamilton's poems and other books, about which he solicits Sturge Moore's opinions.

All items are autograph or typescript, with signatures.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL315 · Archief · 1871

Letter from Edward Backhouse Eastwick of 38 Thurloe Square, London to J Kempson Esq, May 1871. 'Mr. Lopez tells me that you know all about the once proposed railway from Exeter through Launceston to Truro and Falmouth. As I wish much to revive that project perhaps you would kindly give me an interview'. Written on House of Commons writing paper.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
Crewe, P: letter (1699)
GB 0096 AL317 · Archief · 1699

Letter from P Crewe of Aston, [Birmingham] to an unnamed clergyman 16 Sep 1699. 'I thnk God and Sr W A for my fie, and you for joyning us togather: excuse a trifle sent you on the occasion as thus - The unrepented yeare is past, / The parsons gloves are sent att last: / What Witam had, att Oxford are / On that account another paire. / On ye other side is ye originall and ye cause of this mean rime.' The writer tells the story of Mr Hodges, the Parson of Wytham, near Oxford, who had asked couples that he married to send him a pair of gloves if they had never regretted their marriage during its first year; he received only one pair in 40 years. Including short verses in Latin and English reportedly written by Hodges.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL325 · Archief · 1943

Letter from Robert William Speaight of 6 Maze Road, Kew, Richmond, Surrey to Miss [Joan] Gibbs, 20 Dec 1943. Accepting an invitation [to speak at Queen Mary College, University of London].

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL33 · Archief · 1842

Letter from Richard Cobden to Dr W C Taylor, 2 Aug 1842. Thanking him for the gift of 'your little vol' [possibly Notes on a Tour in the Manufacturing Districts of Lancashire]. 'The best thing that could happen wd be to see it well abused in the Morning Post and Standard.'

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL333 · Archief · 1892, [1890]

2 letters written to Florence Farr/Emery. (1) From Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, 2 Aug 1892. Requesting a photograph of Farr. (2) From [Elizabeth] Robins, 26 Oct [1890s]. Agreeing terms for a permformance by Farr's.

Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL334 · Archief · [1844]-1869

3 letters addressed to Lady Charlotte [full name unidentified], 1844-1869. (1) From Henry Pelham, Earl of Chichester, 23 Mar 1867. Relating to lectures on prophecy and the apocalypse. (2) From George Villiers, Earl of Clarendon, 25 Jan 1869. Relating to consular posts in China. (3) From Queen Adelaide (widow of William IV), [1844]. Congratulating Lady Charlotte on her daughter's wedding to a Mr Turner.

Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL336 · Archief · 1963

Letter from Ethel Edith Mannin to Dr John H P Pafford, [her neighbour] of 62 Somerset Road, London, 16 Dec 1963. '... Yes, indeed I have many causes ... from the defrauded Palestinian Arabs to the Iraqi political prisoners, and various anti perfoming animals and anti vivisection causes in between ...'

With autograph signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL34 · Archief · 9 Apr [1844]

Letter from Richard Cobden to R C Chawner, Esq of Wall, near Lichfield, [Staffordshire], 9 Apr [1844]. Asking him to give a 'free trade address from the boards of Covent Garden.'

Autograph, with signature. With the original envelope, bearing the seal of the National Anti-Corn Law League.

Zonder titel
McNabb, Fr Vincent: letter
GB 0096 AL350 · Archief · 1941

Letter from Vincent McNabb of St Dominic's Priory, Southampton Road, London to Dr G K A Bell, Bishop of Chichester, 14 Dec 1941. Covering note enclosing a copy of his book Some mysteries of Jesus Christ (1941); 'I am venturing to give myself the undeserved Christmas joy of offering you a few words about the Word'; praises Bell's moral courage 'whose purpose of peace has been a dedication'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL351 · Archief · 1863

Letter from Richard Cobden of London to C E Macqueen, [Secretary of the Liverpool Financial Reform Association], 11 May 1863. '... I hope before the close of the session to be able to offer some remarks on finance, and to urge a reduction of taxation... In my opinion the only way of enforcing economy is by witholding the means of extravagance...'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL352 · Archief · 1923

Letter from Frederic Herbert Trench of Villa Viviani, Settignano, Florence, Italy to T Sturge Moore, 7 May 1923. Offering him the loan of his Italian villa; mentions works of Moore's that he is reading. 'I am trying to write a few more plays and poems'. Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL353 · Archief · 1853

3 letters from John Thomas Graves of 29 Grosvenor Place, Cheltenham to Augustus De Morgan, 28 Jan, 4 Feb and 4 Jun 1853. Relating to the works of Simon Stevin and other mathematical literature.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
Seaman, P K: letter
GB 0096 AL354 · Archief · 1851

Letter from P K Seaman of HMS Wolverine, docked at St Helena, to his father, 1 Jun 1851. '... I have already told you that we have caught 3 slavers ...'.

Autograph, with signature. 4 sketches of vessels captured by the Wolverine are pasted to the second leaf of the letter.

Zonder titel
Say, Jean-Baptiste: letter
GB 0096 AL356 · Archief · 1828

Letter from Jean-Baptiste Say of Paris to Francis Place, senior, of 16 Charing Cross, 17 Dec 1828. 'Voici le 3me volume de mon cours complet [i.e. volume III of Say's Cours complet d'economie politique pratique (1828), enclosed with the letter] J'en joins un pour John [Stuart] Mill j'ai lu le programme de Macculloch [John Ramsay McCulloch] pour l'Universite de Londres. Il s'est beaucoup servi d'un plan que j'ai adopte dan mon traite; mais je ne said pas s'il aura dans ses lessons assez de bonne foi pour convenir de ce qu'il me doit pour le plan et pour les details"

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL357 · Archief · 1895

Letter from William Tufnell Le Queux of 5 Talbot House, St Martin's Lane, London to Mr Sutton. Regretting that he is unable to accept an invitation to Southsea.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL364 · Archief · 1875

Letter from William Benjamin Carpenter of the Registrar's Office, University of London, Burlington Gardens, London to Mr W H Herford, 18 Jun 1875. 'We shall not refuse to receive your son's entry when his certificate arrives; but we ought not to be asked to commit this irregularity. If all the candidates were to commit it, the business of the University could not be carried on ...'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL366 · Archief · 1914

Letter from William Lygon, Lord Beauchamp, of 13 Belgrave Square, London to Sir William Jameson Soulsby [private secretary to the Lord Mayor of London], 22 Jun 1914. Thanking him for his congratulations [on being made a Knight of the Garter].

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL37 · Archief · 1860-1869

Letter from Richard Cobden of the Board of Trade, Whitehall, London [from embossed stamp on paper] to M Jules le Chevalier St Andre, 29 May 1860. Headed: 'Private'. Referring to an article by M Mornand, drawn to his attention by Le Chevalier St Andre: 'The word "impuissance" is very insulting and very dangerous when applied to my country'. He warns France against 'the idea of England being less powerful in compassion with France than in former time,' and continues: 'New and henceforth supremacy at sea must depend entirely on steam power. " Our tonnage in sailing vessels as compared with France is at least 5 to 1 But the horse power of our steam mercantile marine as compared with yours is about 30 to 1.' He concludes: 'You know how I hate this topic. But depend on it England was never so much to be dreaded in a maritime war as at present.'

Autograph, with signature. The letter paper is inverted.

With the original envelope, on which the following later note has been added: 'Mille compliments à Monsieur E. Dentu. Ceci est l'autograph de Mr Cobden que je lui ai promise mais comme elle traite d'un sujet politique du moment, je désire qu'elle reste sous ce pli et ne soit communiquée à personne du vivant de Mr. Cobden.' On the dorse, above the broken seal: 'Décacheté: - le dimanche 30 avril 1869. E.D.'

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL370 · Archief · 1850-1865

(i) Letters to Sir Graham Eden Hamond and Lady Hamond, 1850-1865. Mainly concerning references and testimonials for domestic servants, either formerly employed in or potentially to be engaged by the Hamond household. Including 1 receipt for £6 wages and a letter mentioning the 1852 general election.

(ii) Letter from Charles Scovell of Bembridge, Isle of Wight, to Mr Escount, 16 Feb 1865. Relating to the business affairs of Sir Andrew Hamond [Sir Graham Hamond's son and successor as baronet].

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL378 · Archief · 1822

Letter from Edward Kirkpatrick of Southampton to Thomas Attree [or Altree] Esq of Brighthelmstone [Brighton], Sussex, 21 Sep 1822. Enquiring about the tax payable on flies [i.e. light carriages], as he wishes to have an example before advising resistance to the Tax Office. The duty demanded at Southampton was £6 10s. The flies there '... are built with metallic springs and leather in every respect as a large Landau, the wheels under 30 inches and driven by one ass'. Attree had evidently not answered [and perhaps not received] Kirkpatrick's earlier letter on the same subject.

Autograph, with signature. The following comment has been inserted in another hand: 'They are only liable to 30/- [or 30%] duty'.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL38 · Archief · 1861

Letter from Richard Cobden of Midhurst, [Sussex] to T G Shaw, Esq, 27 Sep 1861. On wine duties.

Autograph, with signature. Annotated with comments in Shaw's hand.

Zonder titel
Headeach, Charles: letter
GB 0096 AL380 · Archief · 1840

Letter from Charles Headach of Basingstoke, Hampshire to Messrs Hodding, Hodding and Co, Salisbury, 19 Oct 1840. Giving their agent permission to receive the interest due on the late Bishop of Salisbury's bonds of the Basingstoke Canal Company; giving details of the bonds and the method of authorizing payment; also mentioning a bond of Mr Hodding's. [Thomas Burgess, Bishop of Salisbury, died in 1837.]

Autograph, with signature. Postmarked at Basingstoke and Salisbury.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL384 · Archief · 1927

Letter from Herbert George Wells of 4 Whitehall Court, London to [a newspaper], 20 Apr 1927. Note announcing the marriage (on 20 April 1927) of his eldest son, George Philip Wells, to Miss Marjorie Stewart Craig [H G Wells's secretary], giving some details of their careers and degrees.

Typescript, with autograph signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL388 · Archief · 1800-1801

(1) Letter from William Manning of 14 New Street, Spring Gardens, [Westminster] to Thomas Tyrell, Esq, 29 Nov 1800. Concerning proposals for the regulation of a new coal market. Asking whether Tyrell sees any difficulty in it being managed by the Lord Mayor of London and whether the Corporation interferes with any market in the City. The building in Mark Lane is open to all on market days, but the Coal Exchange is open to subscribers only; the first buyers do not exceed about one hundred.

(2) Letter from William Manning of Totteridge, Hertfordshire to Thomas Tyrell, Esq, 4 Apr 1801. Discussing the fees to be incurred in passing the Coal Bill through the two Houses of Parliament [ordered Mar 1801; order for second reading discharged 12 May 1801], and the means of paying them. Asks Tyrell to show the letter to Mr Stracey, 19 Fludyer Street, and to confer with him about it.

Both letters are autograph, with signatures, and headed 'private'.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL389 · Archief · 1801

Letter from Mordaunt Martin of 'Burnham' to Dr [John Coakley] Lettsom, Sambrook House, London, 8 Mar 1801. Stating that he has despatched to Lettsom a parcel of mangelwurzel seeds. Explaining that he was prevented from answering Lettsom's letter of 3 Jan by an attack of gallstones, since relieved by pills of soap and rhubarb. Discussing the 'Brown Bread Act' [probably 41 Geo.3.c.16] to which, he says, Lettsom was in some degree accessory; quoting Lettsom and Horne Tooke on the Act; Martin prefers brown bread for his breakfast, using his own wheat 'sifted in the coarsest hair sieve', but deprecates the 'indiscriminate use of it'. Attacking at length the Potato Premium Bill, which had just been rejected, according to 'the paper of this night'; claiming that such a bill would force by premiums an unnatural produce on land which the occupiers could use for more profitable crops. Adding that his and Lettsom's 'hearts will beat in unison' on reading pages 109-110 of the 2nd edition of [Robert] Fellowes's Christian Philosophy [1799].

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL38a · Archief · 1830

Letter from Sir Edward Codrington of Eaton Square, London to the Rt Hon J W Croker, 2 Jun 1830. Urging the claims to 'head money' of the officers, seamen and marines who fought in the Battle of Navarino (20 Oct1827) [the claims had been refused on the grounds that there had been no prior declaration of war]. An offer of £800 a year pension for life had been made to Admiral Codrington through the Duke of Wellington; 'Your Grace must excuse me ... I cannot receive such a thing while my poor fellows who fought under me at Navarino have had no head money'.

Autograph, with signature. The first sheet is endorsed: 'This copy is throughout in the handwriting of my father Admiral Sir Edward Codrington. W J Codrington, 110 Eaton Square.'

Zonder titel
Rowcroft, Mr: letter (1805)
GB 0096 AL392 · Archief · 1805

Letter from Mr Rowcroft of Broad Street Buildings, [London] to Mr Tyrrell, Esq, Remembrancer, Guildhall, 4 Dec 1805. Stating that he will try to meet the Port Committee at the opening of the Blackwall Canal on the next Monday.

Autograph, unsigned.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL395 · Archief · 1822

Letter from William Ward Jackson of Normanby, [North Riding of Yorkshire] to George Brigham, near Hutton, Rudby, [North Riding of Yorkshire], 20 Mar 1822. Describing how a servant of Jackson's had been killed 'by an accident from a horse' that day and an early inquest is desired. Asks Brigham to tell the bearer of the letter what time he will arrive.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL400 · Archief · 1826

Letter from George Macirone of 163 Bishopsgate Street Without, [London] to Henry Clarke, Esq, 29 Nov 1826. Discussing repayment of money due to Macirone.

Autograph, with signature. A copy of Clarke's reply (probably written the following day), is attached.

Zonder titel