Affichage de 16246 résultats

Description archivistique
Bidder, George Parker: letter
GB 0096 AL409 · Fonds · 1845

Letter from George Parker Bidder of 24 Great George Street, Westminster to Hugh Ross, Esq, 2 Feb 1845. Asking him to call the following day, as Bidder wants 'to change one moiety of Mrs Ross's property into guaranteed Stock'. Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Melvill, James Cosmo: letter (1849)
GB 0096 AL413 · Fonds · 1849

Letter from James Cosmo Melvill of Hampstead, [London] to F Jennings, Esq, 12 Dec 1849. A letter of condolence on the death of Jennings's father.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL415 · Fonds · 1854

Letter from the Countess Vernède de Corneillan of 46 (ancien) rue de Rivoli au coin de la rue Castiglione, Paris to [Charles] Babbage, 10 Sep 1854. 'Monsieur Babbage m'a fait passer la lettre que vous avez eu la bonté de lui écrire au sujet d'inventions de M. [Philippe] de Girard … Je prends la liberté de vous récrire a çe sujet, car cette affaire est d'une haute gravité pour notre famille … Vous dites …que le "moyens de M. de Girard sont ingénieux mais que le même effet a été produit par des moyens plus simples, et tellement analogues qu'il me serait difficile de prendre un brevet"'. Saying that if this sentence concerns 'les greniers à blé', she would like to ask certain questions: (i) whether the process analogous to that of Girard is patented in England; (ii) under what name; (iii) at what date and since when; (iv) what are the differences that make it simpler and what are the things analogous to it? Excuses her importunity on the grounds of the matter's important to the memory of her uncle.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL416 · Fonds · 1857

Letter from Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas-Scott to Messrs Chubb, 25 May 1857. Asking the firm to make 6 locks for miniature frames, exactly similar to those they made for him previously, and to send them to Mr Scott of Messrs Colnaghi.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL418 · Fonds · 1865

Letter from Sir Charles Tilston Bright of 1 Victoria Street, Westminster to C H Grant, Esq, 8 Feb 1865. Introducing Mr J B Moseley. Asking Grant to sign the enclosed proposal form [missing] and to obtain Mr E [?Edwin] Clark's signature also. Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Bazley, Sir Thomas: letter
GB 0096 AL419 · Fonds · 1871

Letter from Sir Thomas Bazley of Eyford Park, Stow-on-the-Wold, [Gloucestershire] to C Manley, Esq, 13 May 1871. Thanking him for a 'further communication'. Bazley has come to Eyford Park for a few days to be among some workmen who are 'defining' his water stream. Hopes to meet Mr Buckland when he returns to town. Autograph, with signature. Headed with a crest and the motto 'Finem respice'.

Sans titre
Coode, Sir John: letter (1873)
GB 0096 AL423 · Fonds · 1873

Letter from Sir John Coode of 35 Norfolk Square, Hyde Park, London to Mr Liddell, 30 Dec 1873. Thanking him for his congratulations and says that they are much impressed with the work of Fanny's husband. He is glad to hear that William is well occupied 'in these days when so many men are put aside and "shelved" against their wishes'. Discussing the Weymouth sewage works, nearly completed. Hopes to meet William, if he (Coode) visits Portsmouth.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Spender, Stephen: letter (1953)
GB 0096 AL440 · Fonds · 1953

Letter from Sir Stephen Spender of Panton House, 25 Haymarket, London to [? J H P Pafford, Goldsmiths' Librarian, University of London Library], 30 Sep 1953. Covering note enclosing 'a copy of our new venture, Encounter', a magazine of which Spender was one of the editors.

Typescript, signed by Spender.

Sans titre
Pound, Dorothy: letters
GB 0096 AL442 · Fonds · 1965

2 letters from Dorothy Pound of Albergo Italia and Lido Rapallo, Italy to [J H P] Pafford, Goldsmiths' Librarian of University of London Library. (1) Explaining in a reply to a letter from Pafford to her husband, Ezra Pound, asking him to autograph one of his books for the library, Ezra 'is not here at the moment - I never trouble him for autographs ...', 16 February 1965. (2) Covering note enclosing a photograph of Ezra Pound, endorsed in Dorothy's hand '1958 (in Italy)', 4 Mar 1965.

Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL444 · Fonds · 1957

Letter from Vita Sackville-West onbaord the SS Reina del Mar, [docked at] Havana, Cuba to [J H P] Pafford, Goldsmiths' Librarian, University of London Library, 19 Dec 1957. Replying to some queries he had sent on behalf of a student [Jean Muriel Wines] who was prepapring a bibilography of Sackville-West's works.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Blain, Henry: letter
GB 0096 AL445 · Fonds · [1842]

Letter from Henry Blain to Joseph T Pooley of 5 Church Court, [c1842]. Discussing the corn laws (with reference to Blain's pamphlet on the subject) and proposed duties [taxes]. Autograph, with signature ('H.B.'). Dated 'Sunday night'.

Sans titre
Ogden, Charles Kay: letter
GB 0096 AL448 · Fonds · [1924]

2 Letters from Charles Kay Ogden of the Royal Societies Club, St James's Street, London SW1, to Montague Summers, 14 Oct and 27 [Oct] [1924]. Discussing books being prepared by Summers: Witchcraft, Restoration Drama and Physical Phenomena of Mysticism.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Mackay, Charles: letter (1857)
GB 0096 AL451 · Fonds · 1857

Letter from Charles Mackay of the Illustrated London News, 9 Milford Lane and 198 Strand, London to Nathaniel Hawthorne, 23 Sep 1857. Explaining that Mackay will leave England on 3 Oct to spend 3-6 months in North America and asking for 'one or two personal introductions'.

Autograph, with signature. Attached to a fly-leaf torn from a copy of Mackay's Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions vol 1 (1841); the fly-leaf bears the signature of H A [Henry Arthur] Bright.

Sans titre
Gribomont, Father Jean: letter (1958)
GB 0096 AL453 · Fonds · 1958

Letter from Jean Gribomont of Pontificia Abbazia de San Girolamo in Urbe, Via di Torre Rossa 1, Roma to Canon Donald Rea, 21 Jan 1958. Discussing a proposed visit by G K A Bell, [Anglican] Bishop of Chichester, to Rome; the discussion principally concerns the World Council of Churches and persons Bell might like to meet.

Typescript, signed by Gribomont.

Sans titre
Alexander, J F: letter
GB 0096 AL454 · Fonds · 1888

Letter from J F Alexander of 4 St James' Square, Manchester to [Richard Marsden] Pankhurst LLD, 14 Nov 1888. Explaining that Pankhurst's 'name was ... placed on the list of delegates to the Education Conference on November 20th and 21st to represent the Subscribers in the district...'.

Written in another hand and signed by Alexander.

Sans titre
Bull, L: letter, 1911
GB 0096 AL456 · Fonds · 1911

Letter from L Bull of Institut Marey, Avenue Victor-Hugo, Parc-des-Princes, Boulogne-sur-Seine to [Augustus Désiré] Waller, 7 Oct 1911. Describeing the lantern condenser used at the Institute; illustrated with 2 sketches. Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL460 · Fonds · 1843

Letter from Richard Griffiths Welford of 6 Chancery Lane, [London] to [William Pleydell-Bouverie,] Earl of Radnor, 20 Mar 1843. Explaining that he has 'ventured to direct' his publisher to forward a copy of his 'tract upon the agricultural view of the corn law question' to Lord Radnor; giving his reasons for doing so.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Baird, Henry Carey: letter
GB 0096 AL464 · Fonds · 1908

Letter from Henry Carey Baird of H C Baird and Co, Philadelphia, USA to [Herbert Somerton] Foxwell, 4 Dec 1908. Enclosing a list of pamphlets by Mathew Carey [Baird's great uncle] and discussing the political economist Henry C Carey [Baird's uncle]. Typescript, signed by Baird.

Sans titre
Spencer, Herbert: letter, 31 May 1852
GB 0096 AL467 · Fonds · 1852

Letter from Herbert Spencer of 340 Strand, [London] to Robert Chambers, 31 May 1852. Covering note enclosing a copy of Spencer's pamphlet A theory of population (1852).

Autograph, with signature. The front wrapper of the pamphlet is inscribed to Chambers.

Sans titre
Spencer, Herbert: letter, 28 Apr 1874
GB 0096 AL468 · Fonds · 1874

Letter from Herbert Spencer of 38 Queen's Gardens, Bayswater, London to an unknown recipient, 28 Apr 1874. Written on the blank page of a lithographed letter giving reasons why Spencer 'must take measures for diminishing the amount of his correspondence', etc.

Written in another hand and signed by Spencer.

Sans titre
Beresford, W: letter
GB 0096 AL470 · Fonds · [1840]

Letter from W Beresford of Elsfield House, Oxford to Messrs Birch, solicitors, Burton upon Trent, [Staffordshire], 21 Mar [1840]. Concerning a dispute over the sale of manure and hay. Autograph, with signature. Year taken from the postmark. Endorsed: 'Beresford Mr. His insolent letter respg the Manure and Hay'.

Sans titre
Wormald, Francis: letter
GB 0096 AL487 · Fonds · 1967-1970

2 letters from Francis Wormald of 59 Warwick Square, London to Miss Joan Gibbs, 1 Oct 1967-10 Mar 1970.

Both items are autograph, with signatures. Filed with the original envelopes.

Sans titre
Wallace, William: letter
GB 0096 AL489 · Fonds · [1833]

Letter from Wililam Wallace to Rev George Peacock, Dean of Ely, [1833]. Describing Wallace's part in the introduction of foreign mathematical notation to England and 'the Reformation .... the the Mathematical science in Britain'.

Autograph, with signature. Headed 'First Copy'. Inscribed in another hand: 'Found among Mr Thomas Galloway's papers'.

Sans titre
George V, King: telegram (1920)
GB 0096 AL496 · Fonds · 1920

Telegram from George V of Sandringham, [Norfolk] to [Hardinge Stanley Giffard], Earl of Halsbury, 25 Jan 1920. Offering congratulations on the 70th anniversary of Halsbury being called to the Bar.

Sans titre
Faraday, Michael and Sarah: letter
GB 0096 AL49b · Fonds · 1859

Letter from Michael and Sarah Faraday of Hampton Court Green to [Rev John] Barlow, 10 Aug 1859. Discussing, among other subjects, the institution of Science degrees in the Unviersity of London.

Autograph, with signature of Michael Faraday. With a short note added in Mrs Faraday's hand.

Sans titre
Fremantle, Sir C W: letter (1878)
GB 0096 AL50 · Fonds · 1878

Letter from Sir C W Fremantle of the Royal Mint to Mr [Frederick] Hendricks, 11 Dec 1878. Returning the proof sheets of Hendricks's deposition at the Enquête sur la Question Monétaire.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Marsh, Sir Edward Howard: letter (1940)
GB 0096 AL502 · Fonds · 1940

Letter from Edward Howard Marsh of Churchdale Hall, near Bakewell, Derbyshire to George K A Bell, Bishop of Chichester, 27 Dec 1940. Covering note for a copy of Christopher Hassall's new book [S.O.S. … 'Ludlow' (1940)]; including Hassall's address.

Sans titre
Malleson, William Miles: letter (1967)
GB 0096 AL503 · Fonds · 1967

Letter from William Miles Malleson of 14 Rugby Street, London to [Dr John Henry Pyle Pafford], 2 Aug 1967. Mentioning 'these cataracts on my eyes'.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL508 · Fonds · [1851]

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham of Château Eleanor Louise, Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, [France] to J M [John Murray] of Albermarle Street, London, 4 Dec [1851]. Concerning the proofs of his book The History of England and France under the House of Lancaster. Comments on the coup d'état [of Napoléon III] in Paris.

Sans titre
George, Henry: letter (1891)
GB 0096 AL51 · Fonds · 1891

Letter from Henry George of 327 East 19th Street, New York to Swan Sonnenschein and Co, 16 Sep 1891. Relating to the publication of his The Condition of Labor: an Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL510 · Fonds · [1825]

Letter from John Ramsay McCulloch of 10 Buccleuch Place, [Edinburgh] to Joseph Hume, 19 Nov [c1825]. Covering note accompanying a copy of McCulloch's The principles of political economy (1825).

Sans titre
Astor, Francis David Langhorne: letter
GB 0096 AL513 · Fonds · 1981

Letter from David Astor of 9 Cavendish Avenue, London to the Librarian, Acquisitions Section, University of London Library, 9 Oct 1981. Concerning the gift of a copy of Henry Ozelle Malone's PhD thesis Adam von Trott zu Solz: the Road to Conspiracy against Hitler(1980).

Sans titre
Harrison, George Leib: letter (1881)
GB 0096 AL516 · Fonds · 1881

Letter from George Leib Harrison of Claridges Hotel, London to Bonamy Price, 15 Aug 1881. Concerning a report on the effects of the Education Act of 1870 and its amendments, and 'Industrial education'.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL52 · Fonds · 1854

Letter from William Ewart Gladstone of Hagley, [Worcestershire] to J Pennington, Esq, 21 Apr 1854. Asking for advice on the effect of the war payments on the Bank reserve. 'Can you direct me to any clear and trustworthy synoptical view of the laws applicable to the operations of the Bank since the date of its first Charter?'

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL527 · Fonds · 1938

(1) Letter from Randall Carline Swingler of the Left Review, 2 Parton Street, London to Thomas Sturge Moore, c1938. Asking him to contribute an article to the Left Review. Sturge Moore's draft reply appears on the reverse.

(2) Letter from Randall CarlineSwingler of the Left Review to Thomas Sturge Moore, c1938. Enclosing the final proof [missing] of Sturge Moore's article Fashions in art and literature.The article appeared in the April 1938 issue.

(3)Letter from John Edgell Rickword of the Communist Party of Great Britain, Hampstead Branch, 47 South Hill Park to Thomas Sturge Moore, 15 Feb 1938. Asking him to chair a lecture.

Sans titre
Masefield, John Edward: poem, 1965
GB 0096 AL534 · Fonds · 1965

Poem by John Edward Masefield, 1965. Verses entitled Lines for the 1965 HMS Victory Calendar, produced to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the ship's launch.


Sans titre
Hardy, Joseph: letter (1816)
GB 0096 AL55 · Fonds · 1816

Letter from Jospeh Hardy of 19 George Street, Adelphi, [London] to Lord Sheffield, 23 Feb 1816. Regarding his proposal of the latter as an Honorary Member of the Dublin Society, and dealing with agricultural matters.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Horner, Leonard: letter (1828)
GB 0096 AL61 · Fonds · 1828

Letter from Leonard Horner of University Chambers to Augustus De Morgan, 25 Feb 1828. Enclosing a letter appointing a Professor of Mathematics in the University of London.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Ingram, John Kells: letter (1878)
GB 0096 AL63 · Fonds · 1878

Letter from John Kells Ingram of 2 Wellington Road, Dublin to Leslie Cliffe, 7 Nov 1878. Referring to Ingram's address and Lowe's answer to it in The Times.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Joplin, Thomas: letter, 14 Feb 1844
GB 0096 AL68 · Fonds · 1844

Letter from Thomas Joplin of Gravesend, [Kent] to Sir Edward Knatchbull, Baronet and MP, 14 Feb 1844. 'It is these distresses that give life and power to the Anti-Corn Law League, although the Corn Laws have nothing to do with them.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Logan, W: letter (1824)
GB 0096 AL71 · Fonds · 1824

Letter from W Logan of the [Forth and Clyde] Canal Office to James Buchanan, Esq of 36 Candleriggs, [Glasgow], 28 Sep 1824. Giving information asked for by George Chalmers respecting the Forth and Clyde Canal.

Autographs, with signatures.

Sans titre
Long, George: letter (1837)
GB 0096 AL72 · Fonds · 1837

Letter from 5 Camden Street, Camden Town, [London] to Augustus De Morgan, 22 Mar 1837. Written in a facetious vein, congratulating De Morgan on his coming marriage. Long affects to have had a letter from a 'nameless correspondent' who intends 'to unite himself with a certain lady who we have always considered as belonging fairly to you'.

Autographs, with signatures.

Sans titre
Longman, Thomas: letter (1860)
GB 0096 AL73 · Fonds · 1860

Letter from Thomas Longman of 39 Paternoster Row, London to [Augustus De Morgan], 20 Apr 1860. Thanking him for information 'about the poem by Lord Macaulay on the London University'.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL76 · Fonds · 1857

Letter from Thomas Babington Macaulay of Holly Lodge, Kensington to Augustus De Morgan, 3 Nov 1857. Referring to Father Mansuete (Confessor to the Duke of York, afterwards King James II, and author of a broadside account of the death of King Charles II) and to the position of Roman Catholics in England at that time [late 17th century].

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL82 · Fonds · 1800

Letter from Thomas Robert Malthus of London to Rev George Turner, Kettleburgh, Wickham Market, [Suffolk], 28 Nov 1800. Referring to Malthus's tract An Investigation of the Causes of the present High Price of Provisions(1800). 'I sat up till two o'clock the evening before I went to Bath to finish it that it might come out before the meeting of Parliament.' Referring to the the famous Essay on the Principle of Population: 'The prevailing conversation about the pop[ulation] of the country has caused enquiries to be made about the Essay, which is now nowhere to be bought. This I hope will animate me to proceed in another edition, though to say the truth I feel at present very idle about it'.

Autograph, with signature.

[A letter from James Bonar to Professor H S Foxwell, asking permission to print Malthus's letter, and a corrected proof of the letter for the Economic Journal are filed with Malthus's original letter.]

Sans titre
Marx, Karl: letter, 10 Apr 1869
GB 0096 AL84 · Fonds · 1869

Letter from Karl Heinrich Marx of 7 Modena Villas, Maitland Park, Haverstock Hill, London to J M Ludlow, Esq, 10 Apr 1869. Controverting Ludlow's article in the Fortnightly Review: 'You say first that Lassalle propogated my principles in Germany and say then that I am propagating "Lassallian principles" in England. ... Lassalle has taken from my writings almost literally all his general theoretical developments ... I have nothing whatever to do with his practical applications.'

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Mason, Charles: letter
GB 0096 AL87 · Fonds · [late 19th century]

Letter from Charles Mason stating that: 'in Captn Reddie's time (1860/62) there was a destruction of records in India in all the Departts and some were sent home as waste paper', [late 19th century].

Sans titre
Mill, John Stuart: letter, 11 Mar 1842
GB 0096 AL88 · Fonds · 1842

Letter from John Stuart Mill of India House, [London] to Madame [Sarah] Austin via Poste Restante, Dresden, 11 Mar 1842. Referring to Mill's A System of Logic: 'I have only just succeeded in extorting a negative answer from Murray [his publisher], after a consideration or at least a delay which endured from the middle of December to last Tuesday.'

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Blanc, Louis: letter, 6 Dec 1867
GB 0096 AL9b · Fonds · 1867

Letter from Jean Joseph Louis Blanc of 20 Grand Parade, Brighton, [Sussex] to an unknown recipient, 6 Dec 1867. Sending thanks for a letter; he and his wife 'mille amities'. Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 Medley · Fonds · 1875-1893

Papers of George Webb Medley, 1875-1893, comprising 130 volumes of press-cuttings, mostly from the national press such as The Times, Pall Mall Gazette, The Echo, and The Daily News. Some volumes are indexed. Subjects include Egypt, 1875-1885 (reference Medley 1-10); Political Economy - statistics and taxation, c 1879-1893 (Medley 11-20, 47-48, 50); Conservative Party including Lord Randolph Churchill, speeches of Lord Salisbury, c 1880-1885 (Medley 21-46); Blasphemy - the law, 1883 (Medley 49); the Franchise, 1883-1884 (Medley 51-53); Church and State, 1883-1885 (Medley 54-56); Free Trade, 1881-1891 (Medley 57-96); Land, c 1876-1885 (Medley 97-102); Liberal Party, 1879-1885 (Medley 103-108); Empire and Colonies, 1883-1884 (Medley 109); Education, 1883-1884 (Medley 110), Army and Navy, 1880-1884 (Medley 111); Liberty and Property Defence League, 1883-1884 (Medley 112); House of Lords, 1884-1886 (Medley 113-115); British economy, other economies, trade, 1885-1893 (Medley 116-129); Railways (United Kingdom and overseas), 1877-1879 (Medley 130).

Sans titre