Showing 16246 results

Archivistische beschrijving
Douglas, James
GB 0096 MS 214 · 1723

A collection, compiled in 1723, of mathematical material, principally for the use of navigation.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 217 · [1725]

Manuscript volume containing a report signed by Alexander Archbold to the Royal African Company on the commerce and value to the Company of their establishment at Sierra Leone, [1725]. Archbold had been an employee of the Company in Sierra Leone for 7 years.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 225 · c1785

Manuscript volume containing the rules of the Agreeable United Fair (Friendly Society), a women's society intended to provide relief in the event of sickness or old age. The Society was held near Fetter Lane, Holborn, London. The rules are signed by fifteen members, six of whom give a mark in place of a signature, c 1785.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 230 · 1788-1793

Manuscript volumes containing 'An abstract of the total number of ships with their tonnage which have been registered in the British Dominions in pursuance of the Acts [of Parliament]...Distinguishing such as are British built, such as are foreign built, and such as are Prizes made free, and distinguishing the Ports at which they have been respectively registered', with a volume devoted to each year between 1788 and 1793. Includes a commentary on the statistics given, and dedicatory epistle in Volume I to King George III.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 252 · [1700]

Manuscript transcripts of six writings on hermetic philosophy, [1700], including tracts by David de Planis Campy, Adrien Ameuric and Raymond Lulle.'

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 258 · 1878-1882

[Book of accounts for Russell House, a Hostel for women students from University College, King's College, Royal Academy, London School of Medicine, Slade School of Art, etc. Compiled by Mary, Second Countess of Lovelace, of Oakham Park, Woking. Covering the period Dec. 21, 1878-Sept. 1882.]

Zonder titel
East India Company, 1647
GB 0096 MS 260 · 1647

Papers presented to the House of Lords concerning the East India Company's status as a Joint Stock Company, Feb 1647, comprising a paper presented by the Company in defence of their trading as a Joint Stck Company, and a copy of the former endorsed by Alderman [John] Fowkes beginning 'Sixe justify the pursuance of the trade to th'east Indies by one Joint Stock Onely'.

Zonder titel
Faversham Manor, Kent
GB 0096 MS 261 · 1766-1792

A Minute Book, 1766-92 of the Water Court of the Manor and Hundred of Faversham.

Zonder titel
Naylor, Francis Hare
GB 0096 MS 270 · 1743-1772

Account books, 1743-1772, recording profits and rents due to Francis Naylor for land owned in various parts of Sussex.

Zonder titel
Handwriting specimens
GB 0096 MS 276 · 1613-1758

Bundle of receipts illustrating Secretary and Italic hands between 1613 and 1758.

Zonder titel
Law Compendium
GB 0096 MS 28 · [1619-1628]

Manuscript volume containing a law compendium, [1619-1628], compiled for the use of a Justice of the Peace, with notes under headings arranged alphabetically, giving references to Elizabethan and Jacobean statutes. It contains references to alehouses, archery, armour, artificers, assault, sadlers, drovers, bastardy, brewer, burglary, butchers, captains, soldiers, churchwardens, clergy, clerks of the market, cloth and dyers, witchcraft, constables, correction houses, coopers, coroners, counterfeiting, extortion, fairs and markets, forcible entry, forgery, goldsmiths, guns and crossbows, hawking, highways, bridges, horses, the hue and cry, hunting, husbandry, indictments and presentments, informants, enrolements, jurors, juries and inquests, labourers, servants and apprentices, larceny, liveries and retainers, manslaughter and murder, masons, matrimony and bigamy, mortuaries, Parliament, petty treason, plague, plays and games, preachers and ministers, prison and prisoners, bail, rape, recusants, restitution, riots, routs, unlawful assemblies, robbery and theft, sheriffs, transportation, treason, treasurers, trespass, vagabonds, usury, watch and ward, weights and measures, wines, wool and yarn.

The manuscript cites early editions of Ferdinando Pulton A Kalender, or Table, comprehending the effect of all the statutes that have been made and put into print beginning with Magna Charta...(Company of Stationers, London, 1606) and Michael Dalton The countrey justice, conteyning the practice of the Justices of the Peace out of their Sessions. Gathered for the better helpe of such have not been much conversant in the studie of the lawes of this realme (Company of Stationers, London, 1618).

Zonder titel
Park, Thomas
GB 0096 MS 280 · 1792

Two documents from 1792 containing biographical and critical notes on the poet William Drummond. The first document is the work of Thomas Park, while the second is in a different hand with Park's notes in the margin.

Zonder titel
Treatise on commerce
GB 0096 MS 32 · 1629

Manuscript volume containing the second part of a treatise on English trade and commerce attributed to Sir William Sanderson, 1629, entitled 'A treatise of state marchant (merchant) and of marchandizing state, consisting of commerce, trade and traffique, and upheld by the King's Royal Exchangers Office', with a dedicatory epistle to King James I.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 33 · [1581]-1638

Volume mainly containing treatises on French financial administration, [1581-1610], namely a report by Maximilien de Béthune, Duc de Sully, Director of the Council of Finance, on the finances of France, [1607]; a paper on the Estates General of France, [1583]; a history of royal taxation in France up to the reign of King Henry III, ending with a statement of the revenue in 1581, [1581-1589]; and a paper giving instructions on the powers and authority of the officers of the French Chambre des Comptes (Chamber of Accounts), [1589-1610]. The manuscript also contains papers relating to diplomatic negotiations during the Thirty Years War, comprising a speech on a peace assembly at Cologne, Italy, [1636], and a letter from the Swedish Chancellor Count Axel Greve Oxenstierna to the English Ambassador, Sir Thomas Roe, on the alliance between England and Sweden, 1638.

Zonder titel
Excise Act, 1650
GB 0096 MS 35 · [1650]

Manuscript volume containing a copy of a Parliamentary 'Act for Continuance of the Receipt of Excise until 29th Sept 1653', 1650.

Zonder titel
Fontigny, Séguy de
GB 0096 MS 387 · 1787

Manuscript volume entitled 'Mémoire sur l'administration des Finances', 1787, signed by Séguy de Fontigny, giving an account of the financial reforms undertaken by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de Torcy, and highlighting their present relevance. The manuscript is addressed to the Contrôleur Général des Finances.

Zonder titel
Mathematical treatise
GB 0096 MS 391 · c1682

Manuscript volume containing a mathematical treatise, [1682], with diagrams in the text. The chapter headings are: 'Analysis triangulorum rectilineorum', 'geometriae practicae cap. 1m', 'principia geographiae generalia', 'de globe eiusque usibus', 'de projectione astronomica', 'de invenienda locorum longitudine', and 'astronomia'.

Zonder titel
Lawson, Captain Patrick
GB 0096 MS 395 · 1768-1799

The collection contains account books recording purchases made by Captain Patrick Lawson in London, Madras and Canton. Also contains memoranda and accounts regarding the administration of his estate on behalf of his creditors from 1777 to 1799.

Zonder titel
Geometry treatise
GB 0096 MS 397 · 18th century

Manuscript volume containing an eighteenth century treatise on geometry, entitled 'Geometrie Pratique'. The chapter headings are: 'Livre premier: des logarithmes', 'Livre II: De la trigonometrie rectiligne', 'Livre IV: De la construction des figures', 'Livre V: De la longimetrie', 'Livre VI: De la planimetrie', 'Livre VII: De la stereometrie'.

Zonder titel
Dixon, William Hepworth
GB 0096 MS 406 · 1850

A manuscript and printed copy of William Hepworth Dixon's book, The London Prisons, 1850. Also includes newspaper cuttings collected by the author.

Zonder titel
Petition of William Courten
GB 0096 MS 407 · 1671

Manuscript petition of William Courten, grandson and heir of Sir William Courten, the administrators and executors of Courten's estate (Sir Richard Mauleverer, Sir Erasmus de la Fountaine, Sir John Ayton, Maurice Thompson, Walter Deureux, Thomas Coppin and William Lloyd) and the rest of Courten's creditors, requesting compensation for the loss of Courten's estates in Barbados. The petitioners beg the king to compel the merchants who have unlawfully dispossessed Sir William Courten of his plantations in the Barbados to make redress to his creditors. Endorsed 'Peticion of Sr Richard Mauleverer & others abt the Barbados'; also, in another hand, 'Rec'd 13th Sept. 1671'.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 41 · 1662-1785

Manuscript volume containing tables giving a statement of the [English] excise revenue from Michaelmas 1662 to [Jul 1875]. There is a possibility that this manuscript was created by Sir Grey Cooper, Secretary to the Treasury.

Zonder titel
Jones, Henry Arthur
GB 0096 MS 410 · 1887-1950

Collection of material relating to the dramatist Henry Arthur Jones (1851-1929), collected by M.H.Spielmann, including: Five letters from Henry Arthur Jones to the Morning Post newspaper concerning the reconstruction of the theatre (1919); correspondence with James Stanley Little (1922-1929); correspondence between Jones and M.H.Spielmann (1919-1929); correspondence between Doris Thorne (nee Arthur Jones) and M.H.Spielmann (1929-1939); publications and proofs of works by H.A.Jones (1897-1921); press cuttings concerning miscellaneous topics connected to H.A.Jones, including reviews of books and plays and cuttings concerning his disputes with George Bernard Shaw and H.G.Wells (1887-1950).

Zonder titel
Beeby, James
GB 0096 MS 411 · 1802-1806

An outline of a system of shorthand, 1802-6, and information on its application.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 413 · 1846

Royal warrant granting a pension of £200 a year to John Ramsay McCulloch "in consideration of his services as the author of many useful publications connected with the finance and commerce of the country", issued in June 1886.
The warrant is issued under the signature of Queen Victoria and with the subscriptions of Sir Robert Peel, Ralph Neville and William Cripps. The document also includes a leaf of description and comments by Professor Herbert Somerton Foxwell.

Zonder titel
Bradley, John William
GB 0096 MS 415 · 1874

Notes from 1874 on the Woodcuts, Initials and other ornaments of early printed books with reference to the Italian and French renaissance.

Zonder titel
Knight, E.
GB 0096 MS 419 · 1749

Manuscript arithmetic note-book, 1749, signed at the end 'E.Knight, August 1, 1749'. In a copper-plate hand, with many flourished initials and headings.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 42 · Stuk · 1624-1667

Manuscript volume containing a list of papers concerning the financial administration of Argenta in the province of Ferrara, Italy, 1624-1667, notably the farming of the revenues of the chamberlain of Argenta for a year from Jan 1667, and various exemptions from tolls. This manuscript is a copy of an extract made by the public notary Guieseppe Girollo Beccari from a printed book entitled Instrumento d'affitte sopra l'appalto delle dogane, macinato, augmento del sale, e delle can cellarie de Ferrara, e suo stato...(Ferrara 1667).

Zonder titel
Chatley, Herbert
GB 0096 MS 420 · 1895-1947

The boxes contain notebooks and papers, 1895-1947, mainly on the history of science and technology, with special reference to China.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 435 · 1934

Musical scores in manuscript of two versions of A Lyke-Wake: Border Ballad 1934.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 44 · 1671-1678

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of directives issued by the Treasury Board and the Board of Customs, 1671-1678, including warrants petitions and legal documents relating to the customs. The documents are signed by statesmen including Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury; Thomas Clifford, 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh; Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds; Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington; Sir John Coventry; and Charles Bertie.

Zonder titel
Westington Manor, 1579
GB 0096 MS 446 · 1579

Copy of a Court Roll made at the Court Baron of Sir John Brokett (Brockett), Lord of the Manor of Westington, containing a Surrender of copyhold by Richard Adams, customary tenant, of a tenement with croft adjacent containing one acre, another close containing about three acres, also three acres of arable land lying in Fynceley Churche Fylde, to the use of John Adams, his elder son. Also contains the Admission of John Adams for an annual rent of 7s.9d.

Zonder titel
Jury List, [1650]
GB 0096 MS 450 · [c1650]

Manuscript list of 24 names of persons from among whom a jury would be empanelled to serve in a suit between Ambrose Hanckyn, plaintif, and Jane Temmys, defendant, written by John Whyt, sheriff.

Zonder titel
Jury list, [16th century]
GB 0096 MS 452 · [16th century]

Manuscript list of 24 names, 12 marked to indicate that these persons served as jurors in a plea of transgression between Edward Collins, plaintiff, and John Dalley, defendant. Endorsement. Probably dating from the 16th century.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 463 · 1820

Manuscript 'Notes relatives à la station de la cote d'Afrique. Gorée. July 1820', partly written by Alphonse Louis Théodore Moges, Comte de Moges, and comprising an account of the French colony of Senegal, with special reference to Gorée Island and Albréda, their products, inhabitants and trade. Particular attention is given to the slave trade, and means of suppressing it are suggested. The author makes his observations after a two-year sojourn in the area begun, therefore, soon after Gorée had been restored to France in 1816. He passes antagonistic comments on the English and their trade. The first two paragraphs and the corrections throughout are in the hand of the signatory, Alphonse de Moges; the remainder of the manuscript is in another hand.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 472 · c1842-1867

Papers and drawings relating to the Nottingham and Lincoln Railway, c1842-1867, namely:

  1. Lithograph of Nottingham contract specification for execution of the works, to be completed before 1st June, 1846, with a list of 12 drawings to which the specification refers. (These do not, in most cases, correspond with the 12 numbered drawings that now accompany this document). (47 leaves. 12½" x 8").
  2. Three lists of equipment and materials, compiled for comparison of the total weights various types of lifting gear will bear, c 1845. (2 leaves. 13" x 8").
  3. Printed testimonials of Charles Kinder, railway engineer, 1851-1867, who was trained in the Newcastle works of Robert Stephenson, under whom he prepared the contract plans for and superintended the works on the Nottingham and Lincoln railway. (2 leaves. 9¼" x 7½").
  4. 12 engineering drawings, c 1842-1845, comprising a section and plan of the railway through Belper, 1842 (27½" x 51"); sections of cuttings and embankments, numbered 5a and 6a, incomplete (19½" x 23¼"); sections of cuttings and embankments, numbered 7a and 8a (19½" x 27½"); drawings and sections of a mile and ½-and ¼-mile posts (13" x 14¼"); elevations, plans and sections for a bridge for the Flood Road, numbered 10 (this corresponds with drawing No.10 listed in the contract, p.2.); tracing on linen (24" x 72"); elevations, plans and sections for a bridge over the branch of the River Trent near the 18th mile, numbered 8; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); elevations and sections of a bridge over the River Witham at Lincoln, numbered 9; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); plan, drawings and section for a lifting gear to the bridge for crossing the canal at 14.50 chains, numbered 9; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); plan and sections for a bridge for crossing the canal at 14.50 chains, numbered 9; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); elevation, plan and section of a bridge for the footway of Queens Road, numbered 8 (this corresponds with drawing No.8 listed in the contract, pp.1-2); tracing on linen (24" x 36"); printed plan and section, with manuscript additions, of the proposed railway line from Nottingham to Lincoln (this sheet, numbered 1, shows the town of Nottingham and 1 mile East - i.e. to the parish boundary), surveyed by J.G.Binns in 1844 (19½" x 27"); printed plan and section, with manuscript additions, of the proposed railway line from Nottingham to Lincoln (this sheet is unnumbered but is the final one of a set; it shows the city of Lincoln and 1 mile West), endorsed 'Nottingham and Lincoln Railway. The ends of the working plans and sections' (19½" x 26½").
Zonder titel
Deeds relating to Yorkshire
GB 0096 MS 476 · 1422-1716

Collection of deeds relating mainly to Yorkshire, 1422-1716, as follows.

  1. Quitclaim with warranty by John Robynson (Robinson) of Jolby (North Riding) to Sir John Clesby, rector of the church of Mersk (Marske, North Riding), Sir Thomas Topclyf (Topcliff), chaplain, and William Ellerbek (Ellerbeck), of his right in all lands, meadows and tenements which they have by gift in the town of Jolby. With witnesses. Signed at Jolby, 20 July, 1422. Seal of Robinson in red wax. Endorsements.
  2. Letters of attorney of Robert Conyers (d 1431) of Sokburn (Sockburn, County Durham), Sir Thomas Laton of Sexhow (North Riding), William, vicar of Covton (Cowton, North Riding), and William Nafferton of Ravynswathe (Ravensworth, North Riding), appointing Richard Mason, Hugh Mawnsell and John Boste to deliver seisin to William Boste and Alice his wife of three messuages in Joleby (Jolby, North Riding). Dated at Sokburne, 20 April, 1427. 4 seals in red wax. Endorsements.
  3. Counterpart bargain and sale indented with warranty by Sir George Gryffyth (Griffith) of Whychenor (Wychnor), Staffordshire, to Richard Smythe (Smith) and John Dyott of the farm of their manor of Little Kelke (Kelk, East Riding) near Burton Annas (Burton Agnes, East Riding). Consideration £180. Dated 28 June, 1555. 2 marks and 2 seals in red wax. Endorsement.
  4. Gift with warranty for a consideration in money by John Dyott and Richard Smyth (Smith) of the city of Lichefeld (Lichfield) to Walter Gryffyth (Griffith) of Whychenor (Wychnor), Staffordshire, of the farm of their manor of Little Kelke (Kelk, East Riding) near Burton Annas (Burton Agnes, East Riding) which they had by conditional gift of Sir George Gryffyth (Griffith), the donee's father. Signed 22 Feb 1560. 1 mark and 2 seals. Endorsements.
  5. Agreement indented between (1) William Rookes, of Roides Hall (Royds Hall) Bradford, and (2) Robert Bradford, of Stanley, Yorkshire, and William Warde, of Bradford, Yorkshire, whereby (1) within one year will have made a deed of feoffment to (2) and will levy a fine to convey to them, for his own use during his lifetime and then for the use of his eldest son, William Rookes and his heirs male, or in default to Tempest Rookes and then to Richard Rookes, his other sons, his manor called Roides Hall in the parish of Bradford, also 100 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 160 acres of arable, 200 acres of wood, 400 acres of moor and heath, with all houses, barns, stables, orchards, gardens, dove-houses, etc., except Ryvey Wibsey (West Riding), the Neither Common next adjoining to Okenshaye (Oakenshaw, West Riding) and one tenement and lands in the tenure of Thomas Vyckars. Seal tag only. Signed 14 Apr 1575 by William Rookes. Endorsements.
  6. Quitclaim for a consideration in money by Matthew Tompson of Rowesby (Roxby) in the county of York, to Ralph Tankard, of Arden (North Riding) in the same county, of his right in all lands, tenements, meadows, feedings, pastures, rents, services and other hereditaments in Rowesby formerly of Robert Tompson his father, deceased, and given by Robert to Thomas Tompson, brother of Matthew, and his heirs male. Signed 20 July, 1602. Mark of Matthew Tompson. Seal. Endorsements.
  7. Lease indented for 60 years by George Kirke (d 1663), Gentleman of the Robes and a Groom of His Majesty's Bedchamber, and Thomas Metcalf (d 1655), of Nappay (Nappa, North Riding) in the county of York, of a messuage with one acre, a close of 20 acres called the Lery Crofte, 2 oxgangs of land, meadow and pasture, 2 acres called Forby Land or Acres, one close called Forty Acres, 2 parcels of ground, by estimation 8 acres, called The Flats, one close called Yewland with ground containing 30 acres lying without Humberbancke in Ottringham (East Riding) now in the occupation of Francis Cobb. Rent £26 p.a. Signed 30 Nov 1639 by George Kirke. Seal. Endorsements.
  8. Bargain and sale indented with warranty by Thomas Croftes, of Coverham (North Riding), to Edward Croftes of York, of a messuage with appurtenances situated within the liberty of Coverham Abbey and all the grounds thereunto belonging called Jobcroft House now in the tenure or occupation of Anthony Appleby. Consideration £30. Signed 13 Jan 1649 by Thomas Croftes. Seal. Endorsements. Annexed: Bond in £60 of Thomas Croftes to Edward Croftes. 13 Jan.1649. Condition: for the performance of all covenants specified in the bargain and sale of even date. Witnesses. Signed: Thomas Croftes. Seal.
  9. Defeasance indented by Sir Henry Griffith, Bt (d 1656), of Burton Agnes in the county of York, of a recognizance of statute staple, 4 May 1649, wherein he is bound to pay £2000 to Clement Spelman, of the Middle Temple, London, on condition that he pay Spelman £1040 on 4 October next following at the Middle Temple, London. Signed 4 May 1649 by Clement Spelman. Seal. Endorsements.
  10. Right-hand indenture of a final concord between Sir Griffin Boynton, Bt (1664-1731), Richard Hill and John Langstaffe, plaintiffs, and George Bradrick and Elizabeth his wife, John Sleightholme and Elizabeth his wife, and Philip Saunders, deforciants, of 4 messuages, 2 bakeries, 2 curtilages, 54 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 19 acres of pasture, common of pasture for all draught animals and common of turbary, with appurtenances, in Rexby Goatland (North Riding) in the parish of Pickering Growmont (Grosmont, North Riding) and Lythe. Acknowledgment of plaintiffs' rights and quitclaim to them. Warranty. Consideration £120. Dated 27 Oct - 3 Nov 1716.
Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 479 · 1662

A 64-line elegiac poem composed on the occasion of the death of Frederick Cornwallis, Baron Cornwallis of Eye, in January 1661/2. His virtues are recorded:
'... (though there bee
Twixt vulgar Spirits, and Nobilitie
A kind of Antipathie) yet will I
Appeale unto themselves [the Commons] what courtesie
They found in him: what affabilitie,
Humilitie, and sweetness, w[i]th rare parts,
Which (ev'n against their wills) had won their hearts.'
There is a reference to Prester John, and allusion is made to the office Cornwallis had held as Treasurer of the Household to Charles II:
'The King of Kings now meaning to confer
An higher title, made thee Treasurer
In Heaven's great Court, where thou had'st laid up store
Of never fading Treasure [long?] before.'
At the end runs a Latin inscription: 'Ita raptim flevit ex animo R.Wolverton. Eayensis sudor volgorum ex Icenis M.D.'

Zonder titel
Hamburg, civic ordinances
GB 0096 MS 482 · [1600-1625]

Civic ordinances for the city of Hamburg, Germany, comprising 76 articles, with an index, concerning the regulation of civil life.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 483 · 1714

Manuscript report entitled 'A State of the Coynage in Barcelona', [1714], with a note that 'This paper was attested upon oath before the Commissioners of Accounts the 14th day of May 1714 by Mr. [John] Mead'. The remainder of the volume comprises a printed copy of the answer of James Stanhope, 1st Earl Stanhope, to allegations concerning his financial administration as Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in Catalonia during 1708, and contains manuscript annotations in Stanhope's hand.

Zonder titel
Aire and Calder Navigation
GB 0096 MS 489 · [1714-1772]

Manuscript copies of papers relating to the Aire and Calder Navigation Company's proposed Leeds and Selby Canal, [1714-1772], as follows.

  1. Memorandum, [1771], upon the monopoly enjoyed and the exorbitant charges imposed by the farmer of the Aire and Calder Navigation, and the danger of the proprietors' wish to reroute the navigation away from Knottingley, Yorkshire, '...[which] proceeding would depopulate the... town reduce the property of individuals therein below it's present value and... totally deprive the same of all the natural advantages of it's situation...'. (Single sheet. 13" x 7¾").
  2. Memorandum of a meeting held on Monday, 30 December, 1771, at Bluits Inn, York, under the chairmanship of Charles Ingram, 9th Viscount Irwin, held to oppose the plans of the Aire and Calder Navigation to alter the route of the navigation by Act of Parliament. A list is given of the more notable attenders at the meeting. A plan of intended alterations was produced by Messrs. Wilson, Birt and Smeaton, but not considered, grievances of objectors to the plan were heard, and a subscription entered into to prevent 'the course of the rivers Aire and Calder from being altered by the present undertakers...and... [to concert] the proper means for reducing and ascertaining the tolls and duties on the said rivers...'. Adjournment to 28 January, [1772]. (Single sheet. 19½" x 14").
  3. Subscription list dated 30 December 1771 [referred to above] composed of thirteen names, headed by that of Lord Irvine. (Single sheet. 7" x 8").
  4. Articles of agreement of 9 July, 1714, made between (1) William Milner, of Leeds, and John Smith, of Heath, Yorkshire, on behalf of themselves and the other undertakers of the navigation on the rivers Aire and Calder, (2) Robert, Marquis of Lindsey, Lord Great Chamberlain and Privy Councillor, and (3) Arthur Ingram and Thomas Atkinson, both of Knottingley, on behalf of themselves and other inhabitants of that town. To settle disputes touching the erection of a lock and dam at Chapel Haddlesey (1) will, on or before 29 September, 1715, make one or more new large cuts or sluices with a turnpike in the middle of the dam at Chapel Haddlesey in the river Aire at least 15 yards wide...and maintain them at their own costs. They will also deepen by one foot the drain running out of Haddlesey Ings into the river Aire, and will erect a good and substantial bridge with two leaves over the Aire near the ferry by Chapel Haddlesey Marsh as good and substantial as Beal Bridge lately built on the said river, and make a good and sufficient causeway to Chapel Haddlesey. There are other clauses relating to tolls, flooding, etc. Bond in £2000 by (1) to (2) to observe and perform all covenants conditions, etc. (2 leaves. 15½" x 10").
Zonder titel
Suffolk Quarter Sessions
GB 0096 MS 495 · 1751

Printed warrant, completed in manuscript and dated 28 May 1751, directed to the constable of Thornham Magna (Great Thornham), Suffolk, to produce Ann Lincoln, single woman, before E. Frere, Justice of the Peace to answer charges brought against her by Thomas Mottram of 'keeling false and short yarn'. There is a note of conviction 'but the punishment was respited on account of sickness'. Signed by E.Frere.

Zonder titel
Leeds and Liverpool Canal
GB 0096 MS 498 · 1865

Memorandum of agreement of 20 July, 1865, between (1) the Company of Proprietors of the Canal Navigation from Leeds to Liverpool and (2) the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Liverpool, whereby (1) will excavate, make and maintain three side basins and wharves connected with their canal at Philip Street Wharf, Liverpool, for the exclusive use of (2) in the removal of refuse. Term - 21 years. Rent - £1750 p.a.

Zonder titel
Coinage memoranda book
GB 0096 MS 499 · [1817-1824]

Manuscript memoranda book, 1817-1824, relating to the issue of the new silver coinage in February 1817 when the Hon William Wellesley-Pole (later 1st Baron Maryborough and 3rd Earl of Mornington) was Master of the Mint. Full details are given of the administrative measures taken to collect the old silver coin of the realm and to replace it by the new issue. The operation began on 13 February and was completed in fourteen days. Enclosed is a draft of a letter dated 10 February 1824 to Mr. B. Barnard, banker, of 50 Cornhill, London, announcing the presentation to him, by officers of the Mint, on the occasion of the Master's retirement (1824), of a bronze medal 'for assisting in the arrangement for the exchange of the silver coin in 1817'.

Zonder titel
Vosgien, Donat
GB 0096 MS 505 · 1787

Manuscript tract on taxation entitled 'Observations sur l'impôt territorial en nature proposé à l'assemblée des notables', written by Donat Vosgien at Épinal in 1787.

Zonder titel
Phillips, William
GB 0096 MS 510 · 1749-1800

A general and farm account books, 1749-1800, kept by William Phillips of Broadway, Worcestershire.

Zonder titel
Phillips, John
GB 0096 MS 517 · 1825-1873

A book of manuscript poems, composed by John Phillips from 1825 to 1863, lists of honours conferred on him, 1825-1860, lists of lecture engagements 1824-1860 and a manuscript entitled the incidents in the life of John Phillips, 1800-1860.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 52 · 1686

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of legal papers, 1686, mainly relating to the attempts of King James II to increase his powers as the Supreme Head of the Anglican Church, including papers appointing the Lords Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, 17 Jul 1686, and their proceedings against Henry Compton, Bishop of London, 9 Aug-6 Sep 1686; proceedings in the Court of King's Bench against Sir Edward Hales, Baronet, 1686, (where the judges found in favour of the king's power to excuse individuals from the Test Oath); observations on the case of customs cited in the Reports of Sir Edward Coke...of divers resolutions and judgments (W Lee, London, 1658), 1686; and notes on proceedings in the Court of King's Bench against Samuel Johnson, [1686].

Zonder titel
Rivers, Sir George
GB 0096 MS 520 · 1691

Certified copy, made 30 June 1698, of an indenture of settlement of 21 April 1691 between (1) Sir George Rivers, Baronet, and Dorothy, his wife, of Chafford in the parish of Penshurst, Kent, and (2) William Freeman, of Sandown Castle, Kent, and John Seyliard, of Penshurst, of the moiety of (1)'s lands in Suffolk (Holbrook, etc), Essex (Finchingfield) and London (in the parishes of St Andrew's, Holborn, and St Bride's), with an undertaking to levy fines before the justices.

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