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Prayer Book (German, 1534-1539)
GB 0103 MS GERM 23 · 1534-1663

Gebetbuch (Book of Prayers), dated 1534, 1538 and 1539, with later additions, some dated 1656 and 1663.

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Legal Lexicon (German)
GB 0103 MS GERM 27 · 15th century

Manuscript volume, 15th century: Uber Wichbilde, Lehenrecht Vnnd Lantrecht (a lexicon of information on Wichbilde, Lehenrecht and Lantrecht).

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Heyne's 'Archaeology'
GB 0103 MS GERM 28 · 19th century

Manuscript volume, 19th century, containing a copy of Christian Gottlob Heyne's 'Archäologie'.

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Meister Manuscript
GB 0103 MS GERM 33 · 1733, 1738

Manuscript volume, 1733, 1738, containing two texts by Johann Heinrich Meister (Jean Henri Le Maitre), 'Christliche Glaubens- und Lebenslehre' (Instructions in the Life and Faith of a Christian), followed by a short tract, 'Examen des communicans pour l'usage de l'Eglise Françoise de Buckebourg' (examination of communicants for the use of the French church at Bückeburg).

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GB 0103 MS GERM 4 · 15th century-16th century, 1676

Gebetbuch (Book of Prayers), 15th century-16th century. There are sketches at the base of some of the folios representing views of a landscape, probably in Germany, and two sketches of the Madonna, one of them dated 1676.

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German Religious Poetry Anthology
GB 0103 MS GERM 6 · 17th century

Anthology of religious poems, 17th century, including penitential prayers and verse meditations on the joys of the next world. Following an introduction (ff 1r-6v), the text from folio 7r is in verse. With marginal references to passages in the Bible, written in the authoress' own hand, throughout the text. Her identity is not revealed, except that her Christian name was Doroteha, and, given references in the introduction to her grandchildren and other relations, she probably wrote the book in later life. With the name Jacobs Himmelsleiter inside the front cover.

The vellum in which the volume is bound bears on the outside front cover traces of 13th-century text, with the heading ET VIGILIA.

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Calendar (Icelandic)
GB 0103 MS ICELANDIC 7 · 1794, 1804

Calendar of mixed authorship, dated 1794 and 1804. With notes by P G Foote.

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Polidori Letter
GB 0103 MS ITALIAN 1 · 1841

Manuscript, dated 1841, comprising a rough draft copy of a letter of G Polidori, in his own hand, to Viscount de Chateaubriand, announcing the despatch of Polidori's translation of Milton's Paradise Lost, followed by Polidori's copy of Chateaubriand's reply. Bound with an offprint, Louis Brandin's 'Lettres Inédités de Gaetano Polidori et de Chateaubriand', Modern Language Review, vol xi, no 2, Apr 1916.

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Milledonne Manuscript
GB 0103 MS ITALIAN 5 · [17th century]

Manuscript volume [17th century] containing Antonio Milledonne's 'Historia de sacri concili divisa in due libri ... ' (history of the holy council [presumably the Council of Trent] in two volumes).

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GB 0103 MS LAT 16 · 15th century [1468]

Arithmeticae et Astronomicae Auctores Varii: 15th century (possibly 1468) mathematical and astronomical treatises by various authors. Earlier texts written in Italy by one hand; others written by Heinrich Langenstein and Paul of Olmütz (?). Full page diagram of the zodiac on folio 47r.

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Missal for the use of Friars Minor
GB 0103 MS LAT 19 · 15th century

Manuscript volume, 15th century: Missale Fratrum Minorum (missal for the use of Friars Minor), with some musical notation.

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Breviary for the use of Friars Minor
GB 0103 MS LAT 20 · 15th century

Manuscript volume, 15th century: Breviarum Ad Usum Fratrum Minorum (Breviary for the use of Friars Minor).

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GB 0103 MS LAT 4 · 14th century-15th century

Manuscript volume with contents dating from the 14th and 15th centuries, comprising a collection of 20 miscellaneous treatises, including 'Dyalethyca', with a commentary and exercise on the Summulae logicorum of Petrus Hispanus and other lectures and exercises in logic of Petrus Zech, alias De Pulka, of the University of Vienna, written by Johannes Sintram at Ulm and dated 1405; other treatises on liturgical and astrological subjects, including works by Johannes De Sacro Bosco; calendars; questions on canon law; verses. The pastedowns are from a 14th-century service book.

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Rabanus Maurus Commentaries
GB 0103 MS LAT 7 · 13th century

Manuscript volume, 13th century: In Mattheum (commentaries on the Gospel of St Matthew by Rabanus Maurus).

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Service book (Jewish): Rosh ha-shanah
GB 0103 MS MOCATTA 4 · [1695]

Manuscript Jewish service book [1695]: Rosh ha-shanah, rite of Carpentras. With a commentary styled 'Seder Eliahu zuta' by Elijah Karmi.

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Service book (Jewish): Yom Kippur
GB 0103 MS MOCATTA 7 · [1757]

Manuscript Jewish service book [1757]: Yom Kippur, Sephardic rite. An inscription on the title page states that this text was written for the hazzan (cantor), Daniel di Moses Cohen d'Azevedo.

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Service book (Jewish): Omer
GB 0103 MS MOCATTA 9 · 18th century

Manuscript Jewish service book, 18th century: Omer. Signature on folio 1: Judah Samuel Sinigaglia.

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Perron Manuscripts
GB 0103 MS ORIENTAL 1 · 1827

Two manuscript volumes, 1827: Melange Arabe. Texte et traduction. Traductions diversées, tirées, ainsi que le texte Oriental, pour la plus part du Journal Asiatique, par M Perron (texts on the East, including works of writers on royal dynasties).

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GB 0103 OCEAN · 1873

Contract (copy) between the International Ocean Telegraph Company and the India Rubber Gutta Percha & Telegraph Works Company for work on submarine cables between Havana, Cuba, and Key West [Florida], 1873.

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John Parkes Papers
GB 0103 PARKES · 1634-1865

Papers of the Parkes family, 1634-1865. The main part of the collection consists of letters to Joseph Parkes. In addition, there are a few letters to his elder brother Josiah, to their father John, and to other members of the family. There are also a few miscellaneous papers. The Parkes family deeds are also part of the collection, consisting of family deeds, subsidiary title deeds, grants of mineral rights, deeds held as Trustees, and miscellaneous. The deeds are dated 1634-1800 and the correspondence is dated 1801-1865.

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Plowman Papers
GB 0103 PLOWMAN · 1907-1966

Papers, 1907-1966, of Max Plowman and Dorothy Lloyd Plowman, comprising papers of Max Plowman, including correspondence, manuscripts and notebooks including publications, drafts of works, typescripts of plays, poems, articles and addresses, newspaper articles, and diaries; papers of Dorothy Lloyd Plowman, including correspondence, poems, prose, and writings on Max Plowman and on family relationships.

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Rees Papers
GB 0103 REES · c1920-1970

Papers of the writer Sir Richard Rees, c1920-1970 and undated.

Manuscripts and typescripts for Rees' published and unpublished work include material for an unpublished book of essays; a typescript of his unpublished novel; unpublished shorter pieces, including lectures on literary and cultural subjects, among them George Orwell and Simone Weil.

Miscellaneous personal papers and writings, 1926-1960s, include notes on dreams; travel notes on the USA, 1929; a Russian diary, 1935; papers relating to the Spanish Civil War; typescript papers of the International Commission for War Refugees, 1941-1944, and other correspondence and papers on its work; papers relating to Rees' service in World War Two; correspondence concerning Rees' membership of the committee of the Pilgrim Trust; papers relating to sales of Rees' books; printed papers, comprising various articles and book reviews relating to Rees' interests.

Correspondence, c1920-1970, comprises items to Rees and carbon copies or drafts of his letters, the correspondents including prominent literary and other public figures, for example David Astor, Vanessa Bell, Joseph Conrad, Victor Gollancz, Frieda Lawrence, Iris Murdoch, Sonia Orwell, Sir Herbert Read, Hugh Trevor-Roper, A L Rowse, John Sparrow, Stephen Spender, R H Tawney, and many others, and including letters relating to George Orwell, J Middleton Murry, R H Tawney, and Simone Weil; correspondence with his literary agents A D Peters and with publishers, on his publications and broadcasts; letters to the press; personal papers, including c100 letters from Rees to his mother, c1938-c1942, other family letters, and snapshots; correspondence with J Middleton Murry and his wife, 1936-1937, relating to personal matters leading to Rees' resignation from the Adelphi, and other papers relating to the Adelphi, 1935-1936.

Other material includes a notebook including typescript reviews and letters to editors; memoranda of agreements with publishers for books, articles, etc, 1954-1969; press cuttings on various political, literary, artistic, and other subjects, including reviews of some works by Rees; typescript diary of a visit to Italy, 1959.

Rees' papers on George Orwell, 1949-1963, relating to his role as literary executor include correspondence and papers, some relating to Orwell's death, adopted son Richard, and proposed posthumous publications, and including material relating to his wife Sonia; papers on the George Orwell Archive Trust; typescript transcripts of poems Orwell contributed to the Adelphi, 1933-1936; two book reviews by Orwell, 1943-1944.

Rees' papers on Simone Weil largely comprise translations, typescripts and proofs for Rees' publications on Weil. There are also some writings by Weil; a photograph of her, 1942; letters to Rees from Weil's mother and brother, André, and other correspondence on Weil, 1958-1970; press cuttings on Rees' publications on Weil.

Rees' papers on R H Tawney, relating to his role as literary executor, include correspondence and papers of Tawney; Rees' correspondence on Tawney, largely dating from 1960-1970; correspondence and papers relating to the sale of Tawney's belongings and his will, with other personal documents relating to Tawney and his wife; correspondence relating to the disposal of Tawney's collection of books on economic history, 1952. The correspondents include a number of prominent literary and other public figures.

The later deposit comprises a typescript on Orwell and a typescript and corrected proofs on Murry.

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Tewkesbury Vicars' Papers
GB 0103 TEWKESBURY VICARS · c1680-c1770

Papers, c1680-c1770, of four successive vicars of Tewkesbury, comprising sermons, commonplace books, religious commentaries on text, theological expositions, essays, and miscellaneous religious writings. Many of the volumes contain only sermons, by John Matthews. Although Henry Jones (senior) is included in the dedication, none of the writings can be directly attributed to him.

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Wheeler Archive
GB 0103 WHEELER · 1812-1978

Papers of Mortimer Wheeler, [1944-1974], including:

Lecture notes of Wheeler's first wife Tessa while a UCL History student during the 1910s (Section A).

Correspondence with Glyn Daniel; Sir Cyril Fox; Christina Foyle; Jacquetta Hawkes; David Kendall; Kathleen Mary Kenyon; Sir Douglas William Logan; Stuart Piggott; Sir Ian Richmond and John Bryan Ward-Perkins (Section B).

Notes, reports, correspondence and administrative papers relating to Wheeler's excavations of Iron Age hill forts in north-western France in the 1930s (Section D).

Correspondence and other papers relating to archaeology in India and Pakistan, 1930s-1970s, in particular the UNESCO Mohenjo-Daro mission, late 1960 (Sections E and F).

Correspondence and other papers relating to archaeology in East Africa (Section H).

Itineraries, correspondence and other papers relating to Swan Hellenic cruises during the late 1950s to 1970s in the following places: Mediterranean; Iran; Nile; East Africa; India; Pakistan; Russia; Far East; Iraq, etc. (Section J).

Correspondence and other papers relating to institutions including the British Academy; British Museum; University of London (Sections K, L and N).

Correspondence and other papers relating to Wheeler's advisory role in connection with archaeological excavations beneath York Minster were carried out between 1966 and 1973 (Section M).

Scripts and other papers relating to broadcasting including BBC 'Roman Britain' and ''The Grandeur that was Rome' programmes (Section P).

Typescript and MS. articles, addresses, lectures and reviews by Wheeler including thesis on Rhenish pottery and a biography of Sir Cyril Fox (Section Q).

Papers and correspondence relating Wheeler's military postings in the First and Second World Wars (Sections R and S).

Wheeler's engagement diaries, 1952-1976 (Section T).

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Dudley Wood Papers
GB 0103 WOOD · 1906-c1964

Papers, 1906-c1964, of Dudley Orson Wood, including notes written as a student at the Royal College of Science; notes for lectures at University College London (UCL); typescript history of the Physics Department at UCL; examination questions, papers, and notes; students' notebooks and exam papers; and personalia (degree certificates etc).

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Woodger Papers
GB 0103 WOODGER · 1922-1980

Papers, 1922-1980, of Joseph Henry Woodger, consisting of research and personal notebooks, research files, manuscript and typescript drafts of works, correspondence, photographs and printed material.

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Western Telegraph Company Records
GB 0103 WTC · 1883-1949

Records of the Western Telegraph Company, comprising letter books, 1883-1949; staff lists including European staff books, 1910-1930, and Rio staff list, 1899.

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Altmann Archive
GB 0103 ALTMANN · [1920-1997]

The Altmann collection, [1920-1997], comprises papers of Alexander Altmann; papers of his brothers, Manfred and Erwin Altmann, Altmann family papers and papers relating to the Institute of Jewish Studies. Includes memoirs, diaries, draft manuscripts, research papers, letters, photographs, audio-visual material, family research papers, financial and legal papers and papers relating to publications and conferences.

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GB 0103 BMLA · 1921-c1971

Papers and correspondence of the British Maritime Law Association (BMLA), dating largely from 1947-c1971, with a few related items dating back to 1921, and comprising adminstrative papers and correspondence of the BMLA and its papers on issues in maritime law; papers and correspondence relating to the Comité Maritime International (CMI) and to overseas maritime law associations in Europe and America; and papers and correspondence on international conferences concerning issues of maritime law, held in Europe, the USA, and elsewhere, including conference documents, amendments, proceedings, and papers of the British delegation. The papers relate to issues in maritime law including limitations of shipowners' liability; bills of lading (issued by the carrier to the shipper on delivery of goods for shipment); the Hague Rules (defining the rights and liabilities of a carrier, introduced in Brussels in 1921 and adopted first as clauses in bills of lading and after 1923 as the Brussels Convention on Limitation of Liability); the 'gold clause' concerning contradictions in international conventions regarding the extent of liability; carriage of nuclear material by sea and the liability of operators, including the OEEC (Organisation for European Economic Co-operation) convention; and issues relating to oil pollution in the wake of the Torrey Canyon incident (1967).

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GB 0103 BROUGHAM · 15th century-1932

Papers of the Brougham family of Brougham, comprising correspondence and papers of four brothers, Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, c1790-1866, William Brougham, 2nd Baron Brougham and Vaux, 1813-1886, James Brougham, 1796-1833, John Waugh Brougham, 1809-1829, of their political associate James Atkinson, 1817-1835, and family and estate papers, 15th century-1932 (largely 19th century).

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Carswell Drawings
GB 0103 CARSWELL · 1827-1864

Sir Robert Carswell's anatomical drawings, with manuscript notes describing the cases illustrated, 1827-1838, and a catalogue, dated 1864.

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Chadwick Papers
GB 0103 CHADWICK · 1798-1923

Papers, 1798-1923, of Sir Edwin Chadwick. Over half of the collection consists of correspondence dating from around 1820, but most of the letters were written after 1834. Some of the earliest papers in the collection are notes on the police. There are papers relating to Chadwick's service as Secretary of the Poor Law Commission, including material on his troubled relationship with the Poor Law Commissioners and his unsuccessful attempts to be made a Commissioner. There is a good deal of material on public health and sanitation. There are also drafts and notes for many of his published writings to do with the reform of central and local government and military training and education.

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Chadwick Trust Archives
GB 0103 CHADWICK TRUST · [1820s]-1984

Records, [1820s]-1984, of the Chadwick Trust. Administrative papers comprise legal papers setting up the Trust, 1890-1896; minute books, 1895-1983; annual reports, 1962-1978; lists of securities, 1914-1917; corrected booklet The Chadwick Trust, 1926-1937; script of a proposed film treatment of Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1958; signing-in book for meetings, 1972-1980. Financial papers comprise account books, 1958-1979; tax claims, 1972-1976; financial files, 1972-1980; correspondence on tax reclaimed, 1980. Papers on lectures given under the auspices of the Trust comprise announcements of lectures, 1913-1935; printed copies of lectures held under the Trust's auspices, 1930-1967, the subjects including public health and buildings, sewerage, nutrition, disease, air quality, training and public health, medical provision, and public health work overseas; other printed lectures and writings, 1896-1932, the subjects including aspects of sanitation, disease, and Sir Edwin Chadwick. Correspondence comprises general correspondence, 1913-1924, 1971-1982; correspondence of the Clerk of the Trust, 1969-1979; correspondence of G M Binnie, 1944-1980; Charity Commission correspondence, 1962-1978; correspondence relating to medals and a memorial prize, 1966-1978; Trustees, 1969-1977; receptions, meetings and lectures, 1970-1978; blue plaque, 1972-1976; costing of activities, 1974; annual reports, 1974-1979; transfer of the Trust to University College London, 1974-1984. Miscellaneous items pertaining to Edwin Chadwick, [1820s]-1889, include his diary [1820s] and patents of his inventions, 1871-1872. Other acquired papers comprise printed ephemera including circulars against inoculation [1914-1918] and undated printed extracts from a hymn on sanitation. Photographs include undated prints of Edwin Chadwick and other eminent scientists; undated slides for a lecture, including various 19th-century public figures, 19th- and 20th-century mortality rates, and various London hospitals; and photographs, 1980, of a plaque to Chadwick at his birthplace in Longsight, Greater Manchester.

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Davis (Ralph) Papers
GB 0103 DAVIS · Created 1964-1979

The collection consists of chapters, drafts, notes and correspondence of Ralph Davis on published works (1971-1979); tables and statistics concerning overseas trade, exports and imports in the 18th and 19th centuries; teaching materials, course notes, etc (1964-1975); correspondence (1965-1978).

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Fletcher Lectures
GB 0103 FLETCHER · Created c1905-c1943

Lectures on various aspects of the history of architecture, including courses of lectures for the University of London and University Extension and other special lectures.

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GB 0103 GALTON · 1612-1926

Papers of Sir Francis Galton, consisting of papers relating to the personal history of Galton and his family, 1612-1926; papers relating to Galton's scientific work, 1850-1922; and correspondence 1765-1923.

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Hale Papers
GB 0103 HALE · [1935-1994]

Papers of John Rigby Hale including manuscript notes and research materials for Civilisation of Europe in the Renaissance; papers relating to an unrealised project to publish a complete account of all European Renaissance fortifications, includes maps and photographs; offprints of articles by Hale with related notes and reference material; papers relating to Hale's lectures, TV and radio broadcasts; papers relating to the museums and galleries with which Hale was involved; correspondence, chiefly with publishers; biographical material relating to Hale's schooldays, Merchant Navy service, Oxford University, University of Warwick and University College London; honours, certificates and awards; photographs and three films from University College London Foundation days, 1981 and 1983 and press cuttings including reviews of Hale's publications.

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Jones Papers
GB 0103 JONES · 1906-1970

The collection is divided into: personal history; the Department of Phonetics at University College London; lecture notes; published and broadcast work; unpublished research work; correspondence; acquired printed material.

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Joyce Collection
GB 0103 JOYCE · Created 1914-1983

The collection includes current and rare editions of Joyce's publications, critical and background literature. Archival material consists of the Lidderdale papers (1915-1983), which includes letters to Jane Lidderdale (god-daughter and joint biographer of Harriet Shaw Weaver, and Lucia Joyce's literary executor); copies of letters to Harriet Shaw Weaver (Joyce's patron and publisher); and papers, letters and photographs of Lucia Joyce (Joyce's daughter). The Weaver papers (1914-1958) include material relating to James and Lucia Joyce, and press cuttings. The Joyce Centenary papers contain various news cuttings etc from 1982. The Lucia Joyce Bequest (1924-1982) includes personal documents, letters, cards and photographs relating to Lucia Joyce.

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Lester Collection
GB 0103 LESTER · 1989-1998

Legal papers of Lord Lester on various cases, 1989-1998, pertaining to Derbyshire County Council v Times Newspapers Limited, House of Lords, 1989 (concerning libel and freedom of speech); Pepper v Hart, House of Lords, 1992 (concerning Derek John Pepper and John Thornton Hart, the payment of tax by public school teachers for reduced fees for their sons, the relationship between Parliament and the judiciary, and whether the intentions of the law and comments in the House of Commons, not just the words of a statute, should be used as evidence in court); Equal Opportunities Commission v Secretary of State for Employment, House of Lords, 1993 (concerning Patricia Elizabeth Day, and the relationship between European Community and UK law); Fayed v the United Kingdom, European Court of Human Rights, 1993; Queen and Chief Constable of Sussex ex parte International Ferry Traders Limited, House of Lords, 1998.


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Lilly Papers
GB 0103 LILLY · 1957-2003

Papers of Malcolm Lilly, 1957-2003, comprising biographical papers including obituary; curriculum vitae; bibliography; list of theses supervised and an account of Lilly's efforts to secure membership of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.

Notebooks, 1962-1998 and research notes, 1965-1997, including on control systems, fermentation and progesterone conversion.

Papers relating to biochemical engineering at University College London (UCL), including on the history of development of biochemical engineering at UCL; the Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering; the Interdisciplinary Research Centre; research grants, teaching, training and personnel.

Publications by Lilly, 1962-2003; manuscript and typescript drafts for publications and unpublished drafts and correspondence relating to journals with which Lilly was associated with as author, reviewer or editor.

Transcripts of Lilly's public and invitation lectures, 1966-1996, including on 'Immobilised Enzyme Reactors', Developments in Biocatalysis', 'Two-liquid phase biocatalytic reactors', 'Industrial use of Biocatalysts for Asymmetric Synthesis' and 'Biochemical Engineering - It's Contribution to Society.' Also untitled and draft lecture notes and visual material.

Papers relating to twenty four British and international organisations and societies including the European Commission, the European Federation of Biotechnology; the International Organisation for Biotechnology and Bioengineering and the Institute for Biotechnology Studies.

Papers relating to Lilly's consultancy work with twenty one commercial organisations including Beckman Instruments; Beecham Group Ltd and Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories.

Papers relating to visits and conferences, 1964-1998, including programmes, lists of participants; abstracts and Lilly's notes on proceedings.

Correspondence, 1966-1998, including references and recommendations.

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Fernandez y Lopez Document
GB 0103 LOPEZ · 1902

Copy of power of attorney granted on behalf of Jose Fernandez y Lopez, resident in Havana, Cuba, to Messrs Morris and Elkan of London, concerning a brand of cigars and tobacco, 1902.

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Morris (John) Papers
GB 0103 MORRIS · [1944-1977]

Correspondence and working papers, 1944-1977 and undated, of John Morris, including notes, proofs, manuscript and typescript drafts, comprising material on Roman sources and history, Christianity, Saxon, Celtic and Arthurian sources and history, including Nennius and Gildas; photographs of Anglo-Saxon archaeology, particularly a site at Mitcham, Surrey; typescript of Morris' Londinium: London in the Roman Empire; correspondence and papers relating to Past and Present including articles submitted to Morris for publication and related correspondence; academic correspondence with correspondents in the UK and abroad; papers and correspondence relating to Morris' visit to India, including academic matters and Indian politics and papers relating to Morris' political interests and activities, particularly the Institute for Workers' Control, including printed material.

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Common Subjects List
GB 0103 MS ADD 10 · Created 18th Century

Manuscript list of common subjects, with references to same in literature, possibly by Jeremy Bentham.

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Grote Manuscript
GB 0103 MS ADD 107 · c1856

Portions of the manuscript of Grote's History of Greece, returned by the printer to the author and preserved by Mrs Grote. Covers chapters 91-93: 91/12-34, 92/17-29, 92/58-64, 93/1-3, 93/57-66, and list of marginals.

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Marron Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 111 · Created 1940s

Letters to Alex Comfort from Margaret Marron, dated 19 October 1946, and Os Marron, dated 17 October 1945 and 5 January 1946; poems by Os Marron, some typescript and some printed, dating from the 1940s.

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D M S Watson Papers (MS ADD 112)
GB 0103 MS ADD 112 · 1914-1966

Correspondence between D M S Watson and others; memorabilia; sketches and drawings; photographs; and newspaper cuttings.

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Petrie Letters
GB 0103 MS ADD 113 · 1921-1924

Correspondence with John Sebelien.

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Grote and Lewin Letters
GB 0103 MS ADD 120 · 1861-1879

Five letters from George Grote to Thomas Spencer Baynes, 1861-1871; letter from George Grote to William Benjamin Carpenter, 1862; seven letters from Harriet Grote to Thomas Spencer Baynes, 1875-1878; two letters from Jessie Lewin to Thomas Spencer Baynes, 1878; letter from Jessie Lewin to Mrs Baynes, 1879.

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Keen (Alan) Collection
GB 0103 MS ADD 130 · 1853-1958

Papers of Dr William Martin, Captain William Jaggard and Keen himself, concerning William Shakespeare. Includes papers on Jaggard's case against Hunter Charles Rogers over forged Shakespeare documents.

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