Notebook containing hand-written, mostly anti-Nazi jokes in Suetterlin script, c1939, and a modern transcript of the same.
Sin títuloPapers of Eleanor Hess, 1872-1990s, document the life of a German Jewish refugee to Great Britain, and, in part, the lives of family members. The papers include emigration and citizenship papers of her grandfather Emil, c1870s; certificates and First World War army records of Julius, her father and correspondence from Eleanor and her brother, Herbert, in Brazil, to their mother, c1950s. The collection includes 2 boxes of family photographs. In addition there is an unpublished memoir of Eleanor, which describes the life of a Jewish girl in Nazi Germany and the experience of emigration to a foreign land.
Sin títuloPapers of Hannele Kuhn, 1893-1945, comprise family correspondence and papers. The letters give a very moving account of the experience of a very close-knit, family split by the Nazis and ultimately condemned to death. The correspondence includes Red Cross telegrams between Hannele and her parents and an aunt (Meta) in Treibnitz, who was last heard of towards the end of the war and is thought to have been killed during the Russian advance. The bulk of the correspondence consists of letters from the parents to Hannele and her guardians. The first few deal with a failed attempt to get Hannele out by the Salvation Army. Most of them are dated up to end of 1940, by which time they were smuggled out by a mutual friend.
Amongst the last letters are a couple from the intermediary after the deportation of Hertha and Franz. Perhaps the most poignant is the parents' last letter, dated 22 June 1942, which, having been re-read some 50 years later by Hannele, is thought to be a farewell letter, containing words of advice on how to lead her life. In addition to the above are a few copy birth, marriage and death certificates pertaining to the Kirk family (Hannele's husband, also a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany).
Sin títuloPapers comprise an account of Kristallnacht in Aachen, 2000, written years later by Erica Prean, who was 8 years old when the events took place.
Sin títuloTypescript report detailing every aspect of the activities of the Theresienstadt Concentration camp under the following sub-headings: Abteilung für innere Verwaltung; Arbeitszentrale; Wirtschaftsabteilung; Spedition; Landwirtschaft; Produktion; Finanzabteilung; Technische Abteilung; Abteilung fuer Gesundheitswesen.
Sin títuloEssays and memoranda on the situation of Italian Jewry and original correspondence between Dr Cecil Roth and certain Italian Jews and organisations concerning their rescue after 1939.
Sin títuloMicrofilm file of documents on Wolfram Sievers concerning his SS membership, including Lebenslauf, SS muster roll extract; personnel questionnaire; service career; examination certificates, 1937-1944.
Sin títuloSurveys and reports on anti-Semitism and neo-Nazi and extreme right wing organisations in Europe, 1961-1962.
Sin títuloPartial alphabetical list (letters R-Z) of names of the survivors of Lodz ghetto, Poland, during World War Two, including date of birth and last known address (1939). Created, 13-27 June 1945.
Sin títuloPersonal papers of Letitia Fairfield, c 1930-1939, with correspondence dealing in the main with the subject of compulsory sterilisation, in particular in relation to the Nazi eugenics policy; and to the views of the Catholic Church on the subject, including correspondence with the Eugenics Society.
Sin títuloCopies of original essays, memoranda and private papers, 1936-1943, covering such subjects as the Weimar Republic, the rise of National Socialism, German Communist and Socialist parties and trade unions, and the Jewish refugee problem. Also a fairly comprehensive collection of the 'Political Group Papers' (1941-1943) from the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Committee on Reconstruction.
Sin títuloPhotographs, programmes and other papers regarding the Kraft durch Freude festival, Hamburg, Germany, 1937.
Sin títuloCorrespondence and papers relating to relief work for Jews in post war Czechoslovakia, 1939-1947, including a memo from the Council of Jewish Communities in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia regarding the status of Jews in Czechoslovakia [1947]; a report on the situation of Jews in Czechoslovakia by the Jewish chaplain for the Czech forces, England, 24 May 1945 and official guarantee forms for entry into Great Britain, [1939]. Papers from the following organisations: American Joint Distribution Committee; Association of Rabbis and Scholars in Eastern Europe; British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia; Central Board of Jews in Bohemia and Moravia and Silesia; Central British Fund for Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation; Chizuk Hadass Committee; Council of Jewish Committees in Bohemia and Moravia and Silesia; Emergency Council for Help for the Children of Czechoslovakia; Jewish Agency for Palestine; Jewish Telegraph Agency; Relief Committee of Jews from Czechoslovakia; Union of Jewish Communities in Slovakia in Bratislava and World Union of Jewish Students.
Sin títuloMicrofilm of lists of names of Nazis who survived World War Two, [1975] and correspondence between H Rubin and various institutions regarding Nazis who survived the war, 1975-1978.
Sin títuloMicrofilm of correspondence and papers regarding the fate of Jews in Slovakia, 1943-1945, chiefly between the German Foreign and Security offices in Berlin and representatives of the regime in Pressburg (Bratislava), including letters from Karl Adolf Eichmann, SS-Obersturmbannführer. Correspondence chiefly dates from after the Slovak National Uprising, Aug-Oct 1944, which had included a relatively high percentage of Jews.
Sin títuloCopy affidavits and statements from former members of the Hielscher group of anti-Nazi German historians, regarding the activities of Otto-Ernst Schüddekopf, historian, 1946-1954.
Sin títuloCorrespondence and family documents of Hermann Perl, 1873-1939, including correspondence from friends in Breslau and Berlin regarding arrangements for emigration and a copy of a marriage certificate, Danzig, 1873.
Sin títuloMaterial relating to the Austrian exile theatre, 'Das Laterndl', including performance programmes, press cuttings and reviews, photographs, Fritz Gross poem dedicated to Jura, 'Zyklus'. Also included in the collection is material relating to the life and work of Jura Soyfer, a young Austrian communist party member who was recognised as leading social commentator in the 1930s and who was arrested after the Austrian Anschluss in 1938 and died in Buchenwald in 1939.
Sin títuloPapers of the Reichsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten, 1927-1961, including correspondence, circulars and papers of the activities of the Westdeutscher Landessportverband which was affiliated to the Sportbund im Reichsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten notably on boxing, tennis and football, the activities of the organisation, and the relationship with other bodies such as the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland and the Deutscher Makkabikreis. Letter from Leo Löwenstein regarding the fallen Jewish soldiers of World War One; press cuttings on fallen Jewish soldiers of World War One, (1930s) and obituaries of Leo Löwenstein. Circulars and other papers of the Sportbund des Reichsbundes jüdischer Frontsoldaten. Issue of Der Schild, 28 Sep 1933.
Sin títuloPapers relating to Walter Rauff, 1938-1983, including contemporary biographical and autobiographical accounts of both Rauff and his second wife, Edith Knacke; copies of correspondence between Gaubschat (the company contracted to design and manufacture the gas vans) and Rauff; copies of transcripts of personal statements and declarations of Rauff regarding his involvement in Nazi atrocities, (generated during the course of legal proceedings against Rauff and his former colleagues).
Sin títuloPapers documenting in part the lives of members of the Cohn and Baer families, Berlin Jews some of whom were sent to Theresienstadt concentration camp, 1900-1960. Chiefly comprising birth and death certificates, permits and travel documents. Including Martha Cohen's identity card with the conspicuous letter 'J' on the cover denoting Jew and which bears the additional information that she was 'evacuated' from Berlin on 16 Dec 1942; order from the Amtsgericht, Berlin, that Martha Cohen must adopt the forename 'Sara' to identify her as a Jew, 11 Jan 1939; order stamped by the Gestapo that Martha Cohen must leave Germany, 1 Oct 1942 and an inventory of the possessions of Sally Baer, prior to his transportation to Theresienstadt.
Sin títuloCorrespondence, 1932-1939, on property holdings and taxation of Walter Rosenberger, former German Jewish judge in the Berlin Civil Court.
Sin títuloLetters from Otto Löwenstein from prison in Hamburg to his wife, Katia, and child, 28 Mar 1937-13 Mar 1938. The letters are written on prison letter forms, designed for ease of purpose, including date of censor's clearance. Topics include family business and the personal needs of the author. They average one per week.
Sin títuloCopy of a letter signed by Puttkammer from the Reichsverwaltung to the obersten Reichsbehörden on the behaviour of servicemen, 1945.
Sin títuloLetter from SS Oberreiter Emmerich Menzner to his friends back home, describing life in the regiment and in particular making reference to an apparent war crime which his unit carried out, 1942.
Sin títuloPapers relating to Nazi propaganda against Great Britain including list of Nazi propagandists against Great Britain giving brief biographical details and letter from Dorothy Woodman, secretary of The Union of Democratic Control to Dr Warburg of the Jewish Board of Deputies regarding Max Kohl, a Nazi propagandist who had addressed a meeting held by the Salisbury Post War Brotherhood, 1937.
Sin títuloCopies of correspondence and papers of Hastings William Sackville Russell, 12th Duke of Bedford, 1941, including correspondence between the Duke of Bedford and R J Scrutton, 26 Aug 1941-29 Sep 1941, on ways to persuade the British population to support a peaceful solution to the war with Germany, undated correspondence and two articles promoting peace with Germany.
Sin títuloFamily papers of Hilde Sanderson, 1926-1980, comprising papers relating to restitution claims for relatives of the sisters Rosa and Hedwig Seelig including correspondence between family members, witnesses and lawyers; affidavits of witnesses; inventories of possessions stolen and records of the court's decision, 1926-1980 and family correspondence, 1939-1962, mostly addressed to Hilde Sanderson (née Tachauer) including letters from her aunts Rosa and Hedwig Seelig, Frankfurt 1939.
Names that occur in the papers include: Stanley Tash (Sally Tachauer), Hilde Sanderson (née Tachauer) and Gisela (Ella) Feuchtwanger (previously Plaut, née Tachauer), Hedwig, Rosa and Alfred Seelig, Ilse Seelig, (later Warner) - a cousin of Regina Tachauer (née Tachauer), Stanly Tash's mother. Isak Tachauer was the father.
Sin títuloPapers documenting the activities of organisations in Great Britain, involved in providing relief for Czech and Czech Jewish refugees during the Nazi era, 1943, comprising appeal by Czechoslovak Relief Action for donations to a fund to supply provisions to internees in Terezin, Oct 1943; pamphlet entitled 'Proposals for principles for the repatriation of deported Jews' published by the Relief Committee of Jews from Czechoslovakia, Oct 1943; transcript of speeches in aid of a celebration of the 25th anniversary of Czechoslovakia's independence by the Anglo-Palestine club and the National Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia, Nov 1943; report of a speech made by the president of the Czechoslovak Government in exile, regarding the restitution of illegally obtained property during the Nazi occupation, Oct 1943 and Ing. A. Frischer's report of a speech made by Frantiska Nemce, minister of economic renewal, Oct 1943.
Sin títuloLetter from the Waffen SS Fulda-Werra regional recruitment office to the regional chief administrators seeking permission to recruit from the higher and technical schools, 16 Jan 1941.
Sin títuloConfidential printed orders, 18 Oct 1941, regarding the role of Mischlinge in the Jugenddienst issued by the Jugendführer des Deutschen Reichs to various regional administrations and the heads of various central government ministries. It makes the distinction between Mischlinge 2 Grades (having one Jewish grandparent) and less, who are to be treated as German and Mischlinge 1 Grades (having 2 Jewish grandparents), who are to be placed on 'standby' but under no circumstances to be called up for service.
Sin títuloCopies of papers documenting discrimination against Jewish educational institutions and professionals during the Nazi era, 1933-1967. The subject matter ranges from dismissal on racial grounds of Jewish academics from 1933, through the separation of aryan and non-aryan instruction, c1938, to the closure of Jewish schools, 1941-1942. A substantial part of the material relates to institutions in Cologne and Frankfurt am Main. Includes authorisation for the President of the Akademie der Künst to dismiss Professor Arnold Schonberg from his post as director of a Meisterschule für musikalische Komposition, 17 May 1933; dismissal of Professor Arnold Schönberg by the Preussische Akademie der Künst, 23 May 1933; circular stating that the main aim of lessons was the teaching of National Socialist philosophy and that it would be up to the discretion of individual heads of schools to decide whether non-aryans should be excluded from lessons, 18 July 1934; correspondence and references of Jüdisches Reformrealgymnasium mit Realschule und Lyzeum, Cologne, relating to the employment of Feodore Joseph, Apr 1936-1 Apr 1939; correspondence and papers concerning the fate of the Jewish school, Volkschule beim Philanthropin, Frankfurt, 5 Oct 1935-17 Sep 1941.
Sin títuloPersonal papers of Selmar Biener, 1919-1976, in support of an application for restitution from the German Democratic Republic including land registry documents and plans relating to the family business in Magdeburg.
Sin títuloCopy of a school report, 1938, stating that the pupil (unnamed) being non-aryan will not be allowed to continue to pursue his studies.
Sin títuloCopies of lists of hidden Jewish children and their guardians in Belgium during the Nazi occupation, 1940-1945, created by the Comité de defense de Juifs (Jewish Defence Committee).
Sin títuloCopies of Nazi propaganda leaflets including a leaflet announcing a solidarity meeting to be held in Trier, 1 July 1934; appeal to Roman Catholic boys and girls to join the Hitler Youth, refuting the accusation that the Hitler Youth movement is a heathen organisation that seeks the extirpation of religion.
Sin títuloInformation sheets and circulars disseminating information and instructions from the Nazi party hierarchy, via the regional offices of the NSDAP Gauleitung Westfalen-Nord (North Rhine-Westphalia) to lower level officials, 2 Apr 1941-25 Aug 1941. Topics include orders on the evacuation of women and children; instructions regarding restrictions of Mischlinge and Gypsies and advice on how to deal with enemy propaganda.
Sin títuloOrder from the Gestapo on the transport of those living in mixed race marriages, (Geltungsjuden), and stateless Jews, for forced labour in Theresienstadt concentration camp, 8 Feb 1945, includes list of the names and addresses of Jews and Geltungsjuden in Herford, suburb of Bielefeld, Germany.
Sin títuloCopy of a letter from the head of a section in the German Foreign Office in Berlin, Wagner to Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Head of Security Police, 5 Jul 1944, containing a German translation of an intercepted telegram from the British Legation in Bern to the British Foreign Office, London. The latter contains an account of the systematic murder of millions of European Jews by the Nazis with particular reference to the fate of the Hungarian Jewish population.
Sin títuloFarewell letter from Otto Bendix to his wife documenting his last moments in Berlin prior to deportation to Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1942.
Sin títuloCopy correspondence from Klara Rosenzweig, 1941-1942, whilst an inmate in a number of French concentration camps, to her family in Scotland.
Sin títuloCopies of papers, 1941-1942, documenting Nazi fascination for and persecution of Freemasonry on the island of Jersey, Channel Islands, in the immediate aftermath of the looting of Jersey's Masonic Temple in 1941, comprising memorandum by Dr Bottner entitled 'Exploitation of the Lodge material of the Channel Islands Jersey and Guernsey', 1 Feb 1941, with covering letter addressed to Martin Bormann, probably written by Alfred Rosenberg, 4 Feb 1941; memorandum from Hermann Göring to Alfred Rosenberg issuing instructions that the latter should be given every assistance in the search for further material; English translation of the Adolf Hitler's decree authorising Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg to search libraries, archives and other cultural institutions in order to conduct the 'systematic spiritual fight against the ideological opponents of National Socialism', 1 Mar 1942 and supplement to an article entitled 'The Sack of the Masonic Temple in Jersey by the Nazis in 1941' by W. Bro. Dennis G. Perrin containing a detailed description of the context and significance of the above documents.
Sin títuloPapers concerning Nazi war crimes, comprise an unrelated collection of papers which document Nazi war crimes, notably including a copy of a circular letter, with certified English translation, of the inspector of the Sicherheitspolizei and SD regarding the special treatment of foreign workers, 1945; report of a 'work education camp' at Lahde-Weser and Liebenau and certified translations of documents from the Sicherheitspolizei and SD regarding 'special treatment' of resistance movement members at Auschwitz, 1943.
Sin títuloPapers of Lehnitz, [1930s], comprise a typescript account of the history of Lehnitz, containing photographs and illustrations.
Sin títuloPapers concerning German Jews in Austria, 1933-1934, notably reports of the Österreichischen Hilfskomitee für deutsche Juden, outlining the plight of German Jews in Austria, 1933-1934; correspondence between Lord Melchett and Leo Bakstansky; letter from the Hilfskomitee to the Haut Commissariat pour les réfugiés Provenant d'Allemagne, saying that they cannot continue to give financial support to the refugees from Germany and copy of a letter to the Israelitische Allianz zu Wien saying that the allocations committee of the British Fund for German Jewry cannot make a grant to them, 1934.
Sin títuloPapers of Franz Szell, 1936-1937, comprise an open letter to Alfred Rosenberg, editor of the Völkische Beobachter, 1936; copies of letters to Goering, Göbbels, von Neurath, amongst others regarding Alfred Rosenberg's family history, 1936, and a letter to the Justice Minister, Trygre Lie, Oslo, 1937.
Sin títuloPapers of Hampstead Garden Suburb Care Committee for Refugee Children, 1938-[1939], comprise two alphabetical series of cards detailing the children's particulars and another cancelled series of the same, these are arranged alphabetically and concern German and Austrian Jewish refugee children, many with passport-size photographs attached, [1939]; index cards giving details of sponsors, sometimes specifying a child, 1938; index cards giving name and address of individuals with whom children lodged, including details about children and maintenance costs, [1939] and a Hampstead Garden Suburb Care Committee for Refugee Children form for potential sponsors, [1939].
Sin títuloPapers of Julia Rahmer, 1989-1991, relate to activities of Neu Beginnen and the realities of life as a member and comprise copies of correspondence between Rahmer and various correspondents regarding documents related to Neu Beginnen, 1989-1991; a copy of Rahmer's account of life as a member of Neu Beginnen or ORG (as it was previously called) with an accompanying copy letter addressed to William Jones, 1991 and a copy of a list of members of Neu Beginnen.
Sin títuloPapers concerning Kristallnacht, 1939-1960, notably includes responses from rabbis to the Wiener Library, regarding the fate of their former synagogues in Germany during Kristallnacht, 1939; statistics on the fate of synagogues in Germany during Kristallnacht, 1939 and 1960; a translation of a Nazi document regarding the fate of synagogues in Germany during Kristallnacht and copies of contemporary Nazi newspaper extracts describing events on the same night, undated.
Sin títuloPapers concerning antisemitic measures in Nazi Germany, 1938, comprising a typescript copy of an order given by Hermann Wilhelm Goering outlining Adolf Hitler's decisions concerning Jews and their property and residence; including use of dining cars and sleepers on trains; ban from entry to certain hotels and restaurants; pensions and mixed marriages. The collection includes an English translation.
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