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Archival description
GB 0096 AL42 · Fonds · 1829

Letter from Layton Cooke of 69 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, [London] to Lord Sheffield, 20 Jan 1829. Containing a report on the state of the farms on his estate in Sussex.

Copy [in an unidentified hand].

Cooke , Layton , fl 1829 , correspondent of the 2nd Earl of Sheffield
GB 0096 AL41 · Fonds · 1829

Letter from Layton Cooke of 69 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, [London] to Lord Sheffield, 5 Jan 1829. Relating to his estate, with a cash account.

Autograph, with signature.

Cooke , Layton , fl 1829 , correspondent of the 2nd Earl of Sheffield
GB 0096 AL43 · Fonds · 1855

Letter from Thomas Cooper of 10 Devonshire Place, Stoke Newington Green, Middlesex to Edward Smith, 30 Jan 1855. 'I can do no more than sympathise with you - for I am sometimes at my wits end to know how the week's bread is to [be] purchased.'

Autograph, with signature.

Cooper , Thomas , 1805-1892 , Chartist and religious lecturer
GB 0096 MS 289 · Fonds · c1850

Copied from a note by Gabriel Harvey, in a miscellaneous volume containing the 'Medea & Thyeste of Lod.Dolce.-The Hecuba and Iphigenia of Euripedes in Latin by Erasmus.-and the first Italian and English Grammar' by Henry Grantham 1575 A copy made by S.W. Singer (ob. 1859) of some annotations by Harvey. The volume also contains a copy of a cypher used for a letter by Queen Elizabeth to Nicholas Throckmorton, diplomat, 1 July 1559; with autograph letters from T.W. Jones (1854) and J. Thompson (1818) to S.W. Singer.

Copland, A: letters
GB 0096 AL363 · Fonds · [1827] -1828

Letters from A Copland, 6 Dec [1827]-13 Mar 1828, (i-ii) Address: Queen Street, [Abderdeen]. Parts of 2 letters to Copland's brother, Charles Copland. (i) Describes the towing of The Mary (of which A Copland was part-owner) off the rocks at Peterhead, Aberdeenshire (6 December [1827]). (ii) Last leaf of a letter, bearing only 3 lines of writing (13 March 1828 [endorsement]). Both letters appear to be autograph but are unsigned.

(iii) Newspaper cutting advertising The Mary, a 40-ton ship 'intended to be a regular trader between Aberdeen and Peterhead'.

Copland , A , fl 1827-1828
GB 0096 MS 291 · Fonds · 1867-1883

Copies of Francis Bacon's Essays taken by John Payne Collier, literary scholar and forger, 1867-1883. Collier notes that the MS. in question was "apparently made before any of them [the Essays] were printed. they appear to vary very materially from any of the printed copies I have met with, but I never saw the first edit." The essays copied are as follows:- Of Studies; Of Discourses; Of Ceremonies and Respectes; Of Followers and Friends; Of Sutors; Of Expences; Of Regiment of Health; Of Honour and Reputation; Of Faction; Of Negotiating; Digested notes of Civill Conversation; Of hope, Envie, hatred, feare and contempt; Not to acquaint everie one with secrettes; Of Frendes; Not to be over busie or idle; How worldlie thinges are to be accounted of; Of Time; Of Povertie and Riches; Of Solitarines; Of Life; How our outward behaviour should agree with other mens; Of Affections. An authograph letter to Bligh Peacock has been inserted at the end of the volume.

GB 0096 AL415 · Fonds · 1854

Letter from the Countess Vernède de Corneillan of 46 (ancien) rue de Rivoli au coin de la rue Castiglione, Paris to [Charles] Babbage, 10 Sep 1854. 'Monsieur Babbage m'a fait passer la lettre que vous avez eu la bonté de lui écrire au sujet d'inventions de M. [Philippe] de Girard … Je prends la liberté de vous récrire a çe sujet, car cette affaire est d'une haute gravité pour notre famille … Vous dites …que le "moyens de M. de Girard sont ingénieux mais que le même effet a été produit par des moyens plus simples, et tellement analogues qu'il me serait difficile de prendre un brevet"'. Saying that if this sentence concerns 'les greniers à blé', she would like to ask certain questions: (i) whether the process analogous to that of Girard is patented in England; (ii) under what name; (iii) at what date and since when; (iv) what are the differences that make it simpler and what are the things analogous to it? Excuses her importunity on the grounds of the matter's important to the memory of her uncle.

Autograph, with signature.

Corneillan , Vernède , de , fl 1854 , Countess , niece of Philippe de Girard
Coronation Broadside Ballad
GB 0096 MS 1084 · 1937

Broadside ballad, sold at the time of the coronation of King George VI, printed and published by The Raven Press, Middlesex (1937).

Raven Press , publishers
Costings of foodstuffs
GB 0096 MS 448 · [1675-1724]

A manuscript list, [1675-1725], giving the cost of foodstuffs for dinner and supper for one week (from Tuesday 12-Tuesday 19).

GB 0096 MS 223 · [1700-1750]

Manuscript volume containing a report giving a list of all the costs of the upkeep of a galley in a squadron, [1700-1750], requested by 'S R Gerosna', entitled 'Relazione distinta di tutta la somma che si spende e consuma per il manteninento di una galera dalla squadra di questa S R Gerosna'. Includes frequent references to the port at Malta, and to Sicily, Sardinia and other islands in the Mediterranean, and notes of advice for captains of galleys trading in the area.

GB 0096 MS 198 · 1654

Manuscript volume containing an Order in Council, 2 May 1654, signed by William Jessop, Clerk of the Council of State, concerning the discharge of some merchant ships from service with the Royal Navy, and ordering that the new coined money on the Tower of London, along with cash from the sale of prize goods, should be used by the Admiralty Commissioners to defray the charge of freight and wages of those ships. The Order was approved on 4 May 1654.

GB 0096 MS 180 · 1856-1870

Minute book, 1856-70, of the Council of the Decimal Association, also contains the Minutes for the meetings of the International Association over the same period.

Decimal Association , Council
GB 0096 MS 441 · [1400-1425]

Copy of a Court Roll containing a grant to John Emyford, clerk, of 5 pieces of arable land of the lord's demesne, formerly in the farm of Thomas Dowe and recently in the farm of Gregory Brandon, by the annual farm of 10d. for each acre annually. The roll also includes livery of seisin to John Emyford, clerk, at the same court. The annual rent is 4s.9d. The document is dated 'Thursday after 6 October, temp. Henry [IV?]', probably [1400-1425].

Court Baron Roll, [1719]
GB 0096 MS 442 · [c 1719]

Copy of a Court Baron roll, containing a surrender by William Draper of all his messuages, lands, tenements, etc., to the uses of his will. Signed by Edmund Littler, deputy steward of the manor, and dated before 17 August 1719.

Court of Wards
GB 0096 MS 194 · (1620), 1581-1622

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of documents relating to the Court of Wards, [1620], namely a selection of decrees from 1553 made by John Hare, headed 'Le Court des Gards', dated [12 Jul] 1581; reports of cases of the Court of Wards, dated 1605-1610; 'Instructions for the Master of our Wards and Liveryes', [by James Ley, 1st Earl of Marlborough, dated [Dec, 1618]; an account [by William Rastell] of procedure in the Court of Wards, with a table of fees and a table of contents, dated [1622].

Court proceedings
GB 0096 MS 751 · [1590-1600]

Manuscript volume of extracts from the record of the Court of Queen's (and King's) Bench, and also from the Court of Common Pleas, for proceedings from the 15th century to the reign of Elizabeth, probably compiled c1590-1600. The extracts include pleas, posteas and memoranda of the 15th and 16th centuries, with marginal notes describing the subjects of the pleas, and perhaps acted as a lawyer's precedent book. References to the original court rolls are sometimes given.

Cowen, Joseph: letter
GB 0096 AL44 · Fonds · 1889

Letter from Joseph Cowen of Stella Hall, Blaydon-on-Tyne, [County Durham] to John Salkeld, bookseller, 21 Apr 1889. Asking for books to be sent; [the enclosed list of books is missing].

Autograph, with signature.

Cowen , Joseph , 1829-1900 , politician and journalist
GB 0096 MS 1091 · Fonds · c1932-1964

Comprising research files containing press cuttings, correspondence and notes regarding incest, illegitimacy, sexual literature, censorship, homosexuality, banned books, prison reform, the Royal Family, separation, witchcraft, sexual behaviour and venereal disease, possibly for use in his works Sex and Revolution (1934), The Banned Books of England (1937), Above All Liberties (1942) and other publications (1922-1942); typescripts for submission to the 'Encyclopedia of Sexual Behaviour' (n.d.); issues of nudist and health periodicals and offprints of articles by Alec Craig and others (1936-1953).

Craig , Alexander George (Alec) , 1897-1973 , author
Crane, Walter
GB 0096 SL IV 66-67,69-72 · sub-fonds · 1865-1884

Six illustrated manuscripts by the artist Walter Crane, including three notebooks produced for his children - 'Beatrice Crane Her Book', 'Beatrice's Painting Book' and 'Lancelot His Book'. Also includes the manuscripts for two published works 'The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde' and 'Thoughts in a Hammock' and 'A Herald of Spring', and drawings for an unpublished version of the traditional ballard 'The Blind Beggar's Daughter'.

Crane , Walter , 1845-1915 , artist
GB 0096 AL 367 · Collection · 1840-1845

Papers of David Cranstoun, 1840-1845, comprise three letters to Robert Sutton and Lydia Sutton, East Bilney, near East Dereham, Norfolk. Correspondence mentions the sugar crops, molasses, and the state of the water supply. The final letter (dated 1845) includes the following: '... We hailed the intelligence of the ministers plan of reducing the duty on sugar with much satisfaction in hopes it will materially benifit [sic] us. There are however some who are skeptical on this head concieving [sic] the British West Indies will not benifit to the extent anticipated, in consquence of the great reduction which has also taken place in foreign sugars, the latter being grown and manufactured at a much cheaper rate than ours - we must however patiently wait the result ... Within the last week we have had an arrival of twelve sturdy Irish labourers, they seem quite pleased with their employment and are working well - these are the description of people we want, for it is said that in Ireland they scarcely ever taste butchers meat - their principal support being potatoes and butter milk - not so with those from England - they are accustomed to better living and seem to feel the want of their beer which they have been used to, and which they cannot obtain here but at a dear rate ...'. All items are autograph, with signatures. Franked, sealed and stamped with the dates: 14 March 1840, 21 May 1842, 11 April 1845.

Cranstoun , David , fl 1840-1845
Crawford, John
GB 0096 MS 872 · 1906-1910

Five plans, 1906-1910, of property drawn up in Singapore for John Crawford.

Crawford , John , fl 1906-1910
GB 0096 AL288 · Fonds · 1888, [1925-1935]

(a) Letter from Robert F Crawford of 55 College Place, Camden Town, [London] to Sir James Hannen, president of the Parnell enquiry, 6 Feb 1888. Covering letter accompanying copies of Crawford's published writings, including A political essay on money and Letters on usury.

(b) Covering note from Sir Henry Cunynghame, Probate Division, Royal Courts of Justice, [c1925-1935]. Forwarding Crawford's letter and works to Professor H S Foxwell, [University of London Library].

Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

Crawford , Robert F , fl 1888 , writer on economics Cunynghame , Sir , Henry David St Leger Brooke Selwyn , 1905-1978 , 11th Baronet of Milncraig x Cunynghame , Sir , David St Leger Brooke Selwyn
Crawford, Ted
GB 0096 MS1136 · Fonds · [1966-1978]

Papers of Ted Crawford, [1966-1978] comprise periodicals including Workers News, c 1975; Israc, 1969 May-1971 March (incomplete), 1970 March; Socialist Appeal, 1978 March-April; The Spark, 1971 September, November; The Bulletin [United States edition], 1970 July -August; The Bulletin [British edition], 1974; Marxist Bulletin, 1975-1976; pamphlets, especially about Israel, including "Les Democarties Populaires - sont elles des etats socialistes", Paris, 1966.

Crawford , Edward , b 1936
Crawley, Charles William
GB 0096 MS 945 · c1950-1992

Papers of Charles William Crawley relating to his work as a history examiner for the University of London.

Crawley , Charles William , 1899-1992 , historian
Creswick, Thomas
GB 0096 MS 996 · 1837

Small mounted oil painting by Thomas Creswick, of a steam train passing Leighton Buzzard on the London and Birmingham Railway line. A note on the reverse suggests that the work was painted in 1837.

Creswick , Thomas , 1811-1869 , artist
Crewe, P: letter (1699)
GB 0096 AL317 · Fonds · 1699

Letter from P Crewe of Aston, [Birmingham] to an unnamed clergyman 16 Sep 1699. 'I thnk God and Sr W A for my fie, and you for joyning us togather: excuse a trifle sent you on the occasion as thus - The unrepented yeare is past, / The parsons gloves are sent att last: / What Witam had, att Oxford are / On that account another paire. / On ye other side is ye originall and ye cause of this mean rime.' The writer tells the story of Mr Hodges, the Parson of Wytham, near Oxford, who had asked couples that he married to send him a pair of gloves if they had never regretted their marriage during its first year; he received only one pair in 40 years. Including short verses in Latin and English reportedly written by Hodges.

Autograph, with signature.

Crewe , P , fl 1699 , of Aston
Crofton, Cecil Frederick
GB 0096 MS 1009 · 1874-1919

Biographical scrapbook, compiled by Cecil Frederick Crofton, including the following: correspondence, cuttings, watercolours and exam papers from Crofton's time at Forest School, near Snaresbrook, including cuttings of poems and articles by Crofton in the school magazine, exam papers, watercolours and illustrations of areas surrounding the school and correspondence with the headmaster regarding fees and attendance, 1874-1876; playbills, cuttings, posters, programmes and illustrations from a majority of Crofton's performances both as an opera singer and actor, both amateur and professional, also including dinner and engagement cards and illustrations and small watercolours by Crofton of theatrical scenes and fellow performers, 1877-1913; Cuttings and illustrations regarding the funeral of the Duke of Devonshire, 1908; correspondence, cuttings and illustrations regarding Sir Nevil Macready, 1919.

Crofton , Cecil Frederick , d 1935 , actor, previously Frederick Martin
Cross, J: letter (1794)
GB 0096 AL327 · Fonds · 1794

Letter from J Cross of London to [Mr Oriel], 14 Apr 1794. 'I laid your proposal respecting the mill at Quemerford [near Calne, Wiltshire] before my Lord Lansdown [i.e. the Marquess of Lansdowne], in answer to which he had directed me to give you, in his own words, his opinion of the use of machinery in the cloathing manufacture - vizt "Nothing can be more mistaken than the prejudice conceived against machinery, nor could be more unfortunate for the country if suffer'd to prevail - for the consequence must be, the transfer of the manufacture either to the North of England, where the prejudice has been got the better of, and where they experience the advantage, or else to foreign countrys - or part to one and part to the other. Calne is calculated to be the seat of it, much better than either Chippenham or Devizes, or any town which I can immediately recollect, and independent of the great increase of trade, it would create a number of mechanists, and promote in consequence every sort of ingenuity, which would make up abundantly the loss sustain'd by the spinners; besides the navigations which are proposed [i.e. the Wilts and Berks Canal] will furnish a great deal of work; but rather than attempt any thing so arbitrary & absurd as to stop the progress of the machinery, I am very clear it would be better to come to a general rise of wage, especially if every person was compell'd at the same time to belong to some amicable society ...".'

Autograph, with signature.

Cross , J , fl 1794 , acquaintance of the 1st Marquess of Lansdowne
Cusichaca Trust archive
CUS · Fonds · 1932-2018

The collection comprises the archives of the Cusichaca Trust. The Trust undertook three main projects, as described above, which are represented in subfonds 2, 3, and 4. The materials in other subfonds mostly relate to these three projects, but are in a specific format (such as photographs) or are a distinct type of record (such as Trust Governance). There are further details as to how these sections relate to each other in the arrangement note section. Overall, the archive includes seven subfonds (CUS/1-7), and one additional series (CUS/8), which includes:

• CUS/1: Trust governance and directors (Ann Kendall) materials, relates to organisational management, administration, and the top-level organisation of the trust. This includes Ann Kendall's notebooks and correspondence.
• CUS/2: Cusichaca project materials (c.1977-1988), relates to the first project the Trust undertook. This was largely archaeological, and relates heavily to excavation, finds, analysis, reconnaissance, outreach, and project administration.
• CUS/3: Patacancha project materials (c.1987-1997), relates to the second major project undertaken by the Trust. During this period, the goals of the Trust's work became increasingly rural developmental, and this section of the archive includes specialist research relating to agriculture, environmental development, canal and terrace restoration. There are also papers relating to excavation work, reconnaissance, outreach, and project administration.
• CUS/4: Ayacucho and Apurimac project materials (c.1997-2013), relates to the last major project undertaken by the Trust. This was largely a rural development and agricultural project, aimed at reviving pre-Hispanic systems. These subfonds include materials relating specifically to archaeology, rural development, project finances, and outreach.
• CUS/5: Plans and maps relate to a variety of archaeological and excavation projects. Many of the plans and maps relate specifically to certain sites and locations such as Huillca Raccay and Patallacta. Some of the maps and plans relate to specific buildings. These materials relate heavily to both the Cusichaca and Patacancha projects respectively.
• CUS/6: Photographic materials relate to various people, locations, activities, and projects. Comprised of various formats, including slides, prints, and negatives. Some of the photographs are in large format. These materials relate strongly to all three major projects.
• CUS/7: Outreach and publicity materials produced to publicise and broadcast the Cusichaca Trust's work and achievements. These include posters, articles, interviews, and materials from the press. These materials relate strongly to all three major projects.
• CUS/8: Ann Kendall's personal, and additional administrative, materials. These relate specifically to the project founder and director and include a combination of personal and professional materials.

Collectively the materials form a combined study of a specific region in the South-Central Andes over several decades. The archaeology, archaeobotany and ethnohistorical work focused on human occupation of the area from the late first millennium BC, through Inca expansion and into the Spanish Colonial period. Furthermore, the archaeological record was placed in its geographical and cultural context through archaeological reconnaissance. The Trust's exploratory work established the existence of many previously undocumented archaeological sites. The collection includes unpublished specialist reports that have rarely been revisited since original creation.

The Trust's ethnographic and much of its environmental work examined the domestic and economic lives of local farming families in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The surviving papers of the Cusichaca Trust also offer a record of the administrative effort involved in sustaining major projects in archaeology, rural development and other disciplines over a 40-year period. They reveal the changing aims and practices of diverse sub-projects, as techniques and approaches within each discipline were shaped by the interests and requirements of academic, governmental and private sponsors.

The collection includes a variety of media types including paper records, photographic materials, maps, plans, and digital media. The types of media, and use of technology evolved as the project progressed. The Cusichaca project materials are exclusively analogue, while the Patacancha and Ayacucho and Apurimac papers are increasingly digital. The archive also chronicles the Trust's changing record keeping practices, and document management systems.

La colección comprende los archivos del Trust Cusichaca. El Trust emprendió tres proyectos principales, como se describió anteriormente, que están representados en los subfondos 2, 3 y 4. Los materiales en otros subfondos se relacionan principalmente con estos tres proyectos, pero están en un formato específico (como fotografías) o son distintos tipos de registro (como Trust Governance). Hay más detalles sobre cómo estas secciones se relacionan entre sí en la sección de nota de disposición. En general, el archivo incluye siete subfondos (CUS / 1-7) y una serie adicional (CUS / 8), que incluye:

• CUS/1: Materiales de gobierno y directores de Trust (Ann Kendall): se relacionan con la gestión organizacional, la administración y la organización de alto nivel del Trust. Estos incluyen los cuadernos y correspondencia de Ann Kendall.
• CUS/2: Materiales del proyecto Cusichaca (c.1977-1988): se refieren al primer proyecto que emprendió el Trust. Este fue en gran parte un proyecto arqueológico, y los materiales se relacionan en gran medida con la excavación, hallazgos, análisis, reconocimiento, divulgación y administración delproyecto.
• CUS/3: Materiales del proyecto Patacancha (c. 1987-1997): se relacionan con el segundo gran proyecto realizado por el Proyecto de Trust. Durante este período, los objetivos de trabajo del Trust se centraron cada vez más en desarrollo rural.Esta sección del archivo incluye investigaciones especializadas relacionadas con la agricultura, el desarrollo ambiental, la restauración de canales y terrazas. También hay documentos relacionados con trabajos de excavación, reconocimiento, divulgación y administración del proyecto.
• CUS/4: Materiales del proyecto Ayacucho y Apurimac (c.1997-2013): se refieren al último gran proyecto realizado por el Trust. Este fue en gran medida un proyecto de desarrollo rural y agrícola, destinado a revivir los sistemas prehispánicos. Estos subfondos incluyen materiales relacionados específicamente con la arqueología, el desarrollo rural, las finanzas del proyecto y la divulgación.
• CUS/5: Planos y mapas: se relacionan con una variedad de proyectos arqueológicos y de excavación. Muchos de los planos y mapas se relacionan específicamente con ciertos sitios y ubicaciones como Huillca Raccay y Patallacta. Algunos de los mapas y planos se relacionan con edificios específicos. Estos materiales se relacionan en gran medida con los proyectos Cusichaca y Patacancha, respectivamente.
• CUS/6: Materiales fotográficos: se relacionan con varias personas, ubicaciones, actividades y proyectos. Incluye varios formatos como diapositivas, impresiones y negativos. Algunas de las fotografías son de en gran tamaño. Estos materiales se relacionan sobre todo con los tres proyectos principales.
• CUS / 7: Divulgación y publicidad: materiales producidos para publicitar y transmitir el trabajo y los logros del Cusichaca Trust. Estos incluyen carteles, artículos, entrevistas y materiales de prensa. Estos materiales se relacionan sobre todo con los tres proyectos principales.
• CUS / 8: materiales personales y administrativos de Ann Kendall. Estos se relacionan específicamente con la fundadora y directora del proyecto e incluyen una combinación de materiales personales y profesionales.

Colectivamente, los materiales forman un estudio combinado de una región específica en la zona centro-sur de los Andes durante varias décadas. El trabajo de arqueología, arqueobotánica y etnohistoria se centró en la ocupación humana de la zona desde finales del primer milenio antes de Cristo, a través de la expansión Inca y en el período colonial español. Además, el registro arqueológico se situóen su contexto geográfico y cultural a través del reconocimiento arqueológico. El trabajo exploratorio del Trust estableció la existencia de muchos yacimientosarqueológicos previamente indocumentados. La colección incluye informes especializados no publicados que apenas han sido utilizados por los investigadores desde sucreación original.

Gran parte del trabajo ambiental y etnográfico del Trust se centró en examinar la vida doméstica y económica de las familias agrícolas locales a fines de los años setenta y principios de los ochenta. Los documentos que se han preservado también proporcionan una perspectiva sobre el esfuerzo administrativo que supuso el mantenimiento de grandes proyectos en arqueología, desarrollo rural y otras disciplinas durante un período de 40 años. Revelan los objetivos y prácticas cambiantes de diversos subproyectos, ya que las técnicas y enfoques dentro de cada disciplina se vieron influidos por los intereses y requisitos de patrocinadores académicos, gubernamentales y privados.

La colección incluye una variedad de tipos de soportes documentales, incluidos documentos en papel, materiales fotográficos, mapas, planos y documentos digitales. La tipología documental y el uso de la tecnología evolucionaron a medida que avanzaba el proyecto. Los materiales del proyecto Cusichaca son exclusivamente analógos, mientras que los documentos Patacancha y Ayacucho y Apurimac son cada vez más digitales. El archivo también muestra las prácticas cambiantes de mantenimiento y administración de los sistemas de documental del Trust.

The collection relates strongly to various locations. Several of the locations and names referred to in this collection have more than one common spelling. Although the descriptions have been standardised as far as possible, a list of possible alternative spellings for several locations is also posted below.

La colección se relaciona fuertemente con varios lugares. Varios de los lugares y nombres a los que se hace referencia en esta colección tienen más de una ortografía común. Aunque las descripciones se han estandarizado en la medida de lo posible, a continuación también se incluye una lista de posibles ortografías alternativas para varios lugares.

• Andahuaylas (Antawaylla)
• Andamarca (Anta Marka)
• Apurimac
• Ayacucho
• Cusichaca (Kusichaca)
• Cuzco (Cusco, Qusqu, Qosqo)
• Huallancay (Huallanca)
• Huaman Marka (Waman Marka)
• Huayna Quente (Wayna Quente)
• Huillca Raccay (Huillca Racay)
• Huillca RaccayTableland
• Inca (Inka)
• Yuchuy Cuzco (Huchuy Qosqo)
• Laymi Cocha (Laymecocha)
• Lomadas (Lomados)
• Ollantaytambo (Ollantaytampu, Tambo, Tampu, Ollanta, or Ollantay)
• Olleriayoc Leoniyoc
• Olleriayoc Trancapata
• Pachacamac (Pachakamaq)
• Pampachiri
• Patacancha
• Patallacta (Llactapata)
• Platerioyoc (Plateriayoc)
• Pulpituyoc
• Pumamarca
• Sayllac (Saylla)
• Quishuarpata (Quishuarpta)
• Urubamba (Urupampa)

The Cusichaca Trust
Customs account of London
GB 0096 MS 745 · 1672

'An accompt of his Majesties customes in the Port of London inwards and outwards from Lady-day 1672 to Midsumer following'. The document names John Thorpe, Philip Marsh, Michael Wicks and Euclid Speidell, and shows the sums paid on Spanish and sweet wines, French and Rhenish wines, currants, vinegar, cloth, calf-skins and leather, to a total of £78,391 1s. 3d. On the dorse is 'An accompt of the new impost coynage duty and petty farmes in the Port of London from Lady-day 1672 to Midsumer following'. Imposts are shown as being levied on many of the same articles, but include also coinage duty, wood, salt and spice farms, potashes, to a total of £23,015 13s. 0½d.

GB 0096 MS 784 · 1801

Tables headed 'An Account of the revenues of the British Empire collected in the year 1800, distinguishing the gross and net produce, charges of management etc., and payments into the Exchequer of each respective branch Together with a general view of the revenues from the first stage of collection, with the various deductions therefrom, until the several sums were paid into the Exchequer', organised under the main headings of Customs; Excise; Stamps; Taxes; Post Office; Hackney coaches; 'Hawkers & Pedlers'; and 'General View'.

GB 0096 MS 645 · 1890-1893

Customs declarations certificates, 1890-1893, comprising two certificates in Portuguese of a personal history nature (perhaps for emigration purposes), one dated 4 Sep 1890 and certified by Charles O'Donnell, British Consul in Lisbon, as being in the hand of Emygdio José da Silva, notary public of Lisbon, and the second of similar date in the same hand; and a third certificate in Spanish of 20 Dec 1893 relating to a cargo of soap from London on the Spanish vessel Molina, certified by John W. Witty, British Pro-Consul in Barcelona, as bearing the true signature of M. Martinez, Chief Collector of Customs, Barcelona.

GB 0096 AL371 · Fonds · [1670]

Letter from Thomas Dares to Mr Darmer, 7 May [1670]. Discussing employing a servant: 'Syr being destitute at this time of a servant your man made meanes yt I would intertaine him, wch (if it shall neither unfurnishe you and that upon your commendation I may have him [?...], I shall be willing therunto ... therfore unlesse it be yt he were to goe from you and you not to be unprovided youre slefe, and likewise yt by your paritcular letter ... I may asssure my slefe of an orderly servant free from excesse of drinking and disorder, I shall be unwilling to intertaine him, besides I am in want of one presently by reason yt I knew not of ye so soudaine departure of my owne man ...'.

Autograph, with signature. The hand suggests that a date of c1670 is plausible.

Dacres , Thomas , fl [1670] , correspondent of Mr Darmer
Dalyell, Tam: letter
GB 0096 AL530 · Fonds · 1994

Letter from Sit Thomas (Tam) Dalyell of the House of Commons to Bill Simpson, University of London Librarian, 16 Jan 1994. Presenting a copy of Dalyell's book Dick Crossman: a portrait (1989) to the University of London Library.

Dalyell , Sir , Thomas , b 1932 , 11th Baronet , politician x Dalyell , Tam
Daniel, George
GB 0096 MS 972 · c1797-1900

Personal papers, correspondence, news-cuttings and pamphlets concerned mainly with various literary societies. This collection also comprises correspondence of the Daniel family, including that of George Daniel's son, Jesse Cato Daniel (1825-1876), Jesse's wife Elizabeth (1825-1900), and his grandson, George B. Daniel (1863-1897) who emigrated to Argentina. The Daniel papers include a letter from the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge to "my very dear Cottie" in 1797.

Daniel , George , 1789-1864 , businessman, writer and book collector; Daniel , Jesse Cato , 1825-1876 , lecturer
Daniell, Colonel Thomas
GB 0096 MS 658 · 1661

A patent under the Great Seal appointing Thomas Daniell to a military posting in Dover. Fragment of the second great Seal of Charles II.

Daniell , Thomas , fl 1661 , Colonel
Danish royal finance deed
GB 0096 MS 763 · 1822

Deed relating to Danish royal finances, 15 Feb 1822, entitled 'Acte hypothécaire sur plusieurs revenus des finances royales', by which revenues were assigned to secure a loan of 3 million pounds at 5% raised on the London market by C.J. Hambro and Sons of Copenhagen through A.T. Haldimand and Sons on terms settled on 16 Oct 1821 and ratified by Frederick VI on 10 Nov 1821. The loan was to be secured on tolls from the Sound, and on mortgages and revenues from plantations on West Indian islands. Includes the signature of Frederick VI.

Darley Estate, Yorkshire
GB 0096 MS 254 · 1813-1826

Manuscript account book for an estate at Darley, Yorkshire, 1813-1826, including prices for materials, repairs and labour for an estate comprising a house, garden, cottages, stables, farmlands, and St Catherine's Chantry. Some of the leaves have notes and figures in pencil.

GB 0096 AL44a · Fonds · [1850]

Letter from Charles Robert Darwin of Down, Farnborough, Kent to an unnamed member of the Council of the Palaeontographical Society [the Secretary, J S Bowerbank], [Feb or Mar 1850]. Thanking him for the loan of Pollicipes cornucopia. Referring to the Society's acceptance of his (Darwin's) proposal [an offer to prepare a monograph on the 'British Fossil Cirripedia']; stating that the plates are being prepared by James de C Sowerby, who will be the best man to engrave them. Concluding: 'I suppose I was admitted a member of the Palaeont. Soc. and shall sometime here when and where I can pay my subscriptions, etc.'

Autograph, with signature.

The events mentioned date the letter to later than 22 Feb 1850, when Darwin's monograph proposal was accepted, and before 15 Mar 1850, when he was proposed to serve as a member of the Society's Council.

Darwin , Charles Robert , 1809-1882 , scientist and naturalist
GB 0096 MS59 · Fonds · 1695-1696

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of treatises by Dr Charles Davenant on coinage, commerce and finance, 1695-1696. Includes 'A memorial concerning the coine of England', addressed to Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl of Godolphin, 1695.

Davenant , Charles , 1656-1714 , political economist
GB 0096 MS60 · Fonds · 1695-1696

Manuscript volumes containing transcripts of treatises by Dr Charles Davenant on coinage, commerce and finance, 1695-1696 , notably 'An essay on public virtue', addressed to Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, and Sidney Godolphin, [1696].

Davenant , Charles , 1656-1714 , political economist
GB 0096 MS210 · Fonds · 1705

'A memoriall concerning the free-trade now tolerated between France and Holland', addressed to Sidney Godolphin.

Davenant , Charles , 1656-1714 , political economist
GB 0096 MS1167 · Fonds · c1880

Photographs of native Americans [Red Indians, American Indians] such as chiefs, warriors, and women. Includes portraits of Sitting Bull's son and Iron Horn. These photographs are assumed to have been taken in Dakota Territory.

Barry , David Frances , 1854-1934 , photographer
GB 0096 MS 1082 · 1918-1940

107 diaries and notebooks containing automatic writing and notes on the afterlife, seemingly inspired by the death of her only son Arthur during the First World War and by her academic research on Buddhist mythology, along with drafts for her work, What is your Will?, published in 1937.

Davids , Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys- , 1857-1942 , orientalist
Davies, Rhys
GB 0096 SL V 51, SL V 52, SL V 53, SL V 54, SL V 55 · 1927-1931

Holograph manuscripts of novels. SL V 51 is The Withered Root (1927). SL V 52 is Arfon (1930). SL V 53 is Rings on Her Fingers (1930) SL V 55 is Count Your Blessings (1931) and SL V 54 is a collection of the author's manuscripts of short stories and poems.

Davies , Rhys , 1903-1978 , author
Davies, Sir John
GB 0096 MS 25 · 1603-1625

Manuscript volume, [1610], containing a treatise by Sir John Davies, Attorney General of Ireland, on royal regulation of commerce, beginning 'This question concerning your Majesties prerogative in laying Impositions upon Marchandizes'.

Davies , Sir , John , 1569-1626 , Knight , Attorney General of Ireland, poet
GB 0096 AL206 · Fonds · 1915

Letter from William Henry Davies of 14 Great Russell Street, London to Mrs Bax [? wife of either Ernest Bax or Arnold Bax], 16 Nov 1915. Declining an invitation, instead suggesting: 'I wonder if you would care to come here to tea on Friday next, or the following Monday'.

Autograph, with signature.

Davies , William Henry , 1871-1940 , poet and writer
Davis, Thomas
GB 0096 MS 655 · 1630-1631

Accounts kept by Thomas Davis of Aleppo, merchant, dated 30 Mar and 18 Dec 1630 and 18 Dec 1631, relating to broadcloth received from his brother Richard Davis of London, also a merchant, and to gogram and ardass silks sent by Davis to London, 'being 16 balles cont: 80 peeces broad clothes under the m[a]rke per margent receved out of the shipp Sampson of London Bence Johnson master is debt[es?] to charges of merchandize for the fraight custome and other charges as ffoll[oweth?]...'. Other persons mentioned include Bryan Harrison, master of the 'shipp Unicorne' of London, and Thomas Davis.

Davis , Thomas , fl 1630-1631 , cloth merchant
GB 0096 MS1129 · Fonds · 4536

Letter to Mrs Peel regarding his writing on insurance, 1912.

Dawson , William Harbutt , 1860-1948 , journalist and civil servant
GB 0096 AL499 · Fonds · 1971

Letter from Esmond Samuel de Beer of 31 Brompton Square, London to [Dr John Henry Pyle] Pafford, 11 Apr 1971. Concerning de Beer's edition of the letters of John Locke.

Beer , Esmond Samuel , de , 1895-1990 , historian and benefactor x de Beer , Esmond Samuel