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Royal Navy: Signal Books and Signals
GB 0064 SGN/B · Sous-fonds · 1778-1794

Pendant and vane lists are included in this category; amongst these is a sheet of distinguishing signals issued by Lord Howe, 1794; a number of sheets of signals which were issued in addition to the printed signals, which include two recognition signals issued by the Admiralty for naval vessels and East Indiamen, 1778 and 1780.

Sans titre
Signals: Foreign
GB 0064 SGN/C · Sous-fonds · 1766

Signals: Foreign. There are three printed sheets of French signal flags, 1766, in this category.

Sans titre
GB 0064 SGN/E · Sous-fonds · 1810

Merchant Shipping: Signal Books and Signals including a Vane List c 1810 and a pendant board of the same date.

Sans titre
GB 0064 SMD · Collection · [1865-1904]

Papers of Arthur Hale Smith-Dorrien, comprising four volumes of watercolours, photographs, newscuttings and documents covering his career from his schooldays in 1865 until the end of his naval service, together with three volumes of caricatures and sketches.

Sans titre
GB 0064 SMS · Collection · [1780-1879]

Of the twelve volumes in this class, two relate to the society of East India Commanders; one, 1780 to 1833, records wagers between members and promises of gifts to the society upon such eventualities as marriage or leaving the service; the other is an account book, 1825 to 1879. The remaining eight volumes are 'Elements of Navigation' by pupils of Christ's Hospital Mathematical School; the earliest is dated 1723 and the latest is c 1845. All are very carefully executed and the subjects include arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, gunnery and navigation; the majority are illustrated with diagrams, maps, pen and ink sketches or watercolours.

Sans titre
GB 0064 SNG · Collection · 588-1848]

The earliest document in this class is a contemporary copy of a song composed by Elizabeth I to celebrate the defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588; also there are drafts by Charles Dibdin of the words of three of his songs, 'Every Man His Own Pilot' (1801), 'The Standing Toast' (1811), which vary slightly from the versions published in George Hogarth's The Songs of Charles Dibdin (1842 and 1848), and 'The Danes' (1807), which is not included in Hogarth's work. There is also a manuscript copy by Dibdin of the words (first verse only) and music of 'Poor Jack' (1788) and an anecdote in his hand regarding the words of 'Jack and the Windlass' (1791). Among the fourteen printed songs, the majority of which are autographed, are 'The Sailor's Return' (1791), 'Tack and Half Tack' (1795) and 'The Watery Grave' (1790) by Charles Dibdin; and 'The Heart of a Sailor' (1802), 'Love and Glory', and 'All's Well' (1805) by John Braham ([1774]-1856) with words by Thomas Dibdin. Finally there is a programme of a musical performance in commemoration of Charles Dibdin at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, in 1829.

Sans titre
Society for Nautical Research
GB 0064 SNR · Collection · 1922-1977

Papers of the Society for Nautical Research consisting of: Council minutes, annual reports of the Council and reports from sub-committees, 1926 to 1977; minutes of the preliminary General Meeting, 1910; minutes of Annual General Meetings from 1930, though many between 1940 and 1958 are missing; lists of members, though these appear to have been issued intermittently; statements of accounts for the Society and its different funds, 1910 to 1966; and correspondence relating to the Society's activities from 1911, with a large number of gaps but including papers relating to the Implacable, 1915 to 1946, and to the Victory, 1922 to 1972.

Sans titre
GB 0064 SPB · Collection · [1636-1908]

This class, consisting of forty-fve volumes, relates to the history, practice and business methods of British, French and German shipbuilding, seventeenth to twentieth centuries. The seventeenth-century volumes include a manuscript on shipbuilding theory by A Symmer, c 1636; a volume of fifty-four documents containing proposals by Sir William Petty (1623-1687) for a double-hulled ship, 1662 to 1685. A disbound volume contains engraved plates by Thomas Fagge, 'the bends of a ship, their various sorts and shapes', undated, together with nine contracts between the Navy Board and contractors, 1649 to 1701, including one for the HAMPTON COURT, 1699, and the WARSPIGHT, 1701; also included in this volume is a Charter Party between the Navy Board and the master of the ANNE AND FRANCIS to transport naval stores from Deptford to Portsmouth, 1701.

There is a copy of Edward Battine's 'The Method of Building, Rigging, Apparelling and Furnishing His Majesty's Ships of War', 1684. Finally, there are two French volumes, one consisting of thirty-four drawings in pen and ink of the construction of a galley, 1685, and the other by Morineau de rochefort, 'Memoire sur la Conaissance et proportions des lois qui composent la construction des vaisseaux de premiere position at liaison', 1698. Among the eighteenth-century volumes are a contract book, 1775 to 1807, and a memorandum book, 1777 to 1801, of John Perry and Company of Blackwall, 1775 to 1808; a book of five contracts of ships built for the Navy by Adams of Buckler's Hard, 1776 to 1797; the notebook of William Wilkins, a shipwright at Chatham dockyard, containing lengths and dimensions of ships as well as methods and theory, 1754; and a pair of notebooks chiefy on mastmaking by two shipwrights John Williams 1720 to 1750, and Richard Reynolds, 1785. French shipbuilding is again represented by two works: 'Les descriptions Geometrique de toutes les pieces qui entrent dans la construction les agrez et les maneuvres d'une Galere', 1721, by Dr Sieur Debenat; and a volume on 'Carte de l'Architecture Navale concernant les proportions de la Mature', 1788, by a Bordeaux shipwright, Of the seventeen volumes relating to the nineteenth century, there is one of drawings and descriptions of the blockmaking machinery desinged by Marc Isambard Brunel (1769-1849) and installed in Portsmouth dockyard between 1802 and 1805; a private account book, 1839 to 1840, of Kelsick Wood (1771-1840), shipbuilder of Maryport, recording details of ships built and the purchase of materials; a book on 'Sailmaking, 1811 to 1840', by W Rutter; and two day books of the sailmakers J Morice and Company of Liverpool, 1883 to 1904. On the subject of steam there is a book of wash drawings and text by Robertson Buchanan of Glasgow, dated 1815, and entitled, 'Memoir respecting the employment of steam vessels for the purposes of war'; and a large volume of drawings and reports on steam vessels, 1870 to 1873, by John Oliver (ca.1820-1883), Chief Inspector of Machinery Afloat. There are a small number of specifications and contracts for twentieth-century ships, and three volumes relating to the German battleship, BADEN, 1904 to 1908.

Sans titre
GB 0064 SPR · Collection · 1850-1884

Papers of Thomas Abel Brimage Spratt, consisting of various reports, 1850 to 1884, which include surveys (particularly of the Black Sea area); remarks on Crete and the Cretans; on the coal trade of the Black Sea; on a new harbour at Malta; on an electric cable between Malta and Alexandria; reports submitted to the Teignmouth Harbour Commission and Fishery Commission reports for England and Ireland. Spratt's correspondence consists of a few letters received and some draft replies, 1853 to 1860. The memorandum of his service, 1837 to 1862, contains an account of his part in the Crimean War. His publications are also listed.

Sans titre
Shaw Savill & Albion Co Ltd
GB 0064 SSS · Collection · 1924-[1975]

Papers of Shaw Savill and Albion Co Ltd. The bulk of the correspondence files belong to the period 1947 to 1965, although the earliest paper is dated 1924. They are concerned with the building and trials of new vessels, ships in service, standard freight rates and routine instructions to masters. There are summaries of passage money and numbers of passengers, 1900 to 1946; analyses of passage money, outward, 1946 to 1960, 1970 to 1972; passage money, homeward, 1965 to 1968. the records cover chartered vessels as well as the Company's own ships. (Although there is some information about individual passengers, this is not a complete record of passengers carried: more comprehensive lists can be found in the passenger lists in the Board of Trade records at the Public Record Office.). In 1969 a series of refrigerator and engine logs, 1956 to 1962, were deposited as well as deck logs, 1944 to 1965.

Sans titre
Stopford family papers
GB 0064 STO · Collection · [1791]-1908

Papers of Admiral Robert Fanshawe Stopford, consisting of loose papers mounted in a volume, relating mainly to the TALBOT and ASIA periods, with official service documents. An additional volume relates to RF Stopford's time as a midshipman, featuring sailing and wind calculations, together with observations on forts in the Dardanelles and Sevastopol.

Papers of Robert Neville Stopford comprising two midshipman's log books kept while Stopford was in the Mediterranean between 1905 and 1908. The first volume covers his time on HMS BARFLEUR and HMS FORMIDABLE. The second volume covers his time aboard HMS HINDUSTAN and HMS BERWICK.

Papers of Sir Montagu Stopford, consisting of memoranda issued to the fleet in the Crimea, 1854, records of arrivals and sailings of ships at Malta, 1855 to 1856, and the commission appointing Stopford Superintendent of Malta Dockyard.

Papers of Adml Sir Robert Stopford, comprising an order book, 1803 to 1805, official service documents and private and semi-official letters from many important officers of the time. Among them is one from Nelson (q.v.), 1805, from the Duke of Wellington, 1811, and a series of thirty-five from William, Duke of Clarence, 1827 to 1828, when Lord High Admiral. For the Mediterranean command there are letters from the 2nd Earl of Minto (q.v.) and Lord Ponsonby (1770-1855), ambassador at Constantinople. Finally, there is a volume of letters from well-known literary and social figures received by Stopford and Field-Marshal Thomas Grosvenor (1764-1851) between 1791 and 1850, including one from Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) (Stopford and Grosvenor both lived at Richmond, Surrey). Also, the log of HMS SPENCER, kept while Capt Stopford was attached to the Channel Fleet in 1803-1804.

Sans titre
GB 0064 STV/1-3 · Sous-fonds · [1753-1760]

Papers of Charles Steevens, consisting of a letter to Steevens from the Nabob of Arcot, 1760, and the draft and printed copy of his life written by his grand-nephew, Nathaniel Steevens. Also in the collection is the plan of learning of the Naval Academy, Portsmouth, 1753, of Charles Stevens, midshipman (1735-1756), nephew of Rear-Admiral Steevens, and a book of jokes, morals and proverbs.

Sans titre
Sutcliffe-Smith Collection
GB 0064 SUT · Collection · [1787-1808]

Letters and orders from Horatio Nelson and others to various correspondents including Emma Hamilton, 4 May 1795-8 Dec 1806, also engravings mostly of Nelson, of VICTORY and of memorial in St Paul's. Letters from Nelson, Emma Hamilton and others, 29 May 1787-3 Jun 1808, also advertisements, engravings and drawings, mainly of Emma in her 'attitudes', also Nelson, William Hamilton, Greville and others, and scenes of Merton.

Sans titre
South Western Steam Packet Company
GB 0064 SWS · Collection · [1835-1883]

Papers of South Western Steam Packet Company. They include Deeds of Settlement (later known as Articles of Association) of the Commercial Steam Packet Company, 1835 to 1837; the South Western Steam Packet Company, 1843; and the New South Western Steam Navigation Company, 1846. These documents give lists of shareholders and their occupations. There is a minute book covering shareholders' meetings of the South Western Company, 1842 to 1845; notices to shareholders and reports of the Commercial and South Western Steam Packet Companies, the New South Western and the London and South Western Railway, 1838 to 1847; mortgage deeds, Bills of Sale and Certificates of Sale. Of technical interest are two contracts of 1855 for a wrought iron steam vessel and a set of engines, and a 'Return of Rolling Stock owned by English, Welsh and Scotch Railway Companies', 1883.

Sans titre
GB 0064 TCM · Collection · [1920-1964]

Papers of the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company Limited. The main series consist of contracts including for the supply, laying and repair of cables (TCM/6), cable engineers' logbooks (TCM/8) and ships' logbooks (TCM/10). Other records include memorandum and articles of association 1964-1920, papers relating to the SS GREAT EASTERN and the first Atlantic cables, publicity material and books and pamphlets. The collection also contains records of the Gutta Percha Company, H W Jewesbury and Company and personal papers of Willoughby Smith.

Sans titre
GB 0064 TEN · Collection · [1905-1949]

Papers of Sir William George Tennant, including official service documents; midshipman's logs, 1905 to 1909; diaries of war service, written up in 1919, and one for the cruises of 1925; a work book, 1927; papers on the loss of the REPULSE , 1941; tactical and secret papers on the 'Mulberry' operations, 1944, and engagement diaries, visitors' books, notes for speeches and lectures, 1946 to 1949, as well as many general papers and notebooks relating to Tennant's historical interests and the role of the three services in defence strategy.

Sans titre
Newspapers and Playbills - documents
GB 0064 THP · Collection · 1807-1902

This class consists of single copies of newspapers and newssheets, including a copy of the 'Challenger Gazette', 1828; two issues of 'The Great Eastern Telegraph', 1866, when the GREAT EASTERN was engaged on laying the Atlantic cable; and a copy of the 'Wei-Hai-Wei Gazette', 1902. It also contains playbills, including one advertising a performance on board the prison ship CROWN in 1807 of a play by a French prisoner of war and another announcing the performance of a comedy, Speed the Plough on the MINDEN, 1817.

Sans titre
Troubridge Family collection
GB 0064 TRO · Collection · [1795-1946]

Papers of the Troubridge and Cochrane Family. Correspondence includes Sir Edward Thomas Troubridge, 2nd Baronet and his family, Sir Thomas St. Vincent Hope Cochrane Troubridge, 3rd Baronet and his family circa 1800 to 1900. The collection also includes correspondence within the Cochrane family involving Sir Alexander Forrest Inglis Cochrane and his wife, Thomas Cochrane, Louisa Cochrane and Andrew Cochrane. The nature of the correspondence is personal and undated. Also included is correspondence with the Noel family, a collection of 'verse and poetry', miscellaneous prints, drawings and sketches (10 items), invitations, business cards and miscellaneous pamphlets 1808-1948. In addition, Louis Shennan's research and biographical information on the Troubridge family is included (TRO/407/1-10)

Papers of Sir Edward Thomas Troubridge, comprising Orders from the Admiralty in this collection are wide ranging covering the period 1810-52. Including memorandum, commissions, provisions, transport orders for the ARMIDE during the Anglo- American War, 1812-14 and orders for the STAG, 1831-34. Official correspondence, 1810-52, includes Sir A. F.I. Cochrane, Napier, Elphinstone and papers concerning Sir Edward Thomas's father's Neapolitan pension. Also included is letters re: the action fought by the GREYHOUND in company with the HARRIER in 1806 against the Dutch Company's brig's QUEEN ELIZABETH and BELGICA. Personal correspondence includes letters to his wife Anna Maria, his sons Edward Norwich and Thomas St. Vincent Hope Cochrane and his daughters Charlotte and Louisa. There are also letters from the Cochrane family.

Papers of Adml Sir Ernest Charles Thomas Troubridge. The collection includes his scrapbook album, 1889-99, a pocket notebook, correspondence as President of the International Danube Commission (1920-4), correspondence from a variety of individuals, 1895-1921 and volume listing his commission dates, entitled 'recollections in ranks'.

Sir Thomas Herbert Cochrane Troubridge including letters 1933-6 and a certificate dated 1879 from the Royal Military College and three invitations to dinner parties.

Papers of Sir Thomas Hope Troubridge, including training guidelines whilst as a gunnery officer 1922-1944, Naval orders 1925-1926, Admiralty papers 1945-1946, two commissions 1915 and 1943, and lecture notes, syllabuses and essays whilst at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 1924-1925.

Papers of Sir Thomas St. Vincent Hope Cochrane Troubridge. Official letters include work concerning the improvement of army uniform, 1856-59 and letters on his award of the Companion of the Bath, 1855. Personal correspondence includes his account of the events leading up to the Battle of Alma and Inkerman, 1854, during the Crimean War. He recounts his time in Hospital and being severely wounded at the Battle of Inkerman. Letters also recount his voyage from Southampton to Sevastopol, 1854. Letters also include correspondence with his wife, Lady Louisa Troubridge (nee Gurney) and his children, 1854-67.

Papers of Sir Thomas Troubridge. The papers include orders, 1795-1801, commissions of Sir Thomas Troubridge and his son Sir Edward. Correspondence and orders, 1801-1807, correspondence relating the Battle of Copenhagen, 1801, the court martial of Calder, 1801, HARRIER and GREYHOUND, 1806, re: destroying Dutch Company's brigs CHRISTIAN ELIZABETH and BELGICA. The collection also consists of 12 letters detailing prize money, 1798-1802, purchased via Maggs in 1982.

Sans titre
Tucker Family
GB 0064 TUC · Collection · [18th century-19th century]

Papers of the Tucker family. They are primarily concerned with the career of Benjamin Tucker during his employment with Earl St Vincent and in his role as Surveyor General of the Duchy of Cornwall. A substantial part also relate to the naval career of John Jervis Tucker, especially his service on HMS DUBLIN, and his ownership of Trematon Castle, Cornwall after his father's death.

Sans titre
Tyler, Admiral Sir Charles (1760-1835)
GB 0064 TYL · Collection · [1800-1815]

Papers of Adml Sir Charles Tyler, comprising service documents and letters received, including those from Horatio Nelson, 1805, Lord Mulgrave (1755-1831), 1807 to 1808, and Admiral Collingwood, 1808 to 1809. There is also one letter from Lady Hamilton, 1808, and letters to Lady Tyler, 1800 to 1815.

Sans titre
Vernon Family Papers
GB 0064 VER · Collection · [1632-1837]

Papers of Adml Edward Vernon, including a few letters, 1714 to 1716, from Vernon's father and brother. The main part of the collection consists of correspondence received and draft replies, 1739 to 1742 and 1745, as well as Vernon's own order books, 1739 to 1741, and his out-letterbook to the Admiralty. Also included in the collection are a few papers of other members of the Vernon family, 1632 to 1837.

Papers of Adml Sir Edward Vernon. They consist of official service documents, 1743 to 1794, and orders and letters relating to the East Indies command, 1776 to 1779.

Sans titre
GB 0064 VHM · Collection · [1865-1887]

Papers of Sir Richard Vesey Hamilton comprising Hamilton's letterbooks, 1865 to 1868 and 1885 to 1887, official papers and correspondence, cover his career in outline and provide detailed information for some periods, notably his time as Commander-in-Chief on the China Station. Among the Arctic papers there are some orders from Sir Edward Belcher (q.v.), Captain Henry Kellett (1806-1875) and Captain Horatio T. Austin (c 1800-1865). The letters which he received also include some references to his Arctic service but the majority relate to his work at the Admiralty and there are several from Lord George Hamilton (1845-1927), who was instrumental in the passing of the Naval Defence Act of 1889. There is a series of photograph albums and notes made by Hamilton for his articles on naval and historical subjects, as well as some service memoranda.

Sans titre
Wilkinson, Commander William (1777-1857)
GB 0064 WIL · Collection · [1807-1833]

Papers of William Wilkinson, and comprise fifty-six letters, written mainly by Wilkinson to his wife, 1807 to 1833.

Sans titre
Walker, William Wallace
GB 0064 WKR/3 · Sous-fonds · [1859]

Papers of William Wallace Walker including a letter initialled R.C.G.C., 30 Aug 1859; press cutting, n.d. about a proposed Ecuador expedition.

Sans titre
Williams, Hamilton (fl 1877-1905)
GB 0064 WMS · Collection · [1877-1905]

Papers of Hamilton Williams consisting of eleven volumes of transcripts, lectures and notes on naval history.

Sans titre
GB 0064 WOR · Collection · 1863-1968

Records relating to HMS Worcester consisting of printed reports, 1863 to 1968; minute books, 1861 to 1867, 1881 to 1965; harbour log books, 1862 to 1865, 1867 to 1869; visitors books, 1935 to 1947, 1953 to 1968; ledgers, 1862 to 1870; wage books, 1933 to 1936; hooks of newspaper cuttings, 1857 to 1967, 1917 to 1967, together with photographs and other miscellaneous items. There are further records at the Merchant Navy College at Greenhithe, and the records relating to the cadets are with the records of Seafarer Education Service, now with the Marine Society at Lambeth.

Sans titre
Wrey Papers
GB 0064 WRE · Collection · [1823-1919]

Papers of Greive, William Samuel, containing logs, 1845 to 1847, and 1851 to 1855; a letterbook, 1871 to 1874; commissions, 1851 to 1884, and a few single documents.

Papers of Cpt William Wrey. They include logs, 1882 to 1885; photographs, 1882 to 1918; office diaries, 1918 to 1919, and secret sailings, reports, statistics of troops embarked and disembarked at Southampton and other official papers, 1914 to 1918. There are also papers of the following relatives: General John Tatton Brown, R.M., notes and memoranda, 1823 to 1826 and 1849; Commander John Bathurst (d.1866), commissions, 1838 to 1860; Captain Lord Francis Granvill Godolphin Osborne (1864-1924), a log, 1888 to 1889, and notebooks, 1887 to 1889.

Sans titre
Yates, James Alfred (1852-1941)
GB 0064 YAT · Collection · [20th century]

Papers of James Alfred Yates. A large part of the material consists of documents and notes gathered by Ruby Yates, in preparation for the article published in the Mariner's Mirror. The article, "From wooden walls to dreadnaughts in a lifetime" was based on Yates' "Memories" and other manuscripts, which his daughter, Ruby, found amongst his papers. The papers include autobiographical material, notebooks, transcripts of talks, correspondence, certificates, ephemera and printed books.

Sans titre
Yorke, Charles Philip (1764-1834)
GB 0064 YOR · Collection · [1810-1812]

Papers of Charles Yorke, chiefly private letters received between 1810 and 1812 from many correspondents, including Admirals G C Berkeley (1753-1818), Sir Charles Cotton (1753-1812), Samuel, Viscount Hood, Sir Richard Keats, Sir Charles Penrose (1759-1830), Sir James Saumarez (1757-1836) and Sir William Young (1751-1821), while a number are addressed to Yorke's brother, Admiral Sir Joseph Yorke (1768-1834).

Sans titre
Bromfield, William Arnold (1801-1851)
GB 0068 BRO · 1810-1851

Papers of Dr. William Arnold Bromfield, 1810 - 1851, comprising three series (BRO/1) comprises two journals, with accounts of travel in America and the West Indies (in 1846-1847 and 1844 respectively) and two manuscripts (Mss); one annotated map (published 1810) (BRO/3) and eleven manuscript volumes of Bromfield's botanical work, Flora Vectensis (edited and published posthumously by Thomas Salter Bell and W.J. Hooker in 1856) (BRO/2).

Sans titre
Cotton, Arthur Disbrowe (1879-1962)
GB 0068 COT · 14 Nov 1907-11 Dec 1952

Papers of Arthur Cotton, 1907-1952, comprising four series. The first is a collection of correspondence, dating from 1907 to 1952, addressed to and from Arthur Cotton, primarily from other botanists and botanical in subject (COT/1). The second series consists of a bound notebook containing Cotton's findings of his trips to Clare Island from 1909 to 1911 (COT/2). The third series contains photographs relating to various species of Senecio from botanical trips to Africa between 1930 to 1948 (COT/3). The fourth and final series contains botanical works, papers and a monograph written by Cotton, referring to his work on Myrionema, c 1910 to 1935 (COT/4)

Sans titre
Balls, Edward Kent (1892-1984)
GB 0068 EKB · 1932-1970s

Papers of Edward Kent Balls comprising expedition papers consisting of diaries, plant lists, photographs and negatives and field collecting notebooks. Contains papers relating to Northern America such as plant collecting notebooks, correspondence and press cuttings; also comprises correspondence with specific institutions and a condensed autobiography.

Sans titre
Elwes, Henry John (1846-1922)
GB 0068 ELW · 1865-1920

Papers of Henry John Elwes, 1865-1920, comprising notes and notebooks; photographs of trees and furniture and assorted press cuttings and additional papers.

Sans titre
GB 0068 FKW · 1891-1985

Papers of Francis Kingdon-Ward, 1891-1985, comprising two series; the first consists of travel diaries written during his expeditions in South East Asia and contain observations on the fauna and flora of regions visited as well as other information. Some of the diaries relate to his activities during the Second World War. The second series contains correspondence and various papers, including photographs.

Sans titre
Faulkner, Helen (1888-1979)
GB 0068 GRI · 1938-1979

Papers of Helen Faulkner, 1938-1979, 20 water colour sketchbooks, 3 folders of notes relating to the sketchbooks, 3 boxes of index cards and 1 folder of preparatory notes for index and lists of determinations.

Sans titre
Banks, Sir Joseph (1743-1820)
GB 0068 JBK · 1764-1975

The papers of Sir Joseph Banks comprises 3 series. The first series (JBK/1) contains Banks' correspondence with related catalogues and indexes. The second series (JBK/2) contains journals, both manuscript and published. The third series (JBK/3) contains other documents relating to Joseph Banks.

JBK/1 : Correspondence : 1764-1975: This series comprises the main collection of letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks, as well as correspondence and other papers concerning the production of flax and hemp. It also contains indexes to the main collection and to letters held at Kent Archives Office; JBK/1/1: Banks Correspondence and Banksiana - Index: 1906: This bound volume contains a manuscript index to the correspondence in JBK/1/2 - JBK/1/8 and was compiled by Benjamin Daydon Jackson in 1906; JBK/1/2: Banks' Letters Vol. 1 : 1760s-1790s; This bound volume contains Vol. 1, ff. 1-109 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/3: Banks' Letters Vol. 1 : 1780s; This bound volume contains Vol. 1, ff. 110-226 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/4: Banks' Letters Vol. 1 : 1780s; This bound volume contains Vol. 1, ff. 227-365 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/5: Banks' Letters Vol. 2 : 1790s: This bound volume contains Vol. 2, ff. 1-116 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/6: Banks' Letters Vol. 2 : 1790s-1800s: This bound volume contains Vol. 2, ff. 117-235 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/7: Banks' Letters Vol. 2 : 1800s-1820s: This bound volume contains Vol. 2, ff. 236-361 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/8: Banks' Letters Vol. 3 : 1780s-1790s: This bound volume contains Vol. 3, ff. 1-46 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1.

JBK/1/9: Six letters from Banks : c 1 Sep 1783 - 9 Jul 1813: contains six items altogether: two original letters, two manuscript extracts and two typed copies of letters from Banks; JBK/1/9/1: This letter, dated 1 Sep 1783 is addressed to Sir Joseph Manby and concerns Banks' recommendation to him of two visitors from Denmark; JBK/1/9/2: This letter, dated 9 Jul 1806, is addressed to John Symmons. It concerns a property transaction and voting procedures at a club to which they belonged; JBK/1/9/3: This is an extract from a letter dated 7 Oct 1811 and is addressed to Sir Everard Home. It concerns the destruction of mussels by whelks. The writer of the extract is unknown; JBK/1/9/4: This is an extract from a letter dated 22 Aug 1813 and is addressed to Sir Everard Home. It concerns Banks's observations on an abnormal spider. The writer of the extract is unknown; JBK/1/9/5: This is a typed copy of a letter dated 26 May 1787 to an unknown addressee. It concerns an acknowledgement by Banks of a reference to him that the addressee has made in a literary work; JBK/1/9/6: This is a typed copy of a letter c.18th century and is addressed to Mr. King. It is a covering note to accompany a manuscript relating to Lincoln Castle; BK/1/9/7: This letter sent by Christopher Smith to [Banks] was written on board 'His M Hired Transport' on the China Sea and is dated 26th July 1796. It concerns specimens sent from the Straits of Singapore, Bhao and Malacca; JBK/1/10: Hemp Correspondence: 1764-1810: This box contains mounted documents, both printed and manuscript, concerning the manufacture of flax and hemp. It contains published articles, manuscript notes and correspondence between various individuals including letters to and from Joseph Banks on the subject; JBK/1/11: The Banks Letters - A calendar of the manuscript correspondence : 1958-1975: This bound volume, edited by Warren R. Dawson, was published by the British Museum and provides item level descriptions of the Banks correspondence (c.late 18th - early 19th century) known to be in Great Britain at the time. It also contains three supplementary parts, published in 1962, 1965 and 1975 as well as an article describing Banks papers held in Kent Archives Office; JBK/1/12: Catalogue of the Banks manuscripts in the Knatchbull manuscripts : c 1970: This document details the Banks papers (c 16th - 19th century) held in Kent Archives Office which form part of the larger Knatchbull collection.

JBK/2 : Journals : 1766-1897: This series contains both manuscript and published copies of journals made by Joseph Banks during his expeditions. JBK/2/1 : Banks's Journal : c 19th century: This is the first of three bound volumes containing a manuscript copy of Banks's original journal of 1768-1771 detailing stages of his voyage with Captain Cook aboard the ENDEAVOUR. It is a draft copy by Miss Turner (Joseph Hooker's aunt) and there are many manual corrections. This volume covers the 1768-1769 voyage from England to the South Sea Islands; JBK/2/2 : Banks's Journal : c 19th century: This is the second of three bound volumes containing a manuscript copy of Banks's original journal of 1768-1771 detailing stages of his voyage with Captain Cook aboard the ENDEAVOUR. It is a draft copy by Miss Turner (Joseph Hooker's aunt) and there are many manual corrections. This volume covers the 1769-1770 voyage from the South Sea Islands to New Zealand; JBK/2/3 : Banks's Journal : c 19th century: This is the third of three bound volumes containing a manuscript copy of Banks's original journal of 1768-1771 detailing stages of his voyage with Captain Cook aboard the ENDEAVOUR. It is a draft copy by Miss Turner (Joseph Hooker's aunt) and there are many manual corrections. This volume covers the 1770-1771 voyage from New Zealand to England; JBK/2/4 : Publication of the Endeavour Journal : 1884-1897: This bound indexed volume contains correspondence and other papers concerned with the publication of Banks' journal of his 1768-1771 voyage aboard Captain Cook's ship the ENDEAVOUR. It also contains references to Cook's journal and some other miscellaneous papers relating to Banks; JBK/2/5 : The Journal of Joseph Banks in the ENDEAVOUR: 1980; This is the first of two bound volumes containing a facsimile version of Banks' original journal (covering 1768-1769), published by Genesis Publications Ltd; JBK/2/6 : The Journal of Joseph Banks in the Endeavour : 1980: This is the second of two bound volumes containing a facsimile version of Banks' original journal (covering 1769-1771), published by Genesis Publications Ltd; JBK/2/7 : Banks - Journal of a voyage to Newfoundland : 1895:
This bound volume contains a manuscript copy of Banks' Journal of his voyage to Newfoundland 7 Apr - 17 Nov 1766. It was made for Sir Joseph Hooker by W.J. Anderson of the British Museum (Natural History).

JBK/3 : Other Papers : 1805-1820: This series contains a facsimile copy of Banks' will and a volume concerning Banks' work on diseases in corn; JBK/3/1 : Joseph Banks' Last Will and Testament : 7 Jan 1820: This folder contains a facsimile copy of Banks' Will dated 7 Jan 1820 and proved in London on 22 Sep 1820. The original is held at the National Archives, ref. PROB 11/1634 3892; JBK/3/2 : Banks - Disease in Corn : 1805: This bound volume contains Banks' published work on disease in corn together with a manuscript article on corn written by Francis Bauer.

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Rose-Innes, Reginald (1915- )
GB 0068 ROS · 1923-2009

Papers of Reginald Rose-Innes comprising correspondence and diary relating to his studies in America, there is also other correspondence relating to projects and work carried out later in his life. There are a large number of notebooks relating to research carried out throughout various countries in Africa. There are reports and essays by Rose-Innes while he was a student and later article off prints and reports (some of which are co-authored), and published works by other authors. A large number of photographs also compliment the collection many of which were taken during Rose-Innes' studies in America and his research in various African countries.

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GB 0070 TGA 773 · Fonds · 1921-1977

Kit Wood was a painter of seascapes, landscapes, imaginative and figure compositions. This collection of photocopied material consists largely of transcripts of letters from Kit to his mother, covering the important years of his artistic career from his move to Paris in 1921, until shortly before his death in 1930. The letters document Wood's close relationship with his mother, as well as the strains his choice of career and way of life placed on the relationship. Recurrent throughout the correspondence are descriptions of Wood's attitudes and feelings towards the art world and society, closely linked with his desire for success; the financial difficulties which beset him; and references to, or descriptions of, his work. The collection also includes copies of letters to Doodie Reitlinger from Wood and from Frosca Munster, and a few letters to his mother and to Frosca Munster from various correspondents after his death. There is also a manuscript copy of Cingria's eulogistic article about Wood, 'Ossianide', and a number of reproductions of Wood's work.

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GB 0070 TGA 824 · Fonds · 1974-1979

Photocopies of four folders of correspondence relating to the disputes between Ian Hamilton Finlay and Fulcrum Press and with Coracle Press. In 1974 Ian Hamilton Finlay quarrelled with the Fulcrum Press over their First Edition of his 'The dancers inherit the party', which Finlay did not consider to be a true first edition. During 1976 the relationship between Finlay and Simon Cutts who was then running the Coracle Press and Gallery became strained with Finlay claiming that Coracle Press owed him money for his Wild Hawthorn Press publications which he had supplied to them for sale in their bookshop. He successfully sued them in Lambeth County Court. Part of the dispute also centred on articles and comments made by Ian Gardner in the publication 'Blue Tunnel'.

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GB 0099 de Courcy-Ireland · 1990 (covers 1900-1951)

Memoir by Captain Stanley Brian , de Courcy-Ireland, A Naval Life (Englang Publishing, Poulton, Gloucestershire, second edition, 2002), written in 1990, detailing his life and career, 1900-1951, including the scuttling of the captured German Fleet at Scapa Flow, 1919, and his service at Combined Operations Headquarters, 1944-1945, under Maj Gen Robert Edward Laycock. Also, further notes on the scuttling of the German fleet, 1919, written as a review of Dan Van Der Vant's THE GRAND SCUTTLE (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1982); notes on the visit, 25 Dec 1944, to HMS AJAX in port at Piraeus, Greece, by Archbishop Damaskinos Papandreou, Archibishop of Athens, for talks with Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

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HUNN, Bernard Albert (1923-2000)
GB 0099 KCLMA Hunn · Collection · 1949-[1982]

Papers of Bernard Albert Hunn, 1949-[1982], relating to his career and research, including: copy of Hunn's degree certificate from King's College London, 1949; notes on elliptic functions, 1950; correspondence, 1951-1953, relating chiefly to the publication of scientific papers on aeronautics; reports from Hawker Aircraft Ltd design department, 1951-1953; technical papers and notes by Hunn, 1952-1956, relating to aeronautical mathematics; draft monograph by Hunn on 'Inertial guidance', 1964; correspondence, chiefly with James Allason, MP, concerning the British defence industry and world markets, 1964-1965; patent applications for 'improved guiding means for spinning missiles', 1959 and for a 'mind simulator' (an electronic model of the human mind), 1982, with essays and notes on the function of the human mind; photographs of a interlock relay system and of Revenue Systems component parts for a card payment system to be attached to a petrol pump; and memoir concerning Hunn's work in Nigeria, 1974-1978.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 321-322 · 1939-1942,

The Private War Journal of Generaloberst Franz Halder, Chief of the General Staff of the Supreme Command of the German Army, 1939- 1942 is a microfilmed copy of the desk journal of Generaloberst Franz Halder. In 1938, Generaloberst [Col Gen] Franz Halder took office as Chief of the General Staff of the German Army, Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH), openly declaring himself opposed to the Nazi leadership of the German Armed Forces. By 1939, however, Hitler had begun to direct much of the operational decision making of the OKH. Although Halder would continue to voice opposition to the more impractical military directives, he nonetheless complied with the strategic demands proposed by Hitler and the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW), the Supreme Command of the German Armed Forces. From 1938-1942, Halder's duties were confined to operational decision making and desk planning, analysing reports sent to him by his subordinates and conferring with officers of the Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH), the Supreme Command of the German Army, over administrative, operational, and logistical matters. Halder's short-hand notes and daily entries in his Kriegstagebücher summarised each day's work and acted as an aide mémoire to events, 1938-1942. The journal reflects the detail, routine, and bureaucracy encountered by Halder and his staff, as well as the decision making process between Halder, the General Staff, and Adolf Hitler. Kept by Halder personally, the journal should not be confused with the official War Diaries kept by the Supreme Command of the German Army. Intended to serve as a notebook, the diary does not furnish a complete record of all activities, 1939-1942; rather it reflects the German High Command decision making structure as well as the character of many German senior officers, including FM (Karl Rudolf) Gerd von Runstedt, FM Erich von Manstein, and Col Gen Heinz Guderian. After the war, the journal was introduced by the Prosecution as a documentary exhibit in the record of the case entitled the United States of America vs Wilhelm von Leeb et al, brought before Military Tribunal V (FM Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb, Commander Army Group North, was tried for minor war crimes in 1948). The journal was subsequently translated and reduced to typewritten form from the original notes under the guidance of Phillip Willner, Chief of the Reporting Branch (German) of the Office of Chief of Counsel for War Crimes, Office of the Military Government for Germany. It was then reviewed with Halder for continuity and published soon thereafter.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 813-824 · 1968-1973, 1982

Transcripts and Files of the Paris Peace Talks on Vietnam, 1968-1973 are microfilmed copies of the official transcripts of the Paris Peace Talks between political and military representatives from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam), the Vietnamese National Liberation Army (Viet Cong), the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), and the United States, and accompanying files relating to the Vietnam War, 1968-1973. Transcripts include copies of the minutes of the Official Conversations between North Vietnamese and US delegates, 13 May 1968-30 Oct 1968 and the Plenary Sessions, 25 Jan 1969-18 Jan 1973. Collection also includes North Vietnamese communiqués relating to alleged American war crimes; North Vietnamese propaganda; official reports from the Viet Cong, including statement on the massacre at Ba-Lang-An, 8 Apr 1969; address before the International Conference on Vietnam by US Secretary of State Dr Henry Albert Kissinger, relating to the cease-fire, 26 Feb 1973.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Abraham · 1931-1979

Correspondence relating to leaving Burmah Oil Company and attempts to re-enlist in the Army and RAF, 1939-1940, and papers relating to promotions and appointments, 1940-1944. Papers relating to service in the Middle East and Sicily, 1942-1943, including 16 typescript reports, Staffs and Services Committee, Middle East, May-Jun 1942; typescript 'Report of Committee on Beach Organisation and Working', 13 Nov 1943; manuscript map entitled 'Sicily, ports, coast and main communications', scale 1: 500, 000 [1943]; typescript letter from Maj Gen Charles Harvey Miller, 15 Army Group, relating to operations in Sicily, 1943. Papers relating to service in India and Burma, 1943-1945, including typescript 'Summary of the economic developments in the Far East during the six months ending 30th June, 1944'; 41 captioned official photographs, Burma campaign, 1944, notably including the redeployment by air of 5 Indian Div from the Arakan to Imphal, Indian Army troops and units of 7 Indian Div, Arakan, 1944; typescript notes, 'Points on AFV (armoured fighting vehicles) situation in India' [1944]; typescript text of lecture by Abraham entitled 'Military economy' [1945]; printed volume entitled 'The India base', issued by the Commander-in-Chief's Secretariat, General Headquarters, India, Jan 1945. Papers relating to the oil industry, especially with regard to the Middle East and Burma, 1931-1961, including reports, printed articles, plans and tables of statistics and correspondence, also, typescript report entitled 'General impressions formed during a short visit to the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, December 1934'. Edition of Regimental Standing Orders of the Upper Burma Battalion, Auxiliary Force, (India) by Abraham (Mandalay Press, Mandalay, Burma, 1935). Typescript book manuscript entitled 'Time off for war. Recollections of a wartime Staff Officer' [1977], with copy of typescript letter from AF Rt Hon Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, relating to the memoir, Dec 1977. Papers and correspondence relating to the Burma Star Association, 1964-1979, including letters from Mountbatten, 1968-1979, and from FM Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, 1964-1965, also typescript account entitled 'A short history of the Burma Star Association' [1978].

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Acland · 1979-1980

Papers of Maj Gen Sir John Acland, 1979-1990, relating to his role as Commander of the Commonwealth Monitoring Force monitoring the ceasefire during elections in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Operation AGILA. Papers include general correspondence; situation reports; operational, planning and logistical instructions; maps; minutes; speeches; schedules; correspondence relating to award of operation medal and photographs and slides showing troops on deployment during the operation; Nov 1979 - Mar 1980. Papers evaluating the operation include reports on lessons learned; notes for talks and lectures on Operation AGILA; a detailed chronology of the events between May 1979 and Apr 1980; article, 'The Rhodesia Operation' by Acland, Apr 1980; article, 'Reflections from Rhodesia' by Brig John Hartley Learmont, Deputy Commander Monitoring Force; account of events by Capt Jonathan Bernard Appleton Bailey of the Monitoring Force, Jul 1980. Also copy of recording of Acland discussing the operation, Dec 1990, held at the Imperial War Museum (Ref 11753/3).

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Allenby · Created 1881-1950, 1955

Papers relating to his life and career, 1881-1936, including letters to his family, 1890-1922, notably covering his service in UK, 1890-1896, and South Africa, 1899-1902, including operations around Colesberg, Dec 1899-Jan 1900, relief of Kimberley, Feb 1900, Battle of Diamond Hill, Jun 1900, and operations in Transvaal and Orange Free State, 1900-1902, on Western Front, 1914-1917, including the first battle of Ypres, Oct-Nov 1914, Battle of Arras, Apr 1917, and in Palestine and Egypt, 1917-1922, including third Battle of Gaza, Oct-Nov 1917, capture of Jerusalem, Dec 1917, Battle of Megiddo, Sep 1918, and fall of Damascus, Oct 1918; correspondence relating to Allenby's role as High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan, 1919-1925, including telegrams exchanged by Allenby and the Rt Hon (Joseph) Austen Chamberlain, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, over Nevile Meyrick Henderson's appointment as Minister Plenipotentiary and Allenby's resignation as High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan, 1924-1925; manuscript, typescript and printed texts of speeches, lectures and articles, [1929-1936]; newspaper cuttings, 1899-1936, including obituaries of Allenby, 1936; photographs, 1881-1936. Papers collected by Gen Archibald Percival Wavell during the writing of Allenby: a study in greatness (Harrap and Co, London, 1940) and Allenby in Egypt (Harrap and Co, London, 1943) principally comprising correspondence and notes written by Allenby's army colleagues, 1936-1943; notes and letters from Gerald Delany concerning Allenby in Egypt, [1940-1943]; letter from Gen Sir Henry George Chauvel to Director of Australian War Memorial concerning Seven pillars of wisdom by Thomas Edward Lawrence (also known as Thomas Edward Shaw) (Jonathan Cape, London, 1935), 1936, and printed appreciation of Lawrence by Allenby, 1935.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Allfrey · Created 1928-1947

Memoranda, 1941-1942, circulated to 43 Div by commanders of 12 Corps; transcripts of speeches by Allfrey, 1942-1944; papers relating to the Tunisian campaign, 1942-1943, including operational reports; Italian campaign, 1943-1944, including diaries; miscellaneous papers, 1943-1944, including texts of German propaganda leaflets; miscellaneous correspondence, mainly photocopies, 1942-1944; additional papers copied from scrap album, 1928-1947 including confidential report by Gen Sir Miles Christopher Dempsey, 1947.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Anderson V · 1929-1946

Papers of Lt Col Victor Dennistoun Winstanley Anderson, 1929-1946, relating to service with the Indian Army, comprising group photograph including Anderson and published material including History of the 1st Battalion 14th Punjab Regiment, Sherdil Li Paltan. [by Lt Col G H Thompson], 1946; Passing it on: short talks on tribal fighting on the North West Frontier of India by Gen Sir Andrew Skeen (Gale & Polden, 1932) and the Manual of Military Law, 1929.

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GB 0074 P85/EMM2 · Collection · 1872-1986

Records of the parish of Emmanuel, West Dulwich, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and banns; registers of church services; papers relating to parish missions; administrative papers including correspondence; papers relating to parish boundaries including plans; Churchwardens' papers; correspondence and faculties regarding the church and church hall; Parochial Church Council minutes; and financial records.

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