Showing 5924 results

Archival description
GB 0074 CLC/313/O · Collection · 1300-1547

Records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, relating to chantries and obits, including:

14th or 15th century, calendar of obits (CLC/313/O/027/MS25134).

1541-1547, account of money paid for obits (CLC/313/O/028/MS25648).

c 1547, chantry certificates, giving details of foundations, income and expenditure, and inventories of plate, vestments etc (CLC/313/O/029/MS25526)

Accounts of individual chantries (mainly concerning the collection of rents):
1332 and 1367-(?)70, 1410-18 and 1514-17, chantry of Ralph de Baldock (CLC/313/O/002/MS25137/001-006);
1315-16 and 1341-3, chantry of Henry de Guildford (CLC/313/O/007/MS25140/001-002);
1403, chantry of Alan de Hotham (CLC/313/O/014/MS25150);
1413-27, 1431-3, chantry of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster (CLC/313/O/018/MS25151/001-008);
1461-2 and 1470-1, chantry of John Hiltoft (CLC/313/O/008/MS25144/001-002);
1454-78 (incomplete series), chantry of Sir John Pulteney (CLC/313/O/021/MS25158/001-007);
1477-78, chantry of Roger Walden (CLC/313/O/022/MS25160);
1363-1418 (incomplete series), chantry of Roger de Waltham (CLC/313/O/025/MS25161/001-010);
1361-69, chantry of Nicholas de Wokyndon (CLC/313/O/026/MS25163).

St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/313/D · Collection · 1411-1938

Records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, comprising:

  • Chapter Act books, 1411-48 ("Liber Goodman", WD13) (CLC/313/D/001/MS25513) and 1667-87 (CLC/313/D/004/MS25739). The Act book for 1411-48, the only surviving such volume before 1660, chiefly concerns the cathedral's benefices, prebends, canonries and chantries, (for chantries, see also section CLC/313/O); elections and installations of bishops, deans, and heads of religious houses (see also section CLC/313/E); orders for the regulation of internal disputes and discipline of chapter members and cathedral officers; dispensations for non-residence; and commissions for visitations within the Peculiar jurisdiction (see also section CLC/313/K). The volume covering 1667-87, started with the purpose of registering Acts to extend leases of cathedral tenants whose property had been destroyed in the Great Fire, is mainly blank. Certain Chapter Acts are also included in the Dean's registers (see section CLC/313/C).

  • Chapter minute books, 1660-1821 (CLC/313/D/002/MS25738/001-006). These relate mainly to the estates of the Dean and Chapter and to livings in their gift (see also sections CLC/313/E and CLC/313/L).

  • CLC/313/D/003/MS25795 comprises memoranda of business at chapter meetings, 1661-2, which are more detailed than the corresponding entries in the minute book. The minutes for 1822-32 have not survived.

St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/313/A · Collection · 1099-1764

Records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, including Royal charters, originals and copies, 11th-17th centuries (CLC/313/A/001/MS25241/001-084). The earliest surviving royal charter, by William II, dates from 1099/1100 (CLC/313/A/001/MS25241/004). Other records include a charter roll, probably compiled during the late 13th century, recording royal writs granted to the Cathedral; and a conge d'elire from George III to the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's Cathedral, 1764.

St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/313/J · Collection · 1670-1717

Records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, relating to the reconstruction of parish churches after the Great Fire of London, 1666, including:

Copy orders of the commissioners for rebuilding churches, 1670-1717 (CLC/313/J/010/MS25540/001-002).

Accounts of expenditure on temporary "tabernacles" for worship, pending rebuilding of churches, 1671-7 (CLC/313/J/014/MS25547).

Abstract of accounts of Coal Duty money spent on temporary "tabernacles" and church rebuilding, 1670-96 (CLC/313/J/001/MS25527).

Audited accounts of expenditure on rebuilding the churches, recording the work of individual craftsmen, 1670-94 (CLC/313/J/006/MS25536/001-014).

Accounts of expenditure on rebuilding the churches, with signatures and details of the work of individual craftsmen, 1670-1717 (CLC/313/J/002/MS25539/001-012).

Balance books, recording sums paid to individual craftsmen, 1673-1717 (CLC/313/J/018/MS25541/001-004).

St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/313/L · Collection · 1100-1950

Records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, relating to estates owned by the Dean and Chapter, including court rolls, court books, financial accounts, rent accounts, rentals, surveys of the estates, registers of leases, and title deeds.

St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/313/M · Collection · 1649-1848

Records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, comprising papers relating to the Dean's Peculiar Estates including parliamentary surveys of the Dean's Peculiar estates, compiled in 1649 and after, (CLC/313/M/002/MS11816 and CLC/313/L/F/011/25190); register of leases, 1664-1848 (CLC/313/M/001/MS19931); register of rents and rental of the properties from which the Dean personally drew income.

St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/313/N · Collection · 1306-1950

Records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, relating to the management of estates owned by the Cathedral; including registers of leases, 1721-1861 (CLC/313/N/028/MS25745/001-003); various court rolls and court books; and records of the manor of Tottenhall (Tottenham Court), Middlesex, 1306-78 (CLC/313/N/017/MS25346/001-008).

St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/313/G · Collection · 1222-1881

Financial records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London. Few financial records of the cathedral survive before the 16th century, when records of the Chamberlain and Receiver General appear with increased frequency (the two offices were combined in 1666).

Earlier records include:

  • Register of rents and other payments due, ca. 1222-ca. 1225 (WD12) (CLC/313/G/001/MS25512);
  • Account of expense of the Sacrist, 1276-80 and 1306-10 (CLC/313/G/020/MS25171/001-002);
  • Accounts of the Keeper of the Bakehouse and the Brewhouse, 1340/1 (CLC/313/G/022/MS25172);
  • Account of receipts from the collecting box near the north door, 1342-1344, with account of payments from the Cathedral Treasury, 1349 (CLC/313/G/023/MS25169). The accounts for 1342-1344 have been edited by HH Milman, Annals (1869), pp.516-18;
  • "Quietus" (i.e. receipt) rolls for accounts rendered to the royal Exchequer, 1519-1724 (incomplete) (CLC/313/G/031/MS25439/001-046);
  • Notebook of Michael Shaller, Virger and Under-Chamberlain, late 16th century, including financial accounts and some details of monuments (CLC/313/G/037/MS25532);
  • Signed receipts for payments to Paul's Cross preachers, 1748-1749 and 1756-1757 (incomplete) (CLC/313/G/051/MS25599).

    Many financial records for the 19th and early 20th centuries were almost certainly destroyed in the bombing of the Chapter House in 1940. The following early modern and modern accounts may be especially useful:

  • Accounts of the Chamberlain and Receiver General, 1666-1805 (CLC/313/G/018/MS25643/001-045);
  • Dean and Chapter ledgers, 1938-72 (CF136/1-17);
  • Dean and Chapter cash books, 1930-1971 (CF135/1-12).
St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/313/P · Collection · 1100-1969

Records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London.

Selective extracts from the no longer extant, so called Register of Fulk Basset (Bishop of London, 1241-1259), relating to churches belonging to the Dean and Chapter in the 13th century. Compiled in the 17th century (CLC/313/P/003/MS25788).

Original and copy wills of cathedral officers and benefactors, 13th-17th centuries (CLC/313/P/008/MS25262-70; CLC/313/P/008/MS25271), calendared by Maxwell Lyte (HMC Ninth Report, boxes A66-68).

Inventories of cathedral goods and records:

  • 1313, list of books bequeathed to the cathedral by Ralph de Baldock, Dean of St Paul's, 1294-1304, and Bishop of London, 1304-1313 (CLC/313/P/008/MS25271/007). The titles of most of these are listed by AB Emden, Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500, vol.III (1959), pp.2147-8. See also Maxwell Lyte (HMC Ninth Report), box A66, no.17, now CLC/313/P/008/MS25271/017.
  • 1315-c 1336, copies of the 1295 inventory of the Cathedral Treasury, with additions to c 1330 (WD3, CLC/313/P/009/MS25503) and c 1336 (WD3A, CLC/313/P/010/MS25503A, a photocopy of Bodleian Library Ms Ashmole 845, ff.172-87).
  • 1358, list of books (in an indenture attached to the will of William de Ravenstone, late almoner, CLC/313/P/008/MS25271/046) for the use of the cathedral's Almonry (i.e. Cathedral School). Listed by E Rickert, "Chaucer at School", Modern Philology, vol.29 (1952), pp.257-74. (NB This journal is not held at Guildhall Library).
  • 1402-ca. 1413, 1445/6, inventories of plate, vestments, furniture, books etc. (WD8A, CLC/313/P/011/MS25508A). Edited by W Sparrow Simpson, Archaeologia, vol.50 (1887), pp.500-524. See also W Sparrow Simpson, St Paul's Cathedral and Old City Life, pp.35-46.
  • 1447, Dean Thomas Lisieux's extensive inventory (with draft version) of the cathedral's title deeds, cartularies and record books (WD11 and WD11A, CLC/313/P/013/MS25511 and CLC/313/P/014/MS25511A). See Davis, Medieval Cartularies, nos.600-1.
  • 1451, list of vestments bequeathed to the Dean and Chapter by the late Robert Gilbert, Bishop of London, 1436-48 (CLC/313/P/012/MS25436).
  • 1559, list of books and documents "appertaining to the Cathedral Church...., to the Dean...and [to] the Dean and Chapter", which were passed by Henry Cole (Dean 1556-9) to William May (Dean, 1559-60) (CLC/313/P/015/MS25184). Extracts are printed by Dugdale (1818 edn), p.401.
  • c 1622, list of manuscripts in the Cathedral Library, compiled by Patrick Young, Royal Librarian and, 1621-1652, Treasurer of St Paul's (currently only partly processed, ref. CF56). For the context, see Young's list for Worcester Cathedral, edited by I Atkins and NR Ker, Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Wigorniensis, Made in 1622-1643 (1944).

    The Manuscripts Section holds a number of 18th and 19th century inventories of cathedral records, some compiled by WH Hale and W Sparrow Simpson. These have been catalogued as CLC/313/P/024/MS25612, CLC/313/P/025/MS25613, CLC/313/P/022/MS25614, CLC/313/P/021/MS25615, CLC/313/P/019/MS25616, CLC/313/P/017/MS25617 and CLC/313/P/018/MS25617A.

    Issued for the rebuilding of the cathedral, 1201-1387 (CLC/313/P/031/MS25124/001-076 and extra item). All but the extra unnumbered item are listed by W Sparrow Simpson, Camden Society, new series, vol.26 (1880), pp/175-7. Eight of the items are edited by Sparrow Simpson in the above volume, pp.1-8; three others are edited by HH Milman, Annals (1869), pp.519-21.

    Records of episcopal visitations of the cathedral:
    Episcopal visitation of the cathedral seems to have gone unchallenged. However in 1289 the cathedral's prebends were declared free of episcopal and archidiaconal jurisdiction: see W Sparrow Simpson, Registrum, p.89.

  • Copies of presentments at the episcopal visitation of 1598, by minor canons, virgers etc., making various allegations (CLC/313/P/037/MS25175) [edited by W Sparrow Simpson, Registrum, pp.272-80].
  • Transcripts of injunctions issued at episcopal visitations, 1696 and 1724-5 (CLC/313/P/005/MS25663/001-002) [edited by W Sparrow Simpson, Registrum, pp.281-316.]
St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/313/C · Collection · 1381-1909

Records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, comprising:

  • Dean's registers, 1536-1642 and 1660-1909 (CLC/313/C/001/MS25630/001-047). These registers chiefly record: leases of property, rectories etc. belonging to the Dean and Chapter collectively (but including some leases of property of individual dignitaries or prebends - see also sections CLC/313/L-N; Chapter Acts (see also section CLC/313/D); institutions of incumbents to benefices in the cathedral's patronage and within the Peculiar jurisdiction (see also sections CLC/313/E and CLC/313/K); elections of bishops (to 1633) and deans (to 1782), and admissions of cathedral and diocesan officials (see also section CLC/313/E); and admissions of manorial and estate officers, to ca. 1848 (see also section CLC/313/E).

  • Seal books, 1660-1940 (CLC/313/C/004/MS25660/001-008 and CLC/313/C/005/MS25661). These books contain abstracts of documents to which the seal of the Dean and Chapter was attached. These comprise leases (see also section CLC/313/L, especially series G), powers of attorney, presentations, nominations, appointments of officials and (1803-ca. 1847) licences for curates and lecturers within the Peculiar jurisdiction (see also sections CLC/313/E and CLC/313/K).

  • Dean and Chapter muniment books, 1660-1912 (CLC/313/C/006/MS25664/1-8). These books contain installations of officials, and (to ca. 1847) petitions for consecrations, faculties, institutions within the Peculiar jurisdiction (see also sections CLC/313/E and CLC/313/K).

  • Dean and Chapter Commissary's muniment book, 1694-1779 (CLC/313/C/007/MS25665). A supplement to MS25664 above, chiefly recording faculties issued, but also including copies (from 1756 only) of licences for curates, lecturers, parish clerks and dissenting meeting houses within the Peculiar jurisdiction (see also sections CLC/313/E and CLC/313/K).

St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/313/K · Collection · 1296-1981

Records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, relating to their jurisdiction over Peculiar parishes, including:

  • 1296, roll of Peculiar Court business conducted in certain parishes in Essex (CLC/313/K/B/005/MS25432).

  • 1328, Peculiar Court business conducted in certain parishes in Hertfordshire (CLC/313/K/B/006/MS25433).

  • 1378, visitations of churches in Essex CLC/313/K/B/001/MS25165).

  • 1667-1825, visitation and court assignation books (incomplete) (CLC/313/K/B/003/MS25533/001-010).

St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/313/B · Collection · 1100-1871

Records of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, comprising statutes and evidence books.

  • "Liber L", a cartulary and statute book (original press mark WD4, now CLC/313/B/001/MS25504), early 12th-early 14th centuries, containing inter alia: copies of charters from the reign of Ethelbert (860-6) onwards; manorial inquisitions (see also section CLC/313/L, including CLC/313/L/E-G) and visitations within the cathedral's Peculiar jurisdiction (see also section CLC/313/K/B), 11th -14th centuries; and cathedral statutes, (?)13th century. "Liber L" has been calendared, with extensive extracts edited, by Maxwell Lyte (HMC Ninth Report). See Davis, Medieval Cartularies, no.596. Parts of this volume (lists of chantries and an inventory) are also described in sections CLC/313/O and CLC/313/P.

  • "Liber A, sive Pilosus", cartulary (press mark WD1, now CLC/313/B/012/MS25501), 1241-1340, with additional entry 1505-1550, containing copies of charters from the reign of Edward the Confessor (1042-66) onwards relating to cathedral property, rights and privileges in the City of London, Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Essex, Middlesex, Surrey, Warwickshire and Wiltshire. Folios 1-37v are edited in full by Marion Gibbs, Early Charters. See also Davis, Medieval Cartularies, no.597.

  • Statute and evidence book, ca. 1250-ca. 1300 (WD19) (CLC/313/B/015/MS25519).

  • Statute and evidence book, late 13th century-1486 (WD2) (CLC/313/B/016/MS25502) [parts of this volume are also described in sections CLC/313/G and CLC/313/O].

  • "Statuta Majora", 14th century (WD9) (CLC/313/B/021/MS25509) [parts of this volume are also described in sections CLC/313/L, O and P].

  • "Statuta Minora", early 15th century-1813 (WD20) (CLC/313/B/024/MS25520).

  • Statute and evidence book, early 15th century (WD8) (CLC/313/B/028/MS25508).

  • Statute book, 15th century (WD7) (CLC/313/B/030/MS25507).

  • Statute and evidence book, late 15th century (WD5) (CLC/313/B/031/MS25505).

    Many of the cathedral's early statutes have been edited by W Sparrow Simpson, Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londinensis (1873). His compilation, from the volumes described above (except for MS25501, WD1) includes statutes by Ralph de Diceto (Dean, 118 0-ca. 1200), William de Montfort (Dean, 1285-94), Ralph de Baldock (Dean, 1294-1304 and Bishop of London, 1304-13), Stephen de Gravesend (Bishop, 1318-38), Robert Braybrooke (Bishop, 1381-1404) and William Warham (Bishop, 1501-3); Sparrow Simpson's Registrum also includes extracts from CLC/313/B/034/MS25506 (WD6), ca. 1611-ca. 1613; CLC/313/B/033/MS25510 (WD10), 1502; and CLC/313/B/027/MS25624 (WC39), a transcript made in 1874 of Ms 25520.

St Paul's Cathedral , London
GB 0074 CLC/395 · Collection · 1819-2002

Records of Saint Paul's Anglican Church, Athens, Greece, including registers of baptisms 1834-1934, marriages 1840-2001, and burials 1835-1934, as well as service registers, minutes, correspondence and accounts.

St Paul's Anglican Church , Athens, Greece
GB 0074 CLC/396 · Collection · 1946-1951

Minute book of the Church Council of the Anglican Church of Saint Paul, Monte Carlo, Monaco.

St Paul's Anglican Church , Monte Carlo, Monaco
LMA/4320 · Collection · 1861-1919

Records of Saint Paul's Presbyterian Church including Congregational meetings minute book, 1897-1919; Court of Session minute book, 1862-1919; Deacons' Court minute book, 1861-1919 and register of baptisms, 1862-1909.

Presbyterian Church of England
LMA/4401 · Collection · 1901-1938

Records of Saint Paul's Presbyterian Church, Croydon, including Court of Session minute books, 1901-1928; Deacons' Court minute books, 1902-1927; annual reports, 1901-1927; printed manual, 1959 and Communicants' roll books, 1901-1938.

Presbyterian Church of England
GB 0074 ACC/0516 · Collection · 1767-1856

Records of the Mill Hill Chapel, Hendon, including article of agreement stating that Zachariah and James Bowden and William Wilberforce of Highwood Hill, Hendon agree to build chapel at Mill Hill, Hendon, 1829; declarations regarding the quality of the brickwork used in the chapel, 1830; statements of account, 1833; receipts and correspondence relating to the construction of the chapel, 1829-1831; statement of expenditure by William Wilberforce for the erection of stables and coach-house at the Three Crowns, Highwood Hill, Hendon, 1828; assignments of annuity relating to Fysh Coppinger, London merchant, 1767; petition of Sir John Gibbons and others to the Court of Chancery concerning deeds, books and papers relating to Stanwell Free School, 1820 and letters patent granted to Alexander Tolhausen of Adelphi, London, for a "Machine for Cutting Articles of Polygonal figure in wood or other material", 1856.

Church of England: St Paul's Church, Mill Hill
GB 0074 DRO/164 · Collection · 1540-2008

Records of the parish of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Harlington, including composite registers (1540-1812), baptism registers (1813-2008), burial registers (1813-1982), marriage registers (1754-2003), banns registers, church service registers, graves register, Parochial Church Council and Vestry minutes, tithe records including map and apportionment (1841), financial accounts, correspondence, faculties relating to the maintenance of church buildings, legal documents relating to church lands, photographs and parish magazines and newsletters.

Parish of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Harlington , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/043 · Collection · 1868-1941

Records of the parish of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Teddington, comprising registers of baptisms and registes of marriages.

Parish of St Peter and St Paul, Teddington , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/PET1 · Collection · 1300-1985

Records of the parish of Saint Peter Cornhill, City of London. The records held include a Vulgate Bible dating from circa 1300 (Ms 4158A) and a Cartulary dating from 1425-6 (Ms 4158). The main archive dates from the 16th century with parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns) from 1538, vestry minutes from 1574 and tithe rate, poor rate and church rate books from 1579. The remaining records date from the 17th century, including churchwardens' records, administrative papers, papers relating to poor relief and papers relating to the parish estate.

Parish of St Peter Cornhill, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/PET2 · Collection · 1561-1947

Records of the parish of Saint Peter le Poer, Old Broad Street, City of London, including parish registers (baptisms, marriages, banns, burials) dating from 1561, the rest of the archive dates from the 17th century and includes Vestry minutes; Churchwardens' and Overseers' financial accounts; poor rate books and tithe rate books.

Parish of St Peter le Poer, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/126 · Collection · 1915-1961

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Acton Green, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriages, confirmations and church services; orders of service; working papers and correspondence of the incumbent; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to glebe land; papers relating to the maintenance of the church, vicarage and hall; Churchwardens' accounts, reports and correspondence; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes, correspondence and reports; financial accounts; papers regarding parish charities; and printed items including parish magazines, newspaper cuttings, programmes, posters and music; and photographs.

Parish of St Peter, Acton Green , Church of England
GB 0074 P70/PET · Collection · 1874-1996

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Battersea, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and church services; orders of services; papers regarding the maintenance of church buildings; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; parish magazines; historical notes and photographs.

Parish of St Peter, Battersea , Church of England
GB 0074 P81/PET · Collection · 1859-1982

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Belsize Park, including baptism registers; marriage registers; confirmation register; Parochial Church Council minutes and financial accounts; and cash books.

Parish of St Peter, Belsize Park , Church of England
GB 0074 P72/PET · Collection · 1843-1976

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Bethnal Green, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; documents relating to church properties; Churchwarden's accounts and vouchers; papers, plans and faculties relating to church buildings; Parochial Church Council and Easter Vestry minutes; papers relating to Saint Peter's National School; and parish newsletters.

Parish of St Peter, Bethnal Green , Church of England
GB 0074 P75/PET · Collection · 1860-2000

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Brockley, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and banns; Parochial Church Council minutes and papers; financial accounts; faculties; papers relating to the church hall; parish magazines; and photographs.

Parish of St Peter, Brockley , Church of England
GB 0074 P76/PET1 · Collection · 1844-1953

Records of Saint Peter's, Clerkenwell, also known as the Smithfield Martyrs Memorial Church, including registers of baptisms; registers of marriages; Churchwarden's vouchers; papers relating to the church organ; deeds and leases.

Parish of St Peter, Clerkenwell , Church of England Smithfield Martyrs Memorial Church , Church of England
GB 0074 P84/PET1 · Collection · 1856-1975

Records of the parish of St Peter, Cranley Gardens, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and burial services; records relating to staff; papers regarding the benefice; Churchwardens' records; papers relating to the church fabric including faculties; financial records; papers of the Parochial Church Council; papers relating to parish charities and societies; parish magazines; and papers regarding parish boundaries.

Parish of St Peter, Cranley Gardens , Church of England
GB 0074 P83/PET1 · Collection · 1874-1978

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Dartmouth Park Hill, Islington, including registers of baptisms and marriages; church service registers; papers of the Sunday school; Churchwardens' accounts; Church Building Committee minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes; annual reports; parish magazines; papers relating to the benefice; papers relating to parochial charities and the church school.

Parish of St Peter, Dartmouth Park Hill , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/101 · Collection · 1750-1993

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Ealing, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and church services; papers of the incumbent relating to the work of the clergy; papers regarding church personnel; parish boundaries; papers regarding the construction and maintenance of church buildings and the churchyard; churchwardens' papers; records relating to parish administration and finance, charities, societies and clubs; and printed material.

The collection includes four items relating to the temporary iron church: a baptism register, 1882-93 (DRO/101/1), a preacher's book, 1882-93 (DRO/101/16), vestry minutes, 1882-93 (DRO/101/134) and churchwardens' accounts, 1889-93 (DRO/101/131). The rest, and bulk of the collection, relates to the permanent church of St. Peter. Of particular note are three scrapbooks (DRO/101/249-251), compiled by the parish after 1989, of various important items relating to the history of the parish.

Parish of St Peter, Ealing , Church of England
GB 0074 P77/PET · Collection · 1883-1958

Records of the Parish of Saint Peter, Fulham, including registers of baptisms, marriages and church services; financial accounts; and faculty for maintenance of church building.

Parish of St Peter, Fulham , Church of England
GB 0074 P78/PET · Collection · 1866-1960

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Greenwich, comprising registers of confirmations, baptisms and marriages.

Parish of St Peter, Greenwich , Church of England
GB 0074 P79/PET · Collection · 1842-1969

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Hackney, comprising registers of baptisms and registers of marriages.

Parish of Saint Peter, Hackney , Church of England
GB 0074 P80/PET · Collection · 1941-1991

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Hammersmith, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, confirmations, preachers and church services; papers relating to glebe lands, terrier and sequestration; faculties and correspondence relating to the maintenance of church buildings; Vestry meeting minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes; annual reports; parish magazines; photographs; and scrapbooks of leaflets, circulars, tickets, programmes, orders of services, newspaper cuttings and similar.

Parish of St Peter, Hammersmith , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/183 · Collection · 1907-1982

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Harrow, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; Parochial Church Council minutes; and annual financial accounts.

Parish of St Peter, Harrow , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/038 · Collection · 1898-1977

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Hornsey, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations, and church services; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to the advowson; Churchwardens' financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minutes; and Vestry minutes.

Parish of St Peter, Hornsey , Church of England
GB 0074 P91/PET · Collection · 1870-1937

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Hoxton Square, Hoxton, comprising registers of marriages, banns and baptisms.

Parish of St Peter, Hoxton Square , Church of England
GB 0074 P83/PET2 · Collection · 1836-1987

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Devonia Road, Islington, including registers of baptisms. marriages and banns; church services registers; orders of service; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; general correspondence; papers relating to parish boundaries; records relating to the constructions and maintenance of church buildings including faculties; papers relating to the mission hall; financial accounts; papers relating to parish societies; legal papers relating to parish properties, such as deeds; parish magazines; photographs and newspaper cuttings.

Parish of St Peter, Islington , Church of England
GB 0074 P86/PET1 · Collection · 1871-1967

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Lee, including registers of baptisms (1871-1940, 1946-1967), marriages (1871-1960), confirmations, banns, preachers, readers, collections and church services; financial records including Churchwardens' accounts; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minute books; minute books of the Entertainment Committee and the Social and Literary Club and parish magazines.

Parish of St Peter, Lee , Church of England
GB 0074 P88/PET · Collection · 1866-1968

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Garford Street, Limehouse including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns of marriage.

Parish of St Peter, Limehouse , Church of England
GB 0074 P93/PET2 · Collection · 1857-1966

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, London Docks, comprising registers of baptisms and marriages, and pamphlet The First Hundred Years at St. Peter's London Docks by Madge Darby, 1966.

Parish of St Peter, London Docks , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/061 · Collection · 1892-1979

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Lower Edmonton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; financial accounts; and Committee meeting minutes.

Parish of St Peter, Lower Edmonton , Church of England
GB 0074 P93/PET1 · Collection · 1839-1957

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Cephas Street, Mile End Old Town, including registers of baptisms and marriages; photographs; and a register of church services.

Parish of St Peter, Mile End Old Town , Church of England
GB 0074 P87/PET · Collection · 1866-1980

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Elgin Avenue, Paddington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns.

Parish of St Peter, Paddington , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/PET3 · Collection · 1607-1908

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Paul's Wharf, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; Vestry minutes; Churchwardens' account books; Overseers' papers relating to parish poor relief; church rate and poor rate assessment books.

Parish of St Peter, Paul's Wharf, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 P90/PET · Collection · 1812-1943

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Regent Square, including registes of baptisms and marriages; curate's licences; papers relating to parish properties; financial records; papers relating to the maintenance of the church fabric; parish magazines and papers relating to the parish school.

Parish of St Peter, Regent Square , Church of England
GB 0074 P82/PET · Collection · 1832-1944

Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Saffron Hill, including registers of baptisms; registers of marriages; registers of burials; registers of church services; banns book; pew rent books; Parochial Church Council minutes and financial accounts; tithe collectors book; and Churchwardens' Charity account books.

Parish of St Peter, Saffron Hill , Church of England