Records of the parish of All Hallows, London Wall, City of London. The earliest records are churchwardens' accounts, which date from 1455. There are parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns, church services) from 1559, and vestry minutes from 1700. However, most of the records date from the 18th century or later, including poor rate assessments and tithe rate assessments.
Parish of All Hallows, London Wall, City of London , Church of EnglandThe records comprise transcripts by Frederick Teague Cansick of monumental inscriptions in churchyards and burial grounds in Saint Andrew Holborn, Saint Giles in the Fields, All Hallows Bread Street, All Hallows London Wall, Christchurch Newgate Street, Saint Benet Paul's Wharf, Saint Botolph Aldersgate, Saint Mary Aldermary, Saint Mary Woolnoth, Saint Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street, Saint Mary Queenhithe, Saint Sepulchre, Saint James Pentonville Road, All Saints Edmonton and All Hallows Tottenham.
Cansick , Frederick Teague , b 1829 , authorThese papers relate to the property of Sir John Buckworth and his family. They comprise deeds and related papers concerning property in or near Great Winchester Street within the parishes of All Hallows London Wall and St Peter le Poer.
Various.Records of Robert Hovenden, antiquarian researcher. The records comprise: transcript of the apprentice bindings book of the Barber Surgeons' Company; collectanea towards the genealogy of the Hovenden family; extracts from the parish registers of All Hallows London Wall, St Magnus the Martyr, St Mary at Hill, St Margaret Moses, St Andrew Hubbard, St Mildred Bread Street and All Saints Edmonton; copies of mural tables and ledger stones of St Michael Queenhithe; and extracts from wills relating to Hackney.
Hovenden , Robert , 1830-1908 , antiquarian researcherRecords of the parish of Saint Botolph, Bishopsgate, City of London. The archive dates from the 16th century, with parish registers (baptisms, marriages, banns, burials) from 1558, churchwardens' accounts from 1567 and vestry minutes from 1616. Poor rate and tithe rate assessments are particularly well represented, with a number of extensive and comprehensive series spanning 1703-1946.
Parish of St Botolph Bishopsgate, City of London , Church of EnglandPlans, maps and diagrams of streets and properties in the City of London and Greater London, [1500]-1983. Please note that this series is extensive and this list has been chosen to demonstrate the wide range of available material rather than being an exhaustive list. Please consult the detailed listings for further information.
General plans and maps of the City of London including survey of encroachments upon London Wall with encroachments upon the wall surrounding Moorfields, by William Leybourn, 1676; plan of the City, Westminster and Southwark, 1752; coloured map of Greater London, showing the boundaries of the City of London, 1825; diagram showing relative levels and contour lines, 1847; general plan of the City of London by Frank Summer, City Engineer, 1914; plan showing City boundary, 1914; map of London and surrounding districts showing administrative counties; county, municipal and metropolitan boroughs; urban and rural district and civil parish boundaries; and parliamentary constituencies scheduled in Representation of the People Act, 1948. Map showing the parishes of the City prior to the Union of Parishes Acts, 1878-1880; coloured directory map of London, showing ward boundaries and parish boundaries, 1909; plan of the City of London showing the wards of Langbourn, Candlewick, Walbrook, Dowgate, Billingsgate, Bridge Within, Cheap and Farringdon without, accompanied by drawings of churches and the arms of the two aldermen of the wards, 1755; plan showing the division of the City of London into Wards, with the number of common councilmen representing each ward, 1822; map of the Wards of Cheap, Cordwainer, Vintry and Walbrook to accompany the Act of Common Council to alter the boundaries of those wards, 1957; map of the wards of Aldersgate, Cripplegate and Farringdon Within to accompany the Act of Common Council to alter the boundaries of those wards, 1969; map of the Wards of Cheap, Cordwainer, Vintry and Walbrook to accompany Act of Common Council, 1971; outline plan of Greater London, showing the approximate boundaries of London Borough Administrative Areas, 1970.
Maps showing public sewers within the City of London, showing Inspector's Districts, 1841-1853; map of London and its environs showing the boundary of the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Board of Works, the boundaries of the City of London, and the boundaries of the water companies' districts, 1884; plans and sections of the proposed works by the London Sewage Chemical Manure Company in Westminster, Barmondsey and Lambeth, 1846; plan and sections of the proposed works of the London Drainage Company to drain the Metropolis and preserve the Thames from impurities, 1847-1853; sewers and electricity mains, 1902-1909; London Electric Supply Company high pressure mains, 1909; London County Council unfiltered water mains, 1944; boundaries and area of the Coal Duty with locations of coal posts, [1846] and [1959]; plan showing police divisions of the City of London and also areas of jurisdiction of the Guildhall and Mansion House Justice Rooms, 1914; carriageway traffic in the City of London for one day of 12 hours, 1903; plan showing existing and proposed pedestrian crossings, 1914; plan marked to show the location of accidents involving pedestrians, 1966; maps relating to Stopping up of Public Paths Orders, 1970-1981. Maps showing land in the City owned by different companies including City Livery Companies, Central London Electricity Ltd, with service positions, Cable and Wireless Ltd, the General Post Office and the Port of London Authority, 1947; preliminary survey, preservation of trees, 1950; plan of City showing the location of public conveniences, 1968 and plan of the City of London showing the positions of five hydrants as fixed by the Corporation, and also police and fire brigade stations and five alarm posts, 1880.
Plans relating to general urban development including plan showing numbering of street properties, 1842; plan of the City of London showing slum property presented in the Medical Officer's Report as being in need of rebuilding, 1880, plan of the City of London, showing 21 sites proposed to be dealt with by the Medical Officer of Health under the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act 1875; diagrams showing restrictions on height of buildings and the percentage of a site which may be occupied under the Town Planning Scheme, 1938-1939; survey of the North Lambeth and Southwark redevelopment area, showing borough and wood boundaries; age and condition of buildings; church property; education; licensed premises; industry, commerce and railways; health and social services; and open spaces, 1945; maps relating to Compulsory Purchase Orders, 1950-1982; maps attached to the London County Council Development Plan, 1962.
General plans of the Thames and other waterways including plan of the Maze Ponds, being a portion of the survey of the water courses, streams and ponds belonging to Battle Mills, 1680; surveys of the Thames, 1770-1839; 32 sheets of plans and sections of the River Thames at various points showing tidal observations, navigational and geological points and other observations, 1833 - 1882; plan of sections of the River Thames appointed by the Corporation of London as places for colliers to anchor on their entrance into the port, 1838; 37 sheets of plans and sections showing proposed works for the improvement of the navigation of the River Lee, 1849 - 1850; plan of the River Lea, Middlesex, 1881; diagrams of tidal observations taken from Deptford, Erith Pier, Gravesend Pier, Teddington Lock and Southend Pier every day from 13 September to 30 November 1882; and hydrographic survey of the Thames from Blackfriars Bridge to London Bridge, 1958.
Plans of Corporation of London properties including plan of Guildhall Yard, showing the vicarage and the Comptroller's house, 1681; plan and sections of a design for a muniment room at the Guildhall, 1835; plan of the Town Clerk's House, Guildhall, 1859-1860; 22 black and white photographs and drawings of the Guildhall, collected during restoration work in 1910 for use by Sydney Perks, late City Architect and Surveyor, in his 'Essays on Old London'; plans for the extension for new offices and committee rooms, 1926 - 1927; plan of the Guildhall Crypt as it appeared in the early part of the fifteenth century, 1927; plans for the reconstruction of the Guildhall by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, 1935-1968. Also proposals for the site of the Mansion House, including at Stocks Market by George Dance the Elder, 1730s and by John James, 1735-1737, and on Leadenhall Street, by John James, 1735-1737 and by James Gibbs, 1735; plans of Mansion House, 1930 and 1953; Bridgehouse offices and yard, 1790-1793; alterations at the Sessions House, 1806; Commissioners of Sewers offices, 1860-1896; Barbican South Block, 1962-1971 and the Museum of London, 1964-1971.
Plans of hospitals, workhouses, schools and prisons including plan of Christ's Hospital premises adjoining London Wall, showing distiller's house and workhouse, Aldersgate Churchyard and parish workhouse, town ditch, hospital churchyard, a brewhouse and the passage to Little Britain, [1750]; plan of part of old Bethlem Burying Ground, 1773; design for a new entrance to Christ's Hospital, 1832; plan of Bethlehem Hospital and King Edward's School, 1894; plan of land on lease to the City of London Mental Hospital, Kent, Dartford, 1909 and plan of land behind the Hospital, 1917; Christ's Hospital offices, Tower Street, 1913; plan of the new Bethlem Hospital, 1926; plan of the Bethlem Royal Hospital estate at Monks Orchard, Beckenham, 1928 and 1937; St Bartholomew's Hospital plans, 1928-1929; plans of the Golden Lane Mortuary, 1911-1950; plan for letting ground for building on the site occupied by the London Workhouse and for erecting a dwelling house and school rooms for children, 1823; plan for letting on building leases the site of the late London Workhouse, Bishopsgate Street, 1830-1831; proposed workhouse for the West London Union, Cornwallis Road, Upper Holloway, [1863]; proposals for site of the City of London School in Islington, 1833, and in Honey Lane Market, 1835; plan and elevations of the City of London Freemen's School, 1854-1926; plan of the Cordwainer and Bread Street Schools, 1852; plans of the City of London School, Grove Park, Kent, 1924; plans of the Freemen's School at Ashtead Park, showing the allocation of rooms on each floor in the school and mansion, 1929-1939; plan of new building at City of London School for Boys, 1936; plans of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, 1970-1973; plans of the former site of the City of London School for Girls and Guildhall School of Music at John Carpenter Street, 1977; plan of Gresham College with its grounds and almshouses, [1700]; plan of property belonging to the London, Gresham and Rogers almhous es on the Ferndale Road, 1901; broadsheets describing the state of the Newgate gaol [ such as number of prisoners, offences, numbers executed], 1785-1792; plans of Newgate gaol, 1757-1848; plans of Giltspur Street Compter, 1800 and 1848, Southwark Compter, 1848 and Whitecross Street Compter, 1848.
Plans, maps and diagrams of London markets, including survey and plans of Leadenhall Market, 1677-1981, plans for improvements at Leadenhall and Smithfield markets, by Horace Jones, 1868-1881; plans of Smithfield, 1837-1868, and plans of London Central Market [Smithfield] including plan of the Southern Railway route below the market, showing proposed works to the substructure, 1923, the Meat Inspection Offices at London Central Market, 1930 and 1980 and plans of the market, 1937 and 1958-1969; plan and section of Billingsgate Market showing the supply of water, ventilation and drainage to the market, 1850, and other plans 1856-1980, plans of stalls at Newgate Market, 1692-1860; plans of Spitalfields Market 1900-1974 including photographs 1912-1934; map of East London showing the situation of 11 proposed sites for a foreign cattle market, 1870; plans of the Foreign Cattle Market, Deptford, showing the quantity of cattle pens and the layout of the slaughter houses, 1871-1902, including photographs, 1872; plans of Fleet Market, 1737 and 1799; plans of Farringdon Market, 1824-1828; map of East London, showing the proposed site of a metropolitan fish market at Shadwell and including a proposed subway for foot and carriage traffic under the Thames, 1881; plan of Stocks Market, off The Poultry, 1692; and plans of Honey Lane Market, showing the dimensions of the roads and adjoining areas and of the stalls, including the member of each, 1692, 1781 and 1833. Plans showing proposed sites for the new Metropolitan Cattle market including sites at Acton; Crouch End Road, off Seven Sisters Road; Bow Common; Wanstead Flats; Blackwall; Duckets Farm Tottenham; Church End, Finchley, off the Great North Road and Brentford, 1832-1852; plan of the proposed layout for the estate of Samuel Pocock, Esquire at Islington, including the new cattle market and Caledonian Road, 1855; coloured lithograph of the Inauguration of the New Metropolitan Cattle Market, 1855; plan o f the Metropolitan Cattle Market, showing approach roads, public houses, and the layout of the market place, 1855; plan of the decoration for the first stone to be laid in the new clock tower, including all the names of the members of the Metropolitan Cattle Market Committee, 1854; plans of the Metropolitan Cattle Market, 1916-1963, including plan of war time use; graph showing fluctuation in the number of cattle, sheep, calves and pigs slaughtered at the Metropolitan Cattle Market between 1912 and 1955 and photographs of visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales to the abattoir in connection with the inauguration by the Ministry of Agriculture of their Scheme for the grading of cattle carcases, 23 Oct 1929.
Site plans, elevations and sections of individual properties including plan of the Rose Tavern near Poultry Compter, [1500]; plan of 8 tenements belonging to the Bridge House Estates on the north-side of Newgate Market Street, showing the names of each tenant and the extent of their plots, 1616; two plans of houses in Old Bethlem belonging to City Lands Estates, [1676]; plan of properties belonging to the Bridge House Estates showing tenements in Black Raven Court, off Golden Lane, 1714; plan of Conduit Mead property off Bond Street and Grafton Street, giving detailed measurements and plot boundaries, 1733; plans of the Conduit Mead estate, 1736 and 1807; plans of properties and streets in Deptford, including canals and docks, 1760-1932; properties along Blackfriars Road, [1760] and 1815-1892; plan and elevation of property belonging to the Bridge House Estates in and around Angel Court, Bishopsgate Street, 1764; properties and streets in St George's Fields, 1768-1859; properties on the Minories, 1774-1798; properties on Butcher Row, 1775; properties on Fenchurch Street, 1776-1908; plan of ground in Blackman Street and part of King's Bench Prison, 1777; properties in Lewisham, especially High Street, 1795-1921; City Lands property, 1799; plan of Limehouse fronting the river, showing the various premises and their owners, and also the position of the footpath to Poplar, 1799; ground plan of East India House, Leadenhall Street, 1800; plan of Blackwall fronting the river, showing the various premises and their owners, 1800; the Stock Exchange and vicinity, 1802; properties on Mill Lane, including Borough Compter and Hayes's Wharf, 1803-1859; properties on Paternoster Row, 1803-1913; plan of premises belonging to Messrs Jukes, Coulson and Company at Limehouse, 1808; the London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, 1812; properties in Tooley Street, 1813-1912; the General Post Office, St Martin's le Grand, 1819-1828; Coleman Street Ward Watch House, 1824; properties on London Wall, 1824-1969; properties in Wood Street, 1829-1938; estate at Mile End Road, Bromley by Bow, belonging to Emanuel Goodhant, 1833; the Royal Exchange, 1838-1844 and 1938; Bishopsgate Street properties, [1830]-1940 and 1966; properties on Newgate Street, 1840-1908; properties in White Street, Bermondsey, 1842-1928; properties on Old Kent Road, 1843-1907; various public conveniences [toilets] and urinals, 1845-1914; properties on Leadenhall Street, 1846-1917; properties along Borough Road, 1854-1936; The Coal Exchange, including Roman ruins in basement, 1859 and 1950-1968; properties on Queen Victoria Street, 1862-1936; premises at No. 10 Bury Court, St Mary Axe, 1868; plan of alterations and repairs proposed for 'The Lamb Tavern', Islington, 1875; artisan's dwellings at the Petticoat Square housing development, 1879-1902; various artisan's dwellings developments, 1879-1881, including plans and sections of the artesian well proposed by the Hydraulic Rapid Boring Company to supply the development at Petticoat Square, 1887-1892; properties in Westminster Bridge Road, 1892-1922; properties on Eldon Street near Finsbury Circus, 1898-1901; plan of property on the corner of Blomfield Street and Eldon Street, late the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, 1900; underground convenience [toilet] near Blackfriars Bridge, 1912; Ilford Housing project, 1913-1923; Hutchison Street Area Housing, 1919-1930; plans of The Circus No. 7, Queen's Court Nos. 1-4 and Vine Street No. 3 and 5, 1925; general plans of the artisan's dwellings at Middlesex Street Estate, 1926-1928, also plans of properties on the estate including proposed reconstruction of Kings Flats, 1957-1958, Dutton House improvements, 1961-1962, and scheme to demolish flats on the estate, 1967-1973; proposals for Devonshire House, Bishopsgate, 1928; Meat Inspection Offices, Charterhouse Street, 1930; plan of the property of the City Parochial Foundation's Southwark Es tate on Southwark Bridge Road, 1936; Holloway Housing Estate, including property purchased from HMP Holloway, 1938-1951; fire escapes at Merchant Taylor's Hall, Threadneedle Street, 1939; proposals for the Bankers' Clearing House, King William Street, 1939; rebuilding of Heal and Son Ltd, Tottenham Court Road, 1939; the Lloyd's Bank Buildings, Moorgate, 1942-1950; proposals for the Golden Lane Housing Scheme, 1951; elevation of Bucklersbury House, Queen Victoria Street, 1956; car park, Upper Thames Street, 1960-1962; development at Houndsditch, 1963 and Cavendish Telephone Exchange, Houndsditch, 1966; Telephone Exchange, Wood Street, 1964; rebuilding of head office, National Provincial Bank, Bishopsgate, 1965; Norfolk Suffolk House, Laurence Pountney Hill, 1967-1969; and No 51-53, Charterhouse Street, 1971.
Plans and maps of street layouts, particularly improvement works, including Oxford Street, 1708-1779; plans of the Finsbury Estate, including Bunhill Fields, the Artillery Ground, Old Street and City Road, 1774, 1781 and 1802; plan for making an opening from Bride Street to the Broadway in Blackfriars, showing premises affected and the course of the Fleet Sewer, 1779; Newgate street, 1787-1963; Moorfields area, 1815-1925; plan of streets stopped up for His Majesty King William IV's visit to the City, 1830; Holborn Valley improvements, including Holborn Viaduct, 1832-1869; plan of the projected viaduct from Fetter Lane to the Old Bailey showing also the proposed extension to Chancery Lane and improvement to Farringdon Market, 1834; 'Mr Belchers plan for improvements of Holborn Hill, by a proposed viaduct from Holborn to Skinner St', [1842]; plan and sections of the proposed embankment road from Whitehall Place to Chatham Place, Blackfriars, and of the proposed embankment from Westminster Bridge to the northern pier of Hungerford Bridge, 1843; Cheapside area, 1846-1967; proposed improvements to streets, Billingsgate Ward, 1852; plan and section of the proposed embankment and public roadway on the Middlesex side of the Thames between Vauxhall Bridge and Battersea Bridge, 1852; plan of Reynolds Estate, Stratford, Essex, 1862; subways, Aldersgate Street, 1880; Middlesex Street, 1927 and 1964-1967; plans for development of St Paul's Cathedral precinct including maps superimposed with different proposals for development, including the piazza of St Peter's Rome, the Royal Academy, the Royal Fine Art Commission, Holden-Holford and William Holford [planning consultants to the City of London] proposals, 1934-1969; and diagrams of St Paul's Height Zoning to protect views of the Cathedral, 1935-1939; Houndsditch Pipe Subway extension, 1935-1937; improvements, Cannon Street - Queen Victoria Street intersection, 1947; redevelopment, Bucklersbury / Pancras Lane ar ea and Thavies Inn area, Holborn Circus, 1950; street improvements at Holborn Circus, [1959]; Moorfields development works, 1960-1966, Aldgate High Street improvements, 1963 - 1969 and Holborn Viaduct and Snow Hill redevelopment, 1965-1967.
Plans of churches and churchyards, including ground plans of Christ Church, Newgate Street; Bridewell Chapel; Hallows Staining, Mark Lane; All Hallows, London Wall; All Hallows, Lombard Street; All Hallows, Bread Street; All Hallows Barking, Great Tower Street; Holy Trinity Church, Fetter Lane; Holy Trinity the Less; St Michael Queenhithe; St Vedast-alias-Foster; St Stephen, Coleman Street; St Stephen, Walbrook; St Swithin, London Stone; St Mary Bothaw; St Sepulchre, Holborn; St Peter, Paul's Wharf; St Peter le Poor; St Peter West Cheap; St. Paul's Cathedral and the Cathedral Churchyard; St. Gregory by St. Paul's; St. Augine, Old Change; St Pancras, Soper Lane; St Nicolas Olave; St Olave Hart Street; St Olave Silver Street; St Nicholas Cole Abbey; St Mildred, Bread Street; St Mildred the Virgin, Poultry; St Nicholas Acon; St Michael Paternoster Royal; St Michael Queenhithe; St Michael Bassishaw; St Matthew, Friday Street; St Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Bloomfield Street; St Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street; St Mary Bothaw; St Mary le Bow, Cheapside; St Mary Abchurch; St Mary the Virgin Aldermanbury; St Martin Ludgate; St Martin Orgar; St Martin Outwich; St Martin Vintry; St Margaret, Fish Street Hill; St Magnus the Martyr; St Margaret Eastcheap; St Leonard Eastcheap; St Lawrence Pountney; St Lawrence Jewry; St John Zachary; St Katherine Cree, Leadenhall Street; St John the Baptist, Walbrook; St Giles Cripplegate; St Gregory by St Paul's; St Helen, Bishopsgate Street; St Giles Without, Cripplegate; St James, Duke's Place; St James, Garlickhithe; St Andrew Undershaft; St Andrew, Holborn; St Alphage, London Wall; St Alban Wood Street; St Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield; St Augustine, Watling Street; St Antholin, Watling Street; St Anne and St Agnes, St Ann's Lane; St Anne Blackfriars; St Andrew by the Wardrobe, St Andrew's Hill; St Benet Fink; St Bartholomew the Less, Goswell Street; St Bartholomew the Less, Smithfield; St Botolph, Aldergate; St Bennet, Paul's Wharf; St Benet Sherehog, Pancras Lane; St Benet, Gracechurch Street; St Dunstan in the East; St Clement's, Eastcheap; St Dionis Backchurch, Lime Street; St Botolph, Bishopsgate; St Bride, Fleet Street; St Botolph, Billingsgate; St Gabriel Fenchurch, Fenchurch Street; St George, Botolph Lane; St Ethelburga, Bishopsgate Street; St Edmund the King and St Dunstan in the West, Fleet Street, all dating to 1853; plan showing alterations to St Sepulchre's Churchyard in connection with Holborn Valley improvements, 1868; plan of churchyard of St Matthew' Church, Brinton Hill, showing site of William Ward's tomb, with plan, elevation and detail of inscription, 1881? and plan of All Hallows, Lombard Street, 1938.
Plans, diagrams and maps relating to railway lines and stations, including plans and sections of the Great Northern and City Railway, to run from Finsbury Park to Finsbury Pavement, City, 1831; extension, Commercial Railway, 1838; 19 sheets of plans and sections showing the London and Enniskellen Railway with a branch to Lough Swilly, 1844; proposed extension of the Eastern Counties Railway, from Tottenham to Farringdon Street, 1845; plan and section of the proposed extension of the London and Birmingham Railway to Farringdon Street, 1845; Central City Railway, 1851; proposed Hammersmith, Fulham and Westminster Railways, 1854; plan of London showing the Holborn and City Extension Railway from Copenhagen Tunnel to Tokenhouse Yard, 1859; plan of Wandsworth Common detailing a proposed new railway goods station and road, and highlighting the limits within which the powers of the conservators of the common extended, 1871; plans from the Metropolitan District Railway and Metropolitan Inner Circle Completion and Eastern Extension Railway, showing various stations and lines, 1875-1950; plan of Thames Haven Station (London, Tilbury and Southend Railway) showing the boundaries of the landing place for foreign animals, 1885; proposals for the Waterloo and City Railway, 1891; plans of lines and stations from various companies including the London and North Eastern Railway; Hammersmith, City and North East London Railway; Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway; Great Northern and City Railway; City and Crystal Palace Railways; Great Northern Railway; City and North East Suburban Railway; Great Northern and City Railway; City and North, Central London and Metropolitan District Railway; Central London Railway, Waterloo and City Railway, all dating between 1896-1931; plan and section of City Station tunnels showing ways to or from platforms, and terminal station of the Waterloo and City Railway at Queen Victoria Street, 1897; Cannon Street Station, 1913 and 1958-1964; plan of Moor Lane Bridge, Moorgate Station, showing the proposed widening of the bridge by the Metropolitan Railway, 1913; City Station (now Bank), 1929-1939; London Passenger Transport Board plans, 1933-1947; map of the North Eastern Railway's route through Tottenham, Hackney, Old Street and Shoreditch and Section of the North Eastern Railway's route through Hackney Parish and Tottenham parish, showing the levels of the land, 1936; Liverpool Street Station, 1937 and 1981-1982; proposed interchange of Old Tower Hill Station (District Line) with Fenchurch Street station, 1953; Holborn Viaduct Station, 1959; widening and realignment work on the railways at Tower Hill, Aldersgate and Moorgate, 1960; plans from London Transport for work on various stations, 1962-1982 and plans prepared for the London Docklands Railway Bill, 1982-1983.
Plan and section of proposed tramways to run between Holborn, Clerkenwell and Islington, 1884; proposed tramways between Pimlico, Peckham and Greenwich, 1871 and proposed extension of the Metropolitan Street Tramway in the City of London and in Surrey, 1871; proposed Kensington, Westminster and City tramways, 1871; tramways and improvements, London County Council, 1913-1924. Also map of Greater London showing existing airports and the site of the proposed City of London Airport at Fairlop, Essex, 1936.
Plans, maps and diagrams relating to bridges, including map of London and environs showing the River Thames and the River Lee, and indicating whether their bridges are free bridges, toll bridges or toll bridges to be made free, 1869; general plans of London Bridge, 1799-1800; maps and plans of the approaches to London Bridge, including plans and elevations of premises along streets redesigned by John Rennie, 1806-1836, 1842, 1875, and 1959; plan of the levels of Holborn Hill, Skinner Street, Fleet Street, Ludgate Hill and Regent Street, taken from London Bridge, 1830; plan of alteration of parapet, London Bridge footway, 1877; improvements to pedestrian access from London Bridge to London Bridge Station via Duke Street Hill, 1960?; plans showing London Bridge improvement works, 1961-1962 and plans from the London Bridge reconstruction, 1965-1968; plans and elevations of Tower Bridge, its approaches and its machinery, with some drawings and preliminary sketches by George D Stevenson (City Architect's Office), Sir Horace Jones and Sir John Wolfe-Barry, 1886-1899; elevations and sections of the bascules, Tower Bridge, 1903; arrangement of steam pumping engine counters, with details of fittings for both engine rooms, Tower Bridge, 1906; arrangement of Motlerup's Lubricators to steam pumping engines, with detail of fittings for same, Tower Bridge, 1913; approximate positions of lamps lighted by the Corporation on Tower Bridge, 1921 and 'A' and 'B' Pumping Engines, Tower Bridge, 1935. Map of Blackfriars Bridge approach roads, 1768; general plans of Blackfriars Bridge, 1820-1870, 1906 and 1959 and plans of improvements to Blackfriars Bridge, including changes to street layout, 1961-1969. Plan and elevation of the proposed Prince's Bridge at Vauxhall across the River Thames, 1805; plans of proposed additions to the width of Peg's Hole Bridge, Stratford and St Michael's Bridge, Stratford with their south elevations, 1847; plan of Southwark Bridge, 1904 and plans for the reconstruction of Southwark Bridge, 1912-1920; plan for the never built St Paul's Bridge, 1911 and diagram of the Southwark Bridge intersection with Queen Street Place, Queen Street and Upper Thames Street, 1968.
Plans of wharves and docks including plan of Stone Wharf, Hannott Wharf, and Ramseys Wharf, showing the properties there including Justice Hartley, George Ale House, Captain Metcalfe and the Comptroller's House, 1710; plan of Billingsgate Dock showing adjoining premises and encroachments on the dock, 1700s; the Hay's Wharf area, 1803-1859; plan of alterations to Billingsgate Market and Dock showing the layout of the sheds, tables and flaps, and naming the premises or occupiers of houses behind the Piazza, 1828-1829; wharfs and quays between London Bridge and Billingsgate, 1838; general plans of Letts Wharf, 1876-1897 and diagrams showing sections of Fryer's Destructor Apparatus [a rubbish incinerator], Letts Wharf, 1887; plans and photographs of Hornchurch Wharf, Essex, 1897-1953; proposals for a dam, locks and sluices at Gravesend, Thames Harbour, 1905; Fresh Wharf, Lower Thames Street, Adelaide Place and the riverside east of London Bridge, 1909 and 1913; Letts Wharf, 1937 and map of the River Thames from Teddington to the Nove, showing the limits of the Port of London Authority and including a detailed map of the docks and communications, 1950.;Maps and plans of parks, gardens and cemeteries, including maps of Epping Forest, 1865-1882 and 1921-1968, including maps of areas where horse riding is not permitted and plan of pavilion, dais and refreshment tents for Queen Victoria's visit, 1882; plans of Burnham Beeches and East Burnham, 1808-1899, also War Department Requisition diagrammatic plans of Prisoner of War camp, huts occupied by squatters, built-up areas, huts awaiting removal and huts not being dealt with, 1946-1950 and the Macros Cottage and tearooms, Burnham Beeches, 1958; maps of West Ham Park, 1873 and 1895, also cottage and lodge, West Ham Park, prior to destruction by enemy action in World War Two; boundary survey with details of adjacent properties, West Wickham Common, [1900]; proposals for a new bandstand, Finsbury Circus Gardens, 1955; plans showing proposed open space at St Mary Aldermanbury, 1968; plan of Kenley Common showing tracks and areas suitable to be ridden over, 1934 and plans showing proposals for the post war reinstatement of Kenley Common, including removal of temporary installations and repair of bomb damage, 194-; plan of Coulsdon Common, Surrey, 1869 and plan of Coulsdon Common showing tracks suitable to be ridden over, 1934; plan of Farthing Downs and Fairdean Downs, Surrey, 1871 and plan of Farthing Downs showing tracks suitable to be ridden over, 1934; plan of Riddles Down, Surrey, 1912 and plan of Riddles Down showing tracks suitable to be ridden over, 1934; plan of North Woolwich Gardens, Woolwich, 1889; plan of Merton and Morden Urban District Council area showing Morden Park, 1936; plan of land at Kilburn commissioned under the Highgate and Kilburn open spaces Act 1886, showing 30 acres of land between Kensal Green Railway Station and Queen's Park Railway Station, 1886 and plan of a public park for Kilburn [Queen's Park], 1887; plan commissioned under the Highgate and Kilburn Open Spaces Act 1886 showing 30 acres of land at Highgate between Highgate Railway Station, the Alexandra Park Branch and the Edgware Highgate and London (Tunnel) Line of the Great Northern Railway, 1886; plan of the proposed layout for Gravel Pit Wood, Highgate, 1886; plan for new vaults, Bunhill Fields Burial Ground, 1833; proposals to turn Bunhill Fields into a public garden, 1950-1959; plan of Alders Brook Farm in the parishes of Wanstead and Little Ilford in the County of Essex, surveyed in 1853 for suitability to become the City of London Cemetery; maps and plans of the City of London Cemetery and buildings on site, 1854-1855 and 1903-1928, including plans of the catacombs, dissenting or non-conformist chapels, Episcopal chapels, entrance gates, superintendent's house, old crematorium and public conveniences.
Plans of monuments, including proposals for improvements at Temple Bar, 1795 and 1834; elevation of Temple Bar facing the Strand, 1877; plan, sections and elevation of the Monument, drawn while undergoing repair, 1888; plans relating to re-erection of a statue of King William IV at St Mary's Church, Greenwich, 1936; proposal to re-erect statue of Sir Robert Peel in Aldersgate, 1951 and tracing of measurements of the Waithman Memorial [to Robert Waithman, Lord Mayor 1823-1824] with plan of proposed location for re-erection in St Bartholomew Close, 195-; proposals for re-erection of Temple Bar on the Embankment, 1950-1952 and proposals for re-erection in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1979 [Temple Bar was dismantled and sold, and re-erected in Theobalds Park, Hertfordshire until 2004 when it returned to the City].
Maps and plans of the Corporation owned Brandesburton Estate in Yorkshire, part of the bequest by Lady Anne Dacre, including a survey by John Brown, 1732 and plans of various estate properties, 1700-1917.
Maps and plans relating to the Second World War, including plan of the First Aid and Gas Cleansing Station at Great St Helens, 1938-1939; maps of the City showing the provision of public and private air raid shelters, and identifying areas where more shelters are needed, 1938-1940; plans and sections of air raid shelters, 1938-1949; map of the City showing divisional police stations, fire alarm posts, ambulance call boxes, and so on, 1939; maps of the City of London marked into areas of civil defence, showing positions of warden's posts and police and warden's divisions, 1940; plans showing air raid damage in the City, marking total destruction, demolition necessary, serious damage and slight damage, 1940-1944; map of area covered by Fire Watchers Squad No. 4, in the Vicinity of the Coal Exchange, 1941; map of the City showing buildings demolished or in course of demolition, buildings destroyed and partially demolished, churches destroyed, static water tanks and so on, 1942; plan showing the districts of No. 36 Fire Force, covering the eastern half of the City of London, parts of Middlesex, and parts of Essex, 1944; general plan of the City showing site of fly bomb incidents in 1944; plan of London showing licensed premises, including those damaged, [1940]; plans of the Camomile Street area post-war redevelopment, including plan showing bomb damage, 1948; maps prepared under theWar Damaged Sites Act 1949, 1950 and redevelopment, Barbican area, 1954 - 1959, including plan of war damage.
Copy of a map of Deptford with remarks by John Evelyn, 1600s; plan of the Society of Apothecaries Physic Garden, Chelsea, 1725; poster showing "Rules, Orders and Regulations for the preservation of brood and fry of fish in the River of Thames and Waters of Medway within the jurisdiction of the City of London", 1754-1755; plans of the Pneumatic Despatch Co. Ltd. accompanying notices of intention to open and break up portions of the Holborn Viaduct for the purposes of laying their pneumatic dispatch tube, 1869; Post Office plan of pneumatic tube between Farringdon Street and St. Martin's le Grand, 1869?; sketch and photograph of the Aldgate pump, 1887; plans drawn by W H Poole of the City Police showing the crime scenes, Houndsditch Murders, 1911; plan of the Daily Sketch and Sunday Herald Pneumatic Pipe, 1925; plan and section of Leathern Doublet Sewer under City of London Brewery, Upper Thames Street, 1935; plans showing the proposed location of the Festival of Britain, 1951 and proposals for a refuse tip at Mucking, Stanford le Hope, Essex, 1954-1959.
Corporation of LondonPlans of land and property owned by Bridge House estates, 1592-1889, including site or street plans of Avondale Square; Maidenhead Court; Wrestler's Court; White Street, Bermondsey; Webber Street, Southwark; the widening of Upper Thames Street, Tooley Street, Pottery Fields, The Maze, Little Eastcheap, Fish Hill Street; improvements at Temple Bar; a new street at Tottenham Court Road; a burial ground at St Michael, Crooked Lane; Bankside, Southwark, including the Globe Theatre; Wild Marsh, Stratford; Rock Hill and West Hill, Sydenham; St George's Fields, Southwark; Kent Street Road; Finsbury Circus; Great Suffolk Street and Belvidere Row, Bridewell, Surrey. Also drawings, elevations and plans of buildings including premises in Swan Street, Thames Street, Sun Alley, Rood Lane, Fenchurch Street, Paternoster Row, Philpot Lane, Old Change, King William Street, Lewisham High Street, Crucifix Lane, Dirty Lane, Friday Street, Five Foot Lane, Cheapside, Bermondsey Street, Arthur Street and Blackman Street; the Castle Alehouse and other properties, Watling Street; vaults and premises on Water Lane; the Watch House and other premises on Tooley Street; premises near St Paul's Churchyard; the Freemason's School and other premises, St George's Fields, Southwark; premises near King's Bench Prison and Marshalsea Prison; Borough Compter and surrounding premises; a stable on Old Kent Road; Sherwood's Dye House and other premises, Battle Mill Lane; demolished properties on Montague Close, Southwark; The Crown Public House, shops and other premises, Newgate Street; wharves and warehouses, Malt's Wharf; shipyards, wharves and docks, Deptford; designs for Legal Quays, St Catherine's Docks, the Southwark river frontage, West India docks and Cotton's Wharf, Southwark; Bridge House Court, Gracechurch Street; designs for warehouses and almshouses; plans and designs for Bridge House, the administrative headquarters of the old London Bridge; Mr Toulmin's Soap Manufactory, Bridewell, Surrey; stairs at Pepper Alley. Also signed contract drawings for Tower Bridge; designs for St Michael's Bridge, Stratford; survey of watercourses and designs for bridge at Battle Mill Stream; plan of the river Lea from Hertford to the Thames; designs for the reconstruction of Southwark Bridge; designs and plans of the bridge, approach roads, chapel, gate and houses, London Bridge; plans for the Chatham and Dover Railway Bridge over the Thames; designs for footpaths, tramways, railways, approaches and the Fleet Sewer, Blackfriars Bridge, and designs for the Croydon and Rotherhithe Canal and the Grand Surrey Canal.
Plans of land and property owned by the City Lands estates, 1641-1928, including site or street plans of All Hallows church, London Wall; Pickaye Street, Barbican; Bevis Marks near St Mary Axe; Chatham Place; Coleman Street; the Conduit Mead and Finsbury Estates; Earl Street, Blackfriars; Fenchurch Street; Holborn Valley improvements; Leadenhall Street; the Minories; Old Change; St Paul's Churchyard; Shoemaker Row; Temple Bar; Thames Street; Tottenham Court Road; Whitecross Street; plans for the widening of Billiter Lane, Wormwood Street, Bow Lane, Bread Street, Brick Hill Lane, Camomile Street, Cheapside; Snow Lane, Dowgate Hill, Eastcheap, Jewin Street, Mark Lane; Old Jewry; Poultry, Seething Lane; Snow Hill; Tower Street; Walbrook; Watling Street, Wormwood Street. Also drawings, elevations and plans of buildings including premises in Mitre Court and Adams Court, Duke's Place; Aldermanbury; Aldgate High Street; Bangor Court, Shoe Lane; Lothbury; Bell Court, Old Bethlem; Cheapside; Bishopsgate Street; New Broad Street; Budge Row, Castle Street; Cateaton Street; Chancery Lane; Crown Court, Moorfields; Crutched Friars; Dolphin Court, Blackfriars; Duke's Place; Grub Street; City Road, Old Street; Rotten Row; Windmill Hill; Fish Street Hill; Fleet Street; Giltspur Street; Gracechurch Street; Holborn Bridge; Houndsditch; Isle of Dogs; Jewry Street; Lambeth Hill; Ludgate Hill; Moorfields; Moorgate; New Bridge Street; New Broad Street; New Court, St Swithun's Lane; Ratcliffe; St Dunstan's Hill; St Mary Axe; St Swithun's Lane; Shoe Lane; Stonecutters Street; Watling Street; plans of houses to be demolished in Bartholomew Lane; Bethlem Hospital in Moorgate, with adjoining premises and burial ground; plans of Blackwell Hall; plan of the Boar's Head Tavern, Smithfield Barrs; plan of the house of the Keeper, Bunhill Fields Burial Ground; designs for extension, East India House; plan of Hudson's Bay Company premises; plan of the Gresham Almshouses; plan of Guildhall and offices; Watch House and other premises, Old London Wall; designs and plans for Mansion House; plans, designs and elevations for Leadenhall Market, Stocks Market, Honey Lane Market, Fleet Market, Farringdon Market, Smithfield Market, Queenhithe Market, Newgate Market and Street Lane Market; 'a method to fix the ground in Moorfields at a mean depth', Old Bethlem; designs for timber stairs at Old Swan Stairs, near London Bridge; designs for renovations, Paul's Stairs, Vauxhall Stairs, Three Crane Stairs and Stew Lane Stairs; designs and plans, Giltspur Street Compter, Poultry Compter, Newgate Prison, Ludgate Prison, Wood Street Compter; new burial ground at St Andrew's Holborn; plan of Blackwall Wharf; design for Blackfriars Wharf; plan of Broken Wharf; design for rebuilding Custom House Quay; design for Corn Office, Black Swan Court, Tower Street; plans of Artillery Ground, Finsbury; plan of Puddle Dock, Sabbs Dock and Queenhithe Docks; designs for embankments and towpaths along the River Thames; plans for Whitefriars Dock; plan of wharf and approaches, Blackfriars Bridge; plan for repairing London Bridge; plans of Westminster Bridge and section of the Isle of Dogs Canal.
Many of the plans include the names of tenants or owners of the buildings or lands.
Corporation of LondonRecords of the Broad Street Ward, Corporation of London. The records comprise wardmote minutes, accounts, rate assessments, presentments at inquests and details of officers, and other administrative papers. They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff at various dates.
Broad Street Ward , Corporation of LondonRecords of Marjorie Blanche Honeybourne, including papers of Eliza Jeffries Davis, correspondence with Professor V H Galbraith regarding Eliza Jeffries Davis, and correspondence relating to the production of a London volume in the Historical Atlas of Town Plans series.
Davis , Eliza Jeffries , 1875-1943 , historian Honeybourne , Marjorie Blanche , 1899-1974 , historian