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Archivistische beschrijving
GB 0068 KER · 1906-c.1940

Papers of Arthur Francis George Kerr, 1906-c 1940, comprising 28 diaries, some relating to his daily life and others are expedition diaries retracing various itnieraries, including field diaries from Siam and the Siam-Burman border; photographs of landscapes, people, vegetation and other subjects, chiefly on trips within Siam; plant records including 158 plant tag books mentioning their numbers and the areas covered; typescript and manuscript lists recording plants collected by others on behalf of Kerr; 16 files and volumes relating to the flora of Siam, some are for specific regions such as Bangkok or Kaw Tao and some for specific plants such as orchids; volumes containing Siamese local plant names; twenty three notebooks of notes taken from various Herbaria, namely Geneva, Kew, Paris and the British Museum (Natural History Museum); records of other collectors including some commissioned by Kerr; records of plants from Siam for the publication of Flora Siamensis Enumeratio; notes and correspondence relating to Siamese drugs and medicinal plants; slips for various plant groups; 11 files of correspondence, mainly related to botanical matters including the publishing of Florae Siamensis Enumeratio, one with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and seven relating to ferns, including correspondence and fern lists from Eryl Smith; and publications including reprints from The Record and reports on Botanical Tours undertaken in Siam as well as crops such as cotton and various other plants, published by The Botanical Section, Ministry of Commerce, Bangkok and volume of sketches of Orchids from Chengmai.

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GB 0068 WJB · 1806-1871

Papers of William John Burchell, 1806-1871, comprising 4 series. The first series (WJB/1) contains notes which relate to Burchell's time on St. Helena. The second series (WJB/2) contains documents of the flora of Africa. The third series (WJB/3) contains notes from Burchell's expedition to Brazil via Portugal, Madeira and Tenerife. The fourth (WJB/4) contains manuscripts, correspondence and notes which date from 1800 to 1859 and relate to different plant collecting expeditions.

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GB 0068 ROS · 1923-2009

Papers of Reginald Rose-Innes comprising correspondence and diary relating to his studies in America, there is also other correspondence relating to projects and work carried out later in his life. There are a large number of notebooks relating to research carried out throughout various countries in Africa. There are reports and essays by Rose-Innes while he was a student and later article off prints and reports (some of which are co-authored), and published works by other authors. A large number of photographs also compliment the collection many of which were taken during Rose-Innes' studies in America and his research in various African countries.

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GB 0068 HNR · 19 century-1956

Papers of Henry Nicholas Ridley, 19th century-1956, comprising five series. The first series consists of photographs and illustrations; the second series contains correspondence; the third series is comprised of notebooks; the fourth series consists of botanical and zoological papers; the fifth series consists of expedition papers and notes; and the sixth series consists of non-botanical and zoological papers.

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GB 0068 AWH · c.1895-1941

Papers of Sir Arthur William Hill, c.1895-1941 comprising six series. The first consists of travel diaries and notebooks that contain observations on the flora and fauna of the places Hill visited in the Americas, Africa, India, Europe, the West Indies and Australia; the second series is made up of various correspondence and papers; the third series is comprised of scientific notebooks and sketchbooks that include notes from Hill's time working at Cambridge University; the fourth series consists of photographs and slides; the fifth series consists of lecture and speech notes and the sixth series consists of plant lists from Hill's travels.

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GB 0068 BUR · 1892-1966

Papers of Isaac Henry Burkil (1892-1966) comprising the preparatory notes and typescripts for Burkill's studies and publications (11 boxes), also one volume and one folder of correspondence, one folder of personnal papers, botanical journals and journals of Burkill's tours in Asia (18 volumes) and 23 boxes of index cards.

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GB 0068 JEH · 1836-1951

Papers of John Eliot Howard, 1836-1951, comprising three series. The first series (JEH/1/1-JEH/1/48) contains handwritten correspondence and papers between 1836 and 1884. The second series (JEH/2/1-JEH/2/21) contains Press cuttings, Reports and other Publications from between 1856-1951. The third series (JEH/3/1-JEH/3/5) contains Illustrations, Photographs, Botanical bookplates and glass negatives from the 19th Century.

The bulk of material is correspondence to JE Howard regarding Cinchona, mainly in the form of scientific discussion and research, collection and donation of specimens, and scientific and commercial exploration. It dates from the early to late 19th century. The correspondence is international. It includes some documents relating to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and it's museum collections (For example, correspondence from Joseph Ince and Daniel Hanbury, and formal acknowledgements for specimens donated by Howard to the Society's Museum. - see list for details.) There is also printed material, ranging from newspaper cuttings, journal and periodical articles to East India Company reports and printed records.

This archive includes correspondence with Charles Ledger, Clements Markham, G M McIvor, John Broughton and others, letters to John Elliot Howard from the Directors of Kew Gardens: Thistleton Dyer and Joseph Hooker.

This archive contains important information about the international network of botanists and commercial explorers in the field. It contains particularly strong information on the growing of Cinchona in India.

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GB 0068 SIM · 1910-1974

Papers of Norman Douglas Simpson, 1910-1974, comprising correspondence and papers regarding various topics including botany and plants, the Index ‘A Bibliographical Index of the British Flora’, expeditions and field trips, Simpson’s library and his dealings with publishers, book sellers, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, The British Museum (Natural History), societies such as the Botanical Society of the British Isles (B.S.B.I.). There are also invoices and orders for the Bibliographical Index, eleven notebooks which mostly relate to his time at Kew working on identifying specimens from the North-Western Mongolia and Chinese Dzungaria expedition, Astragalus and his time in Egypt and Sudan 1912-1929 and seven boxes of index cards which relate to his plant collecting trips abroad. There are also plant lists, book lists, drawings and some maps. These papers document many of N D Simpson’s activities throughout his life.

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