Records and publications of gay organisations and individuals in the UK and worldwide, notably the records of the Albany Trust and the Homosexual Law Reform Society, later the Sexual Law Reform Society, 1950-1984; the papers of Rupert Beach, 1970-1972, mainly relating to the Gay Liberation Front; the records of Body Positive, 1985-2000, a support organisation for those diagnosed as HIV positive; the records of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, 1940-1996; the papers of John Chesterman, 1970-1978, mainly relating to the Gay Liberation Front; the papers of Adam Christie, 1981-1998, concerning his work as an AIDS educator; the records of the Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality, later known as the Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality (TORCHE), 1977-1993; the papers of Robert Crossman, [1970-1990], mainly comprising material relating to his work as a Labour politician; the papers of Anthony Edward Dyson, 1958, concerning the Wolfenden Report and the formation of the HLRS; records of (National) Friend, 1970-1995, a national counselling organisation for gays and bisexuals; the records of the Gay Activists Alliance, 1977-1980; the records of the Gay Christian Movement, later known as the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, 1969-1998; records of the Gay Community Organisation, 1978-1989; the records of the Gay Liberation Front, 1970-1979; the records of the Greater London Council's Gay Rights Working Party, 1976-1987; the papers of Antony Grey, 1958-1992, relating to his work in the HLRS and the Albany Trust; the records of the Joint Council for Gay Teenagers, 1970-1983; the records of the London Gay Campaign Group, 1980-1987; the papers of Christine Murray, 1972-1980, concerning women's involvement in gay activism; the records of the National Colleges of Education's Gay Rights Committee, 1971-1975; the records of the National Council for Civil Liberties, mainly relating to gay rights, 1962-1989; the papers of Robert Palmer, 1970-1983, concerning his work with CHE; the records of the Scottish Minorities Group, later known as, successively, the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group and Outright Scotland, 1970-1984; the papers of Peter Tatchell, [1970]-1999, relating to gay rights and politics; the papers of Simon Watney, [1970-1998], mainly concerning his work as an AIDS campaigner; the papers of Christopher Woods, 1983-1993, relating to gay issues. The Hall-Carpenter Archives also holds a large collection of gay, lesbian and bisexual journals, 1954-1999, collected from the UK and the rest of the world, particularly the USA; an extensive collection of ephemera, 1953-2000, relevant for the for study of gay, lesbian and bisexual history; and the administrative papers of the Archives, 1973-1994.
Sin títuloPapers of Tony Lynes, 1957-1997, including research papers, correspondence and publications concerning various fields of social policy and administration collected by Lynes in his own research and as advisor to various organisations and individuals. Includes: material relating to research conducted as an assistant to Richard Titmuss and as an advisor to the Labour Party on social security policy; notes and papers concerning Lynes' involvement with the formulation of social security legislation; research material concerning pension schemes and policy (both domestic and international), housing, immigrants, asylum seekers, taxation, unemployment and work undertaken with his wife, Sally; papers, correspondence, reports and publications from and relating to Lynes campaigning and research into the functioning and operation of the Social Fund, 1988-1991.
Sin títuloThis collection is divided into two sections. Section one contains material on capital punishment and the death penalty, against which Hewitt campaigned. Section two covers material concerned with obscene publications and other forms of media, including censorship, Obscene Publications Acts and other allied topics. The papers contain many printed examples of C H Rolph's articles and materials by organisation such as the Howard League for Penal Reform and the National League for the Abolition of the Death Penalty. Infamous legal cases such as the obscenity trials in the 1960s relating to 'Oz' magazine and Hubert Selby's novel 'Last Exit to Brooklyn' are discussed.
Sin títuloOfficial programme of Reform League demonstration in London, 3 Dec 1866, giving details of times and places of meeting, routes of processions etc.
Sin títuloMinute books, account books and annual reports; correspondence (mainly of Henry Tompkins and Donald Fincham as Secretary), with members, with other Positivists, Humanists and Historians, and concerning the August Comte Memorial Trust; notes and papers by Henry Tompkins, including a short autobiography, addresses on positivist subjects, and notes on books he had read; other positivist writings, including pamphlets, reports and the text of talks; and various ephemera and pictures, including photographs of members, broadsheets and programmes, typescripts of correspondence between August Comte and George Lewes, and notes on the history of the Society.
Sin títuloPapers relating to Lord Merlyn-Rees' political career, 1949-2002, concerning his role as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. Among the papers are: transcripts of Merlyn Rees' taped diary, 1972-1976. These are a very useful insight into Rees' contemporary views on politics and events in Northern Ireland. Included are accounts of: the Ulster Workers' Strike; the collapse of the power sharing executive; the Constitutional Convention; meetings with politicians; parliamentary proceedings; and, security matters such as internment and special category status for paramilitary prisoners. The diaries also contain comments on UK politics generally (MERLYN-REES/1); articles, lectures and speeches by Lord Merlyn-Rees, 1965-2002, including speeches made while he was Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Home Secretary (MERLYN-REES/2); drafts of 'Northern Ireland: a personal perspective' (MERLYN-REES/3); correspondence, timetables and other papers regarding visits to Northern Ireland by Merlyn Rees and Colleen Rees, mainly 1972-1976 (MERLYN-REES/4); official papers, mainly 1974-1976 (MERLYN-REES/5); Northern Ireland Office press notices, 1974-1976 (MERLYN-REES/6); correspondence files, 1971-1997 (MERLYN-REES/7); subject files relating to Northern Ireland, including correspondence, official memoranda (including memos from Roger Darlington, political adviser/researcher), articles, press cuttings and other papers. These have been arranged by the archivist in a number of series: legislation (MERLYN-REES/8); media (MERLYN-REES/9); political (MERLYN-REES/10); religion, culture and parades (MERLYN-REES/11); security (MERLYN-REES/12); social and economic (MERLYN-REES/13); organisations (MERLYN-REES/14); people (MERLYN-REES/15); general (MERLYN-REES/16); papers regarding the campaign for the release of the Guildford Four and Maguire Seven, and papers regarding the Birmingham Six case (MERLYN-REES/17); papers regarding allegations of a 'dirty tricks' campaign by elements of the security forces during the 1970s. Merlyn Rees was one of the people who was smeared during the campaign (MERLYN-REES/18); subject files (except Northern Ireland), including papers on crime, the Falklands War, media, the miners' strike and policing (MERLYN-REES/19); photographs (MERLYN-REES/20).
Sin títuloPapers collected by Alan Hart and David McLean, including material relating to the following organisations: AIDS AHEAD (AIDS Health Education and Advice for the Deaf): correspondence and papers, newsletters, press cuttings, c 1987-1990; Campaign for Homosexual Equality, c 1979-1985, including conference papers, reports and newsletters of Croydon, Lewisham, Hampstead and Islington and Haringey CHE groups; Frontliners, a self-help group for people with AIDS or ARC, 1988-1992, including annual reports and accounts, financial records, correspondence, minutes and issues of Frontiers, the Frontliners magazine; Gays and Lesbians in Accountancy (GALIA), 1995-1996: newsletters and circulars; Albany Society, 1983, and London Lesbian and Gay Centre, 1983; Gay Community Organisation and GCO Distribution Services, 1980-1984, including papers relating to the foundation of GCO, minutes of meetings, correspondence, financial accounts, grant applications; Greater London Council (GLC) Gay Working Party, Haringey and Islington Councils Lesbian and Gay Working Groups, 1984-1986: minutes, correspondence and other papers; Open University Gay Society/Open University Lesbian and Gay Society, 1975-1985, including correspondence, newsletters; Terrence Higgins Trust, 1985-1987: newsletters, reports, circulars. Also includes: World Health Organisation papers relating to AIDS, including papers of WHO 'First International Conference on the Global Impact of AIDS', London, March 1988, newsletters and other publications, 1987-1990; publications, leaflets and press cuttings, [1974-1995], mainly regarding AIDS (including AIDS and the deaf), gay rights, gay parenting and sex education; gay fiction and photo magazines (including Gay Confessions, Kurt), brochures issued by travel agents specialising in gay holidays, gay and lesbian guides to London and other ephemera, 1970-1995; publications isssued by Inner London Education Authority and other education-related organisations re racial and sexual equality, c 1985-1987; letters to Alan Hart and David McLean, 1994-1999, mainly from MPs and politicians re debates on age of homosexual consent and Section 28; two Thethil Gay News cartoons by Peter Wicker, 1974; badges.
Sin títuloPapers of Ian Townson, including: Bill Thornycroft: letters, 1976-1990; Brixton Faeries and other theatre groups: including play scripts, song sheets, programmes and flyers; Brixton Housing Co-operative: minutes, newsletters and other papers, 1980-1986; Communist Party Gay Rights Committee: includes statements and letters from Bill Thornycroft, 1976-1979; Gay Activists' Alliance: minutes and campaign papers, 1978-1979; Gay Pride: includes minutes of meetings, flyers and correspondence, 1978-1996; History of the Gay Community in Brixton, 1972-1982: interviews, correspondence and other papers regarding a proposed book, 1970s-1990s; Icebreakers: correspondence, leaflets, press cuttings, notes and other papers, 1970s-1995; International Gay Rights Congress: poster and papers, 1974; Lambeth Council: includes papers of a Working Party on Police and Community Relations in Lambeth and Working Party on services and employment for gays and lesbians, mainly 1984-86; National Council for Civil Liberties: papers on gay issues, 1975-1982; 'Nighthawks': papers regarding the film, 1979; papers regarding squatting and gay squats, 1970s; photographs, including gay activists, Brixton riots, demonstrations, Gay Pride marches, squats, squatters and plays; photographs of friends and colleagues of Ian Townson: including Colm Clifford, Julian Hows, Ken Livingstone (in 1976), Bill Thornycroft and many others; South London Gay Liberation Front: minutes, agendas and other papers, 1980-1986; various papers regarding gay events (including discos, dances, Pride), issues and groups (including Gay Liberation Front and Campaign for Homosexual Equality), especially in Brixton/South London: badges, flyers, leaflets, magazines, newsletters, posters, programmes and stickers; gay publications and press cuttings.
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