Papers of the pressure group AEGIS (Aid to the Elderly in Government Institutions), 1946-1976, comprising the following.
Group of material arranged by Barbara Robb and entitled 'Record of a Campaign', 1964-1975, notably a narrative by Robb illustrating the key events in the AEGIS campaign, including detailed accounts of meetings with ministers, care workers, journalists, members of hospital management committees, complainants and others, with leaflets, press cuttings, and correspondence from members, press and supporters, 1964-1966; material relating to AEGIS' activities, 1966-1973, notably a memorandum outlining the aims, methods and organisation of AEGIS; material relating to AEGIS' advisors, 1967-1972, and organisations in contact with AEGIS, 1965-1971; papers related to articles written for the AEGIS campaign, 1973-1975; files of documents relating to general events of the AEGIS campaign, 1967-1975; background material for public talks by Robb, [1962-1975]; material relating to patient and community care, and nurses' campaigns inspired by AEGIS, [1967-1972], including articles, press cuttings, extracts from official publications, and Nursing Times Occasional Papers; accounts of various hospital inquiries, 1964-1968; press cuttings, correspondence and memoranda related to Project 70, AEGIS' housing scheme for the elderly, 1966-1971.
Group of material arranged by Barbara Robb and entitled 'Sans Everything', 1964-1975, including documents related to the publication of her book Sans Everything: a case to answer (Nelson, London, 1967), 1966-1967, such as an original manuscript of the work, and correspondence with publishers, agents, lawyers, the media, and various MPs and government officials; material relating to a proposed book entitled 'That which should accompany old age', [1966-1967]; background material on the subjects discussed in Sans Everything, 1966-1974, including press articles, cuttings, interview transcripts and correspondence relating to Parliamentary debates on the care of the elderly, the Health Ombudsman, and the NHS Reorganisation Bill, with a narrative by Robb concerning the 'Sans Everything' Government White Paper.
Group of material arranged by Barbara Robb and entitled 'No Serious Deficiencies', [1967-1975], comprising a large collection of press cuttings relating to the AEGIS campaign, conditions in various hospitals across Great Britain, geriatric and psychiatric nursing, Government debates on health, the Ministry of Health, inadequacies in medical funding and training, reviews of Sans Everything, the National Health Service, and nursing shortages; notes and summaries by Robb on the collated press cuttings.
Research material collected for AEGIS' campaigns, 1964-1975, arranged by Barbara Robb, mainly relating to hospital inquiries and comprising correspondence, press cuttings, memoranda, transcripts of interviews and evidence, reports and cassettes.
Complainants' letters, 1965-1974, written to Barbara Robb and David Montague de Burgh Kenworthy, 11th Baron Strabolgi, regarding the abuse of geriatric and mental health patients in NHS hospitals and homes, from friends and relatives, doctors, hospital staff, and patients themselves, often containing lengthy reports on individual cases, press cuttings and copies of correspondence with hospitals, local and regional health authorities and the Ministry of Health.
Research material gathered by Barbara Robb and other members of the AEGIS organisation, 1966-1974, notably on attitudes of healthcare professionals and the public to geriatric nursing, the Hospitals Advisory Service, the Briggs Committee, Richard Crossman and the NHS Reorganisation Bill, euthanasia, the Davies Committee and complaints procedures, the NHS under the Conservative government, the National Association for Mental Health, care of the elderly in other countries, and the Ministry of Health.
Publications, 1946-1975, including official publications relating to parliamentary debates on matters of concern to AEGIS, particularly the NHS Reorganisation Act (1973); reports and memoranda produced by the Ministry of Health and Regional Health Boards, Committees of Inquiry and others; and papers, articles and books relating to the care of the elderly.
Administrative material of AEGIS, [1965-1975], including office diaries, notebooks and contact details for the various bodies contacted by the organisation.
Additional material relating to the AEGIS campaign compiled by Robb for Cecil Hewitt Rolph, editor of the New Statesman, 1964-1976, including papers relating to individual cases, correspondence and press cuttings.
Records of the British Hospitals Contributory Schemes Association, 1911-1967, including minutes of the executive committee and various smaller committees of the BHCSA, 1930-1949; minutes, publications, conference material, registers of members and circulars of the British Hospitals Association, 1911-1967; reports and minutes from regional contributory scheme organisations, 1920-1949; correspondence, publications and memoranda from the National League for Hospital Friends, 1949-1967; papers and material relating to the Central Bureau of Hospital Information, 1928-1949, including plans for various hospitals around the country and suggested layouts for sick wards in new hospitals; results and survey material from questionnaire conducted by the BHA into the 1948 National Health Service Act, 1946-1948.
British Hospitals Contributory Schemes AssociationCorrespondence, memoranda and press cuttings, 1955-2004, relating to Michael Hellman's attempts to obtain an enquiry into his sectioning in Horton Hospital, Epsom (1955).
Hellman , Michael , fl 1938-2004This collection consists of the personal and family correspondence of Sir Joshua Jebb, correspondence relating to prison matters, memoranda, accounts and papers relating to his work, printed material relating to prisons, family and personal papers and a family tree.
Jebb, Sir Joshua, 1793-1863, Knight, Surveyor General of Convict PrisonsWorks by Florence Nightingale, and works by various authors, the property of, or containing contributions by Florence Nightingale, on subjects including nursing, public health, hospital administration, and military hospitals.
Nightingale Florence, 1820 - 1910, reformer of hospital nursingMinute book, letter book containing copies of letters sent to parliament and letters received, copies of petitions, lists of MPs whose constituencies have sent petitions and printed matter.
Society for Endeavouring to Obtain the Abolition of the Legacy Duty on Bequests to Hospitals and other Charitable Institutions