Three bound volumes relating to problems in the coal industry, containing:
Vol. 1 Printed and stencilled pamphlets and memoranda.
Vol. 2 Miscellaneous letters.
Vol. 3 Press cuttings from The Times 8 Apr 1921-19 May 1921.
Section 1: Letters from Herbert Burrows to members of the Social Democratic Federation (SDF) about the Staffordshire miners strike, on which he was reporting for 'Justice', correspondence concerning 'Justice' and the SDF by various authors, articles intended for 'Justice', either undated or dated 1884.
Section 2: Letters to 'Justice' and various members of the SDF, 1884-1889.
Section 3: Manuscripts of articles for 'Justice', mainly undated.
Section 4: 4/1 Fly sheet. Eight hours demonstration at Birmingham town Hall, Herbert Burrows, Chairman, on the back pencil notes on wages in the metal trades; 4/2 Walter Crane cartoon for May Day; Appendix (M859 R (SR) ARC2) William Morris letter to "Dear Comrade of the SDF, the Labour League and Justice", 19 Dec 1885.
Papers, correspondence, reports and official publications regarding the London Ambulance Service strike, disputes and select committees on the ambulance service, 1987-1995, collected by Nigel Spearing.
Sans titrePapers relating to the 1937 Central London Omnibus Strike, notably proceedings of the Court of Inquiry into the Central London Omnibus Dispute, 1937; documentary evidence submitted to the Court of Inquiry by the London Passenger Transport Board, 1926-1937, including details of rates of pay and conditions of service, correspondence of Ernest Bevin to Frank Pick and Theodore Thomas of the LPTB, statistics relating to driver illness, and details of London traffic and bus speed; left-wing material regarding the strike, 1936-1937, notably pamphlets issued by the London Busmen's Rank-and-File Movement, the Transport and General Workers' Union and the Communist Party of Great Britain, as well as copies of The Daily Worker; miscellaneous material, including a memorandum of agreement between the TGWU and the LPTB as to rates of pay and conditions of service for conductors and drivers.
Sans titreEmergency timetables and news bulletins for London and North Eastern Railway (LNER) during the General Strike.
Sans titreThe Hetherington collection consists predominantly of a series of notes of interviews with political figures from Britain and overseas kept between November 1958 and July 1975. Rough notes were made after the interviews which were later sent for typing; where a lengthy delay intervened prior to typing this is indicated. Frequent accounts are given of meetings with Labour leaders from Hugh Gaitskell to James Callaghan and there were regular meetings with Jo Grimond, leader of the Liberal Party, in the early years. Regional development and the Scottish government are frequent themes throughout the British interviews and there are discussions of the spy scandals of the early 1960s and the industrial disputes of the early 1970s. Foreign affairs figure strongly including Rhodesia's declaration of UDI, the independence of African states, the Vietnam War and the pursuit of a settlement in the Middle East. Britain's negotiations towards entry into the EEC can be traced. The section 'Additional Papers' contains notes on an attempted merger of The Times and the Guardian in 1967.
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