Newspaper cuttings, Ministry of Information bulletins and notes on social conditions in Great Britain in war time, collected by the London Region of the Ministry of Information.
Zonder titelPapers of the Outer London Inquiry, 1890-1909, comprising material relating to life and labour in West Ham, notably correspondence and administrative papers, including correspondence and papers of the Inquiry Committee, the scheme of the Inquiry and related material regarding methodology, and records of visits to employers and factories; and financial material, 1905-1909, notably account books, papers concerning the financial appeal, and subscription lists. The material was published as West Ham: A Study in Social and Industrial Problems (J.M. Dent and Co, London, 1907), by Edward Goldie Howarth and Mona Wilson.
Zonder titelLecture notes, both handwritten and typescript for Tawney's courses on economic history, 1485 - 1800; on English economic history in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; on the seventeenth century given at Oxford (Ford) and Chicago; on seventeenth century English history; for Denmark and Sweden, October - November 1951; for London School of Economics, January - March 1952, and lectures for Bristol; drafts of chapters for a book on Cranfield; notes and talks on the French Revolution given at Longton, 1910 - 1913; for classes or lectures on nineteenth century economic history; on nineteenth century agriculture, given at LSE; for classes or lectures on nineteenth century economic history; on early nineteenth century reform movements and handloom weavers; public lectures given in Chicago, 1939; various lectures given in the USA, 1941 - 1942; on education; regarding reform of Oxford and Cambridge; papers and memoranda on education; papers and notes on the Labour Party and education; papers for a proposed biography of Sidney Webb; papers found interleaved in books from his library sold to the University of East Anglia; and papers deposited by Dr J.M.Winter on behalf of J.M.K.Vyvyan.
Further accessions have been added to this collection:
TAWNEY/ADD. 37 boxes of research notes, correspondence and other papers, 1890s-1960s.
TAWNEY/II. 102 boxes and 2 volumes: research notes and extracts from sources by Tawney and his research assistants; a few lecture notes; draft articles; correspondence from research assistants, academics and others. Much of the material is undated, but mostly 1910s-1960s.
TAWNEY/VYVYAN. 18 boxes of personal and family papers of R H Tawney and his wife, Jeannette, 1890s-1961, including: correspondence with family, friends, associates, W H Beveridge and Albert Mansbridge; education papers; commonplace book; and, photographs.
Zonder titelThis collection contains Betacam cassettes of interviews and transcripts of interviews with leading political figures and members of the public from Margaret Thatcher's Premiership, 1979-1990. The subject matter ranges from issues of social history during the 1980s to ideological commentary on the nature of Thatcherism. The interviews also cover the impact of Thatcherism after Mrs Thatcher's departure from office.
Zonder titelThis collection contains betacam videotapes and transcripts of interviews with leading political figures and members of the public during the 1970s and broadcast as the documentary 'The Writing on the Wall'. The collection covers many areas of political and social history during the period, most notably trade unionism and industrial relations.
Zonder titelMaterials on trade unionism collated by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, [1814-1924], mainly during research for The history of trade unionism, 1666-1920 (Longmans and Co, London, 1894), Industrial democracy (Longmans and Co, London, 1897) and other works, including manuscript notes relating to various trades, pamphlets and printed material concerning trade unions, trade union rule books, and printed reports and other periodical material.
Zonder titelWorking papers of the Survey of 'Labour and Life of the People' and 'Life and Labour of the People in London' by Charles Booth 1886 - 1903 comprising the original survey notebooks and papers: interviews, questionnaires, statistics, reports and colour coded maps describing poverty.
The papers and the original survey notebooks reflect the three areas of investigation undertaken in the survey: poverty, industry and religious influences.
The poverty series interviewed School Board visitors about levels of poverty in households and streets. The survey also investigated trades of East London connected with poverty: tailoring; furniture and women's work.
The industry series comprises interviews of employers, trade union leaders and workers for each trade and industry and questionnaires concerning rates of wages, numbers employed, details of trade unions and domestic details (food, dress and circumstances etc) which were completed by employees and trade union officials. The following trades and industries are covered by the survey: building trade; wood workers; metal workers; precious metals, watches and instruments; sundry manufacturers printing and paper trades; textile trades; clothing trades; food and drink trades; dealers and clerks; transport and gardeners; labourers; public service and professional classes; domestic service. Case histories of the inmates of Bromley and Stepney workhouses during 1889 and people who received outdoor relief from the union were also transcribed.
The religious survey includes reports of visits to churches and over 1450 interviews with ministers of all denominations including Church of England, Methodist, Presbyterian, Jewish, Roman Catholic. Salvation Army officers and missionaries were also interviewed. The reports of the interviews contain printed material relating to the churches. Questionnaires were also completed as part of the survey. The investigation went beyond documenting religious influences and incorporates a description of the social and moral influences on Londoners' lives.
The Maps Descriptive of London Poverty 1898-1899 are probably the most well known documents which survive from the survey. The Maps Descriptive of London Poverty 1898-1899 are twelve sheets colour coded by social class and poverty from black [semi-vicious] to yellow [middle and upper class, well-to-do]. The maps cover an area of London from Hammersmith in the west, to Greenwich in the east, and from Hampstead in the north to Clapham in the south. The working and printed copies of the maps are contained within the archive.
The social investigators accompanied police around their beats in London in order to update the existing street-level information for the Maps Descriptive of London Poverty 1898-1899. The reports of the walks are known as the 'police notebooks' and contain descriptions of London streets. All the notebooks have been digitised.
Other papers include an inventory undertaken in 1925 by Thomas Macaulay Booth, son of Charles Booth; additional manuscripts concerning the survey: circulars, statistics etc and booklets collected during the survey.
Minute book, letter book containing copies of letters sent to parliament and letters received, copies of petitions, lists of MPs whose constituencies have sent petitions and printed matter.
Zonder titelCollection of pamphlets, leaflets, periodicals and ephemera on birth control.
Zonder titelPapers of the Rt Hon Evan Frank Mottram Durbin, 1918-1948, comprising lectures and notes on miscellaneous subjects, 1935-1944, including English politics, socialism, social history, peace and war, Russia, sociology and economics; secondary historical material, 1931-1944, namely working and research notes by Durbin; correspondence collected by Elisabeth Durbin from his papers and correspondents, 1928-1961, including Reginald Bassett, Sir (Henry) Roy (Forbes) Harrod, John Maynard Keynes, the Rt Hon Hugh Todd Naylor Gaitskell, the Rt Hon Clement Richard Attlee, (Edward) Hugh (John Neale) Dalton, Baron Dalton, and the Rt Hon Sir (Richard) Stafford Cripps, as well as papers and correspondence relating to his political work, his election as an MP, and his appointment to the Ministry of Works; material relating to monetary and trade cycle theory, 1935-1948, mainly comprising lecture notes on economics, psychology, causes of war, political theory, and general politics, with associated correspondence; galley proofs of articles by Durbin on economics, 1935-1946, with royalty statements, 1940-1946; copies of The Times relating to the Colonial Education Committee, 1945; working materials, drafts and transcripts of 'The economics of democratic society' by Durbin, 1942-1943; press cuttings of reviews of published works, 1932-1942; papers relating to Oxford University, 1918-1940, mainly comprising notes, essays, letters and examination papers; drafts and manuscripts of Purchasing power and trade depression: a critique of under-consumption theories (Jonathan Cape, London and Toronto, 1933); material relating to Taunton School, 1918-1939, including school exercise books, correspondence and notes; notes, research and texts for lectures on economics, [1938-1947], notably monetary theory, economic history, industrial fluctuations, taxation and land tenure; drafts and notes for research articles, mainly unpublished, [1937-1939]; personal financial material, 1935-1948.
Zonder titelPapers of Dr Stephen Epstein relating to medieval and early modern European economic and social history, c 1960-2007 mainly research material including listing of books and microfilms, notes, index cards, copies of articles, newspaper cuttings, maps, and lectures' handouts. Also Epstein's correspondence with archives' staff and academic colleagues relating to his research. Subjects include trade and markets, sharecropping, peasant economy, emigration, fairs and farming particularly relating to the Italian regions of Sicily and Tuscany.
Zonder titelMaterial created during the compilation of the New survey of London life and labour (London, 1930-1935) undertaken by the LSE in 1930-1934, including working papers of the survey such as minutes of the Steering Committee, correspondence of Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith (Director) with Sydney Frank Markham (Secretary), correspondence with publishers, specimens of street survey cards and enquiry records, and drafts; background material, including census statistics, subject files and information on London organisations, labour and history; survey records, consisting of index cards, each containing information concerning one household and giving information on the age, occupation, place of work, travel and earnings of each wage earner. The London boroughs covered are Acton, Barking, Battersea, Bermondsey, Bethnal Green, Camberwell, Chelsea, Deptford, East Ham, Finsbury, Fulham, Greenwich, Hackney, Hammersmith, Hampstead, Holborn, Hornsey, Islington, Kensington, Lambeth North, Lambeth South, Lewisham, Leyton, Paddington, Poplar, St Marylebone, St Pancras, Shoreditch, Southwark, Stepney, Stoke Newington, Tottenham, Wandsworth, West Ham, Westminster, Willesden, and Woolwich.
Zonder titelPapers and lectures by Reverend Henry Solly in his investigation into the social and religious condition of the working class.
Zonder titelPhotocopy of book containing medicinal and culinary recipes, compiled by Margaret Wynne (? of Wales).
Zonder titelWorking papers for Professor Norman MacKenzie's edition of the Webb's letters, [1889-1986], published as The letters of Sidney and Beatrice Webb (Cambridge University Press, 1978), including transcripts and photocopies of original letters, whether used in the book or not, comprising general correspondence and correspondence between Sidney and Beatrice Webb; MacKenzie's draft transcripts and notes, with final draft copies of published volumes, including final transcripts of letters used. Correspondendents range from family to prominent social scientists.
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