Affichage de 15 résultats

Description archivistique
Fabian Society: speakers
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0376 · Collection · 1890-1893

Handbills advertising socialist, radical, trade union and co-operative meetings, mainly addressed by Fabian Society speakers.

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Constitutional Reform Centre
GB 0097 CRC · 1970-1992

Working files of the Constitutional Reform Centre, 1970-1992, comprising general files, 1970-1991, organised by project, on the Bill of Human Rights, the Civil Service, the David Harlech Democracy Prize (a video-making competition for 16-23 year olds), the Europe and European Convention on Human Rights, the 'Good Government, Better Business' campaign, legal system reform, proportional representation in local government, local government relations with central government, and opinion polls; material relating to conferences and seminars, 1984-1992, on subjects including the European Convention on Human Rights, the conduct of elections, constitutional change, the abolition of the metropolitan authorities, major planning inquiries, and a written constitution; papers relating to work with the National Committee for Electoral Reform, 1976-1988, notably on the Campaign for Fair Votes in 1987, including correspondence with the Labour Party and the Conservative Party, press releases, questionnaires and leaflets; material relating to the CRC's Working Party on Company Donations, 1985-1987, including reports, minutes and working papers; printed material, 1978-1991, mainly on the British electoral system and proposals for its reform.

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GB 0097 MAYO · Collection · 1913-1947

The papers comprise personal correspondence between G Elton Mayo and his wife, Dorothea and his daughters, Patricia and Gael, 1913-1947. Dorothea Mayo expected her husband to write to her daily whenever he was away and the result is a series of diary style letters sent during their periods of separation. The fullest series are for 1922-1923 when Mayo visited the USA prior to settling in Philadelphia and for the period from 1929 to 1937 when Dorothea remained in England with their daughters.
The second series of correspondence comprises letters to his daughters while they continued their education at Bedales in England and during World War Two. The correspondence is mainly with his eldest daughter, Patricia, though there is some correspondence with Gael and also Patricia's first husband, Walter Goetz.
Both series of letters contain detail on Mayo's work and life at Harvard, including meetings with colleagues, lectures and research projects. In addition there is discussion of books, ideas and people which influenced his work and thinking. The World War Two letters include comments on the war from the USA and detail events leading to Gael's escape from behind German lines in France with her son and first husband.

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GB 0097 KNIGHT · Collection · 1930s-2002

Papers of Sir Arthur Knight, 1930s-2002, relating to his career in business and academia. The papers include biographical notes and diaries, research papers on business management and education, notes for talks and speeches and correspondence.

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GB 0097 PASSFIELD · 1835-[1985]

Papers of Beatrice and Sidney Webb, 1835-[1985], comprising the following: Diaries of Beatrice Webb, 1873-1943, including the original manuscript volumes and various typed transcripts, comprising a detailed account of her life and work, notably relating to the history of socialism in Great Britain. The volumes include entries concerning Charles Booth, the Fabian Society, the Labour Party, trade unionism, the suffrage movement, the LSE, local government, and communism, as well as descriptions of friends, colleagues and acquaintances. The diaries also include entries by Sidney Webb, mainly during their 'world tours' in 1898 and 1911 and a visit to the USSR in 1932. Correspondence, 1853-1947, including correspondence of the Potter family before Beatrice's marriage, 1862-1892, including letters of her parents, Richard and Lawrencina Potter, and her sisters, as well as correspondence between Beatrice and Herbert Spencer, Joseph Chamberlain, Charles and Mary Booth, Professor Alfred Marshall, and Auberon (Edward William Molyneux) Herbert; early correspondence of Sidney Webb, 1885-1892, notably with Graham Wallas and George Bernard Shaw; letters between Beatrice and Sidney Webb, 1890-1940, including material relating to their courtship, marriage, work and life together; general correspondence of the Webbs following their marriage, 1892-1947, with a wide range of correspondents including politicians, Fabians, historians, social scientists, and staff of the London School of Economics and Political Science; additional letters and photocopies of letters given to the Library after the deposit of the Passfield papers in 1949, 1888-1944, including correspondence with Edward Reynolds Pease, Charlotte Payne-Townshend (later Shaw), Professor William Alexander Robson, Mrs Lucia Turin, Herbert George Wells, Richard Burdon Haldane, Viscount Haldane, and Hubert Hall; later correspondence relating to the Webbs, [1970-1985], collated by Norman MacKenzie. Material concerning personal and private affairs, 1865-1948, including financial and legal papers of the Webbs and their families, 1873-1945, such as wills, probates, birth and marriage certificates and insurance policies; material relating to educational awards of Sidney and Beatrice, 1876-1945, as well as papers concerning his Barony; correspondence, legal and business papers concerning property, 1893-1948, including Passfield Corner; financial material, 1902-1947, notably banking correspondence and dividend vouchers; photographs, 1865-1947, mainly of the Potter family and Beatrice and Sidney Webb, and including several of George Bernard Shaw and his wife Charlotte. Material relating to political and public work, 1892-1948, including material relating to the London County Council, 1892-1907; papers concerning the Poor Law, 1909-1948, including the foundation of the National Committee for the Prevention of Destitution, and papers of the National Poor Law Reform Association; memoranda by Beatrice Webb on the administration of the Prince of Wales's Fund, 1914; documents from the International Socialist Congress of Vienna, 1914; material concerning Beatrice Webb's work on the Reconstruction Committee, 1917-1918, including letters from William Henry Beveridge, David Lloyd George and Christopher Addison, and committee papers; memoranda on war aims for the Inter-Allied Labour and Socialist Conference, 1918; political papers regarding Sidney Webb's candidature for the University of London in the general election of 1918, and his role as Labour MP for Seaham Harbour, 1920-1931; prospectus and notices of the Half-Circle Club, 1921; notes by Sidney Webb on the Labour Government of 1924; material concerning the living wage policy of the Independent Labour Party, 1926; political papers of Sidney Webb, 1929-1931, mainly concerning his role as Secretary of State for the Colonies in the Labour Government of 1929, and including a report on the legislative programme of the Parliamentary Labour Party, correspondence with Sir Edward William Macleay Grigg, Governor of Kenya, and notes on the political crises of 1931 and Webb's resignation; notes and drafts of an article by Beatrice Webb on the 1929 Labour Government, 1929-1931; memoranda by Beatrice Webb on Employment Insurance, 1931. Business papers concerning publications, 1890-1947, notably general correspondence between the Webbs and their actual and prospective publishers, 1890-1947; printed prospectuses, advertisements, book jackets, 1898-1941, for Industrial democracy, A constitution for the socialist commonwealth of Great Britain, The History of Trade Unionism, various volumes of English local government, The decay of capitalist civilisation, Methods of social study, and Soviet communism; manuscript notebooks, 1920-1947, mainly in Sidney Webb's hand, containing details of subscribers to English local government, and accounts connected with Webb publications. Printed, typescript and manuscript copies of lectures, interviews, speeches and talks by the Webbs, [1870]-1942, notably texts of lectures given by Sidney Webb at venues including the Working Men's College, the Argosy Society, the Sunday Lecture Society, the Fabian Society, the City of London College, and South Place Institute, 1883-1891, mainly relating to political economy and economic history; printed reports of interviews with Sidney and Beatrice Webb, and speeches and lectures by them, 1889-1942, on subjects including political economy, socialism, the London County Council, education, the USSR and trade unions; reprints and texts of lectures and talks by Beatrice Webb, 1906-1932, and Sidney Webb, 1900-1936, on the poor law, Herbert Spencer, social research, politics, and soviet communism; an album of press cuttings relating to Sidney Webb, 1887-1891. Articles, essays, published letters and reviews by the Webbs, 1877-1945, notably manuscript and typescript essays, 1877-1887, on marxism, economic theory, and social research; typescript copies of articles, 1912-1933, mainly relating to the Labour Party, politics and Soviet Russia; printed copies of articles by Beatrice and Sidney Webb, 1887-1942; published letters, 1897-1910, on trade unions, and destitution; notes and diary entries made by the Webbs during and after a visit to the Soviet Union, 1932; drafts and proofs of books by the Webbs, 1913-[1940]. Bibliographical material and research notes gathered by Beatrice and Sidney Webb during the production of some of their books, 1881-1948, including printed material, scrap books, biographical notes and index cards on subjects such as political economy, social conditions and local government in London, poor law, socialism, trade unionism, and the co-operative movement. Material relating to the Webbs' involvement with the Fabian Society, 1886-1947, including general material and lectures, 1888-1947; papers of the Fabian Research Department and the Labour Research Department, 1912-1929; papers of the New Fabian Research Bureau, 1936-1938; material regarding the Fabian Summer School, 1913-1926; papers concerning the Fabian Women's Group, 1914-1915; and material relating to the Fabian Colonial Bureau, 1946. Papers relating to the London School of Economics and Political Science, 1893-1924, comprising early material concerning the Hutchinson Bequest and Trust, 1893-1924, namely legal documents, correspondence and financial papers; correspondence, legal documents, accounts and maps regarding the foundation, early history and administration of LSE, 1895-1945, including letters from Sir William Henry Beveridge, Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders, William Albert Samuel Hewins and others; correspondence regarding library acquisitions, 1934-1935; material concerning LSE buildings, 1898-1903, including correspondence with architects and builders, accounts, maps and plans. Material concerning the New Statesman and the Statesman Publishing Company, 1912-1943, comprising papers relating to the foundation, financing and planned format of the journal, 1912-1913; correspondence with William Pember Reeves, Professor Charles Mostyn Lloyd, (Basil) Kingsley Martin, George Bernard Shaw, Edward Whitley and Ernest Darwin Simon, 1912-1943; financial material, 1913-1943, including banking correspondence, share statements, loan certificates, and circulation figures; material concerning the takeover of the Nation by the New Statesman, 1923; correspondence with Clifford Dyce Sharp relating to his resignation as Editor, 1924; transcripts of Beatrice Webb's diary relating to the journal, 1912-1928. Material published about Beatrice and Sidney Webb and the Potter family, 1869-1960, including press cuttings and short published reviews of published works by the Webbs, 1889-1960; photographs and notes relating to the Potter family, 1869-1947, including Richard Potter, Lady Kate Courtney, Sir Richard Durning Holt and Sir (Richard) Stafford Cripps. Papers of the Beatrice Webb relating to the government Reconstruction Committee, 1916-1918, mainly comprising memoranda, reports and letters concerning the work of the Machinery of Government Committee, with proposals concerning the reorganisation of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Board of Trade, the Department of Justice, the Board of Education, the Home Office and the civil service, as well as methods of controlling national expenditure; memoranda and reports of the Sub-Committee on Functions of Government Departments; and material created by the Control of Industry and Commerce Panel. Miscellaneous material, 1835-[1950], including items found loose in Beatrice Webb's diary, including the passport of Richard Potter, reports on trade unionism, conscientious objectors, wage regulation in World War One; a letter from Sir Oswald Ernald Mosely to Sidney Webb, enclosing a paper on unemployment and reconstruction, [1930]; cabinet papers on national expenditure and national insurance and pensions, [1930-1931]; material concerning agriculture in the Soviet Union; photographs, [1850]-1932, comprising a photograph album of Sidney Webb's parents, and pictures removed from Beatrice Webb's diary.

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Richard Fort and Company
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0236 · Collection · 1802-1826

Business papers, articles of agreement, correspondence, tax assessments etc.

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GB 0097 CROSLAND · 1920-1980

This collection encompasses all the main phases of Crosland's career; his education and early career, World War II, his time as a Member of Parliament. It includes personal and professional correspondence, diaries, notes and notebooks, publications, speeches, broadcasts, photographs, and ephemera (including opera, theatre and concert programmes) and comprises the following:
Part I. Education and Early Career, 1930-1950
Section 1) Highgate School (exercise books and certificates); Section 2) Trinity College, Oxford (essays and notes, material relating to student societies, and ephemera); Section 3) War (including diaries, correspondence and notebooks).

Part II. Member of Parliament, 1950-1977
Section 4) Papers; Section 5) Ministerial; Section 6) Labour Party; Section 7) Constituency; Section 8) Official foreign visits.

Part III. Correspondence (personal and professional), 1927-1976:
Section 9) 1927-1949; Section 10) 1950-1966; Section 11) 1967-1970; Section 12) 1971-1976.

Part IV. Various, 1920 - 1980
Section 13) Books, pamphlets, articles, speeches and broadcasts (concerning socialism, economics, and political campaigning); Section 14) Co-operative Independent Commission; Section 15) Profiles and biography; Section 16) Notes, note books, press cuttings and miscellaneous (personal accounts, notes and reflections); Section 17) Susan Crosland's papers (concerning biographies of Anthony Crosland); Section 18) Crosland Additional (photographs and ephemera).

The following sections, describing printed items, have been added to the catalogue as appendices: 1. Printed articles and speeches by Crosland; 2. Pamphlets (collected by Crosland); 3. Opera, Theatre and Concert Programmes.
There are two later accessions of scrapbooks, press cuttings, photographs, war medals and correspondence, c1920-c1980, and a file on the International Monetary Fund, 1976-1987.

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Letter Collection
GB 0097 LETTER COLLECTION · Collection · 1772-1938

Correspondence and memoranda, including letters to Ignaz Jastrow; 1896-1934; letters relating to British and Irish rail companies 1889-1910; letters concerning the grain trade, 1795; letters to Albany Fonblanque from Jeremy Bentham, Francis Place and Charles Pelham Villiers, 1827-1834; letters to Henry Dunning Mcleod relating to his Dictionary of Political Economy, 1862; letters to Graham Wallas 1898-1903; letters from Arthur Young, Claude Henri de Rouvroy and William Boyne 1814-1866; letters concerned with the families of John Frederick Denison Hare and John Sterling 1836-1913; letters to Sir William Mitchell Acworth 1889-1899; and letters to Henry William Macrosty 1934-1939.

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GB 0097 NEWMAN · Collection · 1774-1955

The collection of primarily bound volumes comprises the business documents of Robert Newman and Co., and related companies, 1774-1955. The documents themselves include letter books, journals, ledgers, account books, memorandums and ship registers, and relate chiefly to trading in Newfoundland, Canada. Many of these internal working documents were originally intended to serve as permanent records. They can provide the researcher with a general overview of the financial and statistical history of the firm, giving a record of transactions as they occurred. In addition, they offer a degree of descriptive information, showing the development of codes and ciphers used by the firm, an insight into labour relations, and a detailing of the raw materials used for trade.

The records relate to the following company names; Hunt Newman Roope and Co; Hunt Roope and Co; Hunt Roope Teage and Co; John Newman and Co; Newman and Co; Newman Hunt and Co; Newman Hunt and Lyon; Newman and Land; Newman Land Hunt and Co; Newman and Roope; Robert Newman and Co.

Volumes 2 and 102 are missing from the collection and number 91 was not originally used when the items were acquisitioned.

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Norris Oakley Bros, Stockbrokers
GB 0097 NORRIS OAKLEY · Collection · c1880s-1940

Ledgers of London stockbrokers Oakley Norris Bros, 1880s-1940.

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GB 0097 PIERCY · Collection · 1915-1966

Notes, correspondence and other papers relating to Piercy's time at the Ministry of Munitions; at the British Ministry of Food in the USA; as General Trading Manager of Harrisons and Crosfield; as Joint Managing Director of Pharaoh Gane and Co Ltd; as a partner in the stock broking firms of Capel, Cure and Terry, and Fenn and Crosthwaite; as leader of the British Petroleum Mission; at the Ministry of Production; as personal assistant to Clement Attlee; as Chairman of the Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation; and his official appointments. Personal letters and biographical material, including the records of the Evelyn Trust and Chichester Estate Trust; essays, notes and other material relating to Piercy's education and lecturing; and material relating to Piercy's involvement with educational institutions, the Wellcome Trust, and his various other interests.

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GB 0097 BARKER · Collection · c1950-c2000

Drafts, research notes and correspondence relating to various aspects of the career and life of Professor Theodore Barker, [1950-2000]; including correspondence and papers regarding the glass manufacturing industry, most notably the companies Pilkington and Triplex, airports and research material relating to various aspects of transport history, including correspondence with the Transport History Research Trust. Also includes research material concerning St Helen's, Liverpool, used by Barker in preparation for his PhD thesis and later publication on the area. The papers also contain various conference material and drafts and offprints of papers by Barker and others.

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GB 0097 ORAM · Collection · 1960-1990

Papers relating to the Co-operative Movement, UK affairs, overseas aid and development, foreign affairs, and Oram's speeches and articles.

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GB 0097 RIVER GAMBIA · Collection · 1860-1920

Records of the River Gambia Trading Company Ltd, 1860-1920, including accounts, ledgers, stock books, invoice books, cash books, wages books, expenses books, receipt books and letter books. Also includes: papers regarding the Bathurst Trading Company of Mincing Lane, London; papers regarding the will of Richard Lloyd (died 1853) of Bathurst, Gambia and Harriet Fanny, his wife (died 1855).

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GB 0097 WAINWRIGHT · Collection · 1973-1996

Papers relating to Henderson, 1983-1985;
Papers relating to Toplis and Harding, international loss adjusters, 1988-1990;
Papers relating to Herbert Morris' History, 'Cranes and Craftsmen', 1973-1974;
Papers relating to Richard Thomas, no date;
Papers relating to Dictionary of Business Biography (including James Livesey), Business Archives Council, Quinton Hazell and Stones Ginger, no date;
Papers relating to Spillers, 1975-1978;
Papers relating to Simpson, Piccadilly, 1995-1996.

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