Correspondence to Hammond from George Canning, John Pitt 2nd Earl of Chatham, Henry Goulburn, Charles Manners-Sutton, William Pitt the younger, William Wilberforce and William Windham.
Sans titreParliamentary register, containing information about electoral constituencies, political issues, clubs, socialist organisations, press cuttings of local election results, election leaflets and reports on constituencies by members. Complied by H E Williams of the Fabian Society.
Sans titrePrinted confidential minutes of the Joint Board of the Parliamentary Committee of the TUC, General Federation of Trade Unions and the Labour Party.
Sans titrePolitical papers of Andrew Matthew William Faulds, [1965-1997], mainly relating to his career as Labour MP for Smethwick (1966-1974) and Warley East (1974-1997). Comprises files relating to Parliamentary and constituency matters, foreign affairs, and the arts. There are also a number of audiotapes of Faulds' speeches, mostly in the House of Commons and the Council of Europe.
Sans titreThe Parker Papers, 1943-1982, mainly consist of comments, corrections and suggestions from those to whom John Parker sent the first thoughts of the various chapters which would eventually form the basis of his memoirs, Father of the House, published in 1982 by Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. They also include various official related records concerned with particularly interesting or important moments from his political career. They consist mainly of correspondence, memorandums, reports and notes. These papers were all deposited upon the publication of his, previously mentioned, book of memoirs.
The collection consists of six separate series of records, ranging virtually the entire span of his time in the House of Commons. The six series reflect the way in which John Parker maintained his papers, each concerning a specific topic. These include records concerning his various literary compositions, the Legitimacy Act of 1959, Select Committee on Procedure, Speaker's Conference on Electoral Law and Sunday Observance.
Sans titrePapers of Jeremy John Durham (Paddy) Ashdown, [1970]-1999, including material relating to the working of the Liberal Democrat Party (including files on the merger of the Liberal and Social Democratic Parties in 1988), campaigns, and relations with related Liberal groups, such as campaigning within ethnic minorities, the Liberal Youth and Student Office, the Liberal Movement, the European Liberal Democratic and Reform Parties, and Liberal International; material relating to Social and Liberal Democrat and Liberal Democrat conferences, 1989-1993, comprising programmes, agenda and correspondence; files relating to the administration of party political broadcasts and press releases, 1988-1992; papers relating to general, by, local and European elections, 1988-1993, including the 1991 report on general elections, and the European Election Task Group and ASLDC reports on local government elections; files on parliamentary procedure, 1989-1992; financial and administrative papers of the Liberal Democrat Party, 1986-1992, notably relating to fund raising; material concerning the organisation of local parties, 1988-1993, including those in Scotland and Wales; Liberal Democrat correspondence, 1982-1993, mainly with party members; constituency correspondence, 1985-1994, relating to Yeovil; general correspondence, 1983-1994, with members of the public, on subjects including animal rights, the arts, blood sports, capital punishment, constitutional and electoral reform, defence, education, energy, the environment, Europe, foreign affairs/policy, health, housing, human rights, legal aid, minority rights, the Poll Tax, taxation, trade and industry, and transport; correspondence relating to issues in individual constituencies, 1988-1994; files of information and correspondence on particular subjects, 1984-1993; personal material relating to work by Paddy Ashdown, 1983-1994, including books, articles, speeches and details of programmes; files on the employment of staff in Paddy Ashdown's office, 1984-1992. Also: files created by Ashdown as leader of the Liberal Democrats, c1991-1999 (AccNo: M1981); Paddy Ashdown's diaries, July 1988-April 1997 (AccNo: M3059); personal and party correspondence, 1987-1998 (AccNo: M3322); diaries and emails, 1999-2006 (AccNo: M3348).
Sans titreThis collection contains the personal papers of Reginald Bassett, and consists of notes for addresses and speeches on politics, articles on politics, and lectures on political theory, international relations and economics. There are also smaller quantities of correspondence, Labour Party material, press cuttings, and essays on politics and social problems.
Sans titrePolitical papers of Alan Crosland Graham. The early papers refer to his appointment as private secretary to the Earl of Balfour, Secretary of State for War, from 1925 to 1929, and Viscount Halisham, President of the Council, from 1932 to 1935, and his parliamentary contests at Stirling, Denbigh, Darwen and Wirral. During World War Two his papers illustrate an involvement in anti-Nazi and anti-Communist groups in Europe, and there are files relating to Austria, Poland, France and the Never Again Committee.
Sans titreLetters to Charles Villiers, most from Edward Hyde Villiers on family and political matters. The letters are largely undated and in considerable disorder. Many are incomplete.
Sans titreThis collection contains Richard Potter's diaries, accounts, parliamentary journals, correspondence and miscellaneous papers.
Sans titrePapers of Sidney Joseph Madge, [1920-1929], comprising notes and transcripts of seventeenth century material relating to the disposal of Crown lands during the Commonwealth period (1649-1658) collated by Madge for his DSc Thesis presented at the London School of Economics in 1929, and published in 1938 as The Domesday of Crown lands: a study of the legislation, surveys and sales of Royal estates under the Commonwealth (Routledge and Sons, London, 1938). The material largely consists of notes and transcripts of Parliamentary Surveys and Parliamentary Land Sales.
Sans titrePapers relating to Lord Merlyn-Rees' political career, 1949-2002, concerning his role as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. Among the papers are: transcripts of Merlyn Rees' taped diary, 1972-1976. These are a very useful insight into Rees' contemporary views on politics and events in Northern Ireland. Included are accounts of: the Ulster Workers' Strike; the collapse of the power sharing executive; the Constitutional Convention; meetings with politicians; parliamentary proceedings; and, security matters such as internment and special category status for paramilitary prisoners. The diaries also contain comments on UK politics generally (MERLYN-REES/1); articles, lectures and speeches by Lord Merlyn-Rees, 1965-2002, including speeches made while he was Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Home Secretary (MERLYN-REES/2); drafts of 'Northern Ireland: a personal perspective' (MERLYN-REES/3); correspondence, timetables and other papers regarding visits to Northern Ireland by Merlyn Rees and Colleen Rees, mainly 1972-1976 (MERLYN-REES/4); official papers, mainly 1974-1976 (MERLYN-REES/5); Northern Ireland Office press notices, 1974-1976 (MERLYN-REES/6); correspondence files, 1971-1997 (MERLYN-REES/7); subject files relating to Northern Ireland, including correspondence, official memoranda (including memos from Roger Darlington, political adviser/researcher), articles, press cuttings and other papers. These have been arranged by the archivist in a number of series: legislation (MERLYN-REES/8); media (MERLYN-REES/9); political (MERLYN-REES/10); religion, culture and parades (MERLYN-REES/11); security (MERLYN-REES/12); social and economic (MERLYN-REES/13); organisations (MERLYN-REES/14); people (MERLYN-REES/15); general (MERLYN-REES/16); papers regarding the campaign for the release of the Guildford Four and Maguire Seven, and papers regarding the Birmingham Six case (MERLYN-REES/17); papers regarding allegations of a 'dirty tricks' campaign by elements of the security forces during the 1970s. Merlyn Rees was one of the people who was smeared during the campaign (MERLYN-REES/18); subject files (except Northern Ireland), including papers on crime, the Falklands War, media, the miners' strike and policing (MERLYN-REES/19); photographs (MERLYN-REES/20).
Sans titrePapers of Alfred Morris, Baron Morris of Manchester and Labour politician, 1965-1997. Comprises material relating to Morris' work for disabled people; papers relating to Morris' wider work as a Member of Parliament and to his Wythenshawe Constituency and Manchester; papers concerning Labour Party issues, the Co-operative movement and other organisations and institutions.
Sans titreLetters by Thornely to his fellow MP for Wolverhampton, Charles Pelham Villiers (1802-1898) including some letters by Villiers, bound typescript transcript. Also includes a letter from Thornely to his father announcing his election, 10 Jan 1835, a brief biography of Thornely, and photographs of both Villiers and Thornely.
Sans titre