Affichage de 18 résultats

Description archivistique
Soiuzfoto Collection
GB 0369 SOY · 1934-1935

Thirty one photographs by the Soiuzphoto agency, showing scenes in Livadia, Tadzhistan and Moscow (including the Metro, the Park of Culture and Rest and factories), as well as farms, libraries and schools.

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Moscow Collection
GB 0369 MOS · c 1962

Album containing photographs including of Moscow, rural scenes and schoolchildren entitled "These Photoes [sic] are made by the Pupils of [Moscow] School No. 14", c 1962.

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Mozart in Prague Collection
GB 0369 MOZ · 1956

Photographs (10) of lithographs by Vojtech Kubasta, with explanatory notes issued to mark the bicentenary of the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1956; Photographs (28) relating to Mozart and Prague, stamped "Bedrich Renner, Prague", with list.

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Norway and Russia Collection
GB 0369 NOR · c 1895

Photograph album entitled "Norway and Russia" containing black and white and coloured photographs of Norway, Russia (mostly St Petersburg) and other European cities, c 1895

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Beck Collection
GB 0369 BEC · c. 1910

Photograph album depicting a visit taken to Russia by a Miss E J Beck before the First World War; postcard album containing postcards of Russia, presumably collected by Miss Beck on the same visit.

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J Bloch and Co. Collection
GB 0369 BLJ · c 1900

Photographs taken by N Medius depicting the showrooms and office interiors of J Bloch and Co. Moscow, and also an exterior view of a building, c 1900.

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Brasova Collection
GB 0369 BRS · 1897-1922, mainly 1909-1913

Photograph albums of Natalia Sergeevna Cheremtevskaia (later Countess Brasova), depicting her life with Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich during the early years of their life together 1909-1913. Most of the albums date from before their marriage in 1912 and contain informal photographs of the Grand Duke and Brasova and their family and friends. Some of the photographs were taken during the couple's European travels.

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Czechoslovakia Collection
GB 0369 CZE · 1930-1944

Photographs, mostly of an official nature, depicting the Czechoslovakian war effort (troops, airmen and politicians), pre war buildings, handicrafts and folk costumes; 2 (1944) letters from Hana and Jirina Benesova

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Danubian Lands Collection
GB 0369 DAN · 1939-1945

Thirty two slides of Danubian lands, including views of Vienna, Austria, Budapest, Hungary and Belgrade, Yugoslavia and some maps. Also contained are 15 slides on the Second World War including Greek troops, the Cretan Campaign and Egyptian troops in training, c. 1939-1945

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Toogood Collection
GB 0369 TOO · 1923, 1925

Photographs and postcards relating to visits made to Russia by the journalist Henry Foster Toogood in 1923 and 1925. Some photographs have handwritten captions in English probably by Toogood.

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Soviet Union photograph Collection
GB 0369 SOU · c 1955

Eighty photographs of Soviet origin, c 1955, but without captions, are principally of Moscow, showing the Lenin Library and the Metro. There is some emphasis in the collection on higher education and culture.

Sans titre
GB 0369 SOV · 1950-1953

Fifty six photographs of a visit to the Soviet Union in the early 1950s by an unnamed presumably British delegation, showing Leningrad, Pushkin, Moscow, Stalingrad and Tashkent, including factories, pioneer camps and a collective farm; 21 offically published photographs depicting the Skorokhod shoe factory in Leningrad in the early 1950s; 3 postcards of Lenin and Stalin, 1950

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Anisionov Collection
GB 0369 ANI · c 1929

Photographs of Russian icons intended to give "a picture of the development of ancient Russian icon painting" with an introduction signed by Anisionov and brief descriptions of each photograph. Inserted in the album are notes on an exhibition "Russia: her soul through the ages in life and art", 18 November 1929.

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Fotograficheskaia Vystavka Collection
GB 0369 FOT · 1912

Album of 18 photographs from an exhibition organised by the Journal Fotograficheskaia Novosti, held at St Petersburg, Russia, between 12 April and 4 May 1912 under the patronage of Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich

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Hungary Collection
GB 0369 HUN · c 1965

Official photographs of Hungary, c 1965, showing the bend of the Danube, cities, Budapest, the bank of the Danube, agriculture and industry.

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Pruner Collection
GB 0369 PRU · 1935

Letter from Rudolph Pruner to Jan Masaryk dated Prague, 28 December 1935, enclosing a sample stereoscopic photograph and lenses, and requesting assistance in creating an album of stereoscopic photographs of Jan Masaryk's father President Tomas Garrique Masaryk and his family circle.

Portrait photograph of Rudolph Pruner (c1935) presented to SSEES from the Library of Jan Masaryk.

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GB 0369 TOL · 1912

Album of photographs of Count Leo Tolstoy and his surroundings and 28 photographs of the Tolstoy Museum in Moscow entitled "Tolstovskii muzei, Yanvar, 1912" [Tolstoy museum, January 1912]

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