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Descripción archivística
Allan Collection
GB 0369 ALL · c 1919-1940

Papers of Robert Gerard Allen, 1919-1940, comprising:
notebook of poetry presumably by Allan, c.1930-1940; photographs and postcards of interwar Prague, the Sokal gymnastics movement and T G Masaryk c 1919-1939; prints of Prague; maps of Czechoslovakia, 1930, 1937; collection of Six linocuts by a Czechoslovak soldier - somewhere in England 1940. The artist was probably Dr V Vanderlik; collection of ten linocuts Cesta (the trail), depicting various scenes from Europe and the middle east by Dr V Vanderlik "a Czechoslovak soldier"; typescript entitled Repetitorium ceske literatury v otazkachi i odpovedich by Prof J Maly, 1936; typescript Czech-English dictionary of engineering terms, probably by Allan

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Russo-Turkish War Album Collection
GB 0369 RUO · 1877-1878

Album of illustrations from the "Illustrated London News" entitled "Russo-Turkish War, 1876"

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Servo-Bulgarian War Collection
GB 0369 SER · 1885

Two part printed diary of events in the Servo[Serbian]-Bulgarian War, 1885, compiled by the Intelligence Branch, Quarter-Master General's Department of the British War Office by Major G C Wynne under the direction of Colonel A S Cameron. These papers are duplicates of those kept at the Public Record Office.

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Bromhead Collection
GB 0369 BRO · 1915-1918

Papers of Lt Col Alfred Claude Bromhead, 1915-1918, comprising:
typescript copies of Bromhead's diaries of his work with the British Military Cinematographic Mission to show British propaganda films to Russian troops, 1916-1918, Bromhead and his mission made visits to the Finnish, Baltic, Ukrainian, Caucasian, Turkish and Romanian Fronts. There is also a diary for Bromhead's Italian mission from May-December 1918; correspondence between Bromhead and the Government Committee for Propaganda, supervising his activities, correspondence received by Bromhead from British and Russian contacts in Russia, memo on Russian affairs by Sir Bernard Pares, Russian printed material; photographs (probably) taken by Bromhead while on his mission to Russia, the main subjects of the photographs are Russian troops and the work of the Mission, 1916-1917

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Czechoslovakia Collection
GB 0369 CZE · 1930-1944

Photographs, mostly of an official nature, depicting the Czechoslovakian war effort (troops, airmen and politicians), pre war buildings, handicrafts and folk costumes; 2 (1944) letters from Hana and Jirina Benesova

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Danubian Lands Collection
GB 0369 DAN · 1939-1945

Thirty two slides of Danubian lands, including views of Vienna, Austria, Budapest, Hungary and Belgrade, Yugoslavia and some maps. Also contained are 15 slides on the Second World War including Greek troops, the Cretan Campaign and Egyptian troops in training, c. 1939-1945

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Deacon Collection
GB 0369 DEA · 1919-1920

Papers and photographs relating to Olive Deacon's child welfare work in Pec, Montenegro 1919-1920. Contents:
DEA/1 Correspondence and other papers relating to the Scottish Women's Hospital and orphanages in Pec (Nov 1919-Feb 1921)
DEA/2 Olive Deacon's typescript memoir 'Some Montenegrin experiences' and two diaries kept during her time at Pec (between 1919 and 1920)
DEA/3 Photographs and postcards (1919)

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Lodge Collection
GB 0369 LOD · 1919-1956

Papers of Olive Clare Lodge, 1919-1953, comprising:
Papers on Lodge's demographic and anthropological research in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia (and a small amount in France) particularly her study of fire dances, spring rituals and other folk traditions. Also includes her notebooks and family trees containing demographic data collected on Bulgarian and Yugoslavian families, 1919-1953;
Writings, correspondence, notes, pamphlets and press cuttings, and a few photographs on Yugoslavia mainly during the World War Two and the immediate post war period, 1930-1956 (mainly 1941-1953)

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GB 0369 RUU · 1736-1792

Glass plate negatives of maps relating to the Russo-Turkish Wars of 1736-1739, 1768-1774 and 1787-1792, including plans of the towns of Azov, 1736, Otzakov, 1737-1740 and Hockzin, 1739

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Klugmann Collection
GB 0369 KLU · 1904-1961

Books and pamphlets, collected by James Klugmann, principally produced by Yugoslav partisans and the Communist authorities they established 1943-1945, mainly dealing with political and cultural questions. Many of the books and pamphlets are annotated with Klugmann's name and the place and date of acquisition.

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Lisicky Collection
GB 0369 LIS · 1915-1948

Correspondence and papers of Karel Lisicky on Czechoslovak foreign relations, 1915-1948, comprising:
Papers on the work of the Czechoslovak Embassy in Paris, Czechoslovakia's economic situation, Czechoslovak/Polish relations, Czechoslovak/German relations and the League of Nations, 1918-1937;
papers on the Munich agreement and its aftermath, 1938-1939, including including correspondence between the Czechoslovak embassy in London and the British Government, the British and Czechoslovak Governments and Wickham Steed, documents on the aftermath of the Munich Crisis including correspondence between the Czechoslovak embassy in London and Prague about refugees and propaganda funds and between the London embassy and the British Government; correspondence and papers on Czechoslovak resistance in exile, 1939-1945, including papers on the work of the Czechoslovak embassy in London, the formation, activities and financial situation of the free Czechoslovak movement, organisation of Czechoslovak resistance outside of Britain and the United States, organisation of Czechoslovak military forces in Britain and relations between the Czechoslovak and Polish Governments in exile; documents on the position of Sudeten Germans after German occupation, the attitude of the Czechoslovak Government in exile to future relations with West Germany, peace negotiations with Germany and Austria and situation in Czechoslovakia in the immediate post war period, 1938-1947 (mainly 1940-1947); papers on Lisicky's role as member of the United Nations 4th Commmittee on Trusteeship and the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, 1946-1948; press cuttings on the Munich Crisis and the occupation of Czechoslovakia and assorted periodicals, 1915-1948

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Pannwitz Collection
GB 0369 PAN · 1959, 1985

Typescript of Heinz Pannwitz' account of the assasination of Reinhard Heydrich, 27 May, 1942, translated and annotated by Stanislav Berton entitled "The assassination of Reinhard Heydrich"; offprint of German publication of this account, annotated by Berton entitled "Das attentat auf Reinhard Heydrich vom 27. Mai 1942. Ein Bericht des Kriminalrats Heinz Pannwitz" [The assassination of Reinhard Heydrich on 27 May 1942. an account by Criminal investigator Heinz Pannwitz] in "Vierte;jahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte", vol 4, 1985, pp 668-706.

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Pares (Sir Bernard) Collection
GB 0369 PAR · 1902-1948

Correspondence and papers of Sir Bernard Pares, 1902-1948, comprising:
Pre World War One papers, 1902-1914, including writings on Russian politics, joint diary on Russian political events written with Samuel Northrup Harper; press cuttings and Russian newspapers;
correspondence and papers on the School of Russian Studies, Liverpool University, 1907-1916, including manuscript and typescript articles for the "Russian Review", and correspondence with Sir Alfred Jones, Liverpool shipping magnate and a supporter of the School;
correspondence and papers on visit to Britain of members of the Russian Duma, June-July 1919;
correspondence and papers on visit of delegation of British public figures to Russia, 1911-1912;
World War One papers, including drafts of his dispatches from the front as British Military Overseer to the Russian Army, 1915-1917, papmplets and newspapers, presscuttings of Pares's articles;
correspondence and papers on the Russian Revolution and Civil War years, 1917-1922, including reports, memos and other papers, press surveys, newspapers, pamphlets and press cuttings, particularly on White held Siberia;
papers dating from the inter-war years, including papers on the education of Russian children in Britain and other relief work for Russian refugees, papers on Pares' visit to the Soviet Union, 1935-1936, correspondence on publications and lectures, correspondence on the Church of England Council on Foreign Relations, pamphlets, reports and press cuttings;
correspondence and papers on the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, 1916-1938, including early plans for the school and Pares' employment as Director; correspondence on Pares's visit to United States, 1929 and lecture notes;
papers dating from World War Two and post-war years, 1939-1948, including mss and working papers for "The fall of the Russian monarchy"; lecture and broadcast notes; letters from American correspondents

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Video Collection
GB 0369 VIE · 1991-1996

Videotapes containing mainly excerpts from British news and documentary programmes concerning events in and about the former Yugoslavia. Broadcasts are included from British terrestrial stations such as the BBC as well as satellite and cable broadcasters including CNN, Sky, Replay Productions

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Kosina Collection
GB 0369 KOS · 1948-1983

Typescripts by Josef Kosina, entitled "Vzpominky z druhe Svetove Valky [Memoirs of the Second World War] and "Czechoslovakia: her rise and fall"; also index cards, notes and bibliography for the former typescript; anonymous letter addressed to Kosina, 1955; notes and newspapers.

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Masaryk Collection
GB 0369 MAS · 1929-1978, mainly 1938-1945

Papers of Jan Garrigue Masaryk, comprising:
scrapbooks of Masaryk memorabilia, 1935-1948 containing press cuttings, photographs and correspondence, including Masaryk's 'Black Book' of cuttings and papers on the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, 1938; appointment diaries, 1940-1945; photographs of Jan and Tomas Masaryk, c 1930-1948; publications by Jan Masaryk and signed copies of works by T G Masaryk and Edvard Benes

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Rose (Margaret Tatiana) Collection
GB 0369 ROM · 1988

PhD thesis submitted by Margaret Tatiana Rose to Hull University, 1988, entitled "Philips Price and the Russian Revolution". Morgan Philips Price (1885-?) was correspondent for "The Manchester Guardian" in Russia from 1914 to 1918. He was a founder member of the Union of Democratic Control which opposed Britain's entry into the First World War. His reports from Russia became increasingly radical and supportive of the Bolsheviks and were eventually censored.

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Sekulich Collection
GB 0369 SEK · 1924-1984 (mainly 1941-1984)

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, offprints and articles of Dr Milos Sekulich, 1924-1984 (mainly 1941-1984). The material relates mainly to Yugoslavia and Yugoslav, specifically Serbian emigre politics. Some of the major themes of the material are the conflict within the Serbian Orthodox Church in Britain caused by accusations of communist influence, attempts at commemorating and rehabilitating the memory of General Draza Mihailovic, attempts to publicise the Croatian Ustashi atrocities against Serbs and libel cases brought by Sekulich against other members of the Serbian emigre community. There is a small amount of material on his medical interest and research into tuberculosis.

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GB 0369 SEW · 1905-1951

Correspondence and papers of Robert William Seton-Watson, comprising:
Pre World War One papers, 1905-1914, including articles and correspondence relating to aspects of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, press cuttings and book reviews; correspondence on the formation, publication and content of "The New Europe", with papers and minutes of meetings for "The New Europe Society", 1913-1920; World War One papers, 1914-1918, including correspondence, memoranda, reports and articles, Seton-Watson's reports for the Intelligence Bureau on Austria-Hungary; reports and memos written for the Intelligence Bureau and the Department of Enemy Propaganda; papers on Serbia and the future Yugoslavia, 1912-1919; papers on Bohemia and the other regions that united as Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and the Ukraine; press cuttings re Romania, 1913-1928 (mainly 1914-1918); papers on Seton-Watson's work as Secretary of the Serbian Relief Fund, 1914-1921, including minute books, correspondence, diaries, ledgers, photographs and lantern slides; papers on Yugoslavia, 1919-1941, including correspondence and papers on issues of both Yugoslavia's international relations and internal politics; correspondence and documents on "The Yugoslav Society of Great Britain", press cuttings on Seton-Watson's "Sarajevo" and on Yugoslavia generally and addresses presented to RWSW by Yugloslavian organisations; papers on inter-war Czechoslovakia, 1919-1939; papers on Hungary, Romania, Carpatho-Ruthenes, Ukraine, Poland and Austria in the inter-war years, 1919-1939; papers on World War Two, 1939-1945, including papers and correspondence re RWSW's work for the Foreign and Research Press Service and the Political Intelligence Department, including political intelligence summaries; papers on Seton-Watson's work for the Tribunal for internees opposed to the Nazi system, papers by Seton-Watson and others and others on Balkan and Danubian territories; papers on Czechoslovakia during World War Two, 1939-1945, including papers and intelligence summaries produced by Seton-Watson for Chatham House and the Political Intelligence Department, correspondence and papers on Czechoslovak affairs; papers and correspondence on Hungarian and Romanian affairs in World War Two, 1938-1945; papers and correspondence on Yugoslav affairs in the Second World War, 1939-1947, including both Seton-Watson's Government work and his private involvement with British-Yugoslav organisations; general correspondence files, 1901-1951; correpondence and papers academic matters including the School of Slavonic Studies, Kings College London, and its successor, SSEES, the "Slavonic Review", and the Royal Historical Society, 1911-1949; correspondence with publishers including agreements and statements of royalties and correspondence re publications, letters to newspapers, other correspondence and reviews, 1906-1951; assorted typescripts, articles, lecture notes, notes and newscuttings on a variety of subjects, mainly Austria-Hungary, the "Eastern question" and Yugoslavia, 1905-1951; ephenera; press cuttings, bibliographies and a guide to Seton-Watson's papers held at New College Oxford

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