Mostrando 27 resultados

Descripción archivística
Assistant Masters Association
GB 0366 AMA · Colección · 1898-1978

Records of the Assistant Masters Association from 1898 until its amalgamation in 1978, including minutes, officers' files, correspondence and publications.

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GB 0366 GL · Colección · c1955-1965

Materials used by Dorothy Glynn in her educational work, comprising 45 colour slides of classroom and other activities in primary schools, [1955-1965].

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JARECKI, Hilde (1911-1995)
GB 0366 HJ · Colección · 1945-1997

Papers of Hilde Jarecki including biographical papers, material for publication and papers relating to the playgroup associations, 1945-1997.

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HOLLOWAY, Bernard (1918-1995)
GB 0366 HOL · Colección · 1955-1995

Papers of Bernard Holloway, Secretary of the Manchester University Careers and Appointments Service, relating to his work in careers education, 1955-1995, including published and unpublished articles and papers, 1955-1986; booklets about the Manchester University Careers and Appointments Service, 1977-1982; reports; papers presented to the Appointments Board, 1963-1984; papers relating to Index, a pre-university industrial training scheme, 1986-1987; material relating to a Business Graduate Survey undertaken, 1985-1986 and papers relating to a trip to the USA to visit university placement offices, 1967.

Publications such as Manchester University's This Week, 1984-1987, Monash University Careers Weekly, 1977-1986, and Pheonix, (the magazine of the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services), 1985-1995; and articles and press cuttings on the subject of careers education, [1971-1985].

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PANTING, Horace (fl 1912-1977)
GB 0366 HP · Colección · 1912-1980s

Papers of Horace Panting, mainly associated with school sport, including handbooks and programmes relating to football, cricket, boxing and swimming, 1912-1980s. Also some papers from Horace Panting's time as a student at the Institute of Education, University of London, 1934-1935 and a handwritten diary relating to the evacuation of Holborn Boy's School to Crudwell, Wiltshire, during World War Two.

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BATHURST, Katherine (1862-c 1932)
GB 0366 KB · 1891-1932

The Katherine Bathurst Papers, 1891-1932, focusing mainly on her career at, and disputes with, the Board of Education, her interests in nursery education, the working conditions of the school inspectorate and the position of women within the inspectorate. The papers comprise inspection notes from school visits; notes for her preliminary and supplementary reports; copies of Board of Education Circulars; photocopies of the Women Inspectors' Reports; correspondence with her superiors and officials at the Board of Education; private correspondence, including with Sir John Gorst; correspondence with the National Union of Women Teachers (NUWT) and National Union of Teachers (NUT); published and unpublished articles; education pamphlets; and newspaper clippings of articles and editorials related to her dispute with the Board of Education and on general educational topics.

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PETERS, Richard Stanley (b 1919)
GB 0366 PE · Colección · 1940s-1990s

Papers of Richard Stanley Peters, 1940s-1990s, including notebooks, chiefly containing drafts of essays and notes about books read; press cuttings; project proposals; lecture notes for public lectures by Peters, 1957-1976; papers on the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) course, 1966-1967; papers concerning examinations and assessment; papers concerning programmes for the BBC, 1960s-1970s; papers relating to conferences; letters to politicians, including Shirley Williams, Keith Joseph, Harold Wilson and Jack Straw; printed syllabi for courses given by Peters on philosophy, mainly for the Council of Extra-Mural Studies, University of London, 1946-1959; loose material, including papers on South Place Ethical Society, Philosophical Psychology seminars; copies of articles and notes; BA philosophy notes, Sidcot School; biographical material relating to Peters and correspondence with the Institute of Education regarding Peters' employment. Papers relating to the Institute of Education (IOE) including correspondence with Sir William Taylor on IOE business, 1972-1977; papers relating to IOE courses; correspondence with IOE staff while on sabbatical at the Australian National University, 1969; IOE course handouts, containing seminar topics and reading lists, 1977-1981; papers relating to the Initial Courses Sub-Committee of the Central Academic Board, 1965-1968 and minutes of the Sub-Committee for Funded Research, 1974-1978. Correspondence with societies including the Royal Institute of Philosophy, 1972-1979, the American National Academy of Education, 1975-1981 and the Philosophy of Education Society, 1964-1980 and correspondence on topics including PhD supervision, conferences, publications and Peters' trips to Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand.

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GB 0366 PL · Colección · 1963-1970s

Lady Plowden's own set of the minutes, circulated papers and reports of the Committee of Enquiry into Primary Education with a few annotations, manuscript notes and items of correspondence; drafts of the final report, including 75 photographs of schools from which a selection was made for the published version; original letters and answers to a questionnaire from individual teachers; material gathered from visits to individual schools and tours abroad; colour film, Learning How to Learn. Also includes a copy of Lady Plowden's address to the 10th Annual Plowden Conference held at Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln, Aug 1976.

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ISAACS, Susan Sutherland (1885-1948)
GB 0366 SI · Colección · 1928-1979

Papers of Susan Sutherland Isaacs, 1928-1979, including personalia; some correspondence relating to students at the Institute of Education, University of London, 1933-1939; press cuttings relating to her writings as 'Ursula Wise' from the journals Nursery World and Home and School, 1929-1940; a few published papers, articles and drafts, notably of An introduction to psychology (Methuen, London, 1928).

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SPORNE, Arthur Raymond (1890-1977)
GB 0366 SP · Colección · 1913-1977

Papers of Arthur Raymond Sporne, 1913-1977, comprising:
Audio cassette of an interview between Sporne and his daughter Celia, shortly before his death in 1977, consisting of reminiscences of his own school days, his own time as a teacher and the experiences of his siblings including on discipline; interior and exterior of school buildings; teachers and method of teaching; lessons in literature and mathematics; school books and equipment including the arrival of new school books and stationery in 1903; child poverty; school finance; the impact of the 1902 Education Act on sports facilities, medical inspection and treatment, school meals, scholarships and other developments; musical activities and education; teachers' salaries; religious denominationalism in education; school sport; teacher education, including the pupil teacher system and college training.
Photocopy of a typescript draft of a book entitled 'A Voice in the Wilderness' written by Sporne under the name Raymond Morley in the 1950s, including Sporne's views on the education system and teaching methods; his memories of developments within teaching during his own school days and during his time as a teacher; the methods he used when teaching mathematics to 'retarded' boys within a secondary modern school in the 1940s; an account of a visit by schools inspectors to the school. This also includes some original samples of pupil's work.
Essays completed by Sporne's pupils, including 'Does he really like us?' and 'Our teacher's tongue', 1913, in which the pupils, aged 12-13, comment on their teacher; 'The story of my life' , 1914 and 1952 in which pupils aged 13-14 give accounts of their life experiences, including family life, health and sickness, school days, work, play, holidays, outings and friendships; letters written by pupils at Fulham Reformatory School, Dec 1917 about the end of the school term, the Christmas holidays and plans for the following term.
Personalia including swimming and music certificates.

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FRANCIS, Brenda (fl 1930-1990)
GB 0366 BF · Colección · c1930s-1980s

Papers of Brenda Francis, 1930s-1980s, comprising a large collection of photographs of domestic science, home economics, needlework, cookery, child care and homecraft teaching in London schools, possibly compiled as a reference collection intended for the use of teachers; minutes, circulated papers and reports of the United Kingdom Federation for Education in Home Management, 1954-1962; some printed material about home economics education.

Photographs: Large collection of photographs of domestic science, home economics, needlework, cookery, child care and homecraft teaching in London schools and other educational institutions such as open-air schools and teachers centres from the 1930s to the 1980s, possibly compiled as a reference collection intended for the use of teachers;

Publications: Printed material about home economics education, including works published by the ILEA, booklets published by the International Federation of Home Economics, relating to the 10th and 12th international congresses, regulations on teaching domestic education in 19th and 20th century, a publication of the Administration of Home Economics Education in Finland, a reference pack for teachers of pupils of ESN(s) [Severely educationally sub-normal] schools, and a work published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.;

Minutes and Papers: Relating to the meetings, activities and correspondence of the United Kingdom Federation for Education in Home Management.

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COOKE, Ebenezer (c 1837-1913)
GB 0366 CO · Colección · [1860]-1911

Papers of Ebenezer Cooke, mainly printed, including published articles and papers on the teaching of art and design; ephemera concerning Cooke's involvement with the International Art Congress for the Development of Drawing and Art Teaching and the Education Society; notes taken at lectures, including on physiology, 1869, and on a course of lectures given by James Sully on 'Art and Vision' in 1880; report book [possibly belonging to Ben M Jones of the Diocesan Training College, Chester] with criticisms of lessons given by various teachers, including on their use of illustrative drawings, 1900-1901; papers relating to the London County Council Report of the Conference on the Teaching of Drawing in Elementary and Secondary Schools and Training Colleges, 1907-1909. The collection also includes timed drawings done by elementary school pupils at Station Road Girls' School, Highbury, London in 1897, other examples of art work done by children, and a small amount of correspondence.

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MOLONY, Eileen (1914-1982)
GB 0366 EM · Colección · 1969-[1979]

Material relating to the production of the BBC television documentary The Expanding Classroom including correspondence, research material, scripts, shooting schedules, shot lists and transcripts; films and videocassettes, most relating to various television series about education, including The Expanding Classroom; 3 audio tapes of Robin Tanner talking to Eileen Molony, [Jan] 1979.

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National Commission on Education
GB 0366 NCE · Colección · 1991-1995

Records of the National Commission on Education, 1991-1995, including minutes of the Commission, Research Committee, Working and Steering Groups, written and oral evidence, including audio-tapes, and press cuttings.

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Child Development Society
GB 0366 CDS · 1942-2004

Records of the Child Development Society, 1942-2004, comprising administrative material relating the management of the Society, including the constitution of the Society, 1942-1994; minutes and circulated papers of meetings of the Executive Committee and Annual General Meetings, 1988-2003; correspondence of Annabel Lewis, Chair of the Society, from members of the Society and external bodies, 1996-2004; membership lists, 1993-[2000]; material relating to events held by the Society including programmes, literature, publicity, and correspondence, 1985-2000; promotional literature including the Society's newsletter and leaflets advertising the Society, 1972-2004; and miscellaneous material, including a note book, press cuttings and articles, 1992-[2002].

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GB 0366 DG · Colección · 1933-1992

Papers of Dorothy Ellen Marion Gardner including annual reports of the Child Development Department at the Institute of Education, University of London, 1933-1958, and notes on its establishment and functioning; newsletters of the Child Development Society, 1950-1992; pamphlets relating to child development issues, 1945-1960; correspondence and papers relating to reading skills, [1962-1963]; correspondence and papers relating to Dorothy Gardner's memorial meeting and fund, 1972-1976.

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GB 0366 IE · Colección · 1890s-1994

Records of the Institute of Education, University of London, 1890s-1994 (Ref: IE), including the London Day Training College Local Committee and Council, 1904-1931 (Ref: IE/TCC); Jubilee Lectures correspondence, 1904-1952 (Ref: IE/JUB); the Islington Day Training College, 1906-1917 (Ref: IE/ISL); examination records, 1909-1970s (Ref: IE/EXN); the University of London Training Colleges Delegacy, 1928-1948 (Ref: IE/TCD); the Institute of Education Delegacy, 1931-1948 (Ref: IE/ULD); the Committee of Management, 1948-1987 (Ref: IE/COM); the Council, 1948-1982 (Ref: IE/COU); the Senate, 1987-1992 (Ref: IE/SEN); the Committee of Principals, 1948-1979 (Ref: IE/CPR); Directorate material, including annual report files, 1933-1980 (Ref: IE/ARP), collegiate files, 1925-1975 (Ref: IE/DCO), files of Sir Percy Nunn, 1923-1936 (Ref: IE/TPN), the papers of G.B. Jeffery, 1940s-1950s (Ref: IE/GBJ), subject files, 1950s-1980s, and letter books, 1906-1926 (Ref: IE/PLB); Secretariat day files, 1948-1984 (Ref: IE/DLB), and subject files, 1960s-1990s, and memoranda books, 1907-1937 (Ref: IE/MEM); the Central Academic Board, 1949-1987; the Meeting of Staff and the Academic Board, 1909-1982 (Ref: IE/CAB, IE/ACB, IE/ABD); the Department for Overseas Students, 1930s-1980s (Ref: IE/DOS); visitation files, 1949-1971 (Ref: IE/VIF), and papers of the Visitations Sub-Committee, 1948-1969 (Ref: IE/VSC); the Conference of Local Education Authorities, 1948-1979 (Ref: IE/LEA); the Domestic Subjects Group of the Training Colleges Delegacy, 1928-1948 (Ref: IE/DSG); research material collated by C. Willis Dixon during the writing of his history of the Institute, 1930s-1970s (Ref: IE/DIX); the Committee on Facilities for Practising Teachers, 1949-1978 (Ref: IE/FPT); the Centre for Teachers, later the INSET Office, 1950s-1990s (Ref: IE/CFT); the Colonial Department, later known as the Department of Education in Tropical Areas, the Department of Education in Developing Countries, and the Department of International and Cooperative Education, 1935-1980s (Ref: IE/COL); the Department of Child Development and Educational Psychology, 1972-1987 (Ref: IE/CDE); the Department of History, Humanities and Philosophy, 1980s-1990s (Ref: IE/HHP); the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computing, 1980s-1990s; the Music Department, 1980s; the Library, 1923-1980s, the School Relations Office, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SRO); the Policy Advisory Committee, 1970-1983 (Ref: IE/PAC); the Joint Committee in Education, 1975-1982 (Ref: IE/JCE); the Joint Degree Committees, 1975-1980 (Ref: IE/JDC); the Joint Professional Committee, 1977-1983 (Ref: IE/JPR); the Interim Joint Planning Committee, 1982-1987 (Ref: IE/IJP); the Academic Policy Committee, 1983-1987 (Ref: IE/APC); the Audit Committee, 1991-1993 (Ref: IE/AUD); the Computing Policy Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/CPC); the Joint Planning Committee, 1988-1994 (Ref: IE/JPC); the Standing Committee on Equal Opportunities, 1987-1993 (Ref: IE/EQO); the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/FGP); the Investments Sub-Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/ISC); the Consortium for Assessment and Testing in Schools, 1980s-1990s; files relating to Institute publications, 1940s-1980s (Ref: IE/PUB); the Institute of Education Society, 1980s; student records, 1902-1980s (Ref: IE/STU); John Adams Hall, 1980s; the Institute Nursery, 1975-1980 (Ref: IE/NUR); research files, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SRF); staff records, 1912-1933 (Ref: IE/SFR); the Senior Common Room, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SCR); photographs (Ref: IE/PHO); Library Committees, 1923-1977 (Ref: IE/LSC); Student Associations/Unions, c1950-c1979 (Ref: IE/SAU); Teacher Training Enquiry [1970-1971] (Ref: IE/TTE); papers of Richard Goodings, c1890s-1960s (Ref: IE/RGO); buildings and estates records (Ref: IE/BLD); charters and statutes (Ref: IE/CSS); History of the Institute Panels (Ref: IE/HIP); records of Peter Newsam (Ref: IE/NEW); records of Peter Mortimore (Ref: IE/PEM); Personnel Department records (Ref: IE/PER); records of a Centre for Higher Education Research project on quality assurance in higher education (Ref: IE/QUR).

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LIGHTFOOT, Martin (1942-1999)
GB 0366 LI · Colección · 1980s-1990s

Papers of Martin Lightfoot, mainly relating to his career from 1981 onwards. They include papers concerning his work for the House of Commons Select Committee on Education and from his time at Brunel University. The latter include lecture and teaching notes on public and social administration, school management, equal opportunities and education, multiculturalism in education and educational politics and government; material relating to the research projects 'Expectations of Higher Education' and 'Recreating Education: London and Education Reform'; and some general papers relating to the work of Centre for the Study of Community and Race Relations and the Educational Policy Centre. Also included are papers reflecting Lightfoot's general interests in race relations, public administration and education, including a small amount of material relating to his membership of the Education Reform Group.

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GB 0366 BA · Colección · [1948]; 1956-1993

The collection includes George Baines' correspondence and papers re his work at Brize Norton, 1962-1966 and school magazines from Ashwell County Primary School, 1950s. However, the majority of the papers are those of George and Judith Baines relating to their work at Eynsham County Primary School, 1960s-1980s. These include administrative papers, teachers' guides, teachers' record books, school magazines, building plans and press cuttings. Also included is a copy of the episode of the BBC television series, 'The Expanding Classroom' which featured the work of George and Judith Baines at Eynsham School. The film was made in the summer term of 1969 before the first new school building burnt down. The collection contains many examples of children's work, mainly from Eynsham County Primary School, but also from Brize Norton, including project books, creative writing, audio tapes of music, art work, including block printing, and work with fabric. The project books each include some mathematics, scientific obeservation or experiment, creative writing and art work and were bound in block-printed covers designed and executed by the children. Also included are texts of lectures and lecture notes; papers relating to courses and workshops; correspondence re visits, including overseas connections (Iceland, Canada and the USA), 1960s-1980s; papers relating to George and Judith Baines work with students at Bishop Grossteste College, Lincolnshire, 1980s. There are also slides and photographs of staff, pupils, activities, displays and field study trips at Eynsham County Primary School; of Judith Baines' work at Strathmore Infant School; of George Baines' work at Brize Norton; of tours and visits to Gambia, Canada and Iceland. There is also a small group of photographs, memorabilia and correspondence relating to Robin Tanner (1904-1988).

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TANNER, Robin (1904-1988)
GB 0366 BTA · Colección · 1920s-1988

These papers relate primarily to Robin Tanner's work in education and not to his activities as an artist and etcher. They include lectures, addresses and conference papers together with photographs of accompanying displays, 1950s-1980s; a small group of papers relating to individual schools, 1930s-1980s; some publications; a little correspondence, mainly from the 1960s-1980s; slides of works by young people taught by Tanner in the 1930s; and personalia, including poetry and prose anthologies, some neckties and a cassette recording of a talk by Heather Tanner and Dietrich Hanff on 'Life in the Tanner Household'.

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College of Preceptors
GB 0366 COP · 1847-2008

Administrative records of the College of Preceptors and College of Teachers, 1847-2008. Including constitutional, legal and membership records, 1847-1998; published calendars and registers, 1880-1940 and 1972-1987; Council records, 1848-1979; committee records including the finance committee, 1874-1966; examinations committee, 1885-1958; Education[al] committee, 1874-1919; Affiliation Committee, 1919-1920; special committees, 1885-1967; Executive Committee, 1931-1946; academic board, 1968-1981; Finance and General Purposes/Educational Times Committee, 1913-1980; House Committee, 1957-1964; Advisory Boards, 1955-1980; and Constitution Committee, 1979; financial records, 1874-1944; examination records, [1860]-1962; press cuttings, 1914-1974; papers regarding conferences and events, 1896-1945; publications, 1847-2010; administrative papers of the College of Teachers, 1997-2002; photographs and illustrations, [1754-1990s]; and papers and photographs relating to award ceremonies, 1973-1992. there is also a small amount of mixed-media material and information relating to historical studies of the College.

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SCHILLER, Louis Christian (1895-1976)
GB 0366 CS · Colección · 1909-1986

The collection includes Schiller's notebooks, his working notes, scripts of his lectures, articles and essays, correspondence concerning engagements and with colleagues and students, material relating to his involvement with courses for teachers, personalia, printed material and photographs. Schiller's notebooks mainly contain working notes and the text for his lectures which provide evidence of his educational ideas, for instance, on the teaching of numbers, the importance of freedom and creativity through art, craft and movement activities, on reading, writing and conversation.
Also included are the notes and papers of Schiller's wife, Mrs Lyndall Schiller, including diaries of their daughters' childhood development. These records of Lyndall were deposited along with those of her husband and as much of them relate to matters that were of interest to both of them they have been retained within the collection of her husband's papers.
In addition the collection contains papers of two of Schiller's students who attended the 'Course on the Education of Children in the Junior School' organised by Christian Schiller at the University of London Institute of Education, 1959s. These include some wooden mathematical teaching apparatus.

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GB 0366 PES · Colección · 1964-1991

Papers of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB), 1964-1991, including Executive Committee minutes, 1964-1980; Annual General Meeting minutes, 1964-1988 and working files of Executive Committee and Annual General Meeting , 1977-1991 (excluding 1980 and 1984). Papers relating to the PESGB constitution, 1983 and amended, 1986. Papers relating to workshops and conferences including Standing Conference on Studies in Education, 1974-1979; the World Congress on Philosophy, 1988; Day conference, 30 Nov 1984; Annual Conference, 1989-1990; Newsletter, 1989; National Conference for Philosophy, 1989-1990 and workshops 1985-1986. Correspondence, 1965-1990, including with the British Society of Aesthetics, 1975. Papers relating to surveys on the Philosophy of Education in Higher Education Departments, 1988 and the PESGB work and activities, 1984. Newsletters and related working papers, 1975-1990; membership files, 1983-1990; information sheets and application forms; papers relating to the Philosophy of Education Society, Australia; press cuttings, 1971; papers relating to London meetings, 1984 and papers relating to the Social Science Research Council, 1975-1976.

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GB 0366 PRI · Colección · 1976-1987

Records of the Programme for Reform in Secondary Education, incuding papers of the Chairman, George Varnava, namely minutes 1982-1987,editions of PRISE News, 1976-1986, press cuttings, pamphlets, conference papers, memoranda, reports and some correspondence.

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TAWNEY, Richard Henry (1880-1962)
GB 0366 TY · Colección · 1918-1955

Papers of Richard Henry Tawney, 1918-1955, comprising material relating to the University Grants Committee; correspondence, including with Shena Dorothy Simon (Education Officer, Workers Educational Association), Harold Charles Shearman (Hon Secretary, Council for Educational Advance), Harry Nutt (General Secretary, WEA) and ministers of education; manuscript notes on subjects relating to educational fees; collected publications and printed material from organisations, including the Fabian Society, the Ministry of Education and the Labour Party; and press cuttings.

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