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GB 0100 KCLCA 1996 CDE, 1997 CDE · 1968-1996

Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology and Chelsea College Department of Electrical Engineering Records, 1968-1996. This series comprises correspondence with overseas research workers, 1990-1996; rough and fair copy teaching notes and handouts for students on courses taught by John Pearson and others on electronic devices, electromagnetism, circuits and control systems, microwave engineering and communications theory, 1972-1995; tape recordings of lectures on electronic devices, [1975]; Departmental research reports, 1989-1995; papers concerning a reunion of Chelsea Electronics graduates, 1985; incomplete set of examination question papers in Electronics and related disciplines, 1968-1993; group photographs of graduates, 1970-1980, 1985-1986, 1989, 1995; histories of the Electronics Department and other memorabilia, 1977-1978.

Chelsea Polytechnic , Department of Electrical Engineering Chelsea College of Science and Technology , Department of Electrical Engineering Chelsea College , Department of Electrical Engineering
GB 0100 KCLCA CDE/FP, CDE/FP(W), CDE/FPPG, CDE/FPPG(W) · 1969-1987

Chelsea College undergraduate BSc Electronics and Physics student record cards, 1969-1987 (Ref: CDE/FP), undergraduate withdrawals record cards, [1969-1987] (Ref: CDE/FP(W)), postgraduate Electronic Engineering record cards, 1969-1985 (Ref: CDE/FPPG), postgraduate withdrawals record cards, [1969-1985] (Ref: CDE/FPPG(W)). Information contained on record cards typically includes a photograph, course units taken and final grade, and includes those students who failed but completed the course, whilst withdrawals are boxed separately. Those students for whom a date has not been determined are also boxed separately. Included within this series are printouts of all undergraduate student course records for BSc Electronics and Physics and photocopies of some record cards.

Chelsea College Department of Electronic Engineering
GB 0100 KCLCA C/SCISP, C/SC, C/SCPT, C/SCI5-13 · 1968-1984

Records, 1968-1984, of the Schools Council Integrated Science Project (SCISP), created by the senior members of the SCISP team, comprising papers of the SCISP consultative committee, 1969-1981, including minutes and other meeting papers, correspondence, comments on the trials course material, and publicity; papers relating to Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials schools, 1970-1979, largely correspondence with and feedback from individual schools; correspondence files concerning implementation of the scheme in schools participating in Phase 3 of the Project, 1970-1983, including correspondence of the Project Co-ordinator with the Area Co-ordinator, Area Local Education Authorities, and Area Schools; papers relating to Area Co-ordination, 1970-1982, including minutes and other meeting papers; correspondence and papers, 1968-1982, including material relating to the SCISP Advisory Group, financial and administrative matters, personnel files, the preparation of the course and teaching material, apparatus, correspondence with individual colleges of education requesting information and material, publicity, participants, the acceptability of the qualification, and SCISP overseas; papers relating to SCISP and other conferences, 1971-1979; papers relating to SCISP publications on Patterns (pupils' and technicians' manuals and teachers' guide), background books, Exploring Science and others such as SCISP leaflets and Newsletters, 1970-1983, including trial versions and supporting papers; papers on assessment, 1968-1984, including meeting papers of the SCISP Assessment Working Party and correspondence with the Associated Examining Board; papers on SCISP in Northern Ireland, 1969-1975, including feedback; papers on evaluation and feedback, 1970-[1982], including feedback from schools and pupils, data on their performance, and evaluation of course content; correspondence on acceptability of the SCISP O-level with professional and educational organisations, 1970-1984; papers on Mode 3 CSE based on SCISP, 1974-1982, including planning and reports; reports, 1977, of the Schools Council Syllabus Steering Groups on various subjects, relating to proposals for reform of sixth-form curricula and examinations and the replacement of A-levels with N- and F-levels; miscellaneous Schools Councils publications, 1971-1983, some including sections on Nuffield Science Projects; publications of the Schools Council's Project Technology, 1969-1971, offering guidance to schools wanting to include technology studies in their curriculum; publications, 1968-1973, and reports, 1971-1973, of Science 5/13, a project sponsored partly by the Schools Council and the Nuffield Foundation to assist teachers in helping children aged between five and thirteen to learn science; publications, 1965-1974, of miscellaneous bodies, including the British Petroleum Company Ltd, Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, the Peak Park Planning Board and Unilever Ltd, on various scientific topics.

Chelsea College , Schools Council Integrated Science Project