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Archivistische beschrijving
GB 1538 PH · 1633-2001

Photographs and pictures of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1633-2001. The majority of photographs depict the membership and social history of the College and include presidential portraits and photographs of Fellows and Members, prominent obstetricians and gynaecologists, visitors to the College, meetings and study groups. There is also a class of photographs of College buildings. Donated and deposited material also includes photographs and slides of clinical disorders and specimens.

Records comprise portraits, pictures and other memorabilia relating to William Blair-Bell, 1920-1996; presidential portraits, 1927-1995; portraits of Fellows, 1935-1991; photographs of Honorary Fellows, 1921-1997; photographs of annual dinners, 1931-1954, 1998; photographs of admission ceremonies, 1931-1992; College buildings, 1930-1991; Royal visits, 1931-1990; Council and officers, 1934-1992; photographs of meetings, members and artefacts of the Gynaecological Visiting Society, 1911-1973; British congresses of obstetrics and gynaecology, 1933-1999; photographs of overseas groups and other photographs relating to the profession overseas, 1935-1997; RCOG study groups and educational courses, 1979-1995; photographs and paintings donated to the College by Professor Preston Maxwell, 1898-1935; presentations, awards and lectures, 1949-1995; Strachan collection of portraits of eminent medical men, c1693-c1847; ceremonial and related paraphernalia and artefacts and gifts to the College, 1931-1992; miscellaneous photographs relating to the history of the College and of obstetrics and gynaecology, 1929-1999; decorative pictures, 1633-1957; photographs of pathological subjects transferred from the College Museum, 1950s-1978; photographs and drawings presented to the College by Professor John Chassar Moir, 1932-1957; photographs of eminent medical men collected by Sir Anthony Alment, transferred from the College Library, 1921; photographs and memorabilia relating to Sir Norman Jeffcoate, 1946-1975;

undated portrait photographs of eminent medical persons; Donald Whatley Roy photographs donated to the College Archives by A D Roy, 1903-1935;

collection of miscellaneous photographs transferred from the College Library, undated.

Zonder titel
GB 1538 S10 · 1909-1938

Papers of William Blair-Bell, 1909-1938, relating to a range of professional subjects, including Blair-Bell's cancer research work (particularly his use of lead) and the wider organisation of cancer research; the Liverpool Medical Research Organisation; the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire Publishing Company; the British Congresses of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (BCOG); and Blair-Bell's nursing home and practice in Rodney Street. It also contains papers and correspondence concerning Eardiston, Blair-Bell's country estate near Oswestry; Rossall School, Preston, which Blair-Bell attended as a pupil and on whose council he later served; his wife's memorial in the church of St Chad's Haughton, Shropshire; and other personal matters. Only a small amount of material is concerned with the founding of the BCOG. Some pieces contain confidential medical records about individual patients.

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GB 1538 S19 · 1939

Original drawings, published by William A Liston and William Glen Liston, in "A Study of Trichomonas Vaginitis in Hospital Practice in Edinburgh", in Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, 46 (1939), pp 474 -502 , 1939; letter from W G Liston to Aleck Bourne, Museum Curator, dated 6 Aug 1939, describing the drawings, 1939.

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GB 1538 RCOG/C24 · Archief · 1996-1997

Records of the Joint working group of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS), Aug 1996-Jan 1997, comprising the final report of the working party (1997) and the consultation document which preceeded the report (1996).

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GB 1538 S67 · 1960s-1980s

Papers of Thomas Lewis, 1960s-1980s, including papers relating to Lewis' tour of the Soviet Union visiting obstetric and gynaecological facilities, including the Moscow and Leningrad Institutes of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Leningrad Medical School, Feb 1978; papers relating to abortion law reform including correspondence, press-cuttings and other papers, including on the views of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; lectures; speeches; unpublished papers; offprints and myomectomy films.

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GB 1538 S97 · [1888-1960]

Papers of Miles Harris Phillips, [1888-1960], chiefly comprising reprints of articles by Phillips with accompanying research material, reprints of articles by others and correspondence. Includes reprints, correspondence, diagrams, case notes and other papers relating to articles and lectures by Phillips on topics including constriction rings, Sims' posture, puerperal fever, obstetric shock, caesarean section, the death of Princess Charlotte in childbirth, 1817, biographical histories of famous obstetricians including Thomas Denman, Percival Willughby and William Smellie and the history of obstetrics; drawings and photographs of gynaecological pathological specimens; records of the Gynaecological Visiting Society including reports of meetings and obituaries of members; papers relating to the Departmental Committee on Maternal Mortality and Morbidity, 1928-1932, including letters to Phillips from Neville Chamberlain; papers relating to Historical Review of British Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1800-1950, by J M Munro Kerr, R W Johnstone and Phillips (Livingstone, 1954) including correspondence and publisher accounts; Phillips' letters to the Lancet, and the British Medical Journal, 1924-1938; photostats of illustrations in The Workes of that Famous Chirurgion Ambrole Parey (1634); papers relating to the court case Marshall vs Lindsay County Council: a claim for damages for negligence, 1933; papers relating to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists including a history, memoranda and annual reports; photostat copies of letters from William Smellie to Peter Camper, Dr Clephane and Dr Pitcairn, [1750-1759] compiled by Phillips; correspondence with American obstetricians, 1936-1938; reprints of obstetrical articles with accompanying card index, complied by Phillips; notebooks containing analysis of Percival Willughby's cases in his Observations in Midwifery; index complied by Phillips of the cases in Smellie's

Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery and John Glaister's notes for his biography of William Smellie Dr. William Smellie and His Contemporaries, (Glasgow, 1894), including copies of legal documents relating to Smellie.

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GB 1538 RCOG/B10 · Archief · 1938-2006

Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Scientific Advisory Committee including: minute books of the Committee, its predecessors and sub-committees (1962-1996); minutes and papers (1965-2004); subject files and related papers (1959-1999); papers of the Committee chairmen (1978-1987); opinion papers (2001-2006).

Also contains: papers from the College Secretary on the Museum and Pathology Committees (1946-1966); minutes, papers, correspondence, questionnaires and returns of the Artificial Insemination Committee (1977-1991); agenda, minutes, papers and correspondence of the Fetal and Perinatal Pathology Sub-Committee (1984-1987); correspondence and papers of the Fetal Viability Working Party (1983-1988); agenda, minutes, papers and correspondence from the Working Party on Cervical Cytology Screening (1985-1988); minutes, papers, reports and correspondence from the Sub-Committee on problems with AIDS in relation to Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1986-1992); minutes, papers and reports from the Advisory Group on depo provera (1980-1984); papers of the Working Party on Biochemical Markers and detection of Downs Syndrome (1992); correspondence, papers and minutes from assorted sub-committees and working parties (1950-1999); reports and papers regarding research awards and scientific studies (1954-1999). Records and other materials of both the College Museum and the Rare Tumour Registry are to be found among these series; the Museum and Rare Tumour Registry were administered concurrently and the surviving records and other materials are intertwined. These include photographs of exhibits, glass slides (1938-1976), confidential case notes, visitors books, registers and records of the museum curators (1938-1999). The files and administrative records of the Tumour Registry date from 1948-1985.

Zonder titel
GB 1538 S1 · 1913-1931

Papers of William Blair-Bell, 1913-1931, comprising personal correspondence, correspondence and papers relating to the treatment of cancer, and letters relating to individual patients; casebooks, 1900-1903, 1908-1911; notebook containing physiological tracings obtained by Blair-Bell and G H Lansdown, 1893; notebook of test results kept for Blair-Bell, 1911 with case notes inserted; Blair-Bell's lecture notebooks, c1904, on topics including chemistry, insanity, anatomy, diseases of the eye, psychology, surgical pathology, zoology, physiology, intestinal obstruction, surgery, tumours: innocent and malignant, midwifery and gynaecology, infectious diseases, diseases of the gall bladder, a sketchbook of histology and loose notes on various medical conditions; notebooks entitled 'catalogue of old books belonging to W Blair Bell', divided into 'general' and 'medical', 1907 and thesis by Helen Standring, 'An investigation of the cause and treatment of uterine inertia', 1928.

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GB 1538 S2 · 1922-1973

Papers of John Chassar Moir, 1922-1973, including rough notes and case notes; copies of articles and offprints on ergot, 1935-1964; ms and original tracings and photographs, 1954-1955; correspondence, chiefly relating to ergot, including with H W Dudley, 1930-1973; papers relating to the opening of the new Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' building (Sussex Place), 1960; papers relating editing Munro Kerr's Operative Obstetrics, 1957-1965; papers relating to Moir's presidential address as president of the obstetrics and gynaecology section of the Royal Society of Medicine, entitled 'Men I have known', 1962-1963; photographs including group photographs of members of the British College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and papers relating to the Gynaecological Visiting Society including rules, list of members and photograph of members, 1955.

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BARNES, Robert (1817-1907)
GB 1538 S61 · [1838]-1891

Papers of Robert Barnes, c 1838-1891, including a series of 46 notebooks, c 1838-1891, two of which contain more extended sections of case material.Typically these volumes include notes and cuttings on books and articles by other authors. Also included are a few items of correspondence, illustrations and case material. Two of these notebooks are of a combined noted and cases format i.e diary entries on visits to own or colleagues' patients rather than as supporting second-hand information or for reference. Case books, c 1846-1863, comprising General Practice (Including male patients) and Obstetric (Obstetrical and Gynaecological patients). Reports as Medical Officer of Health, Shoreditch, 1857-1859 and birth, mortality and temperature Charts of sufferers of scarlatina, 1875-1884.

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GB 1538 S68 · [1908-1923]

Papers of Sir Francis Champneys, [1908-1923], including note by Champneys on midwives; note by Champneys stating his opinions on 'coitus interruptus', 'french letters' and 'undue indulgence'; note by Champneys on his opinions regarding contraception; note by Champneys on the affects of childlessness; letters from Dr Mary Scharlieb to Champneys, 17-22 Oct 1923 on contraception, including a press cutting on an address by Scharlieb in the Church Times, 19 Oct 1923; pamphlet entitled 'Why should I support Preventive and Rescue Work?: answer by Sir Francis Champneys', issued by the Archbishops' Advisory Board; pamphlet of a paper read by Champneys to the Chichester Diocesan Purity Association entitled 'Sex', 16 Jun 1927; pamphlet of an address by Champneys on 'Maternity and Child Welfare', delivered at the town hall, Liverpool, 2 Jul 1917; leaflet on cancer of the womb by Champneys, Jun 1908 and letter from the National Council of Public Morals returning a document to Champneys, 4 Aug 1916.

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GB 1538 S85 · 1936-1937

Album of charts illustrating temperature and pulse of participants in the first trials of 'the sulpha drugs' (red prontosil and sulpanilamide) in puerperal fever (chiefly haemolytic streptococci), with accompanying notes and a brief introduction, 1936-1937. The album was created by Leonard Colebrook while working in the Research Laboratories and wards of the Isolation Block of Queen Charlotte's Maternity Hospital.

Zonder titel
GB 1538 S34 · 1906-1962

Papers of Sir William Fletcher Shaw, 1906-1962, mainly relating to the history of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, including draft history of the foundation of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, drafted 1943-1946 and subsequently amended, 1943-1960; various drafts of chapters for the history; correspondence with Sir Boyd Merriman, Solicitor General, mainly concerned with the College's registration by the Board of Trade, 1929-1934; correspondence with William Blair-Bell, 1924-, with H Russell Andrews, 1926-1929, with Hempsons, Solicitors, 1926-1929, with Comyns Berkeley, 1925-1931, with Eardley Holland, 1928-1949, with J S Fairbairn, 1928-1929, with Victor Bonney, 1928-1929, with Ewen MacLean, 1926-1929, with Sir Francis Champneys, 1926-1929, with J M Munro Kerr, 1926-1945, with T W Eden, 1926-1929, with Lord Riddell, 1931-1933, with Carlton Oldfield, 1926-1929, with C G Lowry, 1927-1929, with F J McCann, 1927-1929, with AA Gemmell, 1927-1929;

papers preserved by Fletcher Shaw for their importance in the foundation of the College, including his earliest note on the subject, copies of GVS (Gynaecological Visiting Society) minutes, 1925-1927, counsel's opinion on the draft memorandum and articles of association with a copy of the draft, copies of the minutes of the Executive Committee, 1927, copies of correspondence and circular letters, 1927-1929, minutes of signatories and first full Council meeting, and other papers relating to the earliest activities of the College, 1924-1929;

typescript extracts from Fletcher Shaw's diaries including a letter to his son David (1940) explaining nature of their compilation and his wish to rival Blair-Bell's history, 1930-1943; typescript extracts from Fletcher Shaw's diary, 1930-1943,1947-1949,1953; correspondence with Sir Ewen Maclean on the presidency of Sir Eardley Holland and the early history of College, 1943-1946; minutes of Council with a few agenda and other papers, 1929-1935; draft memoirs of L C Rivett, J S Fairbairn, Russell Andrews, Sir Ewen Maclean, Sir Comyns Berkeley, Sir Eardley Holland, and Sir Francis Champneys, undated; file relating to the Standing Joint Committee of the three Royal Colleges, with later papers relating to Fletcher Shaw's account of the role of the RCS in the foundation of the College, 1942-1944; description and notes with related correspondence on the formation of a committee representing the medical profession in relation to the Beveridge Report, 1943; College's report on 'The health of women war workers from the gynaecological aspect' with associated papers and correspondence, 1942; papers relating to D W Roy and the Inter-Departmental Committee on abortion and Fletcher Shaw's later dispute with him, 1937-1938, 1940; correspondence relating to proposal to build RCOG, Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Surgeons on one common site, 1942-1943; correspondence with Sir Alfred Webb-Johnson, President, RCS, 1943-1946; personal correspondence of Shaw, 1951-1955; diary, 1938-1943;

papers relating to the College in wartime, and medical and maternity services in wartime, including the evacuation of pregnant women, 1938-1943, the College's relations with the BMA, 1938-1943, the College's relations with the RCP and RCS, 1939-1943, the appointment of gynaecologists to the armed services, Fulmer Chase Officers' Wives Maternity Hospitality, and women war workers, 1939-1943; correspondence with the Central Medical War Committee of the BMA, 1939-1941; papers and correspondence on infertility, 1944-1945;

various papers including an appeal for funds, 1932, standing orders for Council meetings, a paper on the drafting of the contentious clauses in the College's memorandum of association, Council papers relating to inter alia the Australian Regional Council, the Central Consultants and Specialists' Committee, Standing Joint Committee of the Three Royal Colleges memorandum on gynaecological cancer, and the National Birthday Trust Fund, programmes for Manchester Royal Infirmary Old Residents Club Dinners, 1910-1958; newspaper cuttings - one dated Feb 1907 re Manchester University students rowdy 'gown' debate mentioning Fletcher Shaw, the other confirming appointments at Manchester Royal Infirmary - Fletcher Shaw one of two house surgeons, c1907; copies of speeches, lectures and addresses made by Fletcher Shaw, 1938-1959; Fletcher Shaw's Memorial Service programme and transcription of address given at the service by Professor W I C Morris, 1961; obituary of Fletcher Shaw by E A Gerrard: 'The One Hundred and Second Record', 1962; copies of published gynaecological articles by Fletcher Shaw, 1906-1954.

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GB 1538 S64 · 1830-1947

Photograph albums of John Preston Maxwell of cases of osteomalacia and rickets encountered in China and related articles, 1898-1947, and a collection of bound articles from medical journals, predominantly in German, 1826-1934.

Zonder titel
GB 1538 S78 · 1766

Medical and miscellaneous commonplace-book, 18 Jan 1766, chiefly comprising descriptions of medical conditions including fevers and angina; also containing non-medical information including a chronology of English history and synonyms in the English language.

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