Miscellaneous papers of George Colebrook including lectures and treatises on diseases, 1678-1716.
Sem títuloEnt's papers, c.1641-1685, consist of his Apologia pro Circuitione Sanguinis..., in his hand, thought to be a revision prepared for the second edition of the work, c.1641-1685. The volume also includes the texts of some of Ent's speeches, such as his presidential addresses at the College, 1670-1674, and 1676, and contains some accounts entered by Peter Ent, 1671-1674, who was in possession of the volume for a time; Ent's anatomical lectures, delivered at the College 13-15 April 1665, in his hand, 1665.
Sem títuloHalford's papers, c.1767-1843, include notebooks containing medical extracts and observations, which include prescriptions, in the format of commonplace books, including prescription by Halford's father, James Vaughan, 1767, 1767-1801; Clinical reports, 1783-86, and lecture notes made whilst a student in Edinburgh, 1785-89; Case notes with prescriptions, from practicing in Leicester, 1787-91; Fee books, 1791-1808, annual cash-books with fees and receipts, 1796-1839 (incomplete, missing 1814, 1831), and cheque-book stubs, 1805-09; Prescription books, including one kept whilst practicing in Scarborough, 1792, 1802-03; Halford's copies of Jacobii Hollerii Stempani in Aphorismos Hippocratis commentarii septem... (printed, 1675) with annotations in his hand, and the Middlesex Hospital Pharmacopoeia, c.1790s; Monthly note-books containing daily appointments and total fees per month, 1802-43; Papers and speeches given at the College, including lectures on medical subjects, the Harveian Oration, 1800, and oration made at the opening of the new building, 1825, 1800-35. There is also a copy of Moore's Almanack for 1812, a postcard of hotel in Copenhagen, 18th century, and journal belonging to Jean Gaspard Lavater, 1787, found with Halford's papers.
Sem títuloHamey's papers, 1611-c.1660, include his copy of Caspar Bartholinus' (1585-1629) Anatomicae Institutiones Corporis Humani (1611), with annotations in Hamey's hand, 1611-c.1640s; Large volume of Hamey's notes on medical subjects made whilst an apprentice, 1624; Manuscript copy of his Goulstonian Lectures, in his hand, 1647/8; Commentaries on the plays of Aristophanes (c.445-c.386 BC), with indexes on Vespas, Aves, Acharnenses, Equites, and Ranas, c.1650, with critical notes and an index on Plutus, 1650, with explanatory notes and an index on Nubes, c.1650; Commentary on the Greek poets, c.1650; Biographic sketches of 85 of his contemporaries, mostly physicians but also laymen, such as Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), c.1660; Medical notes, suggested to be corrections to the Pharmacopoeia, 17th century; and notes on the College, 17th century.
Sem títuloSir Henry Head's papers, 1891-1909, consist of his casebooks of patients with Herpes Zoster, with sketches and photographs, chiefly from Head's work at the London Hospital, 1891-1909, and his casebooks of patients with various diseases, with sketches and charts, from his work at the City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Lungs, Victoria Park, 1894.
Sem títuloHeberden's papers, c.1744 - [1784], include his notes on the history and cure of diseases, 1782, thought to be the original manuscript for his Commentaries on the History and Cure of Diseases (1802), and his index of the history of disease, [1784] (date '22 Maii 1784' is written at the end of the volume), containing the notes from which his Commentaries were drawn up; Manuscript of his Goulstonian Lectures, 1749, in Heberden's hand; Index of materia medica containing remedies and their effects compiled by Heberden from his case notes, with additional notes on the opposite pages by his son, William Heberden the younger, 18th century. The collection also includes manuscript volumes attributed to Heberden's hand, 'An Introduction to the Study of Physic', c.1744-1755; 'Preliminary Observations', c.1782; 'A Collection of Essays', 18th century (although it is now thought that this manuscript is definitely not in Heberden's hand).
Sem títuloCorrespondence and papers of Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson, 1846-1897, including notes taken by Richardson as a medical student from the lectures of Dr J A Easton, Professor of Materia Medica, Andersonian University, Glasgow, Winter Session 1846-1847; papers relating to Richardson's life of Thomas Sopwith, the mining engineer, comprising Sopwith's original diaries, or a transcript of them, with Richardson's explanatory notes inserted; papers and drafts of Richardson's unfinished autobiography published posthumously under the title 'Vita Medica'; lecture notes on human physiology; Richardson's case book, 1852-1861 and unpublished works by Richardson.
Sem títuloText of oration on the improvement of medicine given by Saunders, 27 Jan 1790.
Sem títuloClark's papers, c.1870, consist of his notes of lectures on anatomy and physiology, in his hand. It is thought the lectures were delivered at the London Hospital.
Sem títuloPapers and war medals of Sir John Josias Conybeare, 1915-1972. Includes his First World War diary, 1915; Military medals and orders awarded to him during the First and the Second World Wars, including the Military Cross and KBE insignia, 1915-1945; Medical notebook, 1916-24; Lecture notes on the subject of Aviation Medicine, n.d., c.1939-45; and letters from William Neville Mann (1911-2001) to the College offering the medical notebook and lecture notes for the College's archives, 1970-72.
Sem títuloPapers of Robert Ferguson, 1821-1864, include his notes on gynaecology and obstetrics, particularly referring to cases, with some diagrams, sketches and watercolour drawings, and including notes for lectures; Notes on various medical subjects relevant to general medical practice, such as childhood diseases and physiology, particularly referring to cases, with some watercolour drawings, including notes and correspondence on the health of Napoleon III, 1856, and including notes for lectures; Notes on philosophy and literature; Addresses given by Ferguson to students; Copies of articles by others on subjects of interest to Ferguson, found amongst his papers.
Sem títuloSir Edward Henry Sieveking's papers, 1846-1960, include his medical notebooks, with case notes, 1846-1873; Notebooks recording visits to patients, 1854-1879; Author's copy of On Epilepsy and Epileptiform Seizures, interleaved with his annotations, 1858; Diaries detailing his attendance of the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1863-1873, with related correspondence, 1886 and 1935; Chapters on 'physical organisation of the human race' by Sieveking, printed, undated; Correspondence with colleagues and family, and correspondence relating to Sieveking, 1863-1904; Papers relating to his professional appointments, such as material relating to his honorary degree from the University of Edinburgh, 1884, copies of the laws of the British Balneological and Climatological Society, undated, and St Mary's Hospital annual report, 1902; Addresses and lectures given by Sieveking, 1876-1890; Obituaries and memorials to Sieveking, including an introduction by his son, Albert Forbes Sieveking, 1904; Correspondence relating to Sieveking's papers, 1959-1960; Summary of, and commentary on, his diaries by Neville M. Goodman, c.1960; List of Sieveking's papers donated to the College, 1960; There is also a medical notebook thought to be in the hand of Alfred Robert Sieveking, which was found amongst Sieveking's papers.
Sem títuloPapers of Charles Edouard Brown-Sequard and his family, 1787-1963. Includes family correspondence and papers, 1787-71, and correspondence and papers of Brown-Sequard's mother, Henrietta Perrine Charlotte Brown, 1838-41, including her marriage certificate, 1813; Correspondence and papers of Brown-Sequard, both personal and professional, spanning his life and career in Mauritius, France, America, and England, 1838-94, including correspondence with well known figures such as Thomas Huxley, Charles Darwin and Louis Pasteur, [1862]-1876, letters to his first wife Ellen, 1852-64, to his second wife Maria, and their marriage certificate, 1872-73, and correspondence with his third wife Elizabeth Emma, 1876-80, poems and literary notes of Brown-Sequard and Elizabeth Emma, 1837, 1883, correspondence regarding his French nationality, 1856-97, his will [1886]-94 and diary entries in his final days, 1894
Correspondence about his experimental work, 1868-1935, and his appointments and awards, 1849-89, with testimonials and letters of introduction, 1852-57; Notes of Brown-Sequard's lectures, mostly in his hand, 1855-93; DM Thesis, 1846; Articles by Brown-Sequard, including published versions of his lectures, 1856-90, articles and newspaper cuttings about his work, 1851-1945, and articles on medical subjects written by his contemporaries, 1844-1935; Case notes and prescriptions, c.1860-91; Photographs of, and relating to, Brown-Sequard, including the unveiling of his bust in Mauritius in 1928, mostly n.d., and cartoon of Brown-Sequard, 1889; Published material relating to Brown-Sequard, including obituaries, 1894 , biographic articles, 1894-1931, and newspaper cuttings, 1894-193
Correspondence and papers of his daughter, Charlotte Maria McCausland (nee Brown-Sequard), his son-in-law, Richard Bolton McCausland, and his grandson, Charles E. McCausland, 1894-1963, including correspondence about Brown-Sequard, 1894-1963, particularly on the subject of biographies and his bibliography, 1909-46, and a notebook and letterbook about Brown-Sequard, in his daughter's hand, c.1846-1926.
Sem títuloBurges' papers, 1767-c.1790s, include records of his medical cases, 1769-75; Printed copy of the St George's Hospital Pharmacopoeia, with annotations by Burges, mid-late 18th century (c.1770s-80s); his lecture notes on various subjects, such as materia medica, Boerhaave's institutes, and the hydraulic and chemical systems, mid-late 18th century (c.1770s-90s); Notes on diseases, and on chemistry and materia medica, mid-late 18th century (c.1770s-90s).
Sem títuloThis collection comprises one notebook containing the first of a series of lectures given at the London Hospital Medical School.
Sem títuloPapers of Thomas Lawrence, c.1750-1766, consisting of his comment on lectures in the physician Frank Nicholls's Compendium Anatomicum, c.1750; Lawrence's compendium of pathology and therapeutics, in his own hand, c.1750; Lectures on digestion, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, c.1750; Course of lectures on pathology and therapeutics, dictated by Lawrence, 1751; Lectures on inflammation, the liver, and the kidneys, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, 1766 and c.1766; Unpublished manuscript on human physiology, 'De Natura Animali', in his own hand, with corrections by Samuel Johnson, the lexicographer, mid-18th century.
Sem títuloNotes from the lectures of George Fordyce at his house in Essex Street, Strand, for a period extending over 30 years on subjects including clinical lectures, acute diseases, chemistry, chronic diseases, diseases of women and children, materia medica and the natural history of the human body. Transcribed, mainly from short-hand notes, by Henry Rumsey, one of his pupils, 1785-1787.
Sem títuloAllchin's papers for his biography of Sir Andrew Clark (1826-1893), including draft typescript with annotations, n.d., mid-late 19th century, and materials for the biography, including rough draft of the biography in Allchin's handwriting, Clark's own papers such as lecture notes, printed copies of addresses, and his letter book, correspondence between Clark and Allchin, and between Allchin and others about Clark, newspaper cuttings, photographs, and obituaries, 1844-1903; Allchin's lecture notes, 1880s-1890s.
Sem títuloLatham's papers, 1838-1871, include his casebook, 1838-39, and his lectures on fever and the pulse, in his hand, 1871.
Sem títuloPapers of Herbert Ritchie Spencer including medical notebook with notes of lectures by Sydney Ringer, University College, London 1882; Scrapbook 1896-1936 and abstract of 658 ovariotomies performed by Spencer.
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