Papers of George Cuthbert Adeney, 1902-1957, comprising diaries, 1939-1957; letters to Adeney's sister Gladys, 1902-1920; scrapbooks, notebooks and typescript notes, 1913-1950s.
Adeney , George Cuthbert , 1879-1958 , surgeonTranslation of The Wasps by Aristophanes, c 1800s, comprising a manuscript translation into English by an unknown translator, written on each left hand page, with English notes and extracts in Greek on the right hand pages.
Aristophanes , c 445 - c 386 BC , Greek playwright The author of the translation is unknownPapers of Helen Hunter Baillie, c 1929, comprising a typescript volume by Baillie, titled A biography of the Hunter Baillie Family in ten parts, followed by a section titled My Own Reminiscences in three sets also by Baillie. Including letters and a newspaper cutting relating to the death of Baillie, and a photograph of her.
Baillie , Helen Hunter- , d 1929 , daughter of William Hunter Baillie x Hunter-Baillie , HelenPapers of George Bennett, 1877-1879, comprising 3 volumes of a typescript travel diary relating to Australia (Sydney); Europe (England, France, Italy, Germany); America (San Francisco); and India (Bombay).
Bennett , George , 1804-1893 , surgeon and naturalistPapers of Charles John Bond, 1883-1939, comprising correspondence with various people, including Lord Joseph Lister, Victor Horsely, Sir Wilfred Grenfell, Stephen Paget, Frank Penrose, Dr Theodore Woods (Bishop of Peterborough), Sir Arthur Keith, Lord Moynihan, Dr William Mayo, Sir Thomas Barlow, Wilfred Trotter, Sir Oliver Lodge, Dr F Gowland Hopkins, Professor G Grey-Turner, Walter Fletcher, Sir Robert Jones, and Dr Whittingham (Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich), 1883-1939; papers on medical subjects and scientific experiments; notes on topics including immortality, youth and age, and the mind; biographical information; poetry; and a grace.
Bond , Charles John , 1856-1939 , surgeonPapers of Sir Anthony Alfred Bowlby, comprising a diary, 1914-1919, recording his experiences as Consulting Surgeon to the British Army.
Bowlby , Sir , Anthony Alfred , 1855-1929 , 1st Baronet , surgeonPapers of Sir Benjamin Brodie, 1816-c 1970, comprising manuscript notes by Brodie, for his lectures on Physiology, 1820-1823; Brodie's manuscript autobiography, c 1855; 2 typescript copies of Brodie's autobiography; 4 manuscript receipt books of fees paid to Brodie, 1816-1860; Brodie's prescription book, c 1850; manuscript letters including 7 letters to Dr W J Little, prescriptions, a letter of recommendation, and letters of admittance to the RCS Museum, c 1841-1859; manuscript notes of observations whilst inspecting the body of Mr Scott, 11 Sep 1811; map of Broome Park, former home of Brodie, c 1946; ephemera including notes and a photograph relating to Peter Martin, who attended Brodie in his last illness; a photocopy of a poem about Brodie from Punch, 1858; photographs of Brodie's gravestone; photographs of Brodie-related buildings and memorials, c 1970; and an undated diploma from Philadelphia, and a diploma from the University of Giessen, Germany, 1850.
Brodie , Sir , Benjamin Collins , 1783-1862 , 1st Baronet , physiologist and surgeonPapers of Henry Vandyke Carter, 1853-1855, comprising a manuscript volume of notes titled A Diary of Work done, with descriptions and illustrations of particular dissections etc, commencing June 25th 1853. relating to work carried out by Carter whilst a Student of Human and Comparative Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Including topics such as remounting preparations, dissections, and work on museum catalogues. Carter's work has been countersigned by Frederic Carpenter Skey (Professor of Anatomy and Surgery from 1852) and Edward Stanley (Member of Council 1835-1862, and President in 1848 and 1857).
Carter , Henry Vandyke , 1831-1897 , Deputy Surgeon-General, Indian Medical ServicePapers of James Fernandez Clarke, 1829, comprising a volume titled Notes of a Reader Volume I containing information relating to topics including drunkeness; stammering; the nervous system; travels in Turkey and Palestine; classification of the animal kingdom; painters and painting; idiosyncracies; the pursuit of knowledge; poetry; juvenile delinquency; and natural history.
Clarke , James Fernandez , bap 1812-1875 , medical writer and surgeonThe collection is divided into four main groups: The first group contains papers relating to William Clift's work as conservator of the Hunterian Museum. This is the largest of the four groups and contains a number of sub divisions such as explanation and display of specimens, expanding the collections, administration of the museum, and correspondence. This group also contains the transcripts made by Clift and others of the Hunterian manuscripts. The second group contains work carried out by William Clift as an illustrator for publications. The third group contains a small amount of personal material that is in the collection. The fourth group contains transcripts and copies of manuscript material by William Clift that is held in other repositories such as the Natural History Museum.
Clift , William , 1775-1849 , naturalistPapers of William Clift, 1802-1817, comprising a volume titled Scrappiana or Extracts various, containing notes, poetry, thoughts and maxims, and extracts from publications including Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia.
Clift , William , 1775-1849 , museum curator and scientific illustratorPapers of Charles Herbert Fagge, 1919-1937, comprising letters to Fagge, 1931-1937; draft speeches and reports, 1932; and reprints, press cuttings and miscellaneous items, 1919-1932.
Fagge , Charles Herbert , 1873-1939 , surgeonPapers of George Henry Hallett, 1848-1849, comprising a manuscript volume of notes taken whilst Hallett was Student of Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, including topics such as dissections, preparations, and cataloguing. Hallett's work has been countersigned by Caesar Henry Hawkins (Member of the Court of Examiners 1849-1856).
Hallett , George Henry , fl 1848-1849 , student of anatomyPapers of Thomas Howitt, 1830-1922, comprising a volume containing notes of lectures by Sir Charles Bell and Herbert Mayo, amongst others, on topics such as teeth, surgery, ovarian diseases, urethra diseases, head injuries, abcesses, and Pleuralgia, c 1830; diary and notes made during a visit to study French hospital practice in Paris, 1832-1833; medical case notes, 1832-1838; recipes for products such as shaving soap and cold cream; a letter from Howitt and J Brockbank to the physicians and surgeons of the Lancaster General Hospital, concerning a patient too poor to pay for medicine; and a letter from Aunt Fanny to Billy, presumably William Howitt Hastings (MRCS 1905), grandson of Thomas Howitt FRCS, 15 Mar 1922, relating to handing over the notebook from her into his care.
Howitt , Thomas , fl 1830-1887 , surgeonPapers of Edward Victor Hugo, 1915-1918, comprising a diary relating to the Gallipoli campaign, when Hugo was senior medical officer of the hospital ship GASCON, 1915; a diary including maps of Baghdad and Lower Mesopotamia, relating to Hugo's period in India and Mesopotamia, 1916; a diary relating to the period when Hugo was in Mesopotamia, and was appointed CMG, 1917; a diary relating to the period when Hugo was in Mesopotamia, including inserted letters, 1918. The diaries contain references to the weather, movements of the ship, living conditions, and details of patients attended, and include inserted letters and photographs.
Hugo , Edward Victor , 1865-1951 , surgeon and lieutenant colonelPapers of Sydney Humphryes, 1646-c1668, comprising a volume containing 'receipts' or recipes compiled by Sydney Humphryes, although the volume contains a variety of other hands. Including recipes for fruit waters and hair dyes, as well as treatments for burns, vomiting, the plague, and scrofula.
Humphryes , Sydney , fl 1686 , collector of recipesThe collection represents the contacts through two centuries of a group of men and women of high distinction ramifying through the medical, legal and literary worlds. It forms a not unimportant fund of minor historical material, comprising more than a thousand letters from nearly five hundred writers.
The autograph letters are mounted in 10 large volumes: -
Letterbook of John Arbuthnot (1667-1735). The most interesting letters are those of Pope and Swift and their circle written in 1714 when the Queen's death involved the destruction of their political hopes. Letterbook of William Hunter (1719-1783). It includes letters from Tobias Smollett the novelist, from Dr. Johnson thanking Hunter for presenting his book to the King, and from Edward Gibbon 'proposing himself the pleasure of attending some of Dr. Hunter's Anatomical lectures.'
Hunter and Baillie family letters and reminiscences, including the letters written by John to William Hunter from active service in 1761-62; poems by Sophia Baillie, Jenner family letters.
- Letters to Matthew Baillie from the Royal Princesses. Letters of the Bentham family, including three from Jeremy Bentham. Autograph letter collection includes letters from Thomas Carlyle and Charles Dickens. 1735 - 1845
Denman family collection; autographs collections of Lady Bell and Dr. William Whewell; letters of John Baron, Edward Jenner's biographer; fragment of unpublished music by Mozart; letters from Joanna Baillie's friends including c.1782-1877
Letters to Joanna Baillie includes letters from Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth. Various dates
William Hunter's diplomas, and letters to him, Hunter family documents, and notes on family history compiled by Joanna and Matthew Baillie. Locks of hair and christening caps worn by Hunter family. Various dates
Matthew Baillie's letters to William Hunter includes material relating to treatment of George III and to his wife Sophia (Denman) and his diplomas. C. 1783-1823
Matthew Baillie's professional correspondence including notes on illness of George III and on labour of Princess Charlotte. Letter to Helen Hunter Baillie from George Peachy re Matthew Baillie's notebooks (1923). 1783-1923
Joanna Baillie's letters and papers relating to her plays, sale of her works, mss. of two stories and a comedy, letters from Mrs Sigourney, Henry Siddons, Anne Hunter, Mary Somerville; Agnes Baillie's reminiscences, prescriptions by Matthew Baillie
Princess Mary's letters to Baillie concerning the illness of Princess Amelia, Anne Hunter's autograph poems, libretto of Haydn's Creation; account of death of Princess Charlotte.
The Hunter Baillie collection comprises also a number of manuscript books, the oldest of which is a commonplace book of the early eighteenth century, giving details of family history of the Hunters. Matthew Baillie's notebooks include: -
Journal of a tour in Europe in 1788 and A short memoir of my life, 1818. 'Some brief observations from my own experience upon a considerable number of diseases', in two volumes. n.d. With these are his casebooks, fee-books and other professional notes, including details of his attendance on King George III. Baillie records that his total annual fees mounted from £121 in 1792 to £9,995 in 1815.
Baillie , Hunter- , familyPapers of Elizabeth Isham and Thomas Sendall, c 1659, comprising a manuscript volume of recipes. The title page contains two titles. The first 'This is a booke of phisick of Elizabeth Isham' and the second 'Thomas Sendall Scripsit An[no] domini 1659'. The titles are in two different scripts. It was possibly originally started by Elizabeth Isham and then continued by Thomas Sendall. Other scripts also occur in the volume. Some recipes are titled with names of their 'creators' eg Lady Simon, Dr Stevens, Lady Dowglasse, Mrs Dormor. Inserted after page 48 there is a short note on the theatres of Elizabethan London.
Isham , Elizabeth , c 1558-c 1630 , writer Sendall , Thomas , fl 1659 , writerPapers of Edward Jenner, [1798-1819], comprising draft of his paper on cow pox, [1798]; letter to his son R F Jenner, 1819; papers including fragments of his journal and verses; letters from Jenner, [1796-1823], to various correspondents including Mr E Gardner of Frampton, including account of his inoculation of James Phipps, 1796, and to John Baron; letters to Jenner, 1801-1819, including from E Gardner, Sydney Smith; letters to John Baron, 1823-1829, including from G C Jenner.
Jenner , Edward , 1749-1823 , physician and naturalistThe papers contain Keith's extensive correspondence, diaries (1908-1954), reports on work as conservator annual (1931-1934) and quarterly reports (1928-1932), talks, drafts of publications, unpublished manuscripts; drawings, notes on visits to Siam, Egypt and America.
Keith , Sir , Arthur , 1866-1955 , knight , Anatomist, Anthropologist and BotanistPapers of Rudyard Kipling, c1888-1943, comprising letters from Edward Burne-Jones to Kipling, [c1888-1897]; Kipling to Sir John and Lady Bland-Sutton, [1917-1934]; letters from and to Lord Webb-Johnson, Winston Churchill and Franklin D Roosevelt concerning two unpublished poems poems by Kipling, 1943; text of the two unpublished poems, 'The Burden of Jerusalem' and 'A Chapter of Proverbs'.
Kipling , Rudyard , 1865-1936 , authorPapers of Eliza Millard MacLoghlin, 1905-1928, comprising a collection of typescript poems by MacLoghlin, titled Sir, What are these? and dedicated to "My Niece, Aileen Millard"; 10 manuscripts of music written by W G Cook, for songs based on MacLoghlin's poetry, c 1927-1928; and 4 cards and letters, c 1905.
MacLoghlin , Eliza Millard , 1863-1928 , benefactorPapers of Henry Victor Martin, c 1842-1873, comprising a scrapbook containing songs, poems, short plays, and letters written by Martin. Also including photographs, covers of published works, an epitaph and a plan of the Bois de Boulogne.
Martin , Henry Victor , 1811-1901 , surgeonPapers of David Henry Monckton, 1850-1852, comprising a manuscript volume of notes, drawings and sketches titled Diary of Occupation, as Student in Human and Comparative Anatomy to Royal College of Surgeons of England, including topics such as the sorting and cleaning specimens, remounting preparations, writing descriptions of preparations, and carrying out and describing dissections. Monckton's work is countersigned by James Luke (Member of the Court of Examiners 1851-1868) and Frederick Carpenter Skey (Member of Council 1848-1867, and Professor of Anatomy and Surgery from 1852).
Monckton , David Henry , 1829-1898 , surgeonPapers of James Murie, 1864, comprising a manuscript titled Report by James Murie on the conditions etc of the Microscopical Collection, May 1864 relating to the microscopical collections at the Hunterian Museum. The report was presented to the Museum Committee; and a manuscript titled Final Report on the Microscopical Collection, November 1864 presented to the Chairman of the Museum Committee.
Murie , James , 1832-1925 , naturalistPapers of Lady Caroline Amelia Owen, c 1790-1835, comprising a letter from Joanna Baillie, 1831, including a transcript of a sonnet by William Wordsworth; a watercolour sketch of Keeper's House, Hyde Park, c 1790; a watercolour of execution dock, by William Clift, 1816; a pen and ink sketch of the opening of the theatre at the Royal College of Surgeons, by William Clift; a sketch of Caroline Clift by her father; a pencil portrait of Eugenius Roche, by William Home Clift, 1824; a printed caricature of Richard Owen lecturing, by Richard Doyle; a volume titled Select Sentences or a Collection of Moral Precepts by John Gregor, 1792; a pencil drawing of three pigs by 'R H'; a pen and ink sketch showing Oxford Street with placards referring to Owen's researches, by Robert Lee; an unfinished watercolour titled 'Sketch of church and castle, Lancaster, from my mother's house (the procession of the judges was to have filled the foreground)', by Richard Owen, 1835; a volume of French verse titled Envoi a Caroline by Eugenius Roche, 1829; a flyer for Mr Mears' Benefit at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 25 Jun 1839; and a list of 'books consulted in the progress of the catalogue of the Gallery'.
Owen , Lady , Caroline Amelia , 1801-1873 , nee Clift , wife of Sir Richard OwenPapers of Sir Richard Owen, [1831-1873], comprising papers relating to his scientific research and as Curator of the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Papers largely relating to Owens' research and publications, including work on specimens of the Hunterian Museum and other institutions, namely original illustrations for plates published in his works and proof sheets; notes of dissections performed at the Zoological Society; report of preparations in comparative anatomy from animals which have died at the Zoological Gardens, 1831; report on the dugong received by the Zoological Society, 1831; paper on metamorphosis of insects; notes and sketch on python and boa; papers relating to a variety of subjects, including temporal mastoid-mammals; viscera and muscles of the myrmecophaga jubata (anteater); distinction of an animal from a vegetable; animal kingdom; order ophidia; serpents from British Fossil Reptiles, [c1850s]; list of 'Mr Cumming's Mollusca'; notes on birds closest in structure to mammalia; classified list of D Bennet esq's specimens of natural history, [1836]; notes on the hyoid, with sketches on the salamander; illustrations of cetacea; notes on the fore-foot, megatherium (giant sloth); loose notes on generation; notes on homologies; plates and notes on histology of animals; description of a malformed foetal heart; notes on composition of vertebral segments; notes on the dermo-skeleton, operculum and of a lecture on digestion; notes on belemites; memoranda on various subjects, including harpa ventricosa and Ehrenberg's classification with letters from naturalists; description of the skeleton of an extinct gigantic sloth, [c1842], and megatherium; report of preparations in comparative anatomy from animals which have died at the Zoological Gardens; report on the dugong received by the Zoological Society, 1831; notes on the giraffe, 1837; notes and sketches on a dugong, 1838; notes on the incubation and development of the chick; notes and plates on odontography, 1844; printed papers on Dinornis maximus (moa), with annotations by Owen, 1848-1851; memoir of William Clift, [c1850]; report on the dissection of the chimpanzee, 1844; notes taken at the Garden of Plants, Paris, 1847;
papers largely relating to the administration of the museum collection, namely lists of specimens, additions to the collection from other collections and reports to the Board of Curators of the Museum, including list of Hunterian documents handed by Owen to the Museum Committee; list of duplicate specimens in the College; selection from the collection of M Verraux; report to the Board of Curators, 1833; report on the present state of the museum, 1833; list of second selection of specimens from Mr Langstaff's collection, 1835; list of preparations in spirit presented by F D Bennett, 1836; donations from the Army Medical Departments; donations since July [1843]; report on duties of officers and servants of the Museum, 1852; plans for additional museum space, 1831; report to the Board of Curators on the Museum of Comparative Anatomy in the Garden of Plants, Paris, 1831; observations on the state of the College Museum, 1833; general account of specimens of comparative anatomy and natural history presented to the Museum by George Bennett, 1834; list of specimens proposed to be transferred to the British Museum and specimens of osteology proposed in place of the transfers, 1833-1834; report to the Committee on the chimpanzee, and copies of related correspondence, 1840; report on the physiological catalogue, 1840; list of duplicate preparations from the museum of Sir Astley Cooper not desirable for the College Museum, 1843; list of specimens selected for the College from Dr Buckland's series of bones of dinornis, 1844; report on additional space required for the collection, 1845; list of osteological specimens purchased at Steven's Auction Room, 1847; list of donations from Sir Thomas W Wilson, 1852;
papers relating to catalogues of the Hunterian Museum, including sketches and notes for an osteological catalogue, [?1840s]; notes and classifications referring to specimens in the Museum, [1827-1856]; Catalogue of Hunterian Osteological specimens, [?1853]; notes made whilst producing the catalogue of comparative anatomy, ?1831; printed histological catalogue of the Museum, with annotations, 1850; papers prepared for publication of descriptive catalogue of the fossil organic remains of invertebrata in the museum, 1856;
papers relating to the Hunterian lectures delivered by Owen at the College, including museum lectures on the animal kingdom, (Owen's first course of Museum lectures) c1837; notes for lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons, 1830s-1850s; memorandum concerning Museum lectures, 1823-1833; lecture on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the vertebrate animals, 1844; notes, plates and drawings relating to mammalia and Owen's lecture, 1844;
notes taken by William W Cooper on lectures on comparative anatomy delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1838-1839, revised and corrected by Owen; notes on lectures on comparative anatomy delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1837, in Clift's hand; notes taken by T E Bryant on Owen's lectures on comparative anatomy, 1839; notes taken by Frederick Hoare Colt on lectures on physiology and morbid anatomy by Owen, 1845; Lady Owen's common-place book, [c1835-1873].
Owen , Sir , Richard , 1804-1892 , Knight , naturalistPapers of George Perkins, 1908-1980, comprising 2 volumes containing correspondence, testimonials, and certificates relating to his education and professional life, 1908-1957; a folder containing photographs, a typescript, and correspondence relating to the Inaugural George Perkins Lecture, delivered by Professor Maurice Muller, (Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Bern), at St Thomas' Hospital on 1 Oct 1971; a reprint of The Hugh Owen Thomas Memorial Lecture 1946, delivered in the Liverpool Medical Institution by George Perkins on 11 Jul 1946; an envelope containing 11 reviews for the book Orthopaedics, written by Perkins, 1961, and a review for the book Fractures and Dislocation, written by Perkins, 1953; a volume containing a photograph of Perkins, signed by his former colleagues and friends; 3 photographs of Perkins, 1927-1973; obituaries and letters of condolence addressed to George Perkins daughter, Elizabeth, 1980.
Perkins , George , 1892-1979 , orthopaedic surgeonPapers of Sir Alfred Platt, 1968-1986, comprising typescript and photographs relating to The Story of the Manchester Surgical Society, 1970-1971; diaries of trips to the United States of America 1928 and 1946, 1978; typsescript of the lecture The romance of surgery: The Manchester Ship Canal and the birth of accident services, 1968; copy of a postcard to Leslie Turner (FRCS) concerning arrangements for the centenary celebration, 1986; and a presentational folder titled The Transatlantic Connection 1913-1986: A Tribute to Sir Harry Platt by Allan M McKelvie, 7 Oct 1986.
Platt , Sir , Harry , 1886-1986 , 1st Baronet , surgeonPapers of John Thomas Quekett, [1840-1854], relating to his work as Conservator of the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, comprising diaries, 1840-1848, which include references to prominent microscopists of the time, such as Carpenter, West, Ross, Sowerby, and Smith of Smith and Beck; notebook, containing some sketches and including notes on experiments on frogs, 1841; ?draft catalogues of the Histological Series in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and catalogue of Pathology, [c1840-1860]; catalogue of Hewson's Preparations, [c1840-1860]; unpublished part of Quekett's catalogue of histological series; Lectures on Histology delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons 1852-1854 with annotations by Quekett; notes for lectures on histology delivered in the session 1853-1853, on the structure on the skeleton of vertebrate animals, with original drawings.
Quekett , John Thomas , 1815-1861 , histologistPapers of George Ray, 1815-1816, comprising a volume of manuscript notes taken by Ray at the lectures of Sir Astley Paston Cooper, titled Lectures on Surgery, Delivered at the theatre of St Thomas's Hospital by AP Cooper, Esq in the years 1815-1816; and an undated newspaper cutting titled 'The Country Surgeon (A True Bill)' containing a poem about the life and work of a country surgeon.
Ray , George , fl 1815-1853 , surgeonPapers of Sir Humphrey Davy Rolleston, c 1940, comprising 10 files of manuscript material containing notes for articles on subjects such as the thymus, pineal, pancreas, carotid body, diabetes, and tuberculosis; notes for the review of a volume on the Massachusetts General Hospital, 1939; biographical notes on individuals including Caspar Bartholinus, Edmund Dickinson, and Jonathan Goddard; and a list of the biographical notes sent to the Royal College of Physicians in 1945. The notes are written on recycled correspondence and papers dating from the late 1930s to the early 1940s.
Rolleston , Sir , Humphrey Davy , 1862-1944 , Knight , physicianPapers of Raymond Anthony Russell, c 1957, comprising 4 files of manuscript notes, letters and photographs relating to surgical instruments, amputating instruments, and surgical instrument makers; biographical material including manuscript notes, letters, photocopies of articles and photographs relating to Sir William Blizard (1743-1835); and 4 volumes of a surgical instrument catalogue titled Notes on Instrument Makers.
Russell , Raymond Anthony , 1922-1964 , Captain and historianSherbourne Collection papers, early 19th century, comprising a volume containing a manuscript by William Clift on his transcription of John Hunter's manuscripts, watermarked 1821; a manuscript epitaph for John Hunter, by his widow Anne Home Hunter, after 1804-1805; a manuscript by William Clift giving an account of his apprenticeship with John Hunter; a autobiographical manuscript by William Clift, 30 Mar 1840; and a manuscript by Sir Richard Owen titled Biography of William Clift.
Clift , William , 1775-1849 , naturalistOwen , Sir , Richard , 1804-1892 , Knight , comparative anatomist and palaeontologist
Hunter , Anne Home , 1742-1821 , poet
Papers of John Henry Sylvester, 1852-1853, comprising a manuscript volume of notes titled Occupation during Studentship at the Royal College of Surgeons, 1852, describing the actitivies of Sylvester whilst he was a Student of Anatomy, including dissections, remounting specimens, listing and cataloguing specimens, reading in the Library, and hospital visits. Sylvester's work is countersigned by Frederic Carpenter Skey, Professor of Anatomy and Surgery from 1852.
Sylvester , John Henry , 1830-1903 , Deputy Surgeon General, IndiaPapers of Allen Thomson, 1829-1877, comprising a manuscript copy of Thomson's first paper delivered to the Medical Society, titled On the foundation of the egg and the evolution of the chick, c 1829; a volume of manuscript notes, titled Synopsis of Lectures on Physiology; Session 1842-1843 by Allen Thomson; copied from the boards by James Keith; synopsis of 95 physiology lectures by Thomson, taken by D R Haldane, 1844-1845; volume titled Capacity of Crania; Bulk of Skulls, c 1850-1877, including measurements, notes and lists; travel journal kept by Thompson whilst abroad with his father in 1833, including visits to London, Rotterdam, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France. Containing his 'passport' signed by the Lord Provost of Edinburgh; manuscript notes from lectures on animal electricity given to Professor William Thomson's class, 29 Mar 1851, and notes on animal motion given to Dr A Buchanan's [?] class, Apr 1850; manuscript notes on 'electrical fishes', c 1853; manuscript notes of 19 lectures on comparative anatomy of the nervous system [May-Jul 1857]; manuscript notes of 12 lectures on the comparative anatomy of the organs of nutrition in Vertebrata, [May-Jul 1858]; manuscript notes of 15 lectures on the development and comparative anatomy of the brain, [May-Jul 1862]; manuscript notes of 'a few remarks made upon specimens of skulls exhibited at a conversazione of Philos. and Eng. Societies in Queen's Rooms on 11th Feb. 1863. Illustrating the relations between the head of man and that of animals'; manuscript notes of lectures on the nervous system, [1864]; manuscript notes on the nervous system, c 1857-1865; manuscript 'notes and tables connected with the races of mankind'; manuscript 'tables of the animal kingdon and races of man'.
Thomson , Allen , 1809-1884 , anatomist and embryologistPapers of Thomas Wormald, 1818-c 1867, comprising a certificate for apprenticeship to John Abernethy, and autobiographical notes, 1818-c 1867; and letters from Sir Richard Owen, 1856-1859.
Wormald , Thomas , 1802-1873 , surgeon