Showing 109 results

Archival description
GB 0114 MS0076 · Early 18th century

Papers of John Thomas Woolhouse, early 18th century, comprising two manuscript volumes written in French and Latin, probably containing transcripts of lectures given by Woolhouse. The title on the spine reads Traite des Malad. de l'Oeil.

Woolhouse , John Thomas , 1666-1734 , oculist
Wilson, Thomas (d 1791)
GB 0114 MS0201 · Mid to late 18th century

Papers of Thomas Wilson, mid to late 18th century, comprising a volume containing notes by Wilson, of lectures given by John Hunter. Including notes on astronomical and mathematical topics, c 1854.

Wilson , Thomas , d 1791 , physician
Wilson, Albert (1854-1928)
GB 0114 MS0176 · [1870]

Papers of Albert Wilson, c1870, comprising a volume titled [H]uman [P]athology, Prof. Saunders, 2 containing manuscript notes by Wilson, taken at the Pathology lectures of Professor Sanders at Edinburgh University; and a loose sheet containing notes on Tubercular Phthisis. The sheet of paper is from the Edinburgh Medical-Missionary Society's Training Institution and Dispensary at No 39 Cowgate. Wilson was resident physician at the Cowgate Dispensary.

Wilson , Albert , 1854-1928 , physician
GB 0114 MS0200 · 1787-1788

Papers of Charles Wilkinson, 1787-1788, comprising a volume containing manuscript notes by Wilkinson, of lectures given by John Hunter. Including a note by William White Cooper written in 1838, containing information about the author, the lectures, and how he located the manuscript.

Wilkinson , Charles , fl 1791-1849 , surgeon
Whitsed, John (fl 1813-1862)
GB 0114 MS0194 · Early 19th century

Papers of John Whitsed, early 19th century, comprising a transcript of notes by Whitsed of John Hunter's lectures on Surgery, originally taken by Mr Hopkinson in the early 1780s; letter from William Clift to Dr Whitsed, 6 Sep 1785, regarding the loan of the volume to him; a cutting from The Englishman magazine regarding the manuscripts of John Hunter; a letter from the donor Thomas James Walker MRCS; and a reply of thanks from the College.

Whitsed , John , fl 1805-1862 , physician
GB 0114 MS0161 · 1886-1908

Papers of the West London Medico-Chirurgical Society, 1886-1908, comprising a volume titled Minute Book Volume 1 containing minutes, 1886-1908; and a volume titled Minute Book Volume 3 containing minutes, 1889.

West London Medico-Chirurgical Society
Watson, Thomas Henry
GB 0114 MS0079 · 1871-1874

Papers of Thomas Henry Watson, 1871-1874, comprising notes on botany from lectures by John Hutton Balfour (1808-1884) and notes on chemistry from lectures by Dr Letts, 1872-1873; notes on chemistry from lectures by Professor Alexander Crum Brown (1838-1922), 1871-1872; notes on systematic surgery from lectures by Dr John Chiene (1843-1923), 1872-1873; notes on materia medica and therapeutics from lectures by Professor Sir Robert Christison (1797-1882), 1873-1874; notes on clinical surgery from lectures by Professor Joseph Lister (1827-1912), 1872-1874; notes on pathology from lectures by Professor Sanders, 1873-1874; notes on natural history from lectures by Professor Sir Charles Wyville Thomson (1830-1882), 1872; and notes on anatomy from lectures by Professor Sir William Turner (1832-1916), 1872-1874.

Watson , Thomas Henry , fl 1871-1927 , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0072 · 1951-1954

Papers of Samuel Hall Wass, 1951-1954, comprising the case notes of patients at Guy's Hospital Out-Patient Department, mostly concerning the treatment of haemorrhoids, and bowel and colon complaints.

Wass , Samuel Hall , 1907-1970 , surgeon
Waller, W (fl 1784)
GB 0114 MS0199 · Late 18th century

Papers of W Waller, surgeon of Gosport, late 18th century, comprising a manuscript volume of notes taken by Waller at John Hunter's lectures, titled An Abstract of Lectures on Surgery delivered at London by Mr John Hunter.

Waller , W , fl 1784 , surgeon of Gosport, Hampshire
GB 0114 MS0240 · 1597-1691

Papers of Jacques Vivier, 1597-1691, comprising a manuscript mostly written by Vivier (probably a professional scribe), titled Explanation of the treatises of Guidon given by M. Seguin, doctor of medicine and lecturer in surgery at Paris, containing notes of lectures given by Dr Pierre Seguin, on Guido de Cauliaco's Chirurgia, and Taganet's Institution due Chirurgia.

Vivier , Jacques , fl 1599-1601 , scribe
Seguin , Pierre , 1566-1648 , Professor of Medicine, Paris
Travers, Benjamin: Papers
GB 0114 MS0276 · c1816-1868

Papers of Benjamin Travers, c 1816-1868, comprising 4 manuscript case books, 1843-1859; a manuscript titled Annotationes in Re Medica ac Chirurgica, Apr 1850-Sep 1857; a manuscript titled Further Observations on some unusual forms of injury occurring at the hip joint, Nov 1853; a manuscript case book, inscribed with the address '12 Bruton Street, Berkeley Square', 1834-1839; syllabi of Travers' lectures; post-mortem reports, including Travers own by R C Headington; case notes by Benjamin Brodie and William Dalrymple; accounts of hydrophobia by various writers; letters from S Cooper, J R Farre, Samuel Reynolds, John Smith Soden, Edward Stanley etc; and a volume titled An Account of French Practice in 1816 by John Murray.

Travers , Benjamin , 1783-1858 , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0267 · c1857-1875

Papers of Hugh Owen Thomas, c 1857-1875, comprising a casebook, 1857-[1867]; a notebook containing drawings, 1875; correspondence with his wife, Elizabeth Thomas; and a volume of papers.

Thomas , Hugh Owen , 1834-1891 , surgeon
Surgical Club
GB 0114 MS0160 · 1910-1939

Papers of the Surgical Club, 1910-1939, comprising a volume of minutes, 1910-1936; and another volume of minutes, 1936-1939. Also containing the Club rules and signatures of members.

Surgical Club , London
GB 0114 MS0224 · 1804

Papers of John Nichols Shelley, 1804, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Shelley, of lectures given by Henry Cline, titled Lectures on Surgery, 1804. Including notes referring to comments by Sir Astley Cooper, who could have also been contributing to the lectures.

Shelley , John Nicholls , 1783-1858 , army surgeon
GB 0114 MS0198 · c 1800

Papers of Charles Dagge Seager, c 1800, comprising a manuscript transcript by Seager, of the notes taken at lectures on surgery by John Hunter, arranged into aphorisms by Charles Brandon Trye.

Seager , Charles Dagge , 1779-1844 , surgeon
Sanders, John
GB 0114 MS0100 · c1689

Papers of John Sanders, c 1689, comprising a manuscript volume in Latin and English, titled small tract of Chirurgerie and Phisical plants etc, all which I have faithfully gathered from divers Learned Authors, Besides mine owe practise, and what I have seen of others, in this citty of Doublin. Containing notes on treatments for various medical conditions, including gun shot wounds, ulcers, and the King's Evil (Scrofula), and advice on how to provide the Chirurgeons Chest for Military occasions; a list of medicaments bought from an Apothecary in Bow Lane, London, in 1689; a list titled Medicamentorum formulae apud medicos Londinenses usilationes; a list of herbal plants used in remedies; and a table of diseases.

Sanders , John , fl 1689 , medical practitioner
GB 0114 MS0174 · c1957

Papers of Raymond Anthony Russell, c 1957, comprising 4 files of manuscript notes, letters and photographs relating to surgical instruments, amputating instruments, and surgical instrument makers; biographical material including manuscript notes, letters, photocopies of articles and photographs relating to Sir William Blizard (1743-1835); and 4 volumes of a surgical instrument catalogue titled Notes on Instrument Makers.

Russell , Raymond Anthony , 1922-1964 , Captain and historian
GB 0114 MS0197 · 1786-1787

Papers of Henry Nathaniel Rumsey, 1786-1787, comprising 4 volumes of manuscript notes by Rumsey titled A Course of Lectures on Surgery by Mr John Hunter, Surgeon to St George's Hospital, 1786, taken at lectures on surgery by John Hunter.

Rumsey , Henry Nathaniel , fl 1786-1809 , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0226 · 1807

Papers of George Ramsay Rodd, 1807, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Rodd, taken at the surgical lectures of Sir Astley Cooper in 1807. An inscription on the fly leaf reads "Geo R Rodd's hasty notes of A Coopers Surgical Lectures 1807."

Rodd , George Ramsey , fl 1807-1827 , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0032 · 1828-1849

Papers of Richard Radford Robinson, 1828-1849, comprising details of medical cases, 1831-1836; details of medical cases in Camberwell, 1832-1835; details of surgical cases in Camberwell, 1828-1831; and notes on medical subjects, medical cases, and quotes from lectures, 1833-1849.

Robinson , Richard Radford , 1806-1854 , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0111 · c 1843-1847

Papers of William Roberts, c 1843-1847, comprising a volume titled Rough Journal containing case notes on patients attended whilst in the Royal Marines during the landing at Montevideo, Uruguay, from 1843-1845; and as Acting Surgeon on the HMS FROLIC, stationed in the Pacific, from 1845-1847.

Roberts , William , fl 1837-1849 , naval surgeon
GB 0114 MS0113 · 1904-1927

Papers of Sir Hugh Mallinson Rigby, 1904-1927, comprising cases notes, correspondence, watercolour illustrations and photographs relating to patients with gall bladder diseases, 1910-1926; case notes, correspondence and illustrations relating to patients with arterial surgery and arterio-venous aneurism, 1915-1924; and case notes, correspondence, illustrations, photographs, radiographs and X-rays of various medical cases, mostly from the London Hospital, 1904-1927.

Rigby , Sir , Hugh Mallinson , 1870-1944 , Baronet , surgeon
GB 0114 · 1745-date

Legal Records: Charters and Bylaws (1462) - date

Court and Council : Court of Assistants 1745-1827; Council 1827-date; Council in Committee 1963-1989; Revision committee 1981-1987; Nomination Committee 1934-1970; Annual Reports of Council 1884-date

Secretariat: Correspondence, arranged by subject c.1880-1983; Letterbooks 1810-1866, 1900-1925; General Purposes Committee 1808-1962; Joint Secretariat Committee 1961-1974

President: Committee of President and Vice President 1836-1855; Presidential Committee on Examinations 1985; Presidential Committee on the College's Educational Policies for the Future 1981-1982; Presidential Correspondence 1945-1948; President's Conversazione 1899-1934; President's newsletter 1967-1991

Museum: Board of Curators 1800-1844; Museum & Building Committee 1799-1814; Museum Committee 1844-1988; Hunterian Trustees 1805-present; Letter books 1800-1883; Museum Accounts 1800-1832; Annual Reports 1827-1946; Correspondence 1845-date; Special Collections Committee 1989; Donations Registers and Correspondence 1802-1967; Human Remains [archaeological Finds} 1907-1937; Visitors 1805-1989; Odontological Museum correspondence 1943-1989;

Building: Building Committee 1844-1966; Committee on Accommodation 1982; Committee on the Extension of the College Buildings 1885-1891; Furniture & Building 1966-1992; Hospitality & Catering Committee 1956-1988; House Committee 1944-1961; Building Estates Committee 1989-1992; Property Committee 1978-1982; Rebuilding of College 1946-1955; Plans for rebuilding 1957; Correspondence 1910-date, photographs 1880-date.

Examinations: Court of Examiners 1796 -1832; Registers 1745-1983; Committee of Management Conjoint Board 1884-1929; Letters books 1832-1865; Committee on Courses 1981-2; Working Party on Future of Examining Board In England 1972-1981

Membership: Signature books 1800-1970; Apprentices 1800-1846; Death Registers 1800-1889; Membership lists 1788-1970; Discipline Committee 1915-1955; Licentiate registers 1885-1898; Certificates 1850-1870; Register of Certificates 1821-1835

Fellowship; Fellowship Election Committee 1943-1975; Fellows Committee 1988-1999; Overseas Fellows Committee 1986-1989; Honorary Fellows 1900-1978; Fellows & Honorary Fellows photo albums 1840-1968;

Lectureships & Awards: Lectures & Orations 1810-1842; Erasmus Wilson Committee 1879; Jacksonian Lectureship Committee 1800-date; Prize & Medal Committee 1956-1987; Macloghlin Scholarship committee 1965-1975; Joseph Toynbee Memorial Lecture Committee 1988; Lionel College Memorial Fellowship Committee minutes 1982-1985; Norman Capener Travelling Fellowship Advisory Board 1981-1988; Ratanji Dalal Research Scholarship Committee 1963-1990; Tudor Edwards Memorial Fund Committee 1989; Walker Prize Committee 1956-1980; Windsor Prize Committee 1982

Publications: Transactions Committee 1841-1842; Annals Committee 1947-1989; Almanacks 1903-date

Annual Meetings: Annual & Provincial Meetings Committee 1965-1966;

External Affairs: External Affairs Board Minutes 1989-1992; International Relations Committee 1983;

Finance: Accounts 1745-1974 ; Committee of Auditors 1811-1888; Finance Committee 1888- 1977; Cashbooks 1887-1959; Finance & General Appeal Committee 1967-1972; Building Committee Accounts 1806-1838; College Chest 1978-1982; Committee on Income & Expenditure 1868

Fundraising: Appeals Committee 1956-1978; Restoration funds records 1945-1956

Library: Library Committee 1833-1989; Acquisitions 1833-1850; Letter book 1828-1851; Correspondence 1935-1965; Donations 1868-1957; Purchases 1887-1952; Visitors 1889-1946;Binding 1856-1951; Books Received 1839-1951; Periodicals Received 1881-1938; Binding 1951-1964

Media: Audio Visual Techniques Committee 1980-1982;

Surgical Specialities & Training: Examiners in Anatomy & Physiology Minutes 1880-1918 ; Examiners in Midwifery minutes 1852-1857; Board of Examiners In Dental Surgery 1860-1909; Board of Surgical Specialities 1976-1988; Committee on Higher Specialist Assessment in General Surgery 1984; Committee on Training of Surgeons later Surgical Training Board minutes 1959-1971; Courses & Lectureship Committee 1982; Committee on Courses 1981-1982; Special Advisory Committee on General Surgery 1978-1981; Surgical Teaching Films Committee 1985-1986; Joint Committee for Plastic Surgery, Postgraduate Orthopaedic Training 1948-1959; Postgraduate Education Committee 1947-1959

Research Laboratories Committee 1890-1905; Ethical or Research Ethics Committee 1974-1983; Hunterian Institute Board Minutes 1986-1989; Hunterian Institute Academic Advisory Committee 1986-1989; Institute of Basic Medical Research Correspondence & Minutes 1946-1983; Joint General Board 1966-1983; Joint Research Board 1975-1979; Museum & Research Committee 1937-1974; Research Establishment at Downe Management Committee minutes 1974-1977; Research Grants & Development Committee 1979-1985; Research Ethics Committee 1985-1992; Streatfield & MacKenzie Mackinnon Research Fund Committee 1989; Anatomy Correspondence 1948-1980

Club College Council Club minutes, photographs, correspondence 1931-date

Dinner: Hunterian Festival programmes 1881-1975; Buckston Browne 1928-1956

War: Committee of Reference 1916-1919

The Royal College of Surgeons of England
GB 0114 MS0127 · 1826

Papers relating to the San Carlos Royal College of Surgery in Madrid, 1826, comprising a manuscript translation into English of Real Cedula de S.M y Senores del Consejo, en que se aprueben, y mandan observar las ordenanzas formadas para el gobierno economica y escolastico del colegio de cirugia est ablecido en Madrid con el titulo de San Carlos. Ano 1787. En Madrid. En la Imprenta de Don Pedro Marin.The title translates as The Royal Letters Patent of H.M. and the members of the Council, in which the laws formed by the Economic and Scholastic Government of the College of Surgery, established in Madrid by the title of San Carlos, are approved of, and ordered to be observed. Ano 1787. In Madrid. Printed by Don Pedro Marin.

Willimott , John , fl 1826 , translator
Ray, George (fl 1815-1853)
GB 0114 MS0227 · 1815-1816

Papers of George Ray, 1815-1816, comprising a volume of manuscript notes taken by Ray at the lectures of Sir Astley Paston Cooper, titled Lectures on Surgery, Delivered at the theatre of St Thomas's Hospital by AP Cooper, Esq in the years 1815-1816; and an undated newspaper cutting titled 'The Country Surgeon (A True Bill)' containing a poem about the life and work of a country surgeon.

Ray , George , fl 1815-1853 , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0265 · 1825

Papers of Thomas James Poole, 1825, comprising an indenture of the apprenticeship of Poole as a surgeon, apothecary and accouchier to Anthony Huxtable and Henry Clark, 1825.

Huxtable , Anthony , fl 1797-1825 , surgeon Clark , Henry , fl 1825 , surgeon
Poland, Alfred (1822-1872)
GB 0114 MS0069 · 1845-1846

Papers of Alfred Poland, 1845-1846, comprising a volume titled Surgical Analysis of cases reported by the Clinical Society during the last six months of 1845 and the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September 1846. Alfred [Poland] containing a table of contents; lists of cases including detailed patient information; and a letter concerning the deposit of the volume with the Library.

Poland , Alfred , 1822-1872 , ophthalmic surgeon
Platt, Sir Harry (1886-1986)
GB 0114 MS0070 · 1968-1986

Papers of Sir Alfred Platt, 1968-1986, comprising typescript and photographs relating to The Story of the Manchester Surgical Society, 1970-1971; diaries of trips to the United States of America 1928 and 1946, 1978; typsescript of the lecture The romance of surgery: The Manchester Ship Canal and the birth of accident services, 1968; copy of a postcard to Leslie Turner (FRCS) concerning arrangements for the centenary celebration, 1986; and a presentational folder titled The Transatlantic Connection 1913-1986: A Tribute to Sir Harry Platt by Allan M McKelvie, 7 Oct 1986.

Platt , Sir , Harry , 1886-1986 , 1st Baronet , surgeon
Perkins, George (1892-1979)
GB 0114 MS0264 · 1908-1980

Papers of George Perkins, 1908-1980, comprising 2 volumes containing correspondence, testimonials, and certificates relating to his education and professional life, 1908-1957; a folder containing photographs, a typescript, and correspondence relating to the Inaugural George Perkins Lecture, delivered by Professor Maurice Muller, (Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Bern), at St Thomas' Hospital on 1 Oct 1971; a reprint of The Hugh Owen Thomas Memorial Lecture 1946, delivered in the Liverpool Medical Institution by George Perkins on 11 Jul 1946; an envelope containing 11 reviews for the book Orthopaedics, written by Perkins, 1961, and a review for the book Fractures and Dislocation, written by Perkins, 1953; a volume containing a photograph of Perkins, signed by his former colleagues and friends; 3 photographs of Perkins, 1927-1973; obituaries and letters of condolence addressed to George Perkins daughter, Elizabeth, 1980.

Perkins , George , 1892-1979 , orthopaedic surgeon
GB 0114 MS0196 · 1791

Papers of Joseph Pearce, 1791, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Pearce, taken at Lectures on the Principles of Surgery by John Hunter, 1791.

Pearce , Joseph , fl 1791-1822 , of Newbury, medical student
GB 0114 MS0252 · 1808-1809

Papers of Whitlock Nicholl, 1808-1809, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Nicholl, titled MS Lectures on Surgery given gratuitously to the Pupils of St George's Hospital by Everard Home Esqre, taken in the Winter of 1808-9, by Whitlock Nicholl, Vol. 1, taken at lectures on surgery by Sir Everard Home. Including a biographical account and photograph of Nicholl, written by Charles Hawkins, and a cutting and notes about the poem 'A Country Surgeon'; and a volume of manuscript notes by Nicholl, titled MS Lectures on Surgery given gratuitously to the Pupils of St George's Hospital by Everard Home Esqre, taken in the Winter of 1808, by Whitlock Nicholl, Vol. 2, taken at lectures on surgery by Sir Everard Home.

Nicholl , Whitlock , 1786-1838 , physician
GB 0114 MS0024 · 1811-1812

Diary of a resurrectionist, 1811-1812, probably Joshua Naples, describing his activities supplying bodies to anatomists in London, including to St Thomas's and St Bartholomew's Hospitals.

Naples , Joshua , fl 1811-1812 , resurrectionist
Murie, James (1832-1925)
GB 0114 MS0131 · 1864

Papers of James Murie, 1864, comprising a manuscript titled Report by James Murie on the conditions etc of the Microscopical Collection, May 1864 relating to the microscopical collections at the Hunterian Museum. The report was presented to the Museum Committee; and a manuscript titled Final Report on the Microscopical Collection, November 1864 presented to the Chairman of the Museum Committee.

Murie , James , 1832-1925 , naturalist
GB 0114 MS0284 · 1893-1936

Papers of Lord Berkeley George Andrew Moynihan, 1893-1936, comprising 45 volumes of case books, 1893-1936; 22 volumes relating to private operations, 1908-1935; 7 volumes relating to private operations in London, 1927-1935; 1 notebook relating to London patients, 1920-1922; 2 volumes relating to records of pathological researches, 1921-1923; press cuttings relating to euthanasia, 1924-1936; 2 albums of tributes to Moynihan, 1936; press cuttings relating to Moynihan, 1908-1930; scrap book relating to Moynihan, c1913-1934; miscellaneous material including photographs of Moynihan, letters, lecture notes, testimonials and articles, c1913-1934; album of newspaper cuttings relating to Moynihan, Sep 1934- Aug 1936; album of newspaper cuttings relating to Moynihan, Sep 1930- Jul 1934; and 47 diplomas awarded to Moynihan, 1886-1935.

Moynihan , Berkeley George Andrew , 1865-1936 , 1st Baron Moynihan , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0290 · Early 19th century

Papers of Thomas Moore, early 19th century, comprising a volume of manuscript notes taken at the anatomical, physiological, and surgical lectures of, presumably, Alexander Monro secundus, at the University of Edinburgh, covering topics such as sutures, lithotomy, paracentesis and hare lip; and a volume of manuscript notes titled An account of the operations of surgery taken from the lectures of Alexander Monro, professor of anatomy in the University of Edinburgh and FRS, covering topics such as gastroraphia, lithotomy, and couching cataracts.

Moore , Thomas , fl late 19th century , student of anatomy
GB 0114 MS0288 · 1733-1806

Papers of Alexander Monro, secundus, 1733-1806, comprising lectures of physiology, volume 2, 1772; lectures upon the operations of surgery; anatomical, physiological and surgical lectures, volume 1, 1784; anatomical, physiological and surgical lectures, volume 2, 1784; anatomical, physiological and surgical lectures, volume 3, 1784; anatomical, physiological and surgical lectures, volume 4, 1784; lectures on human anatomy, volume 1; lectures on human anatomy, volume 2; lectures on surgery, volume 1; lectures on surgery, volume 2; lectures on anatomy and physiology, volume 1; lectures on anatomy and physiology, volume 2; lectures on anatomy and physiology, volume 3; lectures on anatomy and physiology, volume 4; lectures on anatomy and physiology, volume 5; praelectiones on anatomy and surgery "Monro by Swan", c 1763; praelectiones on anatomy and surgery "Monro by Swan", c 1763; operations by Monro; gravid uterus by Hunter; operations by Hunter; lectures on anatomy, volume 1; lectures on anatomy, volume 2; lectures on anatomy, volume 3; lectures on anatomy, volume 4; lectures on anatomy, volume 5; lectures on anatomy, volume 6 and operations of surgery, volume 1; lectures on anatomy, volume 7 and operations of surgery, volume 2; lectures on physiology and on comparative anatomy; notes of lectures "by Swan", volume 2; notes of lectures "by Swan", volume 3; A Treatise of Wounds and Tumours; History of Anatomy by Monro primus, 1733; a letter from Monro secundus to William Clift at the Royal College of Surgeons of London, 7 Sep 1806. requesting that Clift send his preparations to Westminster for taking on board a ship to Leith.

Monro , Alexander , 1733-1817 , anatomist x Monro secundus
GB 0114 MS0291 · 1776-1784

Papers relating to Alexander Monro secundus, 1776-1784, comprising a 2 volumes of manuscript notes titled Lectures of Surgery by Alexander Monro MD, Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the University of Edinburgh; transcribed from the copy of his lectures as taken down in short hand by Mr Thorburn in the year 1776. With additional abbreviations delivered during the years 1781-2-3 and 4 by James Curry, both containing a pen and ink portrait of Monro, and covering topics such as teeth, sutures, lithotomy, caesarean section, spinal injuries, ranula, trepanning, cupping, and inoculation.

Curry , James , fl 1781-1784 , student of surgery
Thorburn , Mr , fl 1776 , student of surgery
Medicinae Epitome
GB 0114 MS0066 · 1674

Latin volume titled Medicinae Epitome Ms, 1674, comprising manuscript text divided into sections, for example, 'In Physiologiam' (Physiology), 'De Pathologia' (Pathology) and 'De Chirurgia' (Surgery).

Maiden, William (1768-1845)
GB 0114 MS0128 · 1812-1824

Papers of William Maiden, 1812-1824, comprising a cutting from the National Register containing a letter to the editor from T Paxton, on 'Mr Tipple's Extraordinary Case', 26 Jul 1812; a copy of the second edition (1813) of the original publication by Maiden titled An Account of a Case of Recovery after an Extraordinary Accident, by which the shaft of a chaise had been forced through the thorax. The label on the front was written by Sir Richard Owen. Including an autograph letter from William Clift to William Maiden, 18 Feb 1824 and an original drawing by William Clift; draft title pages for the re-publication of the Shaft Case by William Maiden, including notes on Mr Tipple's health for the 10 years following the accident, and an account of the post-mortem; manuscript drafts for the introduction of the re-publication of the case; manuscript containing notes on Tipple's health after the accident. These notes were probably written by J W K Parkinson, Mr Tipple's physician after the accident, and his name is written in pencil at the top right on the first page; draft manuscript notes on the Post Mortem of Mr Tipple, 1823; a letter from James Parkinson to Sir William Blizard, 26 Mar 1823 concerning observations made by William Clift on the post-mortem of Mr Tipple; draft manuscripts of a commentary on the case by Sir William Blizard; 22 letters from William Maiden to William Clift, Sir William Blizard and Mr Carpenter concerning the re-publication of the case details, the plates to be published with it, and the procedure for presenting copies of the work to various gentlemen and institutions. Including replies from William Clift and Mr Carpenter to William Maiden. Sep 1823 - Jul 1824; transcribed measurements of the location of the horse and chaise; manuscript descriptions of the plates for the re-publication, including keys to the letters used in the figures, by William Clift; copy of An Account of a Case of Recovery, after The Shaft of a Chaise had been forced through the Thorax: to which is now added a statement of the health of the sufferer from the period of his recovery, until his decease: with the appearances of the injured parts after death. By William Maiden, MRCS. 1824; original drawings for the plates in the republication by William Clift and proofs of the plates; and printed colour, and black and white plates, and descriptions from the re-published case, 1824.

Maiden , William , 1768-1845 , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0148 · 1952-1992

Papers of the London Society of Thoracic Surgeons, 1952-1992, comprising a volume of minutes of Society, otherwise known as Charlie's Club, 1952-1981; a photocopy from the British Journal of Surgery, volume 38, 1950, containing the first acknowledged 'Charlie', a published record of a mistake made by the surgeon Mr John Rashleigh Belcher (FRCS) during a lobectomy operation; and menus and photographs from the annual dinners, including signatures of those in attendance.

London Society of Thoracic Surgeons
LISTER, Joseph (1827-1912)
GB 0114 MS0021 · [1841-1900]

Papers of Joseph Lister, [1841-1900], comprising notes and drawings on suppuration, 1851-1907, including experiments on the histology of suppuration at Glasgow, 1865; notes on a new method of treating compound fractures, manuscript draft of the first published paper on his method, [1867]; notes on the preparation of antiseptic catgut, coagulation of the blood, [1862];

papers presented to the College under the terms of Lord Lister's will, including notes on gauze; cases taken by Lister for the Fellowes Clinical medal at University College Hospital whilst a student, [1844-1853]; papers on early stages of inflammation; germ theory of putrefaction, 1875; correspondence on cases; copies of anatomical drawings, 1841-1843; physiological drawings and notes, [1851]; pathological sketches, [1851]; notes on clinical lectures by Jenner, Erichsen, Quain, Walshe and Garrod, 1851-1852; observations on the contractile tissue of the iris, [1853]; introductory lecture at Edinburgh, 1855; notes on external applications, 1855; lecture delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 1856; observations on early stages of inflammation and nerves, with some sketches, 1857; notes and sketches on the cutaneous pigmentary system of the frog, 1857; summary of experiments on the 'Hemmings' nervous system, 1858; notes and sketches on the minute structure of involuntary muscle fibre, 1858; notes on spontaneous gangrene from arteritis, 1858; coagulation of the blood, 1858-1860; Croomian lecture on Coagulation of the blood, 1863; notes and sketches of horse's blood, 1863; notes, sketches and photographs on excision of the wrist for caries, [1866]; notes on the antiseptic system of treatment in surgery, 1868; sketches and notes illustrating ligature, 1868-1869; notes on the ligature of arteries on the antiseptic system of treatment in surgery, 1871; sketches, notes and lecture on granulations, 1864-1871; drawings for plates on the natural history of bacteria, 1873 and germ theory of putrefaction, [1875]; address at opening of medical session, King's College Hospital, 1877; clinical lecture at King's College Hospital, 1877; sketches of spores and botanical sketches, 1872-1877; notes on the healing of wounds without antiseptic treatment, 1878; on the lactic fermentation, [1878]; notes for address to the Hunterian Society, 1889; observations on division of median and ulnar nerves, 1890; notes on anaesthetics and amputations, [1882];

drawings of fungi, 1872-1877; notes for extra-academical lectures in Glasgow, 1860-1863; address to Glasgow students, 1894; common-place books, by Lister and Lady Lister, on subjects including bactiera, catgut and antiseptic dressings, including drawings; letters from Erichsen and others; signed prescriptions, 1889; letters to and from Lister, 1868-1900, including letters to Sir George Darwin, 1899-1900.

Notes on lectures on surgery delivered by Lister at the University of Glasgow, 1864-1865, transcribed by P H McKellar; notes on lectures on the theory and practice of surgery delivered by Lister at Glasgow, 1863-1864, taken by Dr Robert W Forrest; notes on the surgical lectures delivered by Lister at the University of Glasgow, 1863-1865, taken by Alex Forsyth.

Lister , Joseph , 1827-1912 , Baron Lister , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0020 · c1817-1860

Papers of Sir William Lawrence, c1817-1860, comprising an account of patients admitted into the London Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye, (cases under Lawrence and Tyrell), 1817-1825; notes of hospital cases; notes used for delivery of lectures in surgery; notes and papers, including addresses made at St Bartholomew's Hospital; notes for lectures in ophthalmic surgery; notes and papers relating to comparative anatomy and physiology; notes of hospital cases; notes on surgical subjects; commonplace book containing case notes on his patients; lecture on ophthalmic surgery; case notes on ophthalmic patients of Lawrence and Travers.

Lawrence , Sir , William , 1783-1867 , 1st Baronet , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0056 · 1799-1842

Papers of George Langstaff, 1799-1842, comprising 2 volumes of commonplace books, 1818-c 1838; correspondence concerning preparations purchased by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1842; Diurnal remarks of a voyage from Calcutta to old England, by G Langstaff, Surgeon, Ship Phoenix (1799) including a transcript by S Wood, 1799-1801; catalogue of the anatomical preparations forming the George Langstaff Museum, 1820; manuscript of miscellaneous preparations, 1799-1842; catalogue of the Langstaff Museum titled Heart, early 19th century; manuscript list of preparations titled Abridged History of the Museum, early 19th century; lecture notes, 1785-1816; and an explanation of John Abernethy's paintings of Lithotomy, 1804.

Langstaff , George , c1780-1846 , surgeon and anatomist
King, Maurice Henry (1927-)
GB 0114 MS0149 · 1993

Papers of Maurice Henry King, 1993, comprising 2 draft typescript copies of Primary Surgery Volume 1 Non-traumawith manuscript annotations in various hands. The first copy is labelled as being edited by Maurice King, assisted by Peter Bewes and James Cairns. The second copy names only Maurice King as the editor.

King , Maurice Henry , b 1927 , physician and research fellow
GB 0114 MS0151 · [1865]

Papers of Charles Ferdinand Keele, c 1865, comprising a volume of notes taken at lectures given by Sydney Jones (1831-1913), and John Flint South (1797-1882), on topics such as comparative anatomy (Jones), and fistula in ano, dislocations, and fractures (South); and case notes, possibly relating to patients of St Thomas' Hospital.

Keele , Charles Ferdinand , fl 1860-1929 , surgeon
Keate, Thomas (1745-1821)
GB 0114 MS0195 · 1776-1816

Papers of Thomas Keate, 1776-1816, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Keate, taken at lectures on surgery by John Hunter, 1776; lectures by Thomas Keate, 1776-1777; and a letter from Keate of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, to George Chandler, Chairman of the Board of Curators, 23 Oct 1816, describing the presentation of the volume to the College, upon the request of the Court of Assistants. The letter explains that the notes were taken over a period of years, and that afterwards, after consulting with the notes of a friend, Dr John Jebb, they were collated and improved. He also notes that he tried to convey the sentiments of the lectures by verbatim quotation from Hunter.

Keate , Thomas , 1745-1821 , surgeon
Keate, Robert: Books
GB 0114 MS0275 · 1847

Papers of Robert Keate, 1847, comprising a volume containing a detailed, alphabetical manuscript list of books presented to the College Library by Keate; and a letter written on Royal College of Surgeons of England Library headed paper, from Thomas Stone, to Keate, 13 Jun 1847, relating to books that the Library does not already possess.

Keate , Robert , 1777-1857 , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0280 · 1817-[1818]

Papers of Richard Phillips Jones, 1817-c1818, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Jones, taken at lectures by Sir Benjamin Brodie, and Sir Everard Home, in the Library of St George's Hospital, 1817-c1818, covering topics such as head injuries, fractures, hernias, stricture, prostate diseases, bladder stones, and amputations; and lists of names and locations, possibly of Baptist Ministers, written in a different hand.

Jones , Richard Phillips , c 1797-1867 , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0042 · 1933-1945

Papers of Robert Rutson James, 1933-1945, comprising transcripts of sources relating to 17th and 18th century surgeons: transcripts of the Admiralty Surgeon's Passing Certificates, 1933-1934; transcripts of the Barber Surgeon's Apprentice Books, 1936; transcripts of the Freemen of the Barber Surgeon's Company, c 1936; transcripts of the Warden's Great Account Book, c 1930s; transcripts of the Lambeth Archbishop's Licences, 1937; transcripts of Fleet Prison Marriage Registers, 1930s-1940s; transcripts of Medical Wills, 1933; transcripts of the List of Marriage Licences from the Harleian Society, including some medical wills, 1933-1945; and transcripts of the St George's Hospital Pupil Register, c 1930.

James , Robert Rutson , 1881-1959 , surgeon
GB 0114 MS0281 · 1810

Papers of William Hutchinson, 1810, comprising 2 volumes of manuscript notes by Hutchinson, taken at the surgical lectures of Sir Benjamin Brodie, covering topics such as inflammation, head injuries, burns and scalds, gonorrhea, and the effects of mercury.

Hutchinson , William , fl 1810 , medical student