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Archivistische beschrijving
THOMSON, Joseph (1858-1894)
GB 0402 JTH · 1878-1901

Papers of Joseph Thompson, 1878-1901, comprising four observations files, 1879-1888, including: computations of observations made in Morocco, 1883-1884 and 1888; positions, altitudes and temperatures, Tanganyika 1879; barometric observations, Morocco, 1888; barometric and hypsometric observations, Kenya, 1883-1884; computations of observations made in Kenya, 1883-1884; journals: of East Africa, 1881-1893; North Africa, 1889 and the Nile, 1879; correspondence, 1878-1901, (Correspondence Blocks 1871-1880, 1881-1910 and 1911-1920) including 17 letters 1878-1880; printed copies of letters Mar and Nov 1882 and Feb 1883; letters from Taveta 4 Apr 1883 and from Mombasa 5 Jun [1883] on his journey to Kilimanjaro and retreat from Ngara; 8 letters, Dec 1882, from the Foreign Office to Royal Geographical Society (RGS); 21 letters from Thomson 1882-1886 and 1892; 11 telegrams with typescript copies, 1883-1886; statement of financial accounts, John Kirk (Consul General, Zanzibar) in account with RGS for Thomson's expedition; 4p. proofs of 'Hints to Travellers' with corrections by Thomson; nine letters from J H Thomson (nephew) ,1901; three letters from J B Thomson (brother), 1895-1896; letters on a portrait of Thomson; letters to J Scott Keltie and letter to Gilmour (Keltie's son-in-law) nd.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 LMS · [1691-1994]

Library Manuscripts comprise manuscript items donated to the Royal Geographical Society. They are chiefly single files or a small number of items which are not large enough to warrant forming a special collection. The papers include, astronomical and meteorological observations, diaries, correspondence, notes, conference papers, reports, articles, photographs, sketches and maps covering all aspects of geography and exploration across the globe and date from 1691 to 1994. Highlights include:

Memorandum on a map of South America, by John Arrowsmith.

Papers of Maj R A Bagnold, 1929-1933, comprising positions, routes and heights in Egypt and letters from Bagnold.

Letters from Sir John Barrow to Lord Melville, 1935-1945 and letters to Barrow from Murzuq, 1822 and J D Dundas, 1818.

Papers of Dr Heinrich Barth, 1846-1952, letters and copy of a sketch map of Timbuktu.

Notes on heights of mountains in America by Capt F W Beechey, 1826.

Letters from the King of Siam to Sir John Bowring, 1855.

Letters relating to the British Arctic Air Route Expedition, 1928-1932.

Correspondence and reports of the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition to New Guinea, 1908-1911.

Papers of G Wyman Bury, 1913-1918.

Papers of Capt R F M Crozier, 1836-1906.

Account of a journey to Lhasa and central Tibet by Sarat Chandra Das, 1902.

Papers of Lt James Barker Emery, chiefly relating to Mombassa, 1822-1835.

Plan and elevation of the Screw Yacht FRAM as reconstructed in 1898.

'Narrative of a small party of HMS LEVEN under command of Lt C W Browns sent to explore the Zambesi by one of the survivors, a native of Angola', by Antonio Jozi, 1823.

Journal of Joseph Kaye's voyage from London to Genoa.

Papers and maps relating to William Kennish's exploration in South America for a canal route.

Papers relating to the Kufara expedition led by H W C J Penderel and P A Clayton to Gilf Kebir, 1933.

Papers relating to the Livingstone Award, 1875-1970.

H B Molesworth's diary of a journey to Mokalla (Mukalla), 1893.

Letters from Sir John Morrison to Henry Dundas and others concerning Persia and trade with Persia, 1783-1792.

Narrative of a shipwreck on the southern shores of Arabia by B A R Nicholson, 1836.
Correspondence of Walter Oudney, 1821-1823.

Papers of Adm Sir W E Parry, relating to the Arctic, 1819-1823.

Papers relating to the Pitcairn Islands, 1831-1885.

Annotated 'Code of Naval Signals' belonging to Adm Sir Home Popham, 1799.

Letter from Sultan Husain Sufrari, 1708.

Account of explorations on the coast of Patagonia by B Villarino, 1782.

Travel journals of J Washington, chiefly in South America, 1822-1829.

Letters to A F R Wollaston, 1896-1926.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 PHF · 1906-1988

Papers of and relating to Percy Fawcett including 'The exploration of the Rio Aquiry', 1906-1907; letters to Reginald Pound, 1923 and to the editor of World Wide Magazine, 1923; report to the Royal Anthropological Institute, London, 15 Nov 1951, on some human remains brought from Brazil by Senor Chateaubriand and thought to be those of P. H. Fawcett; astronomical observations, Bolivia-Peru boundary and Bolivia-Brazil boundary, 1908-1910; 'The new frontier between Bolivia and Peru', 1910 and papers relating to the search for Col Fawcett.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 RSH · 1841-1940

Papers of Robert Shedden made during his voyage on the NANCY DAWSON from London to the Bering Strait via Goa and Singapore, 1848-1849, including observations, chronometer ratings and calculations for positions.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 SSC/9 · Collectie · 1897

Bourne and Tratman collection, 1897, comprises barometric and hypsometric observations, upper Yangtse Kiang, 1897 and correspondence from Tratman.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 SVA · Collectie · 1893-1901

Observation files of Maj Seymour Vandeluer, 1893-1901, comprising observations on altitudes and bearings in Uganda, 1895 and observations on altitudes, meteorological observations and bearings, upper Nile and Sudan, 1899.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 EAF · [1880-1900]

Papers of Ernest Ayscoghe Floyer comprising computations of positions, Egypt, 1892 and other papers relating to Egypt, the Nile valley and Sinai.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 TPW · 1878-1882

Observation file of Capt Temple Leighton Phipson-Wybrants, Mozambique, 1880, comprising many pages of astronomical observations and calculations to establish latitude or logitude; some simple sketch maps of various locations; some references to Mr Coles' 'training instructions in the use of instruments, mapping, etc.'

Zonder titel
GB 0402 EAR · 1909-1930

Papers of Edward Ayearst Reeves, 1909-1930, including notes on Robert E Peary's report and observations from his expedition to the North Pole, 1919, 'On terrestrial magnetism', letters, maps, and observations (of which some are copies of Peary's and others unidentified), 1909 and memoirs of Reeves' time at the Royal Geographical Society, 1930.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 JBF · 1820-1821

Observations by James Baillie Fraser, 1820-1821, including astronomical observations on a journey from Bushire to Tehran, 1821 and observations for latitude time and longitude from Lucknow to Bombay, 1820-1821.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 LAL · 1876

Papers of Louis Lucas, 1876, including aneroid observations for altitude of Khartoum, 1876 enclosing a report by J A Grant and a further report by R Strachan; five leatherbound notebooks containing botanical notes, topographical notes and lists of stores and instruments.

Zonder titel
EVANS, R Charles (1918-1995)
GB 0402 RCE · 1953-1955

Papers of R Charles Evans, 1953-1955, including observations on Everest expedition, 1953; angle book and camera record book, Everest expedition, 1953; field notebook from the New Zealand Alpine Club Himalayan expedition, 1954 and letter to Sir James Marshall-Cornwall, [1955].

Zonder titel
GB 0402 RHS · 1832-1858

Papers of Sir Robert Herman Schomburgk, 1832-1858, comprising letters, observations, journals of travel in South and Central America and South East Asia and papers relating to expeditions to Guyana, 1836-1838.

Schomburgk's journals including remarks to accompany a map the rivers Orinoco, Essequibo and Branco, South America, 1833; journal in Central America, notably on Anegada and Virgin Gorda, 1833; journal in Central America, 1834; journal in Central America, 1853 and journal in South East Asia, notably Siam and the voyage from Bangkok to Xieng mai and Maulmain, 1860.

Papers relating to expeditions to Guyana including reports on the first expedition into the interior of Guyana, 1836, and of an excursion to the Post at the mouth of the Cayuni with accompanying watercolour of the Post at Cayuni; report, diary and notes on the second expedition into Guyana, 1837 and account of expenses for the first and second expeditions and reports on third expedition into Guyana, 1837-1838, with accompanying watercolour.

Observation files including astronomical and meteorological observations, trigonometrical observations at Annay, notes on heights at which trees will grow and on the position of San Joachim, Guyana, 1835-1837.

Pencil sketches including of Indian ornaments found at Samana, of Haitians and ink and wash sketch of the town and harbour, St. Thomas, 1833; unpublished article 'On the originating causes and further development of hurricanes in the West Indies', 1833 and official and personal letters to Schomburgk, many written to him in his capacity as Secretary of the Society, 1892-1915, and letters from Sir John Scott Keltie.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 RLR · 1905-1913

Observation files by Robert Lawrence Reid including two angle books, time book, astronomical observations and barometric readings, Anewimi region, 1905-1909. Journal MSS: 1902, 'Some explorations in Portuguese East Africa'.

Zonder titel
MANNING, Thomas Henry
GB 0402 TMA · 1936-1946

Reports, observations, notes and photos of Canada by Thomas Henry Manning, 1936-1946, including descriptive report, Northern Manitoba and South-east Keewatin, 1945; descriptive report and technical report, east coast of Hudson's Bay, Ottawa Islands, etc., 1946 (duplicates of reports submitted to the Geodetic Service of Canada); astronomical observations, topological notes and rough sketch maps of Whale Point and surrounding area, 1936-1938.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 WHI · 1908-1915

Papers of Capt William Shakespear, 1908-1915, including field notebooks on 'Kuwait tours' giving route and bearings, 1909-1913; observations in Kuwait, 1911; tour to Nejd and a single page with depths of desert wells, Kuwait hinterland, Mar-Apr, 1913; notes on route and bearings, Feb-May 1914; computations of aneroid observations, 1914; observations of the sun's meridian, 1911, 1913 and 1914; copies of letters and papers including the last letter from Shakespear to his brother, 14 Jan 1915.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 WSR · 1913-1933

Papers of William and Katherine Routledge from their expedition to Easter Island, 1913-1916 together with some papers concerning Jamaica, including notebooks, papers, sketches, maps, photographs, slides and correspondence; extensive notes of writings of earlier visitors to the island; log books of the expedition yacht MANA, 20 Feb 1913-31 Jul 1916; burgee of the MANA; lists of yacht's stores, expenses etc.; draft of Katherine Routledge's book, The Mystery of Easter Island; tracings of rock carvings, sketch plans, lantern slides, photographs, correspondence and notes from Easter Island; albums of press cuttings, chiefly reviews of The Mystery of Easter Island and With a Prehistoric People; index cards with a vocabulary of Mangarevanotes and correspondence concerning Jamaica and the expedition to cross the John Crow Mountains, 1920-1933.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 ACH · 1909

Bearings and positions by A C Hoey of Lake Baringo to Addis Abbaba, 1909.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 ALS · 1892-1895

Observation files of Sir Alfred Sharpe, including positions, Lake Mweru, 1892 and positions on and near Lake Nyasa including letters and calculations, 1894-1895.

Zonder titel
MAUD, Capt Philip
GB 0402 CPM · 1902-1903

Papers of Capt P Maud, 1902-1903, including photocopy of diary written at the Abyssinian border, 6 Nov 1902-21 Jan 1903; copies of a photograph album of Abyssinia and Kenya, 1902-1903; printed article by Maud, 'Abyssinia and her expansion east and south'; portrait photograph of Maud as a Captain; annotated map of East Africa; correspondence and list of positions, Kenya, 1902-1903 (Boundary Commission No.63).

Zonder titel
GB 0402 DL · 1850-1873

Papers of David Livingstone including autograph letters and articles; one small watercolour; copies of letters to various correspondents; a notebook of astronomical observations and many letters and copies of letters from relations; friends and the Foreign Office referring to Livingstone.

Papers relating to the period 1850-1852, including a letter from Livingstone to William Cotton Oswell dated from Kuruman Sept 20 1852 which contains an account of the activities of the Boers around Kuruman and towards Sechele and copies of letters, 1850-1851, to the London Missionary Society. (9 items)

Papers, 1853-1857, principally concerning the expedition to Loanda, Linyanti and the Victoria Falls. These include 10 letters from Livingstone in Africa, 1853-1856, reporting to the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) on the progress of the expedition, the discovery of the Victoria Falls etc (long extracts from these letters were published by the RGS); a letter dated [25 Aug 1856] to the Editor of the 'Athenaeum' discussing 'easy chair versus field geography'; 18 letters from English addresses, Jan 1857-Feb 1858 to Dr Norton Shaw (the Society's Secretary) in which Livingstone asks for information on the mouth of the Zambesi, requires a copper boat, comments on his book, maps, family matters and the London Missionary Society; copies of letters from Livingstone to E Gabriel from Cassange, 14 Feb 1855, to Mr Sturge from Tette, 11 Dec 1858 and to Mr Layard from Bombay, 28 Sep 1865. (76 items)

Papers, 1858-1865, concerning the expedition to the Shiré, Zambesi and Lake Nyasa. These include 8 letters from Livingstone in Africa 1860-1864, to Sir Roderick Murchison and Dr Norton Shaw at the RGS reporting on the progress of the expedition; a small watercolour of the Victoria Falls; a report on the navigation of the Zambesi; an article in which Livingstone summarises proceedings of the expedition and activities of Universities Mission [probable date Jan 1862]; letters from Mary Livingstone to Dr. Norton Shaw, 1858 and 1860; copies of 19 letters from Livingstone to Macgregor Laird, the Foreign Office, Sir Thomas Maclear, E. Gabriel, the Rev A Monk, 1858-1862. (54 items).

Papers, 1865-1873, concerning Livingstone's last expedition. These include 3 letters from Livingstone to Sir Roderick Murchison, 2 Feb 1867; to Sir Thomas Maclear 8 Jul 1868, to Sir Henry Rawlinson dated from South Central Africa 1873 [probably written in early April, and the last known communication addressed by Livingstone to any official of the RGS]; a notebook of astronomical observations 1872-1873; a collection of news cuttings of 1872 about Livingstone and H M Stanley; copies of 17 letters from Livingstone to the Foreign Office, Sir Bartle Frere, Dr. John Kirk, Sir Roderick Murchison and Mr Seward; letters of Dr. John Kirk, H A Churchill and others communicating news and rumours about Livingstone. (60 items).

Papers relating to the death and funeral of Livingstone. (11 items).

Zonder titel
GB 0402 FJR · 1921-1945

Papers of Francis Rodd, including typescript copies of journals and astronomical and hypsometric records on expeditions to Air and the southern Sahara, 1922 and 1927. Seven folders of notes and correspondence relating to the same expeditions: notes on the Sahara from authorities of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; journal of route in 1927, with geographical and meteorological notes; drawings, unused chapters of Rodd's book People of the veil; copies of rock drawings, drafts for book lectures; diary, 1927; correspondence concerning the planning and conclusion of the expedition; papers on special subjects arising out of the 1927 expedition including botanical, anthropological and archaeological; survey notes; notes on instruments and chronometer ratings and letters from Francis and Peter Rodd to their parents, May-Jun 1927.

Zonder titel
GB 0402 FKW · 1911-1958

Two notebooks of Frank Kingdon Ward, 1911-1958, including bearings, positions and topographical notes made in Tibet, 1933-1934, and statement of the results of his observations.

Zonder titel