Papers of Sir Samuel White Baker including diaries (which include sketches) of expeditions to the Upper Nile between 1861 and 1873, and notes on hunting in Ceylon 1844-1853; cash book for 1869; observations taken in Central Africa, 1860-1873 and papers and letters to John Petherick (1863) and Mr Kerrison (1873).
Baker , Sir , Samuel White , 1821-1893 , Knight , traveller and sportsmanReginald Loder's journals of hunting expeditions interleaved with photographs: Vol. 1, British East Africa, 1910-1911; Vol. 2, British East Africa, 1912-1913, Vol. 3, Abyssinia, 1924 and Vol. 4 Red Sea Hills and Eritrea.
Loder , Reginald B , fl 1910-1931 , MajorNotebooks and travel diaries, describing fishing and hunting trips with some notes on birds observed in the following regions: Sweden and Norway, 1892-1899; Russian Lapland, Ireland and Denmark, 1901-1902; Russian Lapland, Norway and Denmark, 1902; Guadiana valley, Spain, 1905; Norway and Sweden, 1905; Spain: a travel diary including notes on cae dwellings and prehistoric remains, 1908; Romania, 1911; Algeria and Iceland, 1913; England and Scotland, 1915-1918; Scotland, 1919-1920; Scotland and Iceland, 1921; England and Iceland, 1922; Iceland, 1922; England, 1923-1924; Sweden and New Zealand, 1924-1925; England and Sweden, 1926; Iceland, 1927-1929; Iceland and England, 1929; Iceland, 1930; England and Ireland, 1931-1932 and England, 1932.
Ratcliff , F R , fl 1892-1932Log and private journal of John Wilson as ship's surgeon on the second voyage of the South Seas whaler GYPSY, 23 Oct 1839-19 Mar 1843 and portfolio of 23 watercolours, illustrating places named in the journal.
Wilson , John , 1811-1879 , ship's surgeon