Bound and unbound Minutes of Bedford College Council, 1849-1984; Agenda Book for the Council and its Committees, 1896-1954; bound list of papers presented to Council, 1971-1985; Attendance Register for the Council and its Committees, 1908-1939; Committee Signature Books, 1929-1933 and 1973-1985, including the Academic Board; alphabetical list of the Members of the College and the Council, 1872-1904; Register of the Members of the College, 1869-1888, including name, occupation and date of entry; List of members of temporary Committees, 1928-1934; Bound volumes and pamphlets containing the Annual Reports of the Council, 1888-1983; outward Letter Books of the Council, 1881-1895, with indexes; Notebook of Lucy Russell, Honorary Secretary of the Council, 1888-1902, including names and addresses of Professors and teachers, Members of the College, Associates, students previous to 1871, auditors, Visitors and tradesmen, as well as lists of the membership of the Council and Committees; material relating to the use of the College Seal, notably Seal Books of the Council, 1909-1948, the College Seal, 1965, and correspondence relating the need for a new Seal following changes of name, 1956, 1965 and 1984; legal documents, 1865-1983, relating to premises used by Bedford College, including deeds of property for the Shaen Wing, 1896-1899, 35-37 Dorset Square, 10 Dorset Square, 299a Edgware Road, 43 New Cavendish Street, 51 Harley Street, The Holme, Hanover Lodge, Headstone Lane Sports Centre, Sussex Lodge, York Place, East Street and Broadhurst Gardens. Legal documents relating to benefactors of the College, notably Deeds of Gift under the Pious Benefactors, 1926, and by the Marquess of Crewe, 1930. Correspondence and papers relating to the financing, construction and upkeep of the Busk Memorial Gates, 1931-1936. Minutes of the Committee of Management, 1868.
Sin títuloMinute books, 1889-1985; Reports to the Governing Body, 1912-1965; agendas and notices of meetings, 1940-1967; memoranda, letters and circulars, 1921-1971, on subjects including the constitution and membership of the Academic Board, the Library Committee, the election of staff to the Governing Body, the Post-War Policy Committee, and staff salaries; reports of the London University Committee on Academic Organisation and the Academic Council on Academic Organisation, 1965-1967; Minutes of the Recognition Committee, 1963-1967.
Sin títuloPapers of the Royal Holloway College Lady Housekeeper, 1899-1939, including a volume containing an analysis of weekly expenditure on provisions and household supplies, 1899-1931, and two sets of cards listing the furniture in rooms in the Founder's Building, [1938-1939]. Records of the Royal Holloway College Nurse, comprising Register Books of patients, 1935-1940. Papers of the Chief Engineer of Royal Holloway College, 1886-[1927], notably letters, reports and specifications concerning the heating and lighting at the College, 1882-1902; and plans of Royal Holloway College, 1887-[1927], including printed plans by William Crossland of the first floor of Founder's Building, domestic offices under the dining Hall and kitchen, and the heating system. Diaries of William Hornsby, the Royal Holloway College Night Porter, 1888-1908, listing his day and night duties. Papers relating to the Royal Holloway Catering Manager, 1970-1972, including a Receipt Book for women students' meals, and menu cards for special occasion dinners held at the College.
Sin títuloMinute books of the Finance Committee, 1887-1973; Minute book of the Garden Committee, 1890-1912; Minute books of the Library Committee, 1892-1965; Minute and Agenda books of the Education Council, 1898-1921; Minute books of the Staff and Appointments Committee, 1929-1963; Minute book of the Investment Committee, 1950-1976; Minute book of the Planning Committee, 1959-1965; Minute book of the House Committee, 1887; reports, memoranda and letters relating to the Committee on Chapel Services, 1887, 1896-1898; minutes, reports and memoranda of the Post-War Policy Committee, 1943-1947; Minutes of the Publicity Committee, 1967-1969; Minutes of the Halls of Residence Sub-Committee, 1964-1965; Minutes of the Residential Costs Sub-Committee, 1965-1967; Minutes, Annual Reports and catalogues of the University of London Botanical Supply Unit Sub-Committee, 1950-1982; Minute books containing minutes of ad hoc committees, 1892-1965, on subjects including Chapel services, building, College curriculum, College Constitution, staff salaries and pensions, appointments and publicity.
Sin títuloCollection of papers relating to Royal Holloway College, University of London, 1874-1985, namely papers of the Board of Governors (1886-1949) and the Council (1949-1985), 1883-1985, including deeds, Acts of Parliament, Statutes and regulations of the College, minutes, agendas and reports of the meetings of the Governors and Council, and printed annual accounts; records of Thomas Holloway, the founder of the College, 1874-1884, notably letter book, ledger and journal relating to the foundation of Royal Holloway College, and pamphlets on the organisation of schools and colleges; papers of the Trustees, 1874-1969, including legal papers relating to the foundation and construction of the College, minute books of Trustees' meetings, financial material such as accounts and cash books, and records concerning the opening ceremony of the College; papers of the Committees of the Governors and Council, 1887-1982, mainly comprising minutes, reports and memoranda; papers of the Royal Holloway College Staff Meeting, 1889-1985, notably minute books, memoranda, letters and circulars, and reports of the London University Committee on Academic Orgnaisation, 1965-1967; minute books of the Faculties, 1897-1967; papers of the Academic Departments, [1901]-1972, including brochures and syllabuses, student lists, departmental files, and minute books, especially relating to the Department of Music; papers of the Royal Holloway College Library, 1889-1984, notably reports and publications, Library working files, material relating to Library committees, and account books; papers created by the Principal's Office, 1887-1966, notably material concerning College functions, staff records, 1888-1956, papers of the Senior Student, 1909-1962, material concerning the College Chapel, papers relating to the University of London Constitution, 1895-1927, and other correspondence and memoranda on matters including scholarships, prizes, student societies, student fees and wartime activities; papers of the Registrar's Department, 1887-[1985], mainly comprising student records such as registers, scholarship details, teaching statistics, examination and prize records, college publication including calendars, prospectuses and brochures, and reports, letters and memoranda concerning University of London Visitations; papers of the Secretary's Department, 1886-1963, including correspondence and memoranda on subjects including the appointment of staff, financial matters, constitutional decisions, specifications and estimates for building work, the contents of the Royal Holloway Picture Gallery, with registers and inventories relating to the domestic, academic and administrative staff; papers of the Accountant's Department, 1887-1970, notably the main accounts of Royal Holloway College, 1887-1970, accounts for scholarships and prizes, 1887-1954, material relating to salaries and wages, and accounts relating to household supplies, 1887-1910 and 1961-1969; papers of the Residence Officers, 1886-1940 and 1970-1972, including records of the Lady Housekeeper, 1899-1939, the Chief Engineer, 1886-[1927], notably specifications and plans relating to the maintenance of the College, diaries of the Night Porter, 1888-1908, and records of the Catering Manager, 1970-1972; papers of the Curator of the Picture Gallery, 1881-1977, notably correspondence and papers relating to the collection, visitor books, sale and exhibition catalogues and press cuttings; records of the Royal Holloway College Association, 1887-1972, comprising copies of the College Letter, subscription records, minute books, and correspondence; records of the staff and student bodies of Royal Holloway College, 1889-1975, including minute books of the College Meeting, 1890-1925, the Library Committee, 1889-1892, and various war work committees; records of the Royal Holloway College Student's Meeting (later Union), 1895-1973, notably constitutional papers and handbooks, minute books, reports and memoranda, accounts, papers of the Student's Union Committees, and records of the Senior Student, 1906-1944; Royal Holloway College magazines, 1938-1972; papers of the clubs and societies of Royal Holloway College, 1889-1971, mainly comprising minutes and correspondence; various unofficial records relating to the College, 1863-1971, namely material relating to Thomas Holloway and his family, reminiscences, memoirs, press cuttings, drawings and sketches; photographs, 1886-[1969], of Royal Holloway College, its staff and students.
Sin títuloMinute books of the Faculty of Arts, 1897-1974; Minute books of the Faculty of Science, 1898-1967.
Sin títuloDeeds, Acts of Parliament, Statutes and Regulations relating to Royal Holloway College, 1883-1962, including a printed copy Deed of Foundation, 11 Oct 1883, and amendments, 26 Apr 1906; printed 'Rules and the Deed of Foundation, with amendments', Apr 1912, and further printed and manuscript amendments, 1925, 1939, 1940 and 1946; charter of a Grant of Arms to Royal Holloway College, May 1944; Royal Holloway College Act, 30 Jul 1949, and amended Act, Apr 1962. Records of meetings, including bound volumes containing Minutes of Governors' (Council) Meetings, 1886-1971, with indexes; Chairman's Agenda books relating to meetings of the Board of Governors, the Council and their Committees, 1887-1965; bound Attendance Registers for the Board, Council and Committees, 1889-1965. Reports and papers of the Board of Governors (Council), notably printed Governors' Reports, 1888-1891; termly Principal's Reports to the Governing Body, 1887-1969; report of a conference on University degrees for women, convened by the Governors of Royal Holloway College, 1898; printed report of a Committee appointed by the Governors to consider the question of instruction in the College, 1901. Printed annual accounts, 1896-[1985]. Registers of the use of the College Seal, 1949-1970.
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