Scientific and other papers sent to the Royal Society, presented at meetings of Fellows, or commissioned by the Society. They form a complementary series to the Early Letters, both of which were superseded by the Letters and Papers. Many of these items, referred to as the 'Guard Books', are duplicated in the Register Book of the Society. The classification is a simplified form of the 'Philosophical Transactions' abridgment by John Lowthorp. This arrangement was completed in 1741 by Thomas Birch. The majority of the papers in these volumes are manuscript, but a few printed documents occur throughout the series. Some of the papers are earlier in date than the grant on 15 July 1662 of the First Charter to the Society. The Committee of Trades seems to have been associated with the earlier meetings of those philosophers who subsequently became Fellows, and produced a number of practical papers, some of which were written in 1639 and which are mostly found in Volume 3(i). There are still earlier documents, mostly in Volume 25, which may have been included in the gift, in 1667, of the Arundel Library.
GB 0117 Cl.P
GB 0117 MS 71
17th century and 18th century
A collection of tracts on fortification and geometry, 17th and 18th centuries: Folio 1 Della Fortificatione; Folio 53 Geometrica Prattica; Folio 83 Della sfera; Folio 104-115 Blank sheets and oddments; Folio 116 Del Misurare da Contano; Folio Il quaduarete Geometrico; Folio Aritmetica.
GB 0117 MS 752
20th Century
Two manuscripts by Louis Joel Mordell: 1. 'On the geometry of numbers in some non-convex regions' 60 pages, some manuscript corrections and 2. ' Hardy's mathematician, apology' review article 10 pages, photocopy.
Mordell , Louis Joel , 1888-1972 , mathematician