Notes for lectures on English law at University College London.
Amos , Andrew , 1791-1860 , lawyerPapers of the Library Association (LA) and the Institute of Information Scientists (IIS) including:
LA Council and Committee papers and other Board papers, 1894-1996, including minute books, cash books, ledgers, membership and attendance books.
Papers of the Association of Assistant Librarians, (later the Career Development Group), 1896-1997, including annual reports, committee papers; papers of the AGMs; correspondence; Council minutes; papers relating to conferences and publications; accounts of the finance committee and minutes, accounts and other papers for the divisions and branches.
Papers on the discipline and study of librarianship including on the early development of cataloguing rules and classification; library economy; bibliography and bibliographic studies, book stock ad book selection, library appliances, and on Information Technology in libraries.
Papers relating to LA byelaws, 1900-1990, Charter and library licence.
Press cuttings and library scrapbooks, 1900s-1970s.
LA Research Committee papers, 1951-1982, and LA Archive Committee papers, 1962.
Papers of the LA Cataloguing and Indexing Group, 1970-1997.
LA Weekly Newsheet, 1975-1981.
Papers of the LA International and Comparative Group, 1984-1993.
Papers of the LA Publishing Board, including on their management review, 1985-1986 and business plan.
Papers relating to awards including LA Awards, Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards and Meckler Awards.
Papers relating to copyright; papers relating to National Library Week, 1965-1969; papers relating to LA bids for the Millennium; papers relating to conferences and symposia around the world; papers relating to Librarianship in other countries; LA educational videos, 1984-1998; audio cassettes of LA meetings, conferences and addresses, 1986-1998 and papers relating to LA policy, bye laws and rules of procedure.
Papers of the Multimedia Information and Technology Group, a special interest group of CILIP, 1993-2003, including minutes, 2000-2003; certificates, joint constituency panel; merger ballots; papers relating to dealings with the LA and CILIP; papers relating to the Audio Visual Group including minutes, 1993-2000, and papers relating to elections, website and constitution.
Papers of the Institute of Information Scientists (IIS) including AGM Council minutes, 1988-1998; IIS Council minutes, 1988-1998; IIS Council papers, 1999-2001; papers relating to IIS courses, 1976-1997; Chairman and Secretary's Guide and procedures working party, 1991-1996; issues of the Journal of Information Science, 1993-2002; IIS meetings committee papers, 1985-1986; IIS minutes of meetings, 1983-1986; correspondence; 1976-1987; papers relating to copyright and intellectual property rights, 1991-1999 and papers relating to the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, China.
Library AssociationInstitute of Information Scientists
The collection consists of chapters, drafts, notes and correspondence of Ralph Davis on published works (1971-1979); tables and statistics concerning overseas trade, exports and imports in the 18th and 19th centuries; teaching materials, course notes, etc (1964-1975); correspondence (1965-1978).
Davis , Ralph , 1915-1978 , economic historianLectures on various aspects of the history of architecture, including courses of lectures for the University of London and University Extension and other special lectures.
Fletcher , Sir , Banister Flight , 1866-1953 , Knight , architectThe text of twelve lectures on Equity, delivered by Graves during his professorship at University College London.
Graves , John Thomas , 1806-1870 , jurist and mathematicianManuscript text of lectures on jurisprudence delivered by Graves during his professorship at University College London.
Graves , John Thomas , 1806-1870 , jurist and mathematicianPapers and correspondence, 1939-1981, of Professor Joseph Anthony Charles Thomas concerning his work, comprising manuscript and typescript notes for lectures attended while a student at Cambridge, 1939-1947; typescripts and manuscripts for The Institutes of Justinian; typescripts and manuscripts, including translations, for various articles, lectures and talks, some unpublished; texts for his lectures at Nottingham, 1953-1954, Glasgow, 1955-1961, and University College London, 1965-1980 and undated; general correspondence, 1953-1978, correspondence concerning book reviews, 1962-1980, correspondence concerning articles, 1966-1969, 1975-1981, and correspondence concerning outside talks, A Casebook on Contract, Textbook of Roman Law, and The Institutes of Justinian.
Thomas , Joseph Anthony Charles , 1923-1981 , Professor of Roman LawNotebooks containing lecture notes, notes on medieval French architecture, and lists of architecture students and lecture titles for various sessions.
Lewis , Thomas Hayter , 1818-1898 , Professor of ArchitectureManuscript notes for lectures on the law of evidence and on domestic law.
Marshman , Joshua Ryland , b 1807 , Professor of English LawThe collection consists of lecture notes taken when Powell was a student at Oxford, and notes for his own course of lectures at University College London.
Powell , Raphael , 1904-1965 , Professor of Roman LawNotes from a course of lectures in law, given in Oxford by Sir William Blackstone.
Wilkinson , John , fl 1758