Showing 19 results

Archivistische beschrijving
History of Ancient Armour
GB 0103 MS ADD 215 · Late 18th century-early 19th century

Manuscript history of ancient armour with illustrations.

Zonder titel
Freebairn Sketches
GB 0103 MS ADD 225 · Created 1791

Pencil sketches of views in Rome.

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Thane (Sir George) Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 282 · 1860-1944

Papers and correspondence, 1860-1944 and undated, of and relating to Sir George Dancer Thane, largely concerning his career, comprising papers on lectures, 1879-1918, including drafts and newspaper reports of his introductory address at the opening of the Medical School at University College London, 1879, and various lectures on anatomy, 1899-1918; notes, 1872-[1911], 1923-1929, on various subjects including dissection, racial characteristics, and other aspects of anatomy, and a list of books to the Anatomical Library of University College London; ten scrapbooks of anatomical drawings, 1867-1913, and undated loose anatomical drawings and medical photographs; other medical papers, 1878-[1926] and undated, including scrapbooks of medical press cuttings, 1878-1914, dates and subjects of dissection classes, 1885-1900, printed papers of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1887-1897, announcements of lectures, including some by Francis Galton, 1873-1912, papers on University reform in London, 1919, and miscellaneous others; correspondence, 1880-1930 and undated, from over 110 correspondents; personalia and ephemera, 1860-1930 and undated, including certificates, invitations and programmes, papers concerning honours including Thane's knighthood, papers relating to his death, and genealogical notes relating to the Thanes and others, and also papers concerning Lady Thane, 1884-1944; photographs, 1883-1920 and undated, including eleven photographs of Thane, 1883-1920, an undated photograph of Lady Thane, an album of photographs of their honeymoon, 1884, and a photograph of the dissecting room of University College London [1918]; box of bones and fossils.

Zonder titel
Tundal Manuscript
GB 0103 MS LAT 8 · 15th century

Manuscript volume, 15th century: De raptu anime Tundali et visione. Pasted to the inside front cover is a full-page colour illustration of Tundal presenting his manuscript to Pope Eugenius, inscribed: Tondali Visione Eugenio Papae Oblata. Folio 1r bears a fragment of another text, in the same hand, as this manuscript was formerly part of a larger manuscript.

Zonder titel
Barlow Papers
GB 0103 BARLOW · 1714-1876 (predominant 1821-1876)

Papers of Henry Clark Barlow, comprising papers relating to his Dante studies, both published and unpublished work, including manuscripts and notes for unfinished essays and lectures, titled manuscript notebooks, titled manuscripts, notes from codices and other sources, printed matter, and papers relating to the festivals of Dante; papers relating to his other studies, including a few items on geology and theology, and many sketches relating to the history of art, to architecture and to topography; personal papers, including Barlow's diaries and journals in which he wrote his observations on the architecture, art, geology, history and people of the places he visited, travel notes, and correspondence devoted almost entirely to Dante matters; acquired papers, including photographs, pictures, books, maps, plans, printed matter and ephemera.

Zonder titel
Edwards Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 182 · 1871-1874

Six letters to Miss Cave and one drawing. Some are undated.

Zonder titel
GB 0103 MS ADD 44 · Created 19th Century

Minute book of the Metropolitan Red Lion Club, with letters from members and some verses, menus and sketches. Press cuttings give resumés of the Club's activities and its connection with the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Zonder titel
Grant Lists
GB 0103 MS ADD 59 · 1850

Two lists of specimens, instruments, utensils, drawings, etc, illustrative of comparative anatomy and zoology. Both dated 12 January 1850.

Zonder titel
Yates Papers (MS ADD 71)
GB 0103 MS ADD 71 · 1835-1853

Volume containing manuscript notes, correspondence, sketches of archaeological material, and pressed foliage, and a copy of 'On Phoenician Inscriptions' from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.

Zonder titel
Lankester Lectures, notes
GB 0103 MS ADD 95 · c1889-c1890

Manuscript notes and sketches on a course of lectures on zoology given by Sir Edwin Lankester (1847-1929).

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Leopold I Grant
GB 0103 MS DIPLOM 2 · 17th century

Grant by Leopold I to Friderich Caspar and Johann C Herman of Neuhoff, 17th century.

Zonder titel
Flaxman Manuscripts
GB 0103 MS FLAXMAN · 1788

Manuscript items of John Flaxman, comprising his journal, kept by him in Naples in 1788, consisting of manuscript text and drawings; and a commonplace book containing manuscript notes on sculpture and art and some pencil and ink sketches.

Zonder titel
GB 0103 MS GERM 4 · 15th century-16th century, 1676

Gebetbuch (Book of Prayers), 15th century-16th century. There are sketches at the base of some of the folios representing views of a landscape, probably in Germany, and two sketches of the Madonna, one of them dated 1676.

Zonder titel
Carswell Drawings
GB 0103 CARSWELL · 1827-1864

Sir Robert Carswell's anatomical drawings, with manuscript notes describing the cases illustrated, 1827-1838, and a catalogue, dated 1864.

Zonder titel
GB 0103 MS ADD 112 · 1914-1966

Correspondence between D M S Watson and others; memorabilia; sketches and drawings; photographs; and newspaper cuttings.

Zonder titel
Lindley Lectures, notes
GB 0103 MS ADD 50 · Created 1830

Notes on a course of lectures on botany, delivered by John Lindley, Professor of Botany at London University. The notes were taken by Thomas Howitt, with pencil sketches in the text. Six pages of notes are of a later period, probably not by Howitt.

Zonder titel
Thorvaldsen Drawings
GB 0103 MS ADD 77 · 19th century

Two volumes of drawings by Thorvaldsen and one volume of notes by J M Thiele.

Zonder titel
Kotter Mystical Manuscript
GB 0103 MS GERM 32 · [1620s]

Manuscript volume [1620s]: Christoph Kotter's 'Mystisches Manuskript', comprising declarations of mystical experiences made before the civic and ecclesiastical authorities of the town of Sprottau. With 20 pen drawings of visions in the text.

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