Showing 55 results

Archival description
GB 0096 MS296 · Fonds · c1560-1570

A Mirrour of Virtues and vices in 2 decads by way of description and Characters manuscript by Thomas Bilson, successively Bishop of Worcester and of Winchester. In a prefatory note to his sister, Bilson characterizes the work as "the extract of the superfluous humour of youth's distemperature, which I hope maturity of judgment, and ripenesse of further experience will either purify or utterly extinguish." Perhaps written while he was at Oxford.

Bilson , Thomas , 1547-1616 , Bishop of Winchester
GB 0096 MS 639 · 12th century-13th century

Three vellum leaves, formerly paste-downs in the binding of of Omnia Opera by Angelo Ambrogini, called Poliziano (Venice, 1498), which was rebound in the twentieth century (Ref: Incunabula 1498 Strongroom), details as follows:

  1. Leaf from a noted Missal, of Hereford Use, with part of the epistle, gradual, gospel, offertory, secret, communion and post-communion of the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, and the introit, epistle, gospel and secret of the 4th Sunday. The antiphons 'Timebunt gentes', 'Dextem domini' and 'Mirabantur omnes' have their musical notation. The fragment was written in Hereford, England, in the late 12th century. It is inscibed and extensively annotated by Maurice Birchinshaw (d 1564), and inscibed by Nathaniel Evans in the 17th century. It was later used as a cover for a manorial extent, and inscibed in a 16th-17th century hand 'A court of [surve]igh for the mannour of Much Markl (i.e. Much Marcle, Herefordshire], 35 of Eliz [1592/3]', and 'Extent of survey de Man. de Mark[le]'.
  2. Bi-folium from an Antiphoner, with responds and versicles for the following feasts: St Mary Magdalene (22 Jul), St Peter ad vincula (1 Aug), St Laurence (10 Aug), Assumption of the Virgin (15 Aug) and Octave of the Assumption (22 Aug>). The fragment was written in the late 13th century.
Antiphoner (French)
GB 0096 MS 619 · 13th Century-14th century

Fragment of a leaf from an antiphoner, formerly a fly-leaf in a binding, containing part of the common of a martyr. The fragment was written in north-east France in the 13th or 14th century.

Antiphoner (Spanish)
GB 0096 MS 864 · 16th century

Leaf, foliated LXX in a late 16th century hand, from an Antiphoner, containing part of the office for the Commemoration of St Paul (30 Jun). Written in Spain (or possibly Italy) in the late 16th century.

Bethge, Eberhard: letter
GB 0096 AL457 · Fonds · 1955

Letter from Eberhard Bethge to [G K A Bell, Bishop of Chichester], 2 Feb 1955. Covering note enclosing a copy of T Heuss et al Bekenntnis und Verpflichtung (1955) and 'the small bible study of Dietrich just appeared'.
Autograph, with signature.

Bethge , Eberhard , 1909-2000 , theologian and anti-Nazi activist
GB 0096 MS 1024 · Collection · 14th century

Papers probably comprising part of the Bible, 14th century: a fragment of a leaf containing part of Sirach.

Bible (Abridgment)
GB 0096 MS 535 · [1700-1725]

Manuscript abridgment of the Bible, entitled 'Explication abrégée de tous les livres et chapitres de la sainte bible avec des nottes sur quelques antilogies et idiotismes d'icelle', and based on the works of late 17th and early 18th century French theologians such as Richard Simon, Isaac-Louis Le Maistre de Sacy, Nicolas Le Tourneaux, and Adrien Baillet. The abridgment was made by the compiler for his son, probably in Lyons, France. The monograms JUAT and AB:RF appear frequently throughout the manuscript.

Bible fragments
GB 0096 MS 546, 576 · [c1250]

Three leaves, foliated 289, 294 and 300, from a dismembered Latin Bible of Parisian workmanship, possibly from the Carthusian monastery of Val-de-Benediction in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France. The leaves contain the texts of Jeremiah 50.3 to 51.18, Baruch 2.11 to 4.25 and Ezekiel 12.7 to 14.21. The fragments are dated to c1250, and there are marginal and interlineal notes in 13th or 14th century hands. With this manuscript are photocopies of two leaves from the same manuscript, from the collection of Dr B. Barker Benfield, sold at Sotheby's on 14 Dec 1978.

Bible (Genesis to Ruth)
GB 0096 MS 785 · Early 13th century

Manuscript Latin Bible dating from the early 13th century, being the first volume of a set, and containing the Books Genesis to Ruth preceded by a commentary. The manuscript is the work of several hands.

Bible (Latin)
GB 0096 MS 905 · 13th Century

Latin Bible, written in the 13th century.

GB 0096 MS 292 · c1475-1500

Vulgate Bible, c1475-1500: The Psalms are omitted; and "Interpretationes nominum hebraicorum" is added at the end of the N.T.; the prologues and prefaces of St. Jerome are given. There are occasional marginal notes, partially or wholly erased.

Book of Hours (incomplete)
GB 0096 MS 597 · 15th century

Two consecutive vellum leaves from a Book of Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of Roman use, containing part of the office of Lauds. Perhaps written in France in the 15th century.

Book of Hours (Paris)
GB 0096 MS 906 · Early 15th century

Book of Hours written in the early 15th century in northern France, possibly Paris, and including a Calendar with additions in a late 15th century hand of Saints Nectan, Urith and a translation of Richard of Chichester, as well as 'dedicacio ecclesie de Towstock' (ff.1-6v); fifteen Hours, beginning abruptly 'memoriam harum ante crucem tuam passionem' (ff.7-9v, 15r-v, 10r-v); Commemoracio Georgi martyris (ff.11-11v); Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Use of Sarum), with the beginning of each Hour lost (ff.12-40v); Penitential psalms, beginning abruptly in Psalm 31, v. 5 'meam a domino et tu remisisti impietatem peccati mei' (ff.41-46v); the fifteen Gradual Psalms (ff.46v-48v); Litany, ending abruptly (f.48v); prayers, beginning abruptly 'pretende super famulos tuos et super cunctas congregaciones' (ff.49-49v); the Office of the Dead, beginning abruptly in Vespers, Psalm 137 v. 2 'misericordia tua et ueritate' (ff.51-69v); commendatio animae, beginning abruptly in Psalm 118, v. 20 ' justificaciones tuas in omni tempore' (ff.70-80v); and psalms of the Passion, beginning abruptly in Psalm 21, v. 17 ' et pedes meos' (ff.81-84v). There are also medical recipes (ff.50, 50v, 84) and prayers (ff.37v, 84v) all in English added by several hands of the late 15th and 16th century.

Book of Hours (Use of Paris)
GB 0096 MS 601 · 15th century

Incomplete Book of Hours, of Paris use, written in [north-east] France in the 15th century. The manuscript has had the full-page miniatures removed, and so, apart from a full calendar, contains only imperfectly the sequentiae of the gospels, the Hours of the Cross, the Hours of the Holy Spirit, the Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the seven penitential psalms, the office of the dead, the fifteen joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the seven requests.
There are notes at the beginning and end of the volume, in French in a seventeenth-century hand, relating to births, marriages and deaths in the family of Champregnault between 1561 and 1689. The hand is all one until 1617, and probably that of Quentin Champregnault, whose death is recorded at 1626.

Book of Hours (Use of Rome)
GB 0096 MS 509 · [1450-1500]

Book of Hours of Roman use, written in north-east France or Flanders, with calendar, hours of the Holy Cross, of the Holy Ghost, mass and hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, seven penitential psalms, litany of the saints and the office of the dead. Though the manuscript is illuminated throughout, there are two full-page miniatures: folio 67v shows the crucified Christ in majesty at the last judgment, and folio 80v the performance of the office of the dead by three priests and five black-robed religious around a catafalque. The manuscript can be dated to the second half of the 15th century.

GB 0096 MS 519 · [1450-1500]

Book of Hours of Roman use, written and illuminated for female use at or near Péronne, France, with calendar, hours of the Cross, of the Holy Ghost, hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, seven penitential psalms, litany of the saints, litany of St.Peter of Luxemburg (d 1387), memorials of saints, office of the dead, and numerous prayers, some written for use by men and some for use by women. The rubrics throughout are in French, as are some prayers. There are additions in late 15th century and 16th century hands. On the last leaf, folio 227v, there are two notes of ownership: (i) 'Ces heures somt et appartiennent a marie Le long, feme a nicolas Le Machon procureur dem[eurant] a Perone' and (ii) 'Ces heures somt et appartiennent a marie matron feme de nicolas cordier merchier demeurant a Peronne... 1538'. As well as illumination throughout the volume, there are four full-page miniatures depicting the Crucifixion, the Descent of the Holy Ghost, the Annunciation and David praying.

Brett family
GB 0096 MS 599 · 1743-1880

Bound volume containing laid down and loose letters, papers and memoranda of the Brett family of Spring Grove, Wye, Ashford, Kent, mostly relating to work on historical, liturgical and biblical subjects in France and England, mainly from a non-jurist viewpoint, [1743-1776], including the following items: a note signed by Nicholas Brett, 13 Jan 1759; a letter written from Spring Grove on 25 Jul 1743, but not in the previous hand, addressed to 'Thomas Williamson, chez...George Waters, l'aisnè, Rue de Savoye, a Paris'; extracts of two letters in another hand to Bishop Robert Gordon, Nov 1757 and Aug 1758; fragment of a letter dated 16 Mar 1758 concerning 'the learned dissertation in your last concerning the antiquity of written liturgies'; autographed letter of 26 May 1773 from William Jones of Nayland [Suffolk] to Nicholas Brett; a list of printed books, on paper watermarked 1800, endorsed 'Books at Crewe not put up, and a list of those sent down'.

Brett , family , non-jurors
GB 0096 MS 815 · 14th century

Premonstratensian Breviary from the abbey of Parc, diocese of Liège (now in the diocese of Malines, Belgium), with a calendar of folios 3-8v.

Breviary (Verona)
GB 0096 MS 904 · 15th century

Breviary, dating from the 15th century and possibly made in Verona. The calendar seems to be Franciscan, and 'Missa pro fratribus et benefactoribus' suggests a men's house.
Gaudentus and Agabius, noted in the litany, were both bishops of Verona; the Saints Bernard, Clare and Francis are also noted.

Clark, George
GB 0096 MS 577 · 1805-1847

600 holograph sermons, 1805-1847, bound in 21 volumes, preached mainly at the Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea, by George Clark.

Clark , George , 1777-1848 , chaplain
GB 0096 MS 843 · 14th century; 1695

Manuscript fragments used to strengthen a book-binding, as follows:

  1. Leaf containing part of scholastic commentary on Psalm 101, 2-5. The exposition is broken up into paragraphs. The manuscript was written in England in the 14th century.
  2. Letters, dated 1695, issued by the Greffiers of the Court of the Small Seals for Contracts, Paris, recounting proceedings before the notaries Jean Herrard and Charles Gaugnard which involve Pierre Rémy and others, Master-Tailors of Paris. With a printed heading.
GB 0096 MS 187 · (1553-1596), 1596-1620

Commonplace book, [1590-1620], containing contemporary transcripts of various notes, treatises and sermons. The first part of the volume comprises notes in Latin, Greek and English of a theological nature, initially organised under alphabetical headings. Among these notes is a transcript of instructions for secret agents in France, drawn up by Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, for three different agents in the period 1595-1596. The copyist has copied three separate documents to form a single continuous document. The first part of the transcript is composed of the directions given by the Earl to Dr Henry Hawkyns, who was sent to Venice late in 1595 to perforn espionage and quasi-diplomatic functions for Essex and Queen Elizabeth I. The second part of the document consists of the instructions to [Anthony] Ersfield or Eversfield, who was sent to Paris to gather intelligence for Essex at the end of 1595. The third and final part of the document comprises the directions drawn up by Essex for Robert Naunton, whom the Earl sent to study under Antonio Perez in France in early 1596. Other notes from the first part of the volume include 'Of artillery' and notes on ships headed 'On shipping', the latter comprising details of the Queen's charges for maintaining large ships. There is an index to this section which omits the theological notes. The second part of the volume includes transcripts of sermons delivered on 10 Mar 1588 at Greenwich before the Queen, on 'Queene's daye', 1588, and on Christmas day 1588 and 1589; notes on what to observe when travelling abroad; notes on minerals; notes on heraldry; notes taken 'out of an ould Cronicle in Waverly Abbey'; 'The copye of the Great Turkes stile which he commonly useth'; and 'The copye of the Emperor of Russia or Muscovy his stile', taken from a letter to King Edward VI in 1553. There is a table of contents to this section.

Decretals of Gregory IX
GB 0096 MS 544 · Mid 13th century

Single leaf of vellum, formerly used as a pastedown, containing Book 3, section 38 18 to 39 3, of the Decretales Gregorii IX, on the rights of patrons over churches and the financial liabilities of churches, dating from the mid-13th century. There are marginal annotations in a later, perhaps 14th century, hand.

GB 0096 MS 681 · Late 13th century

Single vellum leaf, formerly a pastedown, containing Lib.II, 20, 17-26, of the Decretales Gregorii IX, on testimonies in court. Includes a gloss and extensive interlineal and marginal annotations. The fragment is probably English, written in the late 13th century.

GB 0096 MS 889 · 1428

Diurnal (Winter part only), created in Bavaria in 1428, and including the Temporale from the first Sunday in Advent to Easter Sunday; the Sanctorale from St Andrew to Saint Ambrose; the Communale; psalms, hymns and prayers for the day hours; hymns for Advent and to named saints; and prayers in a later hand. A later paper quire added at the end of the volume contains Psalm 4 and prayers.
Folio 70 is inscribed 'Explicit diurnale partis vernalis in vigili Sancte Barbare sub anno domini MCCCCXXVIII per manus Tedrici...capellani in Lype...'.
The diurnal was written in 3 separate hands; there are notes in the margins, flyleaves and endpapers, probably added at the same time as the paper quire by an early owner.

Ethel M. Wood
GB 0096 MS 1109 · Fonds · 1944-c1970

A notebook, loose notes and index cards containing information about bibles and biblical works purchased by Ethel M. Wood; a notebook containing details of biblical characters, quotes and references; various loose notes with names, dates and telephone numbers and a letter from Tim Munby (12 September 1946).

Wood , Ethel Mary , 1876-1970 , book collector
GB 0096 AL203 · Fonds · 1891-1911

25 letters, mainly written to Florence Farr/Emery, 1891-1911. Correspondents include: William Archer, J M Barrie, Annie Besant, Edward Carpenter, Arnold Dolmetsch, Richard Le Gallienne, John William Mackail, Edward Martyn, George Robert Stow Mead, Gilbert Aimé Murray, Sir W M Flinders Petrie, Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, the Princess Royal (HRH Princess Louise, Duchess of Fife), Charles Ricketts, Robert Baldwin Ross, Charles Haslewood Shannon, George Bernard Shaw, Arthur Symons, John Todhunter, Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, W B Yeats.

All letters are autograph, with signatures. Many of the letters relate to plays, theatrical performances and drama criticism; other topics covered include theosophy, Indian religion and Egyptology.

Farr , Florence , 1860-1916 , actress and author
GB 0096 MS 575 · 14th century

Two fragments of a medieval Dutch manuscript, subsequently used to re-inforce a binding, and containing part of a treatise on the Mass. The manuscript dates from the 14th century and is written in Flemish.

GB 0096 MS1144 · Fonds · 1883

Papers of Francis Tebbs Havergal, 31 Oct 1883, comprising a letter to accompany the volume of Monumental Inscriptions in Hereford Cathedral (1881) he sent to Sir Albert Woods and set of coloured plates of coats of arms from Hereford Cathedral.

Havergal , Francis Tebbs , 1829-1890 , author and editor
Lardner, Nathaniel
GB 0096 MS 989 · 1741

Letter dated 1741 from Nathaniel Lardner to the Rev [Joseph] Hallett junior of Exeter, which continues a discussion based on biblical references to strangers among the Jews.

Lardner , Nathaniel , 1684-1768 , presbyterian minister and biblical scholar
GB 0096 AL174 · Fonds · [1855]

Letter from Frederick Denison Maurice of 5 Russell Square, [London] to the editor of The Inquirer, 6 Aug [1855]. Protests against references to himself in an article on Rowland Williams's Rational Godliness (1855).

Autograph, with signature.

Maurice , John Frederick Denison , 1805-1872 , theologian and Christian Socialist x Maurice , Frederick Denison
GB 0096 MS 830 · 12th century-14th century

Medieval manuscript fragments formerly used as pastedowns, as follows:

  1. Fragment of a leaf containing part of an abridgement of Seneca's De Beneficiis. Contains a complete paragraph beginning 'Iam vero transeamus' and ending 'deinde benficium' (corresponding to Book II, 18-19, p.36, line 26, to p.39, line 12 of the Teubner 1900 edition). The manuscript was written in the mid-12th century, and there are corrections and additional punctuation in a 12th-13th century hand.
  2. Fragment of a leaf containing part of St Jerome's Epistola ad Paulum, headed LIII (53), from halfway through paragraph 7 'mundum ad poenitentiam' to the end, and the first few words of the Prologue to the Pentateuch (ending 'Latratibus patens'). The manuscript was probably written in France during the second half of the 13th century.
  3. Fragment of a leaf containing Book III, 6 and 7, of the Clementinae, on testaments and burials. With gloss and annotations in a 14th century hand. The manuscript was probably written in Germany in the 14th century, and is also inscribed in a 16th century hand 'Francoise de Pont femme a Monsieur Jehan George Pipon faict avec Madame Monet Perrot sa femme'.
  4. Fragment of a leaf containing part of the sanctorale from a Missal of Roman use, from the epistle of the Assumption of the Virgin (15 Aug) to the introit for the feast of St Agapitus (18 Aug), only the mass for St Laurence (17 Aug) being complete. The manuscript was probably written in Italy during the 14th century.
GB 0096 MS 272 · 1677-1682

Manuscript volume entitled 'Suspiria piae et acclamantis animae, or meditations, thoughts, ejaculatory prayers. On severall Occasions for private Benefit. But Made publick as they may be Applicable to ye private Necessities of any under the same Sentiments, Conditions and Temptations', [1677-1682].
The book is dedicated to "Mary Wife of Thomas Brocas of Beurepaire in ye County of Southampton Esq.", with the suggestion that she might have it printed, if she thinks it of sufficient merit; this she appears not to have done.

GB 0096 MS 838 · 12th century

Two fragments cut from the head of two bifolia from a noted Missal, foliated 51 and 54, 56 and [-] in a 13th century hand, and containing part of the temporale from the introit for the 3rd feria of the 3rd week after Quadragesima to the 4th feria. The manuscript was written in the Low Countries or North-east France in the late 12th century.

GB 0096 MS 561 · 16th century

Fragment of a large leaf, probably taken from a French missal, containing part of Psalm 131, v9-12, on the recto and Psalm 131, v18, and Psalm 132, v1-2 on the verso. Between Psalms 131 and 132, there is a line of square notation on a stave of four lines ruled in red, for the words 'Et om...'. On the verso, there are two 3 line decorated initials, both of the letter E. The fragment dates from around the 16th century.Inscribed in a 19th century hand 'Lyon, cut out of a folio Missal, said to have been part of plunder of the King's Library at Paris, in 1793'.

Missal (incomplete)
GB 0096 MS 541 · c1300-c1350

Part of a missal of Paris use (?), made in France and containing prefaces and Canon of the Mass. Includes prefaces for Christmas, Epiphany (ending imperfectly), Passion Sunday (beginning imperfectly), Easter (ending imperfectly), Ascension (beginning imperfectly), Pentecost, Trinity, and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Folio 11 has two historiated initials, each on a diapered ground showing a priest, attended by an acolyte, at the offertory and at the elevation, and folio 12v has an historiated initial in similar style; its two figures are said to symbolise the Church and the Synagogue.

GB 0096 AL342 · Fonds · 1864-1894

34 letters from Francis William Newman, 1864-1894. 32 letters addressed to Newman's nephew John Rickards Mozley; 1 letter addressed to Newman's sister Jemima Mozley; 1 letter addressed to J R Mozley's father-in-law Bonamy Price. Topics covered include: domestic and family affairs; Newman's brother John Henry Newman (Cardinal Newman); education (including Augustus De Morgan and University College London); New Testament criticism; religion and morality; classical literature; mathematics; wealth; current affairs (including Irish Home Rule and the American Civil War); William Ewart Gladstone; and John Ruskin.

All items are autograph, with signatures.

Newman , Francis William , 1805-1897 , Professor of Latin
Pontifical fragment
GB 0096 MS 543 · 15th century

Four leaves from a pontifical, probably Italian, containing part of the Ordo in Sabbato Sancto. The prayers of the first part correspond to the Roman Use of the 12th century; those of the second part to the 13th century Pontifical of William Durand.

Prayer book (18th century)
GB 0096 MS 703 · Mid 18th century

Manuscript volume of directions, devotions and prayers drawn up probably by a pastor particularly for use among the sick, perhaps of mid-18th-century date. The final leaf bears the date 1758, and has been used for keeping an account. Elsewhere are references to 'Charles Linton, Quebec', 10 Mar 1806, and again 'Charles Linton his book his father gave him, Quebec', 10 Mar 1812. A section of the volume contains the printed order for the administration of holy communion, baptism, the visitation and communion of the sick, the burial of the dead, the churching of women, etc.

Psalter fragment
GB 0096 MS 545 · c1500

Single paper leaf containing part of Psalm 118, 121-142, written as prose but with red capital letters marking the openings of all verse-lines. Possibly from Liège, North-East France, c1500.

Psalter miniatures
GB 0096 MS 620 · 1225-1250

Eleven miniatures, probably cut from the first leaves of a psalter, illustrating scenes from the life of Christ. The subject of each is as follows: Annunciation, Nativity, Annunciation to the Shepherds, Adoration of the Magi, the Last Supper, Flagellation of Christ, Christ Crucified, Women at the Sepulchre, Ascension, Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and Death of the Virgin.

GB 0096 MS 278 · [1440]

Manuscript volume containing a verse chronicle of the history of England from the legendary Brut up to 1272, [1440], most notably focusing on the barons' rebellion led by Simon de Montfort during the reign of King Henry III. The chronicle is written in rhymed couplets in a south-west Midland dialect, and was copied in a good semi-cursive hand by two, or possibly three, scribes. The chronicle is known in two versions, of which this is the shorter; in the longer version there is a reference to the darkness which fell on the surrounding country following the Battle of Evesham (Aug 1265), and this, as well as local knowledge of the area, has led to the author being traditionally named 'Robert of Gloucester'. On the verso of the second fly-leaf there is a 'Precepts in -ly' (moral or religious counsels) entitled 'A spesiall glasse to loke in daily', which is dated at Holy Rode on 14 Sep 1516. It was possibly written by Richard Whitford (1476-1542), who was chaplain to William Blount, 4th Baron Mountjoy, and later to Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, afterwards becoming a monk at Syon Monastery, Isleworth, until the Dissolution. It is unclear if Whitford also undertook the copying of the Richard of Gloucester chronicle. Folio 147 contains 25 lines of miscellaneous Latin, including a section relating to the prophecies of Merlin.

GB 0096 AL283 · Fonds · 1836

Letter from William Scott of 14 White Conduit Grove, Islington, [London] to Joseph Hume MP of Bryanstone Square, [London], 28 Dec 1836. Covering letter to a copy of An Address to the People of Scotland ... [a work on the human constitution and scriptural education], written by the phrenologist George Combe, a relative of Scott's. Scott describes the author as a tradesman living in Edinburgh, of 'radical views and reforming temper'. Autograph, with signature. Annotated in Hume's hand: 'Recd & ansd 6 Jnry 1837'.

Scott , William , d 1841 , phrenologist
GB 0096 MS 845 · 14th century

Two fragments of leaves containing parts of the sequences 'Eia Recolamus laudibus piis digna' and 'Natus ante secula dei filius' for Christmas on the first leaf; and 'Festa christi omnis christianitas celebret' for Epiphany on the second. The manuscript was probably written in South-west Germany in the 14th century.

GB 0096 MS 669 · 1679

Tripartite indenture made 13 June 1679 between Thomas Jameson, vicar of the parish church of St John, Hackney, the Wardens and Commonalty of the Goldsmiths' Company of London, and Josiah Williams, blacksmith, and Josiah Ebrell, merchant, churchwardens of the said parish, whereby Jameson entrusted the Company and the churchwardens with £100, the interest of which at 5% was to finance two annual sermons (on Good Friday and Ascension Thursday) to be delivered in St John's by its vicar, and alms for the poor.

GB 0096 MS 269 · Mid 15th century

Manuscript volume containing a collection of treatises and sermons on the Blessed Virgin Mary, dating from the mid-fifteenth century, and comprising a treatise beginning 'Caritatis radix flos et fructus est eternitatis fundamentum'; Speculum Beatae Mariae Virginis by Conrad of Saxony; a sermon by Saint Augustine of Hippo on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; a homily by Saint Anselm on the Feast of the Assumption; a sermon by Saint Augustine of Hippo for the Feast of Assumption; a note on the seven privileges of the Blessed Virgin Mary (possibly taken from the Speculum Beatae Mariae Virginis); and an incomplete copy of a sermon by Saint Ambrose on the Virgin Mary. The manuscript was written by various scribes in a mixture of book-hand and business-hand, probably in Germany.

Sermons, 1670
GB 0096 MS 568 · 1670, 1692

Manuscript volume of sermons, compiled in 1670, with later additions. The last five pages contain lists of theological works, one page being headed 'Catalogus Librorum 1670'. The third page of the manuscript, dated 20 Mar 1692, records the loan of two books, with a note that 'These are return'd'.

Sermons, 1727-1756
GB 0096 MS 715 · 1727-1756, 1820-1851

Manuscript volume containing sermons written in a mixture of shorthand and longhand, Aug 1727-Feb 1728; some sermons have a second date, such as 1735 and 1736. Many blank pages are stamped with the inscription 'R Porter, Ironmonger, Cutler & Brazier, Tin, Zinc, & Iron Plate Worker, nr. St Peter's Church, Northampton'. There is also a copy of an unaddressed letter, R Porter, Northampton, 22 Dec [18]51 (f.116 verso). The name of George Porter appears on some pages. Pages at the beginning and end of the book are taken up with accounts of the sale of ironmongery, dated 1822-1835.

Porter , family , ironmongers of Northampton
GB 0096 AL257 · Fonds · 1924

Letter from Sir Stanley Spencer of 3 Vale Hotel Studios, Hampstead, London to Thomas Sturge Moore, 26 Apr 1926. 'Here at last is the monograph of my works ... The much wanted or unwanted explanation of my pictures will be found in the book of words, so there will be no more trouble now, all is clear at last ... I am doing a big picture of the resurrection ... (18ft x 9ft) and it is going to take years to paint and I love painting it so I am enjoying myself ...'.

Autograph, with signature.

Spencer , Sir , Stanley , 1891-1959 , Knight , artist