Affichage de 82 résultats

Description archivistique
Phillipps, Sir Thomas: letter (1837)
GB 0096 AL259 · Fonds · 1837

Letter from Sir Thomas Phillipps of Oxford to [Edward Duke], 14 Mar 1837. '... my thanks for the kind manner in which you express a wish to see my portion of the Wilts History in print. You will be gratified to hear that I have advanced to page 56 of the 2nd part of Aubreys Wilts [John Aubrey Natural History of Wiltshire] ... & have this last week collected from the stores of Bodley some information which I did not before possess'. Mentioning the expense of publication and the difficulty of selling works of local history. 'I am not so rich as our mutual and valuable friend Sir Richard Hoare to be able to spend & lose 2000 per annum for the mere pleasure of illustrating the History of Wiltshire. At the same time I have no wish to make it a profitable speculation for myself.' Saying that he is happy to purchase a copy of Duke's book [probably Prolusiones historicae (1837)].

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Wormald, Francis: letter
GB 0096 AL487 · Fonds · 1967-1970

2 letters from Francis Wormald of 59 Warwick Square, London to Miss Joan Gibbs, 1 Oct 1967-10 Mar 1970.

Both items are autograph, with signatures. Filed with the original envelopes.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL76 · Fonds · 1857

Letter from Thomas Babington Macaulay of Holly Lodge, Kensington to Augustus De Morgan, 3 Nov 1857. Referring to Father Mansuete (Confessor to the Duke of York, afterwards King James II, and author of a broadside account of the death of King Charles II) and to the position of Roman Catholics in England at that time [late 17th century].

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 1 · [1385]

Manuscript volume containing a metrical chronicle composed by the Chandos Herald in French verse, commemorating the life and feats of arms of Edward the Black Prince, [1385]. The poem is a valuable authority for certain events of the Hundred Years War, and gives a brief description of Edward III's French campaign of 1346, culminating in the Battle of Crecy, and followed by the Battle of Calais, with some details of the plot for the recovery of the latter at the end of 1349. Next comes a very detailed description of the Battle of Poitiers (1356), and an eyewitness account of the Spanish Campaign of the Black Prince on behalf of Don Pedro (Peter) of Castile, culminating in the Battle of Nejera (1367). A brief overview is given of the end of the Black Prince's government in Gascony, and of the war which led to the loss of almost all the possessions gained at Brétigny, followed by a comprehensive account of the last years of the Prince's life. After the poem, the author also gives a list of the chief officers of the Black Prince in Aquitaine, and copy of the epitaph on his tomb in Canterbury Cathedral.

The manuscript contains a full-page miniature illuminated in gold and colours, which is divided into two compartments. The upper compartment contains a representation of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity; God the Father is here portrayed in a blue robe on a background of gold. He is seated on a throne and holds in His extended arms a crucifix, above which a dove is introduced to symbolise the Holy Ghost. In the lower compartment the Black Prince is depicted kneeling in adoration on a red cushion. His hands are joined in prayer, and his special devotion to the Holy Trinity is indicated by a scroll proceeding from his mouth bearing the words 'Et hec tres unum sunt' (1 John v.7). The Prince is clad in armour, covered by a tight-fitting leather jupon without sleeves, finished along the bottom edge with a border of escallops, and emblazoned with the arms of England and France. He wears a sword and dagger, golden elbow and knee cops, and golden spurs. On each side of the kneeling Prince, standing in a golden socket, is a large ostrich feather in silver, his personal badge assumed after the Battle of Crecy, with the motto 'Ich dene' on a scroll below. The text of the poem commences on the next page with a large illuminated initial O, containing the Royal Arms emblazoned, and this leaf is surrounded by a border of strap work and flowers in gold and colours. There are also a number of small initial letters in gold on a coloured background.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 710 · c1850

Manuscript notes on the history of the Russell family (later Dukes of Bedford) taken from Historical Memoirs of the House of Russell, from the time of the Norman conquest (London, 1833), by Jeremiah Holmes Wiffen. The manuscript, occupying 25 pages, breaks off at about 1230. A number of engravings are inserted, including seven taken from the large-paper edition of Wiffen's book. The notes were probably written in about 1850.

Sans titre
Greek lecture notes
GB 0096 MS 794 · [1832]

Fair copy of lecture notes made from lectures given by Professor George Long, Professor of Greek at University College London, on 'Description of Egypt, Persia, and the Grecian Islands', delivered in 1830-1831, 'The Provinces of Dareios' and 'The Islands of the Aegean Sea'; and by Professor Henry Malden, also Professor of Greek at University College London, on 'Notes on the sixth book of Thucydides', delivered 1831-1832. The notes are accompanied by finely drawn maps.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 901 · 1902-1955

Papers of Seymour Montefiore Robert Rosso de Ricci (1881-1942) comprising: Volume of letters from various correspondents and notes concerning the compilation of de Ricci's Bibliotecha Britannica Manuscripta, a proposed comprehensive work on manuscript material in Great Britain, which was never completed, 1934-1955; thirty-four boxes containing over 64,000 index cards giving bibliographic references to archive and manuscript collections in the United Kingdom, listed alphabetically by town, institution and/or college, along with cards giving details of manuscripts held by collectors and dated sales, arranged alphabetically and chronologically.

Sans titre
Gomm, Sir William Maynard
GB 0096 MS 993 · 1866

Notes on the Battle of Waterloo written by Sir William Maynard Gomm for the benefit of Sir George Grote, 1866.

Sans titre
Fuller, Alfred
GB 0096 MS Fuller · 13th century-20th century

Documents, mostly British but including Spanish, French, Italian, Imperial and Papal documents, of 13th-20th centuries, acquired chiefly for their seals. There are some detached seals, proofs and casts.

Sans titre
Letters and Parliamentary speeches
GB 0096 MS309 · Fonds · c1600-1700

Letters and Parliamentary speeches, [1600-1700]; Containing the following items: ff 1-100. A Collection of Divers Arguments and speeches delivered to Kinge James, and propounded to the House of Parliament. Touching the necessitie of calling of parliaments with divers Consideracions of his Majesties Estate, and his Majesties propositions thereof to the Lords of his Councell with the Councells Annswere thereunto, by Robert Cicill late Earle of Salisburie, and Lord Treasurer of England. [The pages containing the King's Propositions and the Council's Answer were evidently lost shortly after the MS. was written: for there are two indexes, the later of which (on f.2 before the original index), in a hand almost contemporary with the original MS., contains only those items which are still present.] ff 103-132. The Fore Runner of Revenge Uppon the Duke of Buckingham For the poysoning of the most potent King James ... And the Lord Marquis Hamilton and others of the Nobilitie. Discovered by Master George Eglisham one of King Jameses Phisitians ... Franckford 1626. [Evidently copied from the first edition of the English translation of "Prodromus Vindictae", which bears this imprint.] ff 134-159. The King's Propositions and the Council's Answer, missing from section (1). ff 161-175. An unhappie view of the whole behaviour of the Lord Duke of Buckingham at the Ile of Ree. [The expedition of 1627] Secretlie discovered by W.F. an unfortunate Comander in that untoward service. ff 177-181. Of Robert Devereux Earl of Essex and George Villiers Duke of Buckingham Some Observations By way of Parallell in the time of there estates and fortunes and measure of favours [By Sir Henry Wotton]. ff 182-203. The Disparitie Between the Earle of Essex and the Duke of Buckingham. [By Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon. This version lacks the last thousand words of so of that printed in the "Reliquiae Wottonianae" 1685] ff 206-237. To Mr. Anthony Bacon. An Apologie of the Earle of Essex against those which falsly jeaslously and maliciously takes tax him to be the only hindrance of the peace and quiet of his Country compiled penned by himselfe Anno Domini 1599 1598. imprinted at lo[ndon] 1603. [The readings between ** are interlinear additions, in a different hand, which continue throughout the text. They correspond with the readings of the 1603 edition. There are occasional marginalia in a third hand, but they have been heavily cropped by the binder.] ff 240-271. A Speech delivered by Robert [Cecil] Earle of Salisburye Lord Treasurer of England by the appoyntment of the Kings Majestie unto the Lords Knights and Burgesses of both houses of Parliament ... [14th February] 1609 [n.s. 1610] Anno regni Regis Jacobi etc Septimo [Some marginalia in a different hand]. ff 272-285. An Apologie upon the death of Sir Robert Cecell knight late Lord Threr [Treasurer] of England written against his libellers and presented to Kinge James. ff 286-301. A Discourse written by Sir John Suckling Knight to the Earle of Dorsett. ["An Account of Religion by Reason". Preceded by an introductory letter. There are considerable annotations at the beginning and end of the text in a different hand; some of the matter is lost by cropping.] ff 302-348. A Collection of divers letters, written at sundry tymes, and upon severall occasions, to many of the Nobilitie and gentrie of this Kingdome, by that famous Councellor at lawe Sir Francis Bacon knight late Lord Chancellor of England. ff 351-390. An answere to Tom-Tell-Troth the Practise of Princes and the Lamentacions of the church. [By George Calvert, Baron Baltimore]. ff 393-403. A True relacion of the Treaty and ratificacion of the mariage concluded ... betweene ... Charles kinge of greate Brittaine ... and the Lady Henrietta Maria Sister to the French Kinge. [Dated 8 May 1625]. ff 407-438. A discoverie of the Hollanders fishing or Trades and their circumventing us therein and the meanes how to make proffit by the fishing with the profit honnour and security that will redound to his Majestie and all sorts of Subiects within his three Kingdomes by it.

Sans titre
Union of England and Scotland, 1604
GB 0096 MS 191 · 1604

Manuscript volume containing a collection of documents relating to a proposal for a Union between England and Scotland, 1604, namely 'Articles agreed by the Commissioners to be propounded to the parliaments of both kingdomes at the next sessions', 6 Dec 1604; 'Objections against the change of the name or stile of England and Scotland into the name or stile of Great Brittayne, to be moved and debated in the conference between Lords and Commons, and to that end, by the comitties of the House of Commons, collected, reviewed and reduced to order for their better instruction', [1604]; 'The arguments used by the merchants in nother house of Parliament against the Union in Commerce', initialled R.C.B., [1604]; 'An Act authorizing certain commissioners of this realm to treate with commissioners reciproque of Scotland, tuching the weale of both realmes', [1604]; a copy of the King's letter to the House of Commons relating to the proposed Union, 2 May 1604; tract beginning 'The dangers to be considered in this proposition of free commerce', [1604]; extracts from chronicles and charters illustrating Anglo-Scottish relations and royal style of rulers of England from A.D. 100 to 1460, [1604]; extracts from charters of King Edgar relating to the foundation of Worcester Cathedral dating 964, and Ely Cathedral [dating 973], giving the royal style (both are quoted as authorities for the use of the word Britain, [1604].

Sans titre
Handwriting specimens
GB 0096 MS 276 · 1613-1758

Bundle of receipts illustrating Secretary and Italic hands between 1613 and 1758.

Sans titre
Easdale, Gladys Ellen
GB 0096 MS656 · Fonds · 1930-1934

6 notebooks containing journals kept by Gladys Ellen Easdale from 1930-1934. The journals describe family, country life and the musical and literary circles in which she moved.

Sans titre
Bromhead, Lt Col Alfred Claude
GB 0096 MS817 · Fonds · 1557-1972

Papers created by Alfred Claude Bromhead during his time in Russia, 1916-1917, and a varied collection of miscellany compiled by him, with items dating from 1510 to the 1930s. These include a contemporary illustration of the funeral procession of Anne of Cleves in 1557 and a collection of engravings of the life of the Virgin by Alberto Durer from 1510. There are also volumes of sketches of London and letters and newspaper cuttings, the subjects of which include the history of London, criminology and The Gentlemen's Magazine.

Sans titre
Seebhom, Frederick
GB 0096 MS924/1-52 · Fonds · [1525-1891]

Papers of Frederic Seebholm, comprising some correspondence between Seebholm and his colleagues; transcripts, and notebooks containing notes on a wide range of historical subjects, taken from various historical sources.

Sans titre
Ord, Craven
GB 0096 MS 152 · c1810

Manuscript volume containing a collection of notes and papers compiled by Craven Ord, [1810], relating to the coinage and offices of the Mint and Mint Assays, from the twelfth century onwards. Includes transcripts of material extracted from Thomas Madox The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England (London, 1711); medieval chancery rolls and early Exchequer records; an [eighteenth] century engraving of Mint officials at work, headed 'A part of the standard of weights and measures in the Exchequer, Anno 12 Henrici Septimi'; printed material including 'Copy of an Indenture made in 1469 between King Edward IV and William Lord Hastings, Master of the Mint...respecting the coinage in the Tower of London', Archaeologia, XV (1806).

Sans titre
History of London
GB 0096 MS 182 · 1343-1789

Collection of deeds, indentures, extracts from court records, and probate proceedings all relating to London, 1343-1789. Includes churchwardens' accounts for St Clement Danes, 1748, 1751-1752, 1755-1757, and 1760-1762, and other papers relating to the administration of the parish, [1750-1800]; a drawing of 'Houses at Broken Wharf', [1600-1699]; part of a treatise on 'Prerogatives' and 'Concerning the Citie of London', discussing spiritual difficulties when living in London, [1750]; letters from R Bandy to William Archer of Welford, Berkshire, 1726-1727; a printed list of governors of, and contributors to, St George's Hospital, Oct 1733-Dec 1752; papers, mostly printed, relating to elections to the Common Council of the City of London for the Coleman Street ward in Dec 1764 and Dec 1772.

Sans titre
Privy Council papers
GB 0096 MS 20 · c1560-1624

Collection of transcripts, [1560]-1624, mainly relating to Privy Council matters, notably a petition presented to King James I by Sir Robert Heath, Solicitor General, 1624; a survey of the Forests and Chaces [Chases] of Bringwood, Mocktree and Darvell, with the Manor of Buriton, 1604; a letter from King James I to the Peers of England and the Privy Council concerning the composition of the Privy Council and the replacement of the ailing Lord Chamberlain by Thomas Howard, Lord Howard of Walden, 1603; copies of documents relating to the French conquest of Guiana, South America, including commissions granted by King Henry IV of France to Renée Marie, Lord Mountbarrot, and Daniel de la Touche, Lord of Raverdiere, for the conquest of Guiana, 1605 and 1609, the appointment of Robert Le Brette, Lord Dubosc, as Raverdiere's lieutenant in Guiana and other parts of America, including Brazil, 1609; the commission of Sir John Digby, Vice-Chamberlain, to negotiate a marriage between Prince Charles of England and the Infanta Maria, daughter of King Philip III of Spain, 1615; a letter written by Captain Charles Parker, one of Sir Walter Raleigh's company at Guiana, to Captain Alley, 1607; a declaration of proceedings in the Star Chamber against John Wrenham, who charged the Lord Chancellor of injustice against the King, 1618; a discourse of marriage written by Charles Blount, Earl of Devonshire, in defence of his wedding to Penelope, Lady Rich, [1605]; a discourse written by Dr Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Ely, against second marriage following a divorce, 1601; a discourse made by merchant adventurers on the occasion of a bill preferred to the High Court of Parliament, requiring free trade to all kingdoms and countries, [1610]; a consideration of the office and duty of a herald in England by John Dodridge, the Solicitor General, 1605; proceedings in the Star Chamber against Mary Countess of Shrewsbury for her refusal to give evidence against Arabella Seymour, Duchess of Somerset, 1618; an Act of Council upon the proceedings against James Whitlocke and Sir Robert Mansell for speaking against the King's Commission for reform of the Navy and also against the King's power and prerogative, 1609; speeches, and a memorandum on the union of England and Scotland, by Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, 1617; a copy of 'The present state of things as theye nowe stand, betweene the three greate kingdomes, France, England and Spayne, [1623], and 'A breviarie of the historie of England from William I, intitled the Conqueror, both written by Sir Walter Raileighe, Knight'; a speech by John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln and Keeper of the Great Seal of England, on the occasion of the collecting of the subsidy, Aug 1621; two versions of instructions by William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, Lord Treasurer to his son, Robert Cecil, 1561 and [1598]; letters from Sir Henry Sidney to his brother and to his son, Phillip, [1560]; a treatise entitled 'Toucheinge the Antiquities of Baronies delivered in the College of Antiquaries', [1600].

Sans titre
History of the House of Brandenburg
GB 0096 MS 224 · [1760]

Manuscript volume containing [a transcript of] a history of the House of Brandenburg, [1760], entitled 'Suite des mémoires de Brandenbourg composés par le Roy [Frederick II, King of Prussia] et imprimés à Potsdam 1751 en peu d'Examplaires', and mainly devoted to the life of Frederick William I, King of Prussia. A manuscript note below the title states that 'the contents of this Manuscript will be found printed in the Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire de [la] Maison de Brandenburg, par Frederic II, Roi de Prusse (Berlin, 1767, volume II, p 67-176)'.

Sans titre
Battle of Ransbeek chronicle
GB 0096 MS 268 · [1650-1700]

Manuscript transcription, [1650-1700], of a late medieval prose chronicle giving an account of the Battle of Ransbeek (1143), in which the lords of Grimbergen (Limberg?) were defeated by the guardians of Godfrey III, Duke of Lothier (also known as the Duke of Lorraine or Brabant). The manuscript is entitled 'Comment ceux de Brabant et de Grimburghe eurent moult forte at grande baittaille l'un contre l'autre aupres de Grimburghe en plain champ'.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 290 · Fonds · c1617-1634

'The Office of a Constable' written by Sir Francis Bacon, contains a speech by Bacon and four other items: ff 14: 'A letter of Advice written to the lower house of Parliament by Sir E.C'; ff 33: 'Spoken to both the houses of Parliament assembled at Dublin by the Lord Deputie of Ireland [Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford] 15 July 1634'; ff 46: 'A Speech delivered in the Starre Chamber by Sir Francis Bacon to the Judges in the last daye of Trinity terme 1617 [8 July]'; ff 53: 'The Commons declarations and impeachments against the Duke of Buckingham'; ff 73: 'The Humble Answere and Plea of George Duke of Buckingham to the declaration ... made against him ... by the Commons house of Parliament'.

Sans titre
Union of England and Scotland, 1706
GB 0096 MS 403 · [1706]

Manuscript volume containing 'Observations upon the Amendments made by the Parliament of Scotland in the Articles of Union', [1706], mainly relating to the 6th to 8th articles concerning duties.

Sans titre
Newton family
GB 0096 MS 523 · 1680-1826

Collection of papers relating to the Newton and Seawells plantations in Barbados, 1706-1826, including accounts and financial documents, estate management reports, valuations, surveys, and correspondence.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 592 · 13th century-14th century

Five fragments of Latin mediaeval manuscripts, formerly pastedowns, details as follows:

  1. Fragment of a leaf containing part of a legal tract entitled Judicium Essoniorum relating to the procedure at assizes, dating from the 13th century. The text has variants and is in places abbreviated from that printed in G.E. Woodbine Four thirteenth century law tracts (New Haven, 1910). The text corresponds to the pp 119-20 of Woodbine's edition, where the composition of the work is attributed to Ralf de Hengham and the date of the composition put at 1267-1275.
  2. and 3. Two consecutive leaves containing extracts from Part II of Gratian's Decretum, comprising Causa XXVI, quest. VII 16, to Causa XXVII, quest. I 19, on penance and the marriage of those who had sworn chastity. There is a glossary in a different hand and ink, with each section preceded by a symbol corresponding to one in the text. The leaves are possibly Italian and 14th century.
  3. Leaf, foliated 109, in a late 14th century hand, containing part of Lib. XLII, 8, 1-10, of the Digestum Novum, relating to restitution to deceived creditors. With a glossary and marginal and interlineal annotations in several 13th-14th century hands. The fragment is probably English.
  4. Fragment from the head of a bifolium, containing part of a commentary on Aristotle's De Anima Book III, heavily glossed and annotated in several 13th century hands. The fragment is probably English and early 13th century.
Sans titre
Cobden, Richard: letter, 19 Dec 1845
GB 0096 AL36 · Fonds · 1845

Letter from Richard Cobden of Manchester to F Buloz, Esq, Paris, 19 Dec 1845. Answering Buloz's request for a collection of the National Anti-Corn Law League's publications for an article in the Revue des Deux Mondes. Cobden explains that 'no complete collection of [tracts, articles, pamphlets and advertisements] has been preserved - Nor has there been any history of the League written in England.' He promises to give full information and 'copies of all our publications which are preserved' to a visitor 'if recommended by you'. He recommends Bastiat's Cobden et la Ligue [printed by Senlis, Paris, 1845]. 'I may also add the Monsr Fonteyrand ... paid us a visit here a few weeks ago to whom I explained the machinery of our organisation ... I am not sure that he would feel at liberty to assist in furnishing an article for your publication - But he is more competent than any other person in France to do it correctly - At all events, I wish you would see him ... and say that I shall be obliged if he will allow you to have access to the publications which I gave him and afford you all facilities in his power for preparing a description of the League ...'.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL452 · Fonds · 1923

Letter from Stephen Harry Skillington of 20 Victoria Park Road, Leicester to [Alexander Hamilton] Thompson, 21 Nov 1923. Covering letter enclosing a copy of Skillington's book [A History of Leicester (1923)]; also discussing Skillington's health, etc.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL75 · Fonds · 1853

Letter from Thomas Babington Macaulay of Albany to Augustus De Morgan, 14 Oct 1853. Thanking him for some papers. 'I am afraid I shall not live to write the history of the American war. Indeed heaven knows when I shall have done with King William'.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Hadley, Benjamin
GB 0096 MS 642 · 1732-1843

Includes letters and papers relating to Thomas Attwood MP (from the period 1812-1843) and Benjamin Hadley, sometime chairman and honorary secretary respectively of the Birmingham Political Union. Also includes "rules to be observed at this club" from a meeting at the Rose and Crown, Coventry, 1732.

Sans titre
Sharp, John
GB 0096 MS 66 · 1697

Manuscript volume containing a treatise by John Sharp, Archbishop of York, on English coins and their history, 1697, containing chapters on silver and gold coins, Scots and Irish money, and a commentary on the treatment of coinage in William Nicolson's The English historical library (London, 1696-1699). Marginal notes state that Nicolson had requested Sharp's opinion on his book before its publication, and the whole of this manuscript appears to have been known to Nicolson before he began writing The English historical library. The references to pages in Nicholson's book given in Sharp's notes refer apparently to Nicholson's manuscript copy.

Sans titre
Cammaerts, Professor Emile
GB 0096 MS 800 · 1870-1964

The collection contains correspondence, books and personal papers relating to Emile Cammaerts, geographer, playwright and Professor of Belgian Studies and Institutions in the University of London. The papers fully document Cammaert's activities. They relate to Belgian and British affairs (art, literature, theatre, politics, the Press, religion and the two world wars).

Sans titre
Toppin, Aubrey John
GB 0096 MS 834 · 1497-1793

Miscellaneous papers, 1497-1793, collected by Aubrey John Toppin, consisting of some letters, but mostly of 18th century legal papers, notes on cases, judgements and fees.

Sans titre
Collins, Douglas Cecil
GB 0096 MS 873 · 1938

The collection consists of miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes, 1938, on news pamphlets during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.

Sans titre
Collins, Arthur Jefferies
GB 0096 MS 874 · c1948

The volume, c1948, contains scripts of lectures delivered by Arthur Jefferies at University College London Library School of Librarianship in 1948. The lectures deal with European handwriting, the origin, development and transformation of Caroline minuscules and Gothic and humanistic scripts.

Sans titre
Wright, Cyril Ernest
GB 0096 MS 893 · c1933-1972

Photographs, accompanied by notes and correspondence of manuscripts, collected by Cyril Ernest Wright c1933-1972. The first section of the collection contains papers, plates, photocopies, photographs, translations and notebooks containing notes of certain Middle English manuscripts held in The British Library, Oxford Bodleian Library, Durham Cathedral and Cambridge University Library. There are also some items of correspondence concerning Middle English Manuscripts (1948-1977). The second section contains photographs taken from Italian Renaissance manuscripts, notebooks of notes concerning manuscripts in various Dutch, Italian and English libraries and museums. Section 3 contains photographs of manuscripts, plates and proofs for Fontes Harleiani: a Study of the Sources of the Harleian Collection of Manuscripts in the British Museum. In the final section of the collection is a list of Harley Manuscripts in the Department of Manuscripts at the British Library.

Sans titre
Seeley, Sir John Robert
GB 0096 MS 903 · 1861-1894

Letters, 1861-1894, to Sir John Robert Seeley from various correspondents and some reviews and articles on his acclaimed work Ecce Homo published in 1865.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS890 · Fonds · 1942

Four letters from the historian Albert Frederick Pollard to Josiah Clement Wedgwood, 1st Baron Wedgwood, written between April to July 1942, concerning mainly articles on parliamentary history written by Pollard for the English Historical Review.

Sans titre
Rye, Reginald Arthur
GB 0096 MS 1095 · Fonds · 1895-1902

Comprising handwritten notes by R.A.Rye on two lectures entitled, Stone Working in Egypt, delivered by Professor Sir William Petrie at University College London (31 May and 7 June 1900); Booklet containing specimens of Mummy cloth (n.d.); Notebook with manuscript notes by Rye on hieroglyphics and their English translation (n.d.); Notebook containing Egyptological notes by Rye, compiled aged around 18 (c1895); Nineteen prints of Egyptian temples and landscapes by J.P.Sebah and Lungaki (n.d.); Five framed colour and black and white drawings (1895-1902).

Sans titre
Burford, Ephraim John
GB 0096 MS 1105 · Fonds · 1973-1975

Papers of historian Ephraim John (E.J.) Burford, including the following: Typescript and galley proofs, original index and corrections of In the Clink by Burford (June 1974); Printer's copy and original typescript of Hollands Leaguer with suggested illustrations (March 1973); Original typescript of book, Orrible Synne by Burford, with suggested illustrations and correspondence with publishers Caldar and Boyers (March 1973); File of research correspondence and removed typescript draft pages for Bankside Stews: Bawds and Lodgings (January 1973- August 1975).

Sans titre
Ruding, Rogers
GB 0096 MS 154 · 1817-1818

Manuscript volume containing notes in the hand of Rogers Ruding, Vicar of Malden, [1817-1818], consisting of extracts from legislation relating to coinage, and used in Ruding's Annals of the coinage of Great Britain (Nichols, Son, and Bentley: London, 1817-19). The extracts are marked 'used' or 'not used'. Includes a list of sources.

Sans titre
Lovett, William
GB 0096 MS 167 · 1830

Paper, 'To the Wealth Producing Classes of England', signed 'One of the People.' Written in support of the Co-operative movement. At the end is the following note, 'This was printed in a Maidstone periodical, The Co-operative Miscellany, in 1830. W. L.'

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 244 · c1527

Manuscript volume, c1527, containing translations into English of a collection of treatises and diplomatic documents, mostly of the fourteenth century, comprising a list of coronation claims of Richard II, [1377]; a treatise on the form and manner of holding the English Parliament; a treatise on the office of Earl Marshal, described in the table of contents as 'The Erle Marshal's Boke', with details of Henry VIII's reform of the office and its duties in time of war; a collection of documents relating to ordinances for war, [1350-1514], notably the Scottish campaigns of 1350 and 1385, the statutes of the Order of the Garter as renewed by Henry VIII in 1522, and the creation of dukes and earls, including the creation of Charles Brandon, Viscount Lisle, as Duke of Suffolk (1514); an incomplete history of the kings of England, ending with the coronation of Richard II in 1378; a collection of treaties concerning diplomatic events during the reign of Edward III, notably documents relating to the Treaty of Brétigny (October 1360), documents relating to treatises between Edward and John II, King of France (1360-1366), letters of Alfonso X, King of Castile (1254), letters of Edward concerning a treaty with Peter the Cruel, King of Castile (1369), and an indenture recording the terms of the treaty of Berwick between Edward and David II, King of Scotland (1357). A table of contents shows that the manuscript is unfinished, and that it lacks several folios.

Sans titre
Robert Of Gloucester chronicle
GB 0096 MS 278 · [1440]

Manuscript volume containing a verse chronicle of the history of England from the legendary Brut up to 1272, [1440], most notably focusing on the barons' rebellion led by Simon de Montfort during the reign of King Henry III. The chronicle is written in rhymed couplets in a south-west Midland dialect, and was copied in a good semi-cursive hand by two, or possibly three, scribes. The chronicle is known in two versions, of which this is the shorter; in the longer version there is a reference to the darkness which fell on the surrounding country following the Battle of Evesham (Aug 1265), and this, as well as local knowledge of the area, has led to the author being traditionally named 'Robert of Gloucester'. On the verso of the second fly-leaf there is a 'Precepts in -ly' (moral or religious counsels) entitled 'A spesiall glasse to loke in daily', which is dated at Holy Rode on 14 Sep 1516. It was possibly written by Richard Whitford (1476-1542), who was chaplain to William Blount, 4th Baron Mountjoy, and later to Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, afterwards becoming a monk at Syon Monastery, Isleworth, until the Dissolution. It is unclear if Whitford also undertook the copying of the Richard of Gloucester chronicle. Folio 147 contains 25 lines of miscellaneous Latin, including a section relating to the prophecies of Merlin.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 286 · Fonds · c1630

'Fragmenta regalia, or, Observations on Queene Elizabeth her tymes and favorites' by Sir Robert Naunton. An autograph letter accompanying it, from T.R. Maynard, 1845, suggests that this is the original MS. It was first published, posthumously, in 1641. Internal evidence points to c. 1630 as the date of composition.

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GB 0096 MS 287 · Fonds · c1600-1700

'To Maister Anthonie Bacon. An Apologie of the Earle of Essex, against those which falsely and maliciously taxe him to be the onely hinderer of the Peace, and quiet of his Countrey'. The text differs slightly from that of the first printed edition of 1603.

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GB 0096 MS 45 · 1640-1678

Manuscript volume, 1640-1678, containing a [transcript of a] tract by Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, entitled 'A short view of the state of Ireland from the yeare 1640 to the yeare 1652. A vindication of his late majestie of blessed memory, our Soveraigne Lord the King that now is, and their Majesties supreme minister. Instructed by them for the conducting the affaires of Ireland from the scandalls and imputations cast upon them by many scandalous Pamphletts sett forth in latine by Anonymous writers and particularly against a pamphlet lately published by the direction of a Titular Bishop of Ferns and composed by him'. This was a vindication of James Butler, 1st Duke of Ormonde and the peace he made twice with the Confederate Catholics in Ireland. According to a colophon, the manuscript was finished on 5 Mar 1678. A note in the margin attributes the tract to Hyde. Also contained in the volume are three puritan tracts, namely an unfinished history of ancient civilisations based on the Old Testament, comments on the historical origins of Roman Catholic Bishops and Popes, and a short description of idolatry and superstition.

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Literature on the Escalade of Geneva
GB 0096 MS 635 · [1764-1765]

Manuscript volume containing a verse play, a prose history, and several songs concerning the Escalade of Geneva undertaken by Duke Charles Emmanuel of Savoy on the 12 Dec 1602.
The play is entitled 'L'Escalade de Genève, Tragi Comèdie Representée pour la prémière fois' 12 Dec 1603. The history is called 'Histoire De la Miraculeuse Délivrance envoyée de Dieu à la Ville de Genève' 12 Dec 1602. The songs, or 'Chansons de L'Escalade', are in French (Savoyard dialect - 4 songs) and English (1 song entitled 'On the Twelfth of December with wicked intent'. The airs of the songs are often given, e.g. 'Sur l'air de la Vendange'. The index to the first lines of the songs is dated 22 Oct 1765.
The front cover of the leather binding is stamped in gold 'Gedeon Macaire Fils MDCCLXIV'.

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Hull, Thomas Harvey: letter (1930)
GB 0096 AL292 · Fonds · 1930

Letter from Thomas Harvey Hull of the Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights, Guildhall, London to Captain B J Watkins of the Royal Navy, 27 May 1930. Regretting that no company privileges are available to Watkins's friend, Mr Frederick Beetham, despite the fact that his great-grandfather was Master of the Company in 1835-1836. 'For your friend I cam enclosing a little history of the Company, printed and circulated ... in 1928'.

Autograph, with signature.

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Hamilton, Guy: letters (1954-1955)
GB 0096 AL313 · Fonds · 1954-1955

3 letters and a postcard from Guy Hamilton of The Athenaeum, London to Major [Harry George Julius] Heydeman MC, 1954-1955. Arranging to borrow illustrative material from Heydeman's collection for Hamilton's lectures on local history.

All items are autograph, with signatures.

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Price, Harry
GB 0096 HP · c500-1999

Papers of Harry Price, c500 - 1999, comprising the following: Personal correspondence to and from Harry Price, 1926-1948; typescripts and drafts of plays by Price, c1900-c1940; typescripts and drafts of lectures regarding Sussex, coins and various matters, 1908-1912; papers relating to antiquaries and numismatics, including handwritten notes and catalogues, 1876-c1920; financial and legal records concerning the National Laboratory for Psychical Research, Borley Rectory and Arun Way, Pulborough, including tenancy agreements and correspondence, 1926-1946; papers regarding libel cases and threatened legal action against Price, 1928-1946; accounts and correspondence regarding personal financial matters, 1922-1950; notes and lectures regarding psychical research by Price and others, c1920-c1948; reports and statements regarding psychical investigation, magic and the paranormal, 1772-1948; papers and notes regarding automatic writings, 1909-1943; minutes and papers of the University of London Council for Psychical Investigation, 1934-1936; drafts and typescripts of Price's books and publications, 1922-1948; typescripts and lectures by various authors regarding psychical research, magic and the paranormal, 1886-1948; legal and financial papers concerning Price's books and publications, 1921-1946; correspondence, publicity and reviews regarding Price's books and publications, 1921-1948; scripts, correspondence and legal and financial papers regarding radio and television appearances by Price, 1930-1947; assorted manuscripts regarding psychical research, magic, astronomy and Salop, Shropshire, c500-c1800; press cuttings and cuttings scrapbooks collated by Price and others, 1450-1947; photographs regarding psychical research and other matters, c1850-1948; playbills, posters and promotional material concerning spiritualism, magic and various matters, c1850-1948; cinefilms and videos of psychic experiments by Price and others, 1932-1999; artefacts relating to Price's psychical research and personal items, 1684-c1939; playing cards and artefacts relating to magic, c1850-1939.

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Durning, Jemma
GB 0096 MS 772 · c1816-1838

A note book containing notes (dated 1838) on the history of Russia and on the Reformation. Also, in a different hand, 'A Syllabus of Mr. Hinch's Botanical Lectures'. Inside the front cover is written 'Emma Durning makes a present of this Book to her sister Jemma Durning Sunday August. 27 1820'.

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