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Archival description
A collection of legal items
GB 0096 MS 303 · Fonds · c1615-1635

Contains the following legal items: ff 1-14. 'Ordinances made by the Lord Chancellor for the better and moore reguler administratyon of iustice in the Chancery to bee duly observed saving the prerogatives to the Court. Tempore Bacon cancellarii', 1619; ff 14b-16: 'Addiconall Rules for the better governinge of the Court of Chancery and the Greate Seale published in open Court 31 October', 1620; f 33: An ordinance of 26 June 18 James I [1620], concerning the incompetence of certain Commissioners; ff 34-38: William [Dr John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln] Lord Keeper's speech in Chancery the 1st daie of Michaelmas terme [6 Oct] 1621; ff 39-47: 'Ordinances made by the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Coventry lord keeper of the greate seale of England with the advice and assistance of the Right Honourable Sir Julius Ceser knight Master of the Rolls in the terme of St. Michaell ' ... in the xith yeare of the Raigne of ... kinge Charles [1635] for the Redresse of sundry Errors defaults and abuses in the high Court of Chancery'; ff 57-60: Baron Bromley his Charge att Wenlocke 9 September 1615.

GB 0096 MS 585 · 1761

Indenture quadripartite of 11 Feb 1761 by which George Lane, of Bramham Park, Yorkshire (West Riding), with the consent of Ralph Bourchier, 'doctor in physick', of Great Ormond Street in the parish of St.George the Martyr, London, and his daughter and heir Margaret Bourchier, assigned to the Hon William Chetwynd, of Dover Street, London, the manors or lordships of Benningborough [Beningbrough], Overton [Ovington], Barforth and Newton-upon-Ouse, all in the North Riding of Yorkshire, formerly the estate of John Bourchier, deceased, for the remainder of a term of 500 years. Signed and sealed by the four parties. Ralph Bourchier inherited the estates on the death of his great-niece Mildred, wife of the Hon Robert Lane, in 1760.

GB 0096 AL429 · Fonds · 1934

Letter from George Balfour of the House of Commons (embossed heading) to C G Williams, Leigh House, Lower Heath, Hampstead, London, 16 Nov 1934. Replying to a query about Public Acts [of Parliament] passed since the National Government came in [in 1931]: 'There are some 170 Acts ... But in over fifty Acts where some distinct question of political principle enters I can find some half-dozen Conservative Acts, three times as many Socialist Acts, while the remainder are a mixture of the two with Socialism predominant ... As I have frequently said ... it is time for Conservatives to consider in what direction we are going.'

Signed by Balfour. Marked: 'Personal and Confidential' in MS.

Balfour , George , 1872-1941 , MP and electrical engineer
GB 0096 AL2 · Fonds · 1815

Letter from Sir Joseph Banks of Soho Square, London to Lord [?Sheffield], 10 Feb 1815. In favour of a Corn Law. 'We ought, however, to consider that by purchasing foreign Corn, we ... hazard the horrors of Famine by becoming dependant [sic] on our natural enemies for our food ...'. The first paragraph appears to be in Banks's own hand and the remainder in that of an amanuensis or copyist.

Banks , Sir , Joseph , 1743-1820 , 1st Baronet , naturalist and patron of science
GB 0096 MS 652 · 1602

Indenture of bargain and sale of 17 Jun 1602 by Henry Newdegate of Hampton, Middlesex, to George Cole of Petersham, Surrey, of the manor of Ashstead, otherwise called Little Ashstead or the Pryor's Farm, Surrey. Consideration £500. Signed by Henry Newdegate; seal wanting.

GB 0096 MS 668 · 1565

Indenture of bargain and sale by the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mercers' Company of London to William Allen, Alderman of London, of six messuages in 'Towerstrete', now Great Tower Street in the parish of St Dunstan in the East, for a consideration of £133 6s. 8d. Abuttals given; names of present and former tenants and rents also given. Warranty. Leofric Foster, citizen and mercer, attorney to deliver seisin. Signed by Richard Malorye, Richard Carill, Thomas Revett, and Thomas More, endorsed 'livery of seisin', and dated 1 Mar 1565.

GB 0096 AL365 · Fonds · 1898

Letter from Sir Michael Edward Hicks Beach of 11 Downing Street, Whitehall, London to Dr Swayne [?Walter Carless Swayne], 18 Mar 1898. 'I cannot say that I have any special knowledge of the matters that are proposed to be dealt with by the London University Bill. But the Bill has been introduced by the Duke of Devonshire, as the head of the Department which is concerned with it, on behalf of the Government I cannot do anything in opposition to my colleague. I will, however, take steps to bring your views under his consideration ...'. Autograph, with signature.

Beach , Sir , Michael Edward Hicks , 1837-1916 , 1st Earl St Aldwyn , politician x Hicks Beach , Sir , Michael Edward
GB 0096 AL132 · Fonds · 1892

Letter from Richard Doddridge Blackmore to B C Pugh, Esq, 11 Jan 1892. 'I cannot pretend to say what will be the effect of the new Copyright Act and I have thought very little about it'. Autograph with signature.

Blackmore , Richard Doddridge , 1825-1900 , author x Blackmore , R D
Blain, Henry: letter
GB 0096 AL445 · Fonds · [1842]

Letter from Henry Blain to Joseph T Pooley of 5 Church Court, [c1842]. Discussing the corn laws (with reference to Blain's pamphlet on the subject) and proposed duties [taxes]. Autograph, with signature ('H.B.'). Dated 'Sunday night'.

Blain , Henry , fl 1841-1842 , pamphleteer
Bond of Sir John Dawnay
GB 0096 MS 562 · 1585

Bond in £40 by Sir John Dawnay, of Sessay in Yorkshire, to Jane Younge, otherwise Kyneston, widow of York, payable by 16 June next. Signed and sealed [seal wanting] 25 March 1585. With a note of payment in the margin.

Burn, John: letter, 1792
GB 0096 AL347 · Fonds · 1792

Letter from John Burn of Orton, [Westmorland] to Thomas Cadell [the elder] Esq, 'bookseller, Strand, London', 26 Mar 1792. 'I have by the coach this day sent you Barry's Justice [i.e. E Barry Present practice of a justice of the peace (1790)] & in the margin have marked the vs & pages in our Justice [i.e. R Burn The justice of the peace and parish officer (1755 and many susbequent editions)] from which he has copied. I may safely say there is not one hundred pages, put the whole together of his 4 volumes, which is not copied from my father...'.

Autograph, with signature. Franked: 'Appleby'[-in-Westmorland].

Burn , John , c 1743-1802 , magistrate and legal editor
Burns, W G: letter, 1846
GB 0096 AL269 · Fonds · 1846

Letter from W G Burns of Derby to Colonel [Thomas Perronet] Thompson, 23 Feb 1846. 'As I think it [a] pity you should be ignorant [of] the nature of the arguments [u]rged against free trade principles I send you a specimen of [w]hat a clerical opponent can [d]o ...'

Autograph, with signature. Written on the dorse of the title page and the end fly leaf of a pamphlet [by Henry Robert Crewe] The repeal of the Corn Laws (1846).

Burns , W G , fl 1846 , correspondent of Thomas Perronet Thompson
GB 0096 AL343 · Fonds · 1819

Facsimile of a letter from George Gordon Noel Byron of Venice to M [Giovanni Antonio] Galignani, editor of Galignani's Messenger, 18 rue Vivienne, Paris, 27 Apr 1819. Disclaims the authorship of The Vampire, which had been attributed to him in Galigniani's Messenger '... I desire the responsibility of nobody's dullness but my own ...'.

Facsimile copy of an autograph letter, with signature.

Byron , George Gordon Noel , 1788-1824 , 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale , poet x Byron of Rochdale , 6th Baron
GB 0096 MS1140 · Fonds · 1805-1847

Correspondence of William Carey, John Campbell, Jospeh Hume, Thomas Babington Macaulay and John Philips, 1805-1847, comprising a letter from Joseph Hume to John Campbell, Apr 1843, regarding the petition from Montrose against the Factory Bill; a letter from Thomas Babington Macaulay to an unknown recipient, 6 Apr 1847, regarding the probable loss of his seat in Parliament; a letter from John Philips of Aberdeen to his brother, 19 Apr 1815; a letter from William Carey of Calcutta, to his father, 31 Dec 1805, describing conditions in India; and a letter from John Campbell to his "Christian Brethren" in Copenhagen, 7 Jan 1807.

Carey , William , 1761-1834 , orientalist and missionary Campbell , John , 1766-1840 , Independent minister, philanthropist and traveller Hume , Joseph , 1777-1855 , radical and politician Macaulay , Thomas Babington , 1800-1859 , Baron Macaulay , historian Philips , John , fl 1815 , of Aberdeen
GB 0096 MS 988 · 1738

Certificate of burial in wool, 1738, for Mary Wilbey of the parish of St Benedict, Cambridge.

Chapman, John: letter (1858)
GB 0096 AL21 · Fonds · 1858

Letter from John Chapman of 1 Albion Street, Hyde Park, [London] to George Grote, 17 Nov 1858. Regarding the copyright of the Westminster Review.

Autograph, with signature.

Chapman , John , 1821-1894 , publisher and physician
GB 0096 AL215 · Fonds · 1826

Letter from Thomas Clarkson of Woodbridge, [Suffolk] to Peter Clare of Manchester, 21 Apr 1826. Thanking him for details of a successful petition: 'Yours indeed is a great triumph, when you consider the opposition, if I may so call it, of the Boroughreeve ... It was much the case at Glasgow, where the hireling [James] Macqueen, the Editor of a Glasgow paper [?Glasgow Herald], and pensioned by two of the West Indian legislatures, and a host of W. India planters owners of West Indiamen and coopers, mechanics working for that employ resided ... There is ... something so good in our cause [the abolition of slavery], that it must always make its way among a moral people.

Autograph, with signature.

Clarkson , Thomas , 1760-1846 , slavery abolitionist
GB 0096 AL531 · Fonds · [1807-1816]

Letter from Thomas Clarkson of Bury [St Edmunds, Suffolk] to Rev M Maurice, [1807-1816]. Urging him to restore the committee at Southampton to promote a petition to Parliament in favour of a plan for the improvement of the condition of the slave population.

Clarkson , Thomas , 1760-1846 , slavery abolitionist
GB 0096 AL514 · Fonds · 1826

Letter from Thomas Clarkson of Playford Hall [near Ipswich, Suffolk] to Henry Hope, 'at the Bank', Wells, Somerset, 9 Jan 1826. Printed circular letter, asking for support for the petition to Parliament to urge them to carry out a plan for the improvement of the condition of the slave population. An addition in MS asks Hope to promote petitions in Wells, Shepton Mallet, Bruton and neighbouring towns. A note in another hand has been added to the dorse of the second leaf. A newspaper cutting Extracts from the new Jamaica Slave Code accompanies the letter.

Clarkson , Thomas , 1760-1846 , slavery abolitionist
GB 0096 AL31 · Fonds · 1830

Letter from William Cobbett of Botley, Hampshire to Mr Akerman of 183 Fleet Street, London, 15 Mar 1830. 'I beg you to pay particular attention to every part of this letter. It is a matter of the greatest importance.' Detailed instructions follow for the preparation of the petition against [Sir Robert] Wilmot-Horton's Emigration project, which appeared in the Register on Saturday 20 Mar 1830.

Autograph, with signature.

Cobbett , William , 1763-1835 , political writer and farmer x Porcupine , Peter
GB 0096 AL35 · Fonds · 1845

Letter from Richard Cobden to Mrs Drummond, 16 Shamrock Place, Edinburgh, 12 May 1845. Thanking her for a present to his young daughter. Referring to [Thomas Babington] Macaulay, who 'is now I fear a little under the shade, in consequence of his Maynooth vote, with some of his constitutents', and to the bazaar given by the National Anti-Corn Law League at Covent Garden.

Autograph, with signature. With the original envelope (with a decorative border in the form of wheat ears), bearing the seal of the National Anti-Corn Law League.

Cobden , Richard , 1804-1865 , statesman and businessman
GB 0096 AL36 · Fonds · 1845

Letter from Richard Cobden of Manchester to F Buloz, Esq, Paris, 19 Dec 1845. Answering Buloz's request for a collection of the National Anti-Corn Law League's publications for an article in the Revue des Deux Mondes. Cobden explains that 'no complete collection of [tracts, articles, pamphlets and advertisements] has been preserved - Nor has there been any history of the League written in England.' He promises to give full information and 'copies of all our publications which are preserved' to a visitor 'if recommended by you'. He recommends Bastiat's Cobden et la Ligue [printed by Senlis, Paris, 1845]. 'I may also add the Monsr Fonteyrand ... paid us a visit here a few weeks ago to whom I explained the machinery of our organisation ... I am not sure that he would feel at liberty to assist in furnishing an article for your publication - But he is more competent than any other person in France to do it correctly - At all events, I wish you would see him ... and say that I shall be obliged if he will allow you to have access to the publications which I gave him and afford you all facilities in his power for preparing a description of the League ...'.

Autograph, with signature.

Cobden , Richard , 1804-1865 , statesman and businessman
GB 0096 AL250 · Fonds · 1845

Letter from Richard Cobden of Manchester to Mr [?George] Moffatt, 23 Dec 1845. 'Not a word passed between [Earl] Grey and me upon any other subject than corn - I called on him solely for the purpose of urging the Whigs to stick to our principle, and to explain that the League could not swerve a hairs breadth from its path of Total and Immediate to suit any party. This is all that passed - [Viscount] Palmerstons name was of course never mentioned or referred to ... The Whigs are lower than ever by this exhibition of impracticableness at a moment when every other question ought to have been suspended at least till they had dealt some-how or other with that food crisis which alone called them into place and alone warranted them in assuming a power which otherwise they did not possess. At such a time to squabble over seats at the Council board! If I had been Lord John [Russell], history should have rather said of me that I had sent into the parish vestryroom for a dozen select men of the parish to form my cabinet, until I could in my place in Parlt. birng on the total repeal of the corn law, than that I had allowed any two or even twelve men to stop me in my course when once pledged to such an undertaking'.

Autograph, with signature.

Cobden , Richard , 1804-1865 , statesman and businessman
GB 0096 AL34 · Fonds · 9 Apr [1844]

Letter from Richard Cobden to R C Chawner, Esq of Wall, near Lichfield, [Staffordshire], 9 Apr [1844]. Asking him to give a 'free trade address from the boards of Covent Garden.'

Autograph, with signature. With the original envelope, bearing the seal of the National Anti-Corn Law League.

Cobden , Richard , 1804-1865 , statesman and businessman
GB 0096 MS 849 · 1670

Contract, dated 28 Dec 1670, containing an undertaking by John Brown to repair the stables he rented from Thomas Panton, and to stop up the water course from the horse pond in Round Mill Yard. Signed and sealed by John Brown.

Cook, Thomas A: letter
GB 0096 AL410 · Fonds · 1845

Letter from Thomas A Cook of Newcastle upon Tyne to H B Jordan, Esq of the Alkali Works, Bristol, 8 Dec 1845. Acknowledging Jordan's letter of 4 Dec 1845. Discussing at length the relative efficiency of stone stills [for manufacturing alkalis] used by Cook [at Walker, Newcastle], by Jordan and by Lee and Co; advising Jordan to visit Lee and Co and copy their stills exactly. Mentioning a Mr Bell's patent, the surprising cheapness of coal, and a meeting of masters [i.e. factory owners] which he was unable to attend. Noting that the returns show an increase of stock.

Autograph, with signature. A note [in Jordan's hand] on page 3 states: 'Ansd. 5 Jany'.

Cook , Thomas A , fl 1845 , chemical manufacturer
Decretals of Gregory IX
GB 0096 MS 544 · Mid 13th century

Single leaf of vellum, formerly used as a pastedown, containing Book 3, section 38 18 to 39 3, of the Decretales Gregorii IX, on the rights of patrons over churches and the financial liabilities of churches, dating from the mid-13th century. There are marginal annotations in a later, perhaps 14th century, hand.

GB 0096 MS 681 · Late 13th century

Single vellum leaf, formerly a pastedown, containing Lib.II, 20, 17-26, of the Decretales Gregorii IX, on testimonies in court. Includes a gloss and extensive interlineal and marginal annotations. The fragment is probably English, written in the late 13th century.

GB 0096 MS 477 · 1815

Draft of a bill 'for the more effectual prevention of the use of false and deficient measures', 1815, with proposals including Justices of the Peace to appoint persons to examine the measures within their districts; a penalty of 5-20s on conviction; proper measures according to the standard made by the Exchequer to be purchased out of the general rate and deposited with the clerks of the peace; some form of conviction to be given. The draft is endorsed '9 March 1815. Copy to Mr [Samuel] Whitbread [M.P. for Bedford] per post'.

Eliot, John: letter (1819)
GB 0096 AL320 · Fonds · 1819

Letter from John Eliot of London to Edward Carroll via the Post Office, Worcester, 16 Jan 1819. Referring to the Meeting for Sufferings held the previous day at which the petition to the House of Commons on the subject of capital punishment was signed by the 38 members present 'and liberty was given for any that were then absent to add their names by calling at the Clerk's Office. The subscription is - Signed by us, member of a Meeting for conducting the affairs of the said Society [the Religious Society of Friends], in the intervals of the Yearly Meeting - London, the 15th of 1mo. 1819 ...'

Autograph, with signature and date stamp.

Eliot , John , 1771-1830 , Quaker
Excise Act, 1650
GB 0096 MS 35 · [1650]

Manuscript volume containing a copy of a Parliamentary 'Act for Continuance of the Receipt of Excise until 29th Sept 1653', 1650.

French legal papers
GB 0096 MS 529 · 1791-1800

A collection of 26 miscellaneous legal papers, 1791-1800, most of them printed forms filled in in manuscript and issuing mainly from Paris, comprising summonses for non-payment of taxes, licences to distrain goods and chattels, notices to quit, safe-conducts, summonses requiring attendance at court, etc.

French mining legislation
GB 0096 MS 119 · [1761]

Manuscript volumes containing a selection of legislation and concessions given for the exploitation of French mines, compiled by 'le Sr Bruyard', Senior Clerk of [Daniel Charles] Trudain [de Montigny, Comptroller of Finances, Director of Bridges and Embankments], 1758, with details of legislation from 1413-1761. Includes a historical survey, a chronological table of legislation and concessions, general dispositions for the exploitation of the mines, and legislation and concessions for mining in each généralité. There is also printed matter bound into each volume, mainly comprising government edicts relating to the subject.

Gordon family
GB 0096 MS 754 · 1735-1800

Papers of the Gordon family of Letterfourie, Banffshire, Scotland, relating to their merchant interests and financial matters, 1735-[1800], comprising, including a bond in £250 of 1735 discharged in 1751 by James Gordon and his son Patrick to John Gordon; two letters from Strauss & Schmidt, Lisbon, to James Gordon, 1763; an invoice and bill of lading, dated Oct 1770, for goods shipped on the Hambro Packet from Hamburg by order of Alexander Gordon & Co., Madeira; a letter from C. Grant, Edinburgh, to James Gordon, 7 Dec 1785; two receipts of 1799 for money paid by a Mrs. Gordon; and a letter from James and Alexander Gordon at school to their parents in Letterfourie, [1800].
The collection also contains material not apparently relating to the Gordon family: accounts of John Scott, vintner in Portsoy, 'for Letterfouries servants and horses when sundry times in Banff', 22 Dec 1798-3 Jun 1799; a 'Certificate of the term of payment of Lady Fraiser [of Durris]'s annuities, 19 Nov 1776, signed by the town clerk of Aberdeen; and a receipt of 1780 for payment for goods bought from E. Fielder, stationer, London, by a Mr. Ruddick. The connection between the Gordon items and the last two items is unknown.

Gordon , family , merchants of Letterfourie
GB 0096 AL249 · Fonds · 1839

Letter from Sir James Robert George Graham of Grosvenor Place, [London] to an unidentified recipient, 18 Mar 1839. 'The [Morning] Chronicle now reports much better than the other morning papers; but none of them are able to report, as you can. I am greatly obliged by your anxiety to give a good report of my speech on the Corn Laws [delivered in the House of Commons, 14 Mar 1839] ... Not one word was committed to paper beforehand, except the concluding passage which I send in confidence for your use, begging you will destroy it when you have used it ...'.

Autograph, with signature. Marked: 'Private'.

Graham , Sir , James Robert George , 1792-1861 , 2nd Baronet , politician
GB 0096 AL505 · Fonds · 1834-1853

(1) Letter from Sir James Robert George Graham of the Admiralty to John Spottiswood, 14 May 1834. Concerning the postpoining of the second reading of the Leith Harbour Bill in the House of Commons.

(2) Letter from Sir James Robert George Graham of Whitehall to James Loch, 30 Nov 1842. Urging him to serve on the Poor Law Commission for Scotland.

(3) Letter from Sir James Robert George Graham of the Admiralty to James Loch, 19 Jun 1853. Discussing works on harbours in Alderney, Guernsey, Dover and Portland, and the training of pilots for the Channel Islands.

Graham , Sir , James Robert George , 1792-1861 , 2nd Baronet , politician
GB 0096 AL426 · Fonds · 1912

Letter from William Henry Grenfell of 30 Bruton Street, London [the printed letter-head 'Carlton Club' has been struck through] to [Edward] Marston, 26 Jun 1912. Relating to Marston's query about the origin of the Port of London Authority regulations for fishing.

Autograph, with signature.

Grenfell , William Henry , 1855-1945 , Baron Desborough , sportsman and politician x Desborough , Baron
Hamburg, civic ordinances
GB 0096 MS 482 · [1600-1625]

Civic ordinances for the city of Hamburg, Germany, comprising 76 articles, with an index, concerning the regulation of civil life.

GB 0096 AL516 · Fonds · 1881

Letter from George Leib Harrison of Claridges Hotel, London to Bonamy Price, 15 Aug 1881. Concerning a report on the effects of the Education Act of 1870 and its amendments, and 'Industrial education'.

Harrison , George Leib , 1811-1885 , writer on social issues
Heathcote, Samuel: letter
GB 0096 AL58 · Fonds · 1697

Letter from Samuel Heathcote to an unknown recipeint, 19 Oct 1697. 'Sr I have considered those objections you thought would be made against Establishing by Act of Parliamt. Such Companys of Merchants as I propos'd And have set them Downe here below in their full strength as neare as I could remember, with my Answeres to each'. Heathcote refers to a long previous letter giving his proposals in full.

Autograph, with signature.

Heathcote , Samuel , d 1708 , merchant
Higford, William
GB 0096 MS 251 · 1677

Lawyer's precedent book, 1677.

Higford , William , 1581-1677 , justice of the peace
GB 0096 MS 634 · 1462

Inspeximus of 7 Sep 1462 with second Great Seal, made during the reign of King Edward IV. The text is illegible; for a possible subject of the document see Calendar of Patent Rolls Edward IV, A.D.1461-1467 (1897), under the same date.

Jones, H: letter (1841)
GB 0096 AL287 · Fonds · 1841

Letter from H Jones of 54 Dorset Street, Fleet Street, London to Colonel [Charles Richard] Fox, 24 Jun 1841. Covering letter (written on behalf of the Property Tax Association) to a printed copy of Joshua Scholefield's speech, (made in the House of Commons on 23 Mar 1841) proposing that a property tax be substituted for the existing customs and excise taxes. Jones forecasts that the proposed property tax 'is likely to become a populat topic at the [forthcoming] elections' and expresses the hope that Fox would be elected MP for Tower Hamlets.

Autograph, with signature.

Jones , H , fl 1841 , naval officer and honorary secretary of the Property Tax Association
GB 0096 AL68 · Fonds · 1844

Letter from Thomas Joplin of Gravesend, [Kent] to Sir Edward Knatchbull, Baronet and MP, 14 Feb 1844. 'It is these distresses that give life and power to the Anti-Corn Law League, although the Corn Laws have nothing to do with them.

Autograph, with signature.

Joplin , Thomas , c 1790-1847 , banker and author
GB 0096 AL67 · Fonds · 1832

Letter from Thomas Joplin of Levant House, St Helens Place, [London] to Joseph Hume, Esq, MP, 7 May 1832. Accompanying a copy of Joplin's petition.

Autograph, with signature.

Joplin , Thomas , c 1790-1847 , banker and author
GB 0096 AL66 · Fonds · 1832

3 letters from Thomas Joplin of Levant House, St Helens Place, [London] to Joseph Hume, Esq, MP, Apr 1832.

(i) Presenting him with a copy of Analysis and History of the Currency Question, 6 Apr 1832.

(ii) Asking for an appointment to discuss certain propositions he intends to make to the 'committee which will be chosen on Bank affairs', Apr 1832.

(iii) Enclosing a copy of Joplin's petition, Apr 1832.

Autographs, with signatures.

Joplin , Thomas , c 1790-1847 , banker and author
Judicial proceedings Act
GB 0096 MS 760 · [1661]

Manuscript copy of 13 Charles II c.2, or 'An act for confirmation of judicial proceedings', enacted in Dublin' on 12 Jun 1661, and printed by William Bladen in 1661. The English act is 12 Charles II c.12. The manuscript may have been bound with the printed copy of the act, now item 6 in a Goldsmiths' Library volume (Ref: G.L. F) lettered 'Acts Charles II-1660-82'. The manuscript is accompanied by 8 leaves containing legal notes in a contemporary hand.

Land Tax Commissioners
GB 0096 MS 430 · 1779

A roll with printed oaths of allegiance and supremacy with signatures and addresses of the Land Tax Commissioners of the City of London for 1779.

Land Tax Commissioners
Law Compendium
GB 0096 MS 28 · [1619-1628]

Manuscript volume containing a law compendium, [1619-1628], compiled for the use of a Justice of the Peace, with notes under headings arranged alphabetically, giving references to Elizabethan and Jacobean statutes. It contains references to alehouses, archery, armour, artificers, assault, sadlers, drovers, bastardy, brewer, burglary, butchers, captains, soldiers, churchwardens, clergy, clerks of the market, cloth and dyers, witchcraft, constables, correction houses, coopers, coroners, counterfeiting, extortion, fairs and markets, forcible entry, forgery, goldsmiths, guns and crossbows, hawking, highways, bridges, horses, the hue and cry, hunting, husbandry, indictments and presentments, informants, enrolements, jurors, juries and inquests, labourers, servants and apprentices, larceny, liveries and retainers, manslaughter and murder, masons, matrimony and bigamy, mortuaries, Parliament, petty treason, plague, plays and games, preachers and ministers, prison and prisoners, bail, rape, recusants, restitution, riots, routs, unlawful assemblies, robbery and theft, sheriffs, transportation, treason, treasurers, trespass, vagabonds, usury, watch and ward, weights and measures, wines, wool and yarn.

The manuscript cites early editions of Ferdinando Pulton A Kalender, or Table, comprehending the effect of all the statutes that have been made and put into print beginning with Magna Charta...(Company of Stationers, London, 1606) and Michael Dalton The countrey justice, conteyning the practice of the Justices of the Peace out of their Sessions. Gathered for the better helpe of such have not been much conversant in the studie of the lawes of this realme (Company of Stationers, London, 1618).
