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Ingelow, Jean: letter ([1860-1897])
GB 0096 AL131 · Fondo · [1860-1897]

Letter from Jean Ingelow of 15 Holland Park, [London] to Mr Strahan [publisher], [c1860-1897]. 'I hope ... that none of the chapters [of one of her books] copied by hand will be printed at all till after my return when I hope to correct them myself. I leave the whole matter of the American payment to you ...'.

Autograph with signature.

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GB 0096 AL235 · Fondo · 1891-1905

19 letters written to Florence Farr/Emery, 1891-1905. Correspondents include: George Alexander [later Sir George Alexander], Lady Betty Balfour [later Countess of Balfour], Mabel Beardsley [Wright], Frank Benson [later Sir Frank Benson], Arthur Bourchier, Beatrice Stella Campbell [Mrs Patrick Campbell], Edward Garnett, Jacob Thomas Grein, Jane Ellen Harrison, Charles Hawtrey [later Sir Charles Hawtrey], John Lane, Cyril Francis Maude, Thomas Sturge Moore, Frederick York Powell, Stepniak [i.e. Sergei Michailovich Kravchinsky], Herbert Beerbohm Tree [later Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree] and Arthur Bingham Walkley.

All letters are autograph, with signatures. Many of the letters relate to plays, theatrical performances and other social engagements.

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GB 0096 AL312 · Fondo · 1932-1934

Letters, notes and poems from George Rostrevor Hamilton to Thomas Sturge Moore and his wife Marie, 1932-1934. Topics covered include Hamilton's poems and other books, about which he solicits Sturge Moore's opinions.

All items are autograph or typescript, with signatures.

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Crewe, P: letter (1699)
GB 0096 AL317 · Fondo · 1699

Letter from P Crewe of Aston, [Birmingham] to an unnamed clergyman 16 Sep 1699. 'I thnk God and Sr W A for my fie, and you for joyning us togather: excuse a trifle sent you on the occasion as thus - The unrepented yeare is past, / The parsons gloves are sent att last: / What Witam had, att Oxford are / On that account another paire. / On ye other side is ye originall and ye cause of this mean rime.' The writer tells the story of Mr Hodges, the Parson of Wytham, near Oxford, who had asked couples that he married to send him a pair of gloves if they had never regretted their marriage during its first year; he received only one pair in 40 years. Including short verses in Latin and English reportedly written by Hodges.

Autograph, with signature.

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Trench, Herbert: letter, 1923
GB 0096 AL352 · Fondo · 1923

Letter from Frederic Herbert Trench of Villa Viviani, Settignano, Florence, Italy to T Sturge Moore, 7 May 1923. Offering him the loan of his Italian villa; mentions works of Moore's that he is reading. 'I am trying to write a few more plays and poems'. Autograph, with signature.

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Pound, Dorothy: letters
GB 0096 AL442 · Fondo · 1965

2 letters from Dorothy Pound of Albergo Italia and Lido Rapallo, Italy to [J H P] Pafford, Goldsmiths' Librarian of University of London Library. (1) Explaining in a reply to a letter from Pafford to her husband, Ezra Pound, asking him to autograph one of his books for the library, Ezra 'is not here at the moment - I never trouble him for autographs ...', 16 February 1965. (2) Covering note enclosing a photograph of Ezra Pound, endorsed in Dorothy's hand '1958 (in Italy)', 4 Mar 1965.

Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

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Longman, Thomas: letter (1860)
GB 0096 AL73 · Fondo · 1860

Letter from Thomas Longman of 39 Paternoster Row, London to [Augustus De Morgan], 20 Apr 1860. Thanking him for information 'about the poem by Lord Macaulay on the London University'.

Autograph, with signature.

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GB 0096 MS 1 · [1385]

Manuscript volume containing a metrical chronicle composed by the Chandos Herald in French verse, commemorating the life and feats of arms of Edward the Black Prince, [1385]. The poem is a valuable authority for certain events of the Hundred Years War, and gives a brief description of Edward III's French campaign of 1346, culminating in the Battle of Crecy, and followed by the Battle of Calais, with some details of the plot for the recovery of the latter at the end of 1349. Next comes a very detailed description of the Battle of Poitiers (1356), and an eyewitness account of the Spanish Campaign of the Black Prince on behalf of Don Pedro (Peter) of Castile, culminating in the Battle of Nejera (1367). A brief overview is given of the end of the Black Prince's government in Gascony, and of the war which led to the loss of almost all the possessions gained at Brétigny, followed by a comprehensive account of the last years of the Prince's life. After the poem, the author also gives a list of the chief officers of the Black Prince in Aquitaine, and copy of the epitaph on his tomb in Canterbury Cathedral.

The manuscript contains a full-page miniature illuminated in gold and colours, which is divided into two compartments. The upper compartment contains a representation of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity; God the Father is here portrayed in a blue robe on a background of gold. He is seated on a throne and holds in His extended arms a crucifix, above which a dove is introduced to symbolise the Holy Ghost. In the lower compartment the Black Prince is depicted kneeling in adoration on a red cushion. His hands are joined in prayer, and his special devotion to the Holy Trinity is indicated by a scroll proceeding from his mouth bearing the words 'Et hec tres unum sunt' (1 John v.7). The Prince is clad in armour, covered by a tight-fitting leather jupon without sleeves, finished along the bottom edge with a border of escallops, and emblazoned with the arms of England and France. He wears a sword and dagger, golden elbow and knee cops, and golden spurs. On each side of the kneeling Prince, standing in a golden socket, is a large ostrich feather in silver, his personal badge assumed after the Battle of Crecy, with the motto 'Ich dene' on a scroll below. The text of the poem commences on the next page with a large illuminated initial O, containing the Royal Arms emblazoned, and this leaf is surrounded by a border of strap work and flowers in gold and colours. There are also a number of small initial letters in gold on a coloured background.

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Collcott, Rev Ernest Edgar Vyvyan
GB 0096 MS 686 · c1965

The volume, c 1965, contains an unpublished typescript of Food of the Gods: Studies in Religion, written by Rev. Ernest Edgar Vyvyan Collcott.

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Flatter, Dr Richard
GB 0096 MS 687 · 1957

Two typescript signed letters of 18 and 20 Apr 1957, from Dr Richard Flatter to Dr John Henry Pyle Pafford, then Librarian of the Goldsmith's Library, in reply to a letter of his of 12 Apr 1957 (carbon copy attached), all on the subject of the authorship of Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale. With Flatter's first letter he sent a typescript of 'Some remarks on the text of The Winter's Tale', written by himself in 1941, while in an internment camp in Australia; with his second letter he sent his contemporary 'miscellaneous observations' on the same play.

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Rolland, Romain
GB 0096 MS 803 · 1919

An appeal, entitled Déclaration d'indépendance de l'esprit, to intellectuals to forget the divisions made by World War One. Duplicated typescript sheet signed by Romain Rolland.

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Trout, Robert Ridgill
GB 0096 MS 862 · 1921-1969

Papers of Robert Ridgill Trout (1878-1969), including: material created or collected by Ridgill Trout relating to his support for the theory that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford wrote the poetry and plays attributed to William Shakespeare, including a biography of Edward de Vere, an examination of the Cornwallis Manuscript, copies of the Shakespeare Authorship Review featuring articles by and about Ridgill Trout and photographs, 1967-1969; typescript draft of work, Twenty Earls and Shakespeare by Ridgill Trout, espousing his support for the theory that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford wrote the poetry and plays attributed to William Shakespeare, c1967; typescript draft of Robert Ridgill Trout's work, Twenty Earls and Shakespeare. The background of the Historical Plays with the life story of Edward de Vere (a different, more lengthy and later work than Twenty Earls and Shakespeare held in MS862/2) giving a detailed history of the De Vere Family and espousing his support for the theory that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, wrote the poetry and plays attributed to William Shakespeare, c1967; material compiled by Robert Ridgill Trout during his career as a bookseller and valuer, including valuation catalogues for books, incunabula and manuscripts held by the Wellcome Foundation and in the library of Sir William Dugdale, an auction catalogue, and miscellanous notes and sale advertisements concerning books and manuscripts, 1921-1939.

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Feis, Herbert
GB 0096 MS 870 · 1972-1977

Articles and books, 1972-1977, written by various authors on the life and work of Herbert Feis.

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Jacomb, Edward
GB 0096 MS 894 · c1907-1955

The collection contains a typescript diary of his life and work, particularly of his time spent in the New Hebrides (Vanuatu) from 1907. Also includes letters and photographs.

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Ternan family
GB 0096 MS 915 · 1800-1931

Papers relating to the extended Ternan family and their friends, [c1800-1974], including; manuscript material received by Katharine Longley from Helen Florence Wickham as joint executrix and legatee of the personal property of Gladys Eleanor Wharton Reece (daughter of Mr and Mrs George Wharton Robinson), and later bequeathed to Senate House Library. Includes commonplace and address books for Mr and Mrs George Wharton Robinson, diaries kept by Gladys Wharton Reece and other documents, 1868-1913; material received by Katharine Longley from Helen Florence Wickham and later bequeathed to Senate House Library, University of London. Includes diaries, correspondence and other material relating to the Wickham and Darby families, particularly, John Wickham, Thomas Elde Darby and Rosalind Wickham; letters to Helen Wickham from Mrs Wharton Robinson, Mrs F.E.Trollope and Rosalind Wickham, along with material relating to Helen Wickham's career as an artist, c1800-1929; photographs of and concerning the extended Ternan family, including photographs of Mr and Mrs George Wharton Robinson and their children, Geoffrey and Gladys Wharton Robinson, Helen Wickham, Maria Taylor and others, along with family group photographs, photographs of non-family members (including Charles Dickens and many actors and theatrical managers) and images of sites and buildings with family connections, c1859-1974; framed illustrations and portraits concerning the extended Ternan family, including miniatures painted by Helen Wickham and pencil portraits of Ellen Ternan and Rosalind Wickham, 1824-1913. An additional deposit (MSS.915B), purchased by Senate House Library in 2003, comprises letters written to Captain Geoffrey Wharton Robinson, son of Ellen Ternan, 1909-1924.

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Hotchkiss, John
GB 0096 MS 954 · 1952

Musical score for the principle theme from the incidental music for John Masfield's Melloney Hotspur (William Heinemann, London, 1922), with an accompanying letter sent by John Hotchkiss to Rev L.H. Clench of Sheringham, 1952.

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Barrett, W.E.D.
GB 0096 MS 960 · 1931

Incomplete thesis on the French writer Stephane Servant, 1869-1916. Includes a transcript of Servant's manuscript entitled Traite de l'Art Poetique.

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Longley, Katharine (b 1920)
GB 0096 MS1003 · Fondo · 1812-1993

Papers of Katharine Longley, 1812-1993, comprising research notebooks; correspondence files; material associated with the Wickham and Ternan families; photocopies of manuscript material; photocopies from periodicals; a copy of The Charles Dickens Birthday Book; material on The Mystery of Edwin Drood; typescript of A Singular Light; typescript of A Pardoner's Tale; typescripts of Charles Dickens: Towards the Truth; typescript essays; printed books; and photographs and negatives.

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Shakespeare, William - notes on
GB 0096 MS306 · Fondo · 1826-1922

A notebook containing information about early editions of Shakespeare, collected from various sources. On the flyleaf is a note signed by F.J. Burgoyne, Librarian, Lambeth Library, stating that "This MS. from page 19 is in the handwriting of John Payne Collier." (Collier (1789-1883) was a Shakespeare scholar with a reputation for forgery.)

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American theatre and opera scrapbooks
GB 0096 MS 1088 · Colección · 1875-1892

Papers concerning American theatre and opera scrapbooks, 1875-1892, comprise to scrapbooks containing programmes of plays, concerts and operas performed in the USA, with particular reference to New York and the Metropolitan Opera House, from 1875 to 1892. MS1088/2 includes postcards of members of singers performing in the Metropolitan Opera 1890 to 1891 season, posing in some of their operatic roles. The volumes contained two loose inserts, which have now become MS1088/3 and MS1088/4.

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Park, Thomas
GB 0096 MS 280 · 1792

Two documents from 1792 containing biographical and critical notes on the poet William Drummond. The first document is the work of Thomas Park, while the second is in a different hand with Park's notes in the margin.

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Dixon, William Hepworth
GB 0096 MS 406 · 1850

A manuscript and printed copy of William Hepworth Dixon's book, The London Prisons, 1850. Also includes newspaper cuttings collected by the author.

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GB 0096 MS 479 · 1662

A 64-line elegiac poem composed on the occasion of the death of Frederick Cornwallis, Baron Cornwallis of Eye, in January 1661/2. His virtues are recorded:
'... (though there bee
Twixt vulgar Spirits, and Nobilitie
A kind of Antipathie) yet will I
Appeale unto themselves [the Commons] what courtesie
They found in him: what affabilitie,
Humilitie, and sweetness, w[i]th rare parts,
Which (ev'n against their wills) had won their hearts.'
There is a reference to Prester John, and allusion is made to the office Cornwallis had held as Treasurer of the Household to Charles II:
'The King of Kings now meaning to confer
An higher title, made thee Treasurer
In Heaven's great Court, where thou had'st laid up store
Of never fading Treasure [long?] before.'
At the end runs a Latin inscription: 'Ita raptim flevit ex animo R.Wolverton. Eayensis sudor volgorum ex Icenis M.D.'

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Phillips, John
GB 0096 MS 517 · 1825-1873

A book of manuscript poems, composed by John Phillips from 1825 to 1863, lists of honours conferred on him, 1825-1860, lists of lecture engagements 1824-1860 and a manuscript entitled the incidents in the life of John Phillips, 1800-1860.

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Smith, Alexander Howland
GB 0096 MS 598 · c1888-1892

A forgery of a sixteen-line song composed in March 1791 by Robert Burns. It is written and signed in imitation of Burn's hand, c1888-1892.

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Poetry album
GB 0096 MS 604 · c1841-c1846

Album with leaves of various colours containing poetry, chiefly of a religious nature, hymns and moral aphorisms; a few printed items have been inserted. The volume includes works by Isaac Watts, William Cowper, John Newton, Maria Abdy and James Montgomery, and shares with the last a Sheffield connection. One leaf bears the name 'Reginald Follett Codrington Hedgeland'. Compiled c1841-1846.

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San Joseph, Manuel de: Life of
GB 0096 MS375 · Fondo · 1735-1737

"Vida del M.R.P. Fr. Manuel de San Joseph (vulgo el Duende de Madrid), Carmelita descalzo de la provincia de Navarra". Includes copy of "Copia de la carta que escrivio a su general el P. Fr. Manuel....en Madrid a 17 de Marzo de 1737".

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Motley, John Lothrop
GB 0096 SL V 20 · 1854-1857

Thirteen letters, 1854-1857, by John Lothrop Motley to his publisher John Chapman concerning the first edition of The Rise of the Dutch Republic.

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Southey, Robert
GB 0096 SL V 28, SL V 29 · 1797-1826

SL V 28 is a holograph letter written by Robert Southey to John May and SL V 29 is a holograph manuscript of Southey's The Book of The Church Vindicated, 1797-1826.

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GB 0096 SL V 31, SL V 32, SL V 33, SL V 34 · 1880-1884

Holograph manuscripts, 1880-1884. SL V 31 is John Lord Cobham. SL V 32 is The Voyage of Maeldune. SL V 33 is Early Spring and SL V 34 is an edition of Tennyson's Works.

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Bates, Herbert Ernest
GB 0096 SL V 39 · 1926

A manuscript draft, 1926, of the novel, The Two Sisters, by Herbert Ernest Bates.

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GB 0096 SL V 6, SL V 7, SL V 8, SL V 9 · 1816-1875

Holograph manuscripts, 1816-1875. SL V 6 is Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto III copied by Mary Godwin with correspondence regarding the custodial history of Godwin's manuscript. SL V 7 is Don Juan, third canto. SL V 8 is Don Juan, tenth, eleventh and twelfth cantos. SL V 9 is Don Juan, seventeenth canto.

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Powys, Theodore Francis
GB 0096 SL V 76, SL V 77, SL V 78, SL V 79 · 1906-1928

Holograph manuscripts of Powys' novels. SL V 76 is Dialogue on Genesis, 1906. SL V 77 is Mark Only, 1922. SL V 78 is The Dewpond, 1928 and SL V 79 is The House with the Echo, 1928.

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Sassoon, Siegfried Loraine
GB 0096 SL V 80 · 1920

A manuscript of Fireflies (Georgian Parodies), 1920 by Siegfried Sassoon.

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Zangwill, Israel
GB 0096 SL V 83 · c1900

A holograph manuscript, c1900, of The Gods of Germany written by Israel Zangwill.

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Emerson, Ralph Waldo
GB 0096 SLV/13, SLV/ 105/13 · 1844-1867

SLV/13 contains four holograph letters written by Ralph Waldo Emerson to his publisher John Chapman. SLV/105/13 is a first edition of Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson including a manuscript copy of the poem Concord Monument, 1844-1867.

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Nowottny, Winifred M.T.
GB 0096 MS 1081 · c1941-1969

Research and lecture notes, drafts, library request slips and three unidentified tins of film used and compiled by Nowottny in her work on Shakespeare's sonnets and other poetry, including a typescript copy of her MA thesis (1947-1959).

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Coronation Broadside Ballad
GB 0096 MS 1084 · 1937

Broadside ballad, sold at the time of the coronation of King George VI, printed and published by The Raven Press, Middlesex (1937).

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Finberg, Herbert Patrick Reginald
GB 0096 MS 1093 · Fondo · 1971-1972

Comprising photocopies of seven letters to Warwick Gould from H.P.R.Finberg regarding the latter's translation of W.B.Yeats' 'Axel' (July 1971 - February 1972); Photocopy of H.P.R.Finberg's obituary in The Times with a correction letter by Warwick Gould regarding the obituary (November 1974).

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Pott, Constance Mary Fearon
GB 0096 MS 1113 · Fondo · 1679-1949

Handwritten research notes, offprints and publications compiled by Constance Mary Pott for her publications and many articles on the Bacon-Shakespeare authorship debate and Francis Bacon in general, including notes on emblems from natural history and other areas in Bacon and Shakespeare's works, along with correspondence with other Baconians, including Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence and James Cary, and records of the Bacon Society (1679-1949).

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Gatfield, G.W.
GB 0096 MS 125 · 1891 transcript of a document dating from 1764

Manuscript volume containing a transcript of Joseph Massie's alphabetical index of the names of authors of commercial books and pamphlets written from 1557 to 1764 (British Library Lansdowne MS 1049). This copy was made in 1891 by Mr G W Gatfield of the British Museum.

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History of the House of Brandenburg
GB 0096 MS 224 · [1760]

Manuscript volume containing [a transcript of] a history of the House of Brandenburg, [1760], entitled 'Suite des mémoires de Brandenbourg composés par le Roy [Frederick II, King of Prussia] et imprimés à Potsdam 1751 en peu d'Examplaires', and mainly devoted to the life of Frederick William I, King of Prussia. A manuscript note below the title states that 'the contents of this Manuscript will be found printed in the Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire de [la] Maison de Brandenburg, par Frederic II, Roi de Prusse (Berlin, 1767, volume II, p 67-176)'.

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Hoskins, William
GB 0096 MS 265 · 1655-1667

A journal kept by William Hoskins from 1 December 1655 to 13 November 1667.

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Wordsworth, William
GB 0096 MS 282 · 1840

Manuscript of a William Wordsworth sonnet entitled On a portrait of the Duke of Wellington on the Field of Waterloo, by Haydon, suggested by Haydon's 'Picture of the Duke of Wellington upon the field of Waterloo, twenty years after the battle' (painted for St. George's Hall, Liverpool.) It comprises 14 lines of verse, with some alterations in the text.
A note on the page reads 'Composed while ascending Helvellyn. Monday August 31st 1840. Wm Wordsworth. Private at present'. The manuscript appears to be in the hand of Mary Wordsworth.

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Commonplace book (poetry and prose)
GB 0096 MS 389 · 19th century

Manuscript Commonplace Book of English poetry and prose, dating from the 19th century, containing the second half of a long poem on early biblical history 'continued from the book in white forrel', and other items. Inserted is a folded leaf containing two poems, one dated 1834, by W. C. Yonge, who may have been the compiler of the volume.

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Campbell, Thomas
GB 0096 MS 478 · 1830-1831

Two holograph manuscripts, 1830-1. The first is a six verse poem written for The Metropolitan. The second is a draft of an article, 'Notices of the Life of Lord Byron by Mr Moore, and remarks on those notices by Lady Byron', published without significant alteration in The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, Vol. 28 (1830), pp. 33.

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Hornby, Charles
GB 0096 MS 537 · 1701

A copy from 1701 of The originall & progress of Mahometanism supposedly written, c1673, by Henry Stubbe (or Stubs). The manuscript also contains An epistle from Achmet Benabdalba a learned Moor concerning the Xtian religion.

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GB 0096 MS 551 · [1872]

Incomplete manuscript article on Thomas Lovell Beddoes containing '...a short review of of Beddoes [other than Death's Jest Book] together with a selection from some of their finest passages'. It was written, by an author unknown, as a supplement to Thomas Forbes Kelsall's article on Beddoes in the Fortnightly Review of 1872, Vol 18, pp.51-75. Although intended for the same journal it appears not to have been published either there or elsewhere.

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Clark, John
GB 0096 MS 583 · 1832-1852

Manuscript volume, originally used as a stock book for haberdashery, belonging to John Clark [of Bridgewater, Somerset], containing lists of hosiery, thread, pins, ribbons, laces, tapes, bobbins, blankets, flannel and other cloths, furs, tippets, muffs, capes, silk cloaks, cambric handkerchiefs, pasteboard, paper and umbrellas, 1832-1837. Many pages have had pasted on to them newspaper cuttings and illustrations from popular magazines, [1838-1852], including plans for the new parish church of Paddington, 1840. From folio 18, the volume has interspersed on previously blank pages a draft continuation by Clark of Byron's Don Juan (i.e. cantos xvii-xxiv), described by the author as 'rough copy - incorrect' (each leaf being cancelled presumably as the fair copy was made) and signed by himself as 'completed 1842 September 1, at X a.m. clk. struck, & flute playing in the street'.. There are also some notes on Byron's original poem, his life and literary style accompanying the continuation, which date from later in the 1840s. The vellum cover is inscribed 'John Clark's first copy of his poem'.

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