Transcript of a work entitled 'Traitté ou sont enseignées toutes les manières de piendre en mignature, avec plusiers exemples des plus excellens peintres de ce siècle', 1746, comprising an account of the different styles of various miniature painters of that era, notably Louis du Guernier, Jean Eckman, Louis van de Bruggen, Jean Petitot, as well as paintings by Sir Anthony Van Dyck, Claude Vignon and Charles Lebrun.
GB 0096 MS 248
GB 0096 MS1133
Draft conference papers and publications on the art connoisseur and author, Richard Ford (1796-1858).
Bean , Thomas James , 1943- , local politician, scholar
GB 0096 AL527
(1) Letter from Randall Carline Swingler of the Left Review, 2 Parton Street, London to Thomas Sturge Moore, c1938. Asking him to contribute an article to the Left Review. Sturge Moore's draft reply appears on the reverse.
(2) Letter from Randall CarlineSwingler of the Left Review to Thomas Sturge Moore, c1938. Enclosing the final proof [missing] of Sturge Moore's article Fashions in art and literature.The article appeared in the April 1938 issue.
(3)Letter from John Edgell Rickword of the Communist Party of Great Britain, Hampstead Branch, 47 South Hill Park to Thomas Sturge Moore, 15 Feb 1938. Asking him to chair a lecture.
Swingler , Randall Carline , 1909-1967 , writer Rickword , John Edgell , 1898-1982 , poet and book reviewer x Rickword , EdgellMoore , Thomas Sturge , 1870-1944 , writer and wood engraver x Sturge Moore , Thomas