Showing 59 results

Archival description
Account book, domestic
GB 0096 MS 492 · 1766-1848

Manuscript volume containing a record of housekeeping expenses, 1766-1848. The account book contains annual expenses from 1766-1768, weekly expenses from Jan 1769-Aug 1787, mostly for food and washing clothes, and weekly household expenses from Aug 1837 to Nov 1847 with details of servants' wages from Nov 1837 to Nov 1848. The expenses for Aug 1837 are headed '10 Avenue Road, Regent's Park'. Includes a list headed 'Books in Library in Margaret's Room', dated 7 Sep 1837; the works are mainly religious. Some pages have been used for notes and jottings.

GB 0096 MS 671 · [1775]

Manuscript volume containing accounts for the Généralité of Caen, France, for 1772-1773, headed 'Recette Généralle des Finances. Exercice 1772' and beginning 'Etat au vrai des recettes et depenses faites par Pierre Oursin, Ecuyer, Seigneur de Digoville, Conseiller du Roy, Receveur Général des Finances de la Généralité de Caen'. The accounts include financial details for the 'élections' of Caen, Bayeux, Saint Lo, Vire et Condé, Coutances, Carentan, Valognes, Avranches and Mertain. Each section of the accounts is signed by [Charles Gabriel] des Hommets [de Martainville] who was appointed 'commissaire pour verifier le present etat' on 19 Oct 1775, with the words 'Vu par nous', sometimes with further comment. The sums are listed under various headings, the individual items being entered against a place, a person, or the personnel of an office. The total expenses are given as 2,912,200 livres, 16 sols, 6 deniers; receipts as 2,948,734 livres, 9 sols, 6 deniers. The whole account was signed by Louis XVI and seven members of the Conseil Royale des Finances at Versailles on 28 Nov 1775. Each page is stamped 'Gen[eralité] de Paris Extraordinaire' in a decorative frame.

Oursin , Pierre , fl 1773-1775 , French financial official
Bald, Robert: letter
GB 0096 AL243 · Fonds · 1826

Letter from Robert Bald of Edinburgh to Joseph Hume MP, 27 Apr 1826. Excusing his silence 'but ... I have been uncommonly pressed with mineral surveying and reporting thereon arising in a great degree from the conflicting elements which arise betwixt master and servant. Coals rise in price to an exorbitant rate, and the great manufacturing interests of Glasgow & chief consumers of coal there agreed to have the districts surveyed as to the means of supplying the City with abundance of coal at a moderate rate, and to lay rail ways into the coals fields which were the best'. He encloses "two copies of the treatise I wrote regarding the coal trade of Scotland and the slavish system of bearing coals by women. I have been attacked and run down for doing so: this I care nothing about ...'. Autograph, with signature.

Bald , Robert , 1776-1861 , mining engineer
Bristol highway surveyors
GB 0096 MS 721 · 1715-1717

Two printed forms, completed in manuscript, dated 12 Jan 1715 and 16 Jan 1717, appointing surveyors of highways for the parish of St Stephen, Bristol. With the signatures and seals of the respective mayors, Henry Whitehead and Nicholas Hickes, and by other Justices of the Peace.

Burnett, John
GB 0096 MS 460 · 1892

Two items c 1892, by John Burnett of the Board of Trade concerning the reduction of wages and strikes in the mining, shipbuilding, metal and textile trades.

Burnett , John , 1842-1914 , trade union leader and civil servant
Burns, John (1858-1943)
GB 0096 MS1079 · Fonds · c1831-c1955

Notes, correspondence, press-cuttings and ephemera found in the Burns library. Correspondents include Charles Booth (1903). Press-cuttings cover subjects such as unemployment, local government, religion, and trades unions. Also includes a scrapbook of William Cobbett letters (1831-1832) and minutes of Liverpool branch of Association of All Classes of All Nations (1837-1839).

Burns , John Elliott , 1858-1943 , trade unionist and politician
GB 0096 AL15b · Fonds · 1922

Letter from Sir Edward Henry Busk of Sussex Place, Regent's Park, London to R A Rye, 9 May 1922. Expressing his regret on resigning from the Library Committee of the University of London.

Autograph, with signature.

Busk , Sir , Edward Henry , 1844-1926 , Knight , Vice Chancellor of the University of London
GB 0096 AL531 · Fonds · [1807-1816]

Letter from Thomas Clarkson of Bury [St Edmunds, Suffolk] to Rev M Maurice, [1807-1816]. Urging him to restore the committee at Southampton to promote a petition to Parliament in favour of a plan for the improvement of the condition of the slave population.

Clarkson , Thomas , 1760-1846 , slavery abolitionist
GB 0096 AL514 · Fonds · 1826

Letter from Thomas Clarkson of Playford Hall [near Ipswich, Suffolk] to Henry Hope, 'at the Bank', Wells, Somerset, 9 Jan 1826. Printed circular letter, asking for support for the petition to Parliament to urge them to carry out a plan for the improvement of the condition of the slave population. An addition in MS asks Hope to promote petitions in Wells, Shepton Mallet, Bruton and neighbouring towns. A note in another hand has been added to the dorse of the second leaf. A newspaper cutting Extracts from the new Jamaica Slave Code accompanies the letter.

Clarkson , Thomas , 1760-1846 , slavery abolitionist
GB 0096 AL38a · Fonds · 1830

Letter from Sir Edward Codrington of Eaton Square, London to the Rt Hon J W Croker, 2 Jun 1830. Urging the claims to 'head money' of the officers, seamen and marines who fought in the Battle of Navarino (20 Oct1827) [the claims had been refused on the grounds that there had been no prior declaration of war]. An offer of £800 a year pension for life had been made to Admiral Codrington through the Duke of Wellington; 'Your Grace must excuse me ... I cannot receive such a thing while my poor fellows who fought under me at Navarino have had no head money'.

Autograph, with signature. The first sheet is endorsed: 'This copy is throughout in the handwriting of my father Admiral Sir Edward Codrington. W J Codrington, 110 Eaton Square.'

Codrington , Sir , Edward , 1770-1851 , Knight , naval officer
Collins, Sir William Job
GB 0096 MS 812 · c1860-1949

The papers listed here relate chiefly to the affairs of the University of London, and to the London County Council. Though many of Collins' correspondents were fellow physicians and scientists, there is little in the correspondence relating to medical or scientific subjects. There is some material relating directly to national politics in Collins' autobiographical papers, and a full account by Collins of the Royal Commission on Vaccination. Given the range of Collins' interests, this is a small collection indeed. It appears however, that Collins himself carefully weeded and arranged his own papers. The list which follows here preserves, as far as possible, the original arrangement. A box of printed material, containing pamphlets, offprints of articles, speeches etc. by Collins, 1882-1925, was deposited with the papers. These relate chiefly to medical and political subjects. They are not listed here in detail. An additional deposit comprising press-cuttings, autobiographical material including sketches of contemporaries, archives relating to Collin's work on University of London bodies, his parliamentary career, and speeches was deposited in 1996. A box list has been compiled for this deposit. There are three other 'stray' letters addressed to Sir William Job Collins in the University of London Library which have been catalogued separately: 1916, 23 Nov. Benchara Branford, London County Council. Inserted in a presentation copy (to Collins) of Branford's 'Janus & Vesta' (London, 1916) 1925, 20 June. Sir Bernard Henry Spilsbury, 1 Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, WC1. (A.L. 229) 1926, 22 June. Sir Philip Magnus, Tangley Hill, Chilworth, Surrey. (A.L. 162) 1. Abbreviations - Sir William Job Collins is referred to by his initials, W.J.C. The abbreviation, TS., means typescript. 2. Correspondents - Peers are referred to by their title in the record but are indexed under their surname. Unless specificed otherwise, all letters are addressed to Sir William Job Collins. 3. Postal Addresses - Where the town is not specified in the entry, the address is in London. Where known, the names of counties are inserted in square brackets where they are missing from the original letter. 4. Volume - Where an item exceeds two leaves, its volume is given in the entry.

Collins , Sir , William Job , 1859-1946 , Knight , physician and public servant
GB 0096 MS 1091 · Fonds · c1932-1964

Comprising research files containing press cuttings, correspondence and notes regarding incest, illegitimacy, sexual literature, censorship, homosexuality, banned books, prison reform, the Royal Family, separation, witchcraft, sexual behaviour and venereal disease, possibly for use in his works Sex and Revolution (1934), The Banned Books of England (1937), Above All Liberties (1942) and other publications (1922-1942); typescripts for submission to the 'Encyclopedia of Sexual Behaviour' (n.d.); issues of nudist and health periodicals and offprints of articles by Alec Craig and others (1936-1953).

Craig , Alexander George (Alec) , 1897-1973 , author
GB 0096 MS 784 · 1801

Tables headed 'An Account of the revenues of the British Empire collected in the year 1800, distinguishing the gross and net produce, charges of management etc., and payments into the Exchequer of each respective branch Together with a general view of the revenues from the first stage of collection, with the various deductions therefrom, until the several sums were paid into the Exchequer', organised under the main headings of Customs; Excise; Stamps; Taxes; Post Office; Hackney coaches; 'Hawkers & Pedlers'; and 'General View'.

GB 0096 MS 990 · 18th century

Manuscript draft for a speech to the City Council (Ayuntamiento) of Madrid by the Alcade of Madrid, proposing the erection of an equestrian statue of Charles III, 18th century.

GB 0096 MS 643 · [1760]

Transcripts relating to local taxation in Edinburgh from 1745 to 1760, including:

  1. 'Memorandum offered by the members of the College of Justice appointed by the Faculty of Advocates and Society of Writers to the Signet to the preses and other remanent stent-masters of the city of Edinburgh in relation to the imposing the stent on the inhabitants of the town for the year 1749'. The memorandum, dated 18 July 1749, contains eight questions put to the stent-masters, and these are answered in the following eight pages of the manuscript, written for the most part in another hand, and dated 19 July 1749.
  2. A 'Report to the Faculty of Advocates of the stent-masters appointed by them to meet with the stent-masters of the town of Edinburgh for imposing the stent or cess for the year 1749', written in the second hand. A note in the original hand says that the reports were 'drop'd'.
  3. Comments on the collusion between the Faculty of Advocates and the Town Council regarding the stent-masters, with a copy of a letter to George Chalmers, writer to the Signet, from Robert Thomson of Aberdeen, dated 13 Feb 1745, concerning stents at Aberdeen.
    1. The final leaf, dated 14 Jul 1760, contains in a third hand an 'Estimate of the land cess and trade stent to be imposed by the...Magistrats & Town Council of Edinburgh for the service of the year, viz. from 25 March 1759 to 25 March 1760'.
GB 0096 MS 837 · 1615

Writ, dated 13 May 1615, addressed to the Sheriff of Essex ordering him to have John Webb brought to Westminster to do homage for the manor of Engamehath, held of the Crown, which he had recently received from Thomas Broxley without royal licence. Endorsed by the officials concerned.

GB 0096 MS 729 · 1715

Exchequer order, dated 7 May 1715, addressed to George Montagu, Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer, by virtue of letters under the Privy Seal of 31 Dec 1714, to pay to Henry Scott, 1st Earl of Deloraine, £200 (a quarter of his annuity) from money applicable to the uses of the civil government. The order is signed by Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax, First Lord of the Treasury, and endorsed 'Intr. in Officio Cler. pelliu[m]'.

English Exchequer warrant
GB 0096 MS 708 · 1747

Warrant of 10 Dec 1747 addressed to Robert Walpole, 2nd Earl of Orford and Auditor of the Exchequer, for the payment to Richard Tuck, Sheriff of Wiltshire, of £160 'to repay the like sum disbursed by him for the following rewards upon the conviction of the several offenders mentioned in the annexed certificates'. These certificates are wanting, but a list follows of the names of the offenders and of those securing their conviction, with details of the sums paid as rewards totalling £160.

English excise duties, 1736
GB 0096 MS 759 · [1736]

Draft, with marginal notes, of A letter from a Member of Parliament...containing his reasons for being against the late Act for preventing the retail of spirituous liquors, published in 1736. The letter concerns the writer's reasons for not supporting this Act (9 Geo.II c.23 - 1736), although he had supported the 'Act for laying a duty upon compound waters' (2 Geo.II c.17-1729, repealed by 6 Geo. II c.17-1733). Many of the arguments in the letter, for and against the Act, are given in similar terminology in Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England, vol IX (1811), columns 1032-44, and more particularly columns 1059-1110.

GB 0096 MS 39 · 1662-1730

Manuscript volume containing tables giving a statement of English excise revenue from Michaelmas 1662 to 1730. The earlier tables are in summary form, but from 1693 to 1730 a full account is given.

GB 0096 MS 40 · 1662-1763

Manuscript volume containing tables giving a statement of [English] excise revenue from Michaelmas 1662 to [Jun 1763]. There is a possibility that this manuscript was created by John Bindley, a Commissioner of the Excise Office.

GB 0096 MS 41 · 1662-1785

Manuscript volume containing tables giving a statement of the [English] excise revenue from Michaelmas 1662 to [Jul 1875]. There is a possibility that this manuscript was created by Sir Grey Cooper, Secretary to the Treasury.

GB 0096 MS 746 · [1785]

Manuscript volume containing 'An abstract of the gross and net produce of the revenue of excise, malt, etc', with sections on 'rates on exciseable commodities' (including beer, wines, spirits, malt, candles, soap, paper, printed silks, wire, starch, hides, coffee, tea, chocolate, silver household plate and plate licences, victuallers licences, glass, coaches auctioneers' licences and auctions, male servants, bricks and tiles, linen, cotton, etc), the repeal of duties on paper in 1781 and additions of 1784, an 'Account of the Appropriations of the excise revenue', and 'Gross and Net produce of Excise, Malt etc' from 1709-1785.

GB 0096 MS 591 · [1528]

Manuscript extracts from 'le plus ancien registre qui se trouve au grand Conseil du Roy [lequel] commence [au] dernier jour du mois d'octobre 1483 & finissant le 7e jour de fevrier 1527', possibly written in 1528.

GB 0096 MS 590 · 1518-1599

Manuscript volume containing a 'Memoire de plusieurs choses et decisions remarquables tirees des liures de deliberations reposants en la Chambre de la Cour', relating to the Parlement of Dôle, France, and giving extracts of business between 1518 and 1599. The parchment cover of the volume was cut from 16th century book of accounts principally concerning salt, including the 'Vendues des sels de ceste Septembre' (almost complete).

GB 0096 AL477 · Fonds · 1870

Letter from Joseph Deacon Fetch of Cambridge [District Poor Law] Union, Cambridge to [Edward Brent] Prest, [auditor for the Union], 6 Jul 1870. Asking for an opinion on the legality, if they appeared in the accounts of the [Board] of Guardians, of pecuniary awards made for the apprehension of men that had abandoned their families. 'At the present time there are not less than seven men in the Borough Gaol convicted as Rogues & Vagabonds for deserting their families'.

Written in another hand and signed by Fetch.

Fetch , Joseph Deacon , fl 1870 , Poor Law Union clerk and Superindent Registrar, Cambridge District
GB 0096 MS1148 · Fonds · 1794-1807

French revolutionary pamphlets collection comprises pamphlets by the Interior Ministry, the Police Ministry and other official bodies in the French republic. Pamphlet by the Chief of Police Sotin warns citizens that the enemies of the revolution are regrouping (c1794). A pamphlet of 1795 also urges vigilance.

French First Republic
French taxation papers
GB 0096 MS 80 · 1704, [1785]

Manuscript volume containing the seal tariffs decided by the French Conseil d'Etat, Mar 1703, and entitled 'Tarif des droits du Sceau arresté au Conseil'. Includes lists of offices in provincial administration and tariffs of the provincial chancelleries presidiales. A later hand has added notes of an judgement of 20 Jul 1785 concerning seal tariffs.

Frotté, Charles
GB 0096 MS 400 · 1801

Manuscript bill of expenses incurred by Charles Frotté for a journey from Istanbul (Constantinople) to London for King George III during July, 1801. With a receipt for £420.2.6. dated November 16th, 1801, and signed by Frotté.

Frotté , Charles , fl 1801 , civil servant
Gili, Joan (1907-1998)
GB 0096 MS1154 · Fonds · 1844-1997

Papers of Joan Gili, 1844-1997, comprise Catalonia: press-cuttings, leaflets regarding cultural events; some minutes, circulars of the Anglo-Catalan society, 1976-1995; leaflets by British-based exiles protesting against Spanish government; Monserrat manifesto, 1970; memoranda on Catalonia to international organizations, 1950s; posters from Barcelona, 1844-c 1933.

Serra , Joan Lluis Gili i , 1907-1998 , bookseller, publisher, translator x John Gili
GB 0096 AL52 · Fonds · 1854

Letter from William Ewart Gladstone of Hagley, [Worcestershire] to J Pennington, Esq, 21 Apr 1854. Asking for advice on the effect of the war payments on the Bank reserve. 'Can you direct me to any clear and trustworthy synoptical view of the laws applicable to the operations of the Bank since the date of its first Charter?'

Autograph, with signature.

Gladstone , William Ewart , 1809-1898 , statesman
Hamburg, civic ordinances
GB 0096 MS 482 · [1600-1625]

Civic ordinances for the city of Hamburg, Germany, comprising 76 articles, with an index, concerning the regulation of civil life.

GB 0096 AL370 · Fonds · 1850-1865

(i) Letters to Sir Graham Eden Hamond and Lady Hamond, 1850-1865. Mainly concerning references and testimonials for domestic servants, either formerly employed in or potentially to be engaged by the Hamond household. Including 1 receipt for £6 wages and a letter mentioning the 1852 general election.

(ii) Letter from Charles Scovell of Bembridge, Isle of Wight, to Mr Escount, 16 Feb 1865. Relating to the business affairs of Sir Andrew Hamond [Sir Graham Hamond's son and successor as baronet].

Hamond , Sir , Graham Eden , 1779-1862 , 2nd Baronet , naval officer
History of London
GB 0096 MS 182 · 1343-1789

Collection of deeds, indentures, extracts from court records, and probate proceedings all relating to London, 1343-1789. Includes churchwardens' accounts for St Clement Danes, 1748, 1751-1752, 1755-1757, and 1760-1762, and other papers relating to the administration of the parish, [1750-1800]; a drawing of 'Houses at Broken Wharf', [1600-1699]; part of a treatise on 'Prerogatives' and 'Concerning the Citie of London', discussing spiritual difficulties when living in London, [1750]; letters from R Bandy to William Archer of Welford, Berkshire, 1726-1727; a printed list of governors of, and contributors to, St George's Hospital, Oct 1733-Dec 1752; papers, mostly printed, relating to elections to the Common Council of the City of London for the Coleman Street ward in Dec 1764 and Dec 1772.

Compiled by Phillipps , James Orchard Halliwell- , 1820-1889 , Archivist, antiquary, Shakespearean scholar
Hudson, James
GB 0096 MS 323 · 1837

A collection of fifty testimonials collected by James Hudson, 1837, to support his application to be Clerk of the University of London.

Hudson , James , 1804-1859 , clerk
GB 0096 MS 634 · 1462

Inspeximus of 7 Sep 1462 with second Great Seal, made during the reign of King Edward IV. The text is illegible; for a possible subject of the document see Calendar of Patent Rolls Edward IV, A.D.1461-1467 (1897), under the same date.

GB 0096 MS 876 · 1775

Letter, 18 Jan 1775, signed by Louis Benigne François Bertier de Sauvigny, Intendant of Paris, to Guillaume Joseph Dupleix de Bacquencourt, Intendant of Dijon, sending him the declaration [wanting] of a beggar in official custody at Pontoise.

Sauvigny , Louis Benigne François , Bertier de , [1737]-1789 , French administrator x Bertier de Sauvigny , Louis Benigne François
Licences to beg, Norfolk
GB 0096 MS 684 · 1583-1593

Nine licences and six draft licences to beg within the county of Norfolk, 1583-1593, especially within the hundreds of Blofelde [Blofield], Tunstede [Tunstead], Happinge [Happing], East and West Flegge [East and West Flegg], Walsham, Loddon, Clavering, Taverham, and in the towns of Wilton, Potter Heigham, Horsford and Horsham St. Faithes [Horsham St. Faiths], Ludham, Cromer alias Shipdom [Shipden], Hofton St. John [Hoveton St. John], Cattfield [Catfield], Hickling and Hemlingtonne [Hemblington]. Most of the originals include the signature of Edmund Scambler, Bishop of Norwich, though other signatories include Sir William Paston, Sir Thomas Berney, Miles Corlett, John Pagrave, William Blenerhayset [Blennerhassett], William Hogdon and Henry Gaudy [Gawdy]; most of the seals are wanting.
On the dorse of item 7 is a cancelled licence of 21 Nov 1591, by Edmund Scambler, Bishop of Norwich, and Sir William Paston, to Edward Chaundeler of Barton, Norfolk, to keep an alehouse.

GB 0096 MS 43 · 1669-1670, 1828

Manuscript volume, 1669-1670, containing 'miscellanies' relating to Ireland, namely 'The establishment beginning Michaelmas 1669', including lists of salaries for civil officers, pensions and annuities, military payments, salaries for military officers and soldiers, the names of officers of regiments of horse and foot on 25 Dec 1670, provincial, noble and clerical subsidies, and a list of Parliamentary seats; 'A table for reducing plantation acres into English and ascertaining the King's rent in the severall provinces of Ireland according to the explanatory act', [1669]; an abstract of the demise made by King Charles II to John Foorth and Partners of the revenue of Ireland, 12 Jul 1669. There is an index, added by Sir David William Smith, 1st Baronet, in 1828.

GB 0096 AL483 · Fonds · 1825

Letter from William Longson of 2 Garnet Street, Hillgate, Stockport to [Joseph Hume], 9 Nov 1825. Congratulating him 'for not receiving the presents offered to you in Scotland', which will 'repress the ... enthusiastic impetuosity of several Bodies of Workmen'. Agreeing with the views of [John Ramsay] McCulloch on the influence of the use of machinery on workmen's wages and the price of the commodities produced. Proposing to publish supporting this view.

Autograph, with signature.

Longson , William , fl 1825 , correspondent of Joseph Hume
McAdam, John Loudon: letter
GB 0096 MS1138 · Fonds · 1826

Letter from John Loudon McAdam to the antiquary and topographer, John Britton, 27 Oct 1826. Thanking Britton for his paper and commenting on prospective modifications to the Poor Law.

McAdam , John Loudon , 1756-1836 , builder and administrator of roads
GB 0096 MS 805 · 1767

Manuscript volume containing a transcript of the 'Mémoires de Monsieur [Louis René de Caradeuc] De La Chalotais, Procureur Général au Parlement de Bretagne... Ecrit le 21 janvier MDCCLXVII'. The manuscript is perhaps a fair copy from the printed edition of 1766, containing the first and second Mémoires.

GB 0096 MS1146 · Fonds · 1874-[1926]

W North collection, 1874-[1926], comprising a Leeds parliamentary election poster titled "Reaction versus Disunion", 1874; a report on potato disease by Robert Veitch and Son with sketches of vegetables, possibly by Veitch, 1892; and a children's poster titled "A Pageant of London", c 1926.

North , W , fl 1874-[1926] , collector
GB 0096 AL93 · Fonds · 1833

Letter from Richard Oastler of Fixby Hall, Huddersfield, [West Riding of Yorkshire] to John Foster, Esq of 1 Vincent Square, Westminster, 23 Jun 1833. Chiefly relating to the Ten Hours Bill. Lord Althorp had advocated 2 sets of 8 hours as the maximum for children under 14 to work. 'The news came just in time for your Hudd meeting - one hour before we began - & thus before 15,000 to 20,000 people I had the opportunity of blowing the whole scheme to rags' [referring to a speech Oastler made at a meeting on 18 Jun 1833. Urging the London section not to yield a single point: 'If they yield they disgrace themselves and give us another year's excitement and in my opinion hurry on a bloody revolution'.

Autograph, with signature. With Oastler's black seal, bearing the motto: 'The Altar, the Throne and the Cottage'.

Oastler , Richard , 1789-1861 , factory reformer
Offley, A: letter ([1790])
GB 0096 AL432 · Fonds · [1790]

Letter from A Offley, c 1790. No address. To Mrs Walker. Supplies a character reference for a servant, Mrs Stent, who had among her recommendations that she 'stayd with ye dificall lady Manchester [Elizabeth Montagu, Duchess of Manchester] longer than most of her sarvents do but as to her [Mrs Stent's] temper it is warm and pashonat and she cant allways commande it ...'.

Autograph, with signature.

Offley , A , fl 1790
GB 0096 MS 697 · nd [c1720]

Petition, [1720?], to the justices of the peace for the West Riding of Yorkshire on behalf of Abraham Bean, a farmer of the parish of Cantley, near Doncaster, and signed by John Fox, Vicar of Cantley, Samuel Crabtree, William Morehouse and John Leetham, parishioners. The petition 'Sheweth That your Petitioner is an honest and labourious Person And hath maintain'd himself and family (since he had one) reputably on a Small Farm in This Parish...', and appeals for further aid - the Justices had granted £10 immediate relief the previous August at Rotherham. He had lost 16 head of 'Great Cattle' in the winter, and his house had been burned down. Both he and his wife had suffered from burns, and they and their two children had been forced to enter an alms house 'and are there now barely kept from starving by the Parish'. A note is added at the foot: '29 1. as Charity to be paid by the Treasurer'.

Parishioners of Cantley, Yorkshire
Privy Council letters
GB 0096 MS 880 · 1668

Privy Council letters, 4 Dec 1668, signed by George Monck, 1st Duke of Albemarle, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Baron Ashley (later 1st Duke of Shaftesbury), and Thomas Clifford (later 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh), directed to Sir Robert Long, Bt, Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer, ordering the payment to Sidney Godolphin (later 1st Earl of Godolphin) of £60, the bi-annual instalment of his salary as Page of Honour to Charles II.

Privy Council papers
GB 0096 MS 20 · c1560-1624

Collection of transcripts, [1560]-1624, mainly relating to Privy Council matters, notably a petition presented to King James I by Sir Robert Heath, Solicitor General, 1624; a survey of the Forests and Chaces [Chases] of Bringwood, Mocktree and Darvell, with the Manor of Buriton, 1604; a letter from King James I to the Peers of England and the Privy Council concerning the composition of the Privy Council and the replacement of the ailing Lord Chamberlain by Thomas Howard, Lord Howard of Walden, 1603; copies of documents relating to the French conquest of Guiana, South America, including commissions granted by King Henry IV of France to Renée Marie, Lord Mountbarrot, and Daniel de la Touche, Lord of Raverdiere, for the conquest of Guiana, 1605 and 1609, the appointment of Robert Le Brette, Lord Dubosc, as Raverdiere's lieutenant in Guiana and other parts of America, including Brazil, 1609; the commission of Sir John Digby, Vice-Chamberlain, to negotiate a marriage between Prince Charles of England and the Infanta Maria, daughter of King Philip III of Spain, 1615; a letter written by Captain Charles Parker, one of Sir Walter Raleigh's company at Guiana, to Captain Alley, 1607; a declaration of proceedings in the Star Chamber against John Wrenham, who charged the Lord Chancellor of injustice against the King, 1618; a discourse of marriage written by Charles Blount, Earl of Devonshire, in defence of his wedding to Penelope, Lady Rich, [1605]; a discourse written by Dr Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Ely, against second marriage following a divorce, 1601; a discourse made by merchant adventurers on the occasion of a bill preferred to the High Court of Parliament, requiring free trade to all kingdoms and countries, [1610]; a consideration of the office and duty of a herald in England by John Dodridge, the Solicitor General, 1605; proceedings in the Star Chamber against Mary Countess of Shrewsbury for her refusal to give evidence against Arabella Seymour, Duchess of Somerset, 1618; an Act of Council upon the proceedings against James Whitlocke and Sir Robert Mansell for speaking against the King's Commission for reform of the Navy and also against the King's power and prerogative, 1609; speeches, and a memorandum on the union of England and Scotland, by Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, 1617; a copy of 'The present state of things as theye nowe stand, betweene the three greate kingdomes, France, England and Spayne, [1623], and 'A breviarie of the historie of England from William I, intitled the Conqueror, both written by Sir Walter Raileighe, Knight'; a speech by John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln and Keeper of the Great Seal of England, on the occasion of the collecting of the subsidy, Aug 1621; two versions of instructions by William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, Lord Treasurer to his son, Robert Cecil, 1561 and [1598]; letters from Sir Henry Sidney to his brother and to his son, Phillip, [1560]; a treatise entitled 'Toucheinge the Antiquities of Baronies delivered in the College of Antiquaries', [1600].

Public finance accounts
GB 0096 MS 748 · 1756-1757

Manuscripts relating to public finance, comprising:

  1. 'An account of the disposal of the one million granted last session of Parliament towards enabling his Majesty to augment his forces by sea and land and to take necessary measures for the security of his dominions... presented by Charles Lowndes [Chief Clerk of the Treasury]' 19 Jan 1756.
  2. 'An account shewing how the money given for the service of the year 1756 has been disposed of distinguished under the several heads (navy, ordnance, forces, deficience and one section of miscellaneous items) until the 4th day of March 1757 with the overplus me Samuel Martin', 4 Mar 1757.