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GB 0096 MS1140 · Fonds · 1805-1847

Correspondence of William Carey, John Campbell, Jospeh Hume, Thomas Babington Macaulay and John Philips, 1805-1847, comprising a letter from Joseph Hume to John Campbell, Apr 1843, regarding the petition from Montrose against the Factory Bill; a letter from Thomas Babington Macaulay to an unknown recipient, 6 Apr 1847, regarding the probable loss of his seat in Parliament; a letter from John Philips of Aberdeen to his brother, 19 Apr 1815; a letter from William Carey of Calcutta, to his father, 31 Dec 1805, describing conditions in India; and a letter from John Campbell to his "Christian Brethren" in Copenhagen, 7 Jan 1807.

Carey , William , 1761-1834 , orientalist and missionary Campbell , John , 1766-1840 , Independent minister, philanthropist and traveller Hume , Joseph , 1777-1855 , radical and politician Macaulay , Thomas Babington , 1800-1859 , Baron Macaulay , historian Philips , John , fl 1815 , of Aberdeen
GB 0096 AL531 · Fonds · [1807-1816]

Letter from Thomas Clarkson of Bury [St Edmunds, Suffolk] to Rev M Maurice, [1807-1816]. Urging him to restore the committee at Southampton to promote a petition to Parliament in favour of a plan for the improvement of the condition of the slave population.

Clarkson , Thomas , 1760-1846 , slavery abolitionist
GB 0096 AL514 · Fonds · 1826

Letter from Thomas Clarkson of Playford Hall [near Ipswich, Suffolk] to Henry Hope, 'at the Bank', Wells, Somerset, 9 Jan 1826. Printed circular letter, asking for support for the petition to Parliament to urge them to carry out a plan for the improvement of the condition of the slave population. An addition in MS asks Hope to promote petitions in Wells, Shepton Mallet, Bruton and neighbouring towns. A note in another hand has been added to the dorse of the second leaf. A newspaper cutting Extracts from the new Jamaica Slave Code accompanies the letter.

Clarkson , Thomas , 1760-1846 , slavery abolitionist
GB 0096 MS309 · Fonds · c1600-1700

Letters and Parliamentary speeches, [1600-1700]; Containing the following items: ff 1-100. A Collection of Divers Arguments and speeches delivered to Kinge James, and propounded to the House of Parliament. Touching the necessitie of calling of parliaments with divers Consideracions of his Majesties Estate, and his Majesties propositions thereof to the Lords of his Councell with the Councells Annswere thereunto, by Robert Cicill late Earle of Salisburie, and Lord Treasurer of England. [The pages containing the King's Propositions and the Council's Answer were evidently lost shortly after the MS. was written: for there are two indexes, the later of which (on f.2 before the original index), in a hand almost contemporary with the original MS., contains only those items which are still present.] ff 103-132. The Fore Runner of Revenge Uppon the Duke of Buckingham For the poysoning of the most potent King James ... And the Lord Marquis Hamilton and others of the Nobilitie. Discovered by Master George Eglisham one of King Jameses Phisitians ... Franckford 1626. [Evidently copied from the first edition of the English translation of "Prodromus Vindictae", which bears this imprint.] ff 134-159. The King's Propositions and the Council's Answer, missing from section (1). ff 161-175. An unhappie view of the whole behaviour of the Lord Duke of Buckingham at the Ile of Ree. [The expedition of 1627] Secretlie discovered by W.F. an unfortunate Comander in that untoward service. ff 177-181. Of Robert Devereux Earl of Essex and George Villiers Duke of Buckingham Some Observations By way of Parallell in the time of there estates and fortunes and measure of favours [By Sir Henry Wotton]. ff 182-203. The Disparitie Between the Earle of Essex and the Duke of Buckingham. [By Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon. This version lacks the last thousand words of so of that printed in the "Reliquiae Wottonianae" 1685] ff 206-237. To Mr. Anthony Bacon. An Apologie of the Earle of Essex against those which falsly jeaslously and maliciously takes tax him to be the only hindrance of the peace and quiet of his Country compiled penned by himselfe Anno Domini 1599 1598. imprinted at lo[ndon] 1603. [The readings between ** are interlinear additions, in a different hand, which continue throughout the text. They correspond with the readings of the 1603 edition. There are occasional marginalia in a third hand, but they have been heavily cropped by the binder.] ff 240-271. A Speech delivered by Robert [Cecil] Earle of Salisburye Lord Treasurer of England by the appoyntment of the Kings Majestie unto the Lords Knights and Burgesses of both houses of Parliament ... [14th February] 1609 [n.s. 1610] Anno regni Regis Jacobi etc Septimo [Some marginalia in a different hand]. ff 272-285. An Apologie upon the death of Sir Robert Cecell knight late Lord Threr [Treasurer] of England written against his libellers and presented to Kinge James. ff 286-301. A Discourse written by Sir John Suckling Knight to the Earle of Dorsett. ["An Account of Religion by Reason". Preceded by an introductory letter. There are considerable annotations at the beginning and end of the text in a different hand; some of the matter is lost by cropping.] ff 302-348. A Collection of divers letters, written at sundry tymes, and upon severall occasions, to many of the Nobilitie and gentrie of this Kingdome, by that famous Councellor at lawe Sir Francis Bacon knight late Lord Chancellor of England. ff 351-390. An answere to Tom-Tell-Troth the Practise of Princes and the Lamentacions of the church. [By George Calvert, Baron Baltimore]. ff 393-403. A True relacion of the Treaty and ratificacion of the mariage concluded ... betweene ... Charles kinge of greate Brittaine ... and the Lady Henrietta Maria Sister to the French Kinge. [Dated 8 May 1625]. ff 407-438. A discoverie of the Hollanders fishing or Trades and their circumventing us therein and the meanes how to make proffit by the fishing with the profit honnour and security that will redound to his Majestie and all sorts of Subiects within his three Kingdomes by it.

GB 0096 MS 55 · c1689-1743

Manuscript volumes containing abstracts of parliamentary bills relating to revenue, dating from the reign of King William III and Queen Mary II, c1689 -1743.

Parliamentary dissents
GB 0096 MS 540 · [1736]

Manuscript 'Collection of all the dissents or protestations with reasons and the names of the Lords who signed the same ent'red on the Journals of the House of Lords', from 9 Sep 1641 to 25 Feb 1736. Official stamp with the letters 'A.F.'

GB 0096 MS 83 · 1702-1705

Manuscript volume containing an account of the respective grants in Parliament for public services in the years 1702-1705, and the money raised from those grants up to Nov 1704. The account was made due to orders by the House of Commons dated 7 Nov 1704 and 8 Nov 1705.

GB 0096 MS 67 · 1690-1702

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of parliamentary papers relating to grants in England and Ireland, 1690-1702, including an account of royal grants made in Ireland from Jan 1698 to Dec 1699, presented by William Lowndes, Secretary to the Treasury, 1699; a report by the Commissioners of Enquiry into the Forfeited Estates in Ireland, [Dec 1699]; an account of rents in the honour of Windsor presented by David Cobb, 13 Feb 1700; an abstract of the sale of fee-farm rents, presented by William Haward and Sir John Talbot, [13 Dec 1700]; an account of royal grants made in the Duchy of Lancaster Mar 1699 to Jan 1702, presented by John Bennett, Auditor of the Duchy, 1699-1702; extracts from parliamentary proceedings relating to policy towards forfeited estates in Ireland, 4 Apr 1690-26 Feb 1700; an alphabetical list of those holding land of the crown [in Ireland], their debts to the Crown, and notes of proceedings against them; an account of all royal grants made in England from Feb 1685 to Jan 1702, presented by William Lowndes, 1700-1702; an account of grants and gratuities paid by the Commissioners for Prizes since Jun 1692, Mar 1701.

GB 0096 MS308 · Fonds · 1607-1640

Parliamentary speeches and copies of letters by Francis Bacon, Sir Robert Cotton, Robert Earl of Salisbury, Oliver St. John, Sir John Eliott, Sir Francis Seymour, Sir Benjamin Rudiard and Sir Philip Sidney, 1607-1640, containing the following: ff 1-29. A Declaration how Kinges of England have from tyme to tyme supported and repared their estates. Collected out of the records remaining in the Tower of London by Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett 9[superscript zero] Jacobi Regis [March 1611-March 1612] ff 30-52. Consideracions uppon his Majesties estate, by Roberte late Earle of Salisburye [1610], with the Proposicions made by his Majestie To the Lordes of his Councell, And the Councells humble Annswere and Advise Thereunto. ff 55-72. The Coppye of a Letter written to the Lower House of Parliamente Touchinge dyvers Inconveniencyes and grievaunces of State, etc. ff 73-76. A letter of Oliver St. Johns touching and against the Benevolence demaunded [by James I in 1615] after dissolving of Parliament. ff 77-87. Sir John Eliott his speech in the Commons house of Parliament Jaun [i.e. June] 3, 1628. ff 88-93. To the Kings most Excellent Majestie The Humble peticion of Sir John Eliott Knight, Prisoner in the Gatehouse London 1627. ff 95-180. Divers speeches in Parliament Anno 1640. ff 183-202. A Speeche Delivered by Sir Frauncis Bacon in the Lower House of Parliamente, Quinto Jacobi [March 1607-1608]. The speech was in fact delivered on Feb. 17, 1607] Concerninge the Article of generall Naturalizacion of the Scottishe Nation. ff 204-206. Sir Frauncis Seymors Speeche [in the House of Commons, November 1640]. ff 208-214. Sir Beniamin Rudiardes speech in the house of Commons the 21 January 1640. [And another in April 1640]. ff 216-227. The Polliticke Survey of A Kingdome. ff 230-243. The Coppye of a Letter written by Sir Phillipp Sidnye to Queene Elizabeth Touchinge hir Marryage with Mounsieur [i.e. Francois de France, duc d'Anjou]. ff 245-249. A submissive and Petitionary Letter subscribed To the Right honourable the Lordes of the Parliament in the upper house of Parlieament Assembled, and Intituled The humble submission and suplication of the Lord Chancellor of England. [Bacon's general admission of the charges made against him, and resignation from the Chancellor-ship. 22 April, 1621]. ff 251-254. The State of a Secretaryes Place and the Perill, wrytten by the Right honnorable Roberte late Earle of Salisburye. ff 254b-256. A Relation of the manner of the Proceedinge, with Sir Thomas Mouson, uppon the Pleadinge of his Pardon, in the Courte of the Kinges Bench, the xii[superscript zero] of Februarii 1616. ff 260-271. An Unhappie viewe of the whole behaviour of my Lord Duke of Buckingham att the French Island [Ile de Re, off La Rochelle. The expedition of 1627] Secretlie discovered by W.F. an unfortunate Comnader in that untoward service. ff 273-281. A Relation of The Proceedings against Ambassadors whoe have miscaried themselvs and exceeded their Commission ... written by Sir Robert Cotton 27 April 1624 by expresse Comaund from the Duke of Buckingham.

GB 0096 MS 82 · 1688-1705

Manuscript volumes containing an account of all taxes granted by Parliament since the Revolution, 1688-1705, containing Acts of Parliament from the first year of the reign of King William III and Queen Mary II up to the fourth year of Queen Anne's reign.

GB 0096 MS 196 · 1628

Manuscript volume containing a [contemporary copy of an] account of the proceedings of the conference between the House of Commons and the House of Lords concerning the liberty of the subject, undertaken before drawing up the Petition of Right. Includes the arguments of Sir Dudley Digges, Sir Edward Littleton, John Selden, Sir Edward Coke, [Richard] Cresheld and [Robert] Mason, and extracts from the Parliament, Pipe and Close Rolls from 1272.

GB 0096 MS860 · Fonds · 1884-1948

Papers of Alfred Pollard, 1884-1948, including contains personal correspondence from Alfred Pollard, primarily to his parents and his secretary, E. J. Davis (1884-1925, 9 boxes). There are also letters from Pollard's father, Henry, primarily to his son (1885-1924, 4 boxes). These letters give a valuable insight into the development of Alfred's historical and political opinions as well as providing an account of domestic circumstances in the Pollard family. The remainder of the papers relate to Alfred's academic and University of London activities. These papers contain correspondence and printed items, and span the length of his academic life. Key phases and activities recorded in the papers include: Alfred's achievements during his own university education; contributions to the Dictionary of National Biography; involvement with the Committee of the League of Nations, the Historical Association, the Institute of Historical Research, the University of London's Academic Council, the Anglo-American Conference of Historians, University College London, the London History School, Victoria County History, Committee of the History of Parliament; and his candidature for the London Liberal Federation for the University of London constituency. There are also boxes of lecture-notes, newspaper cuttings, scrapbooks, and pocket diaries.

Pollard , Albert Frederick , 1869-1948 , constitutional historian
GB 0096 MS 285 · Fonds · 1637

Manuscript book containing various tracts and writings concerning the monarchy, constitutional history and royal revenue compiled by Sir Richard Grosvenor, 1637, and copied 'at Sir Roger Mostyn of Mostyns house at my being there from Christmas to May, which was drawen out of the books of . . . Richard Grosevenor Esqr sole son and heire until Sir Richard Grosevenor Knight and Barronett of Eathen [Eaton]-Coate in Cheshsire . . . finished and bound upp the 25th of Aprill 1637". A list of contents shows 23 items: 'An appollogy for the raigne of Queene Eliz'; 'A discourse of Courte and Courtiers'; 'Consideracions of Intercourse dedicated to the Kinge'; 'De sepultura by Sir Hen.Spelman'; 'A tracte sheweinge howe all the kings of England . . . have made meanes for money in their wants, with an Abstracte of the Revenue of most of the Princes of Christendome'; 'The Cause of the Marches of Walles'; 'Off the office of Composicions for Alienacions by Sir Francis Bacon'; 'A Treatise of the Lawe of wrecke of the sea, of the Inundation of the sea, and Cases uppon the Comission of Sewers'; 'The oppinion of the Judges uppon divers questions Concerninge parishes, and . . . toucheing the Comission, by which the Comissioners sitt at Newegate, 1633'; 'Letters of Sir Francis Bacon uppon several occacions'; 'Mr Cuff his letter to Secretary Cecill declareinge the Instruccions [of] the Earle of Essex, to the scottishe Ambassador touchinge the Kings Tytle to the Crowne of England'; 'The Lord Norris his letter to the Kinge after hee had slayne a servant of the Lord Willoughbies; 'The Lord Chancellor Ellesmore his letter to King James desireinge to bee dischardged of his office'; 'A Letter by the Lords of the Counsell to King James toucheinge meanes to advance the Kings Revenues by unusuall wayes soe as the Kinge would take the Acte uppon himself'; 'A Letter from the Bishopp of Lincolne to the Minister of Grantham concerninge the placeinge of the Communion Table' [1636]; 'Twoe Lettres . . . one from the States of Bohemia to the Elector of Saxony, the other from the Pope to the Emperor concerninge the Trobles of Germany'; 'Sir Tho. Smythe his protestacion toucheinge the speeche used to the Earle of Essex'; 'An admonition from a friend nameles to Sir Edward Cooke after his degradation 1616'; 'A Speech of Sir Francis Bacon Lord Keeper at the takeinge of his place in Chancery 1617'; 'Sir Edw.Cooke his speech at the instellation of 11 Serjeants 1614'; 'The lyfe of Sir Tho. Bodley'; 'The death of Queene Eliz'; 'Mr Seldens discourse of the twoe greate offices of state, the Chancellorshipp and Keepeinge of the greate seale of England 1617'.

GB 0096 MS 128 · 1767-1777

Manuscript volume containing the minutes of the sub-committee of the House of Lords for printing the Rolls and Journals of Parliament, 9 Mar 1767-30 May 1777.

House of Lords , sub-committee for Printing the Journals and Rolls of Parliament
GB 0096 MS 107 · 1740

Manuscript notebook containing details of supply granted by Parliament for 1740, with the votes from 17 Nov 1739 to 10 Mar 1740 authorising it. Includes details of the resolutions of the Ways and Means Committees from 26 Nov 1739 to 11 Mar 1740.

GB 0096 MS 244 · c1527

Manuscript volume, c1527, containing translations into English of a collection of treatises and diplomatic documents, mostly of the fourteenth century, comprising a list of coronation claims of Richard II, [1377]; a treatise on the form and manner of holding the English Parliament; a treatise on the office of Earl Marshal, described in the table of contents as 'The Erle Marshal's Boke', with details of Henry VIII's reform of the office and its duties in time of war; a collection of documents relating to ordinances for war, [1350-1514], notably the Scottish campaigns of 1350 and 1385, the statutes of the Order of the Garter as renewed by Henry VIII in 1522, and the creation of dukes and earls, including the creation of Charles Brandon, Viscount Lisle, as Duke of Suffolk (1514); an incomplete history of the kings of England, ending with the coronation of Richard II in 1378; a collection of treaties concerning diplomatic events during the reign of Edward III, notably documents relating to the Treaty of Brétigny (October 1360), documents relating to treatises between Edward and John II, King of France (1360-1366), letters of Alfonso X, King of Castile (1254), letters of Edward concerning a treaty with Peter the Cruel, King of Castile (1369), and an indenture recording the terms of the treaty of Berwick between Edward and David II, King of Scotland (1357). A table of contents shows that the manuscript is unfinished, and that it lacks several folios.

Percy , Henry Algernon , 1478-1527 , 5th Earl of Northumberland
GB 0096 MS 191 · 1604

Manuscript volume containing a collection of documents relating to a proposal for a Union between England and Scotland, 1604, namely 'Articles agreed by the Commissioners to be propounded to the parliaments of both kingdomes at the next sessions', 6 Dec 1604; 'Objections against the change of the name or stile of England and Scotland into the name or stile of Great Brittayne, to be moved and debated in the conference between Lords and Commons, and to that end, by the comitties of the House of Commons, collected, reviewed and reduced to order for their better instruction', [1604]; 'The arguments used by the merchants in nother house of Parliament against the Union in Commerce', initialled R.C.B., [1604]; 'An Act authorizing certain commissioners of this realm to treate with commissioners reciproque of Scotland, tuching the weale of both realmes', [1604]; a copy of the King's letter to the House of Commons relating to the proposed Union, 2 May 1604; tract beginning 'The dangers to be considered in this proposition of free commerce', [1604]; extracts from chronicles and charters illustrating Anglo-Scottish relations and royal style of rulers of England from A.D. 100 to 1460, [1604]; extracts from charters of King Edgar relating to the foundation of Worcester Cathedral dating 964, and Ely Cathedral [dating 973], giving the royal style (both are quoted as authorities for the use of the word Britain, [1604].

GB 0096 MS 403 · [1706]

Manuscript volume containing 'Observations upon the Amendments made by the Parliament of Scotland in the Articles of Union', [1706], mainly relating to the 6th to 8th articles concerning duties.
