Letter from J P Marbeau of 8 Rue Montolivet, Paris to [Henry Hucks Gibbs], 11 Aug 1878. Covering note sent with two pamphlets [Question monataire: Abaissement du titre de la petite monnaie (1863) and Question monataire: Proposition d'une monnaie internationale (1867)].
Written in another hand and signed by Marbeau.
Letter from Richard Cobden of London to C E Macqueen, [Secretary of the Liverpool Financial Reform Association], 11 May 1863. '... I hope before the close of the session to be able to offer some remarks on finance, and to urge a reduction of taxation... In my opinion the only way of enforcing economy is by witholding the means of extravagance...'.
Autograph, with signature.
Sans titreLetter from Henry George of 327 East 19th Street, New York to Swan Sonnenschein and Co, 16 Sep 1891. Relating to the publication of his The Condition of Labor: an Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII.
Autograph, with signature.
Sans titreLetter from John Ramsay McCulloch of 10 Buccleuch Place, [Edinburgh] to Joseph Hume, 19 Nov [c1825]. Covering note accompanying a copy of McCulloch's The principles of political economy (1825).
Sans titrePapers of George Webb Medley, 1875-1893, comprising 130 volumes of press-cuttings, mostly from the national press such as The Times, Pall Mall Gazette, The Echo, and The Daily News. Some volumes are indexed. Subjects include Egypt, 1875-1885 (reference Medley 1-10); Political Economy - statistics and taxation, c 1879-1893 (Medley 11-20, 47-48, 50); Conservative Party including Lord Randolph Churchill, speeches of Lord Salisbury, c 1880-1885 (Medley 21-46); Blasphemy - the law, 1883 (Medley 49); the Franchise, 1883-1884 (Medley 51-53); Church and State, 1883-1885 (Medley 54-56); Free Trade, 1881-1891 (Medley 57-96); Land, c 1876-1885 (Medley 97-102); Liberal Party, 1879-1885 (Medley 103-108); Empire and Colonies, 1883-1884 (Medley 109); Education, 1883-1884 (Medley 110), Army and Navy, 1880-1884 (Medley 111); Liberty and Property Defence League, 1883-1884 (Medley 112); House of Lords, 1884-1886 (Medley 113-115); British economy, other economies, trade, 1885-1893 (Medley 116-129); Railways (United Kingdom and overseas), 1877-1879 (Medley 130).
Sans titreManuscript volume entitled 'Polices to reduce this Realme of Englande unto a prosperus wealthe and Estate', with a dedicatory epistle to Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector, possibly written by Sir Thomas Smith in 1549 (as suggested by John Strype in his Life of Sir Thomas Smith, 1698). Catalogued by Reginald Rye, Goldsmith's Librarian of the University of London, as the original manuscript.
Sans titreArticles and books, 1972-1977, written by various authors on the life and work of Herbert Feis.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing various works of Charles Davenant translated into Spanish, 1741-1742, namely An essay upon ways and means of supplying the war, A Report (a second Report) to the Honourable the Commissioners for putting in execution the Act, intitled, An Act for the Taking, Examining, and Stating the Publick Accounts of the Kingdom, An Essay upon the probable means of making a People gainers in the Ballance of Trade, Discourses on the Publick Revenues, An Essay on the East India Trade, and A Discourse upon improving the revenues of the State of Athens (originally by Xenophon).
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a transcript of 'Natural and politicall observations and conclusions upon the state and condition of England' written by Gregory King, Lancaster Herald of Arms, in 1696, which contains a detailed account of the population and wealth of England at the end of the seventeenth century.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a treatise [by Jean Baptiste Paifer], 1803, on the possibility of a state without usury, poverty, famine or shortages, entitled 'Versuch einen Staat vor wucher, armuth und hungersnoth oder Getraide-mangel ohne kösten für das aerarium auf immer in sicherheit zu setzen'. Includes a dedicatory preface to 'Frans den Zweyten' [Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor].
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a draft by Gavin Young, 1832, of his pamphlet Observations on the law of population: being an attempt to trace its effects from the conflicting theories of Malthus and Sadler (London, 1832). It contains cancelled material which does not appear in the printed edition, and on the front cover is attributed to a 'Colonel Twenny'. The British Library catalogue gives the author as Young.
Sans titreRoyal warrant granting a pension of £200 a year to John Ramsay McCulloch "in consideration of his services as the author of many useful publications connected with the finance and commerce of the country", issued in June 1886.
The warrant is issued under the signature of Queen Victoria and with the subscriptions of Sir Robert Peel, Ralph Neville and William Cripps. The document also includes a leaf of description and comments by Professor Herbert Somerton Foxwell.
Papers of John Baker Holroyd, 1789-1830.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a transcript of Joseph Massie's alphabetical index of the names of authors of commercial books and pamphlets written from 1557 to 1764 (British Library Lansdowne MS 1049). This copy was made in 1891 by Mr G W Gatfield of the British Museum.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a collection of notes and papers compiled by Craven Ord, [1810], relating to the coinage and offices of the Mint and Mint Assays, from the twelfth century onwards. Includes transcripts of material extracted from Thomas Madox The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England (London, 1711); medieval chancery rolls and early Exchequer records; an [eighteenth] century engraving of Mint officials at work, headed 'A part of the standard of weights and measures in the Exchequer, Anno 12 Henrici Septimi'; printed material including 'Copy of an Indenture made in 1469 between King Edward IV and William Lord Hastings, Master of the Mint...respecting the coinage in the Tower of London', Archaeologia, XV (1806).
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a treatise by Samuel Lambe, [1657], headed 'Seasonable observations humbly offered to his Highness The Lord Protector', advocating the increase of Britain's naval strength, the establishment of banks and a 'Court of Merchants' as a means of encouraging trade. The following papers were either inserted in the volume or came from the binding: orders of 24 Apr and 14 May 1629 signed by John Jordan of Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire, to the constables of Fawley, Buckinghamshire, concerning the collection of the composition for 'His Majestie's provision' and the maintenance of a night watch.
Sans titreTwo unpublished manuscripts written between 1746-1750 regarding trade and commerce. References are made to the South Sea Company and British trade in America.
Sans titreLetter from Thomas Joplin of 16 Wilmot Street, Brunswick Square, London to Joseph Hume, Esq, MP, 28 May 1824. Presenting him with a copy of Outlines of a System of Political Economy.
Autograph, with signature.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a paper entitled 'Proposal of a new bank', possibly by James Armour, c1699-1700, probably concerning the Scottish banking. James T Bell assigned this manuscript to 'J.A.', though there is now nothing on the document to justify this - part of the title seems to have been lost during binding repairs. 'J.A.' is probably James Armour (fl 1699-1721), who made proposals about the Bank of Scotland in 1722. He also published A proposal to supply the defect of money and relief to the poor (1696). This manuscript seems to be another version of the same proposal.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a treatise entitled 'The means of a most ample increase of the wealth and strength of England in a few years', 1706, including sections concerning the economic history of England, government regulation of trade and the East India Company. Includes a dedicatory epistle to Queen Anne.
Sans titreA volume giving information on the quantity and value of goods imported and exported to and from England, 1696-1701. The volume has the book plate of John Holroyd, Earl of Sheffield.
Sans titreThe manuscript is entitled Memoranda on the State and Resources of Great Britain., 1751.
Sans titreManuscript notes taken from lectures by Dugald Stewart on political economy, 1806. The first lecture (of 42) is dated 3 Feb 1806. The notes are written on the verso only of every leaf.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing notes, [1846-1850], on coins minted in Kent from 561-1154, beginning with King Ethelbert I and ending with King Stephen. There is also an account of the coinage under the archbishops from 763-923, and a drawing of a coin of King Athelbald (856-860) from the author's own collection.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing Letters Patent of King James I, 1622, addressed to Henry Montague, Viscount Mandeville and several other Lords, Knights and Esquires, appointing them Commissioners on a Standing Committee on Trade. This manuscript would seem to be a contemporary copy of the original document, containing the composition of and the instructions issued to what was practically the first English Board of Trade.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a treatise by Marc Antonio Cartagna, 14 May 1651, giving political and economic advice to the Venetian Republic which could result in a large annual income, entitled 'Consiglio politico economico proposito...alla serenissima Reipublica di Venetia per stabilire un'entrata annua perpetua di grossissima somma di ducati, con notabilissimo benefico publico e privato'.
Sans titreA volume, 1955, containing extracts taken mostly from the business papers of Garteret Priaulx & Co. to illustrate the history of Guernsey from 1790 to 1815.
Sans titreThree items concerning currency, once in the possession of Professor Herbert Somerton Foxwell, as follows.
- Papers on Japanese currency, namely two tables of, and remarks on, the values of Japanese metal and paper currency, endorsed by Professor Foxwell 'Soyeda on Japanese Currency October 1884', covering the years 1868-1884; a table ('The Annexed Table'), giving values in yen of imports and exports, 1872-1881; letter from Juichi Soyeda, 139 Queen's Road, Bayswater, W.London, written on 5 December 1884, to Foxwell at Saint John's College, Cambridge. The letter is signed 'Yours truly, obedient student. G.Soyeda'. The envelope bears the note in Foxwell's hand 'Japanese Paper Currency. G. Soyeda'. (20 leaves. 7¾" x 5" and 7¾" x 6¼").
- Copy of a 'Mémoire sur la préférence que l'on doit donner à la Monnoye d'argent sur la Monnoye d'or', Paris, Aug. 1720, and 'Réponse au Mémoire, etc.', undated. This is a typescript copy (carbon) made by Professor Charles Franklin Dunbar in October 1890. Includes numerous notes in Foxwell's hand, including the following: 'This manuscript was part of a volume of tracts etc. relating to Law & the Mississipi Scheme, unfortunately bought by [Dr] Bonar, & sent to Harvard during a week of vacation when I was away from Cambridge. I tried in vain to buy or exchange it back, but Profr. Dunbar kindly got this copy made of one item in the volume'. (17 sheets. 7¾" x 9").
- Two letters, both written by F.B.Forbes, 57 Rue Pierre Charron, Paris, on 13 April 1893 to Foxwell at Saint John's College, Cambridge. The letters and envelope are in an envelope bearing in Foxwell's hand 'F.B.Forbes. April 1893. Effect of sales of Council Bills on Price of Silver'. (8 sheets, 10¼" x 7¾" and (the second letter) 2 leaves, 6½" x 4¼").
An unpublished typescript of a work that had been accepted for presentation for a University of London PhD (external) in June 1961 entitled 'The diplomatic and economic history of the Somali Coast Protectorate from 1884 to 1897'. The author died in September 1960 and the typescript volume entitled 'The Frontiers of Somalia' has been compiled from his literary remains. The work is incomplete, as it only contains four sections of seven.
Sans titreLetter from Henri Cernuschi of 17 Avenue Velasquez, Parc Monceau to [Henry Hucks] Gibbs, 17 Nov 1878. Covering letter enclosing a copy of Cernuschi's La Diplomatie Monétaire en 1878 (1878), made up from a series of articles previously published in Le Siècle.
Written in another hand and signed by Marbeau.
Sans titreLetter from William Green soliciting subscriptions to his Plans of Economy; with a printed list of subscribers. 'Price 3/6. You are at liberty to peruse before you purchase.'
Autograph, with signature.
Sans titreLetter from Charles King of Brompton, [London] to 'My Lord' [1st Baron King, shortly to become Lord Chancellor], 25 May 1725. Accompanying a copy of The British Merchant. Stating that it had been 'said that ye fewer there were Printed the bettter, because it Contain'd many Secrets of out Trade wch if Transmitted to Foreign Parts [i.e. France] might do us Hurt'.
Autograph, with signature.
Sans titreLetter from Henry Dunning Macleod of the Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall, London to Professor H S Foxwell, 11 Oct 1901. Requesting that his [Macleod's] works may be introduced into the teaching of the University [of London].
Autograph, with signature.
Sans titreLetter from Thomas Robert Malthus of London to [David] Ricardo, Esq of Gatcombe Park, Minchin Hampton, Gloucestershire, 9 Oct 1814. 'I think that a letter now and then on these subjects will do us no harm, and perhaps may be the means of settling some important points relating to the metaphysics of Political Economy'.
Autograph, with signature. A note states that Ricardo replied on 23 Oct 1814.
Sans titreLetter from Karl Heinrich Marx of London to an unspecified recipient, 30 Jan 1875. Relating to the French edition of Das Kapital.
Autograph, with signature.
Sans titrePersonal correspondence and letters, 1922-1959, regarding Mabel Mills' historical research into the medieval exchequer and sheriff's office.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing treatises on French finance, 1714-[1783], namely instructions on the general compatibility according to the custom established by the Chambre des Comptes, [1770], including treatises on the accounts of the estates and woods, expenditure and the poll-tax; a paper on foreign exchanges, 1714, with a table of exchange rates for England and Holland; a historical account of the banking reform program of John Law, 1720, including an account of rulings related to finance for 1720 and the preceding years; a treatise on the program of John Law, [1720], presenting arguments for and against Law's operations; studies on the finances of England and France, [1783], attributed to Dr [Richard] Pryce; a paper on the actual state of the finances of Great Britain, 1755. The general title page and table of contents are in a handwriting of later date than the treatises themselves.
Sans titre'A memoriall concerning the free-trade now tolerated between France and Holland', addressed to Sidney Godolphin.
Sans titreLetter from Nassau William Senior of Lincoln's Inn, [London] to William Tinney, 21 May 1836. Covering letter accompanying a copy of Senior's Outline of the science of political economy (1836). 'I intend to send you another, interleaved copy, on which I shall beg for as many remarks as you can give me, for my second edition. I know no critic equal to you'.
Autograph, with signature.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing an account of the public revenue of England, Nov 1688-Mar 1702, with an abstract for the whole period.
Sans titreCarbon copy typescript of 'The case against bi-metallism: Mr. Giffen's error', dated 12 Nov 1892, together with an 'Extract from The case against bi-metallism by Mr. Giffen, p.141'.
Sans titre