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Wine trade petition
GB 0096 MS 856 · 1743 or 1754

Petition to Henry Pelham, First Lord of the Treasury, presented by glass makers giving 'Reasons against importing French Wine in Bottles', dating from either 1743 or 1754. Signed by Richard Ricardi, Gerard van Horn, William Jackson and Samuel Lowe.

Wine trade documents
GB 0096 MS 743 · 1658-1795

Collection of manuscripts relating to the wine trade, comprising:

  1. Indictment made by Edmond Trimer at the Middlesex Quarter Sessions held at Hicks Hall, 7 Jul 1658, to the effect that George Taylor, victualler of South Mimms, Middlesex, had sold 60 pints of wine (French, white, and Spanish sack) since 7 Aug 1657, contrary to the Act. Taylor had forfeited £600, and was to appear in court to answer the charge. Trimer claimed half the fine.
  2. Letter from John Hunter, British Consul at Seville and San Lùcar, 16 Mar 1790, to Henry Dundas, Treasurer of the Navy, enclosing a 'Proposal for a supply of wine for the British Navy to be shipped in San Lucar, and delivered in Portsmouth', and a 'Proposal for a deposit of wines in the Isle of Wight'. Both proposals are signed by John Hunter, 16 Mar 1790.
  3. Two letters from James Rannie, written at Leith, Scotland, including a covering letter dated 9 Mar 1795 to Henry Dundas, then Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, for a petition from the 22 'merchants, importers and dealers in foreign wines in Leith', against the proposed retrospective increase of duties on stocks of wine held by merchants on 24 Feb 1795 (wanting); and a letter from Rannie to Dundas dated 9 May 1795 concerning wines shipped to Dundas and wines reserved for him. (Rannie is spelt 'Rennie' in the endorsements.)
  4. Memorandum endorsed 'Attorney General's [Sir John Willes] opinion...Wine imported in flasks or bottles, whether the officers may accept the duties where no fraud appears', dated 29 May 1736.
  5. Draft of a bill to repeal the Acts of 1727 and 1745 setting duties on wine, endorsed 'A clause about wine imported in flasks or bottles'.
Hunter , Sir , John , 1751-1816 , Knight , diplomat; Rannie , James , fl 1795 , victualler; Trimer , Edmond , fl 1658 , of Middlesex
GB 0096 AL116 · Fonds · 1791

Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson of Munich to Lord Sheffield [John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield], 18 Nov 1791. Describing the condition and people of Bavaria. Speaking of the Elector's troops: '... I know of no Troops that are so well and so comfortably clothed as ours, both for Summer and Winter ...'. Giving details of the crops, minerals and commerce of Bavaria. 'It would be difficult,'he writes, 'to convey to your Lordship an adequate idea of the Ignorance, Superstition and corruption which pervade and darken every part of this neglected Country.' Says that the clergy and nobility hold a monopoly of the beer in Bavaria: '... which is the great source of their riches, and on that account Drunkenness must be encouraged.'

Autograph, with signature.

Thompson , Sir , Benjamin , 1753-1814 , Knight , Count von Rumford , scientist, natural philosopher, soldier and administrator
GB 0096 MS 664 · [1774]

Volume containing engraved pages completed in manuscript listing fortnightly prices of corn in the markets of the principal towns of each Généralité of France; headings and wheat prices have been added in manuscript for the years 1771-1773.

GB 0096 AL130 · Fonds · 1843

Letter from Sir Robert Peel of Whitehall to Andrew Rankin, Esq of Glasgow, 10 May 1843. Acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding the removal of import duties on cotton wool.

Written in another hand and signed by Peel. With the original sealed envelope bearing Peel's coat of arms.

Peel , Sir , Robert , 1788-1850 , 2nd Baronet , statesman
GB 0096 MS1146 · Fonds · 1874-[1926]

W North collection, 1874-[1926], comprising a Leeds parliamentary election poster titled "Reaction versus Disunion", 1874; a report on potato disease by Robert Veitch and Son with sketches of vegetables, possibly by Veitch, 1892; and a children's poster titled "A Pageant of London", c 1926.

North , W , fl 1874-[1926] , collector
GB 0096 AL204 · Fonds · 1820

(1) Letter from John Mitchell of 35 Wimpole Street, [London], to W M Maude, 24 May 1820. 'The Pamphlet you were so obliging to send me, I have read with great attention; and I think the reasoning of it so sound that I intend to vote for Lord Sutton's motion ...' ; autograph, with signature.

(2) Covering note from [W M Maude] to John Mitchell, [c1820]. Accompanying a 3rd edition of James Bischoff's pamphlet Reasons for the immediate repeal of the tax on foreign wool (1820); note undated and unsigned.

Mitchell , John , fl 1820 , politician
Maude , W M , fl 1820 , correspondent of John Mitchell
GB 0096 AL389 · Fonds · 1801

Letter from Mordaunt Martin of 'Burnham' to Dr [John Coakley] Lettsom, Sambrook House, London, 8 Mar 1801. Stating that he has despatched to Lettsom a parcel of mangelwurzel seeds. Explaining that he was prevented from answering Lettsom's letter of 3 Jan by an attack of gallstones, since relieved by pills of soap and rhubarb. Discussing the 'Brown Bread Act' [probably 41 Geo.3.c.16] to which, he says, Lettsom was in some degree accessory; quoting Lettsom and Horne Tooke on the Act; Martin prefers brown bread for his breakfast, using his own wheat 'sifted in the coarsest hair sieve', but deprecates the 'indiscriminate use of it'. Attacking at length the Potato Premium Bill, which had just been rejected, according to 'the paper of this night'; claiming that such a bill would force by premiums an unnatural produce on land which the occupiers could use for more profitable crops. Adding that his and Lettsom's 'hearts will beat in unison' on reading pages 109-110 of the 2nd edition of [Robert] Fellowes's Christian Philosophy [1799].

Autograph, with signature.

Martin , Mordaunt , fl 1801 , correspondent of John Coakley Lettsom
GB 0096 AL381 · Fonds · 1840

Letter from James Mann of Linton Park, [Kent] to an unknown recipient, 23 Nov 1840. Discussing soup and coal subscriptions for the poor of Cranbrook, Kent, who were suffering from the failure of the hops; promising to continue the subscription given by his recently deceased [second] wife [died 3 Aug 1840].

Autograph, with signature. On mourning paper.

Mann , James , 1778-1852 , 5th Earl Cornwallis x Cornwallis , James
GB 0096 MS 678 · 1821, 1823

Certified copy of grain prices in Lanarkshire for 1799-1820. The first three leaves contain the prices for the upper ward of the country, 1799-1811, and for the whole county, 1812-1820. These are certified as 'a true copy of the fair prices...of grain before mentioned' in a declaration signed by John Marr, 1 Nov 1821. Each page also bears his signature at the foot. Another hand continues the list up to 1823, adding prices of beans, pease and malt. The document is twice endorsed as being a certified copy for 1799-1820.

GB 0096 MS 765 · [1810-1812]

Copy of 'A letter to the most noble the Marquis of Titchfield [William Henry Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, later 4th Duke of Portland], President of the Newark Agricultural Society, on the practability [sic] and importance of introducing the merino breed of sheep extensively, upon the forrest farms of Nottinghamshire, by Benjamin Thompson' [the dramatist, [1776] - 1816]. This letter, dated from Redhill Lodge near Northampton on 20 Jun 1808, was read at a meeting of the Society held at Newark, Nottinghamshire, on 5 Jul 1808. It is followed by an extract in the same hand from The Boston Gazzette and Lincoln Shire Advertiser of 21 Jan 1812, about Thompson and his breeding of Merino sheep.

King, John: letter (1799)
GB 0096 AL372 · Fonds · 1799

Letter from John King of Whitehall to William Fawkener, Esq, 9 Nov 1799. Covering letter stating that the Duke of Portland [Home Secretary] had referred a petition on Irish oat and bean exports to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [Charles Cornwallis]. Enclosing a copy [missing] of Cornwallis's letter on the subject, sent 'for the information of the Lords of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council'.

[Written in another hand and] signed by John King. Endorsed: 'Letter from Mr. King transmitting Copy Letter from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon the subject of the petition of the proprietors of mail coaches, praying that the exportation of oats and beans from Ireland may be allowed in favour of Great Britain only'; endorsement dated 20 Nov 1799.

King , John , 1759-1830 , Home Office official and politician
GB 0096 AL227 · Fonds · 1791

From A P to John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield, 6 Apr 1791. Given Lord Sheffield's attention to national commercial interests, the writer (A P) 'takes the liberty of putting into your Lordship's hands a pamphlet, written some years ago by a country gentleman, on the effects of the bounties on exported corn, etc. It is true, your Lordship has paid more than common attention, to all regulation respecting trade, but more particularly to those relative to the article of corn'.

Autograph, with signature [initials 'A P', surname illegible].

A P , fl 1791 , correspondent of John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield
GB 0096 MS 468 · 1759-1780

Two manuscript lists of prices of grain, meal and flour, as sold in the corn-market in Kingston upon Hull, for 29 Feb and 7 Mar, 1780. Signed by Joseph Monday. The lists conclude a series of printed price lists in which prices have been supplied in manuscript dating from 19 Jan 1759 to 22 Feb 1780. Signatures include Robert Oxtaby, James Oxtaby, his son, Thomas Coulston and Joseph Monday.

Monday , Joseph , fl 1780 , [merchant]
GB 0096 MS 842 · 1973

An unpublished typescript of an anthology of verse and prose on wild flowers written by Eric Edward Mockler-Ferryman in 1973.

Ferryman , Eric Edward Mockler- , 1896-1978 , Colonel , botanist
Excise trial brief
GB 0096 MS 728 · [1723]

Brief for the trial of John Hatch and David Boyce, dealers in foreign and British spirits at Averstoake in the county of Southampton, [1723], headed 'For the Attorney General...Information for the 10s. per gallon penalty for not keeping British spirits seperate [sic] from foreign brandy', and endorsed with the signatures of Sir Thomas Pengelly, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and J. White, solicitor, and with the words 'To attend Mr. Justice [Alexander] Denton upon the point reserved. Ellis Solicitor for the Excise. For Sir Thomas Pengelly'. The dealers had been accused of mixing foreign and British spirits to avoid the customs: '...the said dealers kept in their warehouses and storehouses great numbers of caskes both of foreign brandy and of British spirits, which they industriously laid and placed in the most confused and disorderly manner they could contrive, on purpose to perplex and confound the officers...'.

GB 0096 MS 618 · [1860-1865]

Manuscript volume concerning the fraudulent activities of maltsters and distillers, [1860], including tables of inspections made by postmasters in Kingston and Surbiton Common, London, from 1838 to 1844, investigating frauds by distillers, with reports on hypothetical cases of fraud, one dated 1861, and what appear to be copies of answers to examination questions. This section includes printed Regulations respecting the entry of premises subject to the survey of the excise (Excise Office, London, 1835). Inserted are a number of loose sheets, 1859-1865, including a lists of examination questions on the control of disilleries which were set in an examination at Somerset House, notes on duties and law relating to the Excise, as well as a letter from J Williams dated 31 Jan 1863 and giving 'the particulars of the late examination'.

Essay on alcoholic beverages
GB 0096 MS 424 · 1836-1837

Manuscript essay entitled 'On the influence upon health of alcoholic Drinks as an article of Diet including the consideration whether any quantity of any kind be necessary for the maintenance of health in those who are engaged in laborious occupations'. The title-page is dated January 1st 1837 and the conclusion is dated December 31st 1836.

GB 0096 MS 90 · 1662-1713

Manuscript volume containing a statement of the revenue managed by the Commissioners of Excise, 1662-1713, including an account of the numbers of common brewers, victuallers and distillers in England, Wales and Berwick, and the quantities of exciseable liquors made and imported by them. Includes a statement of parliamentary appropriations from the excise revenue.

GB 0096 AL48 · Fonds · 1800

Letter from William Eden of Farm, [Beckenham, Kent] to the Marquess of Buckingham, 22 Sep 1800. Discussing the possibility of a penny post.: 'I cannot pospone my thanks for your letter of the 14th. With respect to that part of it which relates to the Post Office I hope to obtain good information ... on the practicability of establishing a "sort of penny-post from all the great Towns to the Villages, etc" - We already have a regular penny post at Bath, Liverpool, Manchester, and, I believe, at Birmingham, for those palces and for their suburbs. And it is every year more productive to the Revenue, which is the surest proof of its being an accomodation to the Public. I am well satisfied ... that such a system would be useful; and even that it might be expedient to give a very general extension to it.' Much of the remainder of the letter concerns crops.

Autograph, with signature.

Eden , William , 1744-1814 , 1st Baron Auckland , penal reformer and diplomatist x Auckland , 1st Baron
GB 0096 AL424 · Fonds · [1883-1884]

Letter from Thoomas Algernon Dorien-Smith of Tresco Abbey, Isles of Scilly, Cornwall to James Hooper, 28 Dec [1883-1884]. Intending to send flowers by the next mail. Discussing the demerits of the parcel post for the flower trade's deliveries. The islands are suitable for growing flowers, espcially narcissi, but strong winds prevent fruit-growing.

Autograph, with signature.

Smith , Thomas Algernon Dorien- , d 1918 , tenant and governor of the Isles of Scilly x Dorien-Smith , Thomas Algernon
GB 0096 AL 367 · Collection · 1840-1845

Papers of David Cranstoun, 1840-1845, comprise three letters to Robert Sutton and Lydia Sutton, East Bilney, near East Dereham, Norfolk. Correspondence mentions the sugar crops, molasses, and the state of the water supply. The final letter (dated 1845) includes the following: '... We hailed the intelligence of the ministers plan of reducing the duty on sugar with much satisfaction in hopes it will materially benifit [sic] us. There are however some who are skeptical on this head concieving [sic] the British West Indies will not benifit to the extent anticipated, in consquence of the great reduction which has also taken place in foreign sugars, the latter being grown and manufactured at a much cheaper rate than ours - we must however patiently wait the result ... Within the last week we have had an arrival of twelve sturdy Irish labourers, they seem quite pleased with their employment and are working well - these are the description of people we want, for it is said that in Ireland they scarcely ever taste butchers meat - their principal support being potatoes and butter milk - not so with those from England - they are accustomed to better living and seem to feel the want of their beer which they have been used to, and which they cannot obtain here but at a dear rate ...'. All items are autograph, with signatures. Franked, sealed and stamped with the dates: 14 March 1840, 21 May 1842, 11 April 1845.

Cranstoun , David , fl 1840-1845
Costings of foodstuffs
GB 0096 MS 448 · [1675-1724]

A manuscript list, [1675-1725], giving the cost of foodstuffs for dinner and supper for one week (from Tuesday 12-Tuesday 19).

Ashley, John
GB 0096 MS 279 · [1745-1747]

Manuscript volume containing a memorandum by John Ashley, [1745-1747], headed 'A Proposal to support the British Nation against the ambitious views of France. Humbly offered to the consideration of the Right Honourable Henry Pelham', and suggesting the substitution of a capitation tax on sugar and salt for duties on the products of West Indian plantations as a means of undermining French commercial competitiveness.

Ashley , John , d 1751 , Barbados planter
Articles on tea and sugar
GB 0096 MS 883 · 18th century

Copies of articles written in the 18th century:

  1. 'The Natural History of Tea', beginning: 'Tea, which throws some people into vapours, affects their complexion...'. The article cites as authorities 'Dr. Waldsmith' [Johannes Waldschmid?], and 'Dr. Hermenane', and refers to directions for making tea 'on pp.123, 124, and 161 on the first volume of this magazine'.
  2. 'Historical and Medical Observations on Sugar', beginning: 'Sugar was originally the product of the East Indies'.
Account book, wine
GB 0096 MS 747 · [1781-1812]

Manuscript account book kept by a wine merchant at Saumur (Maine-et-Loire), recording purchases of wine from farmers and proprietors in the Loire Valley, mostly for the period 1781-1793, but continuing up to 1812. The accounts are written in French, by several scribes (one of whom identifies himself as Tessie Boilesve, [1800]). Certain purchases, after 1800, are made 'pour la Flandre', 'pour la mer' and 'pour l'etranger'.

GB 0096 MS 742 · 1806-1817

Account book, Jan 1806-Feb 1817, containing details of the sale of wheat, wool and the raw materials needed for tanning leather and leatherworking, as well as wages to servants and workmen, loans and rents. Among nine loose items enclosed in the volume are a letter stamped at Roanne on 1 Jul 1831 to Claude Marie Chartre, 'Proprietaire a Cremeaux', and a fragment of another letter to the same person, who may have been the compiler of the accounts.

GB 0096 MS 526 · 1779-1794

Butcher's account book, 1779-1794, recording the buying of sheep, cows, etc, and the sale of skins, within the Market Harborough area of Leicestershire. Three recipes, for 'green ointment', 'eye water' and gooseberry vinegar, are included at the end of the manuscript. On the inside front cover are inscribed in a modern hand the names of John and Mrs Coleman of Lubenham Lodge, Market Harborough, Leicestershire.
